I _ _ . . ! . . . ' . : ' _ ! . " .3.t. . . . . , - . _ _ JT' : --Al' : ' ! ! :7 : l : : ' : _ ' " - , - Borne Mad i Have your cake , muffins , and tea biscuit - I cuit home-made. They will be fresher , cleaner , more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home , quickly and eco. . nomically , fine and tasty cake , the raised hot..bis uit , puddings , the frosted layer. . cake , crisp cookies , crullers , crusts and muffins , with which the ready-made food f und at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. . , . nOVAL DAKINQ POWOER co. NCVI YORK. . . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - 'fih } , 1 I TIt-At r ABLl no w , tl j ( B. . " ' "coln. Dun.t'r. Owaba. Ilclt\lIn , CI.lCIIIIO , uutte , Ht. .Jo..epu. I-ortlnnd , Kan. . . . . cn" " "l"IUke CII 8t. , "OUIN. A ud Hrau ItrnllclHt'C' ' All " olntH HUItt ' 1111 " ' 1I1-nllll' ADd HOUU , . Wc..t. UAJT nOUN II. KO. O departs fur thO east. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:20a. : 111. No. . . arrl'cs. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lo : 1 ! a. 111. No. 44 arr\"cs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1U : 5 I ) . m. \\'IIST IIOUNII. lC . 39 arrl'e8 1'Im theeast. . . . . . . . . . . .6:2\1 : p. 111' K , oil : it"I'ell. . ' " . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:02 : a. 111. NO\,4. ) arrle . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.54 : a. 111. jl. : . . . . oil nn4 42 a ke local 8tops from AlIslcy w .t ' Ros. 4Jllld 44 are throulh tral\1 :11111 make connection. for Ucadwood :11111 : all 1101 lit ! ! to tlte BlACk HlIII ! . , J'J alld 40 do not run weRt of IIroKCII IIOW. Sleeping , dlnlllll' alhl ledlnlllt chair carH ( S4at8 free ) Oil tltrouilli tralll ! ! , 'l'lclletli suld alld b\lI'llalle checkcll to any lIolllt lit tlto Ullltcd Stllte8 and Callada. .For Informatloll , map. . lime tahlcs allli tIck. et , call on 6Vrlte . 10 U. L. Ormlilly , allellt , or 4 W. Wakeley , n. P. . \ . . Omaha. Ncbraska. 11. I. . OKMSIIV , A ! tCllt. . . . . - 'Try . The Republican for PRINTING. . . . . . . . . .Herd Ilclulcd II > > . . . . . . . . . ( ' , ' , . . I , . " , . . " , .I'I < . . . . . . " . , . , : \1i " , - . , "I' ' ' . : . ! , J.G.BRENIZER , Breeuet f I'llre Scotclt alllt Scotch TOPPl'lt Rhort Hurll CAttle. .My henlllumbers 40 COWR. Will com. ptre In breedlll ! : ' nlllt qllallty with allY \'I1 Mt of Cblcnll'o My experience lias tallll'htmo that to &l1'6 aroodaallsfnctloll , breedlClII' cattle mllst he raINeU' " thl. . ' .Jtllll . I expcct to rnillelheni here tbe tcflu , ' of all.thlllil r2.1a tn'lt. . U , S. I now lIne25 : bulls suitable Jort tbl8 alld next year'8 8cnlce. My cows Me II'h from 1400 to 2000 ouud . Come alld Ree bon. . . . : coccocrJ"J"Y".c , S F. W. HAYES , .1 \J ewe1er and 'O tician ' West Side Square , .roken Bow , Nebraska. N I LOCOlor Oj . ) ) : ) ( . . . . - : d' . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . South Omalu\ , ck Market. ( Ih'portell b ) ' I lay , Unh11lS1l1l , I : CII. ) South Omahil , Neuraska , April 23rd , 1 'JO . Although the run of cattle continued - tinued moderate last week , con- ditionswere far from satisfactory. Packers in Chicago seemd to ue pretty wall filled up , claiming a bad inquiry for beef , and comli- tions all combined made a very slow and dragging market for almost the entirety of last week. Closing prices as compared with the opening were L5 and 20c lower - er for the general run of steers , thc light handy weight kinds hardly receiving' the discrination of other classes. At this time the uest kinds coming are selling around $4.90 and $5.25 ; fair to good $4.50 and'$4.'J0. 