Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 15, 1906, Image 1

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    . .
. \\J.I\t\ . 1 I -.ou\o\1 . \ . ,
! rI
\ . ' lUSTER lJOUNTY . EPUELICAN. . . . '
. , . . .
. - . , , , ,
. f
, :
; ; ; ; - -
N NowadaYR thall c\'cr hefore. r-'o dOllbt
. of It. l'elllle 118C11 tll thlLk that tht !
I R. wearlllir of gta88es sholl"t he pili ofT aR R
l1 ton It aR l'OQ8tbtl' . ' .
o 'Ve knuw t > lttr.r ! IInW. " 'e apptye\'cr ) ' li
kllOWII alCellC ) ' fur thc relle ! a 1111 cure of 0
o e'c wcakllcss , allli there are methodR III { }
COIIIIIIOII IIqe Io-da ) ' which werell't heant 0
o uf c"ell tell year8 all'o. { }
{ } Now we COllllllence lu rhlht C'CRhIht t.l
{ } just as 8UOII aR It begin" I ICO II'rulllt. { }
, Now Retloot ehlhlrell b ) ' the hUllltre" 0
N wt'ar t IllaRseR. Alldlt's wlHe allli proper , R
Let UB tell ) ' 011 what flhal' " ) 'our.eyeR R
are III.
. 8
, ' f' \ . . (
f : J- ! R
. S
' 1'
Qy : O : .II. : O :
\ I am presnred to launder I.ace curtains
on etretchcrs. Satisfactiou guaranteed.
Your patronoge solicited.
I Mrs. Mattie Papineau.
, Qne block east of Rycrson's store.
I . ,
- ,
- - - - -
The Advo
Cash Grocery !
High Grade Caro-
. sene Oil a Specialt ) ' . -
. Brigh tI 1\\
Safel !
No Smell II !
No SinokellI !
I Call at the store 'and
get a coupon good for
half gallon. Tr ) ' a '
can and be convinced.
" "
. . , ! W
Our can goods arc all
labeled "Advo Extra- :
I . the best the market af-
fords. We have a fine
' . 1ine of .Staple and I ancy
Groceries. Call and see us
' ( j , .
, : : ; ' < t"7 _
: ; . . ' " "
T ? .I.'fTh" T ( : tY ?
Try The Republican for
. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; --w
: , 1VOTJCE : : : : ! -
John Deere" Listers and Onltiva tors.
I David Bradley Listers and Oulti vators.
\ , Shutter , : Moline , Staughton I and 'Vinono.
\ : :
at man , n L es o
\ goods. Also have a car of
! Canton Planters , Disc's , Listers , etc. I
! , i
, A complete stock of .
I i
Harnes : " FurnHure , Dishes , Bard ware . .
\ and all kinds of Grass Seeds.
; Call at myoId , stand , n rth , side of square. .
-vtTi11in.g. : .
Going to Paint ?
Then use
. . . .
; and you'll get satisfaction. , _ -
} It's. the best protection
I you can give your house.
. . : , ; . It's made from pure white ,
r lead , pure zinc white , and pure
linseed oil. '
. . It does not powder , flake off
or crack.
It , forms a tough , durable film
that wears and looks well for the
. " longest time.
It's colors are clear , bright and
It costs less by the job than any
other paint made.
. The full color card shows 48
( . handsome shades. S. . W. P. 3
\ put up jU//lIIeasure , always.
i s..SOLLEB. : : . .
1 I
I . .
S uc ce ss or t 0
' . ' ( f and GEO. WILT ING ,
: Embalmer and Funeral Director ,
/ Business phone , 301. Residence phone , 227.
-I 1-
. , * * * * * * *
arc dealers in Beal Estate of allldnd . ,
WE We will buy or sell. Don't fail to see ' ,
us b e f ore 'you bu ) ' " or sell. We can (10 .
. JOu good. l'ollectio\t ! , made an l insurance -
ance wntten. Farms rented and taxes pa1d. See " ,
us for farm loans. Come in and see us , .
. .
. f..H , . ,
Catalogue Houses Prevent Development
- - - - -
- - - -
. .
