Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 26, 1906, Image 7

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    - -
Tun ALLy -
y ,
Thn.t In nddrcss.
Ing Mrs. linlc.
bnm you nre confiding -
fiding your privnto
Uts to 0. woman-
a womnu whoso expert.
enco with women's dis.
cnses covers 0. grent
_ , Jtlnny yenrs.
: t' Mrs. Pinlehnm is the
dliughter- -lnw of
Lydia. E. Pinlehnm ,
nnd for mnny yenrs
: ' underlterdireeUon ,
nnd since her de.
, ' , censeshe hns been Z .
" ndvising siele wo- f'
, : men free otchnrgc. . . I
, : , Mo.ny"'omen
: ' suffer in silence nnd drift nlong from
bnd to worse , Imowing' fuU well thnt
they oUg'ht to Imve immedinte nssist-
nnce , but 0. nnturnl modesty impels
them to shrink from exposing them.
selves to the questions nnd probnble
exnminntions of even their fnmlly
physician. Itisunnecessnry. Without
money or price you can consult II. wa-
, , . . man whoso knowledge from netunl ex.
1. perlence is grent.
J Mrs. Pinkham's Standing InvitAtion.
Women Euffering' from nny form of
: alewenlmessare invited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinleham , at
Lynn , Mass. AU letters are received ,
opened , read nnd answered by womcn ,
only. A womnn can freely talle of her
privnto illness to 0. woman ; thus has i
been estnbUshed 1.110 eternal confidence !
betveen Mrs.linlcham and the women
. , of Americo. which has never been
't broleen. Out of the vast volume of
, ' ,1 cxpericncowhich she hns todrnw from , :
, it is more thnn possible that she has
gnined the very lmowledge thnt will
. help your case. She asks nothing in
return except your good-w111 , nnd her
ndvice bns reHeved thousnnds. Surely
, nny woman , rich or poor , is very foolish
'Ii if she does not tnlw advantngo of this
generous offer of nssistance.
If you nre 111 , don't hesitate to get 0.
bottle of Lydia E. Pinlcham'sVegetnble
Compound at once , and write Mrs. Pink. I
ham , Lynn. Mass. , for sp\cinl \ advice. ! '
Whcn 0. medicine has been successful
in restoring' to health 1 > 0 many women , !
. you cannot weU say , without trying' it ,
" I do not believe it will help me. "
. .
Iemp's Balsam
Will stop any cough that
1. . . j can be st pped by any
, t. medicine and eUl'e coughs
, ' , ' that cannot be cured by any
other medicine. , ,
It Is ahvays the best
cough cure. You cannot
aflord to take chances on
I ' any other kind.
cougl1s , colds. bronchitis.
griP. asthma and consumption -
tion in first stages.
$3.50& $3.00 SHOES OE I
w. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line
cannot be equalled atany prlco.
. ' 't\\.OOUGLAs \
' , , - I SHOES
\ , ' I ALL
" ,
\ <
'Jk At1. . "
/ ( ; As s 'ON
.JUlY 6. 181& .
CAPITAL S2.500.oo
$1 0 000 REWARD 10 anyone who can
J disprove Ihlsslalemenl.
Ifl could take you Into mvthree large factories
at Brockton , Ma55. . end show you the Infinite
care with whichever ) ' . pair of Ihoellilmade. you
j would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.150 IIhoell
cost more to makel why they hold their Ihape ,
fit better , wenr onlfer. and arc of greater
Intrlnllc value than any other $3.150 shoe.
w. L 00uOl:18 SII'ono Mad Shoe8 fa , .
Mon , $2.50 , $2.00. Boy. ' Sohool 8.
Ore88Sho08 , $2.50 , $2. $1. 7 Ii , $1./J0
CAUTION.-Insl t ul > ou havln ! : W.LDoug.
1M shoes , Take no substitute. None genuine
without his nRme Rnd price stamped on bottom.
Fa.t Color Eye/eta used : they wIll not wear bra " ! I'
Write for I1lustrate < 1 Catalog. .
w. L. DOUGLASlSroekton,1\Iass.
, .1 .
, . I
We olrer to. limited numberoraublerlber.
tre.uary atoek or .mull denomluutlon on. .
caBrBntaed lroOt 1lun. Thl. wUI mean to
. ' YGU not only ante lrlnch.I , but aure dlvl.
( dendl out or the eBrulnra. : Oot thela rnele.
