. . , . , . , . , . j , . 1. " } OET RID OF THE OAS Or. Williams' fJlnk Pills Strengthen the Stoma h and Enable It to Do Its Work. When the stomnch is feeble the food lies ill it undigested , decn 's uud throw1J -off poisonous gl\Rl'i tl1nt dlsteud the wnlls of the 8tonll\c11 nud cnuso intor. feronco with ether orgnul. espeoinlly. . with the nctlon of the hcnrt 1\1111 lungs.I I These gnsuH hnvo other i1l effects. The 110rves IUld the bl'l\lll nro dil'turbed .and discomforts such ns dizziness. hot \ \ . , 1InsheR. sleeplessnelis , h'rltublonoss und - , -despondouoy orlg llI\to from this sourco. Experieuco shows tlJot t cso troubles 'Vnnish juct us soon us the stollluch is mndo strong enough to dlJ.uflt : the food. III other words , it lIcells IL tOllio thut will TOUSO it to do the worle of cIttLnging tIto 10011 iuto uou1' slunont. Miss Mhl9rVl\ . Lm1l1 , of IpswlcIt. 1.1ns8. , rmrB : : II I 1111(1 ( tL wenle stonlilch from the time I wns 1\ little child. Whenever I took hent't . 1'0011 It woulll -cnuso terrible fnlntn'ss , uud I would 'finnlly 'vomit whnt I hml enten. At times there would bo the most intonBo JllLins through the uppur pnrt of my 0' " ody. For dl1YB in suceoll8ion , I would bl\vo to 110 down most , of the tlmo. 'Tho dlstrell ! ! wn8 often so Hrcnt thILt I , , -could hnrdly lulU' it , und the frequcnt , ' " 1\1\11 violcnt belching spclls were very < 1isngreeuble , too. " liMy doctor's medicine ! ! gnvo mo lIttl TeHef ul1l1 it wnl 1I0t until I t1' ell Dr. \Villll\lIIs' Pinlt Pi1ls thut I f0l11111n curo. 'Within three weekl IL decided Inl1rovo- . 1nont wnl Jloticuuble. The belchillg .spells were loss frequen t , the paills through lilY bol1y were lIot so lutollsc. Iny foml WI\I retninell nlld utter tllldnR the pills for 11. few weekH longer I fouud that I wns n1to ether free from the miseries I hnd so loug ! lufrcred. " , Evcry dyspe tie "hould rend II What to Ent ntHl How to Ent. " 'Vrit the Dr. Williums Medicine Co. , Schenectady , : N. Y. . for n. free copy. Police Court Note. Here Is another gem from that prolific - lific mine , the police court : "Prisoner used such strong language. " .sald a constable , "that 1 wns obliged to get the assistance of another 01l1cer to take him into custody.-London ' 1'elo. graph. - Take Garfield Tea for liver , Iddney , lltomach nnd bowel derangements , sick l1eadache and ehronlo diseases. This mild laxntlve will purify the blood , cleanse the 1Iystem nnd clear the complexion. It iR for , young nnd old-the best family medicine. Buy from druggist. Sometimes wo send a thief to catch f " a thief that robbed a thler. ( Lewis' Single Binder Igar has Do rich 1 tasto. Your dealer 01' Lewis' Factory , 'I Peoria , lil. I . SENTENCE SERMONS. . - . Serenity comes In when selfishness I goes out. / He taltes heaven everywhere who "JI . has t.ho hapPY..lleart. " Much of our sorrow Is stuff we have stolen thlnltlng it was jo ' . ) 'rhunders of apvlause give no promise - ise of showers of blessing. . , ; " They find the gates of heaven who seek the good of humanity. He who shuw the door of heaven on another shuts himself out. A good many moce would wallt with God If he would go blindfolded. . Civilization will be synonymous , vith s : vatlon when it has cured sin. The only thing thr..t maltes any work sacred is th way that it is done. " Every tlmo you rt. " ' another man his meal you drop g&.11 1nto your own : plate. \ "The' .devll h s ne more effective I ' We.1'ron ; than the Christian's rusty . aword. I The tight fisted child often finds that ho has a loose hold on his , Father. People who cannot stand up In the \ l1ght must not look to sit down in the feast. When friendship is but a social lad- . del' the soul goes 110\\\ faster than the feet can climb up. t Many a man is prayIng for grace " ' bear his trials who needs just sand to shalto them. ( , , - FOOD , KELPS. I , - In Management af a R. R. Spealdng of fooo , Go railroad ma.n says : "My worle puts me o t in all Iduds ' of weather , subject to Irregular hours I' for meals aud cOlUpelled to cat all kinds of food. , "For 7 years I was constantly troubled - bled with indigestion , caused by eating - ing heavy , fatty , starchy , greasy , poorly - ly cool.ed fOO , such as are the most j accessible to men in my business. Gen- ' 1. . erally each meal or lunch was followed - lowed by distressing pains and burning - ing l.3ensatlons In II1Y stDmach , which destroyed my sleep and almost unfitted - fitted mo for worlt. 