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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
. . . . . y " USTER. . COUNTY EPUBLICAN. ' ESTABLISHED 1882. TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. 'LAI GES'l' CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. - . VOL . XXIV. . ' BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURD8AYJ M Y 3 , 1906--EIGHT PAG g , NO. 47. " , . " - . ' , . ' . . ' , . I . { . . ; J " 8 CLOC' S NI \ . . . \t t E very sort , size mH } pnce. \ ! ' R lIig Clocks that are cheap. I " \ . Small clocks that cost quite a ) bIt of mone ) ' . ' . ; , . Eight Ilay Clocks. Qne day Clocks. 8 f Clocks that strikc cvcry few Q . . ' . ! i : minutes. 8 Clocks that don't know how toS \ , , 0 strikc at all. 0 R Clocks that it takcs a shelf to BC- , l.i cOlllmodate , : \ 8 Clocks little larger than watches. S Clocks at B dollar , mill up , mil } 8 N up. 8 N All good to keep lime. Get our prices mill you'll know . i : ! why we have a large Clock trade. g . . " \ : h ' . , N , , \ f. G'oo " : Jt : . ' . ! ' ( i - - - Mayor GeOfiO'S ! , Proc I arnation lIe Suryeys the Situation and : Makes Several Suggpstions. On assuming the office of mayor of Broken Bow , May 1st. W. A. lieorge deli vere < l the following address outlining his policy ; .In entering upon the official duties imposed upon me as Mayor of the city of Broken Bow I think it not out of place to set forth in brief terms some of the I things which I think should characterize the incoming ad- ministration. I feel a deep'sense of gratitude to my fellow citizens for the con. fidence manifested in me by my election and I dcstre only in the future profit by the experience I of the past and thus prove myselt I worthy of the high honor bestowed upon me. In admin- istering' the atTairs of the people in a city such as ours those chosen for that purpose are but instruments to ascertain anG then carry out the will of the people. This shoul ( ) he done with dilli- gence and fidelity. The faithful . - . . - . . . . . . . , . . . , - . - - - : . . , . " , " . . . , , . - " ' - - " - - I r = 1"--- = 11 i Sunshine ! Haye you used it ? Yon will never be satisfied till yon do. . ' . . ' . ' . . . . . \Vhy not put a little . ; 0. . . / S U11bJ 'n e , r,1L."J' < < . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .In your I WIlle. ? J. s. J. F BArnSCH . : DHUGGIST8. BHOlN BO'Y , . " , ' : II _ _ _ - . . . . . . " \o- _ " _ _ . . . : t" _ . . , , , , I I : _ _ " n RI " ' - - - " ' - Good Varnishes \ ( , . ! -Varnishes that do j good work always are not easy to make. It's not every manufacturer who has the facilities . and the capital neces- . sary to the making of .1 good varnishes. ! THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS VARNISHES . are right always. They bring out in full the natural beauty , .f of the wood. They wear and keep their lustre for the longest . . time. You cannot buy better varnishes. See us for prices and further information. . " \ s. : L.EjJ : . . . : ; . f. . ; - _ _ _ _ = = - _ _ _ _ = - _ _ _ _ 'ttt11t1'ti'tt"1'Tt't""tltt"tlttYtt'tt'tl'tttttltt'tl"'Ttl ' ' ' " ' ' " " " " " " " ' ' ' ' " ' - - : : : : , - : : : : : - . ( = - = . .s- . . j , ; .j " i' , ' \ , AT : - : : : : , . : : : : : . ' - , ' > " " . : ' . = = : : : : : ' ' ' ! . . . . 'I / , " , , : : : : : = = ! t1. Jli. , l . . ! : : : : : : I gr - ' . u"I . I ' 11"1' ' ; I ' j : 1 1.1 , ; " . , ' . S h e P Par d - ; ; III ' I , \ f:1. : ' : : . ' = : - SUM TlJlN' S\1 \ . .1/ . . , . - - - - $ ' - \ . . GOII'l : . : # . . t . J . 1.t1" , . : . . ' . : ' = = _ - - . " /i"t.m'i / : a , B U rk' . V " . . ' . - ' - _ . . .i . - f ! . I . . I _ -J . : . ' ' _ ; f. . . . , . , ' . - 0 N. t. . . " . . . . .J " - . . : : : : : : . I , , - . , . ' ' " ' ; t ! ' . = = - I . . . . \I \ I' . ' " 'l ' ti. ' - , . - : , - . I ' & . < ' - , , . , , . . ' . ? . . boo' 1 = = \ ; ; : : : . l 4 ' : , > .n ( . ' : ! - ' : : : : : " \ . . ( iJ' , .t : - WI'P..I9.f. : . . " . ' - ? " " . : .Ill t I Ie way 0. . se 11- lIlg = = : : : - - : : : : : ' GROCERIES and PROVISIONS , - - - - E We have a car load of'Y'OI-.I l ' .T..JOlTI 'and it gives :3 , . .E such complete satisfaction that if you try it once you will :3 : : : : : use no other. : : : : : : - - i , : : : : : PhoneL No. 1-2-5. = = - - , j./ / F South Side Square. Brohen : Bov , Neb. \ [ ' 1'11"1'11"1111111111'11111'11'11'11'11111'111111111'1'1111 ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 111111111 " . . , , \ . . - . , . . servant merits and receives the approval of the so\'erign people and enjo ' the satisfaction of mind Wll1Ch comes from the knowledge of a duty wel . ) performed - formed in the discharge .of their duties. I am not , in my judgmen t , overstatit1g the cage , when I sa. } ' that at no time in the historr of the city has there been a more urgent need of wise and intelligent - gent action on the part of the Mayor and Council , nor amon' opportune time for the enactmJIt of ordinances. . ' ! prudent ' $ , . We will doubtless be c < 1t d I upon to solve man ) difficult and : perplexing questions of grave' ' interest to the city and while we are not likely to all think a1il < e on nIl subjects that come up for our consideration , there should , be as complete harmony as possible amo1\g us , for it is only oy mature deliberation and wise consideration that the best things can be done for the welfare of our communi ty. 'fhat the health of our people ma } ' be protected as much as possible and that onr city at all times may present a neat orderly appearance it should be . the duty of every citizen to. lteep his premises free from accumulations of filth and to carefull } ' remove as fast , lS possible all manure and rubbish of every kind , and persons who are not inclined t. ) com pI ) ' with the city ordinances relative to such matters should be made to understand that a rigid enforcement of the same ma ) ' be expected. Tha the water works should be made to earn as much revenue as possible and that as much of the propert ) ' of the city as possible be provided with protection - tection , it is desirable that the : water mains be extended as speedil ) ' : is possible to those districts not so provided. Il\Il'HOVItJIIENTS. I think the Council should take early steps to framc and pass an ordinancc having for its object the replacing of board Wfllks in the bus ness portiotl of the. .city with wal1 < s of stone or cement. ' 1'hc heavy rains of the past few seasons , I think. has made it apparent to everyone that the water ways under Fourth and Fifth Avenues arc insufficient to carry the water and that something - thing- must be done to provide a better way to conduct the water under the streets. That the streets and crossings may be placed in better condition I recommend that a Street Commissioner - missioner Ibe appointed , whose chief : luty sha11 he to look after the improvement and superintend the work necessary to be done on the streets and crossings and that a Marshal he appointed whose duty it shalt he to patrol the streets at night when thcre is more danger from disorderly and ill dispos d persons and the danger from lire is the greatest. The public parl < s are the pride of every citizens of Broken Bow and ever ) ' etTort should be made to prescrve and beautIfy them. It has long becn thl : : desire of many of our citizens to install an electric lightiug plant and it should be our duty to proceed without delay to investigate the same and publish our findings to the end that it the citizens desire an election called at an early date to vote bonds for that pur- pose. 1.1'hat there may be a strict account of all funds belonging - ing to the city , the Street Com. missioner or Marshal should be reuired ) to make quartely or semi-annual reports showing all money received by hun on account of poll tax paid in cash and all other .items paid to him , and that the same be published at the time of the publication of the report of the city treasurer. 'fhat the good name of our fair city may not onl. , . be maintained but improved , I pledge mvself to strict enforcement of th orchn- ances relative to things of immoral - moral character an\1 call upon every good citizens to stand by alt my efforts in this direction , that we ma ) ' drive out and keep away cvcrything and every person whose inlluence is de- grading. Card of Thanlu. We want to thank the many friends and especialty the Woodmen - men , for their kindness and sympathy - pathy in the sad hour and death of our dear son. h. l\ND Mus. J. D. MAHslIAr.r. . 'Items rom t e National Capitol Newsy Notes by a Special Cqrres ) Qndent of the Hepublican. \Vashingtoll , April 30. Senator Millard has publicly advised his colleagues that he is to be a candidate for reelection , and he will return to Nebraska at the expiration of the present s ssion carrying the good wishes of members of the upper house. Senator Millard is serving his first term , which expires in 190i. I He is seventy ) "ears old. _ ! t t Senator BU.rkett acted as escort this week lor acting President Fairfield and Professors Cook and Shadd of Howard University , when they visited the White House to invite President Roosevelt - velt to deliver an oration at the commencement exercise of" the iustitution June 1. The Presi. ( lent declined the invitation , to make an address , but promised to he present at the exercises for a short time. t t t Apropos of San Francisco , fhe P.ostofi ce Department all this week has'bcen receiving a collection - tion of mail matter from the stricken town that is curious in the 'extreme. Because of the widespread devastation , postage stamp ! : ' . could not be obtained and tationery practically was an un- I known quantity , San Franciscans , thereore , have been writing to anxious relatives and friends on anything they could make marks upon , and mailing these curious missives without postage. The Postoffice Department has been dehvering all such messages , and reassuring notes written on collars - lars , cutTs , shoe box covers and shingles have bcen delivered. In one instance , a survivor scribbleU a note on his handkerchief and dropped it into the mails. It was delivered to his mother in Virginia. t t t If ) 'OU can contribute to the Department of Agriculture a rat , mouse , dog or rabbit fatally ill of a contagious disease } 'ou may confer on the country a benefit worth millions of dollars. 'fhe Department is seeking for some means of ridding certain parts of the coun try of "varmints" that are doing' enormous damage but that defy ordinary means of extermina.tion. In one county , I in the state of Washington , lield mice practica11y have ruined all crops , whilc in' Wyoming , wolves are raiding the cattlemcn's herds with ever increasing boldness and traps are of no avail against them. Throughout the entire country Held mice , field rats , grouud squirrels , gophers and , such small pe3ts arc costing the country millions of dollars an- I nually. Somc form of epi emic seems the only way to get rid of them. t t ! It has been some years since 'the locust wrough t ruin to the harvests of Nebraska and despair - spair to the hearts of the Nebraska - ka farmer , but there is danger ahead. according to the Department - ment of Agriculture. Experts believe that the spring of 1CJO& will see a great army of the pests sweeping the fields of the country - try , and although these experts believe the swarms will not extend - tend beyond Illinois no man yet has been able positively to for- cast the limits of their flight. I 1'he brood has been breeding in J spots from Cape Cod to Northern Georgia and as far west as Ill. and although the Departmcnt I experts have traced the origin of the brood back as tar as 1633 and I have reduced their periodic 'I ' flights almost to an exact know. ledge , they cannot tell in which I direction it will take its flight. 'l'he brood in question is the seventeen-year variety , amI the ) may be looked for the last weeJj in Mayor the beginning of June , It migbt be as well for the far. . I mers of Nebrask to be prepare < ; ' for a visitation , although the in. I' St'cts may not head in that direc. tion. , . S omelng N ew. For Broken , Bow" , : Make purchases your at The A D V 0 . and you can furnish your home ABSOLUTELY FREE. We Give Away Hogers Bros. ! Silverware ' Rugs Chairs , Dinner Sets , iirrors , Clocks ; Book Cases , Scales , Chamber Sets , Sideboards , China Closets , . : Musicallnstruments , Etc. , Etc. . \tVitb Every Tell-Cent. Purcl.lase you are given a Saving stamp and only a few of them are needed to entitle you to one or more of the above named-and many other-beautiful and usetul articles. Call at the A D V 0 store , Broken Bow , an invostignte. I will pay you. . - - . . STATIC ELECTRICITY is a very valua.ble agent in the treatment and cure of Chronic Diseases , especial1y rheumatism , nervous ( lisorders , general weakness , etc. The X-Hay has been found curative in cancer , eczema and chronic skin diseases. Dr. Christensen & Bartholomew , Offie in Healty Blocl < , BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. I . DELICIOUS , . . , " ' . 'I BREAKF AST FOODS FOR EVERYONE QUAKEI OA'rMEAT4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 13c NUllA VINg OA ' 1'l\lI AT.J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 10c SAXON OA'rl\IJ AL-with dishes. . . . . . . .per package , 30c BANNER OA 1'MEAL-with dishes. . . . . . per package , 30e. VIGOI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , ' . . . per package , 10c EGG-O SEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " per package , 10c DR. PRICE'S FOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per package , 10c SIII EDDED WlIEA'1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .plr package , 13c MAL'1'A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . package , 15c VI'1'OSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per package , 15c RALSTON BREAKFAS1' FOOD. . . . . . . .per package , 15c WIIEA 1'OSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 15c Ii'OHCE. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . par package , 13c GBANOSE Ff.JAKES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , J5c PURI'l'AN INDIAN MEAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . per pt.ckage , 10c J. C. BOWEN. . 'I'RADl' : , North Side . .ure Old. &fIO'r'IIICiCQr DROKI-N JIOW , NE R. MARK - . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , < \ " " ' .I't..t..I.I : " , ' " , . . . . , . . . . ' . . . . . . . . " . . ' " , " " ' ' ' ' ' . " , . . , , " , ' . . . . . " . . . " . 1. ' , . . " . . . , . , , " " . ' . " ' 'I' ' " " " , . . ' .1. . ' ' ; . , . , 'I. ' . . ' . , , " .I. ' . . . " l.tI' . , . : ' ' ! f.'I't' : , ' ' " ' " ' ' . . " $ : : : " . , ' " . , . , ' Harness ! Harness ! r ,1 " > I have about 75 sets surplus Farm Harness which I ; t / . desire to sell by May 15th. I will sell this harness at from < : i < . . 10 to 15 per cent less than market values. It would pay ' ) . t you well to borrow the money and buy theEe harness. In ) i > it Fal"rn Inlllelnents ' . > we have everything that is gooJ , such as i { tt The Good Enough Riding Plow , II ! . 'l'he Good Enough Gang Plow , } l { Sure Edge Drop Corn Planter , } ) t . 'fhe Gretchil1g Corn Planter , $32.00. See it. ' ) ) , HxH ) Disc Harrows , $24.00. " . , . , All kinds of Cultivators at Lowest Prices yet heard of. I. - . See them as or. some goods we don't desire to name prices / ; \ here. If in doubt of value of goods try us. j { . j { 1 ; c. W. APPLE. J \ , \ . " . ' . . ' . . ; , ' . . , " . . " . . . ' ; . . . ' ; : ; : : . ' , . _ ' : ' . . . . " , . . , . . . . . . tt' " " ' " ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' . " . . . . . . . 4 IV" : . ' . . , ; ; . . . ' " $ . " ' , ' . . " . : : " : , ' r ! : . $ t. $ " . lf. ! , , . " . . . . . " . . . . . . . . .i. .M . . . . f.I. . . : : a . .cf. : . ' - 'l ' .