Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 05, 1906, Image 6

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j Gov. Mickey Not In Favor or Il\t rf ; .
: : In Murder Cases-Thinks the
, Law Should Bo Upheld In Every
Particular and Enforced Rather
. Than Hindered.
LINCOI..N-'rho SUllromo court hAs
I boon neled to express ItsC'IC unt'quh'-
ocnlly on the legnllt ) ' oC the cbrnskn Inws , or , In olhor words ,
11 explllln the opinion It handed down
t , j , < In the " ( ; rnln caso" some weels ngo ,
: I 'I'ho nttorno's for the stnto , Attorne-
T ff General Drown , John J. Sulll\'nn nnd
! ' 1 Joffiarls & Howell malw this request. .
: I in a brief flied In the cnse. . . The nt. i
, ' torne's hold the opinion was not defi-
nlto In Its decision nnd further , the
Gyllllbus nnd the 1 > od ) ' oC the opinion
1II'j were nt varlauce.
, i The 1 > rleC contnlns the following dls.
" j cusslon oC the ol1lnlon 111111 the nctlon
f 't oC the court :
' ) The hOdy of the 0111111011 until ju
r . f before Its close nlllll/e / ! ! the rule stated
I ' ! to the several nntl.trustl.t which the
, , } ! If defendants were accused or vlolntlng ,
I and IlIlplledly If not expressly holds
I ' thnt th acts nre all vnl/d / SI\\'O n por-
' tlon of the Goudrlng act nnd the
I ) L < > omls nct of 1897. The opinion pro-
. ceedlng further saya :
"It Is not necessary In this cnso to
; etermlno which or the penalties 1m.
t posed for violation or the crlmlnnl
I provisions of these stntutes are nppllc-
nblo In cnso oC crlmlnnl proceel1lni8 ,
or whether or not the 1801 law revealed -
vealed by Implication the nct or 1887 ,
or whether the LoomlB nct or 1897 Is
unconBtltutional , M clalmcd by Bomo
or the defendants , or whether the Jun-
( tin act repealed both the 1887 nnd 1897
nctB. " ,
Gov. Mickey Discourages Movements
In This Direction.
LINCOI..N-Goveruol' Mlcltey declared -
clared that vordlcts or juries should
n t ho tnmpered with when men commit -
mit murder. It Is thought Umt ho
means to discourage apIICalB for mercy
for Jny O'Henrn. lIe said :
"Whero the ovldence Is concluslvo
that a man has commlted a cold.blood-
ed murder In an attempt to commit
: robbery and n jury finds a verdict
ngalnBt the deCendant I do not bellovo
nnyono should Interfero. The In.w
should bo tlilheid In over ) ' partlculn.r
nnd it Is the duty oC an oxecutlvo to
flOO that the law Is eniorced raUler
than to hinder It.
"Law Is for the protection or socloty
nnd to mnny pcoplo who Imaglno they
are deeply rollglous , fired by maudlin
sympathy are always ready to como
to the front to prevent the carryIng
out of a sentence or court and jury. "
Doctor Is Killed t.iy the Cars.
O'NEILL-Dr. S. F. Hunt of Stuart
was Instantly Idlled In UIO rnllroad
yards here wlll10 attomptlng to bonrd
freight tmln No. 63. The doctor wn.s
hel'o ns a witness In the Irwin murder
trinl and wont to the depot to tnlo ilie
freight for his home at Stuart. The
train hnd started when ho reached the
do pot and ho made n grab for the
front end or the cabooso. slipping on
the Icy ground and falltng under the
wheelB. The rear truclts pnssed ever
his bOdy just below the arms , Instantly
crushing out his lICe.
H. M. Mathew Dead.
LOUP CITY-Last night occurred
the death or H , M. Mathew , ono of the
leading members oC the bar or Loup
Clt ) ' . His den.Ul came I\S a surprlso
, to the pcople , as ho had been alcle
only a day or two , 'and ' Ulen only with
what his friends consldoreel an ordl-
nnr ) ' case or grippe. Mr. Mathew wn.s
one or the oldest residents or Sherman
county , coming here In 1879.
Wilson Commends Plan.
Jl\moo WlIson. secretary or agrlcul-
turo , haB wrlttor a letter to State Sup-
erlntendont McBrlon highly commending -
ing him Cor hlB ertorts to secure the
teaching . or agrlculturo In the normal
flchools .so the graduates may bo Ilro.
pared to teach this branch oC education -
tion In the various schools or the coun-
Republican Committee Meeting.
