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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
. . . . ( USTfR COUNTY IUPUBLICAN : - - - - By D. M. AMSDERRY , . . - - - - - - - - - - DnOKEN now , . . NEBItASKA. " r News Bt'iefl : , Tbo Wheeler elevator at DUffalo , N. Y. , WM destroyed by fire. " ' The Oblo house has lJassell n hill creating a railroad rate commIssIon. J' 'fho tuneral of oxUov. Hogg toole place at Austin , 'rex. , and wns large. Iy nttende . Dr. W11IIam I Felter of Drooltlyn hlames the higher educnllon or women for race sulcldo. Miss J\Jngglo Hardy , aged 17 , has gained renown hy hecomlug stage drlv. er In New HampshIre. A Husslan woman hid bomb In her Itnlr and attem pted to nssnsslnnto Vlco Admiral Douhasoff nt Moscow. Bertho ClIcbo , on trlnl for murder I' at Now Yorle , oITerod to IIlscloso start. 1 IInpollco / uiotholls tr given her free- : J dom. ' ' Decnuso her hall' wns turning grny , ! 'I' Mrs , William 'fhomns , n young ma. o tron of Eleanorn , Pn. , committed suI. ' eldo. George Uarrls , aged 24 ; an escaped " Cnvlct from the Knnsns City , Mo. , prison , was captured nt Kalnmnzoo , 1\Ileh. \ Franle D. Darr of Pltwhurg , a renl estate agent , shot and Idlled himself at Knnsns City , whllo despondent ever 111 henlth. " Dr , W. T. Cnmpbell , who with his l ( fnther nnd three brothers Counded Des Moines. 'Illell In t. I..ouls nt the ngo , , of SO years. . I\nnsas will drop Its ouster proceed , ) Ings ngnlnst I the Stnnlnrd ( 011 com. J pnny , which hnvo be n pending In the supreme court for 1renr. . E , E. McJlmsty of Sl. .Joseph , Mo. , recently appoluted United States con. suI at Oallao , Peru , hnR torwnrdod his i , reshnnllon to Washington. , 'rho now Husslan amhlu3snllor to .In. I pan arrived In Now Yorle on his way to Toltlo to resume dlplomntlo 1'0111. ' tlons brolccn err by the war. Russin's effort to maltu Vlndlvostole a port of entry to replace Port Arthur - thur and Dalny ollons up commorclal I opportunlll . ' 1 to the United States. I nepresontntlve Wllllnms , the mInor. j Ity leader , has Introduced n bill In i the hOllso npproprlatlng $260,000 for gov rnment smoltoloss powder plant. Senator Al1Ison of Iowa celebrated biB soventy-sovonth birthday annlver. sary and also the anniversary of bls entry Into congress and Into the son. ato. ato.Tho The supreme court of the Unltod States has donled the application of Columbia George al\ll ' 1'oy 'l'oy , both Indians , for leave to file a petition for It writ of hnbeas corp\ls. \ JUdge Snnborn of the Unltod States court of appeals nt St. Louis hnndod down an opinion donylng a writ of babeas corllUs to Ira N. 'l'orrlll ; con. 'icted of murder In OIclnhoma Unsettled cOllllltions In Insurnnco buslncss are asslgnod as ono of ttio c.auses for 11. petition tor voluntq.ry dissolution of the Tradesmen Llro . In. suranco compnny of Now Yorle. The Gorman steamer Meteor nrrivod at Constantlnoplo , with 2GO tourists on board. 'l'ho Gorman omblssy applloll for nnd received the usual pormlsslon tor the tourists to visit the trensury. Fl'.Gov. Hogg of Texas before his doaUl sahl he wanted no monument , "but" lot my chlhlren plnnt nt the : hend or D1i' grave a 11ecnn tree- , and at ' the foot of my grave 11. walnut treo. " Henry L. Haupt , who was convlctod In the Unltod States court at Holena. Mont. , of conducting a 10ttorY" In Hutte , has 110en senton.ced to pny n fine of UOOO and to sIx months In the Cunty jail. Andrew Carneglo has offered $30,000 to William Jowoll college ( Daptlst ) , , at Llborty , Mo. , for construction of a col- 'loge library , provhlod the college