Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 05, 1906, Image 7

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    , t : \ , "
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" "
/ .
. . .
, "
. A Time When Women Are .susceptible to Many
Dread Diseases-Intelligent Women Prepare
. for it. Two Relate th ir Experiences.
The "chnngo of life" is
the most critical period
of n. woman's existeneo.
and the anxiety felt by
womenus it draws near
is not without reason.
Every woman who
neglects the earo of her
health at this time invites -
. vites dlsenso and pain. I
When her 8 'stem is in
0. demugel condition.
or she is predisposed to
, apoplexy. or congestion
of nny organ , the ten-
dency. is at this pori0(1
likely to become active
-and with a host of n r-
vous irritations maleo
lifo 0. burden. At this
tlmo. nlso , cancers and
tumors are m ro liable
to form nnd begin their
dcstructh'e work.
Such warning symp.
toms ns seuse of suffo-
cation. hot ashes , hend-
nches. baclcnches , drend
) of impending evil , timid-
ity. sounds in the enrs ,
pnlpitation of the henrt.
sparles before the e 'es ,
irregularities. const pn-
tlon. varinblo appetite.
weakness. inquietmlo.
o.nd dlzzinoss. 0.1'0
promptly heeded y n-
tclllgentwomen who 11.1'0 .
nnnron hlnp" the noriod
nit - , n - ' m n' - - great change
may be expeeted.-
Lydia. E. } > inleham's Vegetable Compound -
pound was prepared to meet the needs
of womnn's system nt this trying
period of her life. It invigorates and
strengthens the female organism nnd
builds np the wenkened nervoussystelll.
For special advice regarding this important -
portant period women are invited to
write to Mrs.l > inleham o.t Lj'nn. Mass , .
and it will bofurnished absolutelyfreo
of charg . The present Mrs. Pinlehmn
is the of Lydia. E. Pink-
ham , her assistant before her dccease.
and for twenty.five years since her
mivico has been freely given to sick
Read what Lydia E. Plnleham's Compound -
pound did for : Mrs ; lIyland o.nd Mrs.
lIinkle :
Denr Mrs. PinkJlIlm-
"I hlld been suffering with dlspln.cement ot
lhe orgllnstor yellrs aud Wl\S passing throuJh
the chnnge ot llt'e. My abdomen was blldly
swollen ; my stomach WIIS sore ; I had dizzy
. . , , . . , ,
nl1a c/r rnnln..tna nn,1 wnQ vnrv nnt'VnnQ
; cii ; u"i vp kh : n ; V i bl - ' t ; ; od"S Ccecds iYhcro Others fdlL
AUtOi110bi Ie
April 4 , 5 , 6 and 7 , ' 06
, , ' -
Tbe IrcnteHt exhibition oC Automobiles o\'er beld
\ \ etit or Chit-ago. U"en aHernoon allli o\'cnlng.
Orchestral Muslo AdmissIon 250
' ; We otrer to n limited n..mherot""uh.e..lber.
. tre..ry .toelt of' Im..n denomlnuUou on n
j I a..ntecdl..nt Ih.n. 'rhlM , vlll mt"nn to
I I ' y. . . . n..t . .nly luf'e bnt. In..e divi-
dend. . .nt of' U" , e.n'nlna. . Oct thele f'.ete ,
, f'un'He..l..rl und tlet..l1. hy return mun.
, A. 1".ot..1 , vln ba'ina them. YOII. .
money mRke ) ' 011 m..ney. Xot : cent. .
b..t Ja'1&6 I..onta.
iJ .
REFEItENO&-II1bernla D\nk : & Trust Co. ,
, . .
New Orleans
'l'hlrll National Danle , , St. Louis , Mo ,
South Commercial Street. St. Louis. Mo.
. _ nnd Wood Jlrnmes,125 ami up. Wrlle
, ' us before you buy.Ve save YOI1
_ \\I'lI1one \ ) ' . Also I'lImps nnll Wind
Mills. BECKMAN BRaS , . Des MoInes , lowi.
&I I 'IVl'oto you for advlco and commenced
trcntment with Irdla : E. Plnkhnm's Vego-
tn lo COl11potllul as you dlreet < 'tl. and I am
happy to sny thnt nIl these dl&tresslllK symptoms -
toms left 1I1e ntHI I 1ll1vo pl\ssed sllfely tiJrough
the chllnge of life , n. . well womnn. I am
recommClHllng your m\tlclne to nIl my
friends.Mrs. . Annie E. O.lI'lnnd ; , Chester-
town , Md.
