Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 01, 1906, Image 8

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, . - : ] . . -U > ' , . = " ' _ . _ _
, 'Home Mad .
Have your cake , muffins , and tea biscuit -
. cuit home-made. They will be fresher ,
cleaner , more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home , quickly and economically -
nomically , fine and tasty cake , the raised
hot-biscuit , puddings , the frosted layer-
cake , crisp cookies , crullers , crusts and
muffins , with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery doe
not compare. i
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
. , .
- - - - - -
- - - -
. .
LincOln , ueuver ,
Owu" " , Ilelell. . ,
- , CblcOKo , Untie ,
" "to . . . l ortltUHI , .
.f . ItnnHaR Clt" , nnlt I.nllc ell .
It t.1.0tlH. A.nd Hun l'rRllcltt ( " , i
\AU \ Polnt8 a1I\Ht "Ud AIII olll.fl
Aud Houtb.VCft \ .
! fo. U"VelUbuloll . Omaha
" : ox pro II dlll11.t Lincoln.
ha , ga. Joa p' . KlnlA8 OilY. 1St. Lona. , ot.
GallO Ind all polnlt llt nDd eonth. . . .104:1 : 8.m
Ko. 411torl onlfllt Anlloy , nAVOUUn , Urnn,1 l
land , Aurorl York , ! lo"ard.
1(0. " . d pnru tor the oaet lit. . . . . . . . . . . .9:19 : II , m
M , : , ; 41-Ve tlbulod expreen daUy , 11elena , HeH'
tlo DuUe , Portlaod and 1111 I'acillc lJelll
p lnu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 n"
No3 arrives flom tltG enst It. . . . . . . .12 : . " . lit ,
illeoplDR , dlLlng IDd recllnlDg chair CIIU 11101111
tree ) 00 Ihrough tralDe , Tlck. . lold IInd b " .
Cage chocked to . aDf point tn th Unltrll tnt"l
and O&nIWI.
IV ! lafonnalloD , mllp8 , time tblr .nd IICIII'
wi 00 or wrlto to , L. Olln8IJy01. . 'II 1
W. Wllkoluy , 0.1' . A. , OmR..J . "ulJrf\'ka.
It , LJ. . . . u" . . " " '
- \ , - .
I General and Live stock Auctioneer ,
: t Drokeu llow , Nc raska ,
! Graduate of National School
I of Auctioneering and Oratory.
" 'ferms reasonable ,
t Satisfaction guaranteed ,
J.A. . ARMOUH , ,
Attorney at Lav ,
Broken Bow. Nobr.
H , .lull jnst had elirhl yearH practical ex per
luoco aa DOUUI ) ' Jlllhee. wllllClve Apeclalen
tlo/l to the drawlull anll probl\lnlC : of wills nllli
tbo dntlnlRIration of elliatetl of IIocea e,1 Ier.
11001 lId minors , Write or I'bono lIIe. I nUlY
lave you II trip.
Registered O. I. C , I-Iogs
HAS. 'r. WRIGII'J. ' . I1rokcn Dow , Neb'
BOIlI'ders Wanted.
'Ve 'C:111 accomodate a few 11'.0ro boarllers ,
. 'With or wlthollt board.
Doanl. per wcok. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50
Board alld Room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
, Mrs. A. T SIMS.
F. W. HAYES , 6
eweler and O > > ticia.n I
West Side Square , ti
Droken Bow , S I
- D I
Fruit Outlool ( for 1906.
Wc arc frcquently asked concerning -
cerning the outlook for a crop of
fruit this scason and particularly
in rcgard to pcach uuds , While
the winter has been" unusually
mild , the weather has not becn
warm cnough to cause thc peach
bl\l \ s to uxpand. So far as cx.
anllned , pcach buds seem to bc
in vcry favorable conditioll for
thb season of the. year , 'rhey
have not been expandcd hy soft
wcaiher and havc not had enough
severe weather to destroy thcm ] .
by . cold.
