w , , - ' . , . ' - Huts of Russian Paasants. Nlno-tenlhs at the pCluants In Rus- sin. live In 11t1ts wlthoul floors , nnll too low tor n tall man to Btand In. HOSPITALS CROWDED MAJORITY OF PATIENTS WOMEN ! ! rat Pinkham's Advlco Snvos Many From this Snd and Costly Experlonco. . _ It Is n. sal but . : . ; . . certain fact that , . . , ( . . \ ' , : ; . . . . . : . a v 0 r y yon. r ' : : . : : : . . ' . brjngs an in- , ' : . : , : : . ' : . : : ' 8f ; ! : : = - . . . . . 0 r 0 n. so in the . : "t . : . ; : . : ! . / : : num b ere f opem.- . . . . . : . : : : : . . t . . J'i.fl. ; : : : : : : . . . : : Uons performcd , ; " . . ; . . : . . . . : . : \lpon women in . . . , " t Q ' : . : : ; . : t . . . : . : . , ' 0 u r hospitals. ! \ ; : Moretlulll three. , 'fourths of the lJr laAcflm.s patlcnts lring ; " on those snow. whlto bells are women and girls who are awaiting or recovcring from opera.- tions mndo 11ecessary by neglect. Every ono of these patients hm ! plelltyof warning' In that bearing down : feollng , pain at the left or right of the n.bdomen. 11ervous exhaustIon , pain in the small of the bnck , pelvle catarrh , dlzzlncss , flatulency , displacements or irregulnritles. All of these symptoms are indications of un ullhenithy con. dltlon of the female orglms , amI if not lleCled the t1.'oublonllt.r lualeeheadway until the IJCnnlty 1ms 10 bo paId by n. dangerous opcration , nnd a lifetime of impaired usefulness nt best , while in nany cases the results nre fatal. MIss Luolln.Adams , of Senttle , Wash. , writes : , DearMrs. : FInkhmn : - IIAbout two YCilrs ago I M n. grCl1t sufferer - ferer from 0. soycro f011lalo t1.'oublo , } lllins and hoodllehes. Tl10 doctor } Ircseribcd for mo ami l1naUy told mo 11mt I lllul n. tumor and must undcr o an operation if I wanted to get , , "ell. I felt that thli ! wns m ' dooth wllrl"llnt , but I ent hundre s of dollars for medIcal help but the tumor kept growing. Fortunately corrcspol1ltc wItli : an aunt iuthoN owEn lal1l . ' States , and she advised mo to take L 'd1a E. . } 'inkham's Vcgetnblo Compound , us it WIIS ' said to cure tUUlors. I did so Ilmlimmediatcly begun to improve in healthllnd I was entirely cured , the tumor disappoarlng entirely , willi. out an operation. I wish every suffering 'Womnn would try this great preparation. " , Just as sure1y as 1\1iss Adams was : cured of the troubles enmuerated in her letter , just so surely will Lydia E. - Plnleham's Vegetable Compound euro other women who suffer from female - male troubles , intlammation , Iddney " troubles , nervous excltablUty or ne I' ' vous prostration. , 1IIrs. Pinkham invites 0.11 young women who o.re ill towrito her for free a.dvice. She is daughter-in-law of Lydia. E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has been o.dvising sick women free of charge. Address , Lynn , Mass. THE BEST COUGH CURE In buying n. cough medicine , remember - member the best cough cure , Kemp's Balsanl " costs no more than any other kind. . i . Remember , too , the kind that cures is the only kind worth any- , thing. , Every year thousands are saved from n. consumptive's grave by taking Kemp's llalsam in time. Is it worth while to experiment with anything else ? Sold by all dealers at : : ! Sc. and Soc. I . When you buy 'I ' WET THER' 'tit ' j , , CLOTIDNG PJ you want 'I - complete protection . . ' a.nd long . , scrvlce. . , These and many - II ( other good poInts , " arc combined In TOWER'S FISH BRAND , OILED CLOTHING ) Y u can't afford . / , 'to b4Y nny othcr I 113 I I 'IJII. . . . . . . A" TO"'r . . GO . . O . . TON ulA. TOw. . 