Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 12, 1906, Image 4

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. u , : lU4. ' , !
tuatn Qunly ftopub llcan .
Pabllabfd Y r7 Thursday n.t the UOUlltyIJOII. : . . .
D. 11. MSUEUn . . . . . Etllwr
One column , Jler month,17.00. Onn.halt eo.-
D. ver montnJ 8UX ) ' narur column. VOl
alonth , l2.r.o. OeII thin quater column , ro
Clnta per Inch per mOD'h.
( ) ardl on Gra' pago. GO contll per Inoh , po ,
J.nealadYerU lnl ! : II cenlll par 1100 each 1010r.
Uon. . . ' .
NoUca Qt tburch falrt , lotlablell nnd enlarla I n.
men where mono , 111 tlutrRed , ono.balt rlrtoll.
Society DOUCOI and retl1lntlon ! , one-halt rawi.
WeddlnIPO"cel ] froo. balf price for puhllullng
lilt of prnu.
Delth 110&1001 free. hit prlclI for pnbll b1n"
oblt Ul DO"COI , and card. of thank ! .
lAQal DOUce. It fIItCi proTlded b1 I' ' atato. of
One t.&r.1DadTp.Dco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ! , OO
_ _ _ Q111co In Oaetor 1J1ock. ) foarth ATG. . , , ' "
Thursday , April 12 , 190 ( , .
It is difficult for even the resident -
dent of this state to reali7.e how
rapiclly the state is developing.
It's growth , during the past five
ye rs , has been like a fairy talc ,
but there is every indication that
the same period in ad V3 nce wiJl
show even greater progress.
This is not a boom , but a good ,
steady growth , based on the
wonderful resources of the state
and the far-seeing wisdom and
energy of its
The election at Ailiance last
week resulted in a victory for the
law and order forces-the principal -
cipal edict being that "the gamblers -
blers must go. " For a long time
Alliance has had an extre1l1ey )
bad 'reputation throughout the
state and 1t is to be hoped the
new administration will do a
good job of house cleaning so
that hereafter a citizen of that
place-when away fromholl1e-
will not blush with shame when
they ay t.hey rcside atAlliance _ ,
An Appology.
A communication from Mr.
Scott , of Anselmo , last week
giving the obituary of Mrs. Sco-
ville and a card of thanlts by the
family and a communication from
our regular correspondendent
from Lee Park , were either acci-
dently or mal1ciously removed
from the copy hook and destroyed -
ed before it was set. It is the
first case of the kind that h s
happened in our twenty years in ,
the ne'wspaper business and we
shall see that it is not repeated.
Band Concert SAturday Night.
The band will give its initial
concert on both the north and
south sides next Saturday night
and we know we are not wrong
in sayinc ! it will be greatly appreciated -
preciated by itizens. The band
which now numbers sixty-two ,
has been practicing rcgularly
twice a week during the past
winter under the direction. of
Prof. Taylor and attained an
excellence seldom reached by a
country band , rendering in an
almost professional manner the
highest grade selections , At
this first open air concert Ted
Osborne will blow a solo Oil the
big bass drum and he hop'cs none
o'those in attendance w111 deem
it incumbent upon themselves to ,
present him with a boquet of
cabbage leaves and carrots that
, have slumbered in the cellar all
Prelbyterian Church DedicAted.
The new Presbyterian church
was dedicated Tuesday night.
The very unusual part of the
propam that is usual on such occaSiOns -
caSiOns was that the entire expense -
pense of the building had b'een
paid before the date of ded1cation
wis arran ed. The services
were presided over by Dr.
' 1'homas L. Sexton of Lincoln ,
abd the dedicatory sermon was
preached by Rev. Geo. A. Hay , of
St. Paul. . The prayer was' offered -
fered by Rev. 'rhos. Clark of
Grand Island. . .
A DeniAl.
Comstock , Neb. ,
April 9 , 190 ( , .
It has been circulated all over
Custer County and other places
that the village of Comstock was
incorporated for the sole purpose
of g tting a saloon in here. Now
we want to inform the public
that it is not true and that there
is not one word of truth in it.
Further more , the majority of
the citizens that signed the petie
tion to have the village of Comstock -
stock incorporated would not
sign a saloon petition.