'l'he indications at this time
favor an excellent peach crop
whcreever the trees werc Cll t back
sprjng and assisted by good
culture to recover from the damage -
age sUS tained last winter , A
grea many peach trees were
wcal < ened by the severe winter of
1904-5. All small fruits arc in
cxcellcnt condition and promise
Apple orchards had a rc1t ! during -
ing 11)05 and whcre culture was
fair and particularly where the
orchards were spraycd with bordeaux -
deaux to dcstroy fungus discases ,
the outlook is very cncouraging.
Orchards properly cared for
went into winter in good form.
'rhey ha'c devcloped an al > un-
dant supply of vigorous fruit
buds aud sl1uld yield - satisfactory -
tory returns to the careful or.
On the other hand , orchards
that were neglected were filled
with fungus diseases could not
be expected to , store as much
starch in the wood and buds and
develop fruit buds of thc same
vigor as though they . had been
properly cared , for.
E. Ii' . S'l'JWIIImS ,
Crete , Nebr.
We always have money to loan
on farms , H. G. l\oore 1U Apple
Block , 35tf
. . . . .llcrd Ilendcd IA > . . . . . . . . . .
( 'rJIJ1Pl' ' ' flrolt No,717ro
' . . . .
- -
I - ,
j.G.BRENIZER , Breeuec l
l'ure Scotch allli Scotch ' 1'oppe,1 Short lIorll
Cattlc , My henlnnlllberH 40 . cows. Will com'
rare III breelhlll' nllli quallt ) with nil ) ' wcst 01
ChlcalCo My experlencu has tanlrht 010 thnt tt
Irl\'e 1C00lsalisfac\lon , breelInlC
\ \ cattle IIInsl lH
rulHclIn thlH I.Ulturle. I eXI.ect tt
rnlHctllclllllt.rc the cqun' of an'thln
raIRelln'h. . U. S , I now h.\7U25bullssultnblt
Jor thlsaul next ) ' "ar's 8 rlce. 1\1) ' cO\VS
Alel/eh frow 1400 to 2000 I.ouuds. COlUe and sel
\Jcu \ ,
Bargains in Farm La11d a11d Ranc11e
Write for list with priccs and terms of sale.
H you have land for ale list it with me.
Correspondence with non-resident land own rs solicited
JAMES LED WIG I-I , . . Broken 13o\v , Neb
- - . . - .
- . - .
_ _ _ . L
Died , . ' I
l1ii1tHl-.Saturday : morning ,
! 'cbruar > , 24 , nt Willowurook , Mrs"
! \Jilluie Jlcr5h , wife of Geoq c
Ilcrsh , from a strol < e of pa ) y
suffcred on the Sunday night "
pre\'ious. Age , 54 years 7 I
1I10llths 1'.1 days.
'l'he dcceased was horn in Car-
rolton , Corroll County , Mo , July
5th , 18/H. /
She was married to Geo. Hersh I
Sept. 12 , L8b' ) . She with her
husualld and family located on
governmcnt land four milc : ! south
cast of llroken Bow in 1888 where
they resider ! until a few years
: IO / they 1\Io\'ed \ to Willowurook ,
Mo. , to tal < e care of Mr , Bergh's
father who is now 111 his ' .10th
year ,
It was whilc siltillgby hcr dying -
ing brother , Willis McWilliams ,
last SUllday night , a week go ,
s he was striCkcll with p'aralysis '
and in less than a weck she was
lakell away ,
Mrs. Hersh was a women highly -
ly respected by all who knew
her , and for many years she had
been a devoted christian.
She was the mother of sevcn
children , six of whom , with their
father , two brothers and one sister -
ter , arc left to mourn her death.
'l'he remaining ones of her fa-
ther's family arc Jas. and John
McWilliams and Mrs. IAnville ,
Mr , Jas. McWilliams who was
with her when she was stric1 < en ,
rcturned to Willowbrook _ the
morning after the funeral of his
brothcr last week and was with
her at her death. Her children
are Leonard , William , Frank ,
IvaI and Lyddia Hersh and Mrs.
L. Ii' . Oxford , all of whom were
present at her . funeral. One
daughter died here about ten years
'l'he funeral of the deceased
was con ucted Monday aftcrnoon
at 2 o'clock in the M. 'E. church ,
Rev. R. Bellis , of Berwyn , preach-
l'd thc sermon , assisted uy Rev.
