- CUSTfR COUNTY R PU LI(4N ( Dy D. M. AMSDIRRV , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DROKEN DOW , . . NEBItASKA. . - - - - - - - [ News - r ef ] The Spanlah crulsor Infnnto. Isabel blls been ordoroll to the African. coast. The recent J1I\UVO outbreale In Natal Is belloved to bo held llractlcnlly In hnnd. James William 1.0wther wafl unanl. mously ro-olocted slIenlwr or the house or commons. William II. 'fruesdnlo was reelected president or UIO Delaware , LaclU\wan. no. & Western railroad. , A dlslmtch from 'rlfJIs reports that Roltllors hnvo nrrested nnd searched the 'l'urltlsh coniml there. 'rho house commltteo on labor has prnctlcnlly ngreoll to report 0. bill for nn. Invosllgntlon or child labor. The nlumnl nssoclatloll or the Cnth. ollc Unlvorsity or America , located nt Wnshlngton , D. C. , elected olllcers. John C. Wilson , Cor many years In chnrgo or the real ealato department or the l'ennsylvanln rallrolll1 , died 811 < 1. donly from a strolco or 1\1I01110xy. A 10cleslll10 on the Oreat Northom rnllwny near Kntlen , Idaho , In Koo. tonnl can'on , hils IJllrlClI nearly ( iUU feet or trncle to n. depth of th1rty feet. The Columbian Galt club of Wnsh. Ington , D. Coo hns sot Allrll 10 nnll 11 ns the dates for the opclling tournament - ment whIch 18 to 1.10 hold on Its IInles , tltls spring. WJI1lnrn Duchanan will head the Amerlclln dOlegntlon to the third In. ternntlonnl congress or Amorlcan 1'0 , pUblics whIch will meet at Potropolls , Urazll , next July. The famlno In the Morhllonnl pro. vlnces of Spnln Is very gravo. The 1'0' cent Intense collI hns lellled the sugnr crop In the provinces or ovlllo , Cadiz , Mnlngn Ilnd Grnnada. A modlfiod form of qunrnnUno whIch In this Instnnco moans dotentlon and Inspection. goes Into errect agnlnst Bn. vana nnd nil Cuban nnd ether tropl' cal ports on 1\Inrch 1. Some Japnneso newspapers are ad. vacating the purchase or the PhHlp. } > Ines from the UnltOll states , nccord. Ing to ndvlces recolved by tilO stenmer Athenlnn at VIctorIa. D. C. As nt present nrrnnged , Mossrs. Clomonfu , Prouty and Coclerel1 of the Interstnto commerce commIssion will conduct the 011 hearing , whIch bas been set tor March 12 , nt Knnsas City. A members111p on the 8t. LouIs stocle oxchnngo was sold to WillIam M. Lou. derman ror $ SIiOO , malehg the record prlco tor 0. sent on the oxchange. The prlco Is nn ndvanco or $1,000 ever the precedIng snle. l.'rnncls H.ossuth , In nn artlclo can- , trllmted to the London Chronlclo on I the Hungnrlan crIsIs , omII1mslzos the , dnnger to the 11eaco nnd balance or power or Europe Involvel1 In these complications. An unconfirmed dlspntch haa renchel1 the DrlUsh ' government 1'0' portlnb thnt five Drltlsh oillcers nnd n. company or natlvo trooI > S have l1een lelllod by fanatics near Soleoto , in northern NIgerIa. On the mornIng or February 10 Iln ntteml1t was mndo to assn.sslnato the presIdent of tile republic or ColombIa. Elgbt shots were fired at hIm , five of whIch strucle his carrlago , but ho escaped - caped unInjured. 'fwo or three women members or the NnUonnl Equal Suffrage assocIation - tion made theIr nnnual pica to the sen. n.to commltteo on woman sultrago tor the right to oxerclso the franchlso. onntor Bacon presided. Rear Admlrnl Slgsbeo , commandIng the second squndron or the Amorlcan Atlnntlc fleet , hns glvon permIssIon to more thnn 10 snllors from hIs shIps to go to Ramo on 'fhursday where thOY w1ll bo recolved by tllO popo. Prosldent A. J. Dnvldson or the 'l"rls. co s'stem nnnounces thnl John ebns. tlnn , pnssengor mannger or the Roele Ialnnd , hns been nllI10lnteci to the snlllo posItion on the 'Frisco , the extensIon of hIs nuUlOrIty becomIng offectlvo nl onco. MIss Ednn. Dlclcorson , who InherIted an estnto vnlued nt $2,000,000 trom her cousIn , AIrrel1 Johnson or Mlnneapo. lis , was mnrrlell Monday to Imon Kruse , n. law"er or ChIcago. MIss