, ! LINCOLN.-Chalrman Warner of
the republican state committee announced -
nounced ho would call a meotlng or
that commltteo at the Llnclell hotel ,
Lincoln , ' for April 6 nt 8 p. m. At
this mooting the dnto for the state
convontlon will bo fixed and the primary -
mary election propoBltion discussed.
Gold In the Gravel.
BEATRIOE-Gravel contnlnlng golel
has been found on the property or Ed.
DoJo In the north part oC town. Sonlo
or the gravel woOs nnalyzed by I { . O.
! { eons , a jeweler or this city , who dlB'
covered traces or the vnluablo mlnoral
mixed with Iron pyrites.
New Museum Building Located.
LINCOLN-Tho now museum at the
University of NobraBlm ts to bo located
on the campus between Grant M\3m- \
orlal ball and Nobraslm ball and w111
face south , the locntlon bavlng been
.mlted out by Chancellor AndrewB and
his aBslstants. According to the planB
the building which IB to bo erected now
will bo only a wing or an edlUce which
will cost In the nelghborllood or $160-
000. Several thousand brlcle have 0.1-
.ready been placed on the ground , Cost
ot this building Is estlmatod at $50,000.
t"urM. . ' .ty huul Is rnpldly In.
C\C'tIIIL \ . . \ .
n. J.u . , ) , I..rt' ' ' fruit fnrm nt Doa -
a } . toW : w $156 nn nero.
1..rt "r\"t''tIrs ha\'o btOD
Ua. . I. U. . , 'i'lult ) . oC Sownrd.
} 'Mrt. . . apPUt'Rnts- r lwn- mall
! , Uoas took osnUllnnUons nt
Aror tUes or IInsUn has been
DOIfth'at t br the ttlll\lbllcans for 1\
t.klnl twUl.
The "b"skn Telephone comflM )
wm build two IInos betwecn Doatrlco
amt W'mor-o.
leCllntock & Cnrter , drusslsts. , Columbus -
lumbus , hl\\'o be < > n clos on nn attachment -
tachment for 3OO. : !
Iost or the tonchers ot the Oxforel
schools hn\'o bcon retained another
) 'car at Increasoel Balarles.
A rumor I : : current In BO11 count )
that the GreM Northern wilt bo ex.
tended northwest from O'Neill.
The mayor nnd clt ) ' council of Bo-
ntrlco nro consltlerlng the ne\'IBnblllty !
or cutting down the fire depnrtment.
li'lfty fnrmors comprlso conllnltteo
which Is solicIting funds for the new
farmers' elo\'nlor nt IIoag. 'I'ho build.
ing Is to cost $5,000.
'fho Y. W , C. A. or Omaha Is can-
\'nGslng for $121i.000 with which to } 1ut'
UI ) 1bullellng. . Ono man and his wlto
sent a checle for $10.000.
Mrs. Sarah Coon of recelv.
od n telegram from : 'Ilar'svilIo , Kan"
staUng that her brother. George Parka ,
hnd dropped dend at that plnco.
"Mnjor" Johnson , charged with Dur.
lIngton car robberleB \V'more. . haB
been found guilty. lIe has made a
statement hnpllcntlng his nccompllces.
The sUlJAerlptions to the Young
Men's Chrlstlnn nSBoclntion building
at Fremont have reached $26,000. The
commltteo Is well satlBficd with what
has been accomplished.
G. W. Mnyfield hns tenderoc1 Ills resIgnation -
Ignation ns postmnster oC Louls\'lIIe ,
which lloldtlon ho has filleel for nine
yenrs , and W. O. Dorsey has been appointed -
pointed to succeed him.
C. 1\1. Shaw , ono or the canelldlltes
for mayoI' or Tecumseh , hns nbsolutely
rerused to malto the race. ns hllB also
John L. Sherman , who was nominated
for the board oC education.
A barn or A. C. Records wns destroyed -
stroyed by fire at I. < 'remont and the excitement -
citement caused a team to run away
IUld destroy two rlgB heforo striking
an Ice wagon , which slopped It.