Chamberlain. lIer remains were
laid to rest in the Brolcel1 Bow
Cemetery. 'l'he funeral was
largely attended.
'l'he HIU'UBLICAN extends the
sympathy of the many friends
to the relatives in their great be- ,
rea yemen t.
Cnrd of Thanks.
We desirc to exprcss our sincere
thanks to our frien s and neighbors -
bors who so ldndly assisted us
during the sickness , death and
burial of our bcloved husband ,
father and brother. Also to i
those who so kindly furnished
Union Meetings.
'rhe M. E. , U. . B. , Presbvter-
ian and Baptist churches hae arranged -
ranged for a series of Union Evangelistic -
vangelistic meetings which arc
to be he1 < 1 in the M. E. church
commencing March 11.
l.'he meetings are to be conducted -
ducted by Evangelist Lincoln
McConnell of Atlanta G orgia
assisted by - L. G. Jones , musical'
. _ . _
- - - - -
Dead Letter List.
Dead letter list for week ending -
ing : February 27 , 1906 , .
Mr. Bass.
Mr. Frank Brown.
! \'liss Laura Frankinfield.
Mr. James Jenkins.
Mrs , Janie Lewis.
Mr , Elick Robinson ,
Mr. B. F , Sherick.
Wm , Springstube.
Mrs. Minnie Walter.
Mrs , Mary White.
Adam \Vilson ,
Glen Young ( two letters ,
Very respectfully ,
L. H. J1tWn'J 'l' , P. M.
Phillip Zoerb Dack to the Farm.
Philip Zoerb who has been a
resident of Brok n Bow for the
past three years has so1 < 1 his billiard -
liard tables to Frank Ward and
his residence property to W , S ,
Kennedy with the view of move
ing bac1e to his farm at Triumph.
Dound Over.
'l'hc preliminary trial of E , B ,
Wanke and Mrs , Agnes Cashin
I of Frontier Wyoming was held
Fdday afternoon in the court
room , before Judge Humphrey ,
'fhe court held there was
probable cause of their guilt and
bound them over to the next term
of the district court , 'l'he court
fixed the bond at $1,000 for each
of them ,
A Splendid Offer.
'rhe New Century Ideal Dic-
tionar.f is just out , It is not on I ) '
up-to-date but is hand ' in size ,
concise in its contents , well
bound in full seal , flexible covet
and contains over 1,200 il1us tra.
tions , such as electric fans , ( lina.
1U0S , electric buttons , incubators ,
brooders , printing press and man ) '
other up-to-date articles that the
older dictionaries do not contain.
I It also contains an appendix of
, ' -.i' ' ' ' " 'r" ; ; < ,
, .
. . ' , . . , .
- - _ , . . _ _ _ _ . _ - - = : _ . = . . . . . . . .4. . , ! . - ' . : : . : ; .a : . - ,
If 'you will eat more .
Uneeda Biscuit
you can do tl10re work , enabling you to earn
more money , so that you can buy more
. Uneeda Biscuit . . > ,
. . .
do 1/l0re work and earn still 1nore Inoney ' , ' : " , '
" it . . .
a"r' . . ; : " , '
. ,
. ' , , ' - . I "
- - -
- - - -
several pager. of useful : it forl11-
It is just the book for the student -
dent of the day and should he in
every h ouseho1 < 1. The Rnpunr.I-
CAN has the exclusive control of I
this val uable book for Custer ;
County. It retails for $2.50 , I
Having' made special arrangements -
ments with the publishers for
clubbing purposes we arc furnish.
ing it and the RHPUBJ.ICAN one
veal' to 01 < 1 or new subscribers for
S1.95. As this arrangemcnt has J
been made for a limited time you
should act promptly before it is
too late-Call at the RIWUBLI-
CAN ofiice or write us remitting
S1. % and you will receive prompt
attent ion.
D. M. Ammmwv : ,
Publisher. I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pa.lace Bat'beX" " '
. Shop
For first-c1a1S work , call at the Pa1ace
Hurher Shop. Everything
I.EO DEAN , Proprictor.
