t '
fI 'f " - - - - rw : " ' " ' _ . : . . . ; .
Qu 'ar ' ' 'Qunty ' napublioan.
. .1 , -
Publl bt4 overT Tbar ay .1t the Coan\7 8 : . . .
' - - - -
1) . M. AMH Eltlt . ; I dltor
One I colomn. per month , ' 7.00. One. halt co.-
AI&D per month . .OO quarter colomn , IJ'r
, aonih. 11I.00. I.e , ! than qaarter colamn. W
: contl per Inch per month.
Oard. oa lint page , r.o conte r Inch , per I
. loDth 1ed.ertlJolnr , 6 ceal ! pcr 1100 each In.or. :
Notice 01 eh'ureh falre. loclabloe aad ontorte. I o.
I o8DtI whe" , lone , te ( barged , one.balt rme.
8ootet , notice. and rool0&lon8 , one-balf rate. .
WeddlallDotlce. froo. balf price for pabllenlDg
llat of preeentA.
Death DOUOOI free , bait price for pabllhll1K
obuaU7 1I0UCOl , and card , ot &haou.
Leia1DoUce. at run pruTldod br 'I.totes ot
ODe year.lnad' nce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00
. . . . . \ . cen Oater lock. YOl1rtb An. . , . "
I -
Th sday , March 29 , 1906.
: City Ticket.
. For Ma'or-W. A. George.
I ! Clerk-E. S. olcomb.
I ! . Leonard.
Treas\uer-J S.
! I ! 'olice Jul1ge-lI. J. Shinn.
, . I ! City Enh neer-A. J. VanAntwerp.
-For Councllmen.
. I I 1St. Warn-E. Taylor.
:2nd : . . -D. R. Rockwell.
JI , , , 3rd I ! -J. R. Teagarnen.
\ - iembers of School Board.
\r : Mrs. F. M. George Jules Haumont
, Re. . . . L. L. Iiple ) ' Mrs. H. T. Bruce
Geo. B. Mnir Geo. Waters
" Mr . n. 1.ArI15bert ) ' J. C , Bowen
It Re\W.II. : _ Xanders Mrs. Clara Young
, The two candidates ( or tbe school
1 boarn rece'ing the largest number of
votes will be declared elected.
Cummin. ' Candidacy.
GO\ ' . Albert Cummins is a candidate -
didate for a third term in the
Hawk ( Eye state and is making
the fig t of his life with a fair
prospect of winning.
Generally speaking , a candidate -
date seeking . a third term is look- I
cd upon as an imposition and the
rank and file as well as the politicians -
ticians oppose him. :
The public reasons that when
one man has had two term he
bas bad his share of patronage
or honor and others equally as
w rthy should be be g'en a
chance. If one has any special reforms -
forms to bring about or measures
to enforce and he is not OJble to accomplish -
complish it in two terms of office
the general \'erdict is that he has
( bad his time and if he could not
redeem his pledges in that time
t e probabilities are that he
would Dot were heigiven another
But in Governor Cummins' case
there appears extenuating cir-
cumstances. During his present
term the railroad ratl' question
bas come to the front and he has I
either from principle or for effect
taken a bold stand with the people
on this questi n. The resul t is
that the railroad interest as well
as the political machinery have
arrayed themselves against him.
So his cause is no longer a per-
sonal.one but rather one in which
the "q\1estion \ of whether the cause
of the people or the corpora ions
shall control the politics of Iowa.
This ill compell a following
. of a'latg per cent of the business -
iness clement of the state that
would naturally be against the
third term. It is yet possible
that the business interests may
be able to center upon a new man
in which their interests woulc:1 :
be equally as well guarded ,
but should not such a one be a.
v ilable the chances for a thm ]
term nomination looks probable. .
The Annual A..e..m nt.
Asth : < ; first of April approache
the question of assessment o !
prop < : 'rtt IS of interest to all prop
erty owners.
There are but few people wll (
are not willing to bear their jus' '
share of the expense of maintain
ing the government , but unde
the old law the manner of listin {
property had become notoriousl1
unfair. The CUstOIU had belolUl ;
general to list property at thl
lowest possible price in order t. .
