Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 10, 1906, Image 4

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eu6r \ CQunty napubUoan , :
PolIU.bed oor , Tbur dl1 a' the Ooon& ) ' HClit.
D. M. AMSUEltUY. . . Editor
One colomo , pu 10011111,00. Ono.halt co.-
umn per month .1.00 Qo&rter column , flor
.onbl , Lo 1 ! than qnnrter colollln , ro
oon'l per Inch flor month ,
Oardl on Gut 118KO , GO conll ! Jlor Inoh , per
Locahdverllllnlt & con'l ' ! pur linn ollch luor-
tlon.NoUco ot chnrch ! Ind IInlorllllll'
IIWnU where mOD07111 c IlrKod , one.hnlf mtel.
800101 , notlcol and rlluUonl ! , ono-halt rate .
Weddio/lllotlcel / froe. bAit prIce tor publllnlnK
II. ' of prOlltlntll.
Death noU008 freCl , h"lf prlCfl for pnbUlblng
obnoarr notlccelInd urlll of thlnke.
Legal notiCed at ratee prolded b , " , , 'ntol ! of
Thursday , May 10 , 1906.
Victor Rosewater has announced -
ed that his father , EdwarG Host-
water , who is now in Homc , rc-
presenting the Unitcd Statcs in
. . . the Universnf Postal Congress ,
will be a candidate for United
States Senator. 'l'his evidently
weans a livel , } ' campaign in
Douglas count } ' . It is announced
that Senator Millard will bc a
candidate for reelection. 'rllc
Senator has a very large following -
ing in Douglas count ) ' , among
whom are some of the b st political -
litical workers in the state.
ROlcwntcr'1 Announcement
The following announcemen t
appeared in the Omaha Bee on
May 7th under the following
heading :
" "EdWard Rosewater for Senator.
Many people in all parts of
Nebraska have for some time
been urging that Edward Hose-
water become their candidate for
United States senate. Responding -
. ing to these requests , I hereby
announce fot" my father , in his
absence at Rome as the official
representative of the United
States at the Universal Postal
congress , that a delegation will
be offered for the endorsement of
the republicans of Douglas county
and invite the co-operation of
Roosevelt republicans throughout
the stale for his nomination in
state convention.
The position of Edward Rosewater -
water on public questions is too
well known to require recital. '
For more than a third of a century -
tury he bas been working as a
consistent republican , . in season
and out of season , for the very
measures that constitute tl1-e
principal features of the legislation -
tion program now advocated by
Presldeut Hoosevelt. His whole
political career has been an unremitting -
mitting battle for t he common
people as against the domination
of corporate interests and the
encroachment of overgreedy
All Ithe property interests of
Mr. Rosewater are in Nebra&ka ,
to whose upbuilding he has
devoted his life energy , and as
senator he would have no interests
elsewhere to divert or divide his
attention. His intimate familia
arity with the resources and
needs of Nebraska and his with
personal acquaintance with in.
fluential public men should make
him most useful in the service oj
his fellow citizens as their repre.
sentative in Washing-ton. Were
it not or the conviction that he
could in that capacity accompli&
substantial good for the develop' '
ment and prosperity of Nebrasln
and the west he would not con ,
sent to submit hi8 l1aUH : fOI
. . One thing more should b !
distinctly understood in advance
Mr. Rosewater will not ente :
into a contest of dollars to SeC\\T4
the nomination for United State :
senator ; he could not if he woule
and would not if he could. III
will look to the whole people 0
Nebraska , to the wage worker
the farmers and producers , when
he has championed for so man :
years , as well as to the sub
stantial business interests , tl
rally to his support. But neithe
will he be a mere passive candi
date. A vigorous effort will b
made in his behalf. if necessar '
both in his home county and 1
other counties.
All Nebraskans who want thei
state Irepresented in the Unite
States senate by a man ef menh
vigor and positive opinion 0
every important question of th
hour , , who at the same time i
absolutely free from corporatio
strings , are cordially invited t
join in this movement. I als
invite all in accord with MI
Rosewater's candidacy to con :
municate with me.
-Victor Rosewater. '
Minor Taylor was born nea
Rochester , Michigan , Februar
26 , 1825 , and died May 4th , 190 (
being 81 years" . 2 months and
daY9 old.