Another Woman's CnRO.
I ! During cil n o of life words cannot express -
press what I suffered. : My physlclnu said I
hlld n. cancerous condition of the .fomale
organs. Ono day I rend some ot the testi-
monlnls of women who had een cured by
Lydia E. Pinleham's Vegetable Compound.
and I decided to try it and to write you for
advice. Your medicine made me well
woman , and all my bad s'mptoms soon
disarpenred. overywomanl1.t this period ot life
to take your medicine aud write you for ad-
vieo.-Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle , Salem , Ind.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Hylund and
Mrs. IIlnlde it will do lor other women
at this time of life.
lt has conquered , restored
health , and prolonged 1 fo in cnses tha.t
nHnrlv bl.flled nhvsiclans. "
If you have cream to sepl.rato n. good
Cream Separator is the most profltablt"
investment you can possibly malee. Dc ,
lay means daily waste of
time , labor amI product.
SEl > A B.A TORS save
$10.- per cow per year
every j'ear of use over all
gmvity setting system ,
und $5.- per cow over
all imitating separat rs.
Thcy received the Grand
Prize or Highest Award
at St. Louis.
Jluying trashy cash-in-advance separators
raters is penny wise. dollar foolish.
Such machines quickly lose their cost
instead of ( wluy it.
If you haven't the ready cash
DE LAVAL machines may be bought
on such liberal tenns that they actul.l1s
lmy for tlwlltsclves ,
Send to-day for new catalogue an
name of nearest local ugent.
Randolph & Canal Sis. I 74 Cortlandt Stre ! : '
When Writing Advertisers Kindly
Mention This 'palcr. ?
DEFIANCE STnnen rnrcttntllgs
' . I.AIIBON lco. . Honk 'rco. C4
PATEUTS \l1I1I.lIlIg. UMaha , Nobrntika ,
" ' . N. U. , Ouwh. . . Nu. 13-1000
, I won't soli Al1t1-0"h.I..0 (0 a , I'alor who won't O..t. . .
It. Call for ] 'our UUNE1l II.UJI'IF J'r DON'T OURE.
F. IV. DICUlCJ' . M. D. . Manufnoturcr.Bpl'luullcll , Mo ,
These Imlls are from cows selected frorn herds-All . fino-No eulls-I'rlc08 right-If. toS ! montlJ. eli
Wrllo. or bettcr < "omo aod ( 'o themalidmakoyouro\\.lI clectlons.aD.llIy omall outlay double tbo vallio 0
, your future ] 'OUII slock. lIazllrl 18 00 the 1Iurllllltoll rOllto to I11111t1l s-lU III11e8 weRt of Grand hInD !
t FrI'o tramporlollon trolll Motloll to stock haros. I IIIl1es. All 8a1e8 dollver , l I' . 0 , II , card.
- You cannot rcar a strong nation on a feeble foundation. You cannot buile
, 11. cathedral if yon begin with the spire. You cannot have healthy children b'
n. , improper fecding. Let the children be reared on good. healthy. nourishing fee ;
, tt ) make them a nation of mental and physical workers. instead of puny , pitifu
men and women.
: Jf' FOOD
Is the best fooll for the growing child , the laboring man. the feeble and th
aged. No breakfast food to compare with it.
P:1I3t3b = oNutrtious3sy' ; of Digestion and Re3dy to Ea1
Can be served hot. Put In a hot oven for a few mlnulos ; or cook In boiling milk to a mush
IDc a package. For Snle by Iy .rlgnaturo e
All nlllch nllu..l"hmt'llt Grocers I on ; % tt ' , . , _ ,
" " U 101" ' , , " oCbrcatl 90 . . . 'n , . . . # .
Dr. Price. the fl1mou8 food expert. thl ! creator of Dr. Prtce's Cream 'Delclng Powder , Dellclou
t\ . Flavoring Extracts , ICI ! Cream Sugar and Jelly Delserts , has never been compellec
'I nothwlthstandln strenuous Food lawi. to chaoec any of hll products. They havl ! alway
conformed to thefr requirements. This 18 an absolutl ! gUlirantel ! of their quality and puritl
Prof. Till Discovered Muolcill Proper-
ertles of Paleozoic Rocks.
or coursa , there Is music In overy.
thing axcel1t nn occnslonnl soul. It
Is in 11.11 . woods. metnls , mlnornlA ,
wnters. ntmosphercs nnd spnces. sa's
the New , Yorlt Prass. Dut there are
S0l110 me\1 nnet women who nro unable
to hum the slmll1cst tuua. I lmow n.
mother of so\'ornl children In this city
who couldn't tell "Olel lIundrcd"
( rom "Yanleco Doodle. " She wns ne\-
er able to sing to her bnhles. Lullnby
to her spells Infinlto distress. Prof.