< < avoid paying more than equa
! proportion with others.
I The present law contemplate
, that everyone shall list all 0
his property at its full valu
and that it shall be assessed a
one-fifth of its present value. I
this rule is followed no injustic
. ,
will follow and the burden 0
taxation will aU equally upo
the rich and poor alike and ther
I will be no occasion upon the pal
of anyone for having to pay a
, unequal portion of the tax.
' This beinrr I a fact there shoul
- - - . . . - . - ,
- - - -
no longer e a dispo\ition ! on the
part of any to perjure himsclf in
the matter of listing his prop-
crt ) . . COLlnty asscsser Haumont
will make c\'cr ) ' effort possible
to ha\'c his deputies this year assess -
sess all property at its fair cash
value. When thi't is done it
matters not whether your taxes
are high or low , the mcthod of
assessment will not bc at fault.
' 1'he county board fixes the
le\'y for the county and the state
board makes the lev } ' for the
state and if your taxes arc too
high place the blame where it
pro pert ) " belongs-on the county
or state board. We have noticed
a disposition on the part of some
in the past year to blame , what
they call "high taxes , " to the
repub1ican party. This is an
unjust claim. The county board
makes the le\ ' ) ' for the county
and in a large measure has control -
trol of the expenses.
For is the
two years past-as i
case this y < ! ar-the county board !
has been in control of the populist -
list party. The expense as well
as the taxe Ic\ ' } ' is chargeable
direct to the party in control and
not the republican party.
Some reason that as the republicans -
publicans holr1 most of the county
offices , the republican party is re-I
sponsible for high taxes. The
fact is , the clerical officias have
no'oice in the matter of taxation -
tion as even their expenses are
subject to the apprO\"al or dis-
appn.\'al of the county board.
_ _ h _
The recent high prices of lumber -
ber should be quite an encouragement -
ment to the cement block manu-
facturers. This material has a
future before it , if the manufacturers -
facturers will only make it hon-
estly-with the best cement and
without too great a proportion of
- - - - - - -
There are those who love to
attempt to stir up discord where
none exists-hoping thereby to
profit by the condition which
they create. It IS not always
safe to bc1ieve all that may be
said concerning some of the
quarrels reported.
The Burlington from Fremont to
Broken Bow.
The following special from
Fremont appeared in the State
Journal Tuesday :
"Considerable excitement prevails
west of Fremont mnong the ( ar lers who
bring in reports of the progress of a gang
of Burlington surveyors. Tbe surveyors
mn n line west from I.eavitt to a point
north of North DeDlI , then curved across
Pleasant Valle ) ' township , followed \a.
pIe Creek valle ) ' ( or a few miles Rnd then
shifled to the northwest in th direction
of Drokcn Bow. It is believed here that
th e Burlington without doubt will build
from Fremont to Broken lIow the coming
summcr. The surve'ors nre still working
on the line. Thcy fire south of 1I0wells
at present. "
Prompt Return. by Royal HiKhlandera.
Secretary of the Royal Highlanders -
landers A. H. Vanlandingham
received last Friday a draft 01
$333.34 from the Head Castle ,
the amount due on the insurance
policy of l\I s. Grace Sheppar < 1
who was bUrled only the Saturday -
day previous , only five days in. .
tervening between the date 0
her burial and the date draft fOi
the money due was handed to he :
beneficiar.r , her husband , L. F
Sheppard. ' 1'he policy calle (
for S1OOO but in this order onlJ
one third of the amount is pai (
if the person insured dies withit
a year. Mrs. Sheppard had enl )
been a member of the Castle a
few months. But had the ful
amount been due the paymen
would have been just as promp
as the executive board met 01
the day following the receipt 0
the proof.