He was married to Anna Nerd
, '
" \ . .w.J. ; : ' : ' ! w.I. 1 ' , " " " . . . . . . " " 1\tj.t. ) . . . . . . . . . .
- - - -
f , at .1ordatl , Wis cnsitff in 1848 ,
'l'wo chielrcn ! were born of this
union , Mrs. I-4ouhm Wiggins , of
Cooper , Iowa ; glisha 'l'aylor , of ,
13rolen Bow. ,
l ive years later his wife died ,
the two children is still sUr\iving
He was again mLirriec1 in 185 ( ,
to Lenora Stearns , Qf JIIIla , Wis-
consin. Nine children were horn
of this union , vi1Jerome : ,
II'rank , Wi11is , Allen and Nellie
'raylor , Julia Wells , Althea Belt ,
Jessie Dietanel Hettie Jacobs ,
all of whom together with his
wife survive him , except Julia
Wells. He was a soldier in the
Union army of the ( , D's.
In 1883 he moved from Wiscon-
son to Kearney , Nebraska , where
he resided until 188 < ) , wh n he
moved to Broken Bow , near
where he has since livcd.
He was a man of trong convictions -
victions anel a fearless and strong
advocate of his views. For a
numbcr of years. hc was a member
of the Baptist church and a believer -
liever in the Christian religion
and until his death he maintained -
ed high ideals of integrity and I
morality and was a strict pro- !
hihitionist. Ever since we have
known him hc has been a strong'
believer in spiritualism. He was' '
an indepcndent in politics and
for a time was an active worker
in the populist party , but of late
years he favored socialism. I
Withal he was a good citi\.cn \
and enjo'cd the respect of his
ncig-hbors. He had securcd a
sufficient amount of wealth to
. ' " . , , "
. . . . . . . _ . . \ . \ " = " ' . r. . . _ /0' . . . . . . . . . . ,
- . _ . . .
JJ 1
Does Your
Heart Beat
- MY -
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Does it send out good bleeder
or bad blood ? You know , for
good blood is good health ;
bad blood , bad health. And
you know precisely whnt to
take for bad blood- yer's
Snrsnparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 yenrs.
Ono , " CRII' " of brul blood 110 1111r.r.hh
IIvor. Th \ I Ilrtlr'lICOI ' COIIIUplIloli. I'ollfllllllli
ftllh IRII11 : ere then ob othorl It.ln the blOlltl ,
t"lIIOVl'l1 hum Ihn ho < ly IIIIlIy
Inllelltl lit holll ! : "
RI n"tllto 11111\1'.1. 1I'P , ' Iho IJ/1woh " "Oil
with A1ot'sl'lIll , Itver , ,1111. All vOl:0lol110 ,
_ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ n _ . . . _ _ - - - - - - - - - -
by J. O. 7er 00. . Lowell , MIIBa.
AI.o n > anur40turers 'It
AuadO , \lAIR \ VIGOR.
AOUI ! CUR ! ! .
live in ease and comfort in , his
eleclining days and enjoyed gen-
cral good health until within the
past year when he ; has been afflicted -
flicted with a cancer in the arm
pit. which hastened his death.
His fUl1eral was held at the
Custer Center church , Sunday
afternoon. The services were
conducted by Rev. Harmon , assisted -
sisted by Rev's , Epley and
The funeral 'was largely at-
t I
, . .
. ,
.r " I " T " " - " ' L. ' -
tended. His remains were lai '
to rest in the Custcr Cel1tcr
CcmeterJ' . ,
Mr. Davison and family left
Monlta ) ' for Alberta , after a residence -
dence of twcnty-t hrce ycar8 ill ,
Custer County. We may confidently -
dently look for h1ln back in a
little while.
An Omaha man , peddling
watches , visitcd l yno last Friday -
day , but did not tarry long.
Victor Landreth had the misfortune -
fortune to sprain his wrist last
Sat ureIay.
Sam 'l'homas is back from I
Lincoln county , looking after
his interests here. His father
talks of moving out there if hc
can dispose of his property on
Ash Creek at a satisfactory price.
Mr. Huff haeI quite an encounter -
ter with a vicious b1111 a while
bac1'rhe animal caught him
in the pasture without an ) ' means
of defcnse. Mr. II. backed up
to a high bank and rolled off and
then sprinted to the fence ahead
of the bull. A recourse to the
shot gun and dehorning knife
cooled the angry animal.