'l'he gen. eral trade today is slow and weak with values uarely steady. Butcher stock farer in about the same manner as steer stuff. The trade dragged through most of the week and concessions of 15 and 20 cents had to ue made at the close as compared with early in the week. Choice heifer stock is quotaule at $4.25 and $4.60 ; choice cows $4.00 and $4.40 ; good cows $3.40 and $3.60 ; fair kinds around $3.00. 'l'rade today con- oinue slow and weak. Whi1e there was fairly good I ' inquiry from countrymen for the' I light and handy steers for stocker - er purposes the heav.r weights suitable to go into feed lots suffered - I fered a decline of 10 and 15 cents - - - - - - - - - -p- ' - A. P. VANNICE , Pa nter Paper I-langer 'l'wo ) 'ears experience , Prices H.easonaule. All work guaranteed. FRANSE MOORR , FEED BARN 'l'wo blllcka north of OUUlt Oentral llotel. Fat , rfnlljl" oJlcl''d. PrlcIA r""Rronl\hlu , DH . H 0 , & W. . . . TALBOT , PHYSIGIANS SURGEO S. 011100 over Illcborlu'llru 8torc. Drokon IIow. . Nehraill. . DR. C. PICKET' ! ' , Professor of Psychology , I I.inc ln Medicn ! Collegc. Ol1ice at rcsidence , onc-half hlock east of U. I B. Church. Chronic dlscases given special attention. 'l'hone 147. , * * * * * * iBOWMAN : & ANDERSON. u are dealers in Heal Estate of all kilJh . WE We will uuy or sell. Don't fail to see us before ) 'ou buy or sell. We can do you good. Collections made and insurance - ance written. Farms rented and taxes paid. See us for farm loans. Come in and see us. I" BOWMAN & ANDERSON. : . . J If you arc looking for the Quality of Lumber and Buitding Malerial for the Least Monev let us figure on your uill. \Ve always try to please , H. T..BRUCE aCO. . . . : ; , . . . South Side Lumbcr Yard , Brokcn Bow , Neu , . .I , ' " " A' r . , " ' . . . . / u 1 " < " "I _ , tromIonday ! prices , Calves held up pretty well a the run ! I cOlllp.ualively tight at thh. tirn . . noad to choIce ! ; lockers amI fCN- ! ' ers are selling' at $4.15 anti $ .t.50 ; fair to gooll $3)0 anll $ 'LI5 ; common - i mon cla ses , $3.50 and $3.75. ' 1'111 : hog market continucs on a downward course , the condition having j > revaile since the middle - dle of last week , prices last week closing auout a nickel lower for the week. With a 5 or 10 cents today occasioned 110 douUt uy the fairly liberal supp1ies , . prices are now about 15c lower. than one week a o. 'l'lte uulk sold at S.32 anti $ ( , .35 with top at $ ( , .40. We are of the opinion that wherc hogs arc in good con- cition : ancl readv"for market it is just as well t lel them come alOtig , as we can hardly expect to ee much further advance at this time. . - - - - - - - - - - - - Lee Park Locals. A Sun ar School is to ue or- g-anb ed at the Knight School House. All in\itecl to attcnd. Mrs Johnson has gone to St. Paul , to thc hospital for treatment - ment antI expects to be much lJ nefillcd br same. . Mr. Ft'rguson