. . . . . .Dol\lor In. . . ,
Pampa. Wind. Mille , 'ranke. FUllnge , Gnuollnr
Rnglllo" . oio. etc.
Broken Bow , Nobraekl\ .
wo blacks norlh ot Orf\UtI Ollntrol Hotel. 1'61 ,
oUIIKu ( lollcltllll , I'rCI'8 ! 10Moul\ble.
ff0I-1) y u1)ce1101' ;
Hoom 8 and 9 , Realty Ulock , IIrolen 1I0w , Neh.
. .
J J , SNYDEH , . . . .
Attorney and Counsellor at Law ,
Peasions amI all kinds of govcrnment
claims , amI a generaI1nw practicc. Of.
fice : Rooms 4 and 5 Rawson Block west
side park Brok.n llow , Nebraska.
n 111u etllte aud loan broker. Office In AJ'
Olock 1Irokt'n Uow , Nobrukll.
o H. . 0 , L. M ULlENS ,
Physician Surgeo1 ! ,
nd tltalrwlI ) ' from WMt cnd ID HOllty Ulr.c
rosldonco , 3rd weaL H , . churoh , on sl\mu , IJ
of Itroct. UroJ.on Uow , Nc'Jru. ,
. . H , LJ. & W. I . TAI BU'l' .
Oll1eo over naohorl"11 Drug Store ,
8rokon Uow , . . - No raa'ka
DR , C. B , JOB ,
, Physician and Surgeon
Office and rcsidcnce enc lock south of
Ryerson & Georgc's store.
DR. W. H. COLE ,
Discascs of a11 the 10weranima1 : : lIcat ,
ed. , Office at Lee Bros. drug storc.
'Phone 203 , Droken Bow , Ncb.
D l . C. PICKE'f'l' ,
Professor of Psychology ,
. , I.inc01n Medlca1 CalleHC. Office at
residcncc , ollc.haf ) block enst of U ,
. ' n. Church. Chronic diseases gi\'en
'I spcclal attention. 'Pholle 147.
- - . _ _ . . . . " . .M"oIJI.- _ _ " " ' ; .1 < 1
- - - - - - - - - -
I alii prcsarel ( to larnl1er cmtains
on tretehers. Satisfaction guarantecd. 1
Your patrona c so1icitel1. 1
Mrs. Matt e Papineau.
Onc hlock cmt of Rycrson 's slorc.
"General Custer. "
_ n _ _ . . . ,
- - - - - - -
Legal Notices.
United SlateR Lallli Office , l
Lincoln. Nebraska. January : : . 1 < JQ ( " f
Notice IR hereb ) ' Illven that the followlnll'
named settler haR filed notice of his IUlelltlol1
to make final proof In Rupport of his claim.
mill that salll proof will be lIIade b fore A. R.
Ih'lIIlihre ) ' . cOUllt ) Judlee , at Brokel1 Bcw ,
Nebratlka.on March : :0. II ! ( ) , \'Iz : CIIARLES
W. MOORE. lId. No , 17C,79 for the NH ! lW { ,
IIW { HW . { SectlOl' 32 and ! lc ! 6e } Sectloll 31.
'l'uwnHhll' 113 North RalllCe 20 We.t Cth P. M.
lie names the follcwlnll wltllesseq to pro\'o his
contlnnon. , re.lIlencc upun and cnltlvatlon of
said lallll.'Iz : Oliver A. { { lIlenonr , of Broken
Bow. NebraGka : Geono 11. lIamnlt > nd. of Bro.
ken Bow , Nehrasla ; 'I'homaR l nrlleHon , of
BroQn ! Bow , Nehraslm : Eruetlt 1' . Moore , of
Brolen Bow , Nebraska.
331 \ W. A. Gllms. Rellister.