Baptist Church
SCt vices in the Baptist church
next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p.
m. 'rhe subject in the morning
will be , "A Church's IJoss , " and
in the evening , "A Monument of
I Salt. " Young peoples service at
7 p. m. A cordial invitation is
gi ven to these services.
- - - - - - - - - - - - .
IF - - - - 91
- - -
If you have a Farm For Sa Ie
list it with
R. A. HUNTER & CO. ,
and Stock Dealers ,
4 We nov have the following unparalleled bargai1'ls to offer :
tlo. 36. 520 acres of fine land. The best of soil ,
, , 220 acres un\Jer cultivation. 300 acres a11 level.
balance splendid pasture and bay land , over an
acre in litnber , two story framc housc with porch ,
barn for fourtccn head of horses and hay 10ft , corn
, . r.rib , granary , hog housc , fec yards with watcr
piped to tanks in cach yard , four acrcs fcnccd hog
li7ht ! , All fcnccd and cross fcnccd , well , wln -
mll1 , etc. 5 miles to Merna. Rental valut' of this
placc is $ [ ,200 , can be ltOught if taken soon for $25
pcr acree. One half cash atlll halance on time.
A sure gOOll investment. ,
tlo. 371M2. ' 320 acres of No. I ! 7ood land. No
better soil. J30 acres under cultwation. Well ,
windmill , tank. JO miles from Sargent. l'ricc ,
tlo. 38. 120acrcs , J2 lIIiles from Oconto , 55
acres under cultivation , house , stable , corn crib ,
granary , etc. All fenced. Well , wiudmill , tank.
Price , f.15 per acre , cash.
tlo. 39. 480 acres. JO miles from Sargent , frame
house , barn for 24 horses. All fenced. Well ,
windmill , tank , ctc. Pricc , $6,500. $3,500 cash ,
baluncc on time.
tlo. 40 , 320 acres 6 miles from Broken Bow.
All finc , smooth land and rich soil. In a fine val.
ley. J75 acres uu er cultivation. Some brome
grass , baluncc in pllsturC amI hay land. Five
room farm housc , burn for J2 hend of horses.
Well , wind mill , tank , etc. This is a splendid
fllrut. Price $40 pcr acre ; part on time.
tlo. 43. 200 acres of thc best of lun , 8 wiles
frout Brokcn Bow. J40 acres under cultivation ;
balancc in pasture. House , barn and othcr out
buildings. Price , $7,500.00.
tlo. llll. 320 acres 2 miles froUl Droken Bow.
200 acres under cultivlltion ; JO acres in alfalfa ,
balancc pRsture amI hay land. Two story frame
house with ninc rooms. Stablc for ten head of
horses. Nicc orchard. Two wells and wind mills.
One rent honfc a 111 I buildings. l'rice $8,500.00.
mostly casb.
\'lo \ , 45. 320 acrcs 10 miles from Broken Bow.
J70 acrcs undcr cultivution , balancc pasture and
hay laud. Price $20 per acrc.
tlo , 47. J60 acres 5 miles froUl Brokcn Bow ,
5Q acres under cultivatiou , all feuced and cross-
fencePricc ( \ , $3,300 ,
No 48. 520 acres 4 } miles from lIroken Bow ,
120 acrcs under cultivatiou ; JO acres brome grass ,
l..mlaucc pasture und hay laud. Six-room , framc
house , stable , graullry for J ,600 bushels of grain ,
corn crib aud othcr outbuil iu s : heu house , hog
housc. All feuccd and cross.fenced. Well , wiud-
mill , bellriug cherry trees ntlll other orchards.
Price , $20 per acre : half cash.
No. 49. 320 acres JO miles from Brokcu Bow.
80 acres uuder cultivation. Price , $20 per acre.
No. 50. 1360 Acres 12 miles from Anselmo. 720
acrcs dceded land. 640 acres school laud. 280
acres uuder cultivatiou , 25 hcres in timber.
500 or 600 acrcs can be cultivated. Frame
house , stable , granar } ' , corn crib , well. windmill -
mill , cistern , bearing orchard. All feuced
and cross.fenccd iuto fivc pastures. Price : .
$15 per acrc for deeded laud and $15 for school
lease. Half cash , balance on time.