A numher oC Deatrlce capitalists an.
nounced that lllanB were under way
for the erection the coming summer era
a now opera house nt llmt placo. The
building Is to cost about $40,000.-
Fruit experts In the locality or Table -
blo Rock claim that the extreme cold
and zero weather has deBtroyed the
peach budB. which , vero nlmost swelled -
od to oponlng by the previous warm
The Prosb.terlnn people or Fremont
ha\'e decided to erect n new building
thlB season 'to' cost $20,000. A good
portion of the money haB nlready been
su1 > scrlbed nnd work will bo beg11n
Ulls spring.
A. If. Merchant Ilns tendered his resIgnation -
Ignation ns secretary or the Omaha. .
grain oxchnngo and It has been ac.
cupled by the directors , to talto effect
Dr. soon as n success to Mr. Mer-
'bnilt Is appointed.
1B. . Thompson , president at the
AlbIan Nntlonal banle , who was strick.
on with paralysis and whoso lICe haB
been deslJalred or by hIs friends. Is
Improving nnd hopeB are , now entertained -
tained for his recovery.
Ed Drantner or PlattBmouth accept , .
eel the offer oC Judge Wheeler to II.C'
copt the Bum or $8.000 from the Bur
lIngton company for Injuries recelvod
whllo In the employ of the com pan ,
as switchman at Pacific Junction.
J. K. Kenly , night yard mllster 01
the Burlington at Hastings , was le1Ued
whllo nsslstlng In the switching 0\ \
Crolght cars near the rounel houso. He
made 0. mlsst p In front oC a moving
car and wns caught under the wheols.
At Central City. In the ellstrlcf
court. JUdge R eder overruled the mo
tlon for a now trlnl for ThomaB Rlloy
who was found guilty or robbing the
Chapmnn State bank on November 27 ,
and sentenced hIm to the llenltentlaI'J
for sIx years.
Since the grand jnry round nearly all
the druggIsts In Yorle coullty guilty 01
tlu11lug Intoxlcutlng liquors nnd fined
most or thom from $2CiO to $600 , there
IB n disposition among the druggists
to quit selling liquor or any lelnd nnd
In any shape for fear thlLt the sarno
grnnd jury or nnother might meet
and the ) ' would again secure a fine for
a Inrger 'Bum Umn they just paid.
August Miller , who shot hIs brother. , wlCo nnd mother.hi.lnw near
Stanton. was captured nt Pender. Mil.
ler went to the homo oC his ,
law. FrCHl ITnrneclto , nnel Bhot lIar-
nocltO , Mrs. lIarnecko anel hlB wlfo.
The murderor's wlfo will die. lIe
shot his three times and twlco. The '
) may ro-
cover. Ho I/\'oel / on a corner of lIar.
necltO's farm nnel hnd trouble with the
olel foUts. Ills wlfo hnd gene bacle to
her parents. nnel ho doelared ho would
got his wlfo or blood.
Moses H. Sydonham haB revlvOd hie
Contra Star or Emplro at Koarne
and iB going to mnlto It Intorostlng
with whnt ho has seen and done 111
Nobrasltll. for moro thnn half a cen' '
Several or the York county farmer
wllo are enjo'lng rural mall servlc (
and nppro late the sarno were consld
ernb ! ) ' ngltated over 0. report that thE
elellllrtmont Intendcel to nbollsh nl :
mnll routeB that did not hl\vo nlnet )
families. The ) ' wrote to Congresll
mlln Hinshaw , who In nn opon'lettel
l1ubl1shed , states that no sucb rule ha !
haen pil otf'4t ,
- )
' . , .
Miners' Proposition for Two. Yellr Contract - ,
tract Is Rejected-Bituminous Min. '
crs Atrected by the Disruption Number -
ber 38",500.
