Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 12, 1906, Image 6

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DItOKEN now , . - NEnItASKA.
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- - - -
[ Gc e w : ]
Kansas City Is boosting up the lea
Mrs. Roosevelt and ehlllren ! nre
touring In t.ho south.
St. I rnncls Xavlor Roman Cathollc !
church at Phlladolphla was IJlIrned.
Loss , $1GOOOO.
The conrCl' ( ' ( s of the sennto nnd
house have agreed on the hl11 to ro-
orlnnlo the ronAulnr servlco.
Justlco IJarlnn dcnled that he , IA
nhout to retlro from the United StatoA
supreme bench , ns reported In sarno
quarters. I
Sl'nntor : I ollgo has offered nn nmend-
mt'nt to the rail rand hll1 mnltlng It np.
ply to plpo lineA for the transportation -
tion of 011.
Announcement IA mndo that the
Frlonds' 'InterlH\tlonnl Christian I n-
deavor union wll1 hI : ' hl'lll : In Wilming-
ton. 0. , .Tub' 23 to August 1.
Georgia 'Yells , an actrc.'Is WllO bnd
been pInyin ! ; the lending Cemlno role
of "TJIO ClanRl11an , " dIed at Now Yorle
after a surgical operation for nppen.
A hex contnlnlng $80 In cn8h nnl (
i3OOO In old notes was wrested Cram
Mrs. C. Schmidt In ber balccry In
I..ocltland , 0. , at daybreale. The thief
A cnblo dspntch [ from Toltlo , says
that .Tncob n. Schiff , the hanleor , waS
Clecornted with the order of the Rlsng [
Sun whllo In o.ulIeneo with the Em.
poror of .Tnpan. .
A fishing bent strucln floating
mlno Mnrch 26 , 01T the coast of the
provluco of chlsen , .Tapan , and was
blown up. Spv < > n of her crow of ten
m < > n nro msslng. [
A hlrdseye view of cities shows no
bulldngs [ bOll [ ! ; constructed In Chi.
cago. I ss develollml'nt : [ n this lIne
thcro tb\n ! In nny other city. It Is
reCerred to as a "comploted clt ' . "
RIley Colton and Parle Wright , the
two self-conCessed dynamtors [ of the
hulk-hend of tllO Grnnd reservoir , at
'Wnpaleerelcn , 0. . were senten cod to
sixteen months each In the penton. [
C. H. Horne , Cormer teller of the
wrCcleed ! state hank of Canton , 0. ,
charged with malting CnlElo entries In
the bnnk's boolts , wns ( llschargel ( from
custody , because the Indctment [ WI\8
found faulty. . '
Gonernl Luleo m. Wrllht. : the .newly
apponted [ ambassador to Japan , will
sail from Seattle for his now post
on April 29. He wl11 bo accompnnlel (
by l\Irs. Wright , and Is duo at Yoleo-
bmll. on l\Iay 15. .
At a mMtlng of the western trunle
lIne commUteo It wns decllled that
the Great Western gr [ n tariff of 23 I
'cents from Missouri rIver to' the 'At.I I
lantlc Reaboard should romnln In ef. i
feet until April 15.
The Iowa hO\1 ! o. hy a vote of 38 to
54 , lel1led the 11111 to provldo a state
board of control for 10wIL colle'ges.
The measure was the most bitterly
fought of any this session , the col.
legoo 10bb 'lng despcratelY against It.
Accqrdug [ to a statement recentl .
Issued by the 1\loxcan [ government ,
255 miles of railroad wa.1 bunt In thnt
countrr : In 1UOU , mnleng [ II. totnl mno.
ago of 10,488 miles. 'rho plans for now
roads projected aggregate moro than
1,000 mUes.
The United Stnfes government has
accepted the oITer of tilO Wl\8hlngton
Irrigation Companr to solI the Sunny-
slllo Cannl nnd Laternl worlts , the
largNlt pr.vato Irrigation system In
the Northwest , located in Yalcnnn. nnd
Benton countle , for 250OOO.