10..0' . . CO . "TO , T""O..TO G W II lu DOUCLAS $3.50 & $3.00 S HOES fRtrl W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Llno cannot bo equalled ntany price. t , \.DDUGL.1s SIIOES ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; . . " , ' ALL . _ , Q PRICES . . . , .I , "r < r.e " " " ' 'I , 11- _ ! - . . . . , > , . .fr : " , \ ' iJl 1 . . - .I , " . . ' . . . . ! .WMI ; s Cl/lAre I $ OL' " . , \10 J . : dfvJl. J'O.tE 'H ( A ( ; ' O/v"vrs rO As , " syOf" ' /STA / : LJSHED JULY 6 , 1876. CAPITAL $2,500.000 W. L. DOUGLAS MulE3 & SELLS MORE tAEN'S $8.511 SIlUl : 'TIIIIN IIfVYOTIlEIl MANUFACTUREfl IN THE. WORLD. $1 0 000 REWARD to anyone who can J disprove this statement. If I could take you Into my three large factorlc at Urockton , Moss. . ami show ; ) 'OU the Inllnlte cure with which every. palrof shouls mode , ; ) ' 011 would realize why W. I. . ( ) ollgloi $3.50 shne cost more to milke why they hold their shape , fit better , wear , nnger , olld are of greater Intrinsic value then ony other $3.50 hoe. W. L. Doualn. Stro"D " 'ado Simes (01' Men , $2. U , $2.00. Boys' Selool 0. Dre..ShooB , $2.50 , $2$1.75 , $1.8J CAUTION . -Jmlst 111'011 111Inl : W.LJJolI ! : " Ins shoes. 'l'lIko no slIbstltllle , OIlO genlilulj wlthollt bls lIame olld tlrlclI slalllp".1 olluoltom , Fat Cr flle/ets useei t thtl/ will not wear brassy. Wrlto tor illustratell Cotlilo , " ' . L. DOUOLASllrucktoll , : ! I1I89. DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch mnlecs Inundry work pleasuro. 16 ot. Vki : . 100. When Writing Advnrtlsers Kindly Mention This Paper. ContrAdiction In Nature. For hundredB oC ) 'onrs , perhnp9 thouBllnds , the Australlnn bllclt ] hils ncceptod the doctrlno or n trInity In JHn.\'on . nnd the theory oC ovolutlon. In some reBpeclB lie Is fnr' Buperlor J to his civilized contNnpOrnr ) ' . Yet ho curls hImself round 111\0 n dog and sInks to sleo\l \ on the bnro ground nt sunset. In the l1nrlt ho Is n vOI'Hnblo coward. Rhnko Into YOllr 8hu" " Allen's Foot.Easo , n } Jowder. It cures painful - ful , swartln , nervous feet an IngrowIng naUs. It's the greatest comfort dlsco\'OI'y of the ngo. Malees new shoes oasy. A certnln cure for swratln ! fect. Sold b ) " nil Drulrsists , ! ! 5c. Trial puelmgo FHEE , Address A. S. Olmsted , Lo Hey , N. Y. Steam In It Infancy. The flrst st'nmer lo mnl\O n "o'nge ncross the western ocean was the Sa. vnnnnh at 350 taus nnd n length oC tOO feet. She snlled from Sn"nnnnhIar : 2. . , 1St ! ! , Il1Hl nrrl\'od al LI\'erpool June 20. Her steam wns purely auxUlnr ) ' , for when the wind wns fair or the sen high the pnddlewhcul were unshlppe.d nnd slowed on decle. , , 'urth 1\:1I1"lnJ : ; ' -that AllcoeWs n1'O the origlnnl nnd only genuine porous plasters ; nIl othcr so-cnlled porous plnsterll nro Imitations. Theory of Heat and Motion. The modern theaI' ' ) ' of hcat and ma. tlon seems to hl1.vo been qulto clear to tbe mind of n Dutch 11l'uft3SS0r named Van dol' Linden ns early tiS IG42 , In n. medical treatise. written In Latin , tllo professor assel'ls his belief that the heat of the 11111nnn body consists In the vibration of the most mlnuto particles - ticles In Its mnl mv. Lowls' Single BIndel' - t110 famous ' 3traiitht Go elgar , IIlwlI 's best , quality. 'lour dealer or Lowls' ! . 