Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 29, 1906, Image 6

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II '
Millard- : ;
I Senl\tor MillardRepresentative
1 < lnkald of NcLraalm Induce Com.
' missioner to Reverse Ruling that
. Would Exclude the People.
'i I
. < W ASHlNO'l'ON - Senntor Mlllnrll
Bnll ReIlresolltntl o IInlcnld hnvo so.
curet ) an order from the commlnslonel'
of the gem'ral land a 111 co whereby
Ii I JlOreafter locnl land ofllces shull Iler.
t mlt the Imbllc to gain Information re.
cnrdln cnncelln.tlons of lIubllc 1nnlls.
I I I Hereafter tlw cancollntlon doclwt In
{ Jvery IlInl1 office III Nobraskn alld
, elsowhel' ( ' . will bo op n to pnbllc In.
spectlon , alld mnr ho glvon to the
I press for pnbllcatlon It tIt ( ! 1I0wnla. )
POI'S so desire.
The commlsslollo\ \ month ngo Is.
ft sued 1\.11 or or to 1and omcn officlnla
flot to II'rmlt IJllbllc Inspection or
: canct'lIntion Iloclcts. Hefcrcnco Is
j made , of course , to the cancellation
, of land entrleR , 01' homestcnd entries ,
\ , In cascs where the settler or ontry.
man falla to compl ' with tllO Inw and
Is forced to rollnrJulsh nny claim to
I the land. Upon ropresontatlons made
by Sonntor l\UJlarrl \ nnd Ropresentu.
tlve IIn1tnld , to the commissioner of
cenernl land ol1lee , romonstrntlng
ngalnat his nctloll , ho today wrote n
letter to Sennto ! ' l\UII \ arrl , ns follown :
"After cllreflll consldol'atlon It wns
decldod thnt the Interest of good nd.
mlnlstrntlon , ns well as thnt of the
General IlI\hllc \ , would bo suhsorvcd
by m [ klng the cancoilat.lon doclwt a
public record , open t.o hl1110CUon ! ' nt
0.11 times , nnd permitting the publica.
tlon of cnnceIlntlons In the press It
desired. The enclosed clrculnr of In.
fJtrucUons to that t'ffect hns been sent
to nil roglstors nl\l \ ( rccelvors. "
The clrculnr directs thnt cnncella.
tlon record bo Iwpt on the counter of
locnl Innd offices nt nil points , open
to the Inspection of 1110 public , nnd
0.11 cnncellatlons ordered made br 1'0-
IInqulshmont , or hy DI'der of the gen.
oral Innd oll1ce , mUBt be IlIIlIledlntely
entered on tIle cancellntlon record
nnd nlso upon tract booles' ' and ] lInts.
This order will be of an IlIImonso ad.
vnntngo to homoscol\Crs , onnbllng
thorn to to.loento upon homestead
claims , which In IIInnr Instnnces 0.1'0
composed of excellent Innll and In
some cnses well Improved.
'Tho joint reaolutlon extonl1fng tlte
' -lmo for tllO openIng of the Shoshone
Indlnn reservation to settlement from
} , .Tuno 11 ; to August Hi passed the son.
: i ate nnd Ilns gene to tlte presldont for
i n11provnl.
I ,
_ _ 1
: t WASHINGTON-Tho ] lreslt1em scnt
I the following tclegrnm to Dr. Louis
. Klopsch , editor of the Christian lieI' .
! ' I aId , New York :
1\ '
t I I "Lot mo heartily thanle you , and
11 I through the Christian Herald for the
1 . ndmlrnblo worle done In connection
\ ' with the famlno sufferers In . ' : 'nlmn.
You have npw rnlsed $100,000 and
, I you Itnvo rendered a very real servleo
I to Inltnnnity and to the cause of In.
. , ternatlonnl good will.
Red Cross Officials Say Terrible
State of AffaIrs Exists.
NEW YOm -Tho Now Yorle stnto
brnneh of tlto Amorlcnn Nntlonal Red
Cross Issued a statement ns to 1'n-
mlno conditions In Jal1 n which says :
"Tho fnmlno In .TaI1an , which hns
boon consldored for some time mod.
oratel so 1'10 us , Is now Imown througb
the source of rollnhlo prlvnto sources
of the New Yorle Red Cross , to boone
ono of the most terrible of model'll
tlmos. 'I'ho fnllure of the rico crop ,
which at ono tlmo wns bollovod to 'bo
lImltod to cot'taln clnsses only In the
northern provinccs , has been found
to bo general In these 11 rts of Jnl1lltl.