Dlcleerson wns tormer ! ) ' 11. stenograph. , or In Clllcngo. I CompanIes C and D or the lghth Inrantry , consIsting or 145 mon nnd flvo olllcors , In. commnnd or Cnptnln . Tnggnrt or 'Voostre , O. ( dlvorco fnme ) left for San Frnnclsco nnd will ombnrle Ion the trnnsport ! JOgnn March 6 tor tilO PhilippInes. I The result of the oxchanso or vlows on the quostlon or tl10 policing or Mo. rocco , nccordlng to tile opinion ox. pressed b ) ' Count yon Tnttenbnch , the second German dOlegnte to the Mo- roccan. conterenco , shows thnt n. com. I'romlso ts by no menns Imposslblo. The cnpltnl stocle of the Tennessee Coal , Iron & ; Ilnllrond compnny has been Increasel1 from $23,240,000 to $30" 000,000. The Amorlcan. stenmer Dnvld hns been wrecleod on San Andrews ISlnnd , alt the Nlcnrngunn const. ' 1'ho crow was saved , but the cnrgo wns lost. The Now Yorle clenrlng house hn.s adoptOI1 n. resolution loolelng to the 'resumption ot hDrmonlous rolntlons . with the trust cOlllpnnles. Nearly all the trust companIes wIthdreW' from Iclearlng house "elations some time ago Ibecnuso tiley 'woro unwllllnn to meet tUn roqulroments ns to l\ish : reserves. , , ' . 'I ' . . , . , . . , ' - r EBRASKA STATE EWS J . . WHAT CONGRESSMAN KINKAID SAYS OF LEASING BILL W ASIIINO'l'ON dlspntch. - Judge JJnlmlil hns IssUoII IL Htntomont 1'0' gnrdlng the land lensIng Inw that Is oxcooellnrly IlI11ortllnt } from the vlow point of the SIxth congressIonal dIn. trlct. In thla stntomont Judge KIn. 1(1\111 snYI ! lhat oClor hnvlnJ ; rocolved hundredH of lollers frolll hoth Inrgo nnll sllll1l1 aloclonen Ilrglng rellof nlong certnlll lines , ho coulcl not Sll ) ) ' } lort olther oC the foul' hills which have heell IntrJluced ( In the houBo wIthout nmondmontH. lIHloendently ) the sovernl hills , nccordlng to the 1II0mhor from lho Sixth dl8trlct , It Is Imrobnhlo ) that I\ny oC them cnn Imss Cor the renson , ho cites , thnt they nro Intended to cover lho whole or the weslorll slateH Hnd lerrltorles nnd most of those stato..q are IIIccly to 1.10 OPIOsoll ) to a leasing nct. "It mUflt ho restrlcled to Nohrnslm alone , " suld Judge KlnJenld , "nllli Its peculiar In. lere8tEl , to secure lho lensIng leglsln. lion do.qlred. As some localities favor nnd ethers OIIOSO ) the lensing Inw , my jullgmont Is the ) ) eoplo of each conn. ty should ho 0.11 . owed to detormlno for thomsclves whether nn nct lEI to tnleo errect In tholr county , nllli this could ho done hy provIdIng lhnt It shnll not tnleo cfCect In nny county except upon a rosolutlon Imssed by the county board requesLlng that It become opel" ntlvo thoroln. " Further Judge Klnll1.ld . Bald that no\ \ In thIs country hns there been such Dplendld result growIng out of n. val" tlculnr 1.111I ns hnfl grown out or the G40-ncro homestead ) nct. whIch hud passed In the Flfty.elghth congress. Of 9,000,000 ncres mndo suhject to the provIsions of the Klnlcald Inw only twenty months ngo , nccordlngto Judge Klnll1.hl . , ahout GOUOOOO have been llOmestended. There has not been an. other Instance In thIs cuuntry where public land has been taken up maI'o rnpldl.y where It hns been sUbject to entry so long , ns hnd these Innds at the tlmo the now act toole ereect. LEGALITY OF FEES CHARGED BY UNIVERSITY LINCOLN.-FJ , C. Cnllclns , member of the board of regents of the State unIversity , who wn.s nPllolnted n. com. milleo to look Into the legality or the library and Incldontal fees charged by the university to students , nnd to muleo 11. report on tl10 alvlsabllIty of selling text 1.1001(8 nt cost to the stu- ( lents , made his rellort. 