raises a Wee sum for 11. permanent en. dowmont. Presldont. Roosevelt sent n. special message to congress urging the ne. cesslty for extended coast dofonces. Ho says that our Island possesslona must bo fortified If they uro to bo rotnlnod. The royal Cnmlly of Sweden , Spain and It. ly all own lots In Now Yorlr. Kalsor Wllhehn owns sovernl pnrcols or New Yorle land and has been for some yqnrs a hpav ) ' Investor In western - ern property. The approprlntlons Cmmltteo f the Relchstag , on which nil the 11Ilrllnmen. tary gronps are represented , npprovod with 11. few dlssontlng votes , the gov. ernmont's measure providing for the construction of six addltlonnl armored cruisers. On the eve of the dny sot for her wOddlng , Miss Elvira Jacltson , nged 20 , Is dend at 1101' Cunh'y home , near Huron , 1\Ilch. , having contrnctod ton. sllltls by Idsslng her fiance , J. Arthur Frazer , who hnd been 111 from the dls. .enso for several dnys. The Chlnose delegation sent to secure - , cure Idens In AJllorlcn. got Into n. CIMh and the party w1l1 split up. Prosldont lloosovelt has reappoint. ed lion. E'dwarll 'r. Kent as chief jus. tlco of Arizonn. lIe comes of 11. ranll. Iy at emlnont jurists and Is nn Inde- ' fL\tlgablo student. Oovernor Deneon of flllnois calls the asylum at Lincoln the "rottenest In. BUtuUon In the state , " and ma ) ' talco 4.ctlon. ! \Ilss Susan D. Anthony Is sorlously m at her homo In Hochester of pnou. monla which dovelol10d on her return from a. . recent visit to WMhlngton. .j \ , : . " . A " . . . : . ' . . . . . . . . . . . , _ , . . . , , : . . . . . . . , . , , , ' . . : " ' . , _ , " , , 1.,1 t- - - - ' " " --/OW < ' ' , ; 10 { " " " . . . - HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAR. - Thousands of Soldlera Contracted Chronic Kldnay Trouble While In the ServJco. The oXJlerlenco of Capt. John L. Ely , of Co. J , 17th Ohio , now living at 600 East Second atroet , Newton , Kansas , wfll Intorcst the thousnnds of vel. ernn ! ! who came hack from the Civil War sufrCl'lng tort u l' e s with Itldney corn. Illalnt. Capt. Wy says : "I contrncted 1ldlCY } trouble durh1J ! the civil war , nnd I "n ' ' ' 'I'u.lnnn 1 nl. ' . .m _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . .u , . . _ . .n nclts finnll ) ' ( lov'loled ) Into chronic case. At ono tllI/O / I hAd to use R crutch nnd CIUlO to get IIhout. My hnck WIIS lal1lo nnd wealt , IInd bOllldes the nchlng , there WnB dlstresBlnr retention of the 1t1dney secrotlons. I was In a had wny when I hegun usln Donn's Kidney Pills In HlOl , hut the reme y cured mo and I llllvo been well ever slnco. " Solll hy all dealer9. fiO cents a box. FOBter.Mllhurn Co. , Duffnlo , N. y , An Irrllntor Is novel' an educator. BABY'S TORTURING HUMOR , 1rs Looked lG If They Would Drop Ofr-Face MaS3 of Sores-Cured by Cutlcura In Two Weeks for 75c. " 1 feel It y duty to parents of ether } leer suffering bnbles to tell you what Cutlcurn has do no for my 1Itl10 dunghter. She hrolto out all ovcr her body with a humor , and we used everyUllng recommended , but without rosults. I called In three do < : . tors , they all claimed they could help her , Imt she continued to grow worse. Her hody was u maRS of sores , and her little face was bolng eatcn awaYj her cars loolto as If thcy wouM drop orf. Nelghhors advIsed mo to get Cullcura SoaII nnd Olntmont , nnd beCoro I hnd 'used half of the caitO of Soap nnd box of Olntmont the sore9 hnd nil healed , and my lIttle ono's face nnd bo'dy were as clear as a now.born babo's. I would not bo without It agnln If It cost five dol. lars , Instead of sovonty.fivo cents , Mrs. George J. Steeso , 701 Colburn 8t. , Aleron , Ohio , " Il's but a. stop from cunning to ras. callty. Cntarrh Cannot Be Cured with r.OOAI , AI'PI.ICA TIOiS. 