COllsorvatlvo ostltnntes 111aco the num.
bor of stnrvlng JUImnoso nt from 800-
000 to 1,000,000 porsonH. Ii'or theHo
there Is nbsolutel ) ' nI rollef In sight
until next Octobm- , when U now harvest -
est will bo avallablo.
The sum of $16,000,000 wIl bo re.
qulrt'd to save the Jnpnneso countr '
Regard Sentence as Legal.
W ASH1N TON-Tho state dopnrt.
. ment hns reported to the frlonds of
Flnestend and Coughenor , the Amorl.
cans just sentenced at Chlhun , Mox. ,
. to twelve renrs' Imprlsonmont fa\ \ ' the
l\llIng ! of Amet'lcnns Rutherford nnd
McMuI'I'ny at Dlnz. thnt It hns found
nothing so far In the Ilroceedings hOe
fore the Moxlcnn courts to Imllcnto
that there has heon nnr 1I0nlnl of jus.
nlco , nnd on no other ground could
the department undertnleo to Inter.
fore with the execution of the sen.
Treasury Bnlances.
WASHINGTON - 'roday's stnte-
ment of the trellsurr balance In the
genernl fund , excluslvo of tllO $150 , .
000,000 Gold reserve , shows : Avnll.
able cash balance , $11 ; ID38,6fi7 : gold
coin nnd bullion , $80,073,750 : gall } cor.
tlficates , $43,775,240 : totnl , $278,787 , .
G47 ,
W ASIIINGTON-'rho socrotnrr or
the navy has recolved the roslgnntlon
of Mldshlpmnn Minor Morlwother , jr.
This Is the Recond tlmo ho has offered
hilS roslgnatlon
I Distinguished Nebraskan Had Been
Unconsclou3 Several Hours.
I LINCOIN-Gcnernl John M. Thnyor
lIenrl. 'rho ( lIsUIIJnlalted solrller nmt
atntesmnon aIlSWOrf't ! the last 1'011 cnll
at 7:30 : J\lonllny \ night nfter a most
gnllant fight to Rurvl\'o \ until th nrrlv.
al of his two ROilS , who were wlrod of
their fathor's rondltlon Bnndny morn.
Ing. They fallcrl to ranch Lincoln In
time , bllt nlltnf'rous comrades nnrl
frlonds loked nrter the InRt wnntn of
the Imtlent. These who were In the
donUI chnmbcr when the generni
hreathed his Inst were : l\Inrt \ Howe ,
11. V. Hoaglnnd , Dr. IIollt1. nnrl 1\11' \ .
nml Mrs , ' 1' . n. McCnslln. For Aovernl
hOllrs Genernl 'l'hayer hnd been uncon.
In contrllnt to hlH strenuous lifo , the
cnll oC General Thayer wns Ilenceful
nnd cnlrn , and at 11l\ limo dnrlng his
Blclwcss did ho Imrter the lcast linIn.
HIs passing was duo to a general
hreal\ng ! down of the Aystem nnd not
to nny'partlcnlar nllmont.
l\tessngeR wel'o pent Sunday to his :
two nons , George Dann Thnyer of
Mceleer , Colo. , nl\l \ John 1\1. \ 'l'hnyor , Jr. ,
of Alton , III" nelthcr wlla nblo to rench
1..lncoln heforo death cnmo. Funeral
nrrnngemelltB wlIl not he completed
\lntll their nrrlvnI.
Genornl Thnyer had long plnnned
Ilrrnngements for hIs funernl. These I
plalls wlIlbe followed as nearly as pOSe
General ' 1'hayer formerly planned to
have his remnlns sent to his old homo
III J\Tnssnchusetts , IHlt Inter ho decided -
cided thnt he preferred the state of
IliA ndoptlon. Two wceIea ngo he visIted -
Itod Wyulm r.ometor.J. ' In compnny
with .Jumes Hentoll with whom ho had
left written Instrllctlons for his Inter.
ment. lIe selected a spot for a burlnl
IIlaco nnd rovlHl.l ! Ills written Instruc.
tlons entrusted to Ir. Heaton.
ST. PETEHSDURG-ln high circles
late tonight the rumor was current
thnt Count Witte hnd definltoly de.
clded to retlro from the premiership.