. -
INDIANAPOI.tS - The joint meetIngs -
Ings of the 111tuml110uB coni opemtorB
and minors of lho centrnl comlletlt/vo /
district. composed of w'stern 1'enn8yl-
\'nnln. Ohio. Inlllanlnnd mlnols , ntul
or the sOllthw'stern district. C0U1110sell
of 1I\sourl. 1nnsn9. Texas , Arlmn'3as ,
Oltlnhoma and Indlnn T'rrHor ' ,
reach eel n final dlsngreomcnt Thursdny
on the wngo scale to go Into effect
at UIO oxplratlon oC the prcsent scnlo
on Allrll 1. nnd the conferel1co of the
central district , ndjournell sino cUe
whllo the joint scale connnltteo of the
southwestern district Ileclded to report
a dlsagreC'ment to the joint conference
of thnt dIstrict t.morrow. It Is expected -
pected that this conference will at
once ndjourn sino die wHhout nn ngroo-
mont. The action of the two conferences -
ences will directly calise the suspensIon -
sIon from worle after Haturda ) ' or 178 ,
000 miners unle.qs somethingunfor -
scen , 111\0 submission of the dIfferences
to arbltrntlon , shou1l1 Intervene : nnd
Indirectly will nffect 201CiOO ! moro miners -
ers not IncltIClIng Its effect on 160,000
mIners In the nntrraclte lIehl. who tonIght -
nIght wore ordered to suspend work
A national com'entlon of the miners
will bo held Friday to deolde whether
miners will bo allowed to sign the ad-
mnco scale demanded by them and
todny refused by aU the operators
wIth a row oxceptlons , nnd go , to work
where the advnnco Is oITered. Operators -
ors omploylng 26,000 miners in the
central competltlvo lIeld ha\'e openly
offered td pa ) ' the ndvance durIng Ul0
joint conference sessions. The wage
scnles of all miners , both anthraclto
and bltumlnouB , will explro Saturda ) ' ,
except these In Tennessee and Alabama -
bama , where the scale will expire In
Septomber. A national officIal of the
United Mlno Worl\Crs said : "It IB a
foregone conclusion thataU the miners
whoso scales expIre Saturday will
cease work until officIally notified b-
the national and district olTIclals that
: ontract arrangcments have been made
governIng thelr scales. "
The bituminous mIners nffected directly -
rectly and Indirectly by the dIsruption
oC the conferenceR number 384li00 , dls.
trlbuted nB follows : Pennsylvania ,
1110,000 ; Maryland , IiOOll ; West Vir-
ginIa. 15,000 ; Ohio , 40,000 ; Indiana , 15-
000 : IllInoIs , 63.000 : Iowa. HOOO :
1Ilchlgan3,500 ; Kentuclty. ' 1.000 , and
the soulhwestern states. .10,000. OC 120,000 are unorganized.
The dlsarreement came after a
struggle lasting ten daYB and not only
dIsrupts the Interstate a reement
which has existed since ] ! ) ! J ! ) between
the operators and minors through
which wag scales nnd other differences -
ences have heen al1justed. but It affects
Ci3'IOOO hltumlnous and anthraclto coal
mIners , who will susllend worle aft r
Saturda ) ' unleB ! ! somethIn not antlcl.
pated or unforescen Interyenes In the
Interest or peace.
Over a Million Persons Suffering as
Result of Crop Failure.
TOKIO-'l'no Intest statistics procm.
! \blo from tue three llrefectureB most
henvlly anecte'd by the famIne nro as
ColiowB :
Rulmsshlma-Completo falluro of
the crops over two. thirds or the whole
ultlvated area. 'rhe sufferers numher
483li88 out or a total IIol1ll1ation oC 1-
170.Iil8. !
1\llyagl-A complete crop falluro , af.
fects nearly the whole cultivated area ,
The sufferer ! ! number 190.422 out of a
population of 7-19,927.
Gas Well Put Out.
INDEPENDENCE , Kas.-Tho lan.
sas Natural Gas con1\lany's \ big Jns
welt below Canoy , which was struck
b ) ' lightning 1. ' ehruary 2l : , was success.
Cully oxtlngulshed Thursday. The
great ehlTIculty now will ho to build a
derrlcle oyer lllo well. fish out the
dropped tubing and retubo and shut In
the well. After the , fire WM IJ\1t out
the gas was turned loose nnd Is now
1 > lowlng Into the air out of the top vent
or the hood. ,
Fortifications Bill Passes.
WASHINGTON- . Spooner can.
cluded his slleech In the sennto on
the rallrond rate blll nnd the forti.
ficatlons apllroprlatloh bill was taltcn
up and passed , The 15111 carries an
approprIation of $12IiOOO for the erec.
tlon of a 110wder manufactor ) ' nnll
Mr. Daniel spoltc at length In slIPllort
oC the provisIon. Ho declnred thut
I the nation wns ontlrely nt the mercy
I or a powder trust and urged that the
amendment should bo adoptcel. The
1 > 111 carries nn appropriation of $5.-
I 278.l93. !