1\11' . Cnlllns holds It Is legal to charge the fee n.ul1 110 objects strenuously lo the regents going Into the haole business , and ho belloves It would not result In a snv. Ing to the sllulents. lIe says the buy. Ing or hooles shoul ho refo'rrell to the state leglslaturo anll It It Is found to be 1\ good Ideo. the leglslnturo should maleo nn npI11'OprlaLlon to pny for the booles. state Fall' Concessions Sold. Secretary 1\Iellor. of tho'stato fnlr board has let the grnlHlstand prlvl. leges at the stnto fall : to W. W. Tur. nor or LIncoln and ho Is now advertls. Ing concessions , 'fho concessions this year will bring n. much larger prlco than over hoforo. I1ccordlllg to the conlrncts already closed. Ono conces. sian was saM thIs year for $ Ii less than twIce the amount It brought last year. Spnco Is also helng reserve by ex. hlbltors. Missouri River Cutting Its Banks. , NEllnASKA ClTY.-Roports from up the 1\lIssourl rIver nhout eIght miles 11.1'0 cnuslng much nlnrm here. They 1\1'0 to the N'1'ect the rIver Is cutting through Its banles nnd unless somethIng Is done thIs city will be nn Inland town , the $700,000 Durling. ton brldgo nt this plnce will bo len Illgh 1lI1l1 dry and the company will llIlvo to build another hrhllo east of the present ono ahout throe miles. To Seek Greener Pastures. OSCEOLA.-A numhor or ohI set. Uers nnd among the mOBt promInent cttlzens nre malcln arrnnemonts , to go where pastures 0.1'0 . greener. Among them 0.1'0 . Ieeno Ludden , who goes tc Gregory , S. D. ; Oscnr Cogllzer , to Vnl , loy count ) " ; .lul1go Saunders , to Co. lumbus , nnd Rev. Knox Domlo , to Cnl , Ifornln , They will lel\vo ahout 1\10.1' . . 1. Candidate for Lleutenant.Governor. KEAnNY.-Whllo Dr. 1..uthor p , 1..uddon or LIncoln wns hero nttelldlnl ; lJlO meeLlng or the stnto hoard of ol1u. catlQn , or which ho Is chatrman , he stated that hIs nnmo would prohnhl ) ' 1.10 presented to the ropubllcnn stnte convention tor lIeutonant-govornor. Farmer's Wife Drops Dead. ASIILAND.-1\lrs. George Keller the wlfo or a promlnont fnrmor , llvln nhout three miles south of town dropped dead from henrt fnlluro. . . Farmers to Fight Trust. YORK.-York counly fnrmers nr ( nwnleenlng to the fnct that Marl every tnI'm Implement or machlnor ) ' If In the trust and there Is consldernbll ngltatlon nmong thom In Yorle count to term an nssoclatlon nnll ho 'cot nIl mnnufnctured fnrm machInery llm Is sold b ) ' the trust. ' 1'ho plan pro posed Is to orrect nn or/nnlzntlon / 0 Yorle county farmers who will plnce tholr orl1ers wIth Indol1ondent com panles as rnr as they cnn and to plncl orders eIther through the local firml or through a paid secretary. . OVER THT STATE. - - MusIc 10\01'0 of O'Neill hnvo organ. Izel1 rL muslcul organl1.ntlon. Sovernl CMes of flll1nllpox nro 1'0 portol1 In the vIcInIty of Coole. Indlcntlons uro thnt ' 1'oC111n80h will hnvo n now lighting aysloUl In the ncaf tuturo. IInslhlga has nhuntlnnco of Ice for homo consuml1t101l nncl some to soli abroad. All or the Ice houses nt Urennen were filled nnl1 the IIroduct Is of fine quality. .T. II. Dnvls & Son hnve llOen grant. ed n. frnnchlse to ll\lt In n light plant nt GIbbon. Six hundrell mon engaged In n. wolf hunt at Germantown. ' 1'hreo wolvo ! were caJ1turoll. The hotel nt Wavorly , whIch hns been unocou111011 for some tlmo , 1s nhout to reopen for buslnesn. E. P. Snvnge , ox.govornor at Ne. bras len , noW' a resIdent or Tacoma , Wnsh. , has heon vIsiting In thIs state. ' 1'ho hoard of henlth of Tecumseh ordorol1 the churches and schools closed for a few days on account of I1lphthorln. The officlnl records of UIO G. A. R. nro bolng ro.cln.qslfied 11Y Assltnnt Ad. jutnnt General Scothern nd plnced secured from Aul1ltor Senrlo. 