'rho Assoclatell Press Is unable to con.
firm the rUIl1OI' as Count Wltto had retired -
tired nnd the chancellery was closed
when the corl'espondent called Ghortlj'
after midnight. From nn ahsolutel '
nuthorftatlvo soul'ce , however , It can
ho stnted that Count Wltto nt a session -
sion of the council of the omplre this
nftornon ma o an enlgmatlcnl stnte-
ment which Is Interpreled by mnny
members of the council ns a virtual
declaration that his career as premier
Is ended nnd thnt ho w111 be succeed.
ed by Privy Counsollor Kobolsoff , for.
mer minister of finance.
Makes FlVorable : ShowIng to Colorado
& . Southern.
CASPER , Wj'o.-Tho commltteo np-
pointed by the Cnsller Commerclnl
cluh , composed of Hon. Patrlcl , Sullivan -
van nnd Geor o P. Stll11hen , to confer -
fer with the Denver Chnm1ler of Com.
morce anll the oll1c1als of the Colo.
rndo & Bouthorn railroad , concerning
the hulldlng of thnt comIlI1ny's lIne
from Orin Junction to Casper , report.
ed most favornbly at the last moetlng
of the 10cnl organlzntlon. 'rhls com.
mltteo vlsltod tllO Chnmber of Commerce -
merco In Denver ntHI nlso Vlco Pres.
Idont I'nrleor of the nbovo mentioned
rand last weele , and were lIstened to
with much Interest. The railroad offi.
clnls oXllressed sUl'llrlse when shown
the Ilsmes of the volume of buslnesa
done In Casper , ns did nlso the mom-
hers of the Chamber of Commorce.
Indiana Officials are Short.
INDJANAPOJ..IS-A spoclnl hwesU.
ntlng commltteo nllllOlnted severnl
months ngo to examine the booles of
the atnto auditor's omco , reported to
the governor , todny that J. O. Hendor.
son , ( lemocrnt , who was auditor from
1S91' to 18D5 , owes the stnto $ D1D62,85 ,
nnll A. C. Dnly , ropubllcnn , who wns
nmmor from 1895 to 18DD , owes the
state $23,667.7-1.
$140,000,000 FOR
WASJIING'l'ON-In less thnn twenlj'
minutes tlmo the sennto 'ruesc1n ' voted
nwn ) ' $ ) .10,000,000 of the pUblic fUUds.
'rho sum Is cnrrlell by the pension ap.
prOI1\aton \ ! ! bill , which brlof document
was mndo the sUbject of very Ilttio
Horrible Execution.
MINSK. nussln-Tho execution of
Ivnn Koulellolt. who uttemlltOtI to as.
susshmto General Koulclloff , WIlS n hor.
rlblo affair. 110 was hnnged at the gnto
of the prison In the 11resenco of n gall.
Ing crowd , hut the noose was s6 bndlv
ndjustcd thnt Koulelloff sUffere 1
ngonles for ten minutes.
Comanches Apply for Divorce.
IA WTON , O. ' 1'-1"01' the first tlmo
In , the hlstorj' of this country , divorces
were npl111ell for In the distrIct court
b ) ' two Comanche llollcemon.
Mining Plant Destroyed.
OURAY , Colo.-Flro 1Irolto out 111
the ruins of the CaUll1 Dlrd mill
which wns wl'eclced on Sundny b ) '
snowslldo , comllloting the destructlor.
of the Illnnt. The mil ! wns erected 11 :
18D8 lit n cosl of $600,000.
Tariff War Settled.
DmLGHAD1 < : , ovla-'rfto Austro
Sorvlan tariff dlRl1l\to \ hns collnpsell
Ordern hnvo heen Issued to ndmlt al
Austrian 111' rl'hnllfllso Into Servla 01
the salllo COlltl't'nlls ' ' which l1rovnl1 ( ' (
before the tarllT Will' .
I _ _ _
, Court Finds That Individuals Were
Compelled to Furnish Evldencc-
Great ReJolcln ! ) Among Those Who
Arc Relieved by the Decision.
OIIICAGO-All of the paclcors wha :
were Indicted br the ftderni grnnd
jury last summer upon chnrges of ! Jo.
Ing In consllirncy In restrnlnt of trade
nnd commel'CO were \Vednesdny
grnnted Immunity from crlmlnnl prOR.
ecutlon under the Indictment. Whllo
the Indlvlrlunls nro to go free the In.
dlctments found Itgnlnst the corl10ra.
tlons of which some of the Indicted
Indlvldunls nro mom bel's and ethers
al'o emlllo 'es , are to stnnd.