, ' Cull Inrtlculnra nnd detnl" by . . .eturn mall.
A Iollul will brlnr : them. Mnke your
moncy muke you mOlley. Not 0 I'or cent. ,
\ but IBriio l'ro t. . . .
REF&U&NCE-IUberr. . . Dank & Trust , Co. ,
New Orleans
Third National Danlt , St. Louis , Mu.
Address AMEIUCAN HICE P , , CKING Co" : : os
6out C 1merclal Strect , St. r..ouls , Mo.
An Excellent Motto ,
A 'oung mnn nslts for n motto to
lIve up to. All rlsht. I'll Sh'o him UIO
best ho ever had or heard oC-namely :
Finish What You Have on Hanll. " : ' "
Now Yort ] ! ) resJ.
To Launder White Silk Handkerchlef .
Do not put whlto sl11t handkerclilets
In the ordInnry wasb as tboy are t'aslly
lIumllered at bomo. l\Inko II. strong
latber of Ivo-y Soap and water , but do
not rub the soap on tbo bandkercbief
or use soda. Hlnso and Iron whllo
Ilamp wltb 0. moderatoy ] o Iron.
Eleanor R. lnrkor.
Blessings Must Do Worked For. '
You cnn't get besslngs ] witbout
wordng ] tor tbem. Oed bid tbe solll.
In the eartb. Ho did 1I0t scatter it In
the roadways.-Exehango.
Chicago , ( II.-The Passenger Deput.
ment of the Chicago & North Western
Hallway nnnounces tbat tbe opening
of the Wind River or Shoshone RaRer.
vatlcm puhllc lands In Wyoming has
been postponed unUl August 15 , 190G ,
by joint resolution of congress.
Hallroad construction to the Heser-
vatlon border Is being pushed rapidly.
and will probably be completed withIn -
In a few weeks.
Persistent Bible Read r.
Ambrose S. OUey , an aged black.
smith of Cecil county , Maryand ] , has
read his DI ] e through 117 times , aIld
has just started on the 118th peruslll.
Whnt Wo Need.
Something that will Insure a natural nc.
tlon of the liver , kidneys , stomach IInd
bowels , cure constipation and sick head.
nche , something thnt will purify the 'Jlood ,
cleanse the S'stem nnd bring good health.
Uarlield Tea , the mild herb laxative , does
\II this.
Fish Need Some Darkness.
Aquariums should not hnvo all their
sides exposed to light. If the aquar.
lum Is made , of glass ono or moro of
the sides should bo coated wUb paint.
In a Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASE.
'A powder. It cures p' > .Inful , smart.
lng , nervous f et and Ingrowing nlllls.
It's the grea.est comfort discovery of
the are. Malces nnv : shoes easy. A
certain cure 'for sweatinJ feet. Sold
by all druggists , 25c. Trial paclmgo ,
, FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted , Lo
Roy , N. Y.
There Should Be More.
There are a good many disgruntled
politicians , but not nearly as many
as there would be If some of us lmew
how to disgruntle them.
How's This ?
We otrer One Hundred Dollars RewArd tor Any
ease of Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by lIall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & : CO" Toledo , O.
Wo , the undcfllgnod. bave known F. J. Cheney
tor tbe lut 15 ycar. . al1d bellc\'o him ) 'Iorfectly honorable -
orable In all bUMlnou transRctlons and nnanclaliT
able to carry ou t any ol1l1 > ; otlolls made by hll nrm.
WholcMale IJrullht , Toledo. O.
Uall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally , acting
directly upon the blood nnd mUCOll8 lurfacel of tbo
Iynem. 'l'e.Umonlals Icnt free. I'rlce 75 centi per
bottle. SOI < 1 by all } ) rIlIIoIBU : ,
Take noll' , 'aml1y I'ms for conlUpatlon.
We.lght of Engines.
The average weight of a. stationary
gas engine , In prOIJOrtlon to Its horse.
IJOWer , Is only about one-fourth as
great ns that of a steam englno.
They Stand Alone.
Standing out in bold relioCi all alone ,
nnd as 0. conspicuous e of open ,
frank and honest examll th the sick
and a11l1cted , are Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription for weak , o\"er-worlted , debilitated -
bilitated , nervous , "run-down , " pain-
raeled women , and Dl' . Pierce's Golden
Medical Diseoverv , the famous remedy
for weak stomadl , Indigestion , or dys.
pepsia\ torpid 11ver , or biliousness , all
catarr \ lal atrcctions , whether ot the
atomaeh , bowels , Iddncrs ; , bladder , nasal
passages , throat , bronchia. or other mu.
cous passages , also as an effective remedy
for all discuses arlsin from thin , watery
or impure blood , as scrofulous and skin
Each bottle of the above medicines
bears upon its wrapper badgoo ot hon.
esty In the tull list ot InA'redlents composing -
posing It - pri"tecl in IJlain Enulish.
This trank and ellen publicity places
these medicines in a class all bV them.
selveso.nd is the best guaranty ot their
merits. ' 1'hey cannot be classed as patent
nor secret medicines for thoyaro neither
-beinu of known composition.
Dr. Pierce feels that he can afford to
take the a1llietcd into his tull confidence
and lay all the Ingredients ot his medicines -
cines freely beCoro them because these
ingredients are such as aN enclorsed and
most strongly praised by scores ot the
most eminent mellieal writers as cures
for the diseases for which these medl.
cines arc recommend'd. 'l'herefore , the
affilcted do not 11I\ve to rely alone upon
Dr. Pierce's recommendation as to the
curative value ot his medicines for certain -
tain easily recognized diseases.
A glance at the Ilrlnted tormula on
each bottle will show that no alcohol amI
no harmtul or hablt-tormlng drugs enter
into Dr. Pierce's medicines , they being
wholly compounded ot glycerlo extracts
ot the roots ot native , American forest
plnnts. These are best and safest for
the cure ot most lingering , chronic dls.
eaaes. Dr. R. V. Pierce can be consulted
FIIBR , by addressing him at Butralo ,
N. Y. , and all communications are re.
gar ed as sacredly confi entlal.
It is as casy to bo well as Ill-and
much more comfortable. Constipation Is
the cause of many terms of illness. Dr.
Plorce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa.
tlon. ' 1'hoy are tiny , sugar-coated gran.
ules. Ono little "Pollet" Is 0. A'entJe laxa.
tlve. two 0. mild cathartic. All dealers ln
medicines sell them.
Remedy for Sleeplessness.
There are few remedies tor sleep ,
] essness lIlea a warm bath taken at
bedtlmo and a glllss of hot mlllt slow.
Iy sipped before 1)'lng down. It these
fall there Is serious trouble , which the
family doctor ought to care tor.
, . . . sr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. " " . . . . . . . . . . . . t .
. , , : . . . ; .
, /r . . . . .
it ; who goes stralghllo work to c " .1.
' ) . . . . . . I - - - 's'
: : I-Iurts , Sprains , } Jruises : :
.s. . ,
: ; : by the use of : ; :
i St. Jacobs 0 1 . I '
. . . .
' ' . . . . and saves time , money and gets out of misery quickly. . . } ,
' . It Aeta L i 1 to M astie. Price , 25c. and 50c. .s ,
t' ' * * v' : ' : " : ' : " : : . . : ' . : . . . . '
. . " ' ,
, ,
' "fhe Happiest Time is Now
- -
Dy SAMUEfJ , L Vlm
ALl ( not to mo of future bliss I
Talk nol to 1110 of jO's gene byl
Jor us , the happiest hour is this ,
When love bids tlmo to fly : ,
The futuro-doubt may overcast , .
To shadow Hopo's ) 'oung brow :
Ob11vlon's veil may shroud the past-
The llnpplest tlmo is 1I0wl
. '
Tho' flowers In spicy vases thrown ,
Some odor ) 'et exhale ,
Their fragrance , o'er the bloom was flown ,
Breathed sweeter on the gao ] :
Lt1w faded flowers , each parted bUss
Let me1l10ry Iteep-but how . ,
Can jO ) . that's past bo 11ko to this ?
The happiest tlmo Is now.
Unmarlted our course before us lies
O'er time's eterna ] ' tide ; ,
And soon the sparkling ripple dies
We raise , as on wo glldo.
Our barts the brightest fling
For ever Crom the prow- ;
Then ] et U8 gayly san and sing
"The happiest tlmo is now I"
. . .
, . - - . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
- -
Some Few Facts , Not to Be Denied ,
That Come Within the Scope of iI
Dignified Article-Is Noticeably
Did ) 'OU ever talw time to consider
the clock ? You should hllve done so ,
If ) 'ou have not. seeing the cloc ] ,
gives ) 'ou the time whenever ) 'OU asle
( No , this Is no jote. ] It Is a plain
statement of fact. )
'I'he clock Is so sensitive that it
constantl ) ' Iwe1ls its hands before Its
face. This Is due to the fact that
through 110 fault of 1ts own it has been
doing time for many ) 'ears In the
most public manner. It may be that
as the face of the cloce ] has no e'es ,
nor mouth , nor nose , nor chin , nor
cheels , nor'an ) ' of the usua ] facial
ap1lurtenances , It lweps Its hands over
it to hide these defects. But this
elln scarcely be , we fanc ) ' , because
Its hands have no f1.ngers nor thumbs ,
nor has it an ) ' Ilrms , and an ) ' attel11pt
to conceal one defect would on ] ) ' ex-
1Iose another.
: : \Iost clocles have enl ) ' two hands ,
but man ) ' have three , 'and It Is some.
what remarlmble , anlltomlcall ) ' as
well as numerlcall ) ' , that the third
hand Is the second hand. It may also
bo remarl\Od that the mlnuto hand
Is not the minute hand for it Is longer
than the hour hand.
The clock has neither feet nor logs ,
but It runs just the same. It may bO
fast or slow , but It docs not walle. It
awa's runs , and it never runs up.
It runs down unles : : ! It Is ltept running
round. Providence wIsey ] did not
give feet to the clocle.
The clocle has Il lwy. but no locl ( ,
and for that reason even the most Ignorant -
norant person novel' tries to open a
clocle with the l\Oy.
Some clocls strllw and some do not.
but no eock ] ever strllws with Its
hands. Just why a clocl , should be
so peculiar Is no affair pf ours.
( Of course this is no jolw. The
strlllng of a cocle ] may bo an affair of
11Ours , but It Is not spelled the same
way. Wo are not tr'Ing to be funn ) ' .
Tbls Is a dignified article. Please do
not Interrupt us again. )
That passage In Scripture which
says , "By their worlcs shall ) 'e ] enow
them" docs not refer to cocles. ] but
It might well have done so , because
that Is the way a good clocl , Is lmown.
The clocl , spealUJ a universal Jan.
guage , and no matter whether It Is a
German coclt ] , or French , or Spanish ,
or Italian. It can tell you the tlmo
just as dlstlnctl ) ' as If It were plain
The clock differs from all other bu.
man affairs In thot while their opera.
tlons end when they Ilre wound up ,
tbe cloclc's do not Legln until they are
wound up.
There are no clocks In heaven , be.
cause there Is no time there. Neither
Is there any night , and an eight day
elocle wouldn't ] mow when to stop.-
New Yorle Herald.
Relic of "Private Coinage. "
Mrs. Fred Watson of Manchester ,
N. B. , Is the owner of a smull octagon.
0.1 25-cent picco. which Is dated 1870.
'fhls piece was made and presented to
Mrs. Watson b ' ChHrles Holbrool" a
New Hampshire man , who went Into
mining In ( , 'afol'llia ] ( man ) ' ) 'ears
8In ( ' ( ' , Cons III ern hIe of this "prlvato
I coinage" was distributed among Mr.
. I1olhroole's friends.
Aged Woman's Wonderful Escape.
Few peopo ] ot 87 real'S escalle from
an accident as easily as did : 'tlrs. I..u.
clnda Howe of Brattleboro , Vt. While
throwing a brol\On dish down a GO.
foot embanlement , she slipped and tell
tbo whose distance 10 the bottom of
the buff ] , yet she escaped with scarce.
] y a scratch.
- -
Palace Believed to Have Been Built
by Simon the Maccabee , One of
the LateGt Dlscoverles-Pleil for
Funds to Carryon Work.
"SUII another Interesting and late
discovery Is what Is regarlled b ) ' the
excavator as a 1Ialaco buill b ) ' Simon
the 1\1accabee. An account of the
slego allll conquest of the city by this
man Is gra1lhlcall ) ' given In I. Mace.
13. For many reasons , one oC which
Is the finding of an il1111recatory In.
scrlIJtlon calling down destruction
UIJon Simon himself , thla Is thought to
be the very 1110. co occupied by this In.
tre1lld l\laccabean leador. The castle
Is a mammoth affair and there Is a
largo courtyard just Insldo the gate-
war. There are numbers of chambers ,
the use of which Is only a conjecture
at Ilresent , as some of them have no
olenlngs , and as nothing has been
found within thom to } lolnt to their
IJllrlJOSe , 'fhe most Interesting part
of this I1I1aco Is It large plllarod hall ,
wlilch , l\lr. 1\lacal1stol' thIncs. ] shows
how Samson destroyed the Philistines
In the Temple of Dagon. 'I'ho stone
pl11ar bases , some of which were
found , WCl'e the supports , ho believes ,
of wooden IJOsts which , In turn. bore
up the beams of the roof. By IJ11sh.
Ing these } losts from stones on which
ther rested , the ruin of the temple
would be easily accomll1shed.
"LetIS hope thllt men of moans
may see to It that funds are furnished
for the further prosecution of this
wore , and that at the earliest possible
moment the splendid wore now being
done by the University of Chicago In
the far-away East may bo duplicated
In the Hey ] Land Iteelf. The Paestino ]
Exploration Fund and other societies
arc worthy of all honor for what they
have done and IIro doing to-day , but
AmerIcll ought not to bO content to
allow all the lahor and all the honor
to be accredited to other nations , Let
America be aroused and do her part
In this worthy and most wonderful
worlc.-Rov. Lowoll'n ] I . Henson ,
D. D. , in "Records of the Past. "
Limit of Steadiness.
Charles O. Gates , lunching at the
New York Athetic ] club , said of sue.
cess :
"I think that In analyses of success
too mucb credit Is gIven to plodding ,
to regulllrlty , to stealllness. Whllo the
regular , stead ) ' plodrlCi Is never Idle ,
It Is also true of him that ho Is sel.
dom on fire wllh ener ! ; ) ' and zeal.
"Plodding Is vcry 'veil when spnrts
of flery zeal diversity It , Otherwise It
Is not apt to land a man among the
"I remember whell I lived In St.
Louis getting a Job for ono of these
steady , plodding chaV9. .
"A-montb or so af orward. meeting
the man for whom the plodder war ] , .
cd , I said :
" 'Well , how Is Harry doing ? '
" 'Oh. all right , I guess , ' the ma
"Thero was no enthusiasm In his
voice and so , to lelndle him up , I said :
" 'Isn't he sober ? Isn't he steally ? '
" 'Steady ? ' said the man. 'Indeed , ho
Is tead ) ' . He'a mlrhty stead ) ' . In
Cact , If he was mfllh stead lor ho
wouldn't 11I0e at nil : "
Envious Cilnal1a.
There Is a g. " ! II rp : ! I 'If ' gush abe ll
the charming [ t nl ) nll.conquerlng
American girl. What Is the truth
ahout this lIIuch-lllIllerl ! damsel ? The
most attractlvo American Is she who
Is educated ahroad , who Imitates the
\'olce of the English woman and the
( lress of the French woman. and who
uses the money accruing from Chi.
cage per ] , or New Yorle Rtocls to buy ,
so far aN auch thing ! ! mil ) ' be bought ,
the Old World graces ot speech and
ntt1ro.-Canadlan Magazine.
. .
, ' : ' ;
. .
_ . .
. - . - . . . . . , .
' "
I For Infants and Childron.
'D ' r ail , ' ; III ' , ' : \ r. . , The Kind Yon Have
r. ' , . ' : I
If.- ( ' . ,
# ' : ; ' I
: Mh ' , ; ; : . ' ? , ,1.TT , . , Always Bought
A\rcgdablc Prcpnrlliiopfor As- , .
slmUnting IImFood nndnc uIa-
tlngUSlomnchsnILDm \ " lsor. . Bears the
Promotes Digeslion.Chccrru
ncs5l1nc1 Rest.Contalns neIther '
9j1lum.Morphlno : nor1oi1\.craL [ of
' '
'M I
, .
. .
.I/x.r . _ ; . SerJ. .
&M.l SJIil- , .
Anile &wi I
Il - n
/l r . .
1 .rNJ.-
Apcrfccl sr ncm lly forConstJplI. , U S e
non , Sour StomnchDiarrhoCl\
I\CSS l\t1l1 Loss Ol SUE' " F 0 r 0 V e r
Thirty Years
. TN' OI..Aun .O..ANY. tlCW yona eln. ,
That Delightful Aid to Health
axt 1tt
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth-purifies
mouth and breath-cures nasal
catarrh , sore throat , sore cyes ,
and by direct appicatlon cures
all inflamed , uicerated and
catarrhal conditions caused by
fcmininc ills.
Paxtine posscsscs extraordinary
cleansing , healing and genm.
cidal qualitics unlike anything
ese. At all druggists. 50 ccnts
The R. Paxton Co. , Doston. Mass.
} Thompson's Eye Water
thrco Kreat llUrliults
hn\'o lignin IIhown
wondertul result ! ! on
lIfagnll1ccnt cllmato-farmers plowing In their
shirt sleo\'eliin the mhldlo of Novcmber.
"All are bound to 1 > 0 moro than plense < l with
the I1nal rcsult ! ! of the past scason's l1 rvest.-
ConI , 'Wood"ater , hay In nI.JUndance-scboolll ,
churchcs , marllOts convcnlent.
This Is the ern ot eloo whcnt.
Apply for Informntlon to Superintendent of
Immigration. Ottawa , Cannan , or to authorlzel1
Cnnadlan Go\'crnment llent-'V. V. Hennett ,
801 New Yorle J.lfu Hulldlng , Omahn. Nebrnskn.
( Mention thlll Imper. )
No doubt you'l ! need II. coe
thll setson.
: Malee no mhtalcoIt's the kind
that'a guaranteed to keep you dry
nnd comfortable In the hudest
atorm. 101:1110 : In DlnckorYel-
low. SoldbyaUrellabledealers. ;
oWEJt O.l.If.l.DIAIf 00. , Lt4 ,
Torollto. Can.
Backache :
gives woman some of her most
miserable and wretched hours.
Along with the b ckache , generally -
ally como headache , waist pain ,
failing feelings , Irritability , nervousness -
ousness and the blues , Have
you these periodical troubles ?
If so , you tnay know that they-
are due to disease of some of
the most Important organs of
your body , organs that should
get help or , In time , through
weakness , will wreck your
health and life. Help them to
health with
Says /I\rs. Dlanc1.1e E. Stcphanou , of
1228 S. 42nd Ave. , Chicago , "I suf-
ferell miserably for flvo (5) years
with n const.1llt pain In my bade and
right sldo nnd although my hu band
employed several of the best doctors
In this great city , not one could glvo
mo relief. At last I toole Wine of
Carllul , which rellevcll my plIn , prevented -
vented an peratlon and restored mete
to health. " It Is It wonderful cllra-
tlvo medicine for all womens' Ills.
Try It. C J
At all Druggists $1.00
. .From Manufaoturor to Uoor. .
, . . . . . . . . . . .
with \oublo \ .r. .m. beam boz IInd wehrh bookl
w lijht . "Ollt li1JO 11',1 0111. ) '
It h. . It.el fr'uue allli euthlulf II..boYell1'Oulld.
g rt'rn ' \ Jtll r I o , ? , : : ; : : , : a .1 : : :
.Ir. . . NOllrn k16upply ! 00. , Omoho , Nab.
ltererOIl. . . " t'lnt Natloll..1 . Dank. . . .
must tully ) 'Irotert . .n Inventloll , Dook1et and.
n k lalen < 1Rr FIU'.I' . HIghest referencel.
CommunlcntloliR conft.lontlrl. EIIAhUlhcd ISGI.
1I.10n. : Fenwick & L .wrenco , Wuh1ncLon , D. U.
" ' . N. U. . UlUuhn. No. ta-tUOO.
is 'the triumphant result of forty years of carn < ; st effort devoted
entirely to the science of pure foods. The superiority of Dr. Prict"s
Food over other cereal foods cannot be questioned. It's the kind of
food that strengthens the nerves , restores tone to inactive muscles
nnd assists in establishing healthy action to the bowels. '
P3Iat3blc-NutritiouB-E sy of mgostiort : md Ocady to Eat
Cnn bo served hot. Pulln a hot even for a few minutes ; or cook In boiling milk to a mush.
100 a paclagc. For Snle by rl .rlnnaturf1 I' l > t ' 68
A.lnu ! ' ' ' uourIMlu".nt Grocers I on ; ( ) % rt . . _ _ I'
aM a Joavc" or IIrt'ati gO . . . . ' .I . > . .c.
Dr. Price , the famoul food expert , th creator of Dr. Prlce'll Cre m Daklng Powder , Delidoul
Flavorln ! : Extrocts , Ice Cr aJ 8 gar and Jelly Dessert'S , has never beeI' ! cemrelledt
notwlth'tandlng strenuous 1I'00d hAwl to chang" any of his I'roduct . They have alway.
conformed to their requirement. . Thl. Is an absolute cuanntee of their quality aad ount )
. .