And Tend to Centralization of Trade to the Large CIties
to the Detriment of Towns and Country Alike.
How it Can be Prevented and the Merchants , CItizens i
and Farmers Greatly Benefitted Thereby.
_ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ .
The catalogue house is a modern -
ern device of trade , the motto
of which might aptly be : "Heads
I win ; tails vou lose , " and the
process of op ration a sort of cat
in the bag trade , or a "swap unseen -
seen , " so far as the consumer is
' 1'he cal.alogue house occupies
a citadel of securit.r froUl which
radiates a system of tenticles
'reaching ' int the heart of every
o tllnunity , and a counter system
of well greased skids along which
glides to their coffers the wealth
of the land. There is a deft ingenuity -
genuity in the system which retains -
tains every advantag-e for the
house and gives nothing in return -
turn until the last penny of the
purchase price is yielded up by the
fanner. 'l'he accumulation of
pre-payment , .thus artfully exacted -
ed , looks like the inception of nether -
other Tontine insurance scheme ,
which , if developed unchecked ;
may some day invite another uprising -
rising of the people nd at least
furnish fame for a Moses , a
I oosevelt or a Lawson.
The theory of the cataloguer's
system , if carried to its logical
conclusion , means a stop to communal -
munal developments , a centrali-
zation and a monopoly , compared
with which the beef trust is a
roadside' lemonade stand. It
means the extinction of country
merchants and the obliteration
of inland distributing centers.
With the country merchant and I
kindred industries the villages I
. and towns d windle and disappear !
nd the country at large finall.r ;
resolves itself into a system of
one great center of supply on the I
one hand and an unbroken expanse -
panse of agriculture on the other , I
With the innumerable small
commercial centers must also go .
the ready facilities that mal ;
suburban life endurable-the docI I I
tor , the lawyer anti all of the I
profc5bions that cater to the con" r 4
venience and happiness of the c
communities-all drawn to the J 1
one congested vortex of strenuous - I
ous life and leaving the balance c
of the countrJ to the lonliness of
toil to enrich the one great octu.
pus of city life. ' 1'hiS condition ,
attained and monopoly is ripe for (
its final stroke that makes all 1
commerce the servitor of the ,
trust for which peoples and governments -
ernments must exist only as
feeders. 'rhus in theory the i
catalogue house commences a i
long stride toward universal (
trustificat1On , a condition which (
some poli tical economists say i 1
ideal , but against which all intelligent - I
telligent humanity struggles
aghast , Imowing that the price
is the extinction of the last atom I
of individuality , reducing all 4
men to a single Ultlt as co he sic' :
and indistinguishable as a mass
of dough. 'l'his view , even if
drawn with broad strokes , is yet
the final1ty of the catalogue
house ,
'l'here is no class who rebel
against monopoly , centralir.ed
power and trustification more
than the farmer. and yet their response -
sponse to the sap.sucking tenti-
des of the catalogue houses do
much to transfer the wealth of I
the country to the great centers. I
'l'hey are sapping the life of
home commerce , which is the
basis of social and industrial development -
velopment ; the first of which
makes life orth living and the I
second provides the ahundant I
t.ueans ot it. The ) ' arc destroy- i
lng that touch-stone of progress
-credit-without which the
great west wonld be } 'ct a wilder-
ness. .
Under the cataloguers' regime I
it would rl'quire ten times the
money now in use to carryon the
exchanges of commerce and by
the difficulty of its procurement ,
to that extent retard the development -
opment of the country.
'l'he country merchant and all I
he stands for represents a theory
directly opposite to that of the
catalogue house. He represents '
the greatest axioms of political I'
econotU } ' in bringing the produ- !
- - - - -
cer and consumer into closer
touch. He represents the idea
of the completeness of communal -
nal organization and thus the
ideal society with the most varied -
ied happiness of tife.
