Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 29, 1906, Image 5

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G. : , 'r - ' ; : ;
l [ : : : t : : ]
S. Powel1 , of Weissert , was a
city visitor t he first of the week.
1 . M. Currie raturued 'yester-
av from a two weeks visit to
M xico.
Frank Carlin , of Swiss Vailey ,
was a city visitor Tuesday and
Wednes ay.
l Mrs. Frank Norton' , and grancJ
daughter , went to Kansas City
the latter part ot last week .for
a few weeks visit.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Callen
wcre guests of Hobt. and Mrs.
Norcutt last Sunday.
Geo. Purcell is planning to
build a residence on his lot west
of the M. E. church.
Miss Millie Luce completed
her school in prtello last li'rid ay
and is at home again.
Jake Johnson went to' Ortel1o
Sunday to visit his parents. He
returned home T ucsday.
John 'furner and Miss clylda
Moore of this city were married
at half past eight last night.
Chris Drcssen , of Milburn , was
a city visitor Tuesday. He re-
mcmbered the RUl'UBLICAN office
. wi tll , a business call. I
Gcorge Willing has put down I
a new Hoer and a new door in his
hardware store yhich improves
the lools of the store vcry much.
A. J. Elliott , of the Grand
I I .Ccntral , accompanicd 11'rank Nor.
I ton to Dcnver this morning ,
} where mente the latter goes for treat-
; S. Bakc'r and the
, family , Singer -
: ; . , . . ' er Scwing i\1 achine agcnts. who
havc bccn livmg in the city for
I. I sc\'cral months left Tucsday for
r" Hastings.
I.f' ' ' J. G. VanCott has recently
tr . . ' . added the Warren shelving on
ti' enc sidc of his hardware store
: : : which vrey materially improves
f" the appearance of the store.
! . r Mr. and Mrs. R N. Norcutt
t. " ' \ celc rated their sil er weddin '
. . . '
anl11versarv last FrIday. 'rhe1r
children presented them -with a
! \ set of silver knives and forls in
. honor of the occasion.
, . J. H. Kerr , of Ansley , was a
city visitor Monday. He returned -
. ed rccently from a two weels
" " trip to Gah'eston , Texas for rec-
" ' . . reation and rest. He reports I
( . I having cnjoyed the trip very
' \ _ \ C much.
. The republic n state central
committee will meet at Lincoln
April 5th to fix upon the date of
the state convention and at the
same time will consider the primary -
mary election question now being -
; ing discuss d. I
. E. \ V.Vestervelt , better
: " known as "Gene. " publisher of
the ScoUs Bluff Republican made
a business trip to Broken Bow
Sunday , returning Monday night.
The H.RPUBLICAN acknowledges
' a business call.
. . , .
.Y Geo. Houder , of Dunnmg , was
a city visitor the first of the
week. The RIU'UBIICAN acknowledges -
' ; ledges a friendly call. , Mr. Hou-
der in addition to holc1ing his
! home3tead is selling the Singer
I Sewing Machine.
I' L. W. Amsbcrry , the son of ye
, editor , who has been visiting at
1 home for the past month left ,
. Monday nightforSpokane , Wash-I
I ington where he has been assigned -
. signed work on the O. R. & N.
railroad on the engineer forcc
. I commencing April 1st.
' 1'he presence of Mrs. McConnell -
nell and her son , Edward , at the
i tabernacle last night added interest -
terest to the occasion. 'l'he boy
' -
. ' assisted in the music by p1 ying
the tenor and bass drums. Mrs.
McConnell sang a duett with Mr.
Jones. They arrived from the
south yesterday.
. ' Rev. W. ' 1' . Powers , of Weis-
V I. sert , who made this office a so-
'Jf' " cial call 'ruesday , reports the
death of the three months old
I ' , ' child ofV 111 IcCaslin's last week.
He preached the funer l sermon
last I"rida ) ' at the residence.
. i The remains werc laid to rest in
the Kopp Cemetery.
EvangelistMcConnell made his
first appeal for seekers to come
. forward Sunday night. 'rhere
. " _ ' were about thirty who manifest-
; 'l ; a desire to change their way of
. \ . . f r \'ing. . 'rhe totd number who
' ' have come forward this week is
, 103. There were 44 last night.
