Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 22, 1906, Image 4

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.11 . ; ; olln ROP"b-liD
' Publl bcd oor , Thurolla , at the Conn\loat. : !
1 D. ] I. AMSUEltILY. . . . Edlto.r
, t Ooe colomo , per monthS7.00. Ono.halt co.-
Ilan. per montb " .00 Quarter column , per
month , SQ.r.o. LcM tbao quar\lr colnmn , r.o .
Clnta per Incb par mootb.
Card. on tb.t pago. 60 con to Jler locb , per
montb LocahdvorllAloa r. conl vor IIno onch
"on. .
} { otlco ot cbnrch talu , soclable aod enlorlaln.
DWIII wbero moooy l coarRed , ouo.half rateR.
Soolet , 1I0tlcO' and ru\lnUon , oue-halt raw .
WeddlullDottce troll. bait Irlee tor publllnloR
llat of proeentll.
Death 0011001 tree , b,1t prlef ! tor Ilubll hlllR
, obUallnottcoalInd cllrd of tbauke.
. Leial noUCcI at ratci prolded bl II/ltuto ot
Ii Nubraaka. _ . . . -
I !
Dna Yoar.1nad'aoco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81.00
I ; " ' 0111co In Ou ter lllock . , Fourtb A 'c. " ; "
, Thursday , March 22 , 1906.
" .
\1 \ Candidato. are Declarinar Themlelve. .
We notice that in some of the
districts candidates for the legis-
islature are announcing their position -
sition on r i1road legislation.
No less than three candidates in
York county are out with letters
, "
of explana"tion . , each talunga
ti very.pDsitive stand against railroad -
road domination. They favor direct -
rect pr i ary , binding twine plant ,
. ( denou : cp , railroad rebates , railroad -
; road p ss , and favor a railroad
. ' commision to regulate freight
r rates fid : equal taxation to bot.1
/ : privat 'hnd' corporate property.
If 't i& be the campaign of
11 candid'ltes for the legislature
would It not be well that the
:1 : candid t s for the state executive
offices . required to place them-
, I selves pn r cord on these ques-
i tions ? ,
i 1 No 1didate for any of the
I state ffi'i : s should be considered
1 availa le timber unless he is in
( ' accod with the peple and is 110t
! , ? , declare himself 9n the
\ questi9ns' at issue.
, I , ' - _ _ _ _
J The eis a good deal of pleasure
in reading the notices that have
and are still being published concerning -
cerning , the life ot : Marshall
Field. He was enormously
weal , ly and commencing as a
pODrJoy \ he had accumulated the
prope ty.himself , but in all the
. .
' " . . . .
com el-Js ? there IS 110 1t1s1t1uatlon
'butVbat , he honestly obtained
these ; riches and he used them
with ttt ; ostentation. His example -
ample seems to be one to which
attcntation can rightly be called
without misleading the you h of
No state in the Union 'has as
many good tillable acres of land ,
in proportion to its are , as Ne-
braska. Already the state lS
taking the lead in agricultural
products , although only a portion
is under cultivation. What will
be the result tlve years hence ,
with ttie increased acreage under
the plow and the better mE ; thods
Some joker of a butcher down
in Washington tried to palm oil
an articificial mutton chop on
Dr. Wiley , thc head of the pur
food department of the govern'
ment. It didn't work , but thh
is no worse than is attempted ot :
the public whenever the pur <
food. law is not enforced.
. State Treasurer Peter Mor ,
tensen has declined to be .
candidafe for governor on Ull
theory that the constitutiol
makes him ineligible of being ;
candidate 'for a state offic ' whill
holding one. This. should satis
fy McGilton and Weston tha
they need not apply this year.
Since three of the would-h
candidates for governor are prac
tically out of the race for lack 0
constitutional qualifications i
would indicate that the chance
for ) 'obn Wall are growin
brighter. .
The Globe Hotel w JJ Move.
J m . Sloggett , proprietor 0
the Globe hotel informs us thu
he has purchased , ground jus
south of the B. & M. water tan
on which he intenQs to move th
Globe hotel this spring. H
will add a lunch counter for th
accomodation of the railroadome
as well as the general publi <
The new location will be ver
.conveniently located for the rai
road travel and will doubtles
pro\'e a paying proposition ,
. - . - - . -
Rn1lroad RumLllngl. - , !