Land Cancellationa to bo made Publi
'Vashington , March 26
Editor REPUlH.ICAN- :
'l'he Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Onice has just issue I
an important order. Ten da'\
ago Senator Milliard filed a rc
quest with the General Land Oft
ice to have a cancellation docke
in e\'er ) " land office in Nebrask
thrown open to public inspcctiol1
The Commissioner a month ag
issued an order to Land Oillc
Onicials not to permit public it
spection of cancellation docket
leference is made of course , t
the cancellation of land entrie
or homestead entries , in case
where the settlcr or entryme
fail to comply with the law an
n pre force relinquish any claim t
the land. Upon strong reprc
sentations made bl Senator Mil
ard to the Comul1ssioner of th
. . . .
. ' .r
' .
- - - - - , - - - -
: 1 ; . : _
For Coughs
and Colds ]
There is n remedy over sixty
ye:1rs : old - Aycr's Cherry
Pecroral. Of course you have
heard of iIprobably have used
it. Once in rhe family , it srays ;
rhe one household remedy for
coughs and hard colds on rheI I
chest. Askyourdocroraboutit.
"I hayo bad "nenmon' ' " thr'f' Um'I , and
Ayer' . Chen ] ' Pecroral It. . brollJht me . .reI ,
throujtb f'aeh lime. I have JII.t recoyerp < !
from my lal& a&uck , allPd . " . . Xo
wondH I pralle It. " - & . \ ' . IIlOn lIf' . Bteyen.
1'olnt. Wis.
by.1. O. Ayer Co. . L 1Yen. Alus.
. . . .
.1.\10 \ manur..cturera or
' PilLS.
. tllR'IOO .
Ayor's Pills Increase the nctlvlty of
the liver. and thus aid rocovery.
General Land Office remonstra-
ting against his action , under
date of larch 20th. instant he
wrote a letter to Senatar Millard -
ard as follows :
. . After cnreful consil1erntion it was decide -
cide that tbe interest of good administration -
tration , m ; well as tbat of the general
nublie , would be snbserved hy making
ibl' cancellntion.docket a public record
open to inspection at all times nn pcr-
mitting the publication of the cancellations -
tions in the press if esired. The in-
closed circular of inltructions ! to that
effect has been sent to all Registers and
Receh'ers. "
The circular directs that the
cancdlation record be kept on
the counter of the local land
onice at aU times open to the inspection -
spection of the public , and all
cancellations ordered made by
relinquishment. or by order of the
general land office , must be immediately -
mediately entend upon the cancellation -
cellation record and also upon the
tract books and plats.
This order will be of immense
adva tage to homeseekers enabling -
abling them to relocate upon
homestead claims which ID many
instances are composed of excellent -
cellent land , in some cases well
improved. Yours truly ,
The City Election.
Next Tuesday will be the city
election on the city nominees.
There will be no contest as there
is but one ticket. The question
of who shaU serye on the school
board in the place of the two
whose term expires with this
year cannot be determined except
by a count of votes. At the
school caucus ten persons were
nominated and by vote of the
caucus each name was ordered
placed on the election baUot so
that the choice might e made
by the voters instead of by the
caucus , as had formerly been the
custom. So far as we know none
of the nominees are anxious for
the position and we know of no
special work being done for any
particular candidate. As this is
one of the most important offices
to fill the city has to bestow , no
one should cast their vote care.
lessly on this matter.
Day of Prayer.
Prayer service will be held a1
the following homes , Frida . }
morning at 10 o'clock :
Tabernacla. . , . . . . . . . . McConnel
P. J. Sprake. . . . .Mrs. H. LomaJ
G. H. ' 1'horpe. . . . . .Mrs. Demin
James Whitehead. . .Mrs. Sidwel
W. J. W ant . . . . . . . . . . . Mr ! . Tyc
1. A. Coleman. . . . . . Mrs , Mitchel
W. B. Eastham. . . . Mrs. Cad wel
A. W. Drake. . . . . .Mrs. Brenizel
Jake Johnson. . . . . . Mrs. Skillmal
E. D. Marquiss. Mrs. McCandles
Mrs.Marv Brown. . Mrs.J.T.'Vool
G. W. Apple. . . . . . . Mrs Rankir
P.M. Towsley. . Mrs.Bartholome. .