G neral Bell to Be Promoted.
W ASIIINGTON-An order Issued at I
the War department dIrects BrigadIer
General Franldln D\lI , In charge of the
staff colt ego nt Fort I..cavenworth , to
repair to this ( 'lty not later than Ajrll
9 and rOllort to I.leutenl1nt General
Dntes , chleC of stnrt , for aSBlgnment to
dllty. Allrll14 Is the date 11xell for the
, retlromont' or I.lelltenant General
Dates , the llromotlon or Major Genoml
Corbin to the runlt or lIeutenant gen.
I eral Rnel the Installation of Brlgaellcr
General Belt os chleC or staff b ) ' Ilresl-
dentlnl designation.
- . .
I\ . ,
Congress Hardly Expected to Inter-
I fere In Plnns.
WASIIING'I'ON-AdYocatcs oC the
locl ( level cnnal prollosed h ) ' thl' mln-
orlt ) . of the honrd of consulting on.
glm'cra of the l'nnl11na canal are np-
IJl\rentl ) ' confident thnt this plnn will
ho follow'll. They hayo ponted out
thnt If no ngl'ccm'nt Is reached by
ollgr'ss the prelclent ! , In hlB 1l10f\sngo
trfJlJRmltllng the two reports oC lho
board hns given notlvo UlIlt the nd-
mlnlsrntlon w/ll / proceell wltn the can.
strucllon or the loclt cannl.
gnglncers who hn\'e 1 > een hefore the
sonato'commltteo hn\'e not ngreed as
to the fenslbl11ty of constituting nt I
Gatun the 11Ight of three loclts pro-
poseel b ) ' the minority plans and on
this hns hinged In largo IJI\rt tho'ex -
nmlnatlon of UIO englnecrs.
WASHINGTON-The war depnrt-
ment o 1clnls are Illannlng to abollBh
a numbl'r of lhe smnller nrmy IJOsts
throughout the country. with n'Iew
of consolidating thell1 with more 1m.
portnnt and centraIl ) ' located slatlons ,
The Idea Is to mnlntaln fewer but
Inrger posts. l.'ort Nlobrarn , according
to the plans now under way , Is ono
of the posts to be abolished. It may
he consolidated wllh either thnt oC
Fort Ho1 > lnson or Fort Crook. Senator
Burlwtt Is malting 0. vigorous fight
agaInst the plans prollosed In NebraB-
1m. lIe "snt up" with Secretary Taft
for three hourB and argued against
the abollslunent of FOI.t Nlobrarl1. or
nny other fort within the bound. : ! of
the stato.
Rev. Lentz of Carson , la. , Struck by
Llnhtnlng While Preaching.
CARSON. Ia.-Whlle In the midst
of hlB sermon Sunday morning at the
Latter Day Saints' church , Rev. John
D. J..cntz wns struclt by lightning and
Instantly Itllted.
The preacher was standing In the
pulpit aB usual when the bolt struclt
'the ' church and ran down the wires.
An Incandescent light hung above his
heall nbout two feel. Suddenly ho was
stopped In 1I1s speech by an unseen
power and fell prostrate. If'he congre.
gatlon wns almost panic strlcl\Cn with
fright. The member ; ; rushed forward
nnd found him dead. At the base
oC the bulb overhead was a hole about
the size oC n bullet. While a number
or people fell the shock In the church ,
none were much afferted" and slngu.
larly there wns not t119 least damage
done to the church.
LINCOLN , Neb-The Nebrnslm sue
premo court ga\'o n decIsion
on Nebraslm's antl.clgarette law. which
was tested In the courts by a young
man arrested on the chafl e of roiling
a cigarette. The rfe't of the doclslon
Is to sustain the law In eneral. mnk.
Ing the sale and manufartme oC cIgarette -
ette sin thIs state Illegal , but the roll.
Ing of cIgarettes by IndlvldunlB for
their own use is not cnlled "manufac-
turing. " A few fines have been paid
and sentences served under thnt part
of the law. which Is now declared un.
consUtuUonnl. .
Taft Said to Favor HIm as His Own
W ASIIINGTON-The belief con.