A corps of uintecn Union Pacific -
cific surveyors are still at work
north of Gandy and reports are
current that this proposed line
will , ex lend from , Callaway to
Bridgcport. More than this the
enthusiasts claim that by constructing -
structing short connccting links
east of Callaway and Columbus
and that eventuallY there will be
a line from Columbus to Calla-
way , thence to Bridgeport and
from there to Hock Hiver , Wyo. ,
where it will connect with the
main line. Such a route , it is.
declared , will shorten Ute. . d is : '
tanc ' froul" Omaha to Ogden I
about 150 mites and have the ad-I
vantage of a more favoralJle I
. grade over the Hocky Mountains.
-North Platte 'l'ribune.
Another rou te is also suggestcd
which is from Columbus by way
of Fullerton and 1-4oup City to
Arnold by the way of Broken
Bow to conncct with the K. B.
& H. H. R. which will shorten
the Houte from twenty five to
fifty mites over the other proposed
route. As the U. P. has a line
of road from Columbus to Loup
City , covering a distance of 84
miles it would require the building - I
ing of only GO more miles to make
the connection giving an air line
from Omaha to Northport on
the north fork of the Platte river -
er with connections with their
main line either Chevenne or
Laramie , \Vyoming.
' ' ' ' ' ' HOAD
ANO'funt { NO\'I'II \ ANn'SOU'I'II
C nadian , Southern & Gulf
l ailroad.
'l'he Gettysburg , S. D. Herald , '
of March 15 , states-
" 'rhat articles of incorporation
were filed here tonight for the
Canadian & Southern railway , ,
with a capital stock of $50,000,000 , .
and head quarters at Pierre , S.
D. , and a branch office for business -
iness at New York City. "
" 'l'his line is to run from Win-
nepeg through North and South
Dakota , Nebraska , Kansas , Oklahoma -
homa atHl Texas to Galveston.
It is to cross the Missouri river
at Pierrc , S. D.
" 'l'he incorporatorB are A. E.
Hill , of Galveston , Texas ; P. E.
Ga11igan , of Highmore , S. D.
A. P. Sawyer , Dclias Jacobson
and other Pierre parties.
"The same parties filed articles
with a capital of $30,000,000 for
the American Construction Co.
for the building of the road. "
'rhe map shows Pierre to be a
little' west of north of Broken
Bow which would place Broken
Bow in a direct line with a feas-
iblc route to Galveston.
'l'his may be the northern end
of the Saline Kansas railway
project , of which we made mention -
tion some two weelts ago , that
was projected to north-western
Custer County.
The Union Meeting. .
Evangelist Lincoln McConnell
and singer Loren Jones , , , are
meeting with great success in
drawing crowds. They hav'e a
chorus of about 100 voices well
organized also two pianos , presided -
ed over by the Misses 1l0lcomb
which furnishes splendid music
at each session. 'rwo services
are held each day , the afternoons
and evenings.
It was estimated that .1,200
were in attendance Tuesday
'night. No such crowds at re ,
lIgious services have ever beet ]
seen in Broken Bow before.
Rev. McConnell is aver ) ' abh
and logical reasoner yet so simph
that the school girl can under-
stand. As , yet no call for seek. .
ers have been made but a grow <
ing interest is being manifested
- John M. Thayer Pane. Away.
Gen. John M. Thayer , who hm
been a prominent figure in Ne
braska since 1854 , passed awa1
Monday night at his home i
Lincoln. lIe passed his 86tl
birthday the 24th of last Janu
ary , lIe was born in Bc1linghatJ
Mass. , Jan. 24 , 1820 !
He was brought up on a fart ]
and attended district schools tIur
e ing the winter. When 011
enough he taught several villagl
schools in his count ) . and aftel
wards graduated at Brown Uni
versity in 1841. He studied la ,
: s at Worcester Mass. , and in 185
moved to Nebraska Territory an
- was admitted to the bar in Omi !
ha , but instead of entering upo
the practice of law , he engage
in fnrming. 'l'he first territori.
legislature commissioned hit
Brigadier General in cot1unan
of the forces levied against tb
Indians. The next legislatur
made him Major General. 1 !
the outbreak of the Civil Wi
Gen. Thayer apJlied to the secrl
tary of war , askmg' that one rc (
iment be assigned to Nebra k ;
which was granted. He rais
the full regiment of 1,000 me
and was commlssioned Colonel (
. the first Nebraska Volunteers at ]
. . . .
- - ' . - -
- . - , , : = - -
- " - - - - ;
immcdiateh' 'reported with' 'his
regiment t General ( . 'remont at
St. Louis. li'rom there he was
scnt to reinforce Gen. Grant at
Pilot Knob.