'aetor ) ' , Peoria , Ill. Tends Monkeys and Men. The monlto ' hOllse at the London zoo Is being clenncd , disinfected nnd partly reconstructed. The Field ro. mnrles : "The worle will be done under the supervision of Dr. Gordon , the expert , who has been In cbarge of the sanitntlon of tbe 1I0llse of Commons. " The condensed m11le of human lend. ! ness Is n. dollnr In chnrity. French Soldiers Cannot Write. In order to test the qualll ) ' of mind of l"rench soldiers. a set of questions -a kind of "general pnper"-was sent to sixty-two soldiers at random. Of the slxty.two , seventeen could not write , and so did not answer nl nIl. NO REST NIGHT OR DAY. With Irritating Skin Humor-Hall' Be. gan to Fall Out-Wonde ul Result - sult from Cutlcura Remedies. "About the laller parl of July my whole body began to Itch. I did not talco much noUce oC It at first , but It began to get worse all the time , nnd then I begnn to get uneasy and tried nIl Itlnds of baths nnd other remedies that were recommended for sltln hum. ors ; but I became worse all the time. My hall' begnn to fnll out and my scalp Itched nIl the time. Especially at nl ht. just as soon ns I would get in bed and get warm , my whole body wuuld begin to itch and my finger nails would lccp It Irritated , and it was not long before I could not rest nIght or da ' . A friend asked mete to try the Cntlcnra Remerlles , and I did , and the first application helped 111e womlerfnlly. For nbont fonr woels I'woll1l1 , talco a hot bath over ) ' night and then apply the Cutlcura Ointment to my whole body ; nnd I ltept getting better , and by the time r lIsed fO\lr boxea of Clltlenra I was ( 'nUrely cnred. and my hall' stopped failing ont. D. E. Dlanl\Cnshlp , 319 N. Del. St. . Indianapolis , Ind" Oct. 27. , 1905 : ' Queen Victoria' : ; Cats. Queen Victoria was a great lover of , cats , and when the courl moved It was occompanled b ) ' a regular cnravan of cats. PersIan. Manx , Angora , Mnl. teso nnd tabby catA n11 traveled In state to Dnlmorn.I , Osborne , Windsor or Duckingham ) mlnce , ns the case might boo One Persian cnt , of which the Queen was parllculnrl ) ' fond , were around her neck 0. collur , on which appe.lll'd : in silver letters the inscription - tion , "I belon ; to the queen. " A writer has deacrlbed the common black snalco as the most pugnacious of all the reptile family. "Ho Is nl. wnys renrl ) ' for a fight , " he snld , "and the man who doesn't understand his st 'le of fighting will doe11 to apologize - gize before the first blow Is strncle. " A Inrgo perccntago of the snal\Os In the Worcester farm nre Florida rat- tlera caught by : 'Ilr. Brownell within the lnst three 'ears. London women have a now walk. 'rho chin Is held high and the head Is turned 0\01' the right or lert Sllouler ! , ono hand graslng the sltlrt. The Express - press remarls ; : : ' 'It Is n vlsnble to glvo the new wnlk a wldo berth , ns the wnll\Or moves sldewnys. " - . ' . , . . ' " . - 'INE AZTEC MUMMY SCIENTISTS IN RAPTURES OVER RECENT ACQUIRITION. - Well.Preserved Dodi' of Flve-Year.Old Child of Extinct Race , Found In Arl. zona , Has Been Preacnted to the Smithsonian Institution. . Man ) ' persons who hn\'o an Interest In nrchneology will be Burprlsed to Imow that nol all the 111\11l1l11les lo bo seen In museums have beel1 talten from far.away toplhs In ! ig'pt : or other eastern lnnds. Well-presoryed mummies - mies hnve occnslonally been talten from the ruins of the clift dwellers In the mountnln canyons In Arizona nnd nlso In New Mexico Ilnd southern CaU. fornla. 