Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 19, 1906, Image 8

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. . .L IoIIL. .
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, . 'C ' . , , ; ' ' " Col ,7 O . .d ' . b ( \ ' ! r. Jr1J. C ) 1 g t ) " ) , vV d er
fJ . . fI' 1 , ' ! t . . , . .
CO " 11 " ' : ' 1 t , rB.11 t , " fi . TI , [ J " m " r ) j { . . . < } IJ ' g. ; ; , ' ( La kJO t i
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the lt i Use ) ri y o""lder
, _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . - q
, , rho 'Rabel S. 1'WS' ' ( it to be
n1af , . ' , "itMl Cre8Jl1 c f tartar.
'w - . " . , . . . . ' " , " . , . . . . , . '
" .
1 "It. \ ) , . "r . . .L. : " ; -1 . . . . _ - Ao. . . C ; 1 f ( IJ. I. . . 'oJ l1.-.ll1 1 b t'Y10g
: enl ' tl ) Royal Baking Powder ,
. .
t. , b ' , f tartar
WulC.l. . IS the eft Cl'ealn 0
baking po"wder , that can be had. "
- '
- -
H'W 1 on TIME T ABl [ '
, _ _ - - - '
n BROKEN BUW. t'i1B. ' :
' 1.Ineol. . , D . . 'V r ,
OlUuba. altHe" , . ,
CbleuKo , lI.lttc ,
" 't . .lo..cortln"d ,
1&.1" . " cu. " , " " " 1l\k" CII ,
tot. Lou" . . And Hnn .truneIHI"
AIJ.poluttt nH' . . .IS " . . ' -01.1'
A11 , .outla Wern.
NO. 4U deputs : for lho caRt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , :2 : < ) a. nl.
No. 4Z arrl veil. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11I:411 : a. III.
No.'I4 arrres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:45 : II. III.
I WUST 110"1'111. '
HO. 39 arr'\'e'l ' : ' ? theea l. . . . . . . . . . . . ( , : ZiI p. III.
1'(0.41 : ir-lYe' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7U : a. '
no. tJ arrlvell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:54 : a. III.
: hll. 41 and 41 : 'I aka local 8top frolll 11I'1
" 'O\ ,
'ONQ8. . 4 ] alld 44 . re throulI'h tralllll allli lIIake
connection. for Ueadwood snd all polut910 the
Black llllls.
3'1 hnd 40 do not ruu weill of IJrOKeU IIOW.
Sleeplnil' , dlnlull' aud recllulnll' cbalr cars
( seats free ) on throulCh trains. 'rlckehl sold ami
bllnragO cllecked to any Iolut lu the Uulted
StateR and Cauada.
For Informatica. lIIap , . tlllle lahles allli tick-
etll call'ou er write to II. L. Or1llHb1. RlCent , or
L. W. 'Vakeley. G. I' . d. . Olllaha. Nebraska.
II. L. OltMBIlY. AlCeul.
Attorney at Law _
Broken Bow , Nobr. .
tIulnlt Just bad ellCht ) 'enrs practical eXl'er
IrnCe as Dounty JudICe. wllllClve special alteU
tloll to the drawlull' alld probathllC of wills and
tile adnllnllltratlon of estates of deceasClI Ier-
Ions al1d mluors. Write or IIhollll lIIe. I ilia ) '
DaYe y " JI trip ,
. . . . . . . . .Uerd Ilended 113/ . . . . . . . . .
( 'rlmon BroU No .71 03
. . . .
J. ( ; ' . RENIZER , llreeael f
Pllrl Scotch and Scotch Toppe.1 Shurt lIorn
Cattle. My berd nlllllberll 40 COWR. Will COlli-
pare hi breeding' and Quail ! ) ' with an ) ' WCRt of :
Cllicago My oxpetleuco haR tauR'ht me that tll
II'ITe aroodaatlsfactloll , br dluR' cattle mn8t be
. . . . . . . .I'f1I. . thl" . . . .tUuCle. I cxpect to
"AI"ltbettllu re tbe equAl of any thinII'
ral.ed IQ'b" U. S. I now bno25bullll IIlIltable
Jar tllIs.aud next : rear's Renlce. My COW8
.MelR'l1 from 1400 .
to 2000 pounds. Come and 8ee
. ; Cr.r.r.r
Gweler and O tician I
Side Square ,
roken Bow ,
. Nebraska. I
. J
. .
A Fund ( or the Japl.
' \Ve have been requested to receive -
ceive contributions for the Japs
in response to the appeal of our
President to the citb'.ens of the
United States and the proclamation -
mation of Gov. Mickey , calling
upon the people of Nebraska to
make generous contribution for
the 2,000,000 sutTering people in
northern Japan.
In order that the people of
Brol < en Bow and vicmity may
have an opportunity to contribute
to this catl for help the HHl'UIII.I-
CAN will receive such contributions -
tions that an.y may he disposed
to ma1 < e and forward the same to
11' . 1\1. Sisson , Chaplain of the
First Hegiment , Nehraska National -
tional Guards , at South Omaha ,
who has been appointed to take I
charge ot the Nebraska contri- I
hu tions.
1. rom week to week we will
publish the names and amounts
contributed-if a sufficient rc.
sponse justifies it ,
C. H. Miller. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I 00 ,
James Whitehead. . . . . . . . 500
A. J. Elliott. . . . , . . . , . . , . . 2 00
Mrs. R. A. Hunter. . . . . . . 5 00
N. ! { . f4ee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
Prairie Center School Dist. 25 78
Union S. S. 'Vahyorth. , . . 7 l ( )
Physician SurgeOI !
2nd fHalrwlI ) ' from WMt end In Realty Ulre"
residence. 8rd welt M. R. churoh , on Mamo hl
of ureet. lIroken Bow. Nebrap. .
DR. C. B. JOB ,
Physician and Surgeon
Officc 1\1111 rcsidcnce one block south of
Rycr501 ! & Gcorgc's store.
. . . . . . Deliler In. . . .
l'nmlli. Wind , M1IIe , Tanke. Fittings , 01\801ln.
&n81I1ell. ete. etc.
Broken now , Nobrukll.
I DR. W. H. COLE ,
Diseases of all the lowcr'animal ! ! trent.
cd. Officc at Lec Bros. d g store.
'lhone 203 , Brokcn Bow , Neb.
Dmt : R U. & W. E. TALBUT.
I OlDoo ever Ulleberlo' & Drug Btore.
8ro tC\n How. - NGhra. "
DR. c , PICKE'r'r ,
Prof ssor of Psychology ,
I.incoln Medical Col1cge. Office at
residence , onc.half block cast of U.
B. Church. Chronic dlscases given
special attcnhon. 'Phone 147.
- - .
. .
. 1i -
. : . are dealers in Heal Estate of all kindg.
WE We will buy or sell , Don't fail to see
'Ii ' ! ! , , s before you buy or sell. W can do
. you good. Collections made an l insur- !
I ance wntten. Farms rented and taxes paid. Sce
* us for farm Joans. Come in and see us. ; ' I
. .
If you are looking for the Quality of
lumber and Building Malerial
for the Lcast Monev let us figure on your bill , . . .
\Ve always try to please.
H. T. BRUCE' " CO.
South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb.
. a - " ' - _ : . - ' : "TliJ 11" " "f.
' ,
In Memoriam
WlIHltltAl ! , It hnR pleClllcd Gotl , Ihc
. , ivcr of life 111111 UHht , to cull fW11I our
lilldst our hclovccl III'Itcr , l\I'rtle Groce
5heppnrtl , allli
Where ! l. III thc death of 19ter Shcp.
, our order hllR Itllt ! au 1IIIII00edllId
Iclovcd nlemhcr ; our hrother , ' n 10vltlJ'
and devotel wlfc ; hcr chilli , ( I killd IItlll
pntlcnlllloUler. 'fhcreore hc iL
Rmnr.\'lill , 'fhat we , Ihe IIlcmhers of
Bcrwlek Cnslle No.2. ' . Itoynl Illghlllllder ,
our hcnrtll louchecl III 1I'lIIpnlhy , our
hcaclR } .owed ill Rnrrow ( or lhe hcreavcl ,
cxtenll 10 our hrother , I.ulc Sheppltfll
a 11I1 family our hcnrtfelt s'mpnlhy in
this , thclr hour of nfllictioll 111111 IIssure
our hrothcr lhnt wiLh u fltenrlf'l ! l trust ill
the " ' Rulcr of thl' l'lIlversc 1111/1
thc IU / hercllcc to Chrlstlnn priuciplc
will lead to tlllll heautiful home he'oll ( i
thc clouds where joy Is cvcrlnsting aud
loved oncllnevcr part. AIIII furthcrtJlore
he iL ,
Rltsor.vJtIJ , 'fhlllll COP ) ' of thesc resolutions -
lutions ht. sprclIII UpOIl the rcr.ortlR of
our castlc 111111 u copy he sellt to our he-
lovcd brothcr.
DatedlhiR 3rd day of April , 1906.
, J. D. WIr.SON ,
' 1' vo block north ef Orand Oentral 1I0tel. . fat
r .nngo 'oUr-I"lfl "rll" ' " ttI."u"ulo" .
- - - -
- - - - - -
By speciat arrallgemcnts with the Weckly
Intcr Ocelln-the on It weckly publishetl
by 11 grcnt Chicago dnily-wc arc able lo
olTcr our relUlcrs an assorlmett of choicc
Rosc Hushcs FRIm with cvery subscription -
tion to Tmt RItI'UIH.ICAN. These Rose
BU'lhcs are grown exprcss y for this olTer
and If ' 11) ' May 1st shoulll prOtlucc
a supp ) ' of rOSCR thlll sumlller.
Select any ( , of this Ust.
No. 1- Helen Gould , retl.
No. 2-\laman : Cochet , pink. .
NO.3-While 1\1nman Cochel.
No. 4-molle de I.yon , Jcllow.
No. 5-l\1cteor , crimson.
No. 6-Gcn. Jacquumiuot , bright red.
No. 7-Clotlllldc Soupert , pink , deep
centcr ,
No. 8-Kaiserin Auguste Victorn , white.
No. 9-I.a France.
No. Ia-Bridcsmaid , pink.
No. II-Crimson Ramber , rcd climber.
No. I2-Ycl1ow Rambler , y'cllow climber ,
No. I3-Pink Rambler , pink climbcr.
No. 14-Whitc Rnmhlcr , white clllnber.
No. Is-Mad. lrltIciska Kruger , fnwn
and copper yellow.
No. 16-Auroru , silvery rink.
No. 17-Prcsidcnt Carnet , blush rose.
No. 1M-Burhank , dcep pink.
No. 19-1Icrmosa. clcar pink.
No. 2a-Frnncis E. WilInnl , pure whitc.
No. 21-Bouquet of GeM , golden yellow.
No. 22-Winnie Davis , apricot pink.
Cost does not enter 1I1lo this olTer.
The publishcrs ) of The Wcekly Inter
Ocenn have absolutcly disregarded cx-
pense in having these Rose Plants grown .
( or our readers.
The price of 'l'he Weekly Inter Occan
1 yenr is always 1.00. The price of
this paper one year is $1.00. Until May
1st you have the opportunity of securing
both papers ecah enc year 111111 six beautiful -
ful rose bushcs ( or only $1.55.
In orderinJ { Rosc Plants , designate hy
uumber only.
Ordcr today ntlll ha\'c Roses for Junc.
G \'c dntc plants are to he dclivcred.
, 'General Custer. "
. For Sale !
. ,
Percheron Stallions
- - -
J. ' 1' . Cole and son have just
returned from Illinois bringing
I with them two fine , tborougb-
bred PercberolJ stallions , They
are fine specimens of the Perch.
erQn family ; dapple-gray and
weigh about 1950 pounds each.
Parties interested' may see tbem
at the bani , 4 miles north of
Broken Bow. "
Try The Republican for
' ' 1 ' - . , , , -.c.- , =
: .
: '
" , . _ _ _ - . , _ _ . . . . . _ _ . ' . . , . - . ,
. , .I ' 4
' (
Soda Crackers ;
anything you choose-milk for n5tance or atone. ; I-
At every meal or for a munch between meals , when
you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant
corner. in the morning when you wake hungry , or at
night just before going to bed. Soda crackers are 50 ,
light and easily digested tUat they make a perfect food at I
times when you could not think of eating anything else.
Dut as in all other things' , there is .t differenc in sod '
crackers. the superlative being , ,
Uneeda Biscuit ' " Q
' \
a soda cracker 50 scientifically baked that all the nutritive - I
tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed- )
a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is
pre5crvcd : fur you.
ff 0Y u cell l' I
Hoome 8 and 9 , Realty lIIoclc , IIrl1kun nnw , Nt\b.
' . SNYDI H ,
J to'1.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law ,
Pcnsions and all kinds of governllleni
claims , and 11 gcnerallaw practice. Ot.
flce : Hast1\1ain Strect , 1st door east of
Burlington Hotel , n > k.1t Bow , Ncb.
Heal eatate Dud loan broker. OlUce In AI pic
"lock IIrol"n How. Nohrukl\ .
R gistered O. 1. C. I-Iogs
CIIAS. T. WRIGIIT , Broken Bow , Neh'
Palace BarbeJr Shop
For first-class work , call al the Palace
Illlrher Shop. Hverything
U O DEAN , Proprietor.
- - -
. Legal Notices.
All ndyert\6emellt \ under tblll he8d wl\1 \ be
charged for at II\IIal rattll , vb : : 81.00 1)l'r square
for lIr8t InRertlon. and 60c per aquaro for e8cb
lub8equent Inllertlon.
A. " 8qullre" 1& Len IInee or fraction thereof.
In the Couuty Cou'rt. CUHter Conuty Nebraska
Whcreas. Mary J. Burllu has thl 17th da ) '
of Allrll. 1\106. flied her P.tltloll ! III this court.
wherein she allelfes that sbc IK the widow of
IIrulonllI. Ullrlln. who died IlItcstate an 111'
habltaut IIf this couut ) . , belliI : ' tbo oWller of aud
havlul . : ' au IMelest In uo propcrt ) " excellt lot
U\.ch'c In block Klx , In the vlllaire of Merna.
this couuty , allli of thc vallie of uot to exceed
$700.\ 1111 unincumbered allli that the same Is
wholly cxellllltcd from attachmeut , ( xecutlon
or othcr mesll pro"es. b ) " reason of behlll' a
hOlllestead. also sbowhlll thc names. allcs aud
residence of each of the helnl of sat.1 decea8cd.
allli praylnll for a fllIIl uf "uch facts allli a decree -
cree de"llI'uatluil tbe 'hclrs. lIetthlll a..ldc sat.1
premlsls to hcr as a homcRteal. aud .tlsleushlll
with rOlfular allIIlulstration. allli such lither
facts. IIl1dhllCK a 11I1 decrec. . as al'tear more
, , \Ccltlc lu , ; ahl pctltloa. It III accordluilly .11-
n'cte,1 that said Ilctitiou be heanl at thlK unic"
IIn thc 15lh day of May. 1000. at 10 o'clock a. m.
when all Interescllarties will he hcard. aud
tllat this ordcr be Iluhllshe.1 IU the Custer
County HCllublican. a ueWHpallCr Ilubllshed In
thlh Cuunty. for thr. " "uccessh' . ! WI'CkK.
[ liRA I. ) A. 1 . .IIUMI'lltRCuuut ) . JUlhce.
J. A. AItMOUIt. Att' ) ' . 45-47
' 1'0 Chas. Blllhill's allli Prauk Curtis :
You allli each of y"u are hereb ) ' uotlflc.1 that
ou Jul ) ' 27 , 1\ ) . the undcrsillned. U. M. A III s-
berr ) " . l'urchae,1 at Irlvate tax . .ale frulll the
treasurer of Uuster County. Nebraska thc fol-
lowlllll' .t.'scrlbed real estate situate In Custcr
COUll ! ) ' . Nch ( lska , to.wlt : I.ot 5 In IHocl ( 17 of
the orflclual towu of Urokeu Uow.
Sat.1 Halc was lIIade for the taxcs levle,1
aud assesse.1 allalnKt said lot for the years IS')7
to 11) ( ) IIIclu..I\'e. alllt Kal.1 U. M. AlIIsberr ) ' ha > !
pal.1 thll taxes assessed allalnst sal.llot for thc
) 'earslC)03 alllllcO . .
'I'he taxeK allahl > ! t sat.1 lot were assessed to
Prank lurtls. . . sahl Chaw. UlllhlilS Is thc owuer
ot said lot of reconlln fce simple.
A fler the eXIlratiou of two years from thc
date of sal.lllUrchaso I w1l1 allpl ) ' to the treas.
urer of said count ) ' for a dee.1 to sal.1 lot.
Uate.1 this 4th da ) ' of Allrll. 1'O .
4J. 6 1 > . 1\1. AMslJltltlt\ ' .
NO'l'ICI' 'ro NON-IU SIl > gN'I' U1' ,
lu District Court of CURtCr' Couwty , Nebraska.
Jame" WUOlI
Jcsse nan , ! ) ' , et al.
Jesse nand ) ' , M. I . Gaud ) ' . 'Vet.leufehl &
Co. , a co-partller8hlp. not Incorporated. Cln-
cluuatus I , . Hravcs. allli wlCeIn. : . . Clucluuatus
I' ' . Hra\'cs. whosc lint allli further nallle Is un-
kuowu Charlell n. Pclham a 11I1 Mrs. Charles D.
l'clham his wife. who.e first alld further name
Is uukllowu ; W. C. U. Alltm.and In. W. C. 11.
Atleu. whuso lint a 11I1 furthlJr uame Is UII-
kuown. Patrick Kllfoll , Oscar M. Packard and
1\Irs. Oscar M. I'ackard.hls wlCc. whose flr8t
aud further nalll" Is uuknowu ; John J. Dowuey
a 1111 Mrs. JollII J. Dowllcy. his wlfc. whnso I1nt
ami further uame Is ullkilOWU ; Mar ) ' " 'Iood.
former ! ) ' Mary HClrau.1 and hushaml Mlche"t
" 'Iood , will ta"e lIotlcc : that UII the 7th lIa ) ' uf
March.1COt } . the plaintiff , JamlJs Wool. lIIe.1
his I.etltloll III the UI..trlct Court of Custer
Cc.Ullt ) ' , Nebra8ka. all'alust ) ' 011 ami . .ach of
yoU and Allua Walsh alld hcr hllsbaud William
Walsh. Ihe ubJect and Ira'er of which are to
foreclose a certalll tax salc certll1cate Issued to
the lIald Jamell Wood b ) ' Custer Count ) . . Ne'
I bra"ka , which salll tax certillcate Is .IMl,1
October 21st. 11103. aud Is C"r thp tax for tilt !
) 'ears 1SS7 : : , IMS3. lIiS9.:1890. 1891 , lS'J : : . IS/I , 1M/H.
1R')5 , 1111)6 , IS91. Ib98. IS ? ? 1900. 11)01. allli covers
tlm followlllil described propertv In thc viliall'e
oC Ualc , Custer Coullty. Nebraska. Io-wlt : Lotll
. . . . . , . . . . . . 13 , I , IS. I Ill.Ii and
18 tll lIIock Ir , . All of blockll 16 aud 11. I.otll
11.12.13 , H. 15 III 17 allli 18 III llIock 18. Lots
1.2,3. II , H , IS. 16. Ii , and 18111 JIIock 19. I.ots
1.2.3 alld 4 In blck 10. Lot f ) . III mill I1ln
I hlock II. Lutlll , 11.7 allli S lu hlock 12.
I.otlll , 2. 3. 4,5 , U. 7. 8. 1),10. 11. 12. H , . 17 aud 18
lu hlock 14. All of hlock 2 : : . I.ollln bloCK 23.
: tI1l1 I.ots 1,2.3.4,5,6.7. S.I ) ami 10 In IIlock ,
all In Halll vlllalc of Dale as afore ahl. allli
waq for thc sum of $183.'iO which amouut .lrawR
15 per cellt IntereHt from ItK date , ; u paid ; that
plalutlff has paid "Kllbseqllent" taxes ou salll
Iremillell as followlI :
I'or the . . year 19112. lIald Oct. 2111))3. ( " . " , . . . $3 20
1'103. " MallIl.IW . . . . . . . . . . . 3 'J ( ,
The said alllolllltll .1ra\\\lIterest \ at If > t r
centum pcr anllUIl1 froUl their dates. Plailltlff
pray" for decrlJc of forcclosurc of ! oald certlfl.
catc and subseqnent receipts and thaL lIald
I'rcmllle8 may be sold to satlsh' the all10unt so
found duc.
YOII arc required to answer IIalll petition 011
or before the 7th day of Ma ) ' . I'JOI.
Date.1 this 27th da ) ' of March. 11)116.
JAM ! ! ! ! WooD ,
42.45 By IIIR attorney , AI.I'IIA l\IOItGAN.
United States Laud Onicc. t
Broken Bow. Nebraska.Much : 13,1906. f
Notice IR tereb ) ' III veil tbat tile followhll : '
uamed hettler haK filed lIotice of hlR Intelltlou
to makc finaillrouf In 8uppurt uf his clalll1. allli
that sat.1 proot will bc made befure Heilister
a 1111 Hecelver at Brokeu Bow , Nebrahka. on
April 2 . llOJ. vlz : JOliN ' 1' . nUPl"MAN ,
Mllbnru , Nebraska. for the IIW sc . eVe RW } .
so ( IIW8ectlon ! 25. towlIshll ) : :0 N , rallll'e 21 W.
llc uame" the Collowlull' wltllc"scs to prove bls
contilluous re < ; ldcnce UPOII and cultlvatlou of
sat.llalld. vlz : JameH B. llartsou. of Mllbllrn ,
ebraKka : Stephen Dally. of Milburn. Nebraska -
ka ; 'rhaddells Leep. of Milburn , Nebraska ;
I"rcllerlck Sulder , oC 1\IIIburn , Nebraska.
40-45 JA IIS WUITIIII\I1. ReR'llIter.
United States Lalld Onice. t
Ilrokell 1I0w. Nebraska. Marcb 10. 1906. f
Notl e Is hereb ) ' R'lvcn that the followhlll'
named set tllJr has file.lllotice of his Illtention
tt lIIake I1l1al proof III support of his clalll1. alld
that salll Noof will bc made before Reilister
alld Rccciver at Broken 1I0w. Nebra ka. 011
April J. 1900. vlz : ALEY A. WINCIIES'I'ER.