G n. 'l'hayer was made BriJ : r-
< lier General for vallient service
at the battles of Donalson and
Shilo. He served through the
seige at Vic1sburg under Grant.
He was a member of the first
constitutional convention of Ne-
braska. lIe served one term in
the United States Senate for Nebraska -
braska and was a member of the
Senate that had the hn.peach-
m nt trial against A drew John-
son. He was twice elected Gov-
crnor of the state aud served for
a short time on the third term
while the eligibility of Gov. Boyd
was being settled by the courts.
He was also Governor of Wyo-
minr { territory 1875-1) , appointed
by President Grant. His carrer
In. the state of his adoption was
one of distinction and honor in
which the state of Nebraska ma ) '
well facl proud.
He leaves two sons , George
Dannll Thayer , a resident of
Meeker , Colorado , and , John M.
'l'hayer , Jr. , of Illinois. Neither
of his sons were able to reach
him until after his death.
A Fund for the Jap. .
We have been requested to receive -
ceive contributions for the Japs
in response to the appeal of our
Preside11t to the citizens of the
United States and the proclamation -
mation 'of Gov. Mickey , calling
upon the people of Nebraslm to
malte generous contributions for
the 2,000.000 sutTering people in
northern Japan.
In order that the people : of
Broken Bow and vic1l1ity may
have an opportunity to contribute
to this call for help the RIwunLI-
CAN will receive such contribu-
Hens that any may be disposed
to make and forward the same to
li' . M. Sisson , Chaplain of the
First Regiment , Nebraska National -
tional Guards , at South Omaha ,
who has been appointed to take
charge of the Nebraska contri-
From week to week we will
publish the names and amounts
contributed-if a sufficient response -
sponse justifies it.
C. H. Miller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00
James Whitehead. . . . . . . . . 5 00
Supervisors' Proceedings
[ Continued from First pall'e ]
report be accepted and adopted as
read. '
It was moved and carr'ietl to ad- ,
j ourn till 1 :30 P. M.
Board met at 1:30 : P. M.all , members -
bers present.
Moved antl secondetl tbat Sargent
ant1 Callaway be designated as tbe
two points where the County Sup-
ertendent iB directed to hold Exami-
nati.Jns for teachers on the third
Friday and Sat of April , and that
Custer County PRY $5.00 for the expense -
pense of such examinations at each
1\1 otion carrietl.
The road committee reported as
follows on petition of A. E. Anderson , -
son et a ! . for road on the Seotion
line between Seo's 8 & 17 , ' 1' . 17 , H.
We recommentl that petition be
granted antl damage allowed as follows -
lows :
I. R. McCaslin. . . . . . . . . . . . . t35 .00
. Chas. McCaslin. . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00
I against Rend Dist. No. 2 Garfield
G. H. 'rhorpe ,
H. B. Schneringer , 1 Com.
Geo. Greenwalt ,
It was move'tl nnd carried that the
: report be accepted and adoptCl1 as
. read.
'rhe RQnd Committee also reportetl
as follows :
We recommrmd thnt section line
S between sections 4 : antl 5 , town
- 19 , range 20 , bo tleclared a public
rend to bo .10 ft. wide and that the
Clerk bo instructed to ac1vertisc
same nnc1 the Surve'or to enter
I- slu . e on plat book.
U G H. 'rhorpe ,
H. B. SchneringH , } Com
Geo. Greenwalt ,
It was movetlantl ( 'arrietl the re.
port , be acceptetl and adopted ae
read ;
Moved and carried to adjurn till
9 a. m. tomorrow.
'fUUItSDU' , ) IAlICU 15 , 190G.
Board met at 9 a. m. , all present
Minutes of yestertlay reC'd ' ane1 np
Road Committee reportec1 as fol
lows on the readjustment of tlam
ages on roac1 petition of G. W
l\1Jers \ and others'
, , - W b rocommentl that the followin
additional claims be nllowec1 on thl
"ithin petition :
E. Skinner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $109 5 (
R. Skinner. . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 31
J. P. Porter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5
All damageB allowed as designat
ed on claims.
n 'Ve furthur recommeud that th ,
Jf vacation be granted , and thnt !
ld milo on town line between no ! 0
. - - - - - - .
. . " . . , . . . - . . . , -
Pale , Thin ,
Nervous ?