'rhese 1I111111l11les , though very leer spechnens of the mummifying art , nro considered gront trensurcs by scientists ; becnuse they Ilvo UIO an. thropologlst n vogue idea at UIO straugo people who hnd the ear11est civilization on the AmOl'lcnl1 continent. The best of them nro 1111110st enUrely Ignornnt of who the Aztecs and Toltecs were , how they loolwd I\nd lived nnd why tlley hnvo been so enUre ! ; } ' obUt. orated from the fnce of the earth , snys tho. Mel11phls Appeal. ' The renson fOl' this Ignorance Is found In the fnct that no satlsfac. lory rel11nlns of the denl ! Aztecs hn\'e been found. ' 1'hese people were cre. maUonlsts , and they probably burned household effects with UIO dend , len\- Ing lIttle or nothing for the scientists to build a theory upon. Frequently n part . of explorers in the vnlleys oC Arlzonn w111 come upon cenled jnrs ot burned bone dust. Dut the mummy which was found b ) ' two gold mine prospeotors In a lonely cnnyon along the Gila river In the henrl of the country - try hns excltel1 much nttentlon. The hollow In the rocles wns about seven feet deep and four feet hIgh. It was , ovldently made for the purpose oC burIal of the body found there , for no other mummy hns ever been found within n hundred miles of this lonely 'sepulcher. ' ' At the rear of the cave the miners found whnt appoored to bo a chamber in the solid granlto wall. ' 1'ho 1110uth of the chnmber wns senled. When the cement11l\O substance wns broken away Rnd It flat stone was lI tell it was found i that n. humnn mllmmy was within. I There was n smell of rosin and balsam i when the miners raised the Uttle body' ' which hnd In In there for 500 , perhnps 700 , yenrs. The body was ovldently thnt of a cJl11d , the offspring of pro. historic royalt ) ' . When the covering had been removed It was found thal the body was that of a girl nbout 5 ) 'oars of age. There was no doubt that she was of noble fnmlly and that her costly and elaborate burial , Instead of thqt of cremation , had been for sarno extraordir.ary renson.Vrapplnge that filled five bushel basltets were un. wound from the remains. As the hands were removed peanuts and mesqulto beans rolled out. Both wore In as good a state of preservnllon as though they had been plnced there n few months before. A child's plaything - thing , a curious bone affair , was found placed between the arms , The little shrIveled hands were clasped about hits of mesquite wood nnd a thlcle mnss of raven.blnck hall' , much finer thnn that of nn Indian , covered the head. The legs were drnwn up In the position of a child creeping. The fin. I , gel' nails were perfect and the teeth Intnct. The nose , enrs and e'es were gone and the slt1n wns brol\On on the right knee nnd one of the wrists , ex. posing bones , sinews and dried flesh. So fine a mummy has' probably no\ ' . er been found beCore In the \'nlle's of Arizona. It has been photographed more than a hundred times , Many scl. entlsts nnd archneolQglsts ilIlvo traveled - eled long dlstnnces to see It nnd they sny thnt : Ills the most into resting nnd Instructive of all things found In that part oC the country In a decade. It hns heen made a gin to the Smithson. inn Institution. To the Deloved. E\'crrthlng that I made I used to bring to rou. Was It a song. why , then , 'twas a sons to almto you , Was IL 11 storr , to 'ou I was telllnc my titory. Ah. ' ' dear. could 'ou hear 'mid the m'j' I II nnd the glory ? Did any ono praise me. to 'ou I fmld It nil over. My Inll hter for 'ou : how wo Ir\\lghod In the dnys past recovcrl My teal'S and mv trouhle were 'ours : did nn ' ono grlm'o me , l ; carried It HtrafJ'ht ! to the love that was sure to I'elle\'o me. o m - dear , when aught happens , to 'ou J nm turnln . Forgetting how far rou hrn-c travel cd this da ' from my 'earlling. ' There If ! nobody now to tl1 things to : ' 'our house Is o lonely : ' ' . And stili I'm forgeUlng alld 1IIIIIgins m ) ' tale to 'ou only. 