1\1) ' brain was so muddy and fogg ) ' that it was hard for me to discharge my duties properlv. "This lasted tllI nbout 11 year ago , when my attention was called to Grape-Nuts food by n newspaper I1d. and I concluded to try it. Since then J I have used Grape-Nuts at nearlj' every - ery meal , and sometimes between , meals. 'Ye railroad men have lIttle If chance to II'ropare our food In our cabooses - booses and I find Grape-Nuts mighty handy , for it is ready coolOd. "To malw a long story ohort , Grape- Nuts has made a new mnn of me. I have no moro burning distress in my stomach , nor an ' other symptom of indigestion. , I can digest anything so long us I eat GraI1e-Nuts , and my brain worlm as clearly and aecuratoly as an engineer's wnlch. and myoId " nervous troubles have disapI1enroli en- , ' tlrely. " Nall1c given j' Postum Co" BattlG Creele , l.lfC I , Thero's a reason. Head the little boolt , "The Road to Welh'1I10 , " in rltga. , . , " . , , , \ ' , . ' - . . . . - " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . - " " ' - - , . . . " " " ' - - - - - , - THE SOrGS MY MOTHER SANC From" Down Country Lanes , " by Byron Williams j jI I . . ' ' , 0' , " , . " , , to i' : , , , ' : 0 , - ' ' , ' I . . , I . , . Olve me the songs'ot chlldhoo ays , The melodlcs that thrill ; The songs my inother sang' to me- The songs I rev'renee still. Listen , my henrt , to memories Of tender Inrs of ) 'orc , The crooning of mn crnnl love. 'l'he song ! ! of simpler ! 'eoru. Olvo to my wonr ) ' ( 'nr the nlrs ' 1'hat stir me through un through , WHEREABOUTS OF AUNT MARY i Her Nephew Knew , But Then He Was Well Trained. , The story told by 1\Iarle Twain the other day about the estimate of .Tohn Flslw , t.he historian , of two of his chil- dren's aunts , brought forth an illustration - tration of the reasons for that opinion. I 1\1ark Twalns story was that when : 1\1rs. Flslw ono day went to her husband - band in horror and reported that his' ' 'oung son had said that Aunt Mary was "a fool" and Aunt Martha "a l1-n .fool , " the historian replied , after careful - ful consideration , " 'V ell , that i about the distinction I should malw. " A man in the audience , who Imew both the aunts , after the meeting told this : Aunt Martha was one of the strictest - est disciplinarians I hayo ever Imown. She demandell chiefiy obedience of JtCr children , instant , upquestlong , silent - lent obedience , and she usually got it. One afternoon as she was worldng in her sewing room n. great storm came up , and she s nt her son John to close the trap door leading to the fiat roof of the Queen Anne cottage. "But , mamma- " said John. "John , I told 'ou to shut the trap. " "Yes , but ma- " " "John , shut that trap ! " "All right , mamma , if you say so , but-It "John ! " John slowly climbed the stairs and shut the t.rap. The afternoon wont b ' and t.he storm howled and raged , Three hours later the family gathered for dinner , and when the meal was half over and Aunt 1\1ary had not ap- ll ared , Aunt Martha started nn In- vestigation. She did not have to asl ; : many questions , John answered her i first one. , "Please , mamma , she is up on the. . roof. " Will Study Charitable Work. TIaroness Marie Salzgeber , a wealthy Austrian widow , is about to tour this country for the IHtrl10S0 of stud 'ing charitable work. The baroness is presIdent - Ident of the Empress Elizabeth home of VI nna , whoso purpose Is to give , instruction in music and high nrt to women forced to mal\O their own waj' in the world. This home , run under the espe ial patronage of Emperor J"rancis Joseph and named after his late empress , has in Its six j'ears' ex. L'jtenco sprunl. ! rapidly to fame. In the last few years a largo number of American women hayo entered and now the institution has become taxed to its capacity. Since the death of her husband , who was nn Austrian statesman , the baroness has rlven large sums 'early to charity worlt. His Crowning Argument. Andrew Carnegie was discussing