A rleclslon to the above effect was
handed down uy .Judgo J. OUs lImn.
phrey In the district court. The Sirgu. 1
ments In tne case were conchldod
shortly aett'r 3 0'c10cle. Judge Hum.
phroy soon commenced the delivery of
his opinIon. It was ornlal1d the jUrlgo
Sl10l\O Cor nenrly nn hour before giving
the sllghtes. IIHl1cntlon of what the uI.
llmnto decision wouldbo. Ho revlowed
the case at length In nIl Its bearings ,
cited nil the eSHontlnl facts which haft
been hrought out nnd concluded as
follow :
Under the law In this case the Immunity -
munity pleas 1IIed bj- the defendants'
wfllbo sustalnerl as to the IndivIduals , .
nnd denied ns to the corporations , the !
nrtlficlal perIJons , and the jury wui
find In favor of the government nS far ;
ns the COl')10rntions ) nr concerned , and
ngalnst the gavel'll mont , ns far as . the
Indlvldunls are concerned , "
DurIng the rendition of the decision
the court wns crowded hy the defendants -
ants nnd numerous spectntors. Ed.
ward MorrIs nnll Edwnt'd Swift were
In court nnd hoth smiled happllr when
the decision wns announced.
J. Ogden Armour wns not present ,
hut sarno of the men prominent In the
employ of Armour & Co. , who were
nnmed In the Indictment , were there
nnd their joY. was great. When the
jUdge announced that the Indictments
would not 110 against them they crowded -
ed together and commenced to shalcc
hnnds In mlltual congratulntlons. ' 1'ho
attonlej's for the rlefense were also
highly plensed , and when the decision
hnd heen nnnounced the ' shoole hands
all around , nnrl hastened to the jury
hex to shaleo hnnds with the jurors ,
who had heen eJochllled : from the court
room during nil of the nr/uments / made
In the case , nnd hnd rendered a verdict
In accordance with tbe directions of
the court.
District Attorney Morrison , who has
hnndled the case alone with the excop.
tlon of the nrguments hy Attorney
General 1\Ioody , snt wHh bowed head
for a short tlmo after JUdge Humphrey
hnd concluded , nnll then wnlleed oyer
to the jury box nUll shook hnnds with
the jurors.
- -
LONDON-Tho Dallr Telegrnph s
To1elo corresllOndent telegrnphlng concerning -
cerning the earthllualee Snturda ' mornIng -
Ing In the vicinity of Kagl , Island of
Formosa , snrs thnt the rnllwny lines
were twIsted , telegraph 1I0les thrown
down nnd houses destroj'ed. ' 1'he correspondent -
respondent sn 's thnt the Nlchl Shim
Dulletln states that the casualtlls ! exceed -
ceed 100 nM that the JljI Shhnpo
plnces thom ns high ns 800. An offi-
clnl dispatch , he ndds , reports sixty I
denths nnd mnny maI'o persons Injured
and two hundred houses destroyed.
Finds Him Guilty and .Assesses
Exti-eme Penalty.
OMAHA-After dellhoratlng less
than three hours , the jury In the
O'I1enrn murder case hrought In n
verdict nt 7 o'clock Saturdnr night
finding him guilty of murder of NeIs
Lnuston on the night of Jnnuar ' 20
: nul fixIng the ponnlt ) ' nt denUI.
Ever ' nrerautlon wns talcen hr the
authorities to lIrevent a ( lemonstratlon
nud when the yenllct was real1 only
U Ht > nrn , his gunrds nnd the court of-
r1clals were prcsent. The outer doors
of the courthouse were loclccd , nnd no
uno was admlttecl until nfter O'Hearn
h1I1 heen escorted to n cah. whloh wns
In waiting on the west sldo of the
courthouse. 110 WIlS talct'n to the pen.
ltontlnr ' for safe Iccoplng.
Elghty.Two Tons of Mall.
OMAHA-Tho largest quantlt ' of
IIInll over trnnsported out of Omahn
on a slnglo train wns sent out Sunday
nfternooll on trnln No. D of the Union
Pacific , It wel hecl elghtr-two tons ,
or 16,1,000 llo\llula , 'rho mall wns of
the current Inlscellnneous character
and It required n solid traIn of nine
l1\all \ cars to carry It. The ayornge
11I1111 sent out on this train Is fift ) '
( II' fift ' .fivo tons , It Is almost exclu.
slvolj' Pacific coast nthl Hocley mOUn.
taln mall.
Cleveland Reaches 69 Years.
, PRINCETON , N. J.-I"ormor Presl-
. dent Gro\'or Clovelnnd , Silent his birth.
L dny awa ) ' from homo Sl\nda \ . for the
I I first time slnco ho moved to Prlnco.
