Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 19, 1906, Image 3

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1 , "My Endorscmcnt of
! is Doscd On Its Mcrits. "
-Ed. Crumbo.
I '
D. CltUl\IHO , Ex-\nyor o ! New
, . : , . Alhanr , Ind. , writes from l E.
Oak street :
II My elldorsement , of Peruno. is
based on its merits.
" If 0. man is sick he looks anxiously
for something which will cure him ,
and Perunn will do the work.
"I know that it will cure catarrh of
the head or stomach , indigestion , headache -
ache and any weary or sick feeling.
. " II It is bound to , help anyone , if used
according to directions.
"I also lenow dozens o ! men who
speak in the higllCst terms o ! I'l'rUlt:1
und 1m " 0 'et to hear of 1U1 'ono being
disapnointed in it. "
1\11' : Crul11bo , in n . later letter , dated
Aug' . 2 : , 11104 , ba 's :
. .
[ y health is good , nt present , lmt if
18hon1l1 have to talm : any 11101'0 medi.
ciuo I win fnn back on ler\1n1.
I , , ,
$3.50 & $3.00 SHOES o [
, . , W. L. Douglns $4.00 CUt Edge Line
I Ii cannot be equalled at any price.
' " 'tI.COUGL.4s
' .
'r' ! "
( .rO , e4 ( ; < : "QTs
ItLOt"QTs .
/ . .rO , { '
-4s Sh'OfS
. ,
JULY G , 1876.
CAPITAL $2.500.00
$1 0 000 REWARD to anyone who can
I' J disprove this statement.
I , r If I could toke ) 'ou Into my three large factorle
at Brockton , 1Ita s. , alld show you the Infinite
t care with which every palrof shoes Is made. ) 'OU
'Would realize why 'V. L. Dou III' $3. O shoes
cost more to moke , why the ) ' hold their shupe ,
fit better , weor longer , olld are of greater
IntrinsIc volue than 011) ' other $ shoe.
. . W. L. Doug/J : ! ! : SI.ono Mndo SIIoos fo1'
, \ , ' , Men , $2. O , $2.00. Dova' Sofloo ! &
; (1) ( , D.cssS/lOcs"f2.50$2.$1.75$1.50
, , \ , CAUTIO N . -II.I t Ul'ou hr\\ll1 " ' .I.Doug.
. ' 1 bs shoes. 'l'aku 110 substitute.OIlU : ! -euulnu
i , j ) without his nalllo mil ! price tatl\pClI 011 bottom.
Fast Color Fuelets I/&ed : tlleu WII ! not u'ear brassy.
, 'Vrlte for lllustratel Catalog.
J " , V. L. nOUGIASUrocktonl\lllss.
c' . , '
. . . D 't
. . on
. Be
( Nervous
. , . I.dies , but get dd of the dis-
I , ease which is the cause of
. most of woman's nervousncss , ,
viz. , female trouble. " 1 was
very nervous/ , writes Mrs.
T. L. Jones , of Gallatin , .
T enn" "and suffercd six ycars ,
with evcry disease peculiar to
. my sex. 1 had headachc , : '
1' ' ; ' ; t backacbc , and acute female
, . inflamma Hon. I took : three
I' bottles of Cardui and it cured
me. I gained 35 pounds in
weight. I tell my husband
I tbat
' . W E
was worth its weight in gold '
to me , and I recommend it to
\ 0111 women. "
At all DruBSlsts
it CB
j ,
; ' ( ' DEFIANCE STARCH- nij a
I _ 'ther &lareh.s only U OUI1Ce8amo "rico and
" "pEFIA
It" , , .
J . , , " ' . N , V. , 011I111111 , No. 15-1000.
. " ' I
"t f
( .