1\l's. Belen Urocle of 1"lncoln Is SU. Ing the LIncoln Traction compnny for $20,000 for InjurIes alleged to bave been sustallled whllo rlcllng on do. fendants' road. At Seward n delegntlon of cltlzons attended the meeting or the council nnd nslcod thnt the quostlon of 11. cense ho submItted to the voters nt the sprIng municIpal olectlon. The rIght or n. notnry public to or. del' 11. person committed to jnll for re- fusnl to nnswor quelrtlons nsle'cl him In n. henrlng before the notary 10 to bo doclded hy the supreme court. Articles of Incorporation wore tiled by the l < armers' Independent ' 1'ele- phone compnny of 'Vnyne and Thurs. ton counties. The capital stocle Is $7,000 , of whIch $2,800 Is pnll1 up. George Dossung nnd dnughter of Ne. brnslen City hnvo gene to Oermnny to claim nn estnte which has been left them hy the death or n. relatlvo. The estnto amollnl.q to mnny thousnnds of dollnrs. A meetIng of the cItizens of Edgo.r wns held for the purpose of consider , Ing wnys nnd means tor the erection nnd oqulpment of 11. Y. 1O. . A. build. In . It was decided to build n. $6,000 building. Joseph Lanlle , 11. farmer residIng near Wahoo , was laic on before the extim. Inlng honrd for dipsomanIacs , and found guilty ns set forth In the com. plaInt. Ho wns talcon to LIncoln . for trentment. The five wee 1m rovlval meeting In Hastings conduct'ed by Evnngellst Hnmllton at the ChrIstian church closel1 with 131 addItions to the church. At the last mtJetlng U,300 was subscribed. A movement has leen started at Hnrtlngton among the young men of . the town for the organlzntlon of 11. mI. I JIlIn compnny. ThIrty slgnntures have been secured on I\n application to 1.10. como members or such n. company. Thnt 11. soldiers' mounment will bo erected nt Bnrtlngton thIs year qeems now an nssured fact. Over $1,000 hns been secured by subscrIption nnd about $200 moro will bo suillclent to buildIng such 11. monument n.s the com- milleo has In vIew. Governor 1\lIcleey will Issue a proclamation - lamation calling on Nobrnslenns to contrIbute to the relief or the Jnpan. ese famlno sufferers. Ho wIshes to Imow the nnmes of the oillcers or the Red Cross society to whom the contributions - tributions will ho Intrusted. GOTornor 1\lIclccy lias 1I0nored are. qulsltlon from the governor or Knn- . sas for the oxtradltlon or Oharles Tor. rey , who Is under arrest nt Kearny. on the charge of having talton awny six. teen.year-ohl l\I'rlio Glldel'sleovo without - out the consent of her father. Washington dlslmt.ch : The Ne- braslen delegation jolnOlI In n. request to the IIresldent urging the nppolnt- I mont of 1\1. l . Singleton or Omaha , to . some governmental posItion In recog. nltlon of the colored race. 1\11' . Single. . ton was 11. candldnto for regIster of , the trensur ) ' to succeed Judson 'V. Lyons or Georgia , but early In the game qUletl ) ' wlthdrow. . ' 1'ho Nebrnslm Grain Dealors' nsso. clntlon and other defenCants : In the suIt or the stnlo ngalnst the Omaha. . I Elovntor com pan ) ' I\1ust auswer the suit In the 8Ul1rel\1U court ! IIarl'h G , I The court nt the last sessIon derldod agnlnst the grain men , o\'errullng theIr dClllul'l'er anll sustaining the nn. tItrust laws of the stato. 'rhe srnln , men must nl'swor who thoI' they will allow the llrn'er or the stnto for a 1101" , 11etual restraIning or ( er or nIo a dl. rect answer and Ilroceed to trln1. It Is announrod that the Postnl Tele. grnph compan ) ' Is Illanning nn oxten. ) slon or Its IInos In Nobrnslm to reach r UnsLIngs nnd'ol'le , and that the estl. mntes on the cost or the worle have been mnde. The Unstlngs ChnutnuQun nssocla. tlon mot : nul effected a llOrmanent or. gnnlzatlon , ndopted nrtlcles or IncaI' . . Ilorntlon IInd elected 11. bon I'd or dlrec. tors. The first Ohnutauqun will 1.10 held at ono or the city 11l1rles next July . from the 14th to the : J2d , Incluslvo. An elTort will bo mlu10 to mnleo tIlts Chnutnuqun ono or the very boot In the IItato , - The One CardInal Fault. "Sho's renlly not cultured , She sa ) ' she cnn't understnrul DrownIng nt nil. " "Uut ono mny bo culturell nnd yet not undorstnrlll BrownIng. " "Ot course , ono mny not undersland It , lJUt ono should never ndmlt It.