In submitting to congress the roe
port or the Intornatlonal waterway
commission regnrding the preserva. '
tlon of Ningnrn. FnUs , President
Roosevelt sent a recommendntlon that
a law be enacted along the lines of the
recommendation of the report.
That the sennto and house wl11 reach
a com prom Iso ngreement on the state-
heel bl11 which wll1 permit Arizona
and New Mexico each to decldo for
themselves the question of their ad.
mission ns ono atato 8eems n correct
conclusion from present Indlcntions.
Secrotnry of War Taft , Ropresenta.
tivo D. A. Do Armond ( Mo. ) and 1\IIas
'Mabel T. Donrdman of Wl\8hlngton ,
, nddrossed a Red Cross nleetlng at the
Doll\8co tbeater , Wl\8hington , D. C. ,
'for ' the purpose of ncquaintlng the
pUbllo moro fully with the purposes
and worle of the reorganized Amori.
, can National Rod Cross.
The house commltteo on public
'buihllngs and grounds reported fnvor-
l\bly a bl11 carr'lng appropriations of
' $26,000,000. The dotnUs of the bill are
not fully compliJted and the commit.-
tee voted to refrnin from disclosing
the projects to be included In the
measure until the report Is lInally
completed , whiph will bo in about ton
The house committee on Indian af.
lairs authorized a favorable report on
tIlO Burleo bill drActlng [ the court of
claims to ndjlldlrnto for payment the
annuities which would have been duo
the Sisseton and Wahp.oton Indians ,
but Cor their participation In the Sioux
< mtbreale of 18G2.
The 'oster bill , to permit Chlneso
students , merchants nnd travelers to
enter this country , was the sUbject or
n hearing by the house commltteo on
, .foreign affnlrs. Wltnesscs told ot the
decny of Amorlcan business slnco the
boycott , the Btandnrd OU company bo-
Inrt among \hn sufferers.
Millions of Dollars In Store for John
D. Rockefeller III.
Mrs. .Tohn D. Hoc1wfellel' , .Tr. , Is the
mother of an eloven.pound hey who
fimls hlm.clf ! heir to morc millions
than ho will prohably over be nhle to
At the lowest estimate , the youngs-
tl'r : , uJlon whoso shonlflorR , If ho lIvcs ,
wl\1 \ Call the weight ot the vnst Rocke.
f'lller nceumllintion of money , Is
worth $11,000,000 or $12,000,000 n
Ilollnd. HIs slHlro In the Cortuno of
his grnnfathel' , which will bo placed
In tl'ust for him when the old mnn
dl < ! s , will Illcrea3o enormous ! ) ' hoe
tween then and the nttalnmont of his
mnjorlt . .
Until the ndvcnt of the new Hoclw.
fellcr holr , the fa vmlto grnndchlhl oC
.John D. HocltcCeller1lS Fowlel' Mc.
COl'l11lcle , the son of J\tr. \ and MrA. .
HamId G. McCormlcle o'c Chlcngo , the
Intter having hcen Edth [ Hocllrellcr.
There Is t1ne other chillI In the direct
11111'1 , bllt It Is a girl. TIll' ( 'III CRt dllll
of John D. Hoche fc'lkr , .Tr. , Is Ahby
Mrs. J , R. Rockefeller , Jr.
I Roelwfellor , who Is thrennd one-
hnlf 'earsl old. 'I'horo are sovernl
othol' grnndchlldren.
Cause of American Superiority.
Hjal1nan Cassel , IL Swedish engl.
neer who visited this country during
the St. Louis Clllr , hns wrlttOl\ boole
on "Amerlcnn Business Methods , " In
ono chapter ho usls the lIuestlon : "Is
the sUllOriorlty of Amcrlcan industry
based on bellol' machlncry ? " This ,
ho thnles [ , Is not the case , though ho
finds Ame1'lcan tools and mllchlnos su-
lIorlor to these of gl\l'Ollo. 'rho reason -
son fOl' the SUl101'lorlty lies , In the au.
thor's olllnon [ , In the bettm' organlzn.
tlon of ofl1cos nnd fnctOl'es [ , the me.
thotIlcnl sUlervlslon ) of every ( letnll ,
the conslant watchfulness thnt no
slnglo branch of a business Call behind -
hind , and last but not lelLst , the minute -
ute division of lahor.