We want to say for the information -
mation of the public that the
villafe of Comstock was incorporated -
porated for the purpose of makIng -
Ing a better town of it , and not
for the purpose of getting in a
saloon. It is not for tJle village
board . to say if they want a sa-
E1JL.It - .r" ' . " ' I . ' " . fI. W < 1.J' [ 4 ' - ' 14 - ! . :
. . .YiJ1oJ. _ < .T- * ' : : " - .t4 _
We Trust
If you ore suffering from
impure blood , thin blood , de-
billty , nervousness , exhllus-
tlon , you should begin at once
whh Ayer's Stu'snpnrilln , the
Snl'snpnrilln you hnvc known
nil your me. Your doctor
knows htoo. Askhimnboutit.
\ ' , , " rnlut IonIc 'Tcll nfter UIO [ 'o"IIII"n of
) 'Iollr IIv r uuIIII\\"I. . IInl'u thl't. . IA dally
UCUIIII or the " 0",11. I'ol''noln , "tOlIIl 'A DtO
ah"el. " rnuAhl1 ( h"nlnche. , 101I1 < ' 'III''IIlInu.
A"B.lypcpIB , RIIII thnM 1""v"II"1I , th. . HaT'
. .
, . , . . . .
' \ ' \ h. frnlll Iolnl ( II. \tork. Arlit.
1'I. \ I. UII' liver 1,11I. , Art j"IItlY.I./I VCRetalJle.
' 1'110 do.o II 011 Y 0110 1,11I ut hl IlIlIl" .
by J. a. A'1cr Co. . Lowell. M. . . .
AI.n m.nue.oluI0U or
AMado , HAil ! VIGOR. . .
AGUe CURl ! .
. -
loon. ' 1'hat is left with thc'citi -
ens of Comstock.
li'urther more , it has been rumored -
ored that the town was incopor-
atcd in an underhanded way.
1'0 this we sa ) ' that the petition
was circulated nl1 around the
town and every clti7.en had a
chance to sign it. The petition
was taken to Brolten Bow , the
county seat of Custer county , by
two of the busincss men of the
town , presented to the county
board in form and the chairman
of the count } ' board appointed a
committee to investigate. That
committee reported favorable , . so
the county board declared .the
village of Comstock incorporated ,
according- the statuates of the
state of Nebraska. 'l'he county
board appointed a board of trustees -
tees for the village of Comstock
and everything was qone accord-
ing' to [ aw.
We , as Americau people and
citizens of the village of Comstock -
stock want to say that we deny
any statement to the effect that
we were and are the instigators
of getting a saloon in here. We
will. perform our duties as near
as we Imow how and will try and
live in the bounds of the law.
Some of the people of this village
has this board branded as saloon
bums , but we know from where
it comes and consider the sonrce.
Very respectful1y ,
E. M vItns ,
GEO. STmn..u.
Members of the village board. STItI'UItNS ,
Village Clerk.
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
( ' . . "I. . - - .
our doors , sash , blinds and trim
wl en making a contract with the
bUilder. Our
is unequaled and architects I
strongly r commend it on account
of the superior material and fine '
'ye can supply ( leers of modern
design at moderate prices. Sash
can be had gla7.ed or unglazed.
Let us subfnit an estimate.
Dierks Lumber and Coal Co.
J.A. . ARMOUR , .
Attorney at Lav.
Broken Bow. Nebr.
1Iavl II II' JlIst 11\11 oll1'ht > 'carH practical expcr
leliCe aR Hounty JlIll1e'llIlI'lve RPeclal att11
tloll to tllu dmwlllll' allli Ilrollatlllll' of wlliR alld
thu a.hlllll18tratlIJII or eBtateR ur deceased Iler.
101111 alllllllillor8 , Write or IIbollllllle. I lIIay
Rave YOII tl trill. ,
l'mctlcu III Statu allll Pelleral COllrts At .
IItmct or tltlcs examhwll. Heal l Rtate'alld
1\ll1l1lcll'al , I.aa 1"'cla1ty. Uealer III Heal
hHtate. Strict attlItlulIlClvell tu all buslllsl
OOlce IIIIe ! > ' ! ! r Uluck. I'bolle MO. Broken lIo\\ ' :
. .
- - - - - - -
I am presared to launder I.ace cnrtains .
on stretchers. Satisfaction guaranteed. '
Your patronoge solicited.
Mrs. Mattie Papineau.