i takingiu stock to l'asllln' ' , in till : wcstern part of thc l'.trkVIJt n : tllc uest grass and finest water is to ue found. Dr. Carrothers , of Ansley , was through these parts last week , se ing if any ailmcnts of our stock needed attentionl the doctor - tor claim's to be very cl ver in his line. We are having. tine weather and the farmers have ueen utilizing - ing it to the uest of their auili- ties the past week and have gotten - ten along remarkauly well with their farm work for some are nearly through plowing for corn already , and as 800n as the weather permits and is time shall uegin corn planting , so there is no grass growing under the feet of Lee Park farmers. Mrs. Knight has had a new well put down on her farm , in the southern part of the Park. Mr. Bruner , of Arcadia , did the work and it is needless to say a first class job will ue done for we had him make us a well last year and all one has to do is to tell him where you want the well sunk and Mr. B. will do the rest , . and not stop till plenty of water I is secured and a tirst class well is the result for he certainly under. stdnds his business. A representative from an Omaha grocery house was in the Park last week. As we did not buy could not say whether one would gain uy making a purchase through him or not. e are of the opinion , however , if one can get just what is wanted through your grocer here , it would be uel- ter , for if goods are not satisfactory - tory , they can be returned to your grocer whereas the other way the out of town feHow has the money and we ha'e got to take what he gives us. Estray Notice. One black last spnngs colt. Estraycd from my placc ; return and get reward. RAS\1US : ANDuHsoN , 40-tf Broken Bow , Nebr. FREE ! A GARDEN OF ROSES. By spcciat arrangcmcnts with the Weckly Intcr Ocean-the only weekly lJl\bllshed by a great Chicago Ilail-we arc uble to ofTer our readers an assortmcnt of choice Ro e Dushes FREE with every suhscrip- I tion to TIU Rm'UlII.lcAN. Thcse Rose DU'lhes are Jrown cxpress Y for this ofTer and if plantcd hy 1\II\Y 1St shoulll produce supply of roses this summer. Select any 6 of this List. No. I-Helen Gouhl , red. No. 2aman Cochet , pink. NO.3-White Mumun Cochet. No. 4-F.tolle de I.yon , ) 'cllO\\ ' . No. 5-Me1eor , crimson. 'No. 6-cn. JncCueminot ) , bright reel. No. 7-Clotlnlde Soupert , pink , Ilecr ccnter , No. S-Kniserln Auguste Victora , white , No. 91.1lrance. . No. 10-Brldesma lI , pink. No. II-Crimson Rambler , rl'tl ' . . ' , No. 12-Yellow Rambler , yell' " ( : , h , r , No. 13-1'ink Rambler , pink No. 14-White Ramblcr , whit. ' ' . No. IS-MUll. lrnnciska 1\.1. : , : < , , aUlI cOflpcr ) 'ello\\ . No. i6-Aurora , silvery l j , , ' No. 17-Prcsident Came ! . t 1\1,1 \ , ; " 'tl' No. IS-Burbank , deep pin' No. I9-Ucnnosa , clcar pln No , 2o-1rancis H. Will' " , \ \ ' 11\ \ , No. 21-Bouquet of Gel ' , \ . " VI1. \ . , , , No. 22-Wlnnic Davis , 0'\ \ ! 'IIII. . Cost does not enter . ' " 11' tll " ! The publishers ) of The \ ' , . . .1. ; ! II' Oc-eun have absolutely Ih. . . , , It.\\ \ \ " pense in having these Rose ll\llt ) ) . : ! " . : for our readers. The price of The Week'Ill ' \ ! I ! l'\1\1 I ) 'car is ahv ) 's fl.oo. . It. . , ' 0 this paper one ) 'car Is $ I.CJO. ' 1\a ; at ) 'ou have tbe opportunity oi ! oct.urhlJ . : both papers ecah one year and six beautl ful rose bushes for only $1.55. In orderinH Rose Plants. designate b : number only. Orner toda ) ' 11U11 ha\'e Roscs for Jun Give date pll\nts are to be dclivered. ' - " - ' " " " ' " 'L' . . . . . . . - P't' _ . - - - d ' . : : : li " . . - - - " . ' _ . U' ' - ' . ' _ _ - ' " " ' ' ' ' ' " . . -r . _ : ' _ ' , _ _ 2 : 11Io. , : "p" _ li'Y 'Y If you will eat more Uneeda Biscuit you can do luore work , enabling you to earn , " . " , . . _ more money , so that you can buy more . . . ; , ; : , : ; . f" : ' Uneeda Biscuit : h0 .1 . , ' : do lIzore work and earn still l1tOre nloney. : . i . . t ' . ; . . . ' . , . : ' ! J' , ) , J " 1'- " tt . " " : u" ; . i" 1 - : ; ! . . ' . N IONAL BS UIT cOMPANY , . ! \ - all - - - , - - - - - _ . . - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - I "cten r l Custer. " J. SNYDER , J"J. Attorney and Counsellor at Law , Pensions and a11 kinds of government claims , and a gcnerallaw practice. Of , fice : Hast Main Street , 1st door east of Burlington Hotel , Broken Bow , Neb. DR , C. L , MULLENS , Physician Surgeolt. 2nd Rtalrwar flom we-t end In IleaUy Dlccll. 'e"ldollco , Bnl " 'Ult M. E , chnrch. on same _ 10 1f nroet. W-I1rok n Dow. Nebra . { 1 DR. C. B. JOB , Physician and Surgeon Office ntlll resitlence one block south of Ryerson & Gcorge's store. II. CONRAD , O.II. . . . . . .Dol\lerln. . . . l'nm\JI. Wind , M11l8 , TAnk" . FJttlng . Ol\llol1n. KngiDlIlito , etc , IIr01lun : Row , Nubr" "I\ . , DR.V. . H. COLE , Veterinarian. Diseases of a11 the 10wcr animl11s , heat. cd. Office at Lee Bros. drug store. 'Phone 203 , Broken Bow , Neb. J.A. . ARMOUR , Attorney at Lav. Broken Bow , Nebr. lIavlnlr jnst ball elllht yearll Iractlcal exper lellco a > l UUllllt ) ' Judlre. will Ilve IIpecial atten tlon to , ho drawlnlr alld l'rubatinlC of wills and the alllulllilltratioll of elltate" of deceascd per. 80llS alllllllillor. . . . Wrlle or uholl" me. Imay ave yon I ) trip. \ m Barton's Second lIand Store is the place to uuysell or trade. We are st ill selling - ing the $5.00 gold spectacles - tacles for $1.00. Bvery- t ! body knows Barton ! . x Boarders \Vnnted. \\'e call accullluJate a few more botrdors. 11th or wlthuntloanl. . Board.ller week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $3.50 I Board allll RoolII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Mrs. A. T. SIMS. i J. E. WILSON , I AfTORNEY AT LAW. . I . I' . . . ice It , Statu allll X'edcral , Courts , AIJ. . I ' 'Jf titles examilled , . Real E8tate au4 ,0 ' : 'Ial I.aw a peclalt ) . Oealer III Real . . , e. Strict attentlull arl\'en to all busilless. urtlce III : > Ie'er IIIock. l'holle . Brokell Bo\\ LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. I 1\111 prcsuretl to lauudcr I.ace curtail s - on dretchcrs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your pntronage solicited. Mrs. Mattie Papi neau. One block east of Ryerson's store , J . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ w _ _ . . . . - - . . - - - - - - - - - SIMON CAM RON , ! ff l'I)0Y 80UIcell AT LAW. Hoom 8 Ind 9 , Hot ty Dlock. lJroken How , eb. ROSS G. MOORE , Attornev-at-Law. 1t1'81 c tl\tA s.llll08n brckcr. Onlr" J" Ar 1)le "I" " " 11. , , " ' . . . . II" , . 101. . " . . . " " , - - l egistereu U. 1. l , I logs F-OR SALE CHAS. T. WRIGHT , llroken Dow , Neb' Palace Ba.rber Shop For first-class work , call at the Palace Barher Shop. Everything up-to.date. . LEO DEAN , Proprietor. = = . " - - Legal Notices. I All > > dycrtlsement nnller tblll bebd11 \ bu cbargell for at 1"111 ratc . vb : : 11.00 ( t'r sqnaru I for Orst tnRorUon , IInd OC per Iqnare for ollcb Inb eqllcJt Imertlon. . "square" 1810n IIn08 or fraction tbereot. In tbe Coullty Court. CU ter Coullty Nebraska. Wbercas. Mary J. Durlln hall thl. . 17th 4a ) ' of April. 1006 , filell her petltlol1 In this court. wherein she allell'es that sbe Is tbo widow oC Bradford 11. BnrIIII , who died lutestate all In. habltalll uf this cOUllt ) ' . belllir tbe owner of amt havillI : ' all Ir.telest III no prupert ) ' except lot tweh"e III block six , III the vlllaare of Merna. thl" COUllt ) ' , and of the \'alue of 1I0t to excee(1 $ iOO.\ } and unincumbered and tbat tbe same Is wholh' exempled from attacbmellt , txecutlon or utber mesn prooss. by reason of belnll' a. homestead. , also sbowllllC tbe lIames. all'es alld residence of each of tbe beirs of said deceased. and Ira'lnar fur a filld of such facts alld a decree - cree desllCnatlllll' tbe hclrs , sellinII' aside said prembe > ; tU ber as a bomeslcad. and dispellSlll1 ( with rellular admlnlstratloll. and such otbcr facts , IIndhllrs anJ decrees as apt ear more specltic In said petltioll. It Is accordhillh' directed - rected that said petitlull bo beard at tltls uffic" on the 15tb da ) ' of May , 1906. at 10 o'clock a. m. when all Inleresl..d partie ! ! wlll be he rd. am\ tbat tltls order be pnblllhed IU the Custer Cuunt ) ' Republlcall. allewspaper Iubllsbed In tltls Cuullty. for three ! lnccesdve weeks , rSEAL ) A. R. lIUMI'IIKltV , Conllty Judll'e. J. A. AKMOUK , Att'y. 45,47 Ullltcd Slates Land Omce. l I1roken now. Nebraska. March 16t1t , 1906. f Notice Is bereby ! rIven tbat tbc followlllll- lIamed IIcttler Itas file. ! notli e of his Intention to maKe IInallroof In support of hlR claim. alld Ihat Raid proof wlll be made before Register alld Rccei\'er at nroken 110W , Nebraska , on AIril , : :6. : I . vl % : l'1' Tl R W. DOOLEY. /lrokenl1ow. Nebraska. nn the neM , Sectlou 31. TownRhll' 11 ! N. , Ralllle20 . Ue name' ! the followll'1l wltnclses to IHO\'t ! bls contilluous resldellce npoll nnd cultivation of said lalld. viz : Gus Arthnr of nroken now. Ncbraskn : Asa /lro'le. of nrokenl1ow , Nebraska : J.'rallcls Multatt. of nrokelllOW. . Nebraska : Arthur Moltatt. of nrokenl1ow. Nebraska. 41.46 JAMES WIUTEIIKAII. Rell'lster. Unltcll Slates Lalld Oftice. } Broken 80w , NebraHka , April 6 , 1900. Notice Is hereby ! lIven that tlte followhllr' nnmcd Heltler has llIed 1I0tic0 of his lutentioll In make final Iroof In support of his claIm. alld tltat Mahllroof will he made befMe Rell'18ter and Hecelver at Urok < ' 11 Bow , Nebrallka : . on Juae 5.1900. vlz : JOUN J. ' . BELL. uf ew lIelena. Nebraska. fur the IIW } ( sw } ( , SYS swM. " \I'M "eSectilln ! 35. 'fuwnsblp 20Nnrth. Raull'o : : \Yest. . 110 lIamell the followlll& : wltuesse'l to prove hi. . contlnuons resldeuco upon anll culti. \'attoll of said land.'Iz : Carl E. Bowmau. oC New Helcna. Nebrallka : William S. Doman , of New H < , lena. Nebraska : Oliver L. Swick , of New IleAella , Nebraska : Cal\'ln , C. SlIyder , of Now Helcna.Iebraska. - . 44-4'1 JAMltS ' ' - 'YIIITIllIltAn. Rell'lhtcr. Unlled Stale. . Lalld Omce. l l\ortlt I'latte , Nobrasa ] , April 7 , 1906. f Notice Is hereby Irlven that tlte folluwllla : . named setller bas filcd 1I01lce of hIs Intent 1011 to lIIake final proof III support of his claim. alld that said proof will be lIIatlt ! before A. R. lIum. phroy. Cunnty JudlCo. at hi. . omce at B rokclI lIow. Nebraska. on May : : : :1 : , 1900. vlz : JOUN J. PIIILIPSI N. who made hUlllestead entry No. IS. . for tlte ne } Section 10 , Township 16 1\ . , Hanae 22 Wet. lie lIamell tlte followlnll' wit. lIell'le > ; . . 10 Irove his cuntilluoas resldellce upon anll culth'allun of saI < l lallll , vlz : Nels Kllnll. hcn. of Broken lIuw. Nebraska : Oa'ld Coulter. of IIroken UowNcbrasllaJoltn : Koch.of Brollen 11 OIl' , Nebras a : l barles Cutuler , of Brollen 1I0w , Nebrallka. H"'I GIOKGK E. FNENCII , Heilster. sClloor. LAND AUCTION. 'I'be followlllldescrlbell landll III Custer Cunlll ) ' . Ncbrallka. will be otTercd for lease nt Inbllc allctlun III th" oftice uf Connt ) . 'freasurer ! lfomlay , May 28th at 9:30 : a. III , 'I'erms of lea8. hill and appralslllil'alue ma ) " be obtained froUt tb" Coant ) . Treasurer at Bruken lIuw l r tbe Commlssluner of l'nbllc Lands & Bulldlnll's at Lillcuin. Thl ! ! lalld canllot be reJeemed after second Issue of ad\'ert ! > ; ement. tYs section 36 , tuwllsbh ) 15 , ranlre IS , lIe } ( and "w } ( n se ( allJ sw se ( section 3d. towllshlp . Rallil" 25. U. M. 1ATON , I } . : : I Commlssluner Public Lallds alld bulldllll1'R. Ullited States Laml Office l r.lncoln. Nobraska. April 2t. 1906. I Notice Iii bereby irlven tbat tbe folluwlng. lIamed settler has med notlc. : of bls Intellllou to maku filial proof In liupport of hili claim , and that ! laid proof will b" made before tbe county judlle , A. R. llumpbrey.at Uruken IIow. Ncbralika.ulI Ma ) ' . : otb , 1900 , vlz : SIDNEY MOOR1- . for th. : d IIW } nnd s lIe - sectloll 32. townsblp 10. towllsbh ) 21 > . II" names tbt ! followllll : ' wltllesses to prove his COlltilluous resldenco upon and culU\'atlali of said land , , 'Iz : Cbarles E , Snider. of Urollen Uow , Nebraska : UoulllaeMarQals.of Broken Bow , Nebraska : \\'l\lIe \ Moor. : . of Broken Bow , N.braskaOllver : Ridenour. of Broken IIow. Nebraska. 4b'SJ CIIAS. J. " S1I81111 , Heilister. - ' " " - .1 . : . tI . . . . . . . , . . - - . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . I ( 1 ; No'rlCI' 'I O NONIU SID1 N'l' x1NnENTS. , . lu O\strlct \ Court of Cusler County , Nebraka. Mary L. Mader , vs Lelia Tschulli. et al. ' .rhe defendallts. Lellt T chudl all J. P. Tllcltudl. her busllallli. whose firRt allli further nolme Is ullkuOWII tn p1alutltT , will take 1I0tice that on tbe 3d da ) ' of April. 1110O , tbe Illallltlff filed her petition III the District Court of Custer lount ) " . Nebraka. alralllilt ) 'ou a 11I1 each of you nnd J. ' . II. Gllcbrlst Lumher CumpallY. the object and prayer of whlcb IR In have call- cetlell. alluullell set aside and dllcharlCe < l all an al'parent cloud all the title 10 the Nnrth gaRt < lnarter of SectlOIl Twcntv.three. 'l'uwlI8hll , Slwellteell. North Halllfc ' .rwent.flHlr. 'Vest of the Ixth P. l\I. . Culcr Cuunt ) . , Nl'lraska. a. ' ( ' lunJ < , rlell " 'I"clllh''n h 'lh" alll Mar } ' I.Jailer ! III tbo oalll J.t'II1 T chuJI ull l ebru' , ao' . " ' , IHIJ. all < l lJIell fur record 111 tlte Hear. Ister of Deell'l offict ! IIf said Ouster County. Nc- braska , 011 2nd < lay Marcb , I90J , alld recorded III IIook 4 nf tbe dee(1 records of Raid County , paare J.'l : . PlallltltTs declare said deed amI Ihe . executlun thereof III a forlCery. and Rhe praj \ tbat title to Raldlalldl ! be Qultcd In her. You are requIred to answer Raid petition 011 or be. fore tbe 14tlt day of May , 1906. nate(1 tbls 3d day of April , 1906. MANY L. MADEK , y her attorlley 43-1G ALI'II : > IoKClA-I. - - . . . Ullited StateR Land Office. l . Brokell Bow , Nebraska. April 5. 1906. f \ Notice Is Itcreb ) " Irlven that tlte followlul ; : ' . " I" uamed settler baR filed notice of bis IlIlentlon to make IIlIal proof In supart of hili claim aud tltat saId proof will bo made before Relflster allli Receiver at BrakellBow. Neh. . ou Ma ) " tU. 1W6.vlz : MARY A. lIICKMAN. Mcrna. Nebraska - braska , for the R- nwd ! sw Scctlou 11. townsblp II ! N. , Rall'e ! 2t W. lle lIamcs the followlnll' wltllesses to p eve Ills cOlltlnuons resldcllce upon allll cultlvatloll ur "aid lan4. 1 vlz : Oliver G. Smith of Merna , Nebraska : I . Osborn C. Swick. of Merna , Nebraska : Henr ) ' L. Williams , of Mcrlla. Nebraska : Pre.Jerlck G. Brock , of Merna , Nebraska. 4J..J8 JAMES WUITlmIAD. I Ullited States Lalld Officc\ ' Broken Bow , Nebraska , March 2" \ . 1')0 ( , . f Notice Is herebllvell / tltat the fullowllll ; : " named settler bas filcd noUco of his lutentlon to make fiual proof In support of his claim alld tbat said proof will be made ! refQr" Re/llster and Receiver at IIrukell Bow. Nebra..ka. all April 26,1906. vlz : WILLIAM A. McINTOSH of'els ert. Nebraska. for the ne ! . ! sectIon 25. towllshlp Ii ! N. . Raull619 . Ut ! lIames the followlnlC wltllesseH to pro\'e his contilluous residence upon aud cuUlvatiuu of said land. vlz : Artbur Cooksloy , Albert ' .r. Crowtber , . James Boarilli. Walter A. Bellcc. all of Weissert. ) , Nebraska. JAMI S WIlITEIlEAD , ' ' 41. 6 HCllslor. . , , j' " Ji In the County Court , Caster'Couut ) ' . Nebraska. To the heir. . . , creditors and all persulls Iliter , j ested In the e"tate of Mlllnie IIlrllo. lleceased. Take 1I0tice. tbat Shermallv. . Blrlro. bas filed his petltlou III tltls court a. . . the sole alld only belr of Mlllllie BlrlCl' . dccealell , allll claim- f IIIIC that the IIallt Minnie Blrlre < Iiell Inteslate III salll county on lito 1st da ) " of April , l''OJ. and tllat tbe wbulo of tbe estate of the salll Mlnnlo \ Blrlo Is eXemlt from attachmelli. execlltluu or \ otber mesne process aud 1I0t liable for tlte I , paymeut of the debts of the said Mlllnie Blrll'e. I decea ed , alld that all debts and claims of ; whatsoever kind all'aillst said decea < ; ed , bave i been Ialn IlIlnll "lid dlscbarlre4. amI praylnll' , furtber that tbe Court fillll alld declare tbe belrs of the said estate of the said Minnie Blr.re. deccased. distribute lIald estale. tJecree that tbe same be dlscbarlled of all debt ! ! and clahns alld order that tbe rell'ular administration - tion of sal4 estate bo dispensed with. allll for .reneral relief. Notice Is tberefore II'lven tbat said Ictltloll I will be heard at the COUllt ) ' courl rUOln In Bro- kcu Dow , Custer COUllt ) " . Nebraska. all the 12\1t da ) ' of Ma ) ' . 1900. when all partie" Inlerested I ilia ) " appear alld object therclo. Dat.-d thl814th day of AprllI'J06. ' 51 ! A. H. lIuMI'IIKlv. Connty Judll'e. NOTICE. To Lemlra C. Graham al1ll Prallk Curtlsq. ' You and each of you are hereb ) ' 1I0titiell that f on March 12. 1904. the undersllCned , \"allll' : . Amsberry. purchased at private tax sale from the Treasurer of Custer COUllty , Nebraska. the followllllC llescrlbed real estate , "Itnaled In Custer I.ounty , Nebraska. to-wit : Lots 15 alld 161n Dlock 15 of tbe orlllillal town of lIroken Uow , Said sate was made for the tnxc ! ! le\'iell allli ' nq . . " " . . , ' acalnst Hald lots flr the ) 'ears 1i'J1 ! to 1902. Illclusive. and said Evalllle'Am berr ) " has \ palll the taxes asses < ; ed alCalnst saltl lots fur the tbe yearRI90J alld I'J .I. ' The taxes alralnst salll lotH wor. : assessell to f' . Lemlra C , Graham anll Prallk Curtis. . , Le- mIra C. Grabam is owner of sallliots on recent In fee-simple. A her the explratloll of tbree months from the COmllctlon of th" Iubllcatlan of thiN lIutice. tbe &ald Evallue Amsberr ) ' will aplly to tbe treasurer of ald Couut ) , for a < Ieed tu lIalll lots. Dttell this 3.1 da ) ' of AIrll. 1900. 43-15 EVALINE AtlDINKV. ! 1 - , NOTICE. To Cbas. 11 III lillI's and Frallk Curtis : You and each of YQn are hereby 1I0tlfie tbat on July 27 , I'm , the undcrsillned , n. M. Ams. berr ) ' . purchasl\ prlvato tax sale frum the treasurer of UUllter County , Nebrallka , tilt ! fal- luwlnG' deqcrlbell real estate ! oltuate In CURter County. Ncbra..ka . , to-wit : Lot 5 In lIIuck 17 of th. : orlilinal to\\"u uf Urokell Boll' , Said sale was malIc for the taxes levied alld asses.ell all'aillst Hald lut for tbe years lIn : : to 1')02 Inclush'e. and Halll D. M. A msberry ball I 1)\ld the taxes assessed allalust said lot for tbe years 191)J andl'ilH. Tlto taxes allalnst said lot were assessed to , Frallk l'urtls > ! . 8allt Cbas. BIIlIlIl's ; Is tbe oWller at said lot of record In fee shnple. A fter the eXpiration of two years from tlto date of IIald purchallo I will appl ) ' tu th. : treas. ' urer of said count ) . fur a deell tu Hald lot. Datell this tb da ) ' of April , 1W6. . J. 6 U. M. Ar.rSIIKKK\ ' . . Ullltelj States Lalld Office. I orth Platte. l > ebra"lIa. April 7 , IIJ06. f Notice 18 bereb ) ' .rIven tbat the follllwlnll' named setUer has IIledllotice of his Illtelltion to ma c IInal proof III support of bls claim. alld that laid proof will bt ! madereforo the Realster allll Receiver at Nnrth PIltte. Nebrall a. 01' May 1'1 , 1'i06. vlz : JOE MARTIN , "Ita malle Itolueslead clltry No. ItI18o , for tbe e'i no } ( SeC. tloa H , Towllsblp IG Nortb. Rallll'e West. lle name" the followhlll' wltuesses to prove bit ; ; olllllluons rosldencc UPOIl and cnlth'atloll ot said laud , vlz : James Merritt. of Urollen Bow ' ebraska : Joseph Obde. of IIrQkell Uuw , Nu- \ t " brns.a : Ernellt Dooth , of Urollen 1I0w , Nebras. . . . . 11:1 ; William Dawllouof Uro'en Uow. Nebraska. ' " ' ' ) G80KOS E , l-'KKNCII , Reil'lster , 'I I \ t . . . , - . r . ,