" : , . Peter I40gue who moved to
Basin , Wyoming the first of the
ycar , writes that a cold wave accompanied -
companied by a snow storm visit-
J , ed that locality recently and that
} ' . . the there1110meter registered as
k. . . . . low as .42 degrees. He also re-
J , ports that he has had work at the
- carpen ter trade ever since he
r ached thcrc at 50 cents an hour.
. .
. , . .
, . - - . . . _ . . -
- . . . . . . . - . : . _ - - . . . - - . . . _ . . : . . . . - . . . . - , . . . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p --1-
' - "
1 W. II. Derris , of this city , received - .
ceived the sad int 1ligence of the
death of his ! 'ion ' , Jas. L. Derris ,
at Cedar Rapids , Iowa , who was
killed on the 2bH by a gas explo"
sion. He was forcman of the clec-
tric light plant at Cedar Rapids
and was 3 ( , old.
Attorne ) ' J. E. Wilson , who
recently came here from Wahoo.
has moved his family here. l or
the present they are located on
the Squires farm a few miles east
of town they bought a few wcels
ago. He could not get a house
in the cit ) ' . His omce is in the
Myers & Gleim block.
The inclcmcncy of the weather -
ther last week was It dampencr
on all kihds of trafi c and trade ,
and the usually large Saturday
visitors to Broken Bow were no.
ticibly absent. I oads in the
country have a sumed their usual -
ual early-spring-likc condition
and thc farmer l11an feels more
inclined to pose b.r the fire-side
than hob-nob with cronies on
the streets of the county seat.
At the last session of the count ) '
board they diicovered ! that arc-
cent law does .way with the
special road cOl11missioner to cx-
amine and report on road petitions -
tions and that instead a mcmber
of the board shall perform that
duty. In complience with that
provision of the law tbe members
of the board will act .in the ca-
pacit } ' of commissioner in their
respect ! ve districts. For several
years past H. W. Buckner has
been acting as .commissioner.
The revival mcetings being
conducted in the Tabernacle bv
Evanf'elist ? Uncoln McConne 1
amI h1s musical director , I40ren
Jones. continues with unabated I
interest. 1\11' \ . McConnel1 has the
happy faculty of presentinggos" ,
pel truth in such a forcible ) 'et. .
interesting manner that the most :
iuditTerent are attracted to 1118' '
meetings. Mr. McConnell is enc I
of the closest reasoners and most
practical preacher it has been our
privilege'to hear. HiR sermons
are ncither sc l1sational nor sym-
pathetic. llis power is in his
logical rersoning and direct ap'
peals to the better judgement of
J as. CotTman. of Gates , who
went to West Virginia about six
months ago with his famil ) ' is
back in Custer Coltn ty looking for'
a farm to rent. He bought a
forty acre farm in Virgina with
a view of remaining thcre per-
manently , but his two older children -
ren , Amanda and Edgar wcre
'not long in concluding that Cus-
ter county WdS far better for
them than their newly adoptcd
home and they came back.
Shortlj" fterwards 11r. CotTman
had an opportnnity to sell his
farm for what it cost him and be-
ing happy over the chance he
sold and coun t5 111 tI1self fortn nate
to get back without being- out
any more than his car far for
himself.and . fatl ily
Program and Bnslet Supper.
' 1'he Praric Center schQol , six
miles west of Broken Bow. will
gi ve a big program and basket
sUIper at this school house on the
last day of school , 'l'hursday
night , April 5th. 'l'he proceeds
will go to the benefit of the suffering -
fering Japaneese.
'l'his is a laudable enterprise
and everyone who possibl.r can
should patronize this enterprize.
It has only been a few years sincc
our people were on the charity of
the public and we should be glad
of the opportunity to help those
in distress.
Teachers , read this.
Arrangements have been made
to have the April examinations
held at Sargent and Callaway as
well as at Brolen Bow. , This is
planned expressly to accommodate -
date those teachers who can
either reach Sargent or Calla-
way mOle easily than Broken
Bow. 'rhe examination will be
exactly the same , and will be
conducted in the same manner.
As all answer papers arc sent to
the state superintendent the
g-radings must be the same.
Those of our teachers who notice
this article mar confer quite a
fa\'or on other tcachcrs by calling
their att ntion to it. It is not
the purpose to l.ave the succecd-
ing examinations at these points ,
but only tor thc month of April.