One block east of Ryerson's store.
wo bllcks north of Orand Oell\ral lIotel. Fit.
ollago eoUcltod. l'rlce8 rOIlOnaIlIG.
"P. . . -'Iorr.Y-.lJI..l. : : . . . . x" ' " ' . . . . , , u _ .4" ' . f1. , .J- . . . . . , . " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . - T' _ _
lAI ' - " " ' . " " " ' , , , L. . . . , ' _ AO _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . .p _ " , " . . . . . . . . . , . . _ ,
. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nuw Crocerv Firm
. . . - - - .
.L1l1--u L1WI1
IT. N. Peale and Hey 'V n lker have purchased :
the l\levis stock of g'rocer es and will cond uct the I I
business under the firm name of
Having buught this stock at a hargain we are
prepare to sell you gl'ocerie as cheap a the
market w lI bear.
will be taken in exchange.
> 1-
on dry goods houses for goods we do not handle.
Oall and see us
Pe Walker Grocery Co. , , I
, .
East Side of Public Square ,
- "
- -
r . , - .
1Y.IO-V-ElJ : : : > > '
First door west of Broken Bow State bank , in the
building vacated by Hockwell & ; lConkel.
I-Iaving purchased the Hockwell & ; IConkel stock
of hardware.and combined it with my own , I now
have one of the largest stocks in central N Abraska.
All old customers , as , veIl as new ones , are invited -
vited to call.
'Vith increased room and combined stock r am
better rpepared to accomodate the trade.
J. C. VanCott.
- .
- - - - -
IJW. _ - _ . .J . . " 4' ' . . . ' -L-1.
- IL1.
. 4'I
_ . "
. . . . _ . _ _ . . . , . . . . , " " ' ' ' ' ' -I ' - . : : .
- " '
- - - -
frw A > > W
8 J.:18 : : . SJ.A.IJXr : ,
. l'1"- ' , Pl OI'HIt TOl
'JJv ' 1- : RY S'1'1\n.
I' ' " LIVERY and
I 8 .
l ) . \
' , t ; FEED BArt { \ {
- 'o- 8 , ,
8 M..r. " . . EAST Oli' GLOBE HO'l'Ef4. 8 ( \
R Rctlloclclcll ntHl rcpaircd throughout. G00l1 hvcr ) ' rigs . at rcasona 11 c rntes. 8 ( I I ,
o Accotllollntion for cnttle and rnngc her cs. IIny ntnoon. 10 ccnts ; all dllY , Q I. "
8 15 ccnls ; o\'er night , 35 ccnts. Call nllltscc me. I , . . . ) '
J"J" : o-.o : - : r.r.r.rJ".r.'O : Q Jr.o < d - \
- I - - - . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . _ _ - - . _ _ _ u _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . " . . . _ _ _ \
_ I. . - I
Successor to }
and GEO. WI LLING , ' .
Embalmer and. Funeral Director , "
I }
. Business phone , 301. Residence phone , 227. I , : S
' ' ' -
, -1 "
. - -
Duroc and Herefords .
. . . .
- - " - - - - - - -
r have some fine sows
and guilts bred to' , :
Ouster Billy and Oad- i-
well's Ohallenger , also < j'
choice bulls for sale.
- -
II m : : ; : BUi ; : : ; 1 ; . -
cJ.eo. : Pap1n.ea-U : , ' .
I Contractor and Builler. Estimates 1ID !
I . . Furnished , , free with plans and specificati ns. I ! . '
- ( .
Rargai11s in Farlll La11d and. Ranc11es .
Writ for list with prices and terms of sale.
If you have land for sale list it with me. . '
Correspondence with non-resident land owners solicited
EDWIGH. . . Broken Bow , Neb.
_ ! : . . &
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
And .A.dditional . Prizes Amounting - to $6,500
Per the purpose of crenting a greatcr interest in music with all il' refining
home influences. we have decided upon nn offcr which we hope will not only
accom' li h thc object desired , but will nlso llring to us thc gratitude of all who
may take part in this contcst. We dcsire the words ROSS P. CURTIS CO.
to become impressed UpOIl the minds of those in Grand Island aUlI vicinity
who will rCCCI\'e this favor , amI onr delerminntion to have it so. has resulted
ill the following offer :
Tkis is word contest , ntlllthe only cOllllitions are that the words must be
confincd to the fourlecnletlcrs in the words ROSS 1' . CURTIS CO. . and that
all contestants must stnte whcther or not thc ) " have a piano or orgnn. and the
mnkers namc. This latter is for the { lurpose of enabling us to know just how
many homes in Grand Island and vicmity are without instruments. Thlre are
no limits as to the numbcr of contestants in n family. but ollly one prizc will
be awarded in anyone famit ) ' .