'fho old da 's nro 0\01' : how pleasant the ' wero. the One wl'ather. When youth nmI m ' darllnl : and I werc at home amI tOHl'ther ! And II till I'm tOI'/e U 1111 : , ochono. that no lonser you'ro lira I' me. And turn to rou stili wllh m ' talc , nnd thero's no ono to henr me. - PallIall Gazette. Couldn't Be Rattled. A member of the bar of Baltimore reI ales how n witness In a trl111 suit on co "got bnelt" fit the lawyer who had been endeavoring to "rattle" .the wllnesB by a severe cross.examlna. tlon. tlon.At At a certain point In the proceed. Ings the wltnoss sudden- ! Interrupted the cross.examlnlng lawyer b ) ' ex- clnlmlng : "Lool , hero I You neeln't ( thlnl , ) 'ou lcin rlJttle me by asldn' n11 them ques. tlons , " "No ? " was lho sarcnstlc rejoinder , "Nu , slreo ! " cnmo In emphnllc tone Crom the refrnctor ) ' witness. "Your questions don't lJother me lit all , I'vo raised three sons un' two grnndsons , an' I'vo been In training n gooll many I ) 'enrs.-I1arper's Weeldy. . . , . , COULD NOT KEEP U. . . Droken Down , Like Mt'It1Y Another Woman , with Exhausting Kidney Troubles. Mrs. A. Tnylor , or Wharlon , N. J. , sa's : "I had kldnl'Y trouble In Its most pnlnCu ] and Bovere forl11 , nnd the tor t u reI wcnt. through now 1101'1118 to lInvo been n1l110st un. bearnble. I had bnclt. nches , palnB In the eilio nml 101M , dizzy Blolls nnd hot , fover. Ish hCHlnches , There w e r 0 bcnrlns - down 11I\lns , ntHI the Itillnoy serrolJons l1assed too frequently nnd with n burning sensntlon. They showed sed. Imont. I bccaul ( ' discouraged , weal" languid nnd deprcssed , 80 slclt n11l1 w'alt t1mt I couId not 1eOl } 1IIJ , As doclors did not cure 1110 I dochled to try Donn's Hll1ne : ' I'l11s , 111111 with such SUCC'SR thl1t m ) ' troublcs were al1 gone after using eight boxes , und m ' strength , nmbltlon 111111 general Iwn.1th IB flne. " , Sohl b ' nl1 dealers. GO ccnls n box. Foster.l\Hlburn \ Co" Duffalo , N. Y. Immense Southern Swamps. The two Inrgesl swn1l1DS In the Bouth , the E"orglndes nnd the OlceOn. alto , cover an nrea of GOOOOO squnro ml1os. The trees nro'er ' largo and vogetatlon low. Both swamps teem wIth nlllgators nud dendly lUoccnsllls , Hunt for Rare Deer. The well Imowu Germon anhna ] denIer , Jnmrnch , has nn aent ; in Sinm lmntlng for the big deer Imown as cervus Schomburld. No slecl1110n of this denizen of high rnnges In la1U has ever been talen to 1.urope all\'e. I . HAD HEART PAINS : CrItical Case of Rheumatism Cured By Dr.WIIllams' Pink PIlls. While Mr. W. S. Geisel , of No. 125 Enst Coate ! ! street , Moher I ) ' , Mo. , was steadily woddllg at hiH..tl'llllo . in fuun- - dry nt th/lt lllaco , ho bec/\Iuo the \'Icthu of an I1.ltllck of 1'houmntiHII\ hlH ox- periouco it ! that of thouHallls who 11.1'0 compollel1 to worle in similnr IHll'1'(1IHl- higH. lIe doscl'ibeH his situ/ltion nH fol. lows : II I hl\l been /It work for n. long limo in n. foundry whel'e I waH exposed to dampness. 