a quarrel between two capitalists. "It Is a case , " he said , "of the pot's calling the l\Cttle blacl ; : . It Is a case . . . of Aberdeen and Inyerarj. . "Aberdeen and Inverl1ry ? " "Yes , " said 1\11' . Carnegie. "You see. two old Scots. one a natlvo of Aberdeen I1nd ono a natlvo of Inver- ary , fell Into an argument 0110 daj' ever their respectlvo accents. "The Aberdeen l11an was vcry harden on the Inverary one. lIe did not leave him a leg to stand on. But the In. verary man answered , nobly. Aberdeen - deen , when he was through. could only say : " 'Vleel , at onj' rate , I dlnna ca' fush leesb. ' " The old-tlmo songs , the mother songs , The songs foreyer newl Grunt me theJUlse of ecstasy \JUlse I tolt In one \ ont tunc My mother snn ! ; In quavering \'olco , In words of simple rune , Sound me no rnn orchcstrnl filghts , No pennA of Ihe tlmo- Ol\'e me the song ! ! of chll < lhood da 's ; ' 1'he mother songs , dh'lne. FABLE BROUGHT UP TO DATE. Beware of Discouraging Industry and Integrity. A Hawk that had a dexterous way of throwing three cards about ono day met n Hen and invited her to bet on his game. "But I don't undC1'stand it , " protested - ' ed the Hen. "Wh ' , all there is about It , I toss , these three cards so and so , and you bet that you can pick out the ace of spades , for examI11e. " "Yes , but r don't want to talm your money. " "Oh , as to that , 'ou are quito wel. come-quite so. " "Then here goes a ton that I pick the ace. " The Hawk smiled as he thought how easj' It was to throw snuff in n Hen's ej'es , but 10 ! Biddy plclted out the card she had named and ralced In the sugar. "I'll be hanged if 'm not completely discouraged trying to malee an honest livIng ! " cried the Hawk , as he fiung the cards awa ' in disgust ; and he thoreuPcm not only turned robber , but ute the Hen to boot. MORAL. Never discourage Industry and integrity - tegrity by taldng money from a three-card monte or n faro banle.- Cincinnati Enquirer. Thayer's Compliment In Court. On one occasion when ex-Congress- man John R. Thayer was counsel for the defense in the Central district comt he was cross-oxamlnlng a witness - ness III the case of the 'Vorcester nnd Suburban street railway ticket forg- ery. The witness , who was a con. ductor on 'the road , had been arrested for forging tlclwts. , A man named Jensell was employed In the cal' barn of the road. He was not particularly bright , either in appearance - pearance or speech , and the conductor had attempted to show that .Tensen was the originator of the scheme for forging the tlelwts. 'J'hayer as1\OIl the witness , by way of rllllculo. IC ho did not beli'vo .Jen- sen showed l cle of capacity for put. tlng I1p such a job on the road , and closed his cross-examination by sa ' . ing : "Doesn't he loole 111\0 a bright I11nn ? " The conductor's reply. "Ho must bo ; ho hired n brIght lawyer , " convulsed the attorneys and court so that 'rImy _ er did not pursue the examination fur- ther.-Boston Herald. "U ncle Nelson's" Reasons. In the latter part of the last cen. tury thOl'e 1I\'ed In the town of TIel- fast , 1\1e. , a wL'l1.lmo\\'n character by the name of Nelson Hlch. Townrd the end of his IIfo he h'camo somewhat wpale mentallj' , though perfectly harmless. Ono day a 'oung man was passing the Nelson homestead. and beheld Rich standing OVCI' a harrel of rain. water , holding n small II1Jnhcr of the lellno race somewhat rud'l ' , heal1 downwarl1. with two legs in either hand , sousing her up rind down In the ice-cold water. " " 'hj' , Uncle Nelson , " crlo(1 ( the astonlshell ' ( Juth , "whnt in the world are yoU tl'j'lng to do ? " "Young man , " replied "Unclo Nel. son. " cnlrnlj' , and without even turll' ing his hpl1d , "I have two verj' e : { . cellont reasons for whal I am doing. I First , I WIHh to wflrm the water , Imd Rcond 1 wish to 1'/111\ \hp \ pot" , . . . - , - . . . . , . . , , , , . , . , , " " , ' ' . , Scene of Disaster in Which French Miners Lost Their Lives o Cou1'l'lores , the scene of the recent catastrophe , is In Pnso lie Cain Is , northern Frnnce , eighteen miles dls. tnnt fro11TIethune. . It hM a population - tion of 3,3J0. ! It is In the con tel' of France's greatest conI district. This district has nn nrea of 1J0 ! squnre mites , aull emlloj'ed ) in It are 20,000 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , MINES OF THE SHAFT VARIETY. 