Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 10, 1906, Image 1

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    , . . . " " , , , \1 .
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'Put i
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. : " $100
4 , 'li. 8
, Into a
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\ Dia-
It S
mend ti
, " , g I 8
j ( !
Allll it is 1ike depositlllg the 1II0n- g
ii y in the ballk. While the IliaR
8 11I01111 11I11I0t pay interest on' the
. , ' : " ! nne ' . IIlrcclly , like the ' . > fink-it 81
t\ /I\'rs / ! the Wl'arl'r a prl'sll e that R
: i pa\s lli\'illcnll : ; C\'cry 41a ) ' in tile I
. , vcnr. S I
i 4Wc arcn't nfrni ! ! to hu\'c our cot. 8
lectioll of diumomls compared with 8
: l anything in the country.
i ) We know that we bought them
ii right , and \\'C can atilt WILl. . sell
; i them right. 8
Wc guarnntee every gelll we
ii handle. It wi1l 1l1ways turn out H
to be exuct1y wh t we said it was.
8 8 I
. R 8
. / 0 . , I \ .
: OO : : M I'J' : : O : : O : ,
Thinfs Heard I
in Washinlton
Charles J. Green , Omaho ,
'Mentioned for United
tHates Senator.
'rhc opening movc in what
Westcrn members fear will result -
sult in a determined raid on the
irrigation fund hag been made by
Hepresentativc Slcmp , of Virgin-
ia. Mr. Slemp asls , in a bill he just introduced , $2,000 , '
000 from the fund be appropria t-
cd for the draining of Dismal
Swamp in his state. 'rhe bill
will b fought. tooth and nail.
Nehraska mcmbers , reenforc-
ell by their collcagul's from adjoining -
joining states , for the belief prevails -
vails that if this bill passes it
encourage Hcpre8entativcs to let
will loose a flood of similar
dem nds.
t t t
Another senatorial boom was
let looe ! on the balmv a 1' at
Washington this weel , . It was
launched by friends of Charles J.
Greene , of Omaha , who believe
.he would make a worth v successor -
ser to Senator Mi11 rd. Of
course , 'Senator Millard has announced -
nounced his candidacy for a re-
n mU _ _ _ _ _ hh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _
- - - . . . - . . . . . . . " 'Q- " ' " '
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I r' . I
S hp ! . ,
\.t , ' , - uns neG
( '
I-Iavo you , used it ? Yon willncver \
be satisfieU till yon cia. . . . . . . . . . . : " I .
, , ' \ ' . 'rVhy not put a little
. .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 your I HHne. ?
DHUGGISTt ; . BHOIJ N 130 "tV ,
, . .
_ , _ - . . , _ _ _ _ ' 1ri13RI ! _ " " " " ' ' . ' -.J ' ' 'tU
- -
, Good Varnishes
" l
- -Varnishes that do
good work always are
not easy to make. It's
not every manufacturer
who has the facilities
, .
1 and the capital neces-
j , " sary to the making of
good varnishes.
f , : oI : R : : ' L : : 1l : ; : ty
tJ of the wood. They wear and ke p their lustre for the longest
, time. You cannot buy oetter varnishes.
See us for prices nnd
further information. .
.s. : E& . : JEEi : : :
\ , - - : - - . - _ . . . _ - , _ : _ : : - , - - - - - -
' I \ ( A T
r Sheppard
. ,
a , Burk' ! ;
t '
) f ,
, .
. . 'i : I \
nomination , out Mr. Grccnc's
friends declarc their man will oe
a senator in the near future if
not inuncdi > atcly. Mr. Greene ,
who is a leading law 'er in the
Nebraska mctorpolis , 1S a veteran
of the Civil War , although no
one would suspect it from his I
youthful appearance. He went I
mto the Union army in 1864 ,
when he was a little past fourteen -
teen , enlisting from h is old home
in 1\lcIIenr.r count ) . , I1linoh .
Mr. Green , who is here on bUHi-
ness , modestl.r declincs to ! 'ay
anything about his ' friends' ac-
t t t
Former : : ; < mater John 1\ [ ,
'fhurston , of Nebraslm , appeared
before the Commissioners of the
District of Columbia this week
to protest against the proposed
bill to regulate the usury evil.
He dechrcd it dangerous.
t t
Secretary Wilson , on the occasion -
casion of visit to the Whitc
House this wcek , declared that
the crops in Nebraska and
throughout the entire middle
west are in excellent condition.
He is decidedly optimistic concerning -
cerning the future , and declares
that the chances for a bumper
crop of orn are very'Bright. . . . .