8 they c nnot reach the leat or the < l180 'e , Catarrh 18 bloo < l or conl\l. tullon.1 < I(808HO. ( nd Inorller to cure It you malt take Internal romellle1. lIall'8 Catarrh Our" II taken In' tern.lIy. . ,111 acto .lIruully on the blood nn < l mUCOl1i aurfacel. lIal1's CatArrh Guru 18 not a quock medl. cine , It wa , prescrlbcll by one ot the belt ph1llclan. In tbls country ror yoara and Is a rClular prolcrlptlon. It ra coml.OIed ot tbo bet tonlco known , Mmblned wltb be beet blood pnrl ors. acllnlt ( Ureclly on tbo muoou. lurt cM. Tbe pertect combination ot th , two InK1'e < llenu Is wbat produces 8uch , . onderul reo lulu 10 curlno : cat"rlh , Send for teotlll1onlAl8. tree. } .J. qllltNEY & CO..l'rops. , TOledo , 0 Bold by DrulrSJl8t. : prlcu 7 c. Take llaU' , 1'-101I,1'IIIS fur conltipatloD. A premature start often Indlcatos a promnturo finish. . . TO ( Jmm A ( JI.1) IN ONE DAY Tllko 1.AXATIVB UIIOMO QUlnlno Tn1Jlols. Dru plst8 rorund monuy It It flll1a to ( mro. E. W. U1l0Vl 'S sJi11l1turu Is on o cb box. 2jc. CHIRPS OF A CHERUB , When 11. man hoasts of his morality , shy off-somo o [ his screws are looso. I envy the wlfo of a great manj but my tears just spllsh.splnsh 0'101' the husband of 1grcat womnn. People who amount to anything don't have to throw continuous stream 01 : hot air on their ancestors. A woman who couldn't hIt n nnll on the head to save her lIfo has boon Imown to Imocle a mAn silly without even tryIng. Discretion Is the gang.planle of security. 11 : you Itlcle It away , don.t squeal If 'ou find ) 'ourself floundering In doeI ! water . The odltor of a newspaper , genor- aIly 'spenlttn . Is 11. moral man. 110- cnuso ho Is too busy and too tired to bo anything elso. Put 11. Ynlo lock on ) 'our llUrso and . your sympathies when a Cellow slnps you on the l1ucle and cnlls ) 'ou hIs best trlend. It's a touch.down. Woman , according to the crontlon story , always was mOrO perfect than man. Adam hnd II. rib pinched , but Eve got all that was coming to her. A man who nlWaY8 Is truthful when ' ' 110 tolls his wlfo that ho Is going to the clul1 should be 11\It In a glass caso. Dut-shl-If she bellovos him , don't , say 11. word. Many a man who I1rOISOS oITers a woman an old moth.elllen love with an unholy record at tlro-escnpes : but ho wnnts 11. brnndnew , trlplo.platod artlclo In return. THE EDITOR. Explains How to Keep Up Mental and Physical Vigor , A Now Jerse ) ' editor wrltos : "A long Indulgence In Improper toad brought on n cOIHlItion or ncrvous dyspepsln , nenrl ) ' three ) 'ears ngo , so severe thut I had to quit worle entire- ly. I put m'solt on n strict regImen of Grapo.Nuts tooll. with Illcnty ot out. door oxerclso and In a tow months found my stomach so far restored that the process of digestion gave mo pleasure Ins toad ot distress. "It also built up my strength DO that I was able to resume mr business , which Is onerous , as I not only edit my paper but also do a great denl ot 'outside' wrltln , "I find that the Grape-Nuts dlot en. abIes mo to wrlto with greater vigor than ever botore , and without the feel. Ing of brain fug with. which I used to bo troublod. As to bodll ) ' vlgor-I can and do walle miles 0'101' ) ' dny without faUgue-a few squares used to wenry me before I began to lIve on Grapo. Nutsl" Name glvon by Postum Co. , Dattlo Creole , Mich. Thero's a ronson. Road the IIttlo book , "Tho noad to . WeUvllle , " in ples. , k " , . " ' . ' j ' ; ; ' . ) , r , . , . : ' , . . . ' . . . . : . , - . . . . . . , " : " " ' - . . . . \ ! ' . , , 1 . . . ' . . . - I Great Simple Tunnel Now in Full Operation . . - . - , - - . . -ill" " " . . . ' _ ' , , - . _ . I Firat Train Through e Great Simpion Tunnel. The Simpion tunll01 Is now open tor traffic and Is in operation. The first train made 11. successful and unovent. ful trip through it. This Is the thlrll great tunnel through the AllIs , the two others being the St. Gothnrd nnll Mont Cenls. The Simplon Is the most exponslvo of nil nnd w11l have the most tramc. It w111 mnleo the jour- - MISSOURI ADDING TO WEALTH. R 1nks High aD Manufafturlng as Well as Agricultural State. For many years Missouri ranlted next to illinois und Iowa for corn acre- 'lgOj it toole high ranle ns n Crult nnd Nine producing state nmI was fourth 1n the list of American state ; In wlnc. IIssourl 'corn , Missouri apples and .wllssourJ grapes were admittedly ex- ollont products. Within five years , how over , the manufnctures of 1\1ls- mud have Increased 30 per cent. In plnco of corngrowlng , Il11t not to the neglect of thnt huluslry. Missouri has taken up mentIIlcldng ! , to the amoullt of $ GOOOOOOO last ) 'ear. Tobacco 'Ieldod $30,000,000 and mnlt liquors $25,000,000. The trade In boots and shoes In which St. Louis Is a formld- able rival or Dostoll , was $ ? 6.000,000 and In foundry I1nd mnchlno shop products , made profltablo thro gh the recent developmellt of MissourI's Iron , lead n.nd zinc mines , $20.000,000. In. stead or being a distinctively agrl. cultural state MissourI hns become one of the chief mnnufncturlng states of the country.-Now York Sun. BUSINESS METHODS ON FARM. i Agriculture No Longer Profitable Can. . ducted In Haphazard Way. Thousands of farmers In the more opulent agricultural regions ot the country still conduct their farms In a haphazarll way , but everywhere the advantage and necessity of the business - ness spirit are being' recognlzell. The west hns. been warned. for cxample , that the fertllIzor problem of the east and the south w11l have to be met be- i fore man ) ' decades unless the soils are put under better rotations and econ- CXilly of land is bolng prenched. It Is now generally accepted as' a truism that the boltor the business mnn the ongrlculturlst of to-day becomes , the more profltablo will be found thnt oc. cupatlon which once was doscrlbed by ' a Iccen , though not wholly'wlso farm- er. In the stntement that "farmln' ain't all Iwol1ln' boolts , by a long shot.H-Doslon GlobtJ. Milliners and Theater Men War. London thentrlcal managers view with concern this new wrlnlle of women wearlllg hats with full ress evening toilettes and thereby trans. porting what Is termed the "restaur- ant dress" to the stalls of plnYhouses. Nothing cnn Induce this elabo\ltely \ put together person to disturb th composition by re1111)vlng its crowning glory , her $50 hut. The great 111111lnel's are In lengllo with their patronesses and "creato" such e\'enlng millinery It Is sinful to nbandon It cven for an hour or so. It Is expectell thnt some slaves to the beautiful would oven sleep In their hats If they could. The London milliner nnd the London mnn- agel' are nt odds. It Is war to th Imlfo between them. Senator Good Judge or Character. Whllo seated nt luncheon with Sen. ntor Nixon of Nevada , Senator Ancle. eny of 'Washington , who hns been In the sennto three ) 'enrs , rOlnnrl\Cd that ho hnd been attending meetlllgs of the canal committee nnd had heen lIIuch Impressed with the nbllll ' " ) of "a short , . .mlOoth-taced young follow" who seemed to have S01ll0 sort of cOllnec. tlon with the commltteo. Snld 1\11' . Anclteny : "I bollevo that young Cel. low hns n fillo future. 