No. 51. 320 acrcs nice , choicc farm lan < 1 2J
miles from Broken 1I0w. 240 acres under cultivn-
tiOl . 6 : ; acrcs in alfalfa and brome grass. This
farm ia In a good statc of cultivation. Rent share
of crop goes with place if sold soon. I.ocatiou and
. quhllty of loil makes this a vcr } ' desirabie farm.
l'rice only 'f.27.50 ' . per acre. Would be cheap at $35.
' No. 52. J60 acres of good land 9 miles froul
1 Baoken Dow. Joe acres under cultivation. Partly
) , feuced. It's a cheap bargain at $17.50 per acre.
f.Joo ! ' .n , . . . . .In on pi. . . .
I J- _
. ,
No. 53. 320 acrcs fine , level laud , best of soil ,
all fenced and cross.fcnced. 200 acres under cul- II
tivation. 10 milcs from Mcrna. Sod house , frame
stable , rnuary , corn cribs , well , windmill , large
rcserVOlr , bearing orchard. A fine place. $7,200.
No. 54. 2fO acres JO miles from Broken Bow.
100 acres under cultivation. ; ' ) acres in alfalfa.
balancc in pasture and hay land. All fenced and
cross'.fenced. Sod house , frame barn , wcll , wind
mill , cistern , tanks , R. F. D. and telephoue.
Pricc. $3,000.00.
No. 55. J60 acres 6 miles from Broken Bo\\ ' .
So acres uuder cultivation , balance pasturc and
hllY lllud. 0(1 ( house , stahlc. hen house , well ,
, wiud mill. All fcucel1. Crop goes with farm.
Price , f.32.00 per acrc ; part on time.
No. 56. J60 acres 9 miles from Broken Bow.
65 acres uudcr cultivation. 80 or 90 acres in pasture -
ture , fenced with three wires. Sod house , frame
stnble , granary , corn crib , weil , wind will , tank.
Pricc , $20.00 per acrc. part on timc.
No. 57. 160 acre ; JO miles from Broken Bow.
40 acres undcr cultivation. One.half fcnced. Sou
house , stable , frame granary , well , wind mill ,
tank. Pricc , $1 ,300 cash.
No. 58. J60 acres good , rich. black soil , prairic
land , gently rolling. 8 miles to good growiuR R.
R. town and market. Prics , $9.00 per acre. This
is a snap.
No. 59. 160 acres of fine , rich farm land 3
milcs from Brokcn Bow , So acres in ' All
smooth farm land but JO acres. Fenccd crof' -
fenced. Framc house , barn , granary , corn crib ,
hen bouse , ctc. , well , windmill. This is a bar-
gain. Must sell soou. Pricc , $25 per acre ; half
cash. Stock , feed and implements may be . bought
with farm. Posscssion at once.
No. 60. A spleudid ranch of 1880 acres , selected
decded land , amI 800 acrcs school lease , making
2680 acres all in a body-ahout 40 acres in alfalfa.
This rauch will run from 800 to 1000 hea of stock
summer ntlll winter. Cuts over 1000 tons of hay.
Four wells allll wind mills. Storage tanks , holding -
ing about 8,000 gallons of water at cach mill. 10
n1l1es from good railroad town and has side.tracks I
und section house Oil place. Two story frame
bouse aud all other necessary ranch buildings.
Nearl } ' $4,000 worth of improvcments. Householll
goo s and machiner } ' ull go with ranch anl ( pos.
session given at once for $6.50 per acre ,
No , 61. So acres of good , rich soil , 25 acres in
cultivation , balaucc in hay ntlll pasture land , some
alfalfa. 6 miles from Broken lIow. Pricc , $1,500 ;
$1,000 cash. This would make a fine home.
No. 62. 320 acres one mile from Broken Bow.
J70 acres under cultivation ; about 35 acres in
alfalfll and bromc grass. , new frame
housc , barn 32X32 , shed go feet long , hcn hous < "
coal house a11l1 othcr out.buildiugs. ice orchard ,
well , wind mill. Thcre arc over $3,000 worth of
improvements. Abollt JOO acres in pasturc. lricc ,
$9,000.00 ; part on time. 'flus is a splcndid dairy
and hog ' farm whlcK has yieldell $150 to : oo pcr
1 thc dairy busincss. A fine herd of 35
heall 0 Brown Swiss cows and 3 bulls ; can be
bought with farm. Part of the cattlc arc regis.
tered and others IIrc high grades. This farlll and
busincss will make a man rich in a few years.