Unues to prevail that Secretary Taft
will go upon the supreme bench In
the next few months and the slate
mal\Crs proceed to fill the war port.
folio with Chnrles Magoon. governor
general of the Isthmus of Panama , lIe
was Identlfiee ! with the war depart.
mont for a long time. first as law offi.
cer of the bureau or Insular affalr8 ,
Secretary Taft Is Imld to have a high
regnrd for hIm and wlII recommend
hIm as hlB own successor in the de-
Plan for Devlin Estate.
KANSAS CiTY. ! lIo-A plnn for takIng -
Ing the a. Devlin estate out of the
banlruptcy courts and reorganlzln
the varIous Interests whIch comprlso It
waB discussed today at a meetln In
this city or the creditors' reorganlza.
Uon commltteo and lIuveral oC the
prlnclpnl credItors , No course of Ilro.
ce uro waB agreeeullon , however.
Demurrer By Judge Deuel.
NEW YORK-Justlco Joseph 1\1.
Douel med hIs answer to the specIfications -
tions of the nllpllcatlon hy which It is
80ught to remove him from hlB 1 > 081.
lion as justlco of the court of sllOclal
sessIons , ' 1'hls application rollowed
closely upon the Hallgood libel trial
nnd waB made joIntly by the attorneys
on both sides In that case , Including
DIstrict Attorney Jerome , Justlco
Deuol. who was a stoclholdor In the
publication Town TOlllcs , brought the
action for libel n alnst Norman Hnp.
good. editor or Collier's Weelly.
Teller Surrends Himself.
PITTSDURG-Thomas W. IIarver ,
former paying teUor or the defnnct En.
torprlso 1. . , .Ional banle of Allegheny ,
for whom a warrant was Issued jointly
with flv ! ) others. alleging' ' consplrnc ) '
to doCraUel In connection with the fall.
nro of the banlt , slll'renliered hlmseU
Free Alcohol Is Favored.
WASllh"G'rON-Tho free alcohol
suhcommltteo or the house commlttoo
on Wn'B anel means ngr'ed to report n
free ulcohol bill to th'l full committee.
I _
Will Determine Legal Status of Insur.
ance Campaign Subscrlptlons-
Grand Jury Instructed to Go Ahead
and Further Invcatlgate Matters.
NEW YOnK-On a chnr o thnt his
connect/on / with the contribution 01
$ .18,702 , O from the funds oC the No"
Yorle Life Insnranco company to Cor
nellns N. Dllss , trensurer oC the repub.
IIcnn Ilatlonnl commltteo In the cnm ,
pnlgn of 190.1 constituted grand lar.
cen ) ' In the first degree. George \V.
Perltlns , n member of the linn or .T ,
P. Morgan & Co. , nncl until recently
first vice president of the New Yorle
Lifo Insul'Rnco cpl11pany , was arrested
011 wnrrant Issued by City Maglstrato
1Ioss.Vhon a detectlvo went to
servo the warrant upon Mr. Perldns
he fouml that a writ of habeas corpus
had nlready heel1 o Jtalned from JUB'
tlce Greenbatull of the state supreme
court and the matter wns Immcc1lately
taltOn out of the maglstrato's hands.
Mr. Perltlns nlJlIeared heforo JusUco
Green baullJ and at the requeBt of his
counsel the honrlng In the cnso was
ndjourned until I"rlday. Mr. Perldns
was paroled In the custody of hlB per-
Bonnl aUorno ) ' , Lowls A. Delallold.
The warrent of 1\11' . Perkins' nrrest
was applied for Tuesday by District
Attorney Jerome. Maglstrato 1\Ioss
would not act , however , until affidavits
were med. These were presented to
him Wednesday. They were slgn'ed by
Darwin P. KlnISle ) ' . vlce.presiclent or
the New York Life ; Edmund D. Ran-
dolph. treasurer of the company , and
by 'I'homns A. Duclmer , also a vice.
Mr. Porldns' counsel admitted to
Justlco Greenbaum that Mr. Perllns
had ad'anced the sum named to Mr.