Joseph Pigman. Mrs. Cham berlai 1
H. D. Huntington. . Mrs. Hunte.
A. P. Johnson. . . . . . . .Mrs. Lewi
D.M.Amsberry. .Mrs.L. D.Georg
Joseph Scott. . . . Mrs. Kimberlin {
W m. S per. . . . . . Mrs. Hagadora
Roy 'Walker. . . . . . " . .L. D. lIiat
At 2:30 : Friday afternoon aIJ
propriate services will be held a
the tahernacle at which servic
reports will be asked from ih
diJTerent prayer meetings. Re
port tlnumber present , " "numbe
of prayers , " tlnumber of plelge
for personal work , " number fo
whom praycr was asked. .
Clo.ing out lale of Nuraery Stock.
I expect to close out all m
nursery stock this spring consist
ing of Cherry trees , apple trees
crab trees and many varieties 0
small fruits. Those wishin
Nursery stock will find som
splendi stock and very reason
able prlCcs.
A discount of ten per cent wil
be given on all orders sent in b (
fore delivery time. 'Vatch fo
date of delivery next week.
F. G. PnKKINS , Berw > 'n , Nebr.
- - - . . - - - . ,
. ,
- - - - , . - - - - - -
- - FREE !
I .
I Br spcciat nrrangemcnt ! ! \ \ ith the Week 1) '
hlter Ol' nn-tlll' ollh. wcekh' } Iuhlishl..1
b ) ' n rl"at Chicago rlnihwc Rre ahle to
offer our readers nil n s rtmellt of choice
Ro e Bushes JlRHE with e'CTsub crip-
tion to TIIJ RHrt'na.ll'\s. These Roe !
Bu"hes arc grown express ) ' ( ur lhi'o ! ' offer
nnd if ) by Mn ) ' Istshonlrl produce
n supp ) ' o ( roses this summer.
Sclecr 3n ) ' 6 of this Ust.
No. 1- Helen Gould , red.
No. :2-\laman : : Cochet. pillk.
No. 3-\\'hite 1\tamnll Cochct.
No. 4-Htoile de I.yon , ycllow.
No. 5-'tleteor : , crimsoll.
No. 6-Cell.1acquemnot : , bright red.
No , i-Clotl111de Soupert , pink , decp
cen ter ,
No. 8-Kaiserin Auguste Victora , white.
No. 9-I.a Prnncc.
No. la-Bridesmaid , pink.
No. t I-Crimson Rambler , red climber.
No. I2-Yellow Rambler , ) 'cllow climber ,
No. J3-Pink Rambler , pink climber.
No. q-White Rnmblcr , wbite cllm er.
No. 15-\lad. : Iranciska Krugcr , fawn
and copper ) .ellow.
No. I6-Aurora , silver ) ' Fink.
No. Jj-l'resil1ent Carnet , blush rose.
No. IS-Burbank , deep pink.
No. I9-Hermosa. clear pink.
o , : za-Fnmcis E. Willard , pure white.
No. 21-Bouquet of Gold , golden ) 'ellow.
No. :22-Winnie : Da\is , aJricot pink.
Cost docs 1I0t enter mto this offer.
The publishers of Tbe Weekly Inter
Ocenn have absolntel ) ' disregarde expense -
in ' these Rose I'lnnt5
pense ha\'illg grown
( Qr our rcaders , ,
The price of Thc Weekl ) ' Inter Occall
J ) 'ear is always $1.00. The price of
this paper one year is $1.00. Vnti ! 1\Ia ) '
Jst ) 'ou have the opportunity of secl1rin
both papers ecah one yenr and six beautt-
ful rose bushcs ( or enl ) ' $1,55.
- In ordering Rose Plants , designnte h ) '
number 0111) ' .
Order today and have. Roses for June.
Give date plants' are to he delivered.
s m
Barton's Second Hand S10re
is the place to buysell or
trade. We are still sell-
i ing t be $5.00 gold spectacles -
tacles forl.OO. E\'er- i
body knows Barton !
: t\ m
, 'Gener l Custer. "
Boarders Wanted.
'Ve 'can accomodate a few more boarders.
with or wltholl& board.