Unllell StnteR Iallli Ollice. l
Broltell Bow , Nebraska , l ebrual' ) ' : ! O. 1906. f
Notice IR hcrchy II'lveli that thc followlnll"
named ! ! ettler haR filed notlcu of his Intelltlon
to make I1nal pruof In wupport of hl'l clallll. and
that I'alll proof will he madc before HClllster
allli Heceh''r at Uroken Uow. Nebraska. on
March.3 : , 1900 , vl7. : I LI/A I.OYE , Brokcn
Bow. Nebrnskn , for the He { IIW { , RW { IICI. {
Section 23 , 'l'ownqhlp 1M North Ranlfe 20 West.
She lIames the followhlll' witnesses to prove her
contlnuons resldellce upon " 'III cultivation of
I'alll Innd.vlz : Joseph Hallmollt , of Urokell
Bow , Nebraslm ; Gilbert McClear ) ' , of Urol n
Bow , NehraRta ! : Milton Marquis. of Broken
How. NebraRkn ; William Love. of Brolten Uow.
37.42 JAIIIRS 'VIIITUIlRAD. Reilister.
. United StateR I.allll Office. t
Broken Bow , Nebraska. lo'ebrllary 17. 1906. r
: wtlee IR hereb , . Illven that J DW ARD E.
DA Y. of Allsellllo. N brnhkn. bas filell notice
of Illtention to make tlllal proof before Hell'lHter
a 1111 Receiver nt their oOice In Broken Bow ,
NebraHka. on Frida ) ' . the 30th day of March ,
1'JOo , 11. E. : w. 1365. for the ne ! quarter of sec.
tloll4. township 18 N. RalllCe:4 : W. lIe names
ns wltnesles : Slla ! ! Beals , of Ansellllo , Ne.
\Jraslm \ ; Jo.el.h A. Kellenbarll'er. of Merna.
Nebrnska : Wlllinm G. l whlll' . of Allselmo. NO ,
hraHka : GeorlCe G. 111"hes. of Anselmo. Ne.
: l7.4 : ! Helelster.
III the COllllt ) . Court , Cnter COllllty , Nebraska
In the matter of IhlS Islato of Sarah J , Perkhls.
. .
To alt persons IlItcrestel III the e tat" of
Srah J. l'erl < lll , Deceased.
Wbere : , ! ! . 011 thc 13th , I a ) ' of I.'ebrllan' . 11)06 ,
I lta 'I" Pearson : lI1d Albert M.P. l > earsoll. of
thl COllnt ) . of oclllnirham. alld State of New
lIan'shlr , . llIed In lilY ol1ice a dill ) ' allthentl.
cte,1 COl'y of all Instrumellt purporthlle to bu
Iho last WlIlallll 're tamellt lit Sarah J. Per.
klns. dl'cealed.111 \ of thu lrolJate of th same
In the Court of Probate "Ithlll a 11I1 for the
Count ) ' of Hocklnllhalll. "aOlt State of New
llaml'shlre. allll a petition prayhlll' that a thlle
and place ilia ) ' bu lixell ( or hcarllllC the same.
Now therefore. It Is orderel Ihat nit persolls
Intereste,111I saht estatu be nnd thu same aru
hereby cited to nl'pear hcluru IIIC nt III ) ' omce.
III Hallljounty. on the 12th da ) ' of Marcb , 1906.
at the hOllr of 10 o'clock a. III , . at which tllllo a
hearlnlf UpOIi sallll.etilion will be ha,1 allli protests -
tests allll ohjectlons to the lIIatter sel Ollt 111
salll Ietltloll ma ) ' he heard.
Uate,1 this 131h da ) ' of March. 1' ! .
A. R. HUMI'IIKRl'Ollllt ) ' JudICe.
J. A , AIMOUK. Attorney. 36-39
In the ConllCourt. \ . C lister COllllt ) . , Nebraska.
In the lIIatter of the e tate of Isillore lIau.
1II0llt , Decca.el.
' 1'0 the helrH anll next of kill of Isillore Hau.
1II01lt. Deceased ,
You and each of "ou arc hereb ) ' notll e,1 thaI
011 the 1lh ? day 01 " 'ebrnan' , IIQ . Josel.h Hau.