Till's dlsco\'ery or music In the 113100'
zoic roclts or the Cumberlnnd moun.
tnins , In England. was n. grent stlll
forward 1\1 the production or 11leasur.
able emotlol1. The rocks nro gneiss
nnd hornblondo. deposited nccordlng
to geological test prior to the Intro.
ductlon or Hro UJlun uarth-In nil
probability 100,000,000 j'ears ago. The
rocle band Is a nnturnl effecl.
It Is said that these roclts when
E.truce ) give forth sounds as vnrious as
the chords or grand piano. and more
nccurate. Mr. Till and his rnther.
stnrtlng with an octave and a halt ,
spent twelve years In perCecting an
, Instrument of broa ( } capnclty. The
rocks are from six Inches to rour teet
In length. nrrnnged on n frame nbout
C\7elvo \ teet long. They give a scale
" , f flyo oCtnv6s and are played upon
by rour persons , each WIUI two hnm.
mers or mallets. to bent out Hie
sound. There are slteptlcs who ns.
servnto thnt the , "roclts" are Iron or
steel In disguise. This the Tills re-
The Old Gods and the 'New.
In the twilight ot the ages
'Vhere the dust of ) 'ears lies dead ,
" 'rlnlrlcd Seera and wrlnltled Snges
SlIlce Lhll centuries hnve sped.
8tlllld the wraiths ot unattended
Gods who once were cnlled subllmo ,
Even In tholr ruin splendid ,
Mocking and defylllS ' 1'lmo.
In the walee ot winds thnt Callow
Fast nlons the path oC mlln ,
Comes an ccho ot Apol1o.
FlonLs the reedy note ot Pan.
And a clearer 1I0te Is rlllging
Mid the clashing at the Jlheres ,
And a wlldor night Is wInging
Through the vlstlls ot the years.
And trom out the ocean mighty
High above the corn I caves.
Rises Venus Aphrodlto
Throned and sceptered by the wnve. ,
While the horn ot Neptune winding
In the nlght's recumbent noon.
Scatters music o'er the bllndlns
Sl\ver \ pathway at the moon.
So the old gods were most human ,
More tIIte sons. and lite , and wlnc ,
Touched to love words by a womlln ,
, Mortnl halt. and halt divine :
And the later gods we tashlon
For their loss have not sulllced.
No ! not even the compnsslon
And the great whlto soul ot Christ.
-Ernest McGaf'tey. In Nntlonal Magllzlne
Was Right In Hla Line.
Those little dnbs a man gives hh
wife when he leaves town nnd call !
them ldsses are about al : : ! thrilling 11.1
the a vernge Idss ono sees given f 1r
parting at the Union Station. for kiss
ing nt that place is so common nn oc
currence that the employes pay llttll
attention to It. But the other nfter
noon , t1 e. people who wntched th. .
Twentieth Century Lhnlted pull ou
saw a ldss that was nearly gOO (
enough to put In a "best selling'
novel. The man put his arm aroul1l
the womnn , drew her close nnd thO !
ldsslng her on the mouth , pressel
his cheele to hers for n moment ; Ie
er go and jumped on the alreadJ
moving train.
Every ono was thrilled until It wal
learned that ho was nn actor and ha (
p.arned to Idss as n. child learns Itl
. . D. C's.-Columbus Dispatch.
Seasick Frinch Sailors.
Dlttor complaint is mndo by [
French naval journal because thl
modern training of French naval of
ficers and seamen does not sUfficlentlJ
I hnbltuate them to the sea. On tlll
voynge of the Jauregulberry Crom Tou
! on to Drest that battleship hnd t <
face n. storm In the Day or Biscay
! which prostrated no Cewer than 20 (
seamen and a largo number of of
ficers. In the Russian fleet at the bat
lie ot the Japan sea there was a slml
I 111.1' stnto or nffairs. It Is urged tha
there bo more crui3ing at sea In al
weathers and a period of some years
servlco on torpedo cart for officers
I with the object or giving the person
nel oC the French navy Its sen. legs.