Dllss upon Ul0 request of the late John
A. McCnll , president of the Now Yorle
Life. Ho' was afterward reimbursed
through the action of the company's
finance committee. It was contended
that Mr. McCall hnd execuUvo authorIty -
Ity to order the payment and that If
any crime was com 1itted It was participated -
ticipated In by ever ) ' member of the
finance committee IJresent when the
matter was acted upon. In response to
questions from the magistrate 1\11' . Dei-
afield said that the payment was entered -
terod on the ledger of the Now York
Lifo Insurance company , but that the
record did not show the nature or the
Despite the nctlon oC Mr. Jerome In
applyIng for a warrant for Mr , Perldns
and thus taldng the matter to the
higher courts of the state. Judge
O'Sullivan In the court of speclnl sese
slons again addressed the grand jury
which Is considerIng lIfo insuranoo
matters and Instructed them that It
waB their duly to continuo the Invos-
Ugatlon to the end. He told the grand
' : furors It was theIr right to demnnd
that the district attorney subpoena wit-
nesseB to bo examined before them
In any matter iliey may have under
President Rosenthal , N. C. T. , to Organize -
ganize Topeka "Drummers. "
TOPEKA-R. A. Rosenthal. president -
dent of the National Commercial
'rravelers' League. is hero to organlzo
branch among traveling men who
maIm Topelm. his headquarters. The
object or the league Is to arouse sen.
tlment In favor of a 2.cent fare and a
law requirIng railroads to carry 250
pounds of uaggage free.
W ASHINGTON-Secretar ) ' Root haB
decIded to sail for South Amerlc.a on
board the vrotected cruiser Charleston
from either New Yorle or Hampton
RoadB. ahout Ul0 mlddlo or .July , pro-
vldcd ho can arran go hIs plans. The
trip will Include a cruise up the west
coast to Panama. . upon the construction
or hIs visIt to Rio Ja1lelro , where ho
will attend the . Pan.Amerlcan con.
Morris Buck Will Be Hanged.
LOS ANGELES-1\Iorrls nuck. who
ahot nnd Itllled : 'IIrs. Canfield , the wIfe
of the 011 millionaire , was sentenced to
he hanged Juno 1.
Naughty Woman from Nebraska.
CIIICAGO. IIl-l\lrs. Vernon J. Bar.
low got a. . divorce here because her
hushand , whllo he was travelIng with
her on the curB. wrote notes , she sn'B ,
to l\lIss M. A. Putnam of Lincoln , Neb , .
and the latter anBwered hIm. TheBo
notes were written , on a fiy lenf of n
boole. MrB. Barlow found It nnd read
them. Barlow'B note told Miss Putnam -
nam to Imt' on her Idmona ! lnd como
Into the next car. Mrs. Barlow waited -
ed till ho went to IteeD the date and
followed , finding him and Mrs. Put-
nnm th re.
Advocates Increase In Navy.
\ \ ' ASHINGTON - Secretary Dona-
IJl\rt appeared before the house com-
mltteo on naval affaIrs In sU1J1Jort or
an Increase or the nnv ) ' . Ho advocated -
cated an n1Jpro1Jrlatlon this ) 'ear for
two 16,000 ton Imttleshlps and In cnso
congres.s doeB not see fit to pro\'ldo fOI
two such ships , ho urged the construc ,
tlon oC ono 19.4JO ! ton battlcshlp. In
the main , Secrotnry I1onaparto's rec.
ommendatlons were tn harmon ) ' with
these Included In hIs nnnual rellort.
' 1'ho secretar"s estimation for con-
I 'Structlon a lrelates $23,300.000.
. ' "t " "
. ' . . . , .
- - - - - "
City Chief Executive Passes Away ,
After Long IlIne3s.
OMAHA-Colonel Frnnle E. Mooros ,
mayor of Omnha , died on Frida ) ' at.
his homo , surrounded by the members
of his Immedlalo faml ! ) ' . Conscious
to the last , hlB lIfo slowly and lleace-
, fully passed awny.
: As a man oC robust conatltutlon , six
. feel 1t1 height and well.proportloned ,
of commanding yet genial presence ,
ho hnd scarcely Imown n sick day In
his .lIfo until after the beginning or this , \
his third term as mll'Or , when the . . .
strain of II. strenuous political cnm- ' ,
palgn began to leave Its marls upon "
him. For over a ) 'car , however , the
mayor Ilermltted no relaxation In his
duties , but finally , upon the urgen
advlco of his ph'slclnns , Bought rest. .
Long vncntlons , spent In hlB old Ohio
home , and at Hot Springs , S. D : , hut
temporarily checltcd the brealulown
of his vigor. FInally nn approaching
nttacl , of tuberculoBIB became deep.
sented In the throat , nnd the mnyor
spent the winter a year ago In ArIzona -
zona , In the h01Je of shaldng It off ,
but all to no'purposo. . 1I0 was 66
) 'enrs old.