' 1'he state superintendent urge
all who can to take the examine
ations early in the year , for at
least two reasons : l irst , in or.
der that any who fail on one OI
more of the "live essenHals" may
have time to make up their de.
ficiencyand be ready for the falJ
schools ; and ser.ond. to rclieve
the State Examining Board of ; 1 ,
part of the mas , ) of wurk whic1J
will inevitably come unon them
during the fall months : 14ct all.
who can , be on hand for the April
examinations. 'l'he datc will be ;
April 20 and 21 , the third Fri.
day and Saturda.r in the month.
H. M. PINCKNIW , Co , Supt.
'f ' iI'
. . . . ,
. . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
- - - - - - -
. . . . . ,
- P. ,
, !
-TT - = = ; :
I EleeilOn Doard.
At the meeting of the city
council Wednesday night th
following persons were appointed
members of the election bonrd
for the city next 'I'uesday.
l irst ward-M. : A. Wnllers
and L. I . Colc , clerics. P. A.
Walton and S. 14. Cannon , judges.
Second ward-D. : C. Konlcl
and D. E. Bauder , clerks. S. W.
Sidwell and T. W Myers , judges.
'l'hird ward-Will : Johnson
and II. A. 'Watts , clcrls. W.
II. Shaclelford and Ner lIadley ,
The urUn/tton Hotel CI ange. Hand. .
C. H. Kcnnedy has purchased
Dr. Bass' interests in the Burlington -
lington Hotel. 'l'he deal was
closed j"esterday and Mr. Kennedy -
nedy took charge this morning.
Mr. Kednedy is an experienced
hotel man and knows how to
catcr to the public. His long
connection \ ith the Commercial
of this city gives him an extcn.
sive as well as favorable acquain.
tance with the public and we
predict his old cU5tomers will not
be long in finding' him at the
Burlington. The Rm'uIILIcAN
predicts success for the new
I I iat of Aaaenor. .
li'ollowing is the list of depnty
assessors for the county :
Algernon. . . . . . . .J. H. McAdaJ11S
An lcy. . . . . . . . . J. M. McCormick
Arnold. . . . . . . .Lewis Kimberling
Bcrwyn. . . . . . . . . . . . J. O. Taylor
B. B. Prect. . . . . . . W. M. Vanice
B. B. City. . . . . . . . . W. S. Boyce
Custer. . . . . . . . . . . B. l . Empfield
Cliff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \V. J. Rice
Delight. . . . . . " . . .H. H' . Shipley
Doulrlas Grove. . . .J. F. Spooner
Elim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lars Blixt
1 k Creek. . . . . . . . . C. H. Loucks
Garfield. . . . . . . . .J. S. 'l'hompson
Grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. C. Nixon
Hayes. . . . . . . . .T. ' 1' . Winchester
Kilfoil. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee Gordon
Loup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nc George
Lillian. . . . . . . . . . . . \V. S. Metcalf
Myrtle. . . . . . . . . . . . F. J . Delano
Sargent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Hoos
Triumph. . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Warren
Victoria. . . . . . . . . . . M. Ioi. l ester
West Union , . . . . . . . .Geo. Marsh
Westen'iIle. . . . . . .David Gardner
Wood River. . . . . . . Henry Brown
Wayne. . . . . . . . . .H.G. Hoover.
A Fund for the Japs.
\Ve have been requested to receive -
ceive contributions for the Japs
in response to the appeal of our
President to the citizens of the
United States and the proclamation -
mation of GO\ ' . Mickey , calling
upon the people of Nebi'aska t '
mal generous contributions for
the 2,000.000 sutTering people in
northern Japan.
In order that the people of
Broken Bow and vicinity may I
have an opp'ortunity to contribute
' I
to this call for help thc REPUBLICAN -
CAN will receive such contributions -
tions that any maj" be disposed
to make and forward the same tel
l < ' . 1\1. Sisson , Chaplain of the
First Hegiment , Ncbraska National -
tional Guards , at South Omaha , i .
who has been appointed to take
charge of the Neuras.lm contri-
bu tions.
From week to week we wilt
publish the names an amounts
contributed-if a sufficient response -
sponse justifies it.
' ' .
C. 11. 1\Iiller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S I on
James Whitehead. . . . . . . . . 500
A. J. BUiott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00
Pop Corn Wanted.