. .
I Better Than Any Speech.
Among the anecdotes told In J , H
, Settle's book concerning electiol ,
r hl1norlis \ the following about LorI
. Rosebe y :
I His lordship was in the east end 0
: London at an election time , ant
while Inspecting a great establish men
several ot the emplo'es. whoso know ]
I edge of the distinguished guest chlefl :
. centered in him as the owner or i
good 11orse , communicated to ono 0
I the company their wish that m
Rosebet'y would do them a ravor ,
"Whal Is It you want-a speech.
aslted the gentleman.
"A speech ! No ! Speech bo hnn
ed ! " was the repl ) ' . "Wo want a tli
for the Livor1001 ] cup ! "
Helen Gould's Many Charities.
In the name of hef father an
mother , Helen Gould. with the assls
anco of Elizabeth Altman. annuall
distrlhutes $500.000 In charity , Prol
ably 1\1iss Gould supports direclly an
Indirectly more charities than auy pe
son living. lIeI' donations annuall
reach 500 or moro beneficiaries. H (
total disbursements during the lal
eight years-and they are all mad
with business judgmenl and throug
t1. perfect s'stem-reach $ toooOOO.
Geurgla's Only Republican Governo
RuCus Dulloclt , the only RepUblica
over elected governor oC Georgln. an
. who pla'ed a conspicuous part In tlJ
reconstruction period , Is now spendln
his declining da's In the vlllago (
Albion , N. Y. , his boyhood home. A
though his mind Is as brilliant nn
clear as over , a form or parnlys'
wh\ch \ seized him a yenr ago has mnd
him Qn Illwol1t IIflnlplIQ In\'aUd.
V. e , NA Vonll"9 ) 'ollnA' mon nn\
chn1\lel. . l'CfllUtlll'lIl Hcrrultlng Stn-
tlon. I'olltollleo nul hll II Omnhn. Neh.
Sub-Stntlonll , ,1IIIfr Itl o'le. 1I1\coln
Nob. : ! nntl 1'olltolllco BIIIIlIl1\ . COll1\cd
Blum' . In , ' 1'omllorarf HocfUIt I1\G' Station -
tion ellen nt 810llx 1'l\lIs S. D" April
11th to 14th ; 1'nnlto1\ . h. April 16th
to 211t : Sioux City. 111. . . , A\1rll \ : ! : lrl1 to
8thi nes "loIIICII. In. . AIJrll 30th to
IlIa ) ' ! ith. IlIclll l\'e. OIl\1ortunlt \ ) ' tor nll-
vnncolllont n1\l1 s\1oclnl \ tncehllnteal
trlllning bottlr thnn U\'I' before , Pay
$16 to $70 I'er 1II0nth. hl'l1ll1e8 nllo\\-
nncoll. AJllJrC1\lIee Seamell onllstell
hot ween I. nntl 26 ) 'l'nrtl lire trnnll-
forred to 1Nln'lIl 'l'rnlnlnlt Stlllloll.
:1th"fll to n NIl"Y 1'nrd , llooll opl'nlngs
Cor "lnehlllllltl1 , I loctrlcllIlIM , COllller-
9tnlths , "luslelnn9 , CllrI'onLcrll , SlenoA'-
rn\1horl1. \ 1 lr'lnen. 1Inleor8 , ote , Cull nl
: : Ir n < 1 < 1resfl nn ) ' oC thn n1l0\0 Nnvy He-
: rultlng 8tnlll1nll , Cor Cull Intormnthm
ns to " nmt terms , gnllstmonts foUl'
) 'cnrs. IlIlb" nl ) ' eltlr.l'II ! ! ot the Unlt\(1
States or gool1 ehnrnotlr 1\1'0 IIccel > toli.
Stammering Is tltllmown ntnons S\V'
ngo tribes. "
A magnificent stcol ( ) ngrnvlng at
Hngormnn Pass , ' the most famou ! !
mountain pass In Colorado , has been
Issued by the Colorado MlcHand Hall.
way. This engrn ring is : ! Gx40 Inches
nnd suitable for frnmlng. It will bo
.lIent to any address on rocolpt or 15
cents In staml ) ! ! b ) ' C. II. poers. G.