Secretary Shaw Obeyed Rules.
Ever ' now and then Secrotnry
Shnw bumlls Into a watchman who
doesn't lCl10\\ him oven by sight. That
happened only a tew mornings ago.
The secrotar ' was a 1Itt10 Inte. The
rule is that when an emlllo'o comes in
Into ho must register his name antI
.sot down the tlmo when he arrived.
The wlltchmnn who didn't Imow the
secretary opened the door nnd asl < ed
him it ho was nn e111ployo of the treas.
ury. "Guess so , " mtller nonchalantly
remnrled the late comer. "Then the
booles for 'ours , " remarled the wntch.
mnn , " 'ou know the rules. " So the
secretary waHeed over to the big book
nnd wrote "L. 1\1. Shaw , 9:05 : a. m. "
Sir Henry Keppel a Humorist.
A recently puhllshed biography of
Admiral Sir Henry Keppol , whom
Queen Aloxatllira used to atrecUonnte.
ly call "m ) ' lIttle admlml , " contains
soma stories of the humorous vein
possessed by this slleclmon of the old-
time British sailor. When vlslUng In
, the country at ono tlmo ho cnmo bacle
from a dn"s shooting and said to his
hostess : "I'vo ho.d a fine day's sport.
Shot two woodcoclts , ten pheasants , a
rabbit and ) 'our son. " Ono tlmo ho
telegraphed to Ills wlro : "How are
you and where can I find 'ou ? " Lady
Koppel roplled : "Am qulto well and
you can't flnd mo. " The ahnlrnl died
two years ago at the ago of 95.
Might Better Have Raised Pay.
The House of Heprcsentntlves In
Washington spent IIn hour and a hnIr
, the other afternoon dlseusslng a 110nt [
, of ordel' mlsod b ) ' Hnrdwlcle of Geor.
gia against a prollosltlon to rnlse the
pa ' of a coal wolgher from $720 to
820 a year. The discussion wns con.
stitutlonnl In scope and resulted In do.
featlng the measure. The coaf weigh.
or wl11 not got his $100 ralso , hut It Is
cnlculated thnt the tlmo used by the
house in dlscusslns nnd defeating the
$100 increase cost the government
morc than $1,000 ,
"J .
, -
Public Printer Stillings' Encounter
With Senator Dck. [
It Is gottlng to ho almost liS dmcult [
to relleh Publlo Prlntor Stllllnga in
WlIshlngtoll liS it Is to et 8pooch
I with thu pl'osldont. 'rho Host on man
hus given strIct orderH to hold up nil
who would Intrude \tJ.on his prh'acy ,
OVOI1 If they come on public hllslneBs.
The other dny It IOlIn got Illto the
sacred presence unnnnouncel ( and : 'Ilr.
SUlllngs roare(1 at hm [ : "How dll (
'ou got In hero ? " 'rho vlsltOl' did not
seem to ho much IIlurmC'd nnll [ us lead
of roph'lng nslwd anothol' question :
"Aro you the IllIblle Ill'lnlor ? " Mr.
Stllllnga ngllll1 demanded : " 1 wnnt
tl ) Imow how you got In here. " ' 1'hc
cllller replied call1\I \ ' : "If ) ' 0\1 \ nl'e the
public prInter I would 11I\0 to Intro-
( IIICO m 'self and posHlhly multo a Cew
romarles about how to uet 1i1w It gen'
tlomlln. 1\1 ' nnmo is Dlcle. I II1n Crom
Ohio 1111(1 hnppen to he It Rel1l\tor with
buslncss hero. " WhoreUIJOn the 1mb ,
lie printer lost all of his nnger I1nd
mosl oC his ( Ugnt [ ' .