- Pl1lJndoJphln Ledger. A New Exclamation. A now oxclnmntlon Is lIIeoly to como Into vogue , IIccordlng to Mr. James Plntt , Jr. , In "Nolo.OJ nnd Querlos. " 'l'ho word Is "hooshlnh. " 0.1\(1 It 18 nn 1m. porlntlon from Austrnlln. Gaves the Spellbinder. At a 110 III It'nI J\1optlng In Brlghloll , Englnrul , 11. sllonlcor , flllllln , ; thut the llolnt or 0110 or his JolceH hlul missed , sorrowfully romnrleod : "I hnd hopell , gentlemen , thnt you would hnvo laughed at thnt. " A 111nlntlvo volco cnUlO through the sllollco : "I Inughod , mister , " 'l'hon everybody Inugbod. French Jlnrlclsha. In the I.'ronch city of Benuvalfl n smnll vohlcll' , hullt wllh two wheels and drn.wn hy n Ulnn or hey , Is In com. man uoo. It Is called n vlnalgrotte. . . . , I - - . ) f I Foundation of Idealism. 'r Jnmes Jneleson Jnrves In hIs "Art I Thought.:1" sn 's : "Idenllsm bnse : ! It . . f , solC on unlvorsnl nnd Ideas than facts . I nnd action opposing Imaglnntlon to 1J0rcoptlon , all whIch renllsm chIefly j rests. " Immense Tooth Is Found. MeasurIng twont.two Inches In B , c1lroct IIno nnd twont.elght rollow- Ing the curve , the tOOUl of nn oxtlnct Afrlcnn quadruped hns been brought from AbyssInIa by Daron 1\Iaurlco' d& ' ! Hothschl1l1. ' , I NEW I , " ' . ; ' ' . , 1k k t . : ; } ' : . 9. People now ( lemnnl1 the right to ] mow oxncti ) ' whnt they eat. To bo told hy mt\lwr or retallor t11at the teed Is "pllre" Is not sntl8factory. Candy may contaIn "puro" white clay or "puro" d"es nnd ) 'et bo"ery harmful. Syrups may contaIn "pure" glucose and yet 1.10 quIte dlgestlblo nnd oven benoficlal. Tomnto calsup may contnln a smnll nmount of salicylic or bornclc acId ns a necessary preserva. tlve , w.hlch mny ngreo wIth ono nnd be harmful to anolher. Wheat 110ur may contnln n. portion ot corn 110ur and reall ) " 1.10 Improved. Olive 011 may 1.10 made of colton seed all. Dutter may contaIn beef suet and yet bo nutrItious. The person who huys and cats must protect hlmsolf and ramlly , nnd he has a right to. and now demands , a law under whIch he can make intelligent selection of food. 1\Iany pure food bills have been In. troducod nnd some passed by State leg. Islatures ; many have been oft'ered to Congress , but 0.11 tIlUs far seem objec. tlonable. It has seemed dIfficult for polltlclnns to formulate n. satisfactory bill thnt would protect the common people and yet nvold harm to honest makers and prevent endless trouble to retailers. No gov't commIssIon or officer has the rIght to fIx "food standards , " to define wbat ho people shall and shall not cat , for what agrees wUh ono may not agree wUh another , and such act would deprtvo the common cItizen of hIs personal liberty. The Postum Cereal Co. , Ltd. , perhnps the largest makers of prepared foods In the world , have naturally a close Imowledgo of the needs of the people and the detnlls or the busIness of the purveyors ( the re- tnll grocer ) , o.nd , guIded by this oxperl. enco have prepared n. 1.1111 for submls. sIan to Congress whIch Is Intended to accomplish the deslrt'd ends , and Inasmuch - much as a cItizen of the U. S. bas a rIght to food protection even when he enters another State , It Is deemed proper tbat the gov't take control or thIs mnttor and provldo a nntlonal law to govern all the states. A copy of the bill Is herewith reproduced. Sec. 1 governs the maker whether the food Is put up In smnll packages sealed , at' in barrels , boxes or other. wIse. Sec. 2 go\"erns the retnller who mny open a barrel and sell the food In small quantities , When ho puts the goods Into 11. paper bag ho must also Inclose n. printed copy of the statement of the maleer which was alllxed to the orlslnal pkg. , and Inasmuch as the retailer cnnnot undertake to guarantee the statement of IngredIents he must publish the statement of the maleers and add hIs own name and address ns 0. gunrnnteo of hIs selling the food as It Is represented to hIm , whIch relieves tbe retailer of responsIbility of the truth of the stntement and throws It upon the mnker , where It properly be- longs. The remaInIng sections explnln t em. selves. The Postum Cereal Co" Ltl1. , for ex. ample , have from lho begInnIng of Us exIstence prInted on the outside of each nnd every pleg. of Postum and Grape- Nuts fee 11. truthful and exact statement - ment of what the contents were made of In order that the consumer mIght Imow precIsely whnt he or she wn.s eating. A person desIring to buy , for Instance , strIctly pure trult jelly and willing to pay the price has a rIght to expect not only an equIvalent for the cost , but 11. further right to a certaInty ns to what he eats. Or he may be will. Ing to buy at loss cost a jelly made part of fruit julcos , sugar nnd n portion - tion or glucose. Dllt he must be sup. plied with truthful Information of the Ingredients and he permItted to use hIs personal IIherty to select hIs own I teed accurntely. The people have nllowed the slow murder of Infants and aduIts by trIcky makers of food , drlnle and drugs to go on nbout long enough. Duty to oneself , fnmlly anl1 nation demnnds that every man 11.1\(1 womnn joIn In an organIzed mo\'ement to clear our people from tbls blight. You may not bo able to go p01'sonally to Washington to Impress your Congressmen , but ) 'ou can , In a most effective way tell him br ; lelter bow ) .ou desIre 'hlm to represent ) 'ou. Remember the Cpngl'essman Is In Congrcss to represent the people from Ills dIstrIct nnd It goodl ' number or cItizens express theIr vlows to hIm , ho secures a very sure guIde to duty. Re. member .also that the safety of the people Is assured by InsIsting thnt the will or the leoplo bo carrIed out , and not the mnchlnntlons or the few for selfish Interests. ThIs pure toad leglslntlon Is a pure mo\"ement or the people tor pUblic vro. tectlon. It will bo opposed only by these who fallen their pockets by do- celvlng ami InjurIng the peoplo. Therefore - : fore , It ) 'our Representative In Can. gress evades hIs patriotic duty hold hIm to strIct accountablUt ) . , and If necessary demand equltablo nnd honest - est service. ' 1'hls Is a very dlfforent condItion than when n faction demands class legIslation or the Congressmnn. Severnl ) 'ears ago the butter Interests of the country demanded legIslation to kill the oleomargarine InduBtr ) ' nml by power or orj'anlzatlon forced class leg. Islatlon ren.'ly unworthy or n free peo- ple. Worle people wanted beer suet butter becnuse It was cheap nnd better than much unclenn mille butter , but the dalr ) " Interests organIzed nnd forced the It'gllliatlon. The law should have provld cl that pkgs. or oloomargarlne benr the statement of Ingredients nnd then lot people who deslro purchll o It for JUBt what It Is , nnd not try to lelll It by n. henvy tnx. Manufacturers some. tlnies try to force measures In their own Interests , but contrnry to the In. terests of the people nnd the Inbor trust Is always nctlvo to push through bills draCted In the Interest of that trust but dIrectly contrary to the In. terests at the people as n. whole. WIt. ness the nntl.lnjunctlon bill by whIch . labor unIons seek to tlo the hands of our courts nnd prevent the Is.suo of nny order to restraIn the members ot that trust from attaclclng men or de. ! stroylng propert ) ' . Such n. bill Is lIer- : haps the most Infnmous Insult to our' ' courts and the common people over Inld before Congress and the Represen. tati\"es In Congress must 1.10 held to a strIct accountability tor theIr acts re. latlng thorolo. Dut when bills como before Congress that 0.1'0 drawn In the Interests of all the people they should recelvo the ncUvo personal support of the people and the representatives be Instructed by the cItizens. The Sena. tors also should bo written to and In. structed. U , therefore , ) .ou will remember - member your prIvilege and duty ) 'OU will at once-now-wrUe to your Congressman - gressman : : .1d8enator on this