1II0llt liled hili pet.tloll In the Probatu ourt of
Cllsler Connl ) ' , Nebra ka. altell'lnil' Ihat IHldoro
lIalllllolll. laic of sall Clllln ! ) ' , del.artel thl life
011 thu4th da ) ' of April. 1904. lea\'hll1' HllrvlvlnlC
hllll his wltow. J lIzabeth llaumollt. alld Jo -
eph JlnulUont. I.etltloner , his sole aOlI only
heir. 'l'hat Halll estatu Is ullellculllberell a 11I1
cllnslst'l 01 I'ersullal anll real property. ' 1'hat
110 deht'i IIf an ) ' l < In,1 exist aJ'alllst said eslalo
a"l that salll estate Is not lIabla for thc pa ) ' ,
lIIenl of all ) ' , lebtA of said deceased.
A hearllllC UPOII the petitlollllf the sahl Jos.
elh Ualhnlolnt has b 'ell onten',1 befor" sa III
Courtoll tbe 9t11 da'of March. 1'I 9. at 100'clock
a. III" at whlcb tllllu alt l > crSOlls IlItere te,1 III
said estatu ilia1pear allll object tg the aile-
lI'atiolls bet out III salt petition. If 110 protests
or objections arc file,1 ail'aillst salll l > ctllioll on
or beforu thu 91h da ) ' orIarch. . 1'.JOJ. ( Ihe allell'a.
tllIJ\ ! ! set mlt III ! lalll I.etltlou will bl ! takell ns
truu allll thl ! prayer 01 thu Iletltloller Irranted ,
I.Hed tbls 12th da ) ' of J'ebruar.IWtJ. ,
3.3J A. H. lIuMI'UKECOllllt ) ' Jlldll'e ,
K..l > .
Unltell States Lalill Omce , I
III'oltcn Uow , Nebraska , Jalluary 22. ; ' } l\II , r
Nutlc III hereh ) ' IClveli thal the followlllil"
named cttler has llIed notice of his Illtention
, to lIIake I1l1al proof In sllpport of his claln , : HilI
that Ral,1 proof will be lIIade bcforo Ht'lflster
alhl Receiver at llroltell 1I11w. NI hl:11ka. on
1\tarch O.19"Iz \ : .IOllN W. ADAMR , lIro.
Iten Uow. Nehrnska , for the e nw ! ! Sect 1011
III , 'l'OWIIhhl 1M. , urlh Ralla-e I' ) , W.t , lIe
nanlell the followln ! : ' wlllle seR to pro\'e his
contlnuolls resilience l'pon nllli cllithalloll of
hallilallli "Iz : John Uarns of llrocn ! 110\\ ' .
Nebralka ; Albert Smith of lIrolclI 1I0w , Ne.
hrasla ; Io'rederlck Kleb of ! { oulIIl Yall e ) ' , Ne.
hraska : JU\lII Smet7. of lIrokenlloll' . N"hrnska
33-:1:1 : : JAMES ' \'IIITBIIP'\H. HI'dster. ,
I UIlItt'II Stah's I.and Omce. ,
IIl1 > ken 111111' , Nchraska. Janllar ) ' 2i. 1")6 , r
Notice I. . here\J \ ) ' Ilhell that the followhill"
nalll",1 settler has llIed 1I0ticc of hltl Illtelitioll
to IIInke I1l1nl proof III SnllpOTt of hlH claim.
nlld that said proof will be made hefore Helllt ; .
ter allli Receiver at Brokell BQw , Nebra.ka. 011
March ' ) .1',06. , 'Iz : HOBgR'l' JOliN 1.'AHRI.
'l'OI { , New Helena. Nebrnslm. for the wYo h\\ ' .
e.tlou : : " , wH nwH SeCUOII 35 , ' } 'o\\1I8hll > I' ' )
North HalllCel : Wcst. He lIallles Ihe followllll : '
wltuesse > ! to pro\'e hltl COlllllluons residence
npoll allll culUvatlon or sallilaud17. : Georl'c .
'l'empler. of Jlrnlt"n Uow. Nebraslca : lIcnr ) ' ,
WlllIamH. of J\ll'rna. Nebra.ka ; Olin' " ! jwlck ,
of Gatell , NehrIa ! : Pero" ColTmnll. 01 c'v. " -
lIelenn , Nehraslm. " -
3t-3'1 JAMH1 WIIITEIlRAIJ. Rcl ter.