'l'he country merchant , by the
beneficience of wide-spread cred-
it. furnishes millions of capital
that has turned the desert to a
garden and n any a poor man
from poverty to opulence. II1
gives the choice of selection on
the spot , the advantage of which ,
in economy and effective results ,
few consider. He stands as a
visible guarantee of his goods
which is an everlasting incentive
to the highest standard of qual-
ity. And finally , when the qual-
1ty of the goods , the variety presented -
sented to view , the choice of se-
llection , the quickness of delivery
and the inestimable value of
credit when needed and the saving -
ing of freight arc all considered ,
he lays the goods in the farmers'
hands at less cost than any catalogue -
log-ue house can ever do.
Nebraska , alone , probabl v
purchases $20,000,000 in supplies
each year , and pays therefor later -
ter on , after the crops arc gathered -
ered , Bold and the money secured
therefor. 'Yipe out the countr.r
store and Hus $20,000,000 wouhl .
go out of the state before dollar -
lar came from the crops and
would require a mortgage on
nearly every farm in the state to
raise the money.
The popularity of the catalogue
ho s ' is based on prestige not
warranted by the facts. A voluminous -
uminous ' illustrated
catalogue profusel ) -
ustrated , glowingly worded and
presenting baits for cash in ad-
"ance , conveys thc impression
of bcd-rock prices , but making
110 account of freigh t , expressage -
age , exchange , cash discount ,
loss of time , misfits and 'poor
[ Iuality. It's a m'th , but thc
: langer comes in the credulity
) f the people who continue tel
l > unco themselves and impoverish
lhe community-to fatten the
: Iealer.
'l'hese facts lead us to another
phase of the question and that is
\vho i responsible for the success
) f the catalogue houses 'aud is
lhere any way to change this
, tream of such magnitude to the
Itome trade.
Farmers arc not differcnt from
lny other class of people and they
lre just as patriotic ; and with
ver'thing else equal they would
:1oubtless : prefcr to spend thcir
Inonc } ' at home and help build up
lheir home town. Our mer-
: hants should look at this ques-
lion fairly and see whether the ) '
might not even Jct put a checl <
: )11 the catalogue trade by meeting -
ing this competition.
'I'hey can buy their goods from
the same centers as o these catalogue -
alogue houses. 'I'hey may not
be able to get the same discounts
Drt'the quantity they desire to
handle as do the catalogue houses
who bu } ' in large quantities , but
they can off-set this difference in
prices often in freight. rates as
better rates can be secured on
most goods in carload lots than
: an the catalogue houses on small
quantitIes , necessaril } ' on incH-
vidual shipments ,
The catalogue houses have an
advantage in being able to do a
much larger business in the course
Df a week than is possible for a
: ountry merchant ; hence the } ' can
sell for a less per cent profit.
But when the extra il1\'estment
of capital and expense . compensate -
sate where a large bu.siness is
: onsidered the advantages of the
: atalogue houses are not sogreat.
And is not the country merchant
in fairl ) ' good position to meet
Ills catalogue competitor by the
use of theIr methods ? It is be-
canse the Jocl merchants have
not organi.ed : to accomplish this
nd that the catalogue houses
have succeeded in entering their
field and capturing such a large
share of the cash trade ? I
'I'he catalogue houses will ad-
[ Continue,1 on r.aKt 11lIle !
Sunshine ! '
IInvp you uS.ld it ? You will } \\V(1l' \
bl snt.isfilld . till you do. . . . . . . . . . .
\ \ hy not put. n little
Su 1Sh.i ne. ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . in YOUl' homo ?
) lW(1 CHSTS. l3lWh'.ffiN BOW ,
I. ! ,
. : : . .
- - - - - - -
, tttttttt'ttttt"t'tttt'ttttttttttttttttttttttttt"tttttttyt" , , ' " ' , ' , , , , , , " , "
I Sheppard ' " Burk9 : '
: : With a bran new , line of . .
StaJle ? and Fancy ctROCERIES , , ,
_ ' , : Z :
: : : : : : would be pleased to have " ' -
: : : all old friends call and s'c :5 :
' : : : : : :
them and save moncv bY'I
: : : :
: : ' so doing. W , : : f ,3
. . , , - ; - . = =
_ --l\ ' , : - -
E : i ! ' _ 0 'l'he stock is new , . fresh" f
: : : : f//-- / / : " and complete . and 1S off - ' . - - -
- _ f ere ( 1. as low as : : : : : :
E \ ' 4t . . shelf-worn goods , . - = =
_ : - : : : : : co . - - : _ : ; : : .