. , . . . . ,
" d' _ e ,
"Why don't ) 'ou nsle 1110 about m ) '
wICl'1" querlNi the bl'anled mnn ns he I I
toole a sent by the womnn nt a little
part ) ,
"In the first place , " explnlned the
womnn , " 1 havon't seen ) 'ou Cor a ) 'enr
or two nnd mnny thIngs are Illcely to
hnppon In thnt time. In the secOlIII
place , It Isn't comme II Caut In New
York to nsle n mnn about his wlCe era
a womnn about her hushnnd unless
they are standing right In Cront of ) 'ou.
l ven then , IC they stand In opposlto
corners of the room , the ) ' are 1I1\ely : to
be dIvorced. "
"Wo are dl\'orced , " sighed the
bearded mnn. "You ne\'er Imow her ,
dId ) 'OU 1 One of the most Insanely
jealous women I ever mot In 111) ' life.
Now , If We were marrIed 11nd she .saw
me sItting here .by 'ou she woulll have
a thousnnd fits. If she heflrd mo com-
IJllment you almost an .thlng would be
IIleeb' to hal1lJen. I wouldn't dare to
pa ) ' ) 'ou a lIttle compliment In her
hearIng. I , sIx feet high l1I1 henrded
lIIte a pnrd , woulll bl' nfrald.
"Women malto a great mlstalw to
allow theIr jenlousy to run awa'y wIth
them so. Wll ) ' , she got so she wanted
to Imow who that : \trs. Cash wns I
wrote cheelts Cor. I hnd some houses
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . - - - " . - - , , - - -
When thO ) dolorous dumlls get hold ot 0.
Ho and oho ! 'Vorr ) ' and wo ( ' !
'Vhen ho teels he's a part oC nppzelhub's
, 'What Is the show tor mortnl below ?
When the sl. > ' that was ! .Jluc turn a blacker -
er nnd blaclt
And th deuce take tile load that you tote
on ) 'our bac1. ;
'When the thin" thnt on yesterda > ' slad-
dened and cheered
Is a thlnt. ) 'ou opine. to be dreaded nnd
felll'ed ,
It Is oho !
'Yorr > ' IInd woe !
Untortunate devil , you hn'en't II show ,
As 1 netln't remarl. , for you teel It la ! iU ,
aha !
Il'l'e Is a "go ! "
For the dolorous dumps hit 11. terrible
blow ,
'Vhen the dolorous dumps settle down on
) 'our soul-
Oh and oh m ) ' ! I.lfo Is a Igh-
" 'hen r'1u Ccul thnt Old Nlcl. Is demnnd-
hm his 1011-
To hold them wo tr ) ' , but bllsses wllJ
lIy. ,
Wh > ' , tlu'n Is the tlmo when ) oUl' wlCe
nnd the Idd
'V\1I elthel' mo\'e out or wish that they
And you , too. would II1.e for the rest ot
the dIn'
tb t I rented. I dllIn't dare Impel' or
Imlnt these houses , though UI0Y were
occupied by mcn nnd tholr whe8 , or
she would nccuse mo ot caterIng to
the WIVt'8. I I1nnll ) ' . sold thom.
"It wns terrible. A mnn with such
a wlCo can't can his soul hIs own. t
can't tell ) 'ou-I cRn't bogln to toll ) 'ou
-how I than Ie hel1ven every lIny oC my
Ilfo for m ) ' f1''edom , I permitted her
to have hOI' 1Ilvorce. 1 gave her all
the evltlcnco she wanted. It seemed
a shnme. I was fond of her , hut I
couhln't stand the constl1l1t bloleerlngs ,
the nccusa lions. Wo II "cd together
for ten ) 'enrs. When n mnn hns a
homo for ten ) 'ear8 , then to be turned
adrIft , then to beco\11o \ nil nt once
homeless. nut the lIbort1 The libel' .
tyl It she were her now nnd my wlCe
I woull1u't dare to sIt by ) 'ou. Llborty
Is evor.thlng In thIs world , Isn't It 1"
aslecil the bcnrlIed man.
Just then a gIrl doncec.l by.
"Hello , Gertrude , " smiled the wom-
an.'rho benrded mnn slghod so deeply
that the woman turned to loole nt hIm.
110 was white.
"Gertrude , " he repentec.l. ' "Gor.
trude ! Whr , that was the nl1\11O \ ot my
wlfe.-New " York Press.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Thoro's olng to be nn ontertaln-
ment at the hnlt tonIght , nunt 1\Iarla.
Prof. George Is to give an exhIbition
ot h'Imotlsm nnd mlndl'eadlng , nnd
tell how U's done , " saId 1\Inrj' Elizabeth -
beth , who always stollllec.l In to sce
her aunt on her waj' homo Crom
school , and toll her the village news.
Aunt MarIn looleed up with her
ready smllo and saId , " 'Vell , ) ' 1)don't \
need to go to that entertainment do
rou , Mary Elizabeth ? You can save
) 'our quarter thIs time just ns well
as not. "
"I don't lenow , " answered the girl ,
slowly. "Don't ) 'OU believe In mInd.
readIng , aunt Mnrla ? "
"Of course I do , child. I'm not one ,
and never was , to deny facts ,
"Your uncle Is just coming In now ,
Mary Elizabeth , and If ) 'OU arc ob.
servIng I guess ) 'ou'll get a good understanding - '
derstanding of what mlndreadlng It. " i
l\Ir. Pratt opened the door , and after
spealcing to his niece , 100lCd questionably -
tionably toward his wife.
"Yes , father , " she respon ed , as if
ho ha asl.ed her.a question. "I'vo
mended ) 'our coat , and it's right In
the be room closet. "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mr. Prat.t dIsappeared , and returned
In a moment wearing the mended
coat. 110 sented himself nenr the flro ,
nnd nCter aslcing Mary Elizabeth how
school prospered , ho agnln turne hIs
gnze upon aunt Marla.
She 3hoole her head solemn1) ' . "No
the gray Idtten hasn't como bacle , "
she said , "mid I'm afraId some harm
has come to It. "
"Too bad ! " murmured 1\1r. Pratt.
A short sllenco Collowell , and then
1\11'3. Pratt remarlwd , as It in nnswer
to some qnestlon , "No , Amos , I didn't
gather the eggs todaj' . I glless ) 'ou
hnd better tend to It before It gets
late. "
1\11' . Pratt rose at , once. "I was just
going to speak about the eggs , " ho
answere , starting towarll the leHehen
"You forgot that paclmge of pepper ,
'after a11 , " his wlfo ca11ed to him ,
"but It's no matter. "
: \Iary Elizabeth laughed as she
gathered up her bool.s and started
Cor home.
" : \1indreadlng tnltes time , " said
Annt 1\1arla. " 1"0 given abont forty
) 'ears to getting a real good under.
standing of It.-Youth's ComIHlnlon.
. .
- -I" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
1--- -Ii IS EXCVSEWAGooTnn
It was In Westchester , the county
town of Chester county , Pennsylvania ,
on II. Monday morning , the opening
day of court , and the court 1'00111 was
the center of attraction. Judge Futhey
was on the bench , the court doclwt
before hIm , and the preliminaries
were being gone through. The jndge
ordered the jury to be called an In
the meantime buslell hhn'Jelf ! 1001dng
over the doclwt and papers pertaining
to the business of the court.
Among those summoned on the jury
was Mr. C- , a dealer In cattle , who
wanted to bo In Lancaster that day on
business. Ho had consulted II. lawyer ,
who saId the judge was pretty strict
and no excuse short of illness In his
Immediate family wonld be accepted.
\lr. C- felt discouraged , but did not
despair. He cnrefullj' considered the
sItuation. All members of his family
were In tholr usual health ; In fact , his
wlfo was prepnrlng to attend the mar.
rlago of his sister ; but his mother-In.
Inw , a chronic , half Invalid , was com.
nlnlnlng some as nsual. 'rhe case
seemed desnerate , but he decIded to
trj' .
When Mr. C's name was , called his
lawyer friend arose and with some
show of dignity addressed the court.
" 1\lay it please your honor , " ho saId ,
"Mr. C--- would 111\0 to be excused. "
" 'Vould 111\0 to bo excused , eh ?
Wllat Is his excuse ? " aslted the judge
In II. perfunctory sort of way , as ho
continued to examine the napers be.
fore him.
"Slclmess , " salll Mr , C- .
"Slclmess , Oh ! Who Is slele ? "
fisl.ed the Judge , secmlngly not much
"My mother-In-law , " said Mr. C- .
The stern jUdge was hnmedlately
all attention , and , drawing himself up
In his scat with a look of amazement ,
paused II. 1110ment , nnparently to 1'0'
cover from the shocl. , and said :
. .
. . .you say ) 'our mother.ln-Iaw Is
skit ? "
"Yes , sir , " said Mr. C- .
"And ) 'ou want to go homo to walt
on ) 'our slcle mother-In-law. You shall
go , Ianj' have been the excuses or-
fored here , but never la the history ot
this court has a man asl\Cd to be ex.
cused that he might go home to walt
on his slcl. mother-In-law.
"You are excuse . " -nalthnoro Sun.
- - - " " _ . . ' " ' . .
" " ' . . - - - "VVV' . . . . . .
WH F. N . l ( TF. _ A ' 1l Ii' 7) A ' 11 K
, ' " - - . . . . - - ' " - - . . . . - . . . . . .
- -
To move Cram ) 'ourselt quite 11. distance
away ;
For It's oh my !
Lite la U ! llghl
When the devil moves In , then our house
Is aWl' ) ' ,
And the sph Its ot ldndness nnd charity
) ' .
Oh my !
You Imow It. you guy-
Know the dolorous dumlJl ! as aadly as I.
'Yhen the dolorous dumps come nround
with their hluIT-
Ah ! ! IIII ah whew ! " 'orn"s our due !
' \'h ) ' , then IR thu time when a man Imows
his "sturr"-
'rhe story Is true of me nnd at ) 'ou ,
lIe mn ) ' tnll with n groan or stan with
a grin ,
lIe may ! .JUl' troubl ! ! out 01' ahut trouble
In ;
He may much wcaker be than the least at
hili woes
Or may luugh nt his ! Jlues till the last ot
thf'ln goes.
It la uh whew !
'l'he game's up to > 'ou ,
To amlle till ough ) 'OUr Woes or to truckle
thereto , '
Or wrltu a hi let 1\'I'lc , ns I strlvo to do-
Ah whl'w , ,
'rhe Rlory Is true-
' 1'0 nthl II sllht 1ln ] . to an ntmosphere
-Snn Francisco _ Cnll.
. . . . . . . . un _ . . . . . . . "V"- _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . _ . . . . . . ne . . . . . . . . .
Iymau Snlnney of South J lIotle. : . ,
was Imown f'Jr and near for his fund
ot stories , Dlwaj's at hand to match
the ) 'a1'l1s 'J ! his rivals , whether at
Staples' B1'Ocery store , on the river In
his whorry , or at his worle In the navy I
) 'ard , just below , It was often Intl- '
mated by these who failed to success.
fullj' cope wIth 1\11' . Splnnoy thnt In a I
close contest ho had a slight tendency
to embellish.
The question as to who had the best
garden was hotly contested 'at Staples'
store one ovenlng. Franl. Staples , the
store kp.ellor , was vaInly tr'lng to hear
the order of a customer for a " ( lInt of
lcorosenn , " IInd two glgg lng girls tried
to get theIr 1111111 bj' Ilnntomlme gestures -
tures that Cow comic artists could re-
Above the finall ) ' subsiding tumull
11r , SpInney declared every garden
, . '
mentioned to bo "an arid , sandy des.
el.t" besldo his , and "just to show
them , " said : "I wont out to [ , Innt cu-
( 'umber seeds only this 1II01'lllng , IInd
after covel'ing II. few hills heard a
rushing sount ! . Turning around , the
vines were coming through the ground
al1l1 spreading In all dlrol'tlons , Fear.
In to he strllngled , I started for t11C'
house , but the vines tangled about my
legs and throw me down. When ,
thlnltlng ot m ) ' Imlfe to cut m'self
loose , I reached In m ) ' poelcct , I round
It full with a big cucumber , all gene to
seed. "
The others looked Ilt O'1e another ,
some with lIitj' mingled wIth con-
tempt. The scume of cowhldo boot.
bound tor the door as the lights wene
out , wIth here and there a mutter of
"Garden ! " "Cucumbers ! " "LIar ! " wort
the only responses.
" ,
. p .
Riveting by Mnchtne ,
In rlvotlng with IJl1ellmatlo ham.
mers two mon and ono heater nvorng-
ell 1i00 rl\'ots In ten hours , wht'rl'RR
h ' hat1l1 250 rlvots IS a gool1 l1a"s
worle for thrco mon anll ono heator.
The cost for ench , according to the
l' ' = nglnoorlng MinIng JOllrnnl , wnB 1.G2
cents h ) ' pneumntlc hammer , and 3.QS
cents by hnnd.
In :1 Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASE.
A powl1er. It cures ImluCul , smart.
lng , nervous Ceot and Ingrowing nnlls.
It's the grontost comfort l11scoven' of
the nge. MnlC'A new slloes oasy. A
certain cure for RweatlU ! ; feet. 80111
bj' all druggists , 25c. Tl'lal pnclengo ,
FIU E. Address A. S. Olmsted , Lo
Her , N. Y.
Wealth In Old Hotel Structure.
In alto rIng nn 0111 hotel In Now
York cIty It hns been fOlll1l1 that the
benms , 1100r honrds al1l1 woodworle are
of solid mohogl\u ) ' . The structure
would provo a IJerfect mlno of wealth
tr It could ho razed , hut th owner
reCuses to allow this to bo donl' un.
der an ) ' cIrcumstances.
" 'urt It ICII''IIII :
-th\t : Allcocl ' 8 nro the orl lnnl ami
on1 > ' genulno porous plnstors ; nil ether
80-callcd , porous plnsters nro Imitations.
Victoria Cross.
'j'ho VIctoria Cross was InstltutCil i
flft ) . ) 'ears ago , Jan. 20. Since then
only 1i20 persons have receIved It , 517
of them soldlel's or sailors mid thl'eo
or them civilians who were acting 111
n. military callnelty when they dill "In
the fnco or the enem ' " the gallant
eed which won thom the cross.
lIIrl'l. ' ' tllslu\V' " " "thllll : yrnl"
! , . 'or cblhlrcn teethtn , oflcns the 1I1tS , folures tDo
tlAmruatUII ! , aUa'sl'alll , cures WInI ullu. : .Jio \JQtuo. .
Church Trumpet.
At nrn'broolcc church , ngland , la
stIlI to bo seen monster trUlullot ,
slxty.slx Inches long , which wns used
In the early part of the last centur ) ' to
summon the lIeoplo to chllreh Instead
of church bells. It was also formerly
used by the choIr leader durIng serv.
LewIs' Single Dhu1c1' stmlgh t lie eI I\t' .
Mu o of oxtm 'Iuulity tobacco. Your
dcale1' 01' Lewis' l"uctol' ' , Pcol'lu , Ill.
A woman's vanity Is never duo to
the compliments of otlt r women.
, \ . . , No 11t or nrrTOII nr _ , "ftrr
FITS Irot d"y' . 110" of Hr. l < IIn" ' IIft."t S'no lIe.tor.
cr. Reml ( or 1.'nl l 1IJ2.00 Irll\'hoillo ' . " " , Itroutte . ,
. , , . . . . . . 11 KLInI.hl" : V31 Arch blrcct.l.hlllWcll.hlaI.
If n man lives bo'one ! his Income the
outcome Is sure to bo unsatlsractorj' .
U , S. NAVY ' : mllstH yOl1n men nn\1
mechanic ! ! . l'ermnnent nocrllltln Stn-
tlon , l'oRtofilco Bulldln . Omnhll , Neh.
Sub-Stations , Bllrt' Bloc ! . , 1.tn0In.
Nou. . a 1111 PORtolllco nlllltlln , Council
Bluffs , In. 'l'emporary Hecl'ultlng Station -
tion opcn at Slollx I'aIlH. S. 1) " April
! Jtlt to 14th ; Yan.ton. ] S. D.prll IGth
to 21st ; Slollx CIt > . , In. , April : ! 3rc1 to
: ! Stl1 ; DeHolnes ! , In" April 30th TO
1\1ny lith. InchlHlve. Opportunity tOl' al-
vllncement anti HllOclnl mochnnlcn\
training hetlol' than ever before. I'IlY
$ IG to $70 per month. hCHltloR alow- !
ances. Apprentice Scamon onliRtec\
! .Jetween 17 anll : ! & roars are trans-
ferret ! to a Nn\'nl 'l'l'alnlngStation ,
others to a Na\'y Yllrtl. GOOt ! oponlngs
for 1\IachlnlstR , BlectrlclrlnH , Coppor-
Rmlths , 1\111slclans , Carpontors. Stcno -
raphors , Flremon , Bal > ors , etc , Call nt
or IIlIlh'esR any of the ahovo Nil vy He-
crnltlnl : Stations. fOl' fill ! Information
ns to Iay nnd termR , Enlistments fonr
) 'ears. Onl ) " cltlzonH of the Unlt'c\
IHates : of good character are acceptcd.
Even the mlcrobo may bo n lad ) '
killer. -
- -
Women in Our Hospitals
AppalUn Increases in the Number of Opera ons
Performed Each Year-How Women May
Avoid Them. \
Goin through the bospitnls in our
1m'go cltlcs ono Is surprised to 111111 such
( \ largo proportIon of the patlontsl 'llIlr
on these anow-whito be S women
Q1l(1 gh'ls. who nro eithol' Bwaitlng
or reco'cl'lng' fro111 sorlol1s opol'ntlons.
Why should this o the cnno ? 811-
ply because they hn\'o neghctcd thom-
seh'es. L'elllalu trol1 lcs nro certaInly
on the Increnso mnouH' the womcn of
thIs countrthoy creep upon them ,
unawares , ut c\'ery ono of these :
pl\tlents 11\ the beds hnll plant } " I
of warnIng' in t.hnt b\.m1'lIlg'-down ioel-
lng , paina t leftorl'lahto ! the I1hdomeu ,
ner'ous exlmustlou , pnin in the smnll
of the buclc , dIzziness , llatulelley , uts-
plncemcnt o ! the orgalls or Irl' gulnt.- I
iUes. All o ! these S 'l1lptO\11S aru hu11- i
caUons of an unhealthy condItion o !
the fenmlo orgnns , nml if not heedell
the penal ty has to ho pnitl b 'I1. dnngm'-
ous operutlon. When these R 'lDptoms
manifest themselves , do uotdrlJ'nlong (
until you are o llged to go to the hos-
pltnl nl1l1 suhmlt to an op rntlon-
but rcmemhct. that Lydln E. Plnlc-
ham's Vegetable Compound hns Sl\\'ed
ti.ousal1l1s of women : from surgical
OICrations ,
When women n1'O tl'oublell with irregular -
regular , ' ' or paInful perIods ,
wenlcucss , d \ splaccnumt ulceration
of the organs , that bcnrinR'lown ieel-
lng , lftl1l11lnntlon , backache , blon.tlng
( or flutulenc ' ) , geno1'nl debility , Imli-
gesUou , aud nervous prostration , or 111'0
beset with Buch symptoms nsdlzztnebs ,
lassItude , exci lab III ty , irritalJt1Ity , nervousness -
vousness , sleepJessncss , 1Uelunchol ' ,
'I al1ono" anl1 "
nlono ' feelings they should rlU1embor
fh"r" ; " nnn + " ,1",1 "n,1 t.rnrTmnr.,1v ,
The following lett rs cnnnot fnU to
bring hOll0 to dosrn.lriug women.
1\IIs9 ! tuly Mushrush , of El18t
Chicago , Iud. , writes :
Denr : r.h-a. nnkhnm-
"I 111\vo bcullngrcnt6ul1'ororVlthllTt' l1ar
periods nml female trouble , mill nllollt three
muaths n ( ) thotloctorn tor uslllg thoX-Uay
011 1110 , 8111111111\11 nn IIbcl'OO 1111I1 wOlllll hl\vn
to 1lIt\'o nil oporatloll. My 1II0thor 'fI\lIted.
mo to try Lj',111E. . ! 'lnl. nm'8 VegcmblG
CompoIIIJIl1\91\ resort , nllll it not only
MV'lllllo fl'OlU nn OlJOrnUOI1 but mntlo mo cn.
tircly woU. "
1\Irs. AUco Derryhll1 , of 313 Doyco
Street , Ohu.t.tanoogn , 'enn. , writes :
D'nr MI' . . rlnlthnl11- :
"Tln"Co 'eal' 11j0 IICo lookOtlllnrlt to mo.
I hnll ulceration IIml Inllannnation of tht )
fClI1nlo or aus IUltt WI\J In sorlous coudltlon.
"M } " benlth WI\'J l'Olllplctel ' hrokon down
nnd the doctor told 11I0 that f 1 WI\8 not OI
orat(1 upon 1 : woutlUO withlu six lI1ontl s.
I told hlll1 \\0111111.11\\0 tlO oporntlon hub
\\'oultl try L "Un B. l'lukhnm II VlIetabIo !
CompoUt t1. 10 trlod to InnuClu'o mo against
It but I sent far the Inetllcillu thnt. I'IUIIO dl\Y'
nnd b'gnn to u o It faithfullY. WitJlln flvo
dRysl felt rollo ! but was not cnttruly cured
until \Itl ! ' ! it for 6011I0 thno ,
It Your medlrlno i8 ccrtalnly fino. I bBVt )
IntlucoIOvernl \ rlondR IImi neighbors to to.lto
It l\Iul1 Imow 11101'0 tban Clozon who hUll
fOllll\lo troulJlet : ! lml who t.o..lay nro nil wulJ
mill strong ns I IW1 roUl mlns YOll1' VegG-
table COlnpound. "
L 'dln E. rlnklmm's Vegotnblo Com-
pountlnt once relllO\'CS such troubles. ,
HeCuso to buy any ether medlciuo , ior'
yon need the lJcat.
1\Irs. 1'lnlchu1I1 , c1n.uA' of
Lydll1. E. Plnlcham , invltcs nil slelc wo-
mell to write her for ntlvlco , lIcl' advlco
nnl ! mcdlelno lu vo l'est < Jred tho\lsnnds
I to hellIth. Atlllrces. Lvntl. Mnss.
I i diiJ : p kl 'a S vv t ; b ol.tQmp d---Succccds V/ / ! crcOtI1crSFall. . II
Carefully inspected shells , the best of powder ,
shot and wadding , loaded by machines which
give , invariable results account for the superiority -
ity of Winchester u Leader" and" Repeater"
Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells.
Reliability , velocity , pattern and penetration
are determined by scientific apparatus
and practical experiments. They are
'PIT & PITL 5S SCALDS. For Slcct - _ Y : rt.'TS fnr YirDOFIT
. . : u nut ! Wood Jlralllcs , $25 nur ! up. Write . Iii b b"W I \II" n
--0 : : . ' : ' = - us hefore ) ' 011 buy. 'Ve sn\'e ) ' 011 must fully IlI'oteet nn Invenllon , Jlooklot anti
, cJll ! : ; . . . : :91 : t JIIIOIIC ) " Also I'IIIIIPS olltl Wlnt ! I Jhlak Cnlondnr FItI I : . I11lhost roCorcnrC8 _
I MlllsBECKMAN - - - BRaS . . Des Moines , lowl . Colllll1unlenllullij'ollllilonllal. Malon , Fenwick r. : Lawrence . , Washlogton Estahllshed , D. 18UI. 0.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The better clas9 of druggists , everywhere , nre men of scientific nttninments and high inte rity ,
who devote their lives to the welfuro of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies Bnd
purest medicinal agents of known valuc , in accordance with physicians' prescrfptions nnd
scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture Dlany excellent remedies , but
Blways under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands , or imitBtion medicines.
They nro the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line , which usually includes
aU stnndard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the fInest Bnd :
best of toilet articles nnd preparations and many useful accessories and remedinl appliances.
'rho onrning of a fair living , with the satisfnction which arises from a Imowlel1go of the benefits
conferred upon their patrons and assistnnco to the medical profession , is uS\1ully their greatest
rewnrd for long years of ! ; tndy and many hours of daily toil. 1.'hey all know that Syrup of
Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and thut it gives universal satisfaction , and tlwrcforo they
arc selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest
rome ies , and they always take plonRlJro in hmcHng out the genuine article bea1' l1g the full
name of the Company-California. Fig Syrup Co-printed on the front of every paclmge.
They know that in cases of colds f.'ld helulaches uttendecl by biliousness Bnd constipation an
of wcakness or torpidity of the liver Bnd bowels , arising from irregular habits , indigestion , or
over-oating , that there is no other remedy so pleasant ) prompt and beneficial in its effects as
Syrup of Figs , Bnd they are glad to solI it because it gives universal satitfaction.
Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs , the universal satisfaction which it gives und the
immense demand for it , imitations have been made , tried and condemne , but there arc
individual druggists to bo found , hero and there , who do not maintain the dignity and principles
of the profession and whoso greed gets the bettor of their judgment , and who do not hesitate
to recommend Bml try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such prcparations
sometimes have the namo-'c Syrup of Figs"-or "Fig Syrup" fin of some piratical concern ,
or fictit.ious fig syrup company , printecl on the paelmgo , but they never have the full name of
the Company-California Fig Syrup Co.-printed on the front of the pnclmge. 'rho imitations
should bo rojectcd because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations
they find it nocpssarv to resort to misrepresentation or deception , and whelw'\'er n denIer pnEses
off on a customer a ) reparation under the nnmo of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup , " which .
does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the packng { ' ,
ho is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his
cstablishment , whether it bo largo or small , for if the dealer resorts to miHoprescntation and
und deception in ono cnso ho will do 50 with other meclicinal ngent , and in the filling of
physicians' prescriptions , ancl shou1 bo avoided hy every ono who vBlueB heu1th and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliablc. wo supply the immense demaml
for our excellent rcm'dy entirely through the druggistfl , of whom it may be purchased evory.
whore , in original packages only , at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle. but fiS excopti ns
exist it is necessary to inform the publio of the facts , in order that all ma.y deolino or return
any imitation which may ho sold to thorn. If it docs not bear the full nnml' of the Company-
Ca.lifornin. Fig Syrup Co.-printed on the front of every paekagc , do not hesitate to return the
article and to demand the return of ; your money , and in future go to ono of the better oluss of l'
druggists who will sell you what you wish an the best of everything in his ) ino at reafionablopriees.