1'irst my feet began to hurt ! .ud to swell , thou my knees /\1111 m ) ' shoulder joints beg/ln to bo affectCll ill the Bamo way. 1'illl\l1y I cuulll not wah ] without great difllcult ) ' alll1 BUlforiuJ ; and hnd to HtOp wude l\1togother. : M ' nppetlto waH fceblo11111 I grow very palo nlld weak. I beglln to Imvo pahls nbout , my heal't ntHl it flutterel1 n ( { rent de/ll. I boclllno gre/ltly nl/ll'mel1/1bout my cou- clition , 1\1y mother kuew nhout tho' virtues - tues of Dr. Willluns' Piulc PiUs , as they hlld given her back her hcnlth when fIil' ] was nearly wnstiug to dcntIl , ntHl w111'11 she fouul1 thnt they wel'o goorl for rhou. matism too , she beg ll to gIve thom to me nbol1t n mouth nfter I wns nttaohrt. That was in the cady part of March , 1\)03 \ ) , ntul by Juue the ) ' 11/\11 drivonl1WI\Y ho pains IlIHl RWoUiug' nud hnrl rostm'eil my nppotite null color. Then I felt strong' ellough to tnlm up n Hue of outdoor - door work aud now , in Ootohor , I 1'0- gl1nl In'self fiR eutil'ely wen ntld I 11111 nbont to go into n fonudry ngain nt St. Louis , " Dr. WiUiams' Pillk PiUs also cnro otll r eHsensos spriugillg from impure - pure blo0l1 or disordered 110rvos , such I\I scintica. locomotor ntaxla. partinl paralysis and all forms of wcaklless iu nmlo or femnlo. 'rhoy may be hall lit nll druggists or ellreotly from the DI' . 'Vi1lialllR l\Iediciue Compauy , Scheucc. tady , N. Y. The most mlstnlten endeavor and fervor lB better Utan sloele npatl1y and IndlCcrenco. How's This ? We offer One lIundred IJollan TIewar < 1 tor any cue of Catarrb tbl1t Cl1uuot bo cured by lIaU' . Catarrh Cure. F. J. CJlENEY & CO" Tolodo. O. We. tbo undersigned , lIa\'o known 1" , J. Cheney lor the II1t 15 year. , nod lIelle\'e him perftcUy bUll' orable In nil ( , u.lllo. . ( ran.lleU"n. nlld financIally able to carrJ' out any obllgftth' " ' ma/le lIy hi. IIfllI. WALIIINIl. KINNAN & 'AIIYJN ' , Wbole.ale Urullllt. : . 'l'uledo. O. 111111' . Catl1rrh Cure Is Inkeu Internally , ncUnK 4lrectlJ' upon ( he bloo,1 I1n < ' mllcou. slIrfacel uf 1"0 .y.tem. Teolllllonl'li. lien I frce. l'rlce.5 cenU led bOttlo. fold by 1111 jru I.I. , Take 1Il1U' . } 'amlly 1'11I _ for consUpl1t1oD. Thrift and stinginess nro similar , but , oIl , so dllrerent. A lazy man's Idea of success Is to bo unable to flnd worl ; : . OrIgin of RussIans. Rurl1c the Rodson , or OarBman , n dnrlng BCI\ rover , Innllell In 862 011 the RUBBlnn shore of the llntlo ] wIth hIs brolhors , Slnous nnll Truwor. Ho subjugated the country from Novga. rOIl lo th Volga , 1111(1 his CoHoworu were cnHed Hodsen , or HUBslans , Hod- son , In the Scn\llInl\vlm ( longuo of the lJOrlod , monnlng oarsmen. Hurl1e I1le(1 ( III 871. ! The HUBsinn wnrshllJ Hurllt , It will bo remembered , went. down off Slllthnlln ] nst summar. Free Scores of Operas. A Gormnn hn'onlor has Iorlectoll on nppnratlls 'hlch , h ' ens ' manl11l1. InUon , throw ! ! tlH worela or nlopern beln ! ; Sllnl ; on to the proaconhlm nbo\'o the slngo. The worlls nllllenr 1Ino b ' line I1S lhey nro B nS' , 1111(1 ( there Is nothIng nl10ut It to disturb the sllcotntol's. 