OMAHA-Ten snnd perBons or . ,
both sexes nnd all nges and condItIons
went to the city hall Monday afternoon -
noon through a. . heavy downpour , hair
raIn ll1 d half snow , efrlven sharply by
It cutting norlh wInd , and passed before ,
the bier of the late ma'or , Franle E.
Moores. , " ,
It Is not recorded that there ever , '
was In Omaha a more Impresslvo man-
Ifestatlon of public regard than that '
given to the first chief maglstrato or .
the city to die In office. Merchants ,
lI1nleers ! , politicIans , churchmen , houGe-
wives , school children , students , beg-
gars. .laborers. old and ) 'oung , cem-
posed the long line that never ceased
forming from 1 until 3 o'clocle.
WASHINGTON-President Roosevelt -
velt will tale part In' the laying or '
the corner stano of the new office
building for members of the house ot
repreBentatives on Saturday , April 7. ' I
The ceremony : wlll'be almost Identical : '
with the laying of ilio corner stone or " :
the United States capitol by President
Washington , nearly 113 ) 'ears ago. J
The federal Masonic lodge , which had , . l
chnrgo of the ceremony over a century 1 ; .
. . '
ngo. will have the honor of directing
the swinging of the corner stone of t
the house annex Into plnce. Walter
A. Drown , the grand master of the Mn-
sonic ledge oC the DIstrIct or Colum-
bla. will superIntend the exercises.
and addresses will bp. made by the
. l
president and Spenl < cr Cannon. .
--4" ' . - '
Two pottawato dlans , Quarreled "
. OVer the Timepiece. ,
HOLTON , Kos.-Two Indians n med
Dear Head and Swift Horse had a fight
on the Pottawalomle reservation
about a s\llall sIlver wntcb. Dear Head ,
who had the watch put It In his
mouth for convenience , and swallowed
It. Swift Horse claims the watch , and
has had Dear Head nrrested. The
defendant stili has the watch. ; ' : ,
'Railroad Lobbyists Work on Floor of
Iowa House.
DES MOINES , la.-Tho Sanky bill . rf
providing for a two-cent railroad faro
In Iowa was Idlled in the house by a '
vote or 57 to ' 10 , after a hot argu-
ment. Five railroad lobbyists worked
hard on the fioor of the house during
the discussion of the bill. Stntlstlcs
were presented to provo that the three.
cent faro only paid expenses on Iowa
Andrew Carnegie Further Endows
Technical Schools. . i
PITTSBURG. Pa.-Il was nnnounced , "
In this city. that Andrew Carnoglo
had given two m1lIion dollars in addl.
tlon to previous gifts for the maintenance - I
tenanco of the Carn'Cgl technical
schools. Mr. Carneglo has already
given upwards of a m1lIlon. It was . '
also announced that Mr. Carneglo
expressed n deslro that the Margaret II
Morrison Carneglo sch ol for women
meet the oxpenso. It Is expected the
technical schools will cost about $6-
000,000 when completed.
' Attempt to Mob Preacher. I
LA'JUN'IA. ; . Colo-Rov. W. Gouley.
Connell , former pastor of tho. Presbyterian -
terian church at Lamar , who Is held
for trial on a charge of Immoral conduct -
duct , waB snfely landed In jail bero
Tuesday night. after having been
hastily removed from Lamar to prevent
a lynchIng. Connel lott Lamar hurriedly -
riedly two weelB ago. lIe was arrested
\vnxachlo , 'fex" and was brought
bacle to Lamar on Monday night. Several -
oral hundred men thronged the strets
threatened to hang the mInister. "
( )
rlre Loss of $3,000. ' (
FAYET'1'BVILLE , N. O. - A fire .
which started In the Franle 'I'hornton
Dry Goods company's stores In the
center of the city. destro'ed cloven
bulldlngB. The loss Is estimated at
$300.000. So\'eral personB were hurt.
Window Glass Goes Up.
PITTSDURG , Pa.-Representatlves
or eight ) ' Indollendont window glass
manufacturers controlling 1,900 } Jots Y
met In this elt ) ' nnd voted to advance -
vance the llrlco oC their Ilroduct 10 lOr
I cont.