L ton. This Is his 6Dth blrthdnr.11' : .
I Clovell11ul Is nowln , Plorlda with Prof.
Howard McClonnhnn , where the two
! ha\'o bf'on fOl ten dnys. 110 w111
, rOlllllln south n month longe\ \ '
. , on nccount of poor 'Ionlth. [ rs. Clovo.
I Inlul on Sunday ngl t snld thnt his
I ! outing In FIQl'hl1l was ImIlI'ovlng him
I nnd thnt she t'XI1t'Ctod him to return
I much bottoI' .
- . f
" - -
Never In Better Health and Now In
Italy With His Show ,
NEW YOHK-Colonol W. F. CodY ,
( nurtnlo Dill ) hns cnbletl from Genoa ,
1Inly , omphntlcnlly r1C'nj'lng the reports
widely dlsBemlnnted throughout the
United stlltes Ihnt owing to family
troubles , buslneas perplexities and
fnl1lng henlth ho Is threntened with
complete collnllso and would shortly
rotlro from the hentl of his fnmons
WIlt ] Wc.qt show , whIch Is now on tour
In gnrope. Colonel Cody'n cablegram
was nddressod to J. A. Bnlley , genornl
director of the Dnrnum & Dalloy's clr.
ens , who Is Colonel Cody's huslness
partner In the Wild West show. It Is
ns follows :
GENOA , 1Iab. , Mnrch 12.-Darnum
& Bnlloy , 25 West'Thlrt.fourlh
street , New Yorl , : Strongly deny reports -
ports of failing henlth , bad business
nnd retlromont. Novel' In Ufo felt
bettor and business Immense.
BOSTON-Thomas W. Lawson , for.
warded a telegrnm to Chnlrman Arm.
. strong of the Insurnnco Investigating
commltteo of the Now Yorle leglsla.
ture. In it allegntlons are made to
the effect thnt Interested parties have
received n'1surnnces ' thnt the proposed
Insurnnco legislation can be Idlled.
The tolegrnm concludes :
"I assure your commltteo Its work
was novel' In greater danger tqan at
present. I hnvo In my custody Insur.
nnco policies Issued within a few
dn 's signed hy new reform officers and
affidnvfts from the Insured thnt the '
received them for nothing by proxy
and in some cases wIth largo rebutos. "
Missionaries Confer With President
on Chinese Affairs.
W ASHINGTON-A delegation from
the Methodist EpIscOl1l11 church. south
discussed with the president the sit-
untlon In the Chlneso empire. In the
delegntlon wore Dr. Young J. Allen ,
fort 1'ortj-.slx 'ears a mIssionary In
China ; Dlshop Gnlloway of l\I1ssls. \
slppl , Dr. Wnlter n. Lnmouth , mission.
ary secretary nnd Dr , James Atkins.
The vIsitors expressed a fear that If
the borcott continued Injur - might
be done to the work of the American
churches among the Chinese.
Health of Former Secretary of Treasury -
ury Is Failing.
NEW YORK-It hccame Imown in
Wa1l street thnt Lymnn J. Gnge , for.
mer secretnrr : of the treasur ) ' , has de-
chled to resign ns president of the
United States Trust Companjto
which posltfon he was elected after
his resignation from President McKln.
ley's cabinet II. few years ngo. The
cause of his resignation Is fallfng _
henlth. [ r , Gage was president of
the FIrst Nntlonal Ban1 , of Chlca-a
prior to enterIng PresIdent McKinley's
cabinet as secretnry of the treasury.
Will Make Good the $148,000 Contrlb.
uted to Campaign Funds.
NEW YORK-At a conference In
the office of a downtown lawyer It
wns agreed that the trustees of the
New York Lifo Insurnnco Company ,
who were memhors of the finance committee -
mittee during the Ilresidentlnl cam-
pfiogns of 18D6 , 1DOO nnd 1904 , and
were cognlznnt of the political contributions -
butions made by the New Yorle Life
should relmburso the companr to the
ox tent of $ H8,000 , Tbls Is the total I
of the polltlcnl contributions mnde by
the compnn ' .
WASHINGTON - Representatlye
Dnbcock of " 'Isconsln , hns again mnde
It clear to repuhllcan leaders thnt. ho
will not soryo In another cnmpnlgn
ns ( 'hnlrmlln of tllO ropubllcan congres-
slonnl committee. Ho hns urged ! : ) en-
ator Allison IInll Representatlvo nop-
burn to agree upon a dnto and call a
joint cnucus to select n chairman. 1\11' \ .
Bahcook saltl :
" 1\Iy health w1ll not permit mo to
undertnl\O the commltteo worl , In nn.
other caml1nlgn. I hayo mnde up my
mind I1nl1l1y. "
Americans Sentenced In Mexico.
EI. . 1'\)0 ! : ) , 'l'ox.-Ulo E. I"Instad and
1G. . Coughener , of Los Angeles ,
were sentenced nt Snnta. . Roslin , Mox.
Ice , to twe\'o ! 'ears nnd sIx months
each In the penltentlnrr for murder.
Stili Cutting Passenger Rates.
BOSTON-President , 1\1ellln \ , of the
Now Yorl ; : , Now Ha\'en & Hnrtford
Hnllroad compan ) ' , nutltorlzed the
stntement thnt reductions In passen.
gor rntos would bo put Into effect on
nil lines during the sprIng and sum-
Antl.Hazlng Bill Reported.
WASIIINGi'ON-The house committee -
tee on nnml nffnlrs decided to mnlto n
fn\'orablo report on an antl.hnzlng b1ll
< lmwn bj' the sub.commlttee , headed
b ' HeDresentatl\'o , Vreolnnd of New
\'orle , nnd omboll'lng mnn ' of the Ideas
or Secretnry Donaparto.
Henderson ! ? ucceeds Schofield ,
\ \ ' ASHINGTON - General Thomns
Hendorson of Illinois was elected
JlI''sltlout of the Socletj. of the Army' at
the Ohio , to succeed the late Genernl
{ .
1 .
- -
The Stnto Doai'd of Assessment
adopted rules for the guhlnnco of
coun ! ) ' assessorij nnd IncldontaHr Instructed -
structed them to assess the reserve
funds of fraternnl compnnles , The
ru1es ndopted by the bonrd answer
the questions rnlsed by thO county ns.
sessors nt their recent meeting held
in J..lncoln , Secretnrj' Dennett WM In.
structed to send out to the county ns-
sessors tlte foHowlng letter :
It has heen tnleen fa I' grnntCl by
some nssessors that Insurance com-
pnnles nro to ho assessed only upon
tholr gross promlums for Nebrnslcn
business during the 11rj edlng year.
'fitls Is erroneous , 'fho i1ssessment of
the gross premiums , Is nn assessment ,
not upon the valuation of the prop.
erty of the Insurnnco compnnles , but
upon their business. It Is not In 1Ieu
or the assessment of the property
which they own In the state nnd
connt- , but In nddltfon theroto-Stnto
agnlnst FlemIng , D7 N. W. Nob. , 1,063 :
Achon and 1\Iunlch PlI'o Ins. Co. ,
ngnlnst the City of Omnha , 101 N. W.
Neb. , 3. The nssessment on the bus.
lness or gross 11remlums shnll not bo
mnde , however , ngnlnst frnternnl ben.
oficlary nssocatlons ! nnd mutual In.
surnnco compnnles thnt opornto on the
assessment 1lan , have no capital stocl ,
and maleo no dividends , and whoso
scheme 'of Insurance doc not contom.
plate the return of any enrnlngs or
profltR to the policy holders. The last
nnmod class of compnnles and asso.
clatlons sl1l111 be assessed only upon
the vnIuo of all their IJll > perty , 'l'helr
property mn ) ' consist of office furniture -
ture and I1xtuJ'os or nny other personal
property , such ns credits due or to become -
come due , notes , hands , mortgages ,
moneys , doppslted In bl\llles or else.
where , whether held by such nssocla.
tlons and companlos as reserve funds ,
contingent funds , emergency funds erIn
In any other manner. Such property
fs subject to assessment and taxation
agaInst them nnd shn1l he listed and
assessed by the assessors.
1. Taxation being the general rule ,
oxemptlon the exception , where there
is nny douht In the mind of the ns.
sessaI' as to certain classes of property -
erty being exempt from tnxatlon under
section 13 of the revenue act , ho sha1l
assess the sarno ,
Saloon 1Icenses shou1 1 bo 1Isted ns
a franchise 01' prlvllego. The valuation -
tion placed thereon Is purelr a matter
for the sound judgment nnd discretion -
tion of the assessor , the same as that
oxerclsed In fixing the vnlue of other
proport ' . Opinion by attorney gen-
ornl , June 10 , ID05.
The actunl vn1uo of notes , bonds or
mortgngos representIng moneys 10nned
or Invested shall not he reduced or
diminished hy substractlng thorefrom
the debts owing by the person as-
Bessed who owns such notes , hands or
mortgages. Credits e\'ldenced by haole
accounts and the 1I1co may bo offset
b ' deMs of lIIeo character only. Lan.
caster county against l\IcDonnld , 103
N. W" 87.
Each deput ' aSRessor shall upon
actual vlow , list , value , assess and return -
turn nl1 property subject to taxation
In the townships , precincts , districts ,
cities or wards nnd'lIInges nsslgned
: to him In the manner pro\lded In this
nct. Section 24 , reveuue law , ID03.
In listing lIye stocl , nnd other classes -
es of property covered by items 6 , 6 ,
7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ,
25 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37. . 47 , 48 , 4D , 50 , 51 , 52 ,
53 and 54 of the prsonal sehe lulo
correct numhers must bo given.
Under Item No. 49 please list automobiles -
mobiles separately , glvln ; numbers
and value.
State Auditor Says Majority of Wolf
Scalps Arc From Dogs.
LINCOLN-"Knowlng the hnhlts of
6rny wolf a.3 1 do , J am sure that there
0.1'0 no grar wolves In Eastern Nob.
raslm nnd'er - few In the west.
Bounty clnlms for such animals nl.
10ged to ha\'e been lellled In Enstern
Nobraslm w1ll not be honored hr this
department ; unless the entIre cnrcnss
Is hrought In thnt it mny be exam-
ined. "
The spealor was State Auditor
Sea 1'10 , who this morning refused
hount ) ' on two scalps hrought In from
Nohnma count ' . Informing tI'cm , as
ho recently did some citizens of
Omaha , that the anlmnls they supposed -
posed to ho grny wolves were roa1lr
coyotes or shepherd dogs , The stnto
[ lnys a hQuntj' of $6 per head on real
gray wolf scnlps.
Highlanders Held for the Tax.
AURORA.-.Judgo Evnns held n
short sosslon of court nnd dcclded the
cnso of the Roynl Hlghlnndct's ngnlnst
Hnmllton county , 'rho opinion sus.
tnlnod the < contontlon of the count '
commissioners In the right to tax fraternal -
tornal societies ,
Bounty on Gray Wolves Claimed.
LINCOLN , - NotwlthstanlIng the
stntement b > : Auditor Senrlo thnt ho
would requlro the hldo of It grar wolf
when a person filed a voucher for
bount ' , claiming ho had I\lIIe(1 ( such
an nnlmal In Nohrnslm , three vouch.
ors were Uled here h ' a Imrty from
Nomnhn conntr nllli no llelt accomIllln.
led the claim. The olalms filed nt
this tlmo will ho h01l1 for further con.
sldorntlon. 'rho strange thing nbout
those claims for grn ) ' wolf bonntles Is
thnt ovorj' ono hns come from a thlcle.
17 settled portion of the Countrr.
The Young Mon's Christian assocla.
tlon building at Beatrice , is near1Y
Young women of Omnha are nbout
to enter upon a money.gettlng cam.
I pnlgn to build a homo for the Y. W. O. \
I A. They want $125,000.
Henry Guenwnldt , a resldont of , A , . . ,
I West Beatrice , lost the sight of his - . .ft. {
I left e 'o by holng strucin \ the face
hy a pleco of Iron while at work. . , '
At Tecumseh , County Judge Living. , ;
ston fined George Howe11 $25 and '
costs for stealing a pall' of horse
blanlccts. lIe could not pay and went . ; ,
to jall. I : , ,
Hov. G. C. Porter , llustor at the ; r " ' ,
Plrst Presbyterian church at Laure1 , .
has tCl\dl \ red his roslgnntlon to the
church It' C\rder to bo free to become
a full.flodged socialist.
Robert Samuel Driggs , 1'01' many " . ,
years a resident or Omaha , committed
suicide by cutting his throat with a.
razor. His wife found the body lying
; 1
on It bed In a big pool 01 blood. ,
In a fire originating from gasollno ,
1\Irs. \ AnnIe E. Hnmbrlght , aged sixty-
olght , and her son Dell , nged thIrty ,
or Omnha , received burns which resulted -
sulted fntally for the aged mother ,
The new town of Uehling on the
Grent Northern lIns thirteen busIness
houses nud two residences completed
and seven business houses and one
resldenco In course of construction.