Then your blood must be in
n very bnd condition. You
certninly know whnt to tnke ,
then take It - Aycr's Snrsn-
padUa. If you doubt , then
consult your doctor. Wcknow
whnt he will say nbout this
grnn old fnmlly medicine.
Sold for over 60 years.
This Is the nut quoltlon 70111" ( Ioclnr wou' ' "
nllel "Aro your b(1w l. rt'Jlllnr't" lie kllo\VI
that ( Inlly Bellon of tile bowoll , Is RIIlolllloly
ollollllallo recover ) , ) \,01' 70ur liver nellve
and your hO\feli n'Rlllar 1. > 1 takhtl : laxallvo of ) 'er'.l'III. .
. . . . _ . _ . . . . .
"h . boI. I
by.1. C. Ayo. Co. . Lowell. Ma. . .
Alia manuraoturers or
. . - . _ . . . - . . . . . . . . . _ , . - - - . . . .
se ! of Sec. 25 , town 18 , range 20 ,
and nw ! of sw ! oC Sec. 80 , town 18 ,
range 19 , be granted.
G. II. Thorpe ,
H. B. Schneringer , } Com.
Geo. Groenwult ,
It was movodand carried that the
, report be acceptoc1anc1adoptetl as
The remainder of forenoon spent
in committee work.
Adjourned till 1 :30 : } ' > . 111.
Board met o.t 1 :30 : p. m.
All members present.
Committee appointed to investigate -
gate condition of Numerical Index
to Range 21 , reported as follows :
We , your cO\Juuitteo , appointec1 to
investigate Numerical Indcx to
Range 21 , l'cspectrully submit thu
rollowing report.
We have eXIl1uinCl1 record care.
fully and fintl same , in such condition -
tion to justify a new record and
transcribing of the tmme.
Gee Grecnwalt , !
G . Thorpc , } Com.
Jos. , Fenimore ,
It was moved nc1 carried to ac.
cept and adopt . the report of the
commi ttee.
The chair appointed Joseph
Fonimore anc1 B. P. Morris a com.
mitteb to check up the office of
register of deens.
It was moved nnd cr rried that
the'rogister of c1eeds be instructed
to order blank inc1ex for range No.
21 , antl that. the office be l1110wed
clerk hire to transcribe same. Ex-
pgnse of transcribing to be paid out
'of fecs of the offic .
Rontl Committee l'eported as fol-
lows-On : the petition of Geo. W.
Trueman , et aI. , for a change in roatl
near the S.V. . cornel' of the ne !
of Section 23 , Town 13 , Range 19 :
We recomwenc1 that the petition
be granted anc1 Geo. Trueman be I
allowec1 $25.00 against rend district
No.3 , Loup township , and the Bur-
ve'or ordered to survey and plat
the snme.
G. H. 'l'horpe ,
H B. Schneringer , } Com.
Geo. Greenwalt. ,
It was movetland carrietl that the
report be acceptetl anc1 ac1opted.
The following communication
from the county Ilssessor WIlS reac1 :
Broken Bow , Nebr. . March 15 , 'OG.
To the lIon. County Boara of Cus-
ter County :
GEN rLEMEN-Tho : appointees for
deputy assessors in West Union
precinct antl in Algernon precinct ,
have declinetl to accept the position.
[ beg to ask you to confirm
the appointment of George E.
fo.rsl1 for deputy assessor for West
Union precinct , and J. H .1\1 cAdnms
o.H deputy asseSBor for Algernon
Count ) . Assessor.
It was moved nna carrietl that
I the nmJUintment be confirmed.
The foUowing resolution was in-
trod ucec1 :
WmREAR : , The Custer County
Fo.rmers Institute passed a resol\1
tion IlSking the Board of Supervisors -
ors to so conduct the Count ) . Farm
that it may be used as an experi-
I mental station , 01' farm in connection
with the state experimental station
in so f l' as pure and thoroughbred
seed mn.y be procured and raiscd
am1 such l'ecol'c1s of cultivation and
. protluctiou as will anable the people -
ple to procure the seed that is best
suited for the locality. Thetefol'e ,
. be it
REBOLYED , Thllt the leer ! i'aruJ
. Committee and the Superintendeni
of the Poor Farm , be allowed tc
purchase antl cultivate Buch seede
I ) and grains as the experiment BtntiOlJ
would direct , and by advice of th (
president of the Farmers Instituh
am1 such records of the culhmtiot
and kinds of grain kert as will < D'
able farmers to procure seed true tc
n was moved and carrietl thaj .
