oo\IJ\ \ ) tU.\1I lUl L\btt\tlau \ . . J \ . . ; lUSTER COUNTY EP : BLIC N. , 'EST4BLISIIED 1882. TIlE OFFICIAL PAPEH OF CUSTER COUN'l'Y. LARGEST CIl CULATION OF ANY PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. . - ' . , . ) VOL. , XXIV. I BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , MARCH 22 , 1906..EIGHT PAGES. NO. 41..i ' " - - - - - - - - it . WUEN OUSTAHT U . out 10 bllY slh'crwarn ) ' 011 Rhollld re. . . mcmbcr that It 1'1 a jllllrte , that ) ' 011 X takn but IIlIce h. a Ilfetlruc. I'hat Illdi. X . catcR IIIW 1I1II10rl llll th. . occ lsllIlI Is. ' " flllll fllr that ren\OIl ) 'IIU RheuM be Rlow makllll ) 'ollr " cI I\JIls. We look t ' cnro to ha" . ! ollr .lcshll1M I1I'W. all.1 . we .H' ' S call aRsllro YOII before YOII call that thcre ' " . , f"1 . .11' 110 chalice IIf YOl1r ! lolliI ! ' I"tra ) ' II ) ' : \ . 1 , IleUll1llllR MIII'\1I ) ' YOllr Slherw lfOl1eed. . . At Ica't mall\ ! liRa " , , , It. 9 8 . . S ! ( J'I'I' _ ' - . . - - _ _ . _ _ . _ -1.1 , ' ' -'I'-I' _ . , _ _ . . , _ , _ .iJ _ . , , . , _ . , ' ' , , , , Dr. Ch ristensen treats Eye , Ear , Nose , 'l'hroat , Catarrh and Chronic diseases. l Glasses fitted accurately and satisfaction guaranteed. Ofiice . in Healty Block , Bro e _ BoJ r The Advo Cash Grocery J . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' A Hi h Grade Caro- ! scn n a Specialty. , . Brigh tI iI Safel ! 'fc INo Smcl1l1l. . .e I No Smot { ( 111 ! . ( . Call at the store and get a coupon goon for ' half I gallon. rry a . ( 1' can a t t : _ _ ' , Our cau goods arc al1 labelcd "Ad\'o Extra.- . the best thc market af- fords. Wc have a. finc line or'Staple and Fancy . Groceries. Call.atld see u I , ? I Try- The R publican for PRINTING. - - - - - - - . . - - - - . . . : aTOTJCE : : : ! _ . -s _ _ - .Tohn Deere Listers and Cultivators. David Bradley Listers and Cultivators. fhuttel' : ; , : Moline , Staughton and , \linona . . WAGONS AND : BUctGI S at manufacturers price , net.r.l'hese are up-to-date . . . ' : goods. . Also have a car of . , Canton Planters , Disc's , Listers , etc. A complete stock of Harnes , Furn ure. Dishes , . Hard ware and all kinds of Grass Seeds. Call at myoId stand , north side of sq .are. Grec > : i.11 . . . . ng : . - - \ \ . Going to Paint ? t Then use , , . THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT ' : ; , _ _ _ _ 'UD TO I'AINT UILDING WITH OUTIDE AND INIDE and you'll get satisfaction. ' 7 . j It's the best protection ' : . . you can give your house. , ' . , ( . . . It's made from pure white ' lead , pure zinc white , and pure I : i lin < jeed oil. : { It does not powder , flake off , . or crack. , Jt It forms a tough , durable film o' , . that wears and looks well for the longest time. _ It's colors are clear , bright and lasting. ; . " It costs less by the job than any other pnint made. ' The full color 'card shows 48 . U handsome shadcs. S. . W. ] > . j ; ; ( ' : , put up fu//meas/lre , always , ; , 'S. R.GOLLE1E. : : , ; \ i I I I . - , HARRY rMBALL. , , . l ROCKWELl" & KONKEr" . S ucc e ssor t 0 : } ( I and GEO. WILLING , , Embalmer and Funeral Dir'ector , NORTH SIDE , BI OKEN BOW , NgB. . . . . . . Business phonc , 301. Hesidcnca phone , 227.I. . - ' ' . , - I - - - . : * * * * * $ * * * . ' J 'I ; . ' . , BOWMAN & ANDERSON. ! I' I'u are d alers in Beal Estate of al ! ldnd . \'i WE .We w111 buy or sell. Don't fall to see us before you buy or sell. We can do you good. Collections made . .nd . insurance - I . ance written. Farms rcnted and taxes paid. Sec , us for farm loans. Come in' and see U : > . ' ' 'l < J , BOWMAN & ANDERSO . ! 'I , ' 1- : . . . . , Proceedinfs of Supervisors i The County Fdthcrs Met Lost Week and Transacted Business Galore , Pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 1C1 , 190C" thc County Board of Supervis rs of Custer County , Nebraska , met in regular adjourned - ed session at the court hou2e at , I ) 3 : . m. and were called to order by thechairman , , J.fr. . Arthur. 'l'h fol1owing members anI I swerd to roll call : District No. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. 