Even in the usually dry parts .ot.
the middle west there are reports
of plenty 'of moistur this year ;
and altogether the countr.v see1l1s
to be fairly launched on another
season of plenty.
t t.
1'herc are just 1,587 cieris in
the dilTerent departments of 'the
governmenf more than 65 years
old , and of this number 17L are
upwards of 75 years. 1"'he Civil
Service Commission has completed -
ed its census of the dilTerent departments -
partments , and within a few days
a report will be made to President -
dent Roosevelt regarding the
years and efficiency of these
clerks. : The oldest clerk in the
service is 91 years. 'r here i5 one
who is 90 ; three are 8 ( ) ; four 85 ,
five 84 ; six 83 ; twclve 82 ; fourteen
Sl ; eighteen SO ; fifteen 79 ;
twenty-five 78 ; twenty-three 77 ;
and fourty-four 75. Of the entire -
tire number IS ( ) hold their positions -
tions on account of their war
t t t
The laurels of J. Adam Bede ,
as official humorist of the House ,
werc seriously shal n this week
\\then Hepresentath'e Cushman ,
of Washington , treated his col-
lcagues on the floor to an hour of
uproarous hilarity by picturing
his woes during the last pcmo-
cratic Administration. Even the
Democrats were forced to join in
the hiLtrity which the gpecch-
made in nnswcr to the encomiums -
iums which John Sharp William"
heaped on his part v-aroused.
It was indeed a ludicrous and
doleful picture he drew when he
said :
"My memory harks back to
the clays when the Democratic
party was in fu1l control. 'l'herc
is only one way that I can de8-
cribe lhc conditions that then
existed , times got just as bad as
they possibly could be , and remained -
mained that way for a long time ,
and then they got worse.
"It was a most fortunate air-
cumstan e for me that in those
I daJs of panic and starvation I
1- - -
lived in the City of 'fal < oma , on
the shore of the ocean , because
along the sea-shore there is al-
waYi ! an abundance of raw clams.
\ \ ' hcnevcr the tide is out the
table is set. And if Almighty
God had not madc that wise anel
beneficent provision I would never -
er have becn able to live through
that last Dcmocratic Administra-
, "And , Sir , , I pledge you 1IJ }
wonl that dUring the last adnl1n-
istration of Grover Cleveland I
cat clams , and cat clams , and eat
clams , till my stomach rose amI
fell in harmon\ " with the tides. "
In the lauglllcr which followed
somebo(1) ' had the temerit ' to
hint that possibly Mr. Wilhams
was not feeling quite so "Clam'
orous" as before Mr. , Cushman's
t t t
'A pretty row has been 1dckcd
up by the lack of tact shown by
the administration in permitting
Father Thomas Sherman , son of
the famous Civil War General , to
have an escorl of Fcderal Cavalry
in the trip he is making through
the South to collect data on his
father's famous march to the sea.
Perhaps there is no more cordially -
ly hated Union General. than
Sherman , because of th ruin
that markcd the trail of his
army. Such hatred is natural ,
"although General Sherman acted
o ly as the rules of war compel-
l d and none at heart more heartily -
ily hated warfare than he. But
for the United States Government -
ment to give a Ji'cderal escort to
the son of Gcncral Sl1erman was
somcthi'lg the South could not
understand amI there arouse a
I spontancous and concerted storm
. Gen'ral Du\'all
protest. ( \ ,
commanding the Department of i
I the Gulf , has been preremptorily ,
ordered to h'alt the escort and let
Father Sherman proceed nlone to
Atlanta ,
San Francisco Coommittce Acknowledg-
The San li'rancisco Relief Com-
mi tt acknowledges receipt of
Broken Bow's contribution in the
following letter :
American Nationa Heel Cross ,
2001 Greary Street.
San Francisco , Calif. ,
April 25th , 1906.
Mr D. M. Amsberry ,
Pub. Custcr Co. l upunLIcAN
Broken Bow , Neb.
I beg to acknowledge receipt
of your letter of April 24th , con-
taming a bill of lading for a car
of flour , potatoes and clothing.
'l'hc contribution of , yourself and
fcllow citizens is indced most
than'kfully received.
Very sincercly yours ,
Special represen ta ti ve ,
Many Thl nks. Gentlemen
1'hc ase BaIL Committee and
members of the ball team wi h to
thank the busine8s men of Broken -
en Bow , who so Idndly contributed -
ed money and material toward a
grand stand t lat those who attend -
tend the ga mes may have a comfortable -
fortable place to sit and enjoy
the game. They have also proven -
en by their generosity that Broken -
ken -Bow can and will support
clean base bal1.
GEO. F. BHA v , Manager.
Don't foreet : it !