'ome at Courrleres Extended Far Into the Ground. Coal mines are divided Inlo two 1.lnds , the drift mine and the shnft mine. 'I'ho drirt mine ! dug into the . : > ide of the .hlll nnd extends by very slow degrees down\\'nrd. 'rho conI is hrought to the slIrfaco in lIttle cnrs dl'l\wn on narrow gauge mils by don. lcys. : These mines sometimes extenll in. wnrd for over a mlle in one direction. The COllrriere8 mlncs 111'0 mostly of the shaft. variety , howevor. S0ll10 of these .shafts are very deop. On the , dn ) ' of the explosion men were henrd , cn11lnltfor , help from a depth of nenrly Imlt 1mile. . , 'rho miners in Frnnce do not use the' snfety Inmps that many mining' ' concerns In the United States now cOllll1el their employcs to uBo. These Inmps nre little meta1Jlc oll.burning affnirs nffixed to the miners' hnts. The fiamo ignites from a cotton wiclt , and fwlll burn hour niter hour. Not even the eternnl vigllanco of 'the fire boss can prevent n holocnust if the miners themselves become care- . less. In the Courrlores mines there nre a great many condemned "pockets , " as , the ' are called. The so pocleots nt ono tlmo or another become filled with 'fire damp nnd the miners were warned not to go nenr them. Ono rumor as to the cause of the oxploslon is that a miner , either care. less or ignorant of what he was do. ing , pened a condemned poclcet , mistaking - taking it for an nil' c111\mber. In such a case there would bo nn instantan . ous explosion. The detonation would cause the other pockets to explode and' the explosions would continuo while there was any fire damp in the mIne. 'rhe topography of the strlcleen dls. trict Is very irregull1r and very much resembles that of Allegheny county , Pa , The district is thlcldy populated , and but a few miles ollt of the line of travel of the multitude of tourIsts who throng northern Franco every 'ear. The .mining population is not made up prIncipally of Frenchmen any moro than the mining population in the United States Is made up of Amori- cans. Poles nnd HungarIans , as well as a liberal sprinkling of Itnllans and Russians , for the most part maleo np Courriores' population. The town Is gloomy , smoley and un- slght1 . , and does not offer much to the sightseer to recompense him for his visit. It Is not mentioned in Daedelcer or in any of the other prom. Inent guido boolts. It hils one admlr. able statue dedicated to Jean do Mont. morency , however. Queens Taller Than Their Consorts. There hardly is 1Idng In Christen. dom to-day whoso wife does not overtop - top him by a head. King Edward Is six inches shorter than Queen Alex- andra. The czar Is overtopped a full head by the C mrlna. Kaiser 'VII helm Is of the medium height , but the German - man empress Is tall , and that is why the' ' Icniser will never consent to be photographed beside his wlfo unless rme sits while he stands. The Idng of Italj- hardly comes up to the shoulders - ders of Queen Helena. The king of P rtugal , though fntter , is less tnll than his queon. The queen of Den. marl\ : towers above her rOj'al spouse. Speaker's Mind Wandered. Spenlcor Cannon called the house to order the other l1ay and said as uSllal' "Tho ehnplaln will offer prayer. " Rev. 1\11' . Cotlden proceeded to do so and meantime Mr. Cannon allowed his mind to stray away to the consideration - tion of some Important measures then pcneling. At the conclusion of pra .er the speaker came out of his reverie , rapped with his gavel and said once more : "Tho chaplain will offer pray- er. " The clorle himself whlspred something in 1\11' . Cannon's car l\IId Unelo Joe almost blllshed ns ho ex. claimed : "Oh , hang It ; the joko's on me. " Peculiar Nervous Disease. The well.known nerve pathologist , V. M. Dechtoroff , says the St. Petersburg - burg Novostl. mentions the appearance - ance of a peculiar Ilisease of the nerve system , which ho calls "sweating slckncss of the hanll. " 'I'his trouble Is Indicated by the sudden perspira. lion of the hand on the } ) art of the victim each tjme ho secs an acqunlnt- anco with whom he Is nbout to shalco hnnds. Sometlmos the Ilorspiration will fall in largo drols ) from the tips lof the fingers. None of the ether pnrts : of the bOdy shows shnilnl' symptoms. , . , - J , _ . I hands. The amount of coal mlncll an. nuall ) ' is , IiOOOOOO tons. Coal was first discovered here hi 1717 , nt Tres. neSt 1"01' centuries tllo district nround Courrleres hns been prominent in its manufaclures , anll the ulmost Inox- haustlblo heds of conI will secure It thnt supremacy for cQnturles to como. _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GROWING POWER OF THE WEST. Will Soon Push Enst In PopulntJon and' Commercial Sup"remncy. . Peo1110 of the l Mt are apt to ovor- loolt the tact thnt there is a grent nnll 1O'0wing West : They do not reallzo that at some tlmo not fnt. dlstnnt this section w11l bo competing with the East In pOI1\1latlol1 nnd In commerclnl supromacy. To the thousands of Americans who nro familiar with Europe - rope but to whom Cnllfornla , Orc on . nnd 'Washington nro names nnd nothIng - Ing moro the term "Golllen Galo" is , without menning , "Pugot sound" Indicative - cative or nothing but distance. 'I'hoy do not Imow that in the Innd where rolleq the Oregon and heard "no sounll save its own dMhlng" therp. has sprung up n lICe moro vlrilo than tholr own , from having stIlI the Insplrntlon of 'outh nnd the uplift thnt comes when ambition realizes thnt there are world's yet to conquor. The 'Yest is 11. giant ; It Iloes not ber fnvors : it docs not nsle for recognition , .but it forces the recognition by the ex 111\1111- ing power of Its own splendid vitality. -Phllallelphla Ledger. SARRIEN LONG IN PUBLIC LIFE. Second Time New French PremIer Has Been In Cabinet. M. Jenn Sarrlen , head of the now French cabinet , Ims been n power in , French political life for fifteen years. There have been few mlnlslerlnl crises In which ho hM not been consultod. The last thno that ho hold omco wns in 18J8 ! , when at the request of l is friend , Brisson , he , with some reluct- ance. consenled to accept the 11erilous post of mll\lstor of justlco at the time of the Dreyfus controversj' . As such he instituted the proceedings in the Supreme court. which resulted In the Quashlnof / the first trlnl and in the ex-captnln being brought bacle tel l rl\nce to stand trlnl nl10W at Rennes. lIe is a man of 66 , n lawyer , hem of a mlddlo cInEs provlndal famil ' , nnd during the war with Germany \Von the cross of the Legion of Honor by gaillmtry under fire as captain of 1\10- biles. He has represented hiD native ; ; ; ' .54RRJEV district of the Saono et Lolro without intorruptlon for nearly thirty yenrs In the chamber of deputies. English Nobility In Trade. English noblUty has mnny mutters on its mind these dnys. It wishes to Imcp busy above all things nnd there arc indlvldunls who nro looking for gold gnloro by going Into trade. Car. pet weaving is the latest Industry to be invaded by these "distinguished" persons bent upon adding to incomes or finding worlc for their tenantry. Foremost among them is the Duch s8 of Sutherland , who has started looms at Holm.sdale , in Sutherlandshiro , in order to help the women affected by the decllno In the Highland fisheries , As a purely business speculation the Earl of Pembroltc and the Earl of Rad. nor have openell a carpet factory at Wilton. They .brlng to that admlmble possession a cultivated taste and the heautiful things which they promlso ta turn O\lt w11l ho sought by devotees oj the life luxurious. Stomach Not a Necessity. While the vuluo of n good stomach Ii ; undoubted , fortunatelj' , says Prof II. J. Paterson , Nntm'e Is able to dls. pense with this organ , ns most of its functions can ho performed by othot parts of the alimentary canal. It hnf. ! Jeen shown that dogs may gain 111 weight nnd remain In perfect he:1lth : after removnl of the entire stomach , while the elaborate ohservatlons made on n patient 11rovo that the Ramo holIE ! good of human boln/'s. / Until some ot her cure for can cor Is 1lIscoverell , wide rOJlloval is the Ideal operation , - ) REAT SCOTT. - The Diggest Man of Addison County , Vt. , Tells an Interesting Story. E. C. Scott , meat deal or. VergenneB. Vt. , Inst Commander of Ethan Allen l'ost , . A. u. , sl\Ys : "A severe "ltack of tj'pholll Joft mo with wenle Jddnoys. Bvery night I l all to gel lip frequently to pass the urine , wl ch wns rep ) ' , dl\rl ( and ver ' 1II\I11fui to void. I hnd no nppotlle , but IImnle wnter continu- nlly without being - able to qllonch my thirst. Terrible headachos. nnl ( dlz7.Y spells oPllrossed mo anl my back was lame , 'SOl'O ntul stlrt. A monlh's trontment with Donn's Kidney Pill rid mo of this trouble , and now I am strong and henlthy and weigh 230 pounds. I glvo the credit to DO:1n's : - 1dney ! ; Pll1s. " Sold by all dal\lors. 50 cents n box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Burtnlo , N. 'Y. , The KIng of Ital ) ' Is In'eeonlod an- nunlly by the Emperor of Austr1\ with 10,000 American cIgars. A Vindication for Dr. Pierce. . DecIsion by the Supreme Court of the State , A01\lnst the Ladles' Home Journal. A vorUict hns been rmwored In favor of t.ho plntnUrt In the libel suit brought agalQst the l..adle9' Homo Journul , ( published by the CurUs rub- Ushlnl Co. ) by the World's Dill- llOnsnry l\felllcal Assoclntlon. of which DI' . R , V. Plerco is president. The suit was brought by Doctor Pierce ngoinst the Curtis Publishing Co. , for mnltlng fnlso statements nbout ono of his stAndard fnmlly medicines Imown as Dr. rierco's l a\'orlte Pre- Bcrh1t1on. lu the ! \Iny number of the Ladlos' 1101110 Journnt' (1J0i ( ! ) . Mr. Ed. wlud Bolt. the eilltor , atnted thnt Dr. Plerco's Favol'lto ProscripUon con. tnined alcohol and some other harmful - ful IngredIents , and Dr. Pierce , had In the actlOlnlleged thl\t the defendant - ant maliciously )1IIbllshell ) this arUcle containing such false a11(1 defnmatorr , f matter. Dr. Plerco further claimed thnt no alcohol is or ever wns contained - tained In his "Fnvorlto Prescription , " thnt snld mlIclnoVas ( n vegetable propnratlon and contained no deleterious - terious Ingredients whatever : that Mr. Dok's statell1olit , pretending to give 1301110 of the ingredients of said medi- . clno , wes 'wholly and absolutel , famo. During the trinl , the Vico- President of the World's Dlsl1ensary Modicnl Assoclntlon stated , thnt tb ingredients of Dr. Pierco's l nvorite Pre orlption were extrncted from the following naUve roota : Golden SOIll , Dluo Cohosh , Lady's S i11per , Dlncl ( Cohosh onlt Unicorn . , by menns of pure glycerino. Ho was nsltcd ho\V ho Imow , ns a phj'slclan and ox- perlonced melllcnl man , thnt the "Fa- vorito PrCBcri)1t1on" ) was a cure for the dlsenses peculiar toVomen , Buch as nmonorrhea , dysmonorrhea , anto- version'rotr.overslon , nml ho stated that ho Imew cuch wns the fnct because - cause of his pl'Ufefislonl\l experlonco and the mnny thousands of women whose ilIs had been cured by this "Prescription. " The Vice-Presldont. being aslwll to give his authorities , read from the standnrdVorlts , such. ns the United Stntcs DlstlensRtory. The American Dlflpensatory and many ether stl\ndar medical books. The retraction prlntod by the Cur- Us Publishing Company two months nfter the libelous statement appeared and nearly two months nfter the suit had been begun stnted definitely thnt nalyses hnd been made at their 1'0- ql\IJst and that the "l nvorlto Prescrlp. tlon" did not contain either alcohol. opium or dlgltC1l1s. THOUGHTS ON EDUCATION. Tusleegeo ia to receive $500.000 from the Dotgor estate of South arango , N. J. FIftY-fivo milIlon volumes in pubUo and school hbrnrlos of the United States. A well.equipped and well.regulated playground is second" only to n. good school. Indiana is the only state whoso Congressional delegation has only col- lego-bred men. Nearlj' forty per cent' of the atu. onts at the Mt. PICllII1ut , 1\IIch. , nor. mal school are men. In 1J00 ! there were 5G pOl' cent of the Harvard graduntes living , 1I0W there are ( j0 per cent. Ponnsylvania. has but 187 high schools with a four-year's course , There should be 1,000. The school nurse is no moro n fnd than a family physician when typhoid fever Invades the homo. Other things being equal , the fellow - low who learns most from his mis- taltes is the most successful. Every state should have nn inspector - tor of high schools , but 110 should bo a man equnl to the duUes.-Journnl of Education , , II I I I I , tI t I I , .