1I0 Is worldng for the conlll1ltteo upparenlly und- wh ) ' , there ho Is now. " Senator Nixon glanced In the direction Indlcato1 ! and said : "Thnt Is Phllunder C. Knox , former attorney gelloral of the United States and now senntor from Ponn. sylvanln. " Music's Many Uses. It Is a reasonable Ilroposltion that music Intelligently administered w11l produce deflnlto results In (1I8easo treatment. It supplies a stlmulnnt , both ps'chlc und ph'slcnl. In molan. holla nnd Insnnlty music stlmlllates the attention centers , wltlulraws the attontlon Crom self nnd so elTects a cure. Tnlte the buslnesR man , so fugged thnt ho cnnnot control his nt. tentlon. Let music bo soUl ) ' and con. tlnuously pla'ed : his attention will bo centered , then tired and ; ' 0 w11l sleip UkQ a cblld.-Ne\V York Sun. . . " ' . ' " - ' , ' v ney 0'101' the mountains by the great monasteries unnecessary. Nnpolcon led his army into Italy ever the , sur- fnco of the ground under which the Simple runs. The Itnllans hnvo made arrangements to blow up the tunnel In the event cf war with Franco or Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I MARKING HISTORIC OLD TRAILS. Eastern Journal Praises Movement , Now Genor 11 In West. A movement Is spreading through the West which has for Its object the permanent murldng of the old trails along which the country was } lene. trated and crossed by ndventurers and emigrants- the period before the construction of railroads. This Is a highly praiseworthy undertaking nnd to the degree thnt the object Is faithfully - fully accomplished will bo 11. more noteworthy , contrlbullon to history them many of the boolts that are , tlO classed. Out In Kansns they have a "trail day , " \ hlch Is observed In the l\anSas public schools. This year the ay wus observed Inst month. The purpose of It Is to Instruct the chll. dren In the history of the old Santa' 1"e trail , with Its slgnlficanco In the growth of the west and through the interest thus aroused In the commu- nit ) ' to ralso money for marltlng the course of the trail which stretched Cor 400 miles across what Is now the state of Kansns when It was 11. wilder- ness.-Doston Herald ; FARMS AWAITING THE FARMER. Glorious Chance for the Suffering Residents of City Slums. All over the C1ountry. there are farms ci'lng for tilling nnd there nre few responses. The lure of the city has absorbed thousands of the best 'otl11g people of the ngrlcultural dis- trict. If no plan is round Cor leeoplng ) 'Oll11g men and women on the fnrms , then a Inrgo scheme of empt 'lng the clUes of their poor and helpless should be ovolved. It Is ono of the In. comprehensible phases of the situation - tion that , no matter 'how poor and suITerlng the average , famll ) ' of the city shuns may be. It prefers to suffer the mIseries of the tenements rather than go out In the country where h althflll employment awaits all and where the pure air will revive de- bllltnted bodies nnd the sunshine win back the feeble tides of lIfe.-Kansas City Journal. Goat Dairying Is Profitable. I hnvo of ton wonderQd why Engl1sh 'agrlculturnl laborers do not keep gants Cor the sale of the rich milk they ) ' 'ield. They cost very lItte ) to l\Oep. as goats w1l1 eat any Idnd of veg- etnble food , so long as It Is' clean and fresh. Wo learn from Woman that two Frenchwomen hnvo made a great success of goat farming ; ono , Mme. Comtesso do la Doullaye , especially I hns created In Drlttnny a large Indus. tr ) ' of butter and cheese making from th" 1I111k of her largo herd of goats. The butter Is such a del1cacy that she can hardly meet the demnnds for It , and Is just about to turn her prlvato enterpl'lso Into n company , so that means can bo taken to supply the qunntlty .requlred by the publlc.