'I" Arthur. " 2. . . . . . . . . .Geo. Greenwalt. " 3..G. II. Thorpe. " 4. . . . . . . . . . . .Jos. Fiu tnore. " 5. . . .1. . .11. H. Schneriuger. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. lfonda. " 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dcn 1' . l\lorris. # i(1Utes'-of Jau. ( " read and approved. . Mr. Greenwalt rose to a point ! of privelegc and requested that he be allowed to retalU his scat as a member of tba Board till noon of March 19 , 1906 , .in order that he might bc able to finish itp somc committee work and that Mr. Welch be notified to appear at that time and assume the duties of the ofiicc of Supervisor - visor of District .No. 2. Moved and carried that the request be granted. The committee on official bonds reported as follows : We recommcnd tbat the follow- in bonds be approved : John T. 'Vood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hellllter of D edl' . Geo. E. Porter. . . . . . . De"ty HelClRtcr of Dec.ls. Also the following bo'nds of township officers : \\'m. ' 1''ROI1. TreaRllrer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jell ht ' 1" " . ( C. 1\1. ChriRtenROII. ' .l'reaSllrer. , . .1 lk Creek II JIIIlIIROttllll , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II \ \ ' . L. Cox. l'Jcrk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gralll II . . G. 10' . ChriRt ) . . CI rk : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LUIl1I E. G. llllrrowR. Clcrk. . . . . . . . . . . . : .Alirernoll II Lewl-l ! Klrn\erlhill. \ JU8tlco of the . Peace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AI nohl . . . . Alex Halchel. COIIRtahle. . . . . . . . . . . .Lilliall. . . I John S. Smith. COllstable. . . . . . . . . .DelllCht. Also thc following road over- I seer' : ; bonds : c. A. \ 11111111'0'000'DIRt. ' . No. ll. . . . . . n. n. 'f'II.\ \ c. V. I'rahkllll. Dist. No.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . n. B. ' G. 'J' . Hob11l801l. Dist. NO.IJ..B. B. . " . I.I. ! . AttlR\erry. \ HI..t. No. I. . . . . . . . . AnRley . . . . I Simoll UllllloDiRt. . No.2. . . . . . . . . . . . l ' l'n J. . . . . . . . . . ! . ) , } : : : : , : : . . . . . . . . . . " b. C. Spooller . . . . 1. .UolI.la. . Cto. . I . . . . . . A. ( ) ollal1uo J. . . . . ' . . II. . . . . . . . 1' : II. CaRe . . . , ! \Vo..tervillo . . LewlRl'rl'sloll 2.VoIIII Rlvcr I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JolllI Co ler . . . . 2. .Iarliehl < : , \ \ ' . Ihlll'an 2. . . . . .A 1 1l1'1'1i II II" Also the following gencral I bonds. , I'lIrCI.\I \ Bnll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r Stillulanl IIrilillC lum pailI' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JollII 1'1 rnle. . , ' ' , . . , . . . . . . . . . G" " : ; ri ; l ; " .1 H. B. Schneringer , } eom. Geo. Greenwalt. It was moved and carried that the report he accepted and adopted - opted Bridge commit'ce reported as follows : Wc reC0l111 1end that the claim of the tan < lard Bridge Company for : ; ; 1 , 134.H3 be allowed. Ben P. Morris ) 1 A.on ' < 1a , ( Com. Jo . Finimore. J ' It was move < 1 an < l carried that that the report he accepted and adopted. It was moved and carried to adjon rn till 1 :30 : p. m , AII'rHHNOON SHSSION. , Boar/l met at 1:30 : p , m. Same members present as in forenoon. Supervisor Morris rcported that hc had sold old lumber to the amount of $2.00 and had turned the money over to the County Treasurer whose receipt he filed with the County Clerk. ' } 'he following requisition of the Register of Deeds was read by the Clerk. 