- the resolution bo adoptetl.
( Contlnuell next week. )
' . _ . . _ _ _ _ u . _ . _ _
Unlt.d tal" Ltnd : omc , , ! I
lIrokell Jlow , NI\Jra'llca , March : : I" . 100h. r
Notice 1'1 lIerell ) ' II "II that th , . tnlnwlllll' !
lIlnll'll nellier 11:1" : 1110' " uopee o ( 11111 Inlentlon
to make IInal proof III "UIJPort of III' cllhn and
th\ ! ARid proof will be made \Jerora Hell'l"r
: lnd R cel1'er at lIrokl'n IIow. Nebrulka. on
April 2 ( " 190 < 1 vlz ! WILLIAM A. l\IcINTO JI
of Welscrt. Nebraoka , for the neol ! : ' "ectlon 25.
town"hlt,18 N. . Rallll'e 19 W. Ite "amI" the
followln" wltlle'lse to prove his contluuous
rp."ldelice upon and euUlvation of 8alil laud.
, 'Iz : ArUll1r Cooksley , Albert ' .1' . Crowtber.
JlmcII DOllar" . Walter A. Den"e. all Q'f'W luert.
NeIJrukl. JAMEt ! WlllfEnEAD ,
,41.111 Rell'l'ter.
Get acquaini6lt wi h
. . . . ----SMSTiByS : . . . .
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
! n
and wm send
you are strangers we
you the magazine three monlb
f tee that you may get acquainted.
i1JJ SMITH'S 3 the biggest ilIU-
tr:1td : magaz i1c in the world-I 70
p.lg s of reading matter and pictures -
tures , the same size page as the big
sl.lndard magazincs like Harpcr 3
and Century.
iJI SMITH'S is made up of the
b 3t of everything-best stories
t ut can be obtained , best illustra-
Ibns that clever artists can draw ,
: ud the best special articles , written
by writers who know their subject
t'Droughly and write s enter tab-
i 13\y \ as they are instructive.
S\11TH'S : also
prints every month a
. : ) r : or more pretty -p < ! rlraits. in colors. c (
I uautiful women. Taken all in nil. , there
IS n : ) bellr mtguine Ihan SMITH'S-
in f"ct. none nearly as good. no mailer
wht Ihe . .
; : east.
q Writc A postal will do.
: Addns Dept. F , Smith' . Magazine ,
I 85Scventh Avenue , New York City
- - - . - . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . - - '
- - - - -
. -
" -
For Sale ! ) .
Percheron Stallions
J. T. Cole and SOil have just
returned from Illinois bringing
with them two Hne , thoroughbred -
bred PercherolJ stallious. 'l'hey
are fine specimens of the Perch-
eron family ; dapple-gray and
weigh about 1950 pounds each.
parties interested may see them
at Richardson's Barn.
look Here , Friends !
- -
) ' :
If YOlt want anv thing in my
line . and I don't fiud you please' .
' I "
glve me a call. '
T. , S. KIL TNER ,
North-westcrn ! , > elicitor for
hardy , vigorous nursery ,
and reliable field , garden' an(1
grass seeds.
Headquarters at Broken Bow ,
I ,
Inquire at Harding Creamery
_ Station , north side square. f ) "
r .
1W.IOVElX : > > ' , J . ,
. ( ,
First door west of Broken Bow State bank , in the
building vacated by Rockwell & IConkel.
Having purchased the Rockwell & ICoukel stock
of hardware and combined it with my own , I now
have one of the largest .stocks in central Nebraska.
All old customers , as well as new ones , arr. invited -
vited to call. '
vVith increased room and'combineq stock I am t
better prepared to accomodate the tra e. t , , , / ,
. J. C. VanCott. I : : "
- . f
r : - . \ (
Unrue and Herefords i
- - - . . . . , . . - - -
I have some fine sows i
and guilts bred to'
Custer Billy and Cad-
well's Chall&nger , also
choice bulls for sale.
G. E. CADWELL , BROKEN now. . 1
. = ,
- t
Now Crocory Firm )
.J. N. Peale and Roy Walker have purchased
the : Mevis stock of g-roceries and will conduct the
business under the firm name , of , ' r '
Having buught this stock a t a hargain we are I
prepared to sell you grocerie as cheap UR the
market will bear.
will be taken in exchange.'j
\'j \
. 'J
; :
n l'Y l lses o s d not hondle. I
Call and see us
P ale- Walker Grocery Co. ; . I
East Side of Public Square , . . , '