-Tho House Doautlful. Union Looked Upon as Ideal. The romantic career of the marquis of Gratam reached n climax when his engagement wns announced to L.'ldy Mary llammon , the richest heiress in England. Ho Is 27 , has been beCoro the mnst , has served on Lorll Dras. sey's ) 'acht , has worlell wnh the naval brlgado In South Africa. . and has been preRS censor at Capo Town. He Is ver ) ' good looldng , whllo his future brldo cnn best ho described as come- ly. She has $2.226,000 , ns well ns an nnnulty of $35,000 , whllo her estates nre worth $125.000 a year more. From a Scotch point of view a union of the hell' of 1\Iontroso (0 ( the only child of ! n tIulto of Hnmmon Is positively In. sl1lrlng and Ideal. Description of Waterspout. A scion list SU'S of a waterspout that passed ever 11. certain district In Fl'anco last summer : "Its pnssngo wns accompanied with a sound which Is descrlbotl as rosombllng thnt of a batter ) ' of artlllor ) ' drawn on the gnl , lop ovel' 11. paved street. At the buso ot nn extendell nimbus hung the re- \'ersed cone charncterlstlo of phenom. ena of this 1lnd. A strong wlnll was then blowing from the south.south. west. The wnterspout was preceded by 11. storm and followed by a show. cr. " , ' . . . . . " , " , . - . - . I \ . FORt.E CONDITIONS ON RUSSIA. - French Men of Money are Insisting on Reform. A feeling seems to bo growing In Franco that /lny / further toans o Rus. sin are out at the question-at any rate , till the new constitution has be. como a renllty. The grounds ot the ! Jellct are that fresh nllvances would go In unproductive expenditure , would enl ) ' encourage Hussln In her present ruinous system of finance , and would ( 'ndanger the nine milliards nlrendY lont. In the Auroro 1\1. Clemenceau vigorously enforces this , 'Iew. France hnd gnlned nothing from the Husslnn nlllance except the "duty of providing for all the follies of absolutism In n state of delirium. " To Increase her Invested cnpltal wouM be mor'ly flinging good money aCter bad. At the same 'lime , We may no to the rumor pUblished by 0 the Gll Dlas that at a meeting of the chief Pnrlslnn Unan. clers It was resolved to lend the enol' . mous slim of two mllllnrds ( :1:80,000 : : , . 000) ) upon certain conditions , of which the more hnportant are that the Dou- ma should he assembled nt once , that , t should bo n real Parliament. repre- sonllng the nallon and controlling the finances. nnd that It should formally recognlzo the foreign debts of nussla. This stor ) ' may bo true , but It points a least to a general Intention not to lend an ' funds which can bo used to buttress the autocrac ) ' , and to demand for any loans 11. popular control and guarnntee.-London Spectator. CAUSE OF EUROPEAN SQUABBLE. , ' Map Showing Boundary Between Mo , rocco and Algeria. THE CURSE OF SHIFTLESSNESS. Unfortunate Indeed Is the Man Under Its Control , Whether shiftlessness Is II. vice that Is Incurable or a habit that can be overcome It Is , anyhow , a. . condition that perplexes and irritates relieving officials. Shlftlossness Is paying one's Inst 50 cents for a circus ticket without - out learning where to-morrow's breakfast - fast Is coming from. It is 11. refusal to repair the leak In the roof when the sun shines. It is IdllIng the geese that Inys the golden eggs. It talccs no thought of the morrow. It never lays up anything for a rainy day. It always Ignores opportunities. It prefers - fers to rely on neighborhood bounty to hustling Itself. It won't worle ex. cept under the pressure of necesslty. It never gets ahead.