1'0 the IIon. Bonn ! of Supervisors. Gentlemen-I : , J. T. Wood , Register of Deeds of Custer Count ) . , Nebraska'do respectfully Ask : That I be allowed one Deputy at a salary of One Thousand Dollars per year , and one Clerk At Fifty Dollars per month , sa lI clerk to have had Six ' or more mouths experience , nnd other' necessary c1erk hire to keep 'Ill ) work of office at 110rty Dollars per tt10ntl to he pa ll out of fees of the office. Yours Respt. . J. T. Woon , Register of Deeds. Moved and carried that the requisition bc granted , The appointment f Geo. Ji ) . Porter as Depnty Register of Deeds was read LS follows : To the lIon. Bonnl of Snpervlsors. Gentleltwn-I : , J. T. Wood , Register of DecIls of Cnster County , Nebraska , I erehy appoint Geo. H. Porter. Deputy Register of Deeds , reserving the right to unnul said appointment at any time. . Yours Respt. , J. T. WOOD , Register of Deeds. I It was moved and carried that t 1 the appointment be confirmed. I The fol1owlU" " communication was read by the Clerl < : ' 1'0 lIon. Board of Supervisors : Gentlemen-I : , J. 'I' . Wood , negistcr of Dceds of Custer County , Nebraska , do r spcclfully ask your lIon. Hody to have committee investigate the necessity of transcribing Range No. : :1. 'I'his numcr- leal hlltex is in vcry bnel shapealltl if ) 'OU dcelft it necessary you gh'e instructions to ordcr two Blank Range records and lhnt this ol1ice be allowetl clerk hire to transcribe same anll same to be puM out of the general fnnd. Yours . Respt. , J. ' 1' . WOO ) ) , Register of Dceds. Movec } and carried that there : bc a committee of three appointed - ed to invegtigate thc records and 'report back to this board. Chair appointCd ! as snch committee - mittee : Supervisors Greenwalt , 'l'horpe and Finimore. Mo\'ed and carried to adjourn till 9 a. m. tomorrow. WUDNUSDW , MAHCH 14 , 1906. Board m t at ' ) a. m. 'l'hc following - lowing members answered to roll call : bist. No. 1..J. T. Arthur. \ . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenwalt. \I 3..G. II. Thorpc. " 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jos : Fin tnore. " 5. . . . . . . . . . II. n. Schneringer. . . 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. llonda. I. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . P.l\lorris , Minutes of yesterday rcad and approved. A petition for the incorporation - tion of the village of" Comstock and also for the appointmcnt of a Village Board was read as follows : To the Honorable Boarll of Supervisors oC CustCI' COU1I y Nebra ka. . We , the undersigned , belll legal vot. ers of Custer County , Nebraska , aud resident - ident freeholders in the village ofl Comstock - stock in said county of Custer au < l stute of Nebraska , would respectfully petition your honorabl ; ) hOlly that the following Ilescribcd tract mav he dcclared hy' you to be an incorporated village , to-Wit : Comlllcilcin on the east hank of the Middlc I.oup River at a point on the section line between sections 2 1U1Il II , township 18 , in Custer County , Nebras- kaj thence east on sa ill section line hc- tween the southeast quartcr of said section - tion 2 , ami the northeast quarter of said section 1 I , marked hy a stone , heiug the one.eight section cornerj thence north from said one. eight lIection corner-stone to a uoint on the half scction linc of said s cti n 2 produccI } cast anti west ; thence west"on said half.section line so produced ea..t and west to thc east bank of thc Midllle Loup River ; thence south anll along the east hank of said "l ddle Loul R \'cr to the of beginninf { , which- said discribcl \ tract now contallls the original - iginal town of Comstock according t the recorded plat thereof now on file in the o/JIce / of the Hegister of Deeds of Custcr County Itt IIroken 1I0w , Nehrusku , lHlull additions to said original town. That said trnct herein lJ'fore describcd tlta , ' bc known aud designatell "Village of Comstock. " . . We also respectfully represent thnt that there are 200 or more inhabitants who actually rcside within thc aho\'c aud foregoing descrihell tract. . J. H. Hvuus W. N. Stcvens R. W. ShatTer S. T. Stevcns \VIII. 1\1. Stc\'ens I. A. Dunhar W. II. Dunhar W. R. Comstock D. W. Comstock IIrank'I' . Johnson O. S. Fretz B. B. Bnngs II. C. Dwork John II. Westcott n. II. Wheelcr 'ItI'ers ! I. 1' . Kelley Normal J. Himes John Johnston 1\1. W. ClevelnlHI JasIatheson ! Jalllcs Himes J. H. Prest Mrs. 1\1. C.WS 8. A. Rock Gel ) . W. Steele : \in : . Pr u'lIIun 'l'holllas S. Jackson C. R. Stone Oscar R. Roml Pttcr Petcrson Hlins Clevelimd Jos. Adams , Sr. R. Ievine Harry . Granger 1\1. H. ShatTer Gco. Hatch . A. Preltymnn A. II. Gan't-r Wm. II. Kates D. O. BrowlI W. II. Clevelallli C. W. Preltymun IIrnnk 1. < :11I011 I. S. IIret A. H. IIrelt. J. H. Matheson Mrs. If. II. Clcveland J. G. Bills J. B. Talllllan J. B. Adallls Allcn I , . Adallls Comstcck , Neh. , March 13 , 'O . 