The Contest is as Follows :
Sce how manywonl' can be ! hade ont of the fourtcenletters in ROSS P.
CURTIS CO. The peri on making the reatest number of words will receive
a $300.00 Richmond upright piano absolutely IREE. This will be the first
' 1'he ten next highcst unswers will entitle each one to a credit certificate of
! $ [ 00.00 on another pinno like the OIlC offercd as first prizc.
The fifty next highest answers will clltitlc the successful contcstants each
I to a credit ccrtificate of $50,00 on a piano the samc as the first prize or any
other new pinno. or piano player in our stock.
The one hundred next highest nnswcrs will entitle the succcssful contes.
tnnl' ! each to a credit of $25,00 on any ne N piano , or piano pla'er in our ware
I rooms.
In the event of a lie happening betwecn sncccssful contcstanls. prizes
identicl\l in charactcr amI value will be givcn to each.
Not only will a certificate be acceptcd asso milch cash , paid 011 a piano , or
piano ) layer. but easy tcrms will\lso be givcII to thosc who do not wish to
pay al , cash.
Shou1c1 lnot intercst you. kindly hnnd this to some friend who would like
to enter the contest.
This Contest Will Close April 25.h . , 1906 ,
I ! VitI all nnswcrs should bc marked on the outshle uWonl Contest" and mnilcd
I or delivercd to our addrcss at 22 [ Wcst3nl St. , Grand Island , Nebraska , by
that date.
I Ench list will be carefully exnmi.uetl , and the successful contestants noti.
I fied as soon as possible , which will bc Itbollt a week later.
Remember These Instructions. . 111 !
See how ay words you can make out of the letters in ROSS i
P. CURTICE CO. A word may contain C three times ; l { . 0
and S twice and P. U. T. I and E only once. A word cannel . I ;
be used more than once , even though it has different meanings. \
Any word now in use in the English language ( Webster is our .
authority ) will be counted , but not obsolete . words or names of I , . '
'persons or places. "
Do not use plurals. '
State if you have a piano and the maker's name. . ( .
Add your list when completed and state the number of words II I I
NOTE-Ever since the establishment f . I
our business. a quarter of a cen.
tury ngo , it has always becn the policy of ROSS P. CURTlS CO. to handle
only reliablc and atlstic pianos , and to sell them at the lowest possible priccs. I
and th lowest possible terms. Duying as we do , on a cash basis , and in great , .
volume , enables us to undersell our competitors who have not the advantage of
large capital. and long years expcrience. and we are also able to offer our cns- I f
tomces liberal terms of payment. And it is becau5e we sell our pinnos ot
priccs the lowest for wh lh they can be purchased anywhere in the U. S. that I ,
the credit certificate that you may earn , be it $100 , $50 or $25 , will reprcsent I
that much valuc as cash on anyone of the instruments you may sclcct.
Carefully investigate the piano mnrket with 011 dilligcnce , compure price
with price , qUl\lity with quality , and after all discounts we will abide by your '
dccision. We haTe taken from 20 per cent to 30 per ccnt off the straight ) (
piano denIers prices and morked our pianos at thc lowest possiblc asking and I . . .
sclling pricc. The RCH 10ND piano offered as the first prize is strictly
first class up-to-date instrument. and is made by one of the largcst Rlllt most I
reliable mnnufacturing concerns in this country. It is fully guaranteel ( , an (1 ( is
recommendcd by us , as the best value that first class matcrinl. and skilled I
workmanship cn proluce. ( We invite your closest inspection. Our splcndid
stock of pianos from which customers have the privilege of sclecting. an j
which are handled exclusively by us include such makes as :
- -
1 ( .
I Mark all communications "Word Contest" and forward the same to .
i _
221 West 3'rd Crand Island
I , , . : . _
L . . . : . _ _ _ _ _ 'Ji ) ; '
- - - - - - - - - - - -
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. ' .
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