At Ainsworth when H.V. . FarrIer , ' .
went out to 1Iis stable to loole after "
hIs fine thoroughbred stalllons , and' "
jncles , he found one of the latter ,
valued nt $ lUUU , dead , the cause bolng
At P1aHsmouth , 1\Irs. \ Mray LeIner
has brought suit heforo County JUdge ,
Travis agnlnst J. W. nud W. E. Tu.
lene , asldng for dnmnges In the sum 'I
of $ lUUU tor personal injurIes nlleged .
to have heen committed March D. -
Schuj'ler attorne 's Interested In the .
PinHe river bridge cnso were In LIn. "
coin recontly. 'I'ho supreme court ap- , 1 ;
pointed JUdge Sullivan of Columbus , , C
as refereo. Ho will tnleo evldenco and
decIde the cnso not Inter than AprIl
P. Donnhue , an employe of Frank.
mnn Dros. & Mardis , feU over back.
ward from the Great Northern brldgo . ,
across the Plntte to the Ice , , a dlstnnce ' l if'
of thlrt- feet , strlldng on his bnck. .2 ' \
Strange as It majnppear ho was not
seriously Injured.
Former School Superintendent WflI-
lam Colllns of Cumlng county , having
sold his farm , has left with his fam- ,
llr for GrIdley , Ca1. , where he will en. ; ,
gage In fruit raIsing. 1\11' \ . Collins hns ;
been a resident of Cuming county for 1
twenty-five years. ' !
The latest enterprIse at Cambrldgo
Is the organizing of a bu ldlng and
loan association , which has just heen
perfected b ' the business mono The
certificate of approval of the articles
of Incorporation hns jU5t heen received -
ceived from the secretary of the state
lanldng : hoard.
'Judge E. K. Vnlentlne has pacleed
his household goods and leaves West
Point , The jUdge and 1\1rs. \ Valentino I
have been Identified with the hest In. I , ; ,
terests of 'Vest Point and Cumlng i " ii 11
county 1'01' nearly forty yenrs , and on. . ' , i :
jar the friendship or hundreds of cUI- . . " : :
zens , whoso best wishes follow them
to tholr new home.
Company D , N. N. G" in connection
wIth other citizens at Weeping Water , . . . .
" as
are considerIng the plan of putting up "If" . . ,
It bulldlng to bo used as an armory ,
auditorium and opeta houso. ThIs Is
somelhlng that Is badly needed , as
Weeping \Vntor hns no bulldlng ( except - ,
cept the churches ) suitable for hold.
Ing a pUhllc meeting of any Idnd. T
Flro destro'ed a largo part of the
huslness section of Ubery , causing a
loss of $35,000 , pnrtly covered by In-
surance. The fire was discovered by
the englpemen on n passIng train who
hlew the whlstlo for ten minutes ,
thereby awalccnlng tllO illhnbltants. A
huclcet hrlgnde wns nt once formed ,
hut was of no amll as the fire had .
gained so much headwny.
Secretflry Mellor of the State
Doard or Agrlculturo has Issued his
ad valleo nnnouncement of the stnte
fnir , to bo held In Lincoln September
3 , 4 , 5 , Ii and 7. August 31 nnd Sep.
tembor rand 2 are set apnrt for preparation -
aration da 's. In the announcement It
Is stated that the increase In prem-
IUl1ls over last ) 'enr Is $ / ,000. DurIng
the last 'ear $ : ! 5OOO was spent In
[ lermnnent Improvements. The indications -
cations nre the fnlr this rear w111 bo
better thnn ovor.
Attorne 's for W. L. Newb - , whom
the district court of Snllno county dls-
harrerl from practicing hecause It was
alleged Newh ' hnd forged a deed In a
lernl controversy , are In the supreme
COUl't to hnvo the mntter reversed and
the chnrges quashed , Attorners - for
Newh ' assert the district court hnd
no right to disbar Newby from prnc-
tlclng In all the conrts of the state ,
hut thnt they have n remedy In crlm-
Innl proceeding If the ) ' deslro to
prosecute the nttorney , .
The citizens of Plorcu
nro feeling
preth' good over the fnct thnt they ( {
no longer IIvo In a vlllnge , hut It city
of the second clnss. The vlllngo
honrd mot and A. I , . llrnndo 11resented
nn aflldavU showing thut there was
1.000 Inhnbltants , which made the
v1llago a city.
G. H. Johnson , presldont of the
CommerC'lal dub of Dentrlco , gives
out the Informntlon thnt ho hns had
nn expert from the Knnsns all fields
mnlto a thorongh Invof.tlgntlon In that
nohhhorhood , nnd thnt the latter Is .J.
sntlslled thnt all and gnses cnn be
found thoro.