Uulte,1 StateR I.allil Omce , l
Brolteu Bow , Nebraska. Januar ) ' 22.1906. f
Notice Is hereby Illvell that the "followI ! ! ! : '
II a III ell seltler haK l11ellllotl.e : of hi ! ! lutelltloll
I to make flnaillroof In sUPllllrt of hili claim , allli
Ihat sal,1 prouf will be IIlade before Register
a 11I1 Recel\'ci at Urokeu Uow. Nehr.'lRka. 011
March 7. 191.6. vl7. : DANIEL P. READY , of
1\lIIbllrn. NebraRka , for the II IIW . IIW ) { ne {
Sectlou 7 , HW { se secUolI 6. towlIshlp : :0 ,
rnlllCe 20. IIu names the followhlll wlUIC.scs to-
pro\'e his cOlltlnuous resldencu UpOII and clllti.
\ 'alI01of said land vh : : Wm , F. Rich of Nil.
bllrn. Nebralika : Joseph T. HarrlIJ. of 1\Ulburll.
NebraHka ; , Clarencc A. Allell. of Mllburll , Ne.
braska ; 11. M , Browllell. of Gat , Nebraska.
I 33-3'i JAMES WmTRIII u. RI'lelster.
Unltell States Land Office. l
North I'lnHe. Nebraskn , Fe\Jrunry \ " : 1'.100. f
Notice Is hereby ! llvell that the followhill"
named settler has flied lIollce of his lutentlon
to Illake filial proof In snpport of hi" claim , allll
thaI said proof will b made before Hell'lster
.anll Recel\'er at North Platte. Nebra.ta. ! 011
March 2.J. 1J06. ! vlz : JOHN 11. l'AL.\IBk. who
malic homeRtead clltr ) ' No , It : ! 9 for the nw
sw . , Sectloll : :2. 'J'owllshltlll North. Rauge 21
West. HC.llamcb thu fullowhur wltllesses to
t'rovo his cOlltlnllous fl'slltellce UPOII and clllti.
vatloll of said lalld.17. : Dalliel W. lanterumll
of Broken 110w , Nebrasl'a ; Beujamln S. Stln.
lIIan , of Callaway , Nebra ka. . John B. Ken.
scll , of Urokell Bo\ " , Nebraska ; Walter lIa ) ' ,
ward , of llroken 1101Nebra ka.
35.40 GEOKGE E. PHENCII. Hellister. ; \
United States I.alUl Ollice. I ,
North Platte. Nebrasla , l cbruary II. 1606. f i
NoUce Is hereb ' , , " 'en that the followlll ! : ' - If
named settler has I1led notlcc of his Intelltlon
tolIIake filial Ilroof In sllpport of hi ! ! claim and
that sallllroof will bo lIIade bcforu RelClster
nlld Receiver ; North Plattc , Nebraska. on
March 2.J..lI06 , L\'lz : EDWARD PALMER ,
who made homestead elltr ) ' No , ItC : ! , S , for the
se 4 ue { Sectlou : :1 , ' 1'owllshlp IC , North , Rallll'c
: :1 West. lIe names thc followlllll' witnesses to
prove hlA cOlltlnuous residence IIpOIi nnd cultl.
vatlon of said laud. "Iz. DallielV. . Lauterman
of Brokell Uow..Nebraska : Belljamlll S. SUn.
mall. of Callaway , NebraRlra : John E. KCllsell.
of Broken Bow. Nebraska : Walter lIa'ward. of
Broken Uow , Nebraska ,
3.5-40 GEORGE J . l'HBNCIl. ! Heglster.
III tb DlstrlctCourt.Custer COllllty , Nebraska
Dcl InSmlth.PlaIRtl : ,
Allen M. Smith. Defclldant.
' 1'0 Allcu M. Smith. IIOU resilleut IlcCendant.
) 'on are hereby nOlll1ed Ihat 011 Ihe 7th da ) ' of
1.'cbruary , lW6 , Della Smith. plalntiIT bereln
filed a Iotltloll alfalust ) 'OU III thu J1IQtrlct I.'onrt
of Custcr Couuty. cbra..k. " thli object and .
prayer of which ar to oblalll a dlvorcu fronl
YOIl 011 thu ! : rouuds tbat you bnve become a
habitual drulIlard alld 011 the further II'rouuds
that ) ' 011 have lrrossl ) ' , , wautolll ) ' aut ! cruflly
refused and failed to furllish AUltnble "upport
and lIIallltalllallce for plailltiff althollll'h of
sll lentablllty tolO do.
Plailltiff furthert.rays that she ilia ) ' be de.
decreed to havu the sole custody nllli control of
the child , l vereH , all'e,1 7 ) 'ears , IS lIe of said
lIIarrlalCe alld for such.fllnher wllcf atl equl ty -
l1Ia ) ' require. I
You arc reqllirell to allswer salll petition on
or hlforu MOllday 19th day of March. 11)06.
U ) ' SIMON CA mION. her aHorne ) ' .
) "
To 1.'rallk 1\1. McCully : .
YOII are hereby notllle,1 that on the sixth day
of Fe\Jnmry. \ 19Q , John I. . WllIlamR. COlUlllellC'
011 Rnlt aJ'al1'tlt you "oforu B , ( ; 'Schwlnd. Jus.
tlce of thu l'eac of Urokell Jluw precinct , CUR'
ter COUlltNebraska. . to receive $200 'rom ) 'ou
upon contract , wherelll ) 'OU alCreell to I'a ) ' him
for the IlOsses > llou of a cenaln farlll 111.wlI as
the 1bel Hanch III Cllster COUllt ) ' , Nebraska.
'I'hat 011 salll 6th da ) ' of lo'ebrnary. 1O . salll
Justice Issued a writ ot nttachmellt on the
II'rount ! that ) 'OU were a non.resldent , for the
SUIII of f2UO anll the co ttl of Hald Hult at,1 that
011 the 91h Ilay of l' ! ) ' , 1906 , salll order of
attachmcllt waa levlel UPOII 515 bnshels of coru
now InlHlc" 011 salll Abel Hallch. ami s.1ld
caus has becn cOlltillued h ) ' sa III JIIBllee ulltll .
10 o'clock on the 2JIII of March. I'YJi' ' , allllllnlesH
J'OIl appear bclore ! lalll Juslce at his officu III
Jlrokellllow. Custer COUllt ) ' . Nebraslm. on the
: ! Jnl day of Marcb. llJ 1J. ; It 10 o'clo.t ! In the
forellooll. jndlrelllelll will be ellhmd alCallist I
YOII , c01ulemllhllr said coru a 1111 orderllllC tll" J
Hallie sohl to I'a ) ' the allloullt so fOil II II , llIe.
Hated l ebruar1.Jth , 1906.
11) ' H. A. MOOK ! ' : . ) ' . : ! ( , . !
Ulllte,1 Statell I.alltl Ollice. t j
lIrrltel1l1ow. NelJraska. 1.'elJruao' 17. 1000. f .
Nollcu Is hereb ' a-h'en 1
) Ihat WII/I.IAM A.
DII.I.A VOU. of RoulI,1 I
Vall < ! y , Nebrasla , hall
I1lod 110tlcu of Intelltlou to I1laku IIl1allroof be.
fore Relriliter and Hecelver at Ihelr oOicu In
JlrokelllJow. Nebraska. 011 'l'hl1rsday the : ' ' 9th
lIa : ( of March. 190. ) ( , . on 11. E. No. 33b3 , for thu
sw > t IIC . IIw seJ of section : ' :0 : , In to\VlIshlp\ ,
2' ) N , RalllrlJ 20 W. lIu nanlesaH witnesses : 'll
Jallles Dillavou , of Gates , Nebrasloa ; Charillce ) '
Rwlck. of Gate ! ! , Nebraska : William W.lIarlieli
of Hound Valle ) ' , ebraska : l.'rauk ChrlIlU' , of
Houml Vallo ) ' , Nehrallka.
I : J1.4 J AMllti WIIITltltU.\\I. l elllRter ,