White l ice , larg-e grain , shell-
c' } and cleaned. Enquire at HE-
PUBLICAN office.Bring5ample. .
- - - -
Resturant for Sale.
My business and fixtures for
sale at a bargain if taken soon.
Estray Notice.
One black last sprmgs colt.
Bstrayed from my place ; return
and get reward.
40-tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
, .
. .
. . . , . ,
Doctor Leach , D n.tist.
'l'his ofi ce for jOb work.I
Dr. T. L. li'arnsworth , dentist.
J. C. Moore , abstra'ctiu'g. 2tf
Insurauce that insures.
38tf R. G. MOOlut.
Horae. for Sale.
Both driving and work horses
for sale.
41-44 li'HANK WmSSlmHlWUR. .
\ Have a physician examine your
eyes when in nced of glasses.
Dr. hristensen guarantees satisfaction -
faction , 41-44
-l resh O'sterscandy , cigars and
tobacco at Mike Scanlons.
Buy your farm and city property -
erty of B. W. lllair. 37tf
List Jour farm and city prop-
crty with B. W : Blair. 37tf
For bargains in real estate see
Bowman & Anderson , just west
of . . - - the Security State Bank. lOtf
MaIm homc pleasant and life
worth living by having roses.
You can have them free. See
olTer in this issue. 42-41)
- -
l oH SAI.H-A new house , 24x26
four rooms , within two blocks of
the square. Inquire at tbis
office. 42tf
Six choice rose bush plants
free with The Weekly Inter
Ocean and this paper , all for only
$1.55. 42.49
Good Pcrcheron statlion , six
years old , weigh t 1700 :
'rhat we lead all competitors is
proven by our rose bush otTer in
this issue. Act today. It is for
a limited time only. 42 41)
FOIt SAIH-Lister : , cultivator ,
harrow and work harness on
time. Bnquire at Glaze Marble
Works. tf
W ANTED-Mcn , women , boys
and girls to represent McClure's
Mag-a ne Good paj' . Address
( ,7 East 23d St. , N. Y. Citj' . 34-tf.
All kinds of law and pension
business attended to by J. J.
Snyder , 1st door east of Burlington -
ton hotel.
Ladies , attentionl The rose
bush otTer in this issue of the
REPUBLICAN is for your
benefit. 42-41)
\Ve always have money to loan
on farms. H. G. Moore 1n Apple
Block. 35tf
The Weekly Inter Occan otTers
a garden of roscs frcc with each
yearly Rubscription. Call at the
HItl'UHLICAN' omce for particulars
and full information. 42-4' )
J. J. Snyder has mO\'ed his
. oO ce to the 1st door east of the
Burlington hotel where he is
ready for business.
The HHPUIIIICAN always leads
and never follows. A garden of
roses is givcn free to everv sub-
scriber. See otTcr printed else-
where. 42.41)
FOR SAIn-Eleven and half
lots , 50x140 feet. G'ood frame
house , good barn , good well and
100 bearing fruit trees. Enquire
at this office. 17tf
W AW : HD-"Seventy-five : head
of cattle to pasture. seven miles
south of Berwyn. Good fresh
pasture and plenty of water.
Price , 40 cents a month.
42-45. A. C. CItAWltOltD.
. .
- - -
FOIt SAIU- : West half of Block
H , Jewett and T4illy's additIon to
Broken Bow. Good improve- I
ments. Will take good team
part payment.
tf Dlt. G. H. BnoWN.
Dr. Hcadrick of Omaha will
make his ncxt regular visit to
Broken Bow Saturday , April 7th ,
at the Grand Ccntral hotcl. His
practice is limited to chronic
diseases and the fee is low-to be
paid enl v 'as you receive benefits.
Consult tion frec. 42
Our patrons nced not fear that
rose bushes delivered through the
the RHI'UIIJICAN arc inferior or
will not thrive in this clImate.
'rhcy are grown by a finn that
ships 4,000.000 plants each year.
Each plant is at least one . ycar
old and absolutely healthy. Six
choice rose uushes , with a year's
suuscription to the Weekl ) ' Inter -
ter Occan and this paper will
cost only $1.55. 42.4' )
$200,000 to 'oan ' on good
Custer County farms.
2ltf R. G. Moore.
I -
R. B. " ; ' , M. D. , D. D.
I S. the Dentist. 37tf
. . . .