- Hartford ( Conn. ) Times. Looking Far Into the Future. A sarcastic friend of Senator Bailey called upon him In Washington a few days ago having with his bright little s n. "You should try to get your boy appointed to West Point or Annapolis - lis , " said the senator. "Oh , no , " saId his friend , "we have got something better than that for him , HIs ambl. tlon Is'to build the Panama canal. Ho will have two yenrs more In the preparatory school , then four on civil engineering and possibly twp -ear8 In the field under some good engineer nnd then I want him to get to worlt on the canal. He may bo the mnn whc , Is to be at the head of that great enterprise terpriso and really construct It. " Senatorial Repartee. Ex.Senator W'flliam E. Chandler of New Hampshire was ono day ques. tlonlng Senntor Tillman very closely whllo the latter was malting ono 01 these Impassioned speeches In the senate which mnde him famous In cnrlcatures as the senntor with the pltchCorlt. Artor Tillman hnd been Intorl'upted sovernl times he became \'ery much anno'ed nnd blurted out : "Why , 111) ' friend rattles nround in his seat over there 111(0 11. disturbed grass. hopper. " "nut a pitchfork never hits a grasshopper , " wus the qulcle rep ! ) ' from Senator Chnndlor. Was Determined to Marry Freak. The widow of a substantial War saw ( Polnnd ) tradesman tell In 10\1 ! with a living sl\Oleton. on exhlblt10n at 11. booth , nnd Induced him to visll her nt her house. Hero she declared her pnsslon , and UIJon Its meeting with but cold response she solzed the wretched freak nnd , hnvlng gagged him , placell him In a Inrgo bet , pro cured to meet the emergency , en. closed whoreln she lind him rapidly drlvcn to 11. villa owned by lier In the suburbs , and there leept him prlsontJr IInUl hlIlree" to her proposal , Monopoly of Chinchilla Skins , ConsUl Mansficlrl of Valparals ( ) writes thnt chlnch1l1n skins , muc ) ) prized and hlg IY valued In the Unltel ) States , England and Europon.n countries - tries , because at their beautiful color nnd the IIno qunllty of fur , 111'0 a. prod. \let of Bolivia nnd Ch11l only. , Ho who Is In a hurry to bo wlso Ii- apt to succeed 111 bolng foolish. Habit-forming l\lcdfcines Whatonr may bo the fnct. ns to many. of the so-cnIleli patent. me lclnos con , t.lnlug Injurious lugrc lents as broad I ) publ13hO III some jOurliuls of more 01 leu inlIll nee , t.h ! . . , publicity lias ccrtalnl , . been of grel\t. Inter"lt ! In I\roulln : ; nCdde J . at.tcntlon to thIs subject. . It. has1 III a . . 1 . consld rablo mO l.suro . , ro.culte ill tll , most. Intolllgent. people avohllug suel1 foods a.nlmedlnes AS 1MY bo fairly suspected - I pected of contnlulng the InjurIous ingro- , dlonts complnlnod of. UocoglllzInq t.hls. fact. some 1.lmo ngo , Dr. Plorce , of BUffalo , . N. Y. , "took tlmo by the forelock , " as 11. ' were , I\nd Il\Ibl ho broadcast nU tho. IngrOdlents of uhlch bls popullr mclll- . , cines nro composoo. Thus ho has com- , plo1.ely . forestalled aU burping critics nnd . all opposItion that. might othorwlso bo- ' . urged a'gailist. h medlclnos , because they , ' . are now OJ' KICOWf OOWI'O ITtOf. 