P. A" , Denver , . Cole ,
The average welghl oC nn Alulnman
Islnnder Is slxt ) ' IOUIH\s. \
" 'orth ICnonlll1 ;
-thnt Alicocle's , nre the orllilnnl nUll
, ) Illy genuine po rOilS plnstors : 1\11 olhor
so-callell porous plnstors nro Imitations.
Clergymen stand second In the list
or Inventors ; mcchanlcs lIrst.
r rrnl\l1 nUyc\1r .I , No nt.orl1pnn\1nr"l\tc r
FITS llrat .1\y"I1. . . or IIr. K IIl1o'lIrut N.n8 Un'lo. . .
nr. Rn1 rllr 1"1t1 1 81.00 trial I > . .II\ . \ ( , " 1111 trr"Ue. .
DU. Itll. "UN : , Md. . 1m 'rnh Htn.el.l.hlhlllcl\lhll\.I. \ . . .
A mntrlmonlal storm will curdle
oven the mille or human Idndness.
Brushed Scales From Face Like Pow.
der-Under Physic lanD Grew
Worse-Cutlcura Worko Won.
"I suttered with eczema six months.
I had tried three doctors , but dlcl not
get any better. It was on m ) ' body
and on my Ceet so thicle' that I could
hardly put a 1IIn on mo without touch.
ing eczema. 1\1y Cuce was covered.
my eyebrows came out , aull theu it
got In my eye , I then went to anoth.
er doctor. 110 aslted me wlmt I wns
taking Cor it , and I told him Cutlcum.
Ho said that was a very gooll thing ,
but that he thought that m ) ' face
would bo marleell Cor life. Dut Cuti.
cura did Its worle. nnd my face Is now
just as clear as it e\'er was. I told
. all my friends about my remarltnblo
cure. I Ceel so thanltCul I wnnt O\ "
erybody , far and wille to lmow what.
CutIcllrn can do. It Is n sure cure
for oczema. 1\1rs. Emmn Whhe , GH
Cherrier , Place , Camden. N. J. , Aprll
25. 1905. "
A gIrl ne\'er marrIes the best man
) which may bo the reasoll so many 01
them marry the wrong man.
; I
Smelters lIavo to call for Lowis' Single
hldcr cigar to got It. Your dealer o
I ' : "ewls' "uctory. " Peoria , 111.
t The wagcs or sin doesn't boUlel
some fellows. 'I'hey do it for fUll.
: llr" . ' .Inlluw's 3uothllll : Syrnl"
l'or cblldren tcctblll . 80tll'08 tile Rllrns , roduc08 [ no
lIammatlOOIII1"Y8 palo , cure. wInd < .ollu. 25ca hotUo.
In Vienna glass Is being used to fill
teeth with.
" . . . . . - - . , ' " - - _ . ' . . . . . .
' CAST081A
, , , , , . or Infants and Chlldron.
' ' - - " ' "
. ' ' ' " ' ' ; ' ' --i , " " " " "
.z , ; i . ,
' > r' : ' ' 1 f
6i , Wi ' r4 "II ! The Kind You Have
: d f 'm a
f i
aL _ _ _ , , ' , _ , ; ; k Always Bought
Agct bc ! Pcrn'oion : ! for As
simill1t1n Ihcfl1odm1mc uln- .
Ui1 lh Slomuchsnt1lDo\\ ' Bears the
" Signature
Promolc Dj clion.Chccrrul"
nC5511nd n sI.Cl1l\l 11ns ncllhcr
Opiul1lMorllhi o nor N llcral of
'N01''NAUCO'l'XC. 1 ,
. . . i
, " r ,
01' tH.t..tuJJ.I'lroIEll I ,
" . ' , rrr .
NHI..tI . S.lll-
. N & , d " I n
J , nt"/1f , 1tt , M \
/1 r"J f"AoJ1td"
. .
, .
fI''Y , . . . , . . , ! / nnnr. ! ! ' I I' '
U s e
Apc cI ncm tly rorConsUp" , ; "
non. SOllr 510111ach , DiarrhoCll '
Worll\sCol\v\ltsill\s.l ) vcrlsh. \
ness 111111 Ios. 01" SWEll. ) : F 0 r 0 V IU 0 r
FLlC simile signnlure or
{ . Thirtv Years
. . .
-1 > 11"'I' ' , w. , . . . .3 : : . 'IA > _ " . " . . ' : . _ " , . .
, : nit SIGN Of TNf flStl
ijjJ ; ;
ha3 teed for th 51:5 , .
durin seventy . ) 'C0J'.1 of
1ncre lnb : ,
Remember tM when'Ou t w tera :
proof .olled cObt . , "tJlt b. or hmc
oods ( or bll kinds of w l work.
1\.J. \ TOlVtR ( O.r.o'sTOH , HA.s.s. , U..s.A
10JitR ( AHA IAN CO.Lmlld TORONTO , CAn. )
5paldlng's Encyclopedia of Base Ball.
No. 22.1. 11m" tu nILt
1'0,221 , lIuw tu I'Ia1 the Outnclo
NO. 2' 6. lIuw tu l'IIL1 'Irtit lIau
. ' . ' lI.cumlllau
so.It1. lIuw to l'Ia1
" . Z1. I1uw tu l'l"y Thlnllll\'u
1141. 2' M. lIuw tn 1')1\1 ) IIhorta up
NO. 2 'V. IInw to Cnlch
NO. 2:10. : IInw to 1'111'11
: - -n.23I.llltl\ C""nhl10' " tr
, C"plalllnTCI\lOi lIuwtuI""I\I : '
n , .ftllllllnw 10 UlIIllrCI 1I0w to
Orll\lIllU n IAJftKIIU
Xu. 2:12. : 1I0w totUIi the Daes
l'rlcill / Hall , 10 Ctnlt Each
Spaldln 's Official 8ase 8all Guide for 1905.
Tim authority c0I1'lIlIc.1 41111\11 . / .
the , Dew l\1U \ rule. nll < /Ietllrt' " or 1\11 the \ oalIllg
playcl'8 , nl1l \ 1hutolrlur laumlrmls ot toalO8.
Price III Cwl.ill jlll/i. /
8011I1 : your namn 1111 < 1 I\d.lre8s tor ! , ! ' : ' . Ol\tlllogue
oc 1\11 Athlotlc II10rtlOt's treo.
, 124NI18B4u St No" Yurk - 117 Wab""h Avo. ChlcaiQ.
I DEFiaNCE Cold Water Starch
malrcs laundry worlt a pleusuro. 10 OZ , Ilkl : . 10c.
$3.50 & $3.00 S HOES fPE
w. L. DOl.Iglas $4.00 CUt Edge Llno
cannot bo oqualled at any prlco.
s : ;
I ,
.ro L'
' ' .lo : fA7.F FeN
Shtt.r.r :
.JULY 6 , 18T
CAPITAL 82. 00.000
0 nEWAnD 10 anyone who can
$1 000
I dlsprovo thll statement.
III could tuke YOlllnto m , ' three forltl ! loctorles
nt IIrockton. MII8S , . nlld ehow you thl ! 1IIIIIIlto
cllre with which everY.l'nlrolllhnellll mode , YOII
WOllld reollze why W. I. . ( ) OUKI 5 $ .1.110 IIhotlt
cost mora to make. why they hold their shope.
lit better. wenr 10nKer. ollll are of zrellter
Intrinsic volue thnll IIIIY other $3.150 IIhol : .
W. L. DouO/:1IJ Strong Made SIoo.lo , .
Mon , $2./S0 , $2.00. OOjflJ' School a
Dros.Shoos , $2.80 , $2 , $1.7 D$1.IJO
CAUTIO NIlIslst UI'OIl huvll1V.I.Doug. .
11\8 hnos. ' 1'IIko no 8ull tltuto. NOllo genuine
without hl8 ullmo nl\ll IIrleo stl\llll'od on oottom.
Fait Cola , f/l6lel / , used I tb61Wlnot ! wea , braSl/l. /
Wrlto tor I1lustrntml Cntlllo ! : .
'V. L. noUorAt ; , Hrookton.l\IRU.
There is only One
, enuine-Syrup of Figs ,
. . . .
The Genuine is Manuf ctured by the
California Fig Syrup Co.
The full name of the company , Colliornla Fist Syrup Co. .
Is prInted on the front of every packaac of the genuine.
The Genuin - Syrup of Figsis for Sale , in Original
Pucl < ages Only , by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing th bove will enable one to void the fr udulmt imit -
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealcl's. The imitations are known to act juriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its bmeficial effects. ,
It deanses the system gently yet effectually , dispels colds and headaches
when bilious or' constipated , prevents fevers and acts best on the
kidneys , liver , stomach and bowels , whm laxative remedy is needed
by men , Jomm or children. Many millions know . of its beneficia )
effects from actual use and of their own personal. knowledge. It is the
LO\1bville. R1l : '