Doard. per week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50
1I0ardal\l1 Room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00
Mrs. A. T. SIMS.
look Here , Friendst
H yo'u want any thiug in my
line and I don't find ) "ou please
gi ve me a call.
North-western solicitor for
hardy , vigorous nursery stock ,
and reliable field , garden and
grass secds.
Headquarters at Broken Bow ,
Inquire at Harding Creamery
Station , north side square.
For Sale !
Percheron Stallions
- - - - - -
J. ' 1\ Cole and son have just
relurned from Ulinois bringing
with them two fine , thorough.
bred Percheron stalHons. The ) '
- arc fine specimens of the Perch.
eron family ; dapple-gray anc:1 :
weigh about 1950 pounds each.
Parties interested may see thel11
at the barn , of miles north 01
Broken Bow.
. . ' . . - - , . , . . , . . . . . . - . . . - . . . " . . . . ; . , .
.o-J.OI : CO'JQf
r J.E3 : : . SP.A.IISry :
' . . - PHOPRl1 TOR
"rJfV RY S at
1 I I LIVERY' an d
( ' M I
Remodeled nnd repaired throughout. Good livcry rigs at reasonable tIItcs. .
o Accomodntion ( or cattle ntlli rauge borlies. IIn ) ' at 1100n , 10 cents ; all cln ) ' , . .J
R 15 c nts : o\'er night , 35 cents. Cnll nllli see lIIe. ' 1
ib-.rJ" Q'.r..r .iO' : .IQf. .IQf. Q' # J" . . ' . . . " . . ; : : : J1 .
: t.l rJ" ' b1C. " " ; h. " : " _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . ! . _ , . ,
-i ; ; Ji = , . ; ; : : ; - = - - - - = : @ . . ! . . ; : ; ; ; 3 . , . "
l mnnmn = - = : i ? = : , J R jmnrmmmTrTmnlnrn r = Jr = = J 11f ' ' ih.m .Ji- : : = ; . _ .
Before You Build , Consult ! .
I . . . . . . . . "
. , --.c . , . - I L
, : ec > . ap1n.ea'1. . , , ' , "
Contractor and BuilJer. : Estimates I
. . . _ . . .
: ! .LU.WUtL WU.luu.U W11 UU ' .
I r = lr = Jr = Jr = r = : Jr = : Jc r = _ ri > ) . . _ r = Jr = r = J _ r : : : " ,
" , i
I arg ins in Farlll Lalld and Ranc11es ) , . , , -
Write for list with prices and terms of sale.
H you have land for salc list it with me.
Correspondence with non-resident land owners solicited .
JAMES LED\VIGIl , - - Br ken BQw , eb. . .
_ I. 1 _ i
I "
Successor to } .
Embalmer and Funeral Director , ' /
_ Business phone , 301. Besidence phone , 227. _ .Il .
rl > - . < f , '
O"V"EII' : : . : L
First door west of Broken Bow State bank , in the "
building vacated by Rockwell & ; Konkel. : '
; .
Having purchased the Rockwell & ; IConkel stock ;
of hardware and combined it with my own , I now ; . ! (
have one , of the largest stocks in central N p.braska.
All old customers , as well as. new ones , are ill-
vited to call. . r ,
' 'lith increased room and combined stock I am
better prepared to accomodate . the trade.
J. C.
. . VanCott.
. - - .
Unrue and Herefords ' ;
- - . . . . . -
have some fine sows :
and guilts bred to' '
Custer Billy and Cad- i
well's Challenger , also
choice bulls for sale. I
- I
. .
Now Crocory .Firm i
J. . Peale and Hey \Yalker have purchased
the levis stock of groceries and will conduct the i
business under the firm Ilame of " "
Ifaving bought this stock at a bargain we fire
prepared to sell you groceries as cheap fiR the
market will bear.
I will be taken in exchange.
on dry goods houses for goods we do not hnndle.
Call and see us
Peale- Walker Grocery Co. ,
East Side of Public Squarc , .J
, ,
. .
, , , , " , . - , " " . $
, -r- '