- -
s. P. G HOArr & ; co. , arc at # the ol stand with
a large stock of
evv"1.t.r : : e
an.d. : E3ard-vvare.
\Ve shall pursue the same poHcy which mnde
our former business so successful , vi : small
profits , square dealing and strict attention
to b1H i ness.
\Ve havn three car loads of lrurnitUl'e and our
II ard ware stock will Soon be eomplete.
\Ve know 0111' olel friends will come to us as they
liked anI' profit sharing plan.
Come an see us.
Phone 6,3. S. P. GROAT & CO.
150 eho.iee building lots for sale
, . .
t .
. Something New '
FOt Broken Bow
l\nke purchases your nt The A D V 0
and you can furnish YOUI' homo ,
. . .
We Give Away.
Hogel's Bros. ' Silverware , Hugs
Chairs , Dinner Sets , lrrors ,
Clocks ; Book Cases , Scales , .
Chnmber Sets , ' Sideboards , hina Closets , . .
: Musienl Instruments , JDtc. , Etc.
With Every Teli-Cent Purch.ase
you arc given a Saving stamp and only a few of
them are needed to entitle you to one 01' DlOre of
the above named-and many other-beautiful
and usetul articles. CaIl at the A D V 0 store , 1
Broken Bow , and illvestigllte. I will . pay you. ' t
_ _ H _ _ _ . _
: is a ver ) ' valuable agent in the treatment
and cure of Chronic Diseases , especially
rheumatism , nervous diHorders , gencral
Weal\11eSS , etc. 'l'he X-Hay haH been.
found curative in cancer , eczema and
ch ron ic ski n < 1 iseases.
Dr. Christensen
& Bartholomew ,
Offic in Healty Block ,
- - -
' . .
, \
OUAKgJ OA 1'M ] AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per packagc , 13c
, UDA VINE OA'I'MEAT.J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 10c
SAXON OA T1\IEAI4-w lh dishes. . . . . . . . per pac1mge , 30c
BANNI I OA'I'MEAI.J-with dishes. . . . . , per package , 30c
\'IGOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . per package , lOc
I GG-O SEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . " , per package , 10c
DH. PI ICWS Ii'OOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 10c
SI-IHgDDIDD WII ] A'l' . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .pe.r package , 13c
MAT/I' A Vl'l'A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 15c
VITOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 15c
' ' ' . . . . . . . .
HALSTON BREAKB'AS'l' FOOD. . per package , 15c
WHEA'rOSE. . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 15c .
FOHCE. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'j" . . . . par package , 13c
GUANOSE I I.JAKES. . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . per package , 15c
PURrl'AN INDIAN l\IJDAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . .per package , 10e
. 'ur Olcl THADE . ' ' ' . 'r " "ncaor IlROKEN North now. Side NEJlR.
. . , , . , , , . , , , . , , , . , , . , , , . , . . , , , , ,
' " 1 ' 'I'h ' 'I ' ' .
II " " ' " ' " " " 'Q'I ' 'h ' " 'I' ' ' I" " 'I ' "I " "I" " I' ' ' ' ' ,1'It" ' " h" " ' " " dJlJi.b
: !
, , , , . . . . . . . : :
, . $
. " " " ' ' ' 'w' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " . ' ' ' 1' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " ' , " " " ' . " " " ' " . ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' !
Harness. , Harness ;
) { . . \ '
} { I
. . '
) \ . I have about 75 sets surplu Farm .Harncss whIch I . j t
\ desirc to sell by May 15th. I w l sell thts harness at from . . i
10 to 15 per cent less than market values. It would pay
f F : ; ti ; b ; t 1 f ? .
Z . we have everything that i. go.od , such as .
The Good Enough Hul1ng Plow , I
. { ' ' ! 'he Good Enough Gang Plow , . / . . . .
) ( ure-I dge Drop Corn Planter , j {
+ I' ( 'rhe Gretching Corn Planter , $32.00. See it. ) {
( . HxH ) Disc. Harrows , 524.00. . , .
/ ' All k1l1c1s of Cultivators at Lowest r1ces yet heard.of. . . \ t
{ , . . See them as or : some goods we don't desire to name prices ; \
1 f here. If in doubt of value of goods try us. ) (
) \ t
I H . . .
. . . . , , , . , , , . , , , , . , , , , . , , , , , , . .
" " f. " . ' " . . 'l"i . ' : . ' ' ' 1:0' ; : : : : ' 1 : " " : : i : ; . : " , iI. " ' ' 't. . } ' ' ' , ! ' ' , . K . $ . " ' ' j n $ 'V " " ' " " " . " ,1 " " . " " . . " , , . , " ub : : : . D' " "