'rho npllarnlus Is con. t : oiled b ) ' the proll1J1lor nlll 1s statol1 to bo CIlIllo choafl. A 1I1ngnlficont slool engrn\'lng or IIngot'l11an PnsS' . the 1I10st Camous 11101111taln lInss hI Colorado , hns been Isslled by the Colornl1o 1\1Idiund \ Hnll. War. This on ra\'ln Is 26x,10 Inches nnd snllnble for framing. Il will bo sent to an ) ' nl1IrC'ss ( on roeelpt of Hi couts In stn1l111s b ) ' C. II. blleors , G. P. A. , Denver , Colo. UI , , ; rornltles are In store for the mnn who In\'onts nnd lJatonts now ox- cuseB for men who get hOlllo In.to. Gprlnr,1 Tlmo to cleanse t\IO 1ItCI11 nnll pmlry the blood. ' 1'aleo GIll'lIultl ' 1'1.11 , Nntlll"O'9 podoot IIXI\t1vo'lt Is ho host u)01d ) IHll'1fiOl' .J\OWll rt cnres slcl < lll'udllohu , rOg'ulntes the 1 ver , 1l.o 's. to 111\ ell 1111I1 oowohl. Jend Cot' NaUlllo. Ga1'1\01d \ 1'011 Co. , llroole. I. h , N. Y. Ws sllch I\n cnsy mnttor to ml11l1 ol1e'sown business thnt SOIllO people overloolt It entirely. - Nolhlng knocks out and disables like Lumbago and Sciatica Nothing reaches the trouble as quickly liS . I St. Jacobs Oil Known the world over as The Master Cure for Pains and A.ches Prlco , 250. And 500. - Do Vou Want to Know \Vhnt You Swallow ? There Is ATowlnK sentlmonL'ln th1& couutryln tIn-or of JlIIUlICINIUI OB' KNOWlf COMI'09ITlON. It Is buL l1atllrlll tllnt. Oae should hM'O 801110 Intorest. In the compo. sltlon ot thnt which ho or IIho Is oxpeutod to IIwnIlow , whether It bo food , drlnk : 01" mot1lelno. Uocogulzlng this gro\ving I1lspoJ1t1on ! on the Ill\rL of the ImbUe , nnd snUsGed thl\t the fullest publleltyel\n onlyal1l1 to the weIl.oarued rrputntloll of his mc l. cln09 , Dr. It. V. PiorclI. of l1ufTnlo\ N. Y. hl\s "taleen tlmo by the foruloek , \ ' as Il were nud Is publishing broadcast lIat of all the IUllrclllents outorlnf { Into hili 1'OI\lIn/or / moolelul'I ! , the I'Gollion Medlenl Dillcovory" the lOll\llnr l1\'or luvl orl\tor stomach tonlo , { 110011 1l1\rlltor anll hclrt roulntor ! ; nlso of his I l"a'orlto Prelcrll > - tloll" for woalc , r.worleelt , broleen- ( lown , l1crvous UlHIlnvlllltl womon. 'l'hls boll1 nnl out-llpoleoa 1II0vement on the lllrL ! of Dr , PII1l'eo , has , by IIhu""lljS exnc Iy wlmt his woll-ll\own \ modlcltlc. 1\1'0 composed of , CODlllotoly ) ( lISl1rmel1 nIl harping crItics , \'ho Imve 1101'0toCoro un. j\Ultly nttaoleoll them. A lIttle Immphlot hns been cOlllpllct1 , from the stalldard IIwt1lcnl authorities at nil the several schools of IlrI\OtlCO , showlnlr tllo stl'OnRest endorscmollt ! ! by lot\lthlit mOlllcal writers of the se\'ernlln"redlents which enter Into Dr. 1'leroo'll 1II01llo11lC8. A copy ot this lIttle boole 19 1l11tIlel1/o to I\IIY ono ttc > - nll'lng to learn moro concerning the vl\lu. nblo , unU\'e , 1l1'OllIl'inallllautt1 which enter Into the composition of Dr. Plorco's med- lolncs. .Addrcss DI' . Plorco ns nl > ovo. pro Pierro' " 1'Icasnnt I'I'II ts nro tiny , RUA'nt'o COli tell IIntl.IllllouI ! "rnnuln , 'l'hey r ( ' ulnto 01\11 Invhwrato ' Llvnr I\UlI 1I0wels. Do not bl'lfct. the ' 1111 hnblt. " hnt. curD rOI"\Qllplltlon \ , 0110 or tlVO euch ( Iny for 1\ IIIXlltiVO ami regulator. tllrro or tour tor an acth'o cutlmrtlo , Once tried ahvnys In tl\\'or. . " : % 0 nn OIVI3N AWAY. In coplel ot wJ u , UUU ' 1'ho Peopl , , ' , . COIJ'lInon Sens ! ) Mrdlcal .AllI'lscr , 1lIoole tllilt. 801e'1 to tllo extent - tent ot r.ollOOO cOllies n tew enrs u o , ot 'IW )101' cOII ' . J.I\'It. ) 'l'l\r , vo ave nWII ' " \I(1(1 ( ( ) wurth of the In\'I1I1I11' hlo booleR. , ' 1'111'1 year \\0 hllll1\ \ 1:1\0 I\\\IIY t : ) , (1O worlh ot them. Will ; ) ' 11\1 flhnro In this b'nelltt If 1 > 0 , el1l\ only 21 oneoent f\lamp ! ! to Co\'r COqt ot nmlllnlC IInly for hoole in Milt 11npcr eo\'rri ! , ur:11 : 1111111111'1 tor oloth.holllll ) . Alhlrl'KN JJr. It. V.licrco. Bullnlo , N. Y. r,1XED , ; FARMING MngnIOccntelhnnto-rnrmersi110wing In tbolr sblrt sleeves in the mlddlo ot NOYJmbor. "All nro bOIllHto bo moro thnn plCll cll withi the final resullfl or the ) II1St seuson's hnrvcst.- Extrnet. I Coal , wood , wntcrltny In nbundnneD-sebDoll. cburches , nJnrlects convenient. This Is tbo ern ot $1,00 , vhent. I Allply ror IntoruJntlon to SUi1erlntcpllent of ImmlA'rntlon , Ottuwo , Cnnntln , or to nuthorizcl\ CnnnlIlnn Oovernment. .Alcnt-'V. V. Dennett , New Yorl , Lito BulhUu" , Omuhn. NObrnsk . . tMention this ) mper. ) When Writing Advertisers l < lndl ; I Mention This PLiper. DEFIANCE Sf ARCH- a R : -other March's , only 12 OUnC08-Barno prlco an" "DEFIANCE" 19 6UPERIOR QUALITY. " ' . N. U. , Oll1l1l1n. Nu. 12-1000. 1r.I . I , ' ; ; 1 } Thompson's Eye \Vat or , I For VOBf [ family and Your Horse 1"'he Best Antiseptic 1.10wn. . TRY IT FOR / , 'Rheumatism , S R D'a ins , JSprains , Swellings r. . Enlargements. Prloe , 250. , 500. and $1.00. 0 Dr. EARL S. SLOAN , GIG Albany St. , Boston , Mass. PRIC.E. 25Cts. I : TO CURE TUE GRIP , : . " AIITI DIPIIiE Nit 1 tJ IS GUARANTEED TO CURE Rlp1Nm : , ' " _ L : : ! ! : II I ; J I Pn ! t . 1 Pw lt : HOLQU LFORHYA . . l/lt / . . . . : " It. ( ) l\llfnr'ollrIIONRY . UAmt. IF 1'1' } ) oN"r ( JUJU . - - - : Il' . JJ'.DlclJlcr.lU..n..Mnnutnoturer.81Jrluoilclrl.lo. rm' ! ! ! ! ! ! ? ! ! I ' . " ' " ' " 'h" ' o , , , , . T I " h' " " , . . , PAl garment wllhout rlpplno aparL Write lor Iree bilokel-How [ to Do , Uleach and MIX Colors. MONROe DRUG CO. , Unfonllfllo , fl"J/ssouTI. BEASTS OF BUHRDEN Our beasts of burden , the horse and the ox , known for their strength , get their food from the vegelable kingdom. DRu PRICE S WH A T FLAKE CELERY . FOOD Is made from the wheat , tbe most Important cereal that Nature produces as food for mun. It is so sclentificnny and hygienIcally prepared as to render it not nlone nourIshing , but cleanly nnd acccptable to the most clclicnte stomach. Docs not bind the bowels as do most breakfast foods. Consumers should be on their guard ugainst Coed articles that are mude in n haphazard manner us they are likely to prove deleterious to health. P.lIatablc-Nutritious-Easy of Dlgostion .md Ready to Eat Can bo served hot. Pulln a hot oven for 11 few mlnules i or cook In boiling milk to 11 mush. IDe a package. For Sale by " " S'gnaturo Iii ) 61 .AR much uourlNh".nt . . Grocers on : 'XJ'2. % ' . . . _ , . . 1111 a 10Ror bl'ul gl1 . . . 'n , . . . . . Dr. Price , the CamouR food expert , the creator of Dr. Price' . Cream Dakin" Powder And Delicious Flavoring ExtrActs , Ice Crcam Sugar and Jelly Denerts , has never been compelled , otwlthstandlnlit strenuoua Food low. , to chAnie any oC his products. They have always conformed to their requirement. . Thll II lion .b.oluta cuaro.ntee DC their quality and puelty. . ' . . r NNUAL AufGm@ble ; Sh@w NE O nA AUDITORIUM April 4 , 5 , 6 and 1 , ' 06 Tl&e . IrMt..t ell&lbltlon of Alllomobll . eyer belli w..t of CI&ICAI/o , Opell allernooll ali < I " ' cllltlil' . Orohostral Muslo Admission 200 . .From Manufacturer to User. . OMA A 4- TON PITLESS SCALE wltb double hra.w 1"1111I , h.11 box alld welgb boclll wel"l&t alJout lno Ih. , . onl1 $60 o IrtJ : . : : i mv" . : ' : : : : r { 1 , : . . . . . . , : : : I , , . . . . . . . . IlIlh" mllllllraNllrlll1 : alill ,1H > 1 .alll Im.ln. AlSo fl .rJr. : . ga , r.lnt. . ' Omaha , Nob. LEGAL ADVICE II. r. EIJUMl it htk.tata La' , nu cau. People' . InUtuta , CIJloaCa. . ' , tlAI ! ON : co1001 < Yr. . . u. . PA TENTS lIUIhUUIl , , Olualla , Nllbra.k& . (