pure food bill. Clip nnd enclose the copy horowtth presented nnd nsle thom to malco n business of followIng It through the committee consIderIng It. Urge Its beIng brought to a vote and re. lluesUng that they vote for It. Some oppressIvely Intelligent and carpIng crltlo ma ) " say thIs Is sImply nn advertisement for Postum nnd GrnI1e-NlIts. It Is true that these articles - ticles nro spoken ot hero In a publlcr IIInnnor , but they 0.1'0 . used as llIustra- Uons of n. manufacturer seekIng by example , prInting on each pkg. n truthful - ful , exact statement of IngredIents , te > shame other malcors into doing the fall' thIns by the common people , and establishIng nn era or pure food , but that procedure has not yet forced thos9 I who ndulterato and decelvo to change tholr methods , llenco thIs effort te > nrouso public senUment and show away way out of the present condition or fraud , deceIt and hnrm. The undersIgned Is paying to tb& publishers of AmerIca about $20OOO.0 ( ) to prInt thIs announcement In practi- cnlly all or the great papers and maga. zlnes , In the conduct of what h& chooses to term "nn educaUonal campaIgn - paIgn , " esteemed to be of greater direct - rect value to the people than the establishment - lishment of many libraries. Thnt I hold to bo n. worthy method or usIng money for the public good. Tell the people facts. show them a wny to help themselves nnd rely upon them to nct Intelligently and cltectlvely. 'l'ho render will bo freely forgIven it ho enUrely forgets the reference tl ) Postum and Grape-Nuts , If he will but joIn the pure food movement and do thlng-s. C. W. POST. F Text of Pure Food Bill. I. ! : . . It tl meets approval cut it out , sIgn nnmo and nddress and send to your representaUve In congress. Duy two or moro publlcaUons trom whIch you cut thIs. Keep one for reference and send the other to ono or the U. S. Senators 'from your State. Ask ono or two trlends to do the same and the chances for Pure Food will be good. A BILL TO REQUIRE MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF F ODS FOR IN. . TERSTATE SllIPMENT TO LADEL ISAlD FOODS AND PRINT THE INGREDIENTS CO TAINED IN SUCll FOODS ON EACII PAOKAGE THEREOF. I' ' Do it enacted by the Sennto anl1 House of Representatl\"es of tbe UnUed \ States of AmerIca In Congress assembled , That o\"ery person , firm or corpora- ) \ .J tlon engaged In the manufacture , preparntlon or compoundIng ot food for \ . human consumption , shall print in plaIn view on each package thereor mnd& ' by or for them shIpped from any State or Territor ) ' , or the DIstrIct or Colum- : ' bla , n. coml1lete and , nccurnto statement of all the Ingredients thcreor , defined by words In common use to descrlbo snld Ingredients , together with the \ o.nnounccment thnt said statement Is made by the authorIty of , and guaranteed - , . { teed to bo accurate by , the makers of such food , and the name and complete ' address or the makers shall be affixed thereto ; nll printed In. plain t"po at n. ! I slzo not less than that lcnown as eIght poInt , and In the English language. I Sec. 2 , Thnt the covering of ench nnd every package or manufactured' , 1 prepared or compounded foods shipped from any State , Territory or the ' . DIstrIct of ColumbIa , when the food In saId package shall ha\"o been taken tj from n. covering supplied by or for the maleers nnd re-covered by or for tb& t sellers , shall bear upon Its race or withIn. Its enclosure an accurate copy of the stntement or IngredIents and name of the makers whIch appeared upon ' the package or covering of said food as supplied by or for the makers thereof , prInted In like manner as the statement or the maleers was printed , nnd such I statement ! > hnll also bear the name and address of the person , firm or cor- 4. ' ' / poratlon that re.covered such food. ' r ? Sec. 3 , That It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to