HenrI Dunant One of the Greatest
Benefnctors of Humanity
HenrI Dunllllt , foundcr of the Reli
( 'rosa soelotles , Is d 'lng at his homo
nrnT La1to Constance , Swltzerlntll. (
Ounllnt sl1ent his ontlro Cortuno on the
Hed Cross.
The Hed Cross societies arc the re.
suit of nn agitation begun by 1\1. Jean
HenrI Dunnnt , after ho had chnnced
to witness Iho hattlo of SoHerino , on
Juno 2,1 , 18 O.
The great sUfferng [ of the wounded
solders [ and the inahUIt ) ' of the sur.
geons to care Cor the thousands who
lay helpless on the field greatly aC-
Cected this lhllanthroplst , and he
puhllshod a boole which vvldly [ described -
scribed the horrors of Wll'r and sug.
gested the Cormatlon of socetlC's [ to
train nurses to 'Islst upon the I > at-
tlefiell and In ml1ltar ) ' hosllltalH.
An agitation WitS Iml11C'lllately begun -
gun , nnd at the Intel'11allonal confer-
pnco In Geneva [ n Augnst , lSG , . . the
Geneva convention wns indol'sed and
' 1 . . . . 0 . 0 0 . . ! g . . 0 , . . . t . . I ) . . . . . .
" ' ' H I3'IdA t
tl"'n' "
- " " " ' _ + - + f : > . ' . . . , . ) . 0 . f O. . 0
Courteen na tlons COI'med Red Cross
societies. 'rho number has now been
Incl'eused to fOl'tthree ,
'Dul1unt sIlent hls , entlro fortune on
thlc worl" and has since been living'
on n. 1101181011 , given' him hy the Empress -
press ot' Hmsla , and his share of the
Nohel peace prize , \"hlch ho I'ccelved
In 1901.
Increase In Appropriation for Coming
Yeilr Is $10,000,000.
There is perhap,9 no other h1'1lnch of
our natlonnl admlnlstratioll In which
the Ileopio Ceel 80 direct and Intimate
proprietorship af : ! in the Ilostofllce
departmellt. The new appropriation
hill Cor that sel'vice cal'rlc.s In round
lIumbers a lc > tnl of ahout $191,000,000 ,
or an Increusc o\"Cr the total of the
11resont 'ear of $10,000,000 , The chairman -
man of the committee on postofl1ces
and 110st roads state : ; that while the
nmount carried Is reatol' than ever
hefore the perrentage of increase is
10wOl' than for an ) ' 'ear in the last
decnde. In that tlmo the average ) 'ear.
Iy Increase has been G. ' . per cent ,
whllo this rear it is only 5.7 per cent.
Tl1u largest Item of Increase Is thnt
for rurnl tl'ee deliver ) ' . 'rho cxpen.
dlturos for the current 'ear in that
service has. heen $2u.000.000 and Cor
the new year $28,000,000 111is been au.
thorized-New Orleans Plcn'une.
Artist-PrIest Is Kept Busy.
Ono oC the busest [ ; men In Virglnln
Is the artlst'prlest , Hev. .Tohnnnes A.
Oertel of Vienna , FairCax county.
Imown e\'erywiwro ns the painter of
the world. famous pcture [ , "Tho Hocle
of Ages , " Although in his eight ) ' .
third ) 'ear , ho , > oes to his studio e\'or '
morning about down and wOrles until
twilight. He Is just sending off to
Sewaneo. Tenn" un Instnllment of
paintings to be plnced ever the altar
In the chapel now being hullt for the
use at the sll\ll'nt8 of Its theological
seminar ) ' by l\lrz , Tel1fnlr Hodgson , as
a memorial to her husband , Vlco
Chnncel10r HolVlcn ( ; ,
Coloring Mattol' In Water.
Prof. Spring , a' Bc : > lgium who has
hoon studng [ the rausos of color In
water , \UHler varous [ cHndltlons , SltrA
that If walor othcrwse [ entirol ' 11\11'0
contnlns ono part In OVCI' ) ' ten mil.
lion of ferric h 'drnto , an Iron com.