" - -
- I' 13' and -
' ring your butler
: : : :
= = ! . , - . _ _ . _ . . . - . . . " ' " . _ eggs and trade with us , . :3 : - -
- ' ' , 1-.5 . -
: : : : IN 'l'HI T4gAD Phone - -
- -
South Side Square. Broen ] Bo\v , Neb. 3
: ? i i 1 11111111111111111 1111111l1111111111111111111 111111111111111111
_ _ _ _ _ : ! " _ _ , . - . . - ' "
J. . SI.A.Il'T : ,
' ! < . Pl o RIwrOR
iV t Y' S'l'A.n , '
: ' 1. ' ; , , ' : fI < " ; , LiVERY andH .
8 > , j1 9 . . . . . , . I . R
8 il ' ' " f t fEED BARNr
: li , ,
" 14 MK.J ; ; : ? EAS'l' Ol GLOIH HO'l'BT. . . 8
RClllollclecl al\ll repllirccl tI\lOllghollt. Goolli\'cry ( rigs lit rcnsollnhlc rnlcs.
AccplllollnUolI for catlle 1\1111 rallge her c : ; . lIay lit 110011 , 10 CClltll ; all CIIlYI ,
. Call al\ll see mc.
" ' . ccnts.
t5 CClltS ; o\'r lIighl. 35
. . . . . - . - . - . - - - . - - -
- -
- . . . . ( ! y'r@ . E
J , ,
' 1j1 !
mr m m mw..d . + : rnmm , 111 rnilffijJh 7i mmriffiY\1'imr1 r mnmirrffihtll1i n r 1 1
1-I I : 1 Before VOlt Build , C6nsult I 1
I Greo. : J ? apiD..ea-u. , : II
Contl"actor and BuilJer. 1 sli1l1ates : ill
Imp :
mr FurniRhed free with plansantl specifications. I
IriIm'UJ.l : ' r = . ! I = . \ l.JJlJ.U1J.Imlll'E"IW1lIJJ J : ! , " : ! lI ! . if l < . ) , . , qWJJII : f. ! ! = J ! ; : EJ@r : : : : w..l. ! .l.- ! ! . . . t. . , ! iEP.r ! .IYJ = . _ . . II .
.r ! : <
_ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ - . . - - -
- - a - -
. . u . . = . , , , , , . , . . . . , . . . . . - . " ' , . - - .
, , ' _ , _
, : . ' .
. - : ; , ! : ' _ ! . _ " , \ , , , : ( 1. _ . . ' " ; :
, \\1 \ , : Fr s
"y / eO
, , / a. .
. ; > Bri ht"
Hulled Pecans , English Walnuts .
and hnonds are H g'l'\ut relish , also
Crnclred Pecans in I-pound paelulges.
We also have in stoelr :
No. 1 l ngliRh 'Valnuts , IJer pound , - - 20cts
No. 1 Pccan , largc fancy , pel' pound , - - 20ets
X o. 1 Brali ; Is , large fancy , pCI' 1 > OlllHl , - Octs
N . 1 Almonds , soft shell , 1 > CI' I)11IHl ( ) , - - 20ets
No , 1 Filbel'ts , pel' pound , - - . - 20cts
No.1 Peanuts , fl'esh l'oastlld , pel' , pound , - l5ets
o. 1 Peanu ts , saltld , 1)1' ) ( pound . , - - 20ets
Olaee Uhol'l'ies , PCI' pnckage , - - - l5ds
( j lace Pinea1 > ple , pel' pound , - - - 40t'ts
Hweet-mcatNl Uoeoanuts-thc HMonkey HI'nIHl. "
Thesc goods al'c all high gl'ade and HIU5 gl'owth.
Pure UlcJ 'l'RAI . t..r > I Vhlcilor . IIHOKI-N North : IIOW. Shle NEBR ,
MAHK . - < t . . . . . . . . . . " " . . . - . ' . - . ' . . " .