- . . , : - ' . . . . . . : - - . ; ' . " , . . . - . . - . - , . . . . . . . I't. . . . -
- 't.
- . - ' " . - - - . . .
- - - - - -
New and Second Hand Furniture ,
Flour and Fedtl Store.
' \Ve wish to notify 0111' many cllstomors ; that We
have added to our stock of llardware all kinds of.
Nil s , Staple and Smooth Wire.
. ' \Ve also have .1\1aso11 Oity and leal'ney HOlW ,
the best that can be had in the state. . .
\Ve alwuys have plenty of feed and baled 1ui' . ' '
Goods delivered free to any pm of the city.
'tV e repair furniture and frame pictures.
J. VV' . . SCe > sr-r.
. . . . . . . , _ . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
OF . I
Eight miles west of Broken Bow.
, Three first choice Boars at a bargain if sold soon. # ' : !
II _
( .
- ' - "
- ,
iior , .t. ' . : . ' j it'1 t . al'f" . P ' : , . . " " 'Ii'f' . ' , ; _ . . . ; ; ; . r : ; ; : : \ . " . . . . . . . . , . . . t . . . 'ltt.J ' . , . . . . : , ; - : . , ' " 'I.f. ' " " ' . . ' ' ; ' . . . ' . , . - - ' " : ' ' ' . ' . . - ( - . ' : \ : . m. . , . . " , . . . / ' . . . . : : : \ ; , : ' / ' to ' ' . ; . ' . . .II. 'J.l. ' . - . . . ,1. , , - . . - : . . . . , . . , - . - . , . 'I . . ; . . . ' " . . . . . - ' . . . ' / " . . ' ' ' . . ' . ' . . . .ol."i . ; ' . . " ' " " ( . ' ' 4 .
ri f When desiring to lignrc on a bill rM :
r , : of Lumbcr call on the if. . . . . . . . . " M : I
; ) ' . . ' i
' ! ; CLl urner L yrn b or C o. }
We carry a full stock of 14umber. : .
Sash , Doors , Mouldings , ctc. fli : : .
RiI ! : . . ? ; .c
: t A gents f or t 1 1C N e b ras k a C en t ra 1 : , ! .
! i.Building & 140an Association.
.I. m . ' . 01. . . . . . . . . . . , . , ; . , , . . .Of. , , .ftI. : ' . , . . " . ; " , : . < . . " . i . . . . . " . : \.II . : ' > ! : : ; 7m : \ . ' : ' l.eI"J:1 ri. . . , . f . : : . : : . : f . : < , " . . . . : , . . , 'l" . " : . "f1 ; , . ' . ' . . 'I' ! ' . ' . . : . ' ' ' . .II..L . fri " " : : A. : ' . ' . . , " : t , . ' . / ' ; . ' : . / . . . 'f . . . : . , . ' ' ' . . ' : ' ! ' . ' , , II. . . . . . . ' " . f . : . : . ' . . # , : . ! & 'J ' : ' E : : " W :1
- - - - - - - - - -
- -
"D"NrJ : : : } FI.r . . : I :
. . . .
. ' - - ' -
, " . - . . .
L. E. COLE ,
Licensed Embalmer
. .A..JSrJ : : >
Funeral DirectoL
. . " ' _ _ .f. ; _ - ,
The Central" Southi
. . .
. . .
, Sunshinc atlll GClltle Raills the , . ,
The ahode of Soft W lII1H Persistent ; " j.
1atlll of Beaut ) ' , IIpopilles . Flowcrs , COlltelltmcllt nllli Health. :
The Territory served by the Louisville & Nashville
Railroad , stretching from the Ohio River to the Gulf
Throughout this whlc urca fertile 1111111 is yct to hI . : 111\11 at-from a
Northern stallllpoillt- \ ' LOW I'R ICHS. ,
From I OIllC of this lIuII1III /lVl'ra c of f.116.IJS , IIct , was 1I11\11c
last ) 'car 011 tra\\'hcrrics.
From Calltaloupcs , $50.00. .
Pcachcs I , . Grapes. retul'll hnlIl1sotllcl ) ' . CatlIe IIccIl
fllltI lilt e wi liter teed.
Write 1111 : for filets alld Figure .
G. APAI K , Gen'l Immigration and Industrial Agent
Louisville & Nashville R. R. ,
T-40UISVIr-4f-4 , KmN'l'UCKY.