1'0 thc lIon. 1I0ard of Supervisonl. We would petition your Honorahle 1I0dy to appoint the followin namel } gentlemen as the Village Hoard for th ( ' 'fown of Comstock-E. : Myers , George Steele , J. E. Evans , William Dunhar and Thomas S. Jackson. Yours truly , Irank II. Johnson J. E. Prest I. . A. Petet S. A. Rock W. N. Stevens S. T. Stcvens C. R. Slone. H was moved and carried that the chair appoint a committee of three to investigate as to whether - ther the law relative to the incor.- poration of villages has been complied with. Chair appointed as such committee - mittee : Supersors Schneringer , Greenw lt and l"onda. We , ) 'our COJllIuittoo , 'lppointod to iuvestigate petition to il'corporate Village of Comfitock. aud the np' pointment. r fa villugu Board , respoct- fl1l1 ' liubmit the tollowing report : Wo have carofqlly conliidor ed the potitionli nd evidence in the CI\BO uut ! rOt'olmnenc1 the pe- itionR be grantod. H. B. ' " A. 'chneringC1"l Com. Goo. Greenwnlt , It war l1o\'e ( aud ql'ried that the I ( CulI\llIlIe \ UJI I'ollrth I.all'el . : : ' Sunshine I Havc you used it ? Yon willl1cvor he sntisficd till you do. . . . . . . . . . . , \Thy not put a little " Sunshin ' : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .in your homo ? " . : ' ; J. S. J1 J. F. BAISCH' DHUGGISrrs. BROICEN BO'tV , - - - , . . . . . I . 'tt't""t'1t't'lttt'tt"tttttt1't"t'tt"t"t"t"'t1t"tt'tt't"t" ' ' " " ' ' ' ' " ' " ' " " " " " ' " ' ' . " " ' - ' - - - Follow me ! , - - - - I : , " . . I'm bound for . I - - I Shepp rd : " Burk'i { - ; - ; : : With a bran new , up-to.date liue of , : - : : = - : : : : : nd GROCERIE ' Staple Fancy , - _ : : : : : : ew- : = - They are clean , fresh and palatablc. - : : : : : E We handle only the best the market affords. : : : : : : : : : : Highest prices paid for butter and eggs. = = E Call and see this new store. - : : : : - - = - Phone No. 1-2-5. : : : - - South Side Square. Brohen : ov , Neb. f \ : fil1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 ! ! ' ! . - - : ' " - - - - - r JrJJ H"SY3PA : : ; N : . T.PHOPRIETOR' ' ' 'J. v . ' &R. & 's f : 1 1 ! . Ii I. II f. LIVERY an.d ; I . ' . . ' . h , , ' , ; , ' : : FEED BARN I ft : E EAS'l' Oli'GLOBE Il01'EL. . 6 R . RelllOllclcll ntlll repaired throughout. GooIII'ery rigs at reasonahle rates. ' s " Accolllolnliou ( for callie mill range horscs. lIay at noon ) 10 ccntsj a11 dl\y \ , 0 . 15 centsj over night ) 35 ccnts. Culluml scc me. OO' ' : Q" "or.r.rJ".JOf.O " : : : . : o".JOf. : o = . . "qr./"Q' " . & ( . . . - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - . . - : tt ffii1i 1Il I 1 : Before You Build , Consult ! Cec > . : lapin.ea-u. : , Contractor and Buil : .tar. EstimateH 1l'urnishec1 free with plansanc1 specificationH. . . . . I \ ! IM\ ! ! \ I.I \ 'r ! I-.II.lliW.L\ \ I 1\ 1 I = ' r = - r = r = r : = r : r = r = _ _ _ _ .l.i ) ( \ : . , - - - - - - - . - " Fresh . and 'BriEht' . Hulled Pecans , English Walnut's and Almonds are a great relish , also Craclred Pecans in I-pound paclages. We also have in stock : No.1 English 'tValnuts , pel' pound , - - 20cts No.1 Pecans , 131'ge fancy , pel' pound , - - 20cts No. 1 Bra i1s , largo fancy , pet' pound , - 20cts No.1 Almonds , soft shell , pCI' pound , - - 20cts No.1 Wilberts ' ' 20cts , pel' ponnd , - - - No.1 Peanuts , fl'esh roash'd , pCI' IHH1JHI , - 15cts No.1 Peanuts salted ' 20cts , , pel' ppund , - - G lace Cherries , pCI' package' , - - - 15cts Glacc Pineapple , pel' pound , - - - 40ets Sweet-mcated Cocoanuts-the "nlonkey Bmud. " These goods Hre all high gl'a < le and 1905 growth. J. .0. BOWEN' . . . . ' 1-lIrc Old TRADI c.o r VIIICllar nROKI North N BOW Shle , NEHR. . MARK - \ . ,