1"u1'- thonnoro , from the formula p1'1ntod on I . eTery botUo wrnppol. ' , U wlll b SOOI1 1"u1'i ) . i the90 mc lclno8 contain no alcohol o . o'hor hablt-tol.1J I1g ntgs. Nolthol. ' do , they eontl\ln AUY l1al.'coUcs or Injurious ' agonht 1.huLr . Ingl.'odionts bolng puroI ) ' J : vogotaDle , extrac'ed from the roots or mc lclnal plan's found growing in the . depths at our .American forest.s and or ( well rocoguboi aura\ln TlrtU 9. , o..i"- In&t.oud of alcohol , which 8Ton In sml\ll portions Ion ! : eon Ul1ued , as 111 obstillatO' ' ' cases of dbo 50S , bocomee highly objoo- Uonablo from ita tQndoucy to produce B- craving for stlmulaab , Dr. Ploreo employs - ploys obemically pure triplo-rufincd ( ; 11corino , whloh of itaoU Is n vl\IuabIO' ' remoo'11n ' many casas at chronlo diseases , bolng a Duporior domulcent. , antisoptio , antltonnont and stlppor lng nutrItive. It. enhanooD the curat1TO nctlon of th/ ) : Golden Bool root , Stou root , Dlack ' I 'Chorrybarlc and Bloodroot , contained in 0 "GQlden l'.1 : dlcnl Dlsconry , " in all bron. . chi aI , thl.'o t aud lung atractions attended with SOToro coughs. . .As wlU bo seen from I the writings of th.u emlnont Drs. Grove I . Coo , at Now York ; Dartholow , of JolTor- son Medlc.\1 CoIlCKO , PhIln. : Scuddor , or Clnclnnnti ; EIUugwood , of Chicago' . Halo , of Chicago , and others , who stand as leaders In their sovcl.'al schooIB or practice , the toregoiug altents are tha vrll best IngredIents that DI. ' . Plerct ) could have chosen to make up his famous - mous "DIscovery" for the CI11'O of not ; . . ' only brouchlal , throat and Iunl ; affcc- ' tlon8 , but a.1s0 of chronio cat.arrh in aU Its various orms whereTer lncato . , t MAKES BEAUTY Among the Indies no other medl. . cine has ever had so strong a following - lowing , because , exccptint ; pure 1 air nd cxL'1'cise , it is the sonrce of ) more beautiful complexions than J any.other agency , as .j ) Lane's Family ' " , 1 Medicine : the tonlc-laxativc. It puts pure I :1 blood in the veins , and no woman ' can be homely when the rich , red blood of health courses in her veins. . Sold by all dealers at : :5C. : and Soc. . t 1'4' tft ' 11\ r.-w . . . . . . . . HOLD UP ! and onsicler- : " . THE . POMMEL I IkI.s SLICKER , LIKE : A\.L " ' ATERrROOf 't ! lis f . . . . Cl1JTHING. i - lsm dt of Ihl' best lIIderi ! in L1ckorJdlow - 1 . _ ) tu1r il4ran ! < < nd sold b' I 101mllg : tthd t dtdltr $ l'Vtl'J\l'heT . I iI1 STICK10THE 1 I " suaOfTHE ftSH 'TOWlJI CANADIIoICo.LIltm. AJTOWU co. 1 1I ; : N'M' : : ti ,0 I Bac.kache - ! , gives-woman some of her most miserable and wretched hours. Along with the backache , generally - ' . , ally come headache , waist pain , fall1ng feelings , Irritability , nervousness - ousness and the blues , Have you these periodical troubles ? If so , you may know that they , . are due to disease of some of the most Important organs of your body , organs that should get help or , In time , thro gh weakness , will wreck your health and life. Help them to health with . E CARGUI ' . ' WOMAN'S RELIEf Says , Mrs. nlaocho E. Stephanou , of 1228 S. 4Znd Ave. , Chicago , "I suffered - fered miserably for five (5) years . 1 wlUl a constant pain In my badt and : right side Itnd although my husband ' employed several of the best doctors In this great city I not 000 could gIve me reller. At last I took Wine of Cardul , which relieved my pain , prevented - vented an operation nnd restored me . ' to health. " It Is a wonderful Cura- \ . live medicine for nil womens' 1115 , ; , Try It. C J . At all Druggists $1.00 i PIT & PITlESS SCALES. Per St eJ . . mill \\'ootl lIrnmes , $25 nnt ! up. \\'rite : ' f. I - ' : ' - us b rorc ) ' 011111I ) ' . 'Ve t\.1\'e you _ _ "mone ) ' . Atso 1'lImps nnt ! WltI" : Mills. BECKMAN BROS. , Des Molnn , l oIa. . 'V. N. U. , Olllnhn. No. 11-.100a .