No. 63. 6010 acres of deeded land lIud 640 acres
school land , lease rUlls 21 } 'ears , costs 67 per year.
All black , rich soil. 250 acres in crop. All fenced
atlll cross.fencell. 5.roolll housc , new barn 36x34 ,
granary for 3,000 bushels of grain , hog and sheep
house. 38x2f , two wells , winll mills. feed yards
J7 acres alfillfa fenced hog tight. J7 acres hrome )
grass , 7 miles froUl Broken 1I0w. Gooll road , R.
11. D. and telcphonc. Pricc , for short tillie , 26
per acre , school land lease throwl1 in ; IOOOOoo
cash , 1Ialanr.e on time.
, - - -
. ,
. . .
- . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . , - , . - - . , - " ' , . . , - , . - . I
- - -
. " . : . " . " . . . . a-I.X'M .r
iT.B : . SP.A.IJXfo : ; U r'j j
! ! Wl
o -.i RY'S b 8
J.1Y . Q1t N
8 ,
! , ' rJ L I VERY a.n d i '
IL : ' ; ; IFEED BARN .
, . Remodeled alll rcpaired throughout. Good1ivery rigs at rCllsonabl1' rntes. , --.J ,
Accollloclation for cattle and range horscs. Hay atl1oon , 10 cents ; 1111 Ilay. j
15 ccnts ; over night , 35 cents. Cnl1 a11l1 ee mc. f
: r..f.r..f. : .r.r.rJ : .o : : r.J : J"J"J".r..o : J".r.r.r.r.ocd
How About Your lawn Mower ? l : : : : } : ; . :
\ !
IIaving purchased and placed in operation , in wy wagon shop , a . , ,
new Ideal Power Lawn Mower Sharpener I am prepared to do first- ;
class worl < in the line of sharpening lawn mower knives.
There is Nothing Like It on the Market.
By its use each blade is sharpelJcd alike , the bevel on the kn'es I
being kept at the samc degree all along the knife. Al1 high and
low spots are taken out and any degree of clearance can be given . . . . . .
the blade so a lawn mower will run and cut easier than whcn new. .4
More good lawn mowers are spoiled by buuglesome sharpcning \ .
than by the work they do. Bring your cranky mower to me. ' " ' : '
: : -red . : FI..earr1. : . . . ' . . .
. : " ttI''JI. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 'r'r.\W\.t. : , . , - - " " - . " ]
- - - - '
- .c.I --I " ' " t
H A R R Y K I IV ! B ALL" . ' < ' .
- ' : : : ! '
Successor to f and GBO. WILLING , : : . . ' , ' " . I
: Embalmer and Funeral Director , i
, , i . ,
Business phone , 301. Besidence phone , 227. ' ' : ; 'J : A
_ ' : ;
- J'
I " , . t' , -W. ' , .
, . ' , ' : :
Ji : ! , i"i * "C.e : f ? " ff ? 1 : . ; ! \I " . . " ,
are d alers in Heal Estate of all kinds. .
WE We will buy or sell. Don't fail to see m " . . ' 1
us before you buy or sell. We can do , .
. you good. Collections made an insurance - /
ance wrItten. Farms rented and taxcs paid. See
us for farm loans. Come in and see us. ;
! BOWMAN & ANDERSOl' . i .
_ _ _ _
- - - - - - -
= = = _ : ffi1lli
I . ' Before You B ild , Consult . i
Gr-eo. : : : J ? apin.ea"l1 ,
Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates . I
b Plan tions ,
< . * =
Bargains in Farm Land and. Ranc11es .
Write Jor list with prices and terms of sale.
H you have land for sale list it with me.
Correspondence with non-resident land owners solicited
LED WIG I-I Broken Hov Neb. -
JAMES , - - , , .
Now Crocorv Finn '
Hay 'tValker & Co. ha ve purchased the : Mevis
stock of groceries and will conduct the business
under the firm name of
I-laving bought this stock at a hargain we are
prepared to sell you grocerie as cheap as the
market will bear.
will be taken in exchange.
on dry goods houses for goods we do not handle. I \
Call and see us '
The Walker Grocery Co. ,
East Side of Public Square ,
. .
If you are looking for the Quality of
Lumber and BUilding Material
for the Least Monev let us figure on your bill.
'Ve always try to pleasc.
I. South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb.
1 '
1" ' " " J
. .cl , . , h' '
" , . .
( .