purposely , 11 wtlfully nnd malicIously remove , nIter , obliterate or destroy such statement at IngredltJuts nppearlng on pacl < nges of food , ns provIded In the preceding t sections , and any person or persons who shall vlolato thIs seotlon shall be II guilty of n mIsdemeanor , and upon convIction shall bo fined not less tban < - ono hundred dollars nor mora than five hundred dollars , or ImprIsoned not . ! loss than ono month nor more than six months , or botb , In the dIscretion or ' / the court. " Sec. 4 , ' 1'hnt the Durenu of ChemIstry at tbe Department ot , AgrIculture- : shall procure , or cause to bo procured from retail dealers , nnd analyze , or'I I cnuso to bo anal"zed or examined , chemIcally , mlcroscoplcnlly , or otherwlso , , ' , samples of nll manufactured , prel1ared or compounded foods orrered for sale- In orIginal , unbrolcon paclcnges In the Dlstrlst of ColumbIa , in any Territory , ( or In any State other than that In which they shall have been respectively . manufactured or otherwlso produced , or from n foreIgn countr ) ' , or Intended I for < Jxport to 11. foreIgn country. The Secretary or Agrlculturo shnl1 mak& " necessary rules and regula lions tor carr'lng out the provIsIons or thIs Act , . ' / nnd Is hereby authorlzel1 to emplo ) ' such chemists , Inspectors , clerIcs , laborers - , ers , and other employees , as may be necessary to carry out the provisions. I of thIs Act nnd to maleo such publlcntlon at the results or the examinations ; and anal'sls as ho may deem proper. And any manufacturer , producer or dealer who shall refuse to supply , upon application and tender and full payment - ment or the selling prlco samples of such articles of food to nny person duly authorIzed by the Secretary of Agriculture to recel\"e the same , shall , bo guilty of a mlsdomeanor , and upon con\"lction. shnll bo finel1 not exceedIng Ii ono bundred dollars , or ImprIsoned not exceeding ono hunl1rel1 days , or bothr Sec. 5 , That any person , firm or corporation who shall vlolato sections. , ono and two or tbls Act shall bo guilty of n. mlsdomeanor , anl1 upon convlc- ; : tlon shall bo fined not oxceedlng two hundred dollars tor the first otrense- nnd for ench subsequent orrcnse not exceedIng three hundred dollnrs or be ) ' : b ImprIsoned not oxceedlng one year , or both , In the dlscrotlon or the court. Sec. G , That nny person , firm , or corporation , who shall wllCully , purposely or malicIously change or ndd to tbo IngredIents or any tood. mnlee false- . charges , or Incorrect a1'Jal 'Bls , wIth the purpose or sulijectlng the makers or such toods to fine or ImprIsonment under thIs Act , shall 1.10 guilty or a mis. demeanor and upon convIction shall bo fined not exceedIng one thousand , dollnrs nor less than three hundred dollars , or ImprIsoned for not less than thIrty days nor moro t.han one year , or both. Sec. 7 , That it shnll bo the duty of o\"ery dIstrIct attorney to whom tbO' Secretary of Agrlculturo shall report nn ) ' vIolation or thIs Act to cause proceedIngs - ceedIngs to bo commenced and prosecuted without delay for the 11nos and. penalties In such case provll1ed. . , il Sec. 8 , That thIs Act shnll not bo construed to Interfere wIth commerce- " wholly Internal In any State , nor wIth the exerclso of theIr police powers. . by the se\"ernl States. See , 9 , Thnt nil ncts or parts of ncts InconsIstent with thIs Act 0.1'0 . hereby ropenled. Sec. 10 , Thnt this Act shall be In torco and effect from and after the fIrst : day ot October , nlnoteen hundred nnd sIx. I j The undersigned respectfully requests the Representatives from hIs dls. . trlct and Senators from hI ! } State to support thIs measure. , SliDed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CUy. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . Stato. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . - - - - -