Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 01, 1906, Image 7

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Bad Stomach Makes
Bad Blood.
t You cnn not mnko SWMT. butter In 1\
foul , unclenn churn. ' 1'ho stomach serves
ns churn In which to ngltnto ! work up
nnll dlslntegrato our food as h. la bolnlf
dlgosk > < 1. If It bo wonk , shtgglsh nnd
foul the result will bo torpid , alugglsh
Ivor nnd had Itnpuro blooo. ,
. ' 1'ho Ingredients of Dr. Plerco's Ooldon
Medlcnl Ulscovory are , ust such as best
servo to correct nnd cure nll such do-
rangoments. It Is mndo UII wIthout 0.
. drop of nlcoholln Its composition ; chem-
I. Icnlly pnro , trlple-rofiMd glycerlno . bolng
used Instead or the cOUlral > nl , ( lmployed
alcohol. Now this glycorltlo Is of Itself 0.
valuable medlclno , Instol\d of n deleterIous -
ous ngent like nlcohol , especlnlly In the
cure of wel\k stomach , dyspeusln I\nd the
varlou ! ! forms of Indigestion. IJrof. Finley
EllInswood M. D. , of Uonnott Medlcl11
Collelo , Ch { caco , SI\YS of It :
"In dr.tlOvsll\ : ervo.'I I\n excellent pur-
1 > 060. It 15 ono of the best mnnufact-
ured products of the resent tlmo In It.
t . Mtlon uvon onfeoblod. dlsordored cntnrrhni
. . , O5voclnl1) ' It there ! ! i ulcorntlDn or
Irastrltls Icntnrrhallnnnmmo.tlon of stomach ) .
It III n most oOlclent vrollaratlon , Olrcerlno :
' \\111 rellevo mancnsoll of pyrosIs ( hoo.rtbum )
end o17co&81 vo Ill\\trlc ncldltIt Is useful In
chronic Intostlnal dyslJOlIsln. espeelnl1y the
flatulent varlet ) ' , end In cortalll forms ot
chronIc consUvatlon. stlmulntllllr the secretor -
tor ) ' nnd oxcretorr : functions of the tntestluol
lImds' "
Wl1en comblnCllln 'ust ' the right propor-
tlon ' .vIUt Goidon : : ; oal l\J\J . Stone root ,
. Dlllcle Cherry hark , QuCtn's roott Dlood-
root and 1\1 andraleo root , or the OXtracts of
these , as In Dr. l'lerco's Gel on Medlcnl
Discovery , there cnn bo no doubt of Its
Hroat omcncy In t.ho cure of nil stomach ,
IIvor and Intestlnnl lsorders nnd derange-
r monts. These sovernl Ingredients hn.vo
, the strong st endorsement In nil Buch
caBCS of such omlnont medlcnl leaders as
Prof. R. Bartholow. M. D. , of Jefferson MedIcal -
Ical Collejre. Chlcnuo : l'rot. Ilohnrt A. lIarol
M. D. ot MedIcal DeI't rtment , Unlverlllt ) ' 0 ,
l1a. ; i'rof. Laurence Johnson. M , D. , Melilcal
, Devnrtmont. UnlvtJultv : ot New Yorlj l'rot
JiC\wln : \ M. lIale. M. D. Ihhnomnnn ! I1CUcal
Colle e.Chlclllro..Prof. . J hn M , 8cUlIder , M. D.
end 1 rof. John lInlr. M. D. . Anthers of the
Amorlcnn DIBvcnsntorYJ and ! Cores of others
I . amonII' the lendipir moalcal m"n of our Innd. .
Who can doubt the curatlvo vlrtues.of
Do medicine the Ingredients of , vhlch ho.vo
such a prOfesBlonal endorsement ?
Constipation cured by Doctor Pklrco's
Pleasant Pellets. Ono or two 0. dose.
Women's Friendships.
Some people only have them solves
to thanle that they do not possess more
They thlnle they should give a frlond
hard servIce as they would n. door
, mat.
, mat.A
A wise woman once wrote the followIng -
lowIng rules for friends :
" ' Give your Intimates. the same poIlte
' '
, . : . treatment you give your acquaintances.
, . 'i- Don't use your' friend's house as
- : rou would a restaurant.
; I Don't rush In at all hours.
. Don't tell your troubles.
Dori't find fault.
Be liberal with ) 'our words of praise.
Don't accept favors ) 'OU Can't or
won't roturn.
I 1Jo 't try to be Included in every ,
Don't alwa's say that you , have
Bomethln I\Ire \ It when she shows you
some ne\v possession.
Don't interfere with the manage :
ment of servants or children ,
Don't leeep ) 'our frIends waiting.
Don't fall them in times of trouble.
Learn to overlook Ilttle things and
don't be exacting.
Help In whatever way ) 'OU can.
Do not try to outdo your friend.
Be content , to share attention or ad-
Don't preach.
Don't talle about yourself.
Now , It really would seem In vIew
of 0.11 these rules that there is more
to frIendship than most women thh lt.
. Professor Tames Fish.
After spending a great part of five
months standing up to his neck In
the water of the Lnlre of Luzerne.
Dr. Filstenrach , a ZurIch professor ,
has succeeded In taming about 200
fish so that they eat out of his hand
and let him 11ft them out of the wa ,
ter. Ho has also talen some remark.
able photographs of hIs finny friends.
OccasIonally you hear of a man
who was struck dumb with astonishment -
ment but nothIng 1I1O that ever happens -
pens to a. woman.
Price , 250. , 500. , and S I .00.
' Dr. EARL 8. SLOAN ,
. " . . 615 Albany St. , Boston , Mllss.
, ,
, . ,1 , .
" . ' ' , 'I , ) .
. " ' "
. '
, . .
' , I
. -
r Franklin . Statue for Paris J
- -
1\ ' " " " ' " . .
The large , Imposing and costly bronze statue of Benjamin Franldln ,
which for the past nine months has been in course of construction at the
Roman Bronze Worles , on Oreen street , near Provost , Greenpolnt , Is fin ,
Ished. and has been shipped to Parls. The statue Is'alued at about $10-
000 , has taleen altogether about four 'ears to build , and Is the girt to the
French city of John Hartjes , of the ParIs firm of Morgan & Hartjes. 'l'he
statue Is to be placed on the Rue Ifranltlln , ParIs , In the ImmedIate vIcinity
of where FranllIn made his home while he was ambassador to France ,
more than a hundred j'ears ago. A representath'o of the United States
w1l1 be present at the unveiling ceremonIes , which w1l1 talee place April
20.-Broolelyn Eagle.
One of the Chief AcHlevemcnts of the
Twentieth Century.
"Waste not , want not , " tells only
half the story In the twentieth cen.
tury , which finds fortunes In waste
products. Sulphate of Iron as a water
purifing agent , with an admixture of
a small percentnge of copper sulphate ,
Is of comparatively recent use In mechanical -
chanical filtration , and Its merit as a
coagulant , together wIth 'ts low cost ,
has led to Its employment as a substitute -
tute for aluminum sulphate. A new
outlet , therefore , has been provided
for a waste product the uses of which
hitherto have been much circumscribed -
scribed , and the disposition of which .
at all large finishing mlIIs has been a
problem. The possibilities of the '
trade arc suggested br : the requirements - 'I
ments of ono of the largest filtration ;
plants , where 3,600 tons are used an-
nually. Moro attention also' Is being
paid to the use of the blast furnace
fine dust , desplto the many unsuccessful -
cessful attampts at brlquetln . Recent -
cent developments Indicate that the
latter has bcon given Ull as Impracticable -
ble , and attention Is being turned
toward the agglomeration of the dust
Into rotary 1l1ns. Some of the largest
producers of steel have already made
plants for the rotary lelln type.
Comet Has Tall ; Why ?
What are comet's tails and how and
why ? Prof. Barnard concludes that
the eruptlvo action of the comet Itself
and the active interference of external
matter are talI-producing causes. Short
straight minor talIs , Issuing from the
nucleus at considerable angles to the
maIn tall , seem to corroborate the
existence of the comet's own eruptive
force , or at least of seme force In addition -
tion to that supplied to the sun. The .
rapid defiectlons and distortions of the I
tall or talIs , as In Brool's comet , suggests -
gests the exlstcnce of some resisting
medIum which Is not evenly dIstributed -
uted throughout the Interplanetary
space. Ho thlnls all brIght comets
should bo photographed hour by hour ,
as the day by day photographs hitherto -
to obtained arc separated by long Intervals -
tervals , so long that the changes
recorded are not necessarlly con-
French Peerage Out of Place.
The French peerage , so caIled , figures -
ures fiagrantly and conspicuously In
about all the scandals , social , political
and ecclesiastical , that wo get from
Paris. The duchess who figures In
the Castellane affair Is one of Its leadIng -
Ing members and other French dulees
and duchesses have just been the
leaders In the church rIots against the
gO'lernment. It was the dowager
Duchess D'Uzes who financed the un-
dertaldng of Gen , Boulanger to overthrow -
throw the republic and It was the
same crowd of titled aristocr ts who
Insulted President Loubet and smnsh-
ed his hat down over hIs heatI at the
Auteull races. It would almost seem as
If the French peerage was complete I ) '
and Insolently out of pla'o under the
French ropubllc.-Boston IIernld.
In 11no , truth consll ed In Itself
and In the effects natural to It , may be
conceived S a gentle sprmg or watercourse -
course , warm from the genla1 earth ,
and breathing up Into the snowdrIft
that Is piled over and around Its out-
let. It turns the obstacle In Its own
form and character , and as 't maltes
Its way Increases Its stream. And
should It bo arrested In Its course by
a chilling season , It suffers delay , not
loss , and walts only for 'a change In
the wind to awaken nd again roll
. ,
J , ' '
- '
Enormous Growth of the Christian
Endeavor Societies.
Slxt-elght thousand soclelles with
a membership of more than three millions -
lions , ha\'o grown In twent-fivo ) 'ears
from "a tea and tall , " In a quiet homo
Portland , MaIne.
Dr. Father En < 1ea'or Clarl-as he
Is affectionately called through a pun
on his inillals , F. E.-was pastor then
of the WlIIlston church [ n that city ;
and It was In hIs house and at his
invitation that some of the young lIeo-
pIe of the church founded the Young
People's Society of Christian Endea \ ' -
or , which celebrates Its twent-fifth
anniversary this month ,
'l'here arc almost 50,000 of these so-
cletles in the United States and Canada -
ada , and more than 10,000 in Great
BritaIn and Ireland. In Afdca there
are 226 soclelles , In Brazil G2 , In Bulgaria -
garia 16 , In China 360 , In Finland 19 ,
In Hungary 13 , In RussIa 10 , In Sweden -
den 148 , in HawaII 54 and In IndIa 6G7.
The annual ChrIstian Endeavor con-
yentlons have become stupendous , beIng -
Ing attended by something \lice \ GO , OO
registered delegates , not counllng
thousands of outsiders. It Is proposed
at the J1 arter century celebration to
commence the erection of an international -
tional headquarters building In Bos-
ton. 'rhls will not only provide for
offices for the socIety but wllI serve
as a memorial to the founder , Dr.
Francis Edward Clarle. The moHo
of the Indeavorqrs Is "The World for
Christ. "
Tonic Effect of Music.
Good music Is a powerful tonic to
man ) ' people , especially these sufferIng -
Ing from melancholia. It lifts them
out of their solemn moods , dispels
gloom and desponcIency , Idlll ! dlscour-
aged feelings and gives new hope , new
life and new ' 1lgor. It seems to put
a great man ) ' people Into proper tunc.
It gives them tIe l\Oynote of truth
and beauty , strll\Cs the chords of harmony -
mony , dispels discord from the lifo ,
scatters clouds and brings sunshine.
All good music Is a character builder ,
because Its constant suggestion of
harmony , order and beauty puts the
mind Into a normal attitude , Music
clears the cobwebs out of man ) ' mInds
so that they can think better , act better -
ter and live better.-Success 1\Ia a.
Senator Knox Keeps Good Hours.
Senator Knox of Pennsylvania Is
one of the few members of congress
who come near livIng up to the "early
to bed" proverb. Rarely Is ho out of
bed later than 10 : 30 o'clock and often
taps sound fOI' him an hour earlier.
13) ' G o'clock he is up and at worle ,
havIng whlle ) 'ot In bell loolced over
the previous ovenlng's mall. By 9
o'cloGk , when his clel'lC arrIve , he has
arranged a lot of work In such n
fashion that It may be finished speedIly -
Ily , for he Is always at the capitol In
time for committee meetings at 10
o'cloclt. Reading In bed Is his only
dissipation and ho Indulges in this lux.
ury a great deal.
Word With Many Uses.
"Nugget" was formerly used to signify -
nify a bit or lump of anything , asJI.
"nugget of tobacco. " Nowadays , however -
ever , It Is used principally of gold
as It comes from the mlno. 'l'hls use
Is Australian , Gov. Sir Wmlam Den-
Ison of Australia wrote In 1852 : "In
man ) ' Instances the gold Is brought to
marleet In lumps or nuggets , as they
are called. " In Queellsland there Is a
peculiar use of the word unlmown In
the rest of Australia. There , when
a man appropriates unbranded calv08 ,
ho Is said _ to be "nuggetlng. "
Vir. Pitts , Once Pronounced Incurable ,
Has Deen Well Three Years.
E. E. PIlls , GO IInthnwa ) ' St. , 8ItO\\-
egan , 1\Ie. , Sa's : "Sovon ) 'Oars ngo
Iy bacle ached and I Was so run dOW11
that I Was laid up
f 0 u r months. I
had night swents
hnd faInting spells
and drollpcd to 90
, ; \ 1101111119. 'rho
M ' - . , urlnQ
7. . . II BSM Q'erfow
( . . - , minutes with In-
t , ! _ ' , ' tense paIn ntul
\ ; , I 100lOd lIIeo blooll.
& . . : . , 't-'i l Dropsy' set In ntHI
. . 'iP ? , . the doctors decld.
ed I could not 1"0.
hi ) ' wlto gal mo using Donn's KIdney I
pms , and as they helped mo I toole
heart , lept on nnd Was cured so thor-
: lughly that I'vo been well three
yeurs. "
80ltl b ) ' all denIers. [ j0 cents n box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , llurrnlo , N. Y.
Danger In AmuGements.
The habIt of ( lIsslpatlng every serl.
ous thought by a succession of ag ro-
nblo sensation ! ! Is as fatal to happl ,
IICSS as to vIrtue ; for when nmuse-
mont is unlforml ) ' substituted for ob. I
jocts of mornl and mental Interest , i
wo lese all thal elevates our enjoy- I
monta above the scale of childish
11easures.-Annn Marla Porter.
Cupid and Coupons.
"I am vcr ) ' much In love with the
banltCr's daughter. As Boon as I saw
hel' fathor's COUllon scissors I hud 1ml-
111taUon of the heart.-Tales.
" 'orth JlIonllll ; '
-Umt Allcoclt's arc the origInal antI
only genulno porous plasters : all other
so-called porous plasters are Imitations.
Somotlmes when 1\ boy comes out of
coollego ho can earn his livIng If tItero
Is no ono to support him.
Tllko LAXATIVI , JlnoO Qulull10 Tnt > lots. Uru
htB rOflll,1 money If It inlls to curo. E. , Yo
U1I0VE'8 BI nnturu lion cnch box. c ;
Only the doctors lenow how lIttle
real slclmess there Is In the world.
LewIs' SlnJlo 13lnl1er cost ! ! moro than
otlter Cio cl at.s. SmolJl's Imow wby.
Your dealer or Lowls' l ! actol'y , Poorla , Ill.
There .wou1l1n't bo much matrImony
without n maiden effort.
Shntco Illto Your Bhoo ! !
Allcn's Foot-Easo , 1powdor. . It curcs } Jain-
ful , smnrtlulj , non-ous feet 1\1Il1 Ingl'Owlng
nnils. It's the rrcatost comfort dlscovcrj'
of tbo ago. Mnlcos noW' sltoos easy. A
certain cure for'swoatlng foet. Sold by
nll Druggists , 25c. 'l'l'lalIJacltngo l"n.gE. "
Addrcss A. S. Qltnstod , La Hey , N. Y.
There probablY wouldn't ho nny-
worle to tIe In the world If wo lilted it.
Garfield TO < t , Mild Laxative.
NothIng has yet talecn the lllace of
Garfield 'rea , Nature's rcmed ) ' tor Ithl.
ney und liver trouble , constipation 111111
slclt headache. ContallltJ no harmful
Ingredients , nothing but mcdlclnal
herbs. Sold at all drug stores. Send
for free sample to Garfield 'l'ea Co. ,
Broolc1)'n , N. Y.
'l'ho logIc of love convinccs moro
than UtO love of logic.
StJ'acobs Oil
for many , many years has cured
and continues to cure
Price. 25c. and 50c.
three , : : rl'ut IlurKults
I huvo ululn "howl !
wonderul resu1t on
Magnificent cllmnte-fnrmerll plowing In tllelr
shIrt sleovesln the middle of November.
"Allllro bound to bo more tllan pleascd. with
the 11nal rcsults of the tHUit scnsoll' ! ! burvebt.-
Extract ,
Coal , wood , 'Water , hny tn abundance-bcbools ,
churches , markets convenient.
Thilis the ern of 11,00 wheat.
Apply for Informutlon to Superlntemlent ot
Immlgrntlon , Ottawa , Canndu , or to lIuthorlzed
Canadlnn Oo'crnmentlIent'V , V. Hennett ,
501 New Yorlc I.lto Hulldln ! : . Omnhu. Ncbrasllu.
( Mention thl ! ! paper. )
W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 8-1906.
" , ,
, , ' t
Drushe9 Mndo Dy Nnture.
Cmlous natural brushes ere prol1uc.
ell Irom ono or lho pnlmotto speclos
on ollr southern coasto. 'rho "hrls-
tlos" of the brush aud the solhl.wool1
Ortion thereof IIro nll 0110. NQ "com.
hu.out" comnlollll with these brls-
Ucs.-Sclelltlfio AmerIcan.
Denlore Hny thnt all 1I00n nil 1CUll -
tomer trlclI Donance Starch It Ie Itn-
pOl.'lIlble to lIell them 1\1\ ) ' other cohl
wn lor stareh. It cnn bo uBcll collt or
Suicide statistics.
SUlldn's front ! ) to 12 at night Is the
fn\'orlto limo for WOntOIl to commit
sulchlo. 'raldn/t / all da-s Into conslll-
ernthm , moro ntell 1(111 thl'ntscl\'eB
then wonten In the 11rollorllon of
so\'en to two.
StorcteCl1crll ! rCllort that the extrn
( ) UI\t\tlt ) . , together wllh the AlIllcrlor
qualll ) ' of Dcnnneo Sarch , mnlees It
ncxt to ItnpoBslblo to Bell nny other
bran .
Theatrical Postcrs In Paris.
All the theatrIcal 1\1111 an11tsomonl
IInnouncemonts of PariSi are 110stel1 on
pillar billboards thal IIro l11acel1 at In-
tor\'als along the houlovanls. 1t Is
I\lalllst the ll\w to disfigure walls with
} lostors.
WashIng Windows.
The mcthOll of washing wlmlowB hns
cllllIRCIl'ory 1I1\1ch of Into i 111vo n } lall of
luleownrm BUlls mnllo from Ivory Sonp. Dip
n 80ft cloth In the wntor ; sqUOO1.0 nlmost
dry nud the Inss o IT. Thenlollsh
wtth wlllU as It lel\vos 110 lint nml ( lees
the worle with 11101'0 ease ,
The Ways of Men.
Few l1octors uro willing to talto
their own modlclno : when [ \ law'er
g tR into trouble he hastens to hlro
an attorney , nnd It 19 hard for II co-
1110 to admlro I\n I\rtlst who Imlnts his
own Ilortrait.
Don't ) 'OU know that Dcllance Starch
besl es being nb:1Olntely : : lullcl'lor to
1\11) ' othel' , IR put UI ) 16 ounces In IlI1cl-
nge nnll BellI ! nt same 11I'Ice us 12-
ounce pnclwC'cR or other It111l1s ?
Decided HorDt ) Committed Suicide.
In a lawsuit at Aberdeen , Wash-
oyer a horse whoso dentll the owner
attributed to [ \ man whu had llirod
It. the court dechlod the anhnnl Imd
committed sulchlo ,
Hundred ! ! or deniers sn ) ' the cxtrn
Qunntlty rutll supet'lot' Qtmllty or Dc-
nnnco Starch Is fcu t taltlng nlaco of
all other ! Jrn11lIs. Olhors sllY they ccm-
not sell nn ) ' other Bllll'ch.
"Frlomls of the Blollhnnt" Is the tI ,
tlo of IL socloty jUlt ! formed In ParIs
to comhl\t the gmdual extinction of
the animal by huntors.
It you don'tot / the hhmest nml befit
Its your own fault. Dcllll11CO Stnrch
Is for Imlo evel'ywhere Ilmi there Is
posItively nothlnJ ; to el\1Cl1 It In qUill-
Ity or quantity.
After the juice has I , . . tn squeezell
from lemons , the 11eel mny 110 utillzoll
for cleaning hraRB. DIt ) It In common
salt , and scour " , Uh powdered bricle-
More money Is wasted trying to In-
yent things to SI\\'O It than III any
other wa ) ' .
Nervous W Olnen
Tholl' SufferlnJ ( Arc U ual1J" :
Due to Fornole Dlsorders
Orhftp Unsuspe ted
Cnn wo dlsputo
t.ho wcll-Icnown
Iuct. UmtAmerican
women are ncr-
\'OU& ?
How often dowo
henr the expres-
siolt , "I am so nervous -
vous , it seems as it
[ 8110uld fly ; " or ,
"Don't. spenle to
' / ; ' rI ' ) me. " Llt.lIo things
'At. .
rJ.n . 1. .t.JflD(1 / I . '
CUlUOj' yon nnd
maleo 'on irritable : yon can't sleep.
you are unn.blo to quietly und calmly
perlorm 'OUl' do.l1y tnslts or tor
j'our chUdron. I
The relation of the nerves nnl generative - \
erativo organs in womlUl Is so close
that nino-tenths of the nervous prostration -
tration , nervous dohllity , the blues ,
sleeplessness nn nor"OUB Irrltahllity
urlse trom soma erangement of the
organism which maltcs her II. woman.
: mts of dopresslon 01' rcsUessness and
lrrllabl11t.y ; spirits eaRlly nfT\etetl , so
that ono mlnuto she hmglls , the noxb
mhmte weeps ; pain 111 t.ho n1ldomlnal
region ntHI bot.wecn Ule shoulders ;
loss ot voice ; ner\01t9 ( lyspopsln. ; u.
te11l1etlc to cry at the least provocn-
tlon-al [ these loint to nervous pros-
trnllon ,
Nothing w111 rellevo this lstre8.'ilng
cOIHUlion ntH1 prevent months of pros-
trltllOlntHI Bu 'erlng' so surely as L.vdl
E. l'in1chnm's Vegetable Compound.
: Mrs. M. E. ShotwoU , oC ] 0:1 : Flat.bush
Avenue , Droold'ln , N , Y" wrlles :
"I C Utlot oxprl'81 the wOlulorful rellof I
111\\'e eXIKJrloncotl by taltlng Lydia E. 11ink _
ham's Vl'gotnblo Compouud. I snffered for
long Umo with nervous III'Ostrntlon , bn -
neho , bMdncho , 10 ! > 9 of u 1I11"tI to. 1 could
not sloop nnd woulll walk the 1loor nlmosll
OVOI'Y nlHht.
" 1 hml thr o doctors roul got no hetlor , nnd
11fo 'VI\'I 1bunion. . I wns mlvlsOIl to try
I.ydln B. } 'Inlthnm's Vcltotablo Compound ,
nUll It hns workOll wot1llem for mo.
"I 1WI.l } ' Is nIl
nm 1\ W01llun , m ) nervousness
( ; Ono n\1l1 my frloud.'J oay 1 look ten y001'l.'l '
. II
WIl ! not the volul11es of 'lctters from
women 1I11ldu strongby r..ytlhL E. Plnle-
11l\m's Vegetable Compoutllconvlvco
nIl women ita vlr.tues 'I' Surely 'ou
CntlUot wish to remltln alele , wealc
, ud discouraged , oxll1Lttslcd ench tlay ,
Hlton you cn11 be us easily cured as
ot.hor wowcn.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
i..j : : : : l
cllolIgft , hut if ) ' 011 shoulll get 1\
gallon or cough syrup that dOt ! ! not
curu for tit ! ' . pdcu of a s111ull bottle I
Kemp's aIsant .
the best cough cltre , you would
h11vo made 11.Iatl hafl ain-for ono
smnll holtle or Kcmp's1Jnlsam mny
stop the worst cough ntH ! save n
lifo , whereas the cO\llh "cure" that
doe:1 : not cure Is wor6 , thnl1 useless.
Sold by all cnlers at 25C. and 50C.
. . $ . . . " . . "ot
l1atJIleled with lTholnpson's Eve Water
sorll OYOI , UIO f ,
Your farm pay iIor tsell
in ttlle Southwesto
It is not an uncommon thing for a farmer in
the Southwest to pay for his farm in enc year.
This could only be donc whcre the crops me
big , thc prices good , and thc land inexpcnsive. I
Preciscly these three conditiqns exist in the
Southwcst. Good rich land Can be bought for
a small part of what land costs in your locality.
This land will yicld 50 bushels of corn to the
acre , 30 bushels of wheat , 90 bushels of oats.
ns a rcgular thing. The avcral e prices of
. grains sold by farmers in the Southwcst during.
the past five YClrs was higher than thc prices
secured by farmers in your neighborhood.
Under such favorable conditions , thc South- .
wcst farmer is bound to prosper.
Now is your opportunity
to exchange your Ce\v ncres at home Cor :1 bigger
and more pro uctive Carm in the Southwest. Y Oll
can sell your present Carm , payoff the mortgare anti
have enough leCt to bur :1 bIg CarOl in the Southwest -
west that will make you independcnt in :1 Cew year , .
\Vritc us \\'I1t : you want und we can place you in
touch with the very thing are looking Cor.
The M. K. & T , Ry. Lam 13urcau is an orgn- :
ization of reliable men whose busines it i , to find
hetter locuions : for those who want to improve
their condition. ,
. .
TlIe Comlno Country II Free t
The "Comlnl : Country" II n very InterOltlnrtlBtlerJ1ub _
IIlhed ! nu/Uhly Bud de'l"olcd to the Houthwolt. ' 1'111.
t'u1Jlleation wllll'oat you on condltlonllu the Southw ! ! . .
bolter111m an'thlul : that you could r".d. . 1'1bo \ Illd
. . , to hBVII thoJ > ublllh r llnco your au the mnllln.c
The IhM .\ . Iht Bl1fl Boud ) ' ' 'Ulfrce COI'Y of the )1aper re/ularly /
portion. , rOI're. nt . tor anD yenr Write to"lay whllo ) ' 01) ) think of It for . . .
err fertllo"oetlon. troD cOIIl ot tho" Comlul : Conntry. ' ulld o'l"or'thllll :
of /jouthwcu. will bo "ono turuluh you wltllllltormutlon a1Ioul t4.
S. G. LANGSTON , Sccretnry. M. J { . & T. Land Burenu ,
\Vnlnwrlobt DulldhU. . SL Louis. l\'Io.
C. C. C.-C. C. C.-C. C. C.-C. C. C.-C. c. C.-C. c. C.-C. C. C.
A Special Represeniative 'VWanted
( Man or Woman. ) n
Q .
I. Best of references required. Address
Q .
Q .
C. C. C.-C. C. C.-C. C. C.-C. C. C.-C. C. C.-C. C. C.-C. C.C.
I won't BeU Antl-OrhIIIu to a dpaler who ' OD't aUl1runteo
It. ClLlllof'oUr ) JoNEY JlA(11 ( IF 1'1' lJOo'T ; CUJU : "
P. J1'.11uuucr. M.D. . MIlUu1l1cturerSJrllloJlcltl , Mo-