Allscllllo. Nebraska , for the sw Section 33 ,
township 20 North. Hange 2J West. lle nan'ell
the followhll : ' wltllesHes to prove his coutilluous
resldencc upon and cllltivation of said laull.
vlz : UI'lIsls C. Street , of Broken Bow , Ne-
tlraska : 011l1 R. Street. of Brokeu Bow. Nebraska -
braska ; rllOmas T. Winchester , ofe lloosler.
Ncbranka. Elias II. Johnson. of lloosler. Ne-
4U-45 Heilister.
Uulted States Lallli Onice. t
IIrokclI now. Nebraska. March 16tb , 1906. f
NOllcc IR hereby Illven tltat the followIng.
nalllClI settler has lIIe.1 uotlce of his Intentlou
to malIlIual proof In 8Upport of hts claIm. and
that Raid proof will be made before Rell'lster
allll HecelvlJr at IIrnkell IIOW , Nebraska. on
April. : ! 6 , 1')0 ( , . vlz : PI TI R W. UOOLtY.
llruk.u IIOW. ebraska. 011 the ue ( . Section 3 : : .
Towushlpl ! ! N. , Ranlle2l1 . IIc names tile
followh'll wltnesslJ > ! to I' rove his contllluuua
rellld.mce upon allli cultlvatloll of ald laud.
vlz : ( : us Arthur oC IIroken uow. Nebra8ka ;
Alia IIrn'le. of nrokeu IIOW. Nebra8ka : yo'raucls
Muhatt. of IIroken JlOlY. Nebraska ; Arthur
Mohatt. of lIrokeullow. Nebraska.
41.46 JAMEII WIIITKIlKAIl. Rell'llIter.
Uulted States Laud Onicc.
Brokeu 1.Iow , NebraRka , AIrll 6.1906. }
Notice Is hereby II'lvell tbat thc fllllowiull'
1111I\1e.1 Kettler hall lI1e.lnotlce of hili Intention
to make flualproof In IInpport of hIs clalll1. and
that Raid proof will be lIIade before Heilister
and Hccelver at Brok.'n Ho\\ ' . Nebraska : . on
JUJe 5.1906. vlz : JOlIN P. BI LL. of .New
IIclella. Nebraska. for tile nw ' sw , . S sw } ,
IIW lIe ' Scctlou 35 , 'rownshlp 20 North. Hallll'e
: ! l 'Vest. IIc names the CollowlulZ' wltne8Re to
prove hl coutlnuous resldenco IIpon and cultl-
\'atlon of said laud.'Iz : Carl I . Bowlllan. of
New lleleua. Nebrallka ; William S. Uoman , of
New Helena. NebraRka ; Oll"er L. Swick. of
Ncw Helena. Ncbraska ; Cah'lu. C. Sny.ler , of
Now lIelena. Nebraska.
44,4'J JAMKS WIlITUIIIAII. Heilistcr.
Uulte.1 States I.alld Omce. l
: \orth Platte. Nebrasl.a , April 7 , 1906. r
Notlcc Is hereby II\'eu that thc follllwlnl-
lIame.1 settler lias fIIcd lIotlce of his lutcntlon
to lIIake flnallroof In IlIIpport of his claim. aud
that said Iroof will be madc before A. R. lIulII-
, ) ' Jlldlle. at his unice at U rokeu
1I0w. ! ' cbr..ka. on May : ? ! I. 1900. vlz : JOll J.
I'IIIr.I1'S. . N , who made homestead ento' No.
18.'I..s. for tha lIe Section 10 , Towullhlp 16 ro. ,
Hanll'e 2 Wcst. He nallllJS the followhllr wit.
IIClSellS to irove his coutlnllous relldcllce upon
allli culth-atlon of RaId laud. vlz : l'Iels ' Knu.t-
heu. uf lIrokcll Uow. Nebraska ; Uavld Coulter.
of IIrokcn UowNebraHllaJohn ; Koch.of Uroken
lIow , NlJbms a ; l harlcs Cutulcr , uf lIrokeu
I Uow , Nebraska.
: 4.t--l1J ( ROItOR E. 1.'ltINCII , Rell'lster.
United StatlJs I.and Onicc. l
: \orth 1'lattlJ. l'ilJbrasWa , AIrll 7. If.106. r
: \otlce Is hereby II'I\'eu tbat the followhllC
uamed hlJttler bas flied lIotice of bl8 lutcntlon
to makc IInal proo11u snpport of his clallll. alld
that lal.1 Jlroof will be made before the Relllllt < ! r
allli Receiver at North 1)latte. Nebras.a. on
Ma'I'J. 1'\J. vlz : JOg MAHT IN.yho m3de
hOllllJstcad lJutr ) ' NO It 6.'O. for tile e ne ' Sec-
tlou H. ' 1'ownshll.1 j North. Hanile West.
lIe lIallles the followhllr wit nllsses to Irove his
coutinuoull rlJsldeuce UIIII allli cultivation of
wahilallll , vlz : James Merritt. of Urokell Bow ,
Nehraska ; Josepb' Obde. of Urokell 1.Iowe -
bra"'a : Ernest Booth , of Urollcn Bow. Nebras.
ka ; WlI1lalll Dawson.of UroLeu ! Jow. Nebra ka.
4I' ) tUOltGJ > I . . 'ICUNCII , Helrlster ,
In Dilltrict Court of Custer Couut ) ' , Nebraska.
Mary I. . a.ler , ' ,
I.ena Tschu.tI. et al. I' i
'rhe defeudantll. Leua T3chu.1I an,1 J.P.
'l'I'chlldl. her hU8baud. who..e flrRt aud furtblJr
n\ll1e : 18 IInknowu to plalnllff. will take uotlce w
that on the 3d day of April. 100. the Illalntlff ,
l1Ied her petltlou lu the Ulstrlct Court of Custer
loullt ) ' . NebraRka. . alfaln t ) 'ou alld each of
) 'OU and yo. . ll. Gilchrist I.umber COIIIPany. tile \ I !
object alld prayer of which Is to ha'e cau- ,
celled. annulle.1 sct allide alld dlscharlfe.1 as all , /
appareut cloutl ou tile title to the Nortb East
qllarter of Section Twentv.three. TowlIshll )
Seventeeu. North Hanll'e Twelltyfou. . . Went nf
thc ! , ; Ixtb 1' . M. . Custer COllllty. Nebraska. a
certain purported aced Iflven by the hald Mary
L.Mader to the Raid I.ella Tschudl on J'ebru.
ary. : ! 3d. 11103. and filed for record In the Hell- 1
Ister of Deedll onice of said Ouster Couut ) ' . Ne.
braska. ou 2nd day Marcb , 1903 , and recordc,1 !
hi Book 4 of the deed records of sat.1 County.
Iage 3J : . Plalutlffs declare said dee.1 allli Ihe !
execlltlon tbereof Is a forllcry. allli Rhe pra11 l
that title to said lalld8 bp. Qllltcd In her. You
are rCQlllrcd to auswer lIal.1 petition on or before -
fore tbb 14th day of May , 1900.
Dated this 3d da } . of April , 1906.
MARL. . MADRR , II ) ' lIer attorney
43-16 I.PIIA MOItGAN. ,
United StateK LandOnice. t
Broken Bow. Nebraska. AprilS. 1906. r
Notice 18 hercb ) ' Illven that the fullnwlnl : "
uallled , ; ettler ha filed notlc. ! uf hili Intentlou
to makc lIual proof In slIport uf hi. ; claim allli
tbat lIald pmuf will be lIIa.le h..r..e Heilillter ;
alld HecelvlJr at IIrolccu Buw. N..h. . un 1\1 a ) ' III. "
1'J06 , vlzl MARY A. HICKMAN. Mcrna. Ne-
hra ka. for the lInw . e ' : J lI\d Scctlon 11 ,
township 18 N. . Rau'e 2t 'V. lIe Uall\l'1I tllc I
fOIlwlnll wltllelses to pmvc hi. . conthlllouK I
residence UIlU allli cnlUvalion IIf Raill land.
vlz : Oliver G. SlIIlth of M..rna. Ncbrahka : ,
OKborn C. Swick. of Merna. Nebraslca : IIcllr } ' I ,
L. WllllamslIf Merna. Ncbraska ; l-'redcrlckG. I
Brock. of Merna , Nebraska. I
43-4S J A ms 'VIIITRIlI > AII. ,
United States I.and Omce , t
North Platte. Nebraska. March IJ. 1Of1. f t
Notice 18 bereby II'lvell that the followlll ! : "
nallled settler has filed uotlce of his lutelltloll 'I
to make flllallruoC In SUplort of btH claim , alld . (
that Raid proof will be made beforc A. R. I
IIumpbrey , Coullty JudICe , at hili onicc at Broken -
ken Bow. NebraHka. on April 30. 11)I. vlz : 1
MAX KHAUSI . who made homestcad mitt ) '
No. l1i40 for thc w se , IIectlon 10. Inwnshlp
1 ( , North , ranlCe 21 West. He namell the fnllnw-
lug wjtnesses to prove his coutlnuous reRt.lence ,
upou aud clllth'ation of said land. vlz : Cbarles j
P. Gremm. gf Broken How , Nebraska. Emil .
G'Schwlnd. of Broken How , Nebra ka ; Johll
Palmer. of Brolcen 1I0w , Ncbraska : Ha ) ' Jeu.
khlH.of Nebraska.
: 4045 ( nORGI , I . I'ltu : > clI. Relrlhter.
Unlt. .1 States I.alld Onicc I
lIroken 1I0w , Ncbrallka. March 22. II/ ) ' . . f
Nottco Is bereb ) ' IClven tbat the followln\ : " I
named settler haR filed 1I0tice of his Intentloll
to make linal proof lu Rnpport IIf hi. . claim alld
that said pruot will he iliad" heforc Hel/lster
and Hecelver at l.Iruken How. NchraHka. ou
Aprll2 . 1906. vlz : WILI.'lAM A. l\1clN'rOSll
of 'Velsoert. N.braska , fllr the lIe ' scctilln 25. I
townllhlp 18 N. . RanlCe 19 W. lIe nam\ ! the
follow hIII' wltuesses to Irovc hi > ! cnntln uous :
resldeuce IIpon and cutllvatlon of sal.1 laOlI.
vlz : Arthur Cookslc ) ' , Albcrt ' 1' . Crowtber. I
Jalllell JlollR'S. Walter A. lIencc. all of Weissert. ;
Ncbraska. JAMRS WIIITmwAu. I
41. 6 HClllstcr. . ,
. i
lu the County CoUrt , Custer COUllt ) ' . Nehrallka. ,
To tbe helr8 , creditors aud all persoull Inter. I
ested In tbe elitate of Mlunlc IIlrllc. decease.l.
'rake lIotlce , tllat Shermau W. IIlrllc. has
filed hili Ictltlou In thlll court as the lIulc aull .
only heir of Mlnulc Birge. dcccased , aull claim. , I
IIIII' that thc Raid 1\lIl1nle Blr\'e : died Intelitatc
Insald conuty ou the Ist day of April , 1"OJ. allli
tha\ the wllole o ! the estate of the lIaill 1\lInnle
lIlrlC Is exellll.t from altacblllent. executlun or
other mesne process aud not lIablc fur tbe
I'a'nient of the debts of the said Mlunle IIlrlle.
decealed. aud tbat all debts aud claims of
whatsoe\'er kind ailalust said deceaslJlI. have ,
been palu In full and dlscbarg..d. aUlI praylllll' ' , '
further that the Court liu.l alld declaru th" i
helr8 of the said estate of the lIalll Mlnulc 4 j
Birge. deceased. distribute Raid catatlJ , lIecree 1
tllat tllo same be dlscharlCed oC all < lebls aud
clal1ll8 a.1I1 order that the rClCular allmlllistra. \
tlou of 8ald estate be dlsllcused with , aud for t
! lcueral relief. ,
Notice Is tllerdore 1I1\'eu tbat said petltloll I
will be heard at the couut ) ' court room lu Bro. ,
keu lIow. Custer Couuty , Nebraska. on the 12th I
day of May. 1906. wbeu all parties Interellte.t
ilia ) . apllear allli object tbereto.
Dated this Htll day of April , 19 ! J.
45- A. H. llUMI'lIltla' . Coullty Julille.
To I.elllira C. Graham aud Prank Curtiss.
You aud eacb of 1'011 arc bereb ) ' notille.1 that .
on March 12. 1904 , the unlierKlllllC.I , I vallue
Amllberry. purchase.1 at private tax 8all ! frum .J
the Treasurer of CUliter Connty , Nebraska ' the
ful10wlnlC described real e81atc , liltllatc'd lu
Custcr l'ouut } . , Nebraska. to-wit : Lots 15 aud
161u IIIock 15 of thc orflcillal tOIl'U of IIrokeu
Said sale " 'as made for tbo taXlJS Ic"l..d aUlI
assesse.1 alralnst said lots for the ) 'cars urn to
1'102. lucluslve. aud Ral.1 l vallue AlIIsberr ) ' has
I'ahl tbe taxe8 assessed all'aln8t lIald lots for the
Ihe years 1'\)3 aud 1904.
Tile taxes alCalnst said lots IVere assessed to
Lemlra C. Grabam aud Prank Curtisli. Le-
mira C. Graham Is owuer of sat.llots ou reconl
In felJ-slmple.
After tbe expiration of three mouths from tbe
completlou of t le publication of tbl8 notice.
tbe said Evallue AmstJerry w1l1 alply to the I
treasurer of said Count ) ' for a deed to said lots. . ' . . . \
nated this 3d day of April. lW . .
43-15 V"I.IN AaISnmIRY\
. - : : . , . .
, ' : ' " . . .
t'W- . ' , ! ' <
i- ,