110un(1. ( It will Itp)1ea1' ) green , where
the depth Is ronsld'rnblo. With lrss
thnn one part of f 'I'l'lc h'dl'llto [ never
over ) ' twont ) . million It will bo hilIC' .
But leBs than one 11\rt : of vegetable
111old , or humnn matter In every forty
mlllon [ will maleo the blue tint of
wnter dlsnllIionr ,
1" " I
Severe Congestion of the Kidney !
Soon Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills.
ntchnrc1 1\1 , Penrce , n prominent. .
business mon of 231 So. Orange St. , i
Nowarl' , N. J. , sn 's : "Worldng nights
during but ! weather
brought on a heavy
coltl , aching ol the
lI'nbs and pain in , the
bncle and Iddne 's.
Severe congestion of
the Icldne's followed.
Besides the terrIl10
aphlng there were
whirling headaches ,
t , and I became exceed.
Ingly wenk. 1\1 ' doc.
tor co1l1l1 not help me , and I tlll'l1ed
to DOlm's KldIH ' , ) ' PIII3 , with the result -
sult that the Iddney congestion dis.
appeared nnt1 , with It , all the , ether
s 'mptoms. Whnt Is moro , the cure
hns lasted Cor eight 'enrs. "
Sold by nil dealers. UO cents 11. hox.
Fostrr.l\lIlhurn Co" Burralo. N. Y.
'l'hlngs are apt to go amiss ; oven
tlCter a woman is mnrrled.
In a Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASE ,
A powdel' . 1t cures punCul [ , smart.
lng , ner\'ous feet and Ingrowing nnlls.
It's the greatest comfort dlscover ' of
the ngo. rilnlws new shoes easy. A
cerlan [ Cl1ro COI' sweating feet. Solt !
by all druggists , 2 c. Trial paclcnge ,
FItE . AddrCs A. S. Ohnstet1 , Lo
Ror , N. Y.
. 'rhoro Is nlways a soft berth for the
fellow who cun rout some ono lso out
of It.
lIe lives long that lives woIl : and
tlmo mis-spent is not liver , but lost.-
SUSlllclon alwa 's haunts the guilty
mind : the thief doth fear each bush
nn ofl1cer.-Slmltcspeare.
Love , instead of beng [ wealwned , is
3trengthened and deepened by being
wlndened.-Dr. Philip SchnCf.
That only which wo hn.\'o within can
wo see without. If wo meet no gods ,
it Is because , wo harbor none.-Emer-
gverythlng Is prospective , and man
is to I1vo hereaCtCl' . That the world is
for his education is the only sane solution -
lution of the enl mlL-Emerson.
Genuine morality is preserved onh'
In the school of adver.slty , and a Etato
of continuous prosperity may easily
pl'OVO a lIulclsand to virtue.-Schll.
H Is a great wisdom not to believe
everything which thou hearest , nor
humecJlatelY to relate again to others
what thou hast heard or dost believe.
-Thomas a Kempls.
vl1 thoughts , if cherished , blight
vlrlue , destroy purit . , and undermine
the stablest foumlaUon of character.
'rhey are very much 1I1w rot in tim.
her , 111,0 rust in Iron. They eat Into
the man.-Addhon.
You can't get the hest or some men
because they hnven't any. ,
The puhllshed statements of anum.
ber oC coffee Importers and roasters
iudlcato It "wnspy" feeling towards us
for daring to say that coffee is harmful -
ful to a percentage of the people.
A frank pUblic dlscu.cslon of the subject -
ject Is quito agreeahlo to us and can
certainly do no harm : on the contrary
when all the Cacts on hoth sides of any
, question are sllread bcCoro the 'peoplo
th"y can thereupon decide and act in-
telllge ltly.
Give the people plain facts nmI they
will tnlte care of themselves.
Wo demnnd facts ill this colTeo discussion -
cussion and propose to see that the
facts are brought clenrly beCoro the
A number of cocreo importers and
roasters hav ! ) joined a movement to
boom coffee and stop the use of Pos-
tum Food Coffee nnd in their newspaper -
per s atements undertake to deceive
by false assertions.
Their first is tbnt coffee Is not bnrm.
Wo assert that ono in every three
coffee nsors hus some form of incipient -
ent or clll' nlc discase ; reallzo for ono
moment whnt a terrlblo mennco to a
nation of civilized people , when ono
Idnd of beverage cripples the energies
and health of ono-thlrd the 11eoplo who
use it.
Wo make the nssertlon advll'edh'
an l usgest that the render secure his
own proof by personal inquiry nmong
coffee usors.
AsIc your correo drinldng friends if
tlley leeep free from any sort of aches
and ails. You w111 be startled at the
percontngo nnd will , 'ery naturally
seele to place the cnuse of ( llsord r on
something nshlo from coffee , whether
food , inherited tendencies or , some.
tblng elso.
Go deener In your search for fncts.
H your friend admits occnsonnlneu. [
ralgla , rheul11at m , heart wea1meEs.
stomach or how'll trouble , kldnoy com-
plnlnt , woale eyes or approachln ! ; nerve
out ] lll'ostratlon Induce him or her to
make the eXllerlmont of leaving off
coffee for 10' days and using ) OStuhl
, Food Coffet' , and observe the result.
It will startle 'ou and glvo yonr friend
, somethng [ , to thinle of. Of conrse , if
tbo person is , ono of the weale ones
Ono louch of nature Is worth two
of the pocketboo1e.
Don't cross your hrldgo till you
como to It-nnd maybe it won't bo
Hemember whl10 yon think 'ou are
aggresslvo ethers probably thlnle you
1U0 n Imocleer.
WIWll 1.1. mnn snys ho has "an equi-
ty" In n ploco of 1Jropel't . It moans ho
hasn't much Interest.
What has 'becomo of the old fa.'lh.
loned farmer who Imagned [ he eamed
n living for three or four town pea.
plo ?
. The dressmalwrs can toll far aheal
if the season Is to ho gay , but it talws
the mllleman to tell wlmt Imrtlcular
When some women pass nlong the
streets they have this loole on their
Caces : " .Now I'll bet that man wants
to flirt with mel"
After woman hns ! Jeen married for
a few years to n man who moves
often , she hutes evell nn orator who
has moving powers.
There is no waste tlmo that wore
rles n mnn half so much as the few
seconds ho spends waiting for Centrnl
to answer the telel1hone.
You linow how peopo ) Icicle ; at the
pnrle Il\st night n woman complamet !
because she couldn't heal' the bands
in 'tho moving pictures.
No man can be selfish with his hap-
piness. \
The wages of sin often come with.
out worldng.
It a lot of lucle to push . n
man up hill.
When some people tell the truth
they hnve to label it.
Sarno people seem tireless in makIng -
Ing other people tired.
It Isn't the stlng ' man who lcoeps
his troubles to himself.
'Vhen women grow jealous the devil
proceeds to get busy.
If wo could enl ' hock our troubles
the pawnshops would bo fuU.
The pessmlst [ ne\'er hopes for the
best , yet growls if ho doesn't get it.
We would never suspect how nice
some people were If tlloy didrCt tell
Contentment flies out of the win.
dow when ambition stalles in at tho'
The dollar that looked so small
when ) 'OU borrowed it seems as hig
as a Ferriss wheel when you have to
pay it bacle.
First Oheddlng of Tears.
It will be news to inan ) ' that as a
rule wo do not weep until aCter the
fourth month of life. Ono of the leadIng -
Ing physclans [ of Europe says that he
has been unable to sallnf ) ' himself that
any asserted instance of weeping at an
earlier ago Is genuine.Ioans ,
screams , etc" go Cor nothing. The lIues-
tlon has to t10 with shedding tears.
and says "I can't quit" ) 'OU w111 Ilave
dlscoyorl'd : one of the & aves of the cof.
Ceo importm' , Treat such Itlndly , f r
the ) ' seem absolutely powerless to stop
the gradual but sure destruction of
bed ' and health.
Nature has a wny of destroying 11.
part of the people to mnlo room for
the stronger. It is the old law of "tho
Rurvival of the fittest" at worle , nnd
the victims nro many.
'Ve repent the assertion that coffee
does harm many people , not all. but
an army large enough to appal the in-
ve.stlgator and searcher for facts.
The next prevarication of the coffee
Importers and roasters is their statement -
ment that Postmn. Food Coffee is made
of roasted peas , beans or corn , and
mixed with a low grade of coffee and
that it contains no nourishment.
'Ve have previously offered to wager
$100,000,00 with them that their statements -
ments are absolutely false.
They have not accepted our wa er
and they wl11 not.
We w111 gladly malco n. . present of
$25,000.00 to any roaster or importer of
old-fashlonod coffee who will accept
thnt waJer.
Free InspectIon of our factori < ! s and
methods Is mndo by thousands of Jleo.
plo each month and the coffee Importers -
ers themselves nre cordlnny invited.
Both Postum and Grape-Nuts are absolutely -
lutely pure nnd made exactly as stnted.
The formula of Postum and tbo an-
ab'sls made by ono of the foremost
! chemists of Boston has been 11rlnted
on every pnclmgo for many years nnd
Is absolutely accurate.
Now as to the food value of Postum.
It contains the parts of the wheat herr - !
r ) ' which carry the elemental salts ,
such as lime , Iron , potash , slUca , ote"
etc. , used b ' the lIfo forces to rebuild
the ceUulnr tlssuo , and this Is pn-tlcu-
larly true of the pho pqato of potash ,
al o found In Graps.1nts , which combines -
bines In the human body with albu.
men and this combination , together
with water , rcbullds the wornout grn ) '
matter In the dellcato nerve centers an
over the lJOr ] ' and throughout the
hraln nnll solar plexus.
Ordlnnry coffee stimulates In nn un.
natmal W ) ' , but with many lleoplo It
slowly and smC'ly destrors and docs
not rebul1 < < l th 1I gray substance so
vUaUy imllOrtanl to the weU beng [ of
ever ' human being.
These are eternal fncts , proven , weU
nuthent\cated \ nml Imown to everr
11roperly educated ph'siclan , chemist
and teed expert.
. ,
- - - - -
Badly Affected With Sores and Crust ,
-Extended Down Behind the Ears ) \
-Anothcr Cure by Cutlcura.
"About ten years ngo my scalp be-
eamo hndly aITected wIth sere and
itching humors , crusts , otc. , and .ox-
tont1ed , down behlud the ears. My huh-
came out in places , nlso. 1 WIlS grent-
Iy troubled : understood It wns ecze- i
mat Tried varIous romedles so called. I
without effect. Saw 'our Cullcn/a
ad"cI't\sement \ , nnt ! got the Cutlcurn : ,
Rel1l1liles at once. Allplled .them as : '
to directions" ete , nnd acter two weeles I
I thlnle , of use , was cl nr 1\8 n whistle. , i' '
1 have to sta e also thnt Into last fall , , " ' ' \ \ -
l.ctol > er and November , 190.1 , 1 wns -
sUddenly nlllicted with n had oruptlon. !
palnCul and itching pustules ever th ( } \
lower part oC the bot1y. I surrered '
t1rt'adfull ) ' . In two months , under the I
slI11Cnl treutmcnt of my t1octor , can- !
joined 'with CutlcnrlSoall and Cntl- )
cum. Olnlment , I Cound m 'se1f cured.
II ; 1\1. F. WeIss , Rosemont1 , Christian
Co. , Ill. , Aug. 31 , 11105. " ,
Spanish WeddIng Ceremonies. , \
Mnrrlage In SlIaln talccs place during - :
ing the day or night , nccordlng to the
position in life of the young peoplo.
If , the ceremony occurs l
early in the morning. - \
. '
' "
Lewis' Sn [ lo lllt1l1or costs mora tlmn - " -
other fie cIII'S. . Smolwrs Imow " , hy.
YOlIl' icalcl' or Lowis' l ! actory , Peoria/ / .
- .
Never loole n. . gift auto in the on
tanl. . .
Love finds the way In and sense the
way out.
If ) 'ou can't' bo good you cnn at
least bo careCul.
Sometimes n thing will meet you
half way If ) 'ou start first. I
It's generally the smail minds that ; I
find the petty things In me. (
It's hnrd worle malting people thinlc i
you are havIng a good timo. ' " ,
When a man gets too lazy to worle \
ho cries down with the rich. t'
The good things you covet never \ .
seem so good after 'ou get them. , "
: \Iany a man has Iven up when suc- , , ' ;
cess was tugging at his coat tails. 'ij ;
It " ,111 help you to succeed if yon '
count every ent and mal.e every cent ' . ,
People who wouldu't borrow a
niclel w111 borrow a hlllulre doU rs' . '
worth of trouble without provocation. ,
If everyhot1y , led Ideal llves the '
world would got monotonous , and ' " .
newspapers have to'go out of busi- ,
nesa. j. .
Sometimes it's a question of who
. .
gets the most in matrimonial yen.
: . ture-th.e preacher lIr the contracting
partles-Wm F. Grifl1n in 1\II1waulwo
A volunteer in n Colorado regiment
at l\lanlla has been cured of stuttering
b ) ' being shot through the throat by a.
Mauser bullet.
: , : it
r .
, -
- . . ,
, , . . _ . , ' . " . . " . , "
' - I h e ! c O. . Aee { ' , e b a t eo , . ' " '
Plense remember , , o never say 01'-
dinary coffee hurts evel' 'one.
Some peollle use it regularly antI
seem strong enough to wlthDtmd Its :
attacls , but there is misery and t1is.
case in store for the man or woman :
who pel'sists in Its' use when nature :
protests , by heart wealmess , stomachS ( .
and bowel troul > les , lddnoy disease , ; (
w'al eyes or general nervous prostra-
tion. The remedy is obvious. The
drug' caffeine , contained in aU ordinary :
cot'foe , must ho discontinued absoluto. .
ly or the disease w1l1 continue in spite
of any medlcne : and w111 grow worso.
It is easy to leave off the old-Cash.
loned coffee by adopting Postum Food
Coffee , for in it one finds n. pleasing'
IJot brealdast or dinner beverage that
has the deep seal brown color , changing -
ing to a rich golden brown when good
cl'eam Is added. When boiled long
enough (15 ( minutes ) the flavor is not
that of rank TIle coffee but very 1I1co
the mnder. smooth and hlgh-grndo
Jam , but en 1rely IncIting the drug
effl'ct : of ordinary coffeo. .
Anyone suCCerlng from disorders set
up by coffee drlnldng ( and there is an
extensive variety ) can ab.solutely' do-
I pend upon soma measure oC relief by
quitting coffee nnd uSing Postum Food
If the disease has not be como too
strongly rooted , ono can with good ren-
son expect it to disappear ontlrely in
a reasonable tlmo after the active
cause of the trouble is removed nnd ,
the ceUular tissue has time to natural- f
ly rebuild with the elements furnished
b ' Po.stum nnd good ood.
It's only just plain old common
1 > : 'ow , with the exnct facts before the
reader , ho or she can ( Iecldo the wise
course , looldng to health and the
power to do things.
Ir 'ou have any doubt as to the
cause of any nche or aU you may have ,
remember the far-reaching telegrams
of a hurt nervous B'stem travel from
heel to head , and It m'1) ' bo well worth
) 'our whllo to mal.o the eXl1eriment of ) .a . , )
leaving off coff\ entirely for ten days _ 14t ( .
and usn PostU1l1 In Its placo.
You w1l1 probably galhel' some good G
solid fncts , worth moro than n gold
mlno , for henlth can malto gold nnd
slclmess lese it. Besides there's nIl
the Cun. for It's 1I1ee n continuous in-
tornnl frolic to bo perfectly well.
'rhera's n reason for
l'oltulU Cvrul Co , . Ltd" Dattto Creek , Mlcm '