Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 01, 1906, Image 6

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At the Drazll'an ' AmbasGador'o Dinner
Secretary of State Root Reaffirms
Devotion of the United States to Its
Tradlllotl l Policy.
W ASIIINGTON - The diplomatic
ropresontatlves of the South American
republics In thlll city nro I1lsculIslng :
with Ereat Interest the flpoech mnl10 hy
Secretnry Hoot nt the I1lnnor which
the Brnzllinn nmbnssnl10r gave In his
honor unl1 In honor oC the countries
which will S0I1Il l1elegntes to the Pan. .
Amorlcnn congresil In Hl 110 Junolro
next slImmor. 1\11' . Hoot tnlJwl1 chlolly
nbollt the Monroe doctrtn n11l1 sultl In
part :
When Prosltlont 1\Ionroo , coming to ,
the nld oC strllggllng Spnnlsh.Amerlcn ,
made the nlllllclollS nnd gnllant l1eclar-
atlon thnt no part of the Amorlcan con.
tlnents must bo doomel1 subject to colonization -
onization b ' an ' Ellropean power ho
alllrmod the proposition that all the
Amorlcan l'olllll > lIcs are competent to
mnlntnhl tl1roughout tholr torrltorles
governments unswerlng to the do.
manl1s oC clvlllzntlon , Ilreserving or-
dol' , onforclng law , dollig justlco and
IIOI'ol'lulng all IlIlorlllllullul ! U llgn.-
To that proposition all or us stnnd
committed. Its truth wo all malntn.ln.
Every ovldenro In Its Rupport Is 11
sOllrco oC lJatisCactlon. g\'ory forward
stoll In the Imth oC Ilrogl'ess by nny
Amorlcnn rellUlIlIc Is a cause or jo '
to all or us. Let mo , then , 1\11' . Amban.
sador , Imss nlong the toast which 'ou
were good enough to propose to my
' 1I\worl \ hy solf. I asle you to dl'llIle to
the slstorhood of Amorlcan ropuh11cs.
May every ono of thom grow In Ilros.
p rJty anl ! strength : may the Indopeml-
ence , the Ireeclom or the rIghts or the
least and wealceat , ho ever represented
equally with the rights of the strong.
est , and mny wo nll do our share to.
ward the hllll11ng ! up of a sound and
enllghtoned public opinion of the
Amorlcans which shnl1 everywhere ,
Ullon hath continents , Ilromoto the
reign or pence , orller nnd of justlco In
every Amerlc'ln reI1\11)lIc.
WASHINGTON-A colebratlon In
bonl1" oj ! the clshtY-8lxth nnnlversar '
of. the birthday of 1\IIss Susan D. Anthony -
thony was held In the Ohurch of Our
Father horo. Thp nttendnnco Included
u number of pUhllc men who rJollvored
nlIdresses and also delegates from the
womnn's sUffrngo conv4.mtlon which
has just finIshed Its sonslonK In IJnIlI.
moro. Rev. Annll Howard Shaw pre.
Islded and addresljos were mndo b ' Sen-
ntor DuboIs 'of Idnho , and Representa.
tlves Keefer of Ohio nnd Reeder of
Knnsns. Re.Tohn Van Schnlclt of'
thIs clt ' and nev. Antolnetto Drown .
Dlacltwoll of Now Jersey.
Favor Old Age PenslonD.
LOtiDON-Whllo declllling to mnlto
rash promlsos Premlor Cn.mllbol1.
Dannormnn and ChnllcollOr of the gx.
chequor Asqnlth declared entl1'o sym.
pathY with 11. doputntlon wMch cnllod
011 them to ndvocnto the estnbllsh.
mont of a nntlonal s'stom or old nge
OHIOAGO.-Enstorn and western
tralllc olltclnls Cnlled to ngree on grain
rates frqm the 1\IIssouri river torrltory
to tbo Atlantlc seaboarli antI the two
Interests seem to bo fnrthor apart to.
night thnn when the conroronco was
called. No call hns been Issoud tor
nnothor conference nnd no further ef.
fort nt present w1lbe \ made to olYect
a sottlement.
The eastern men roCuse to pn ' the
"robtng" cimrgo or l.ti cents at the 'sen.-
\oard nnd olTored the western mon U
cents ol1t or : n.'l. 'l'ho western roads
wnnted lUY. : cents.
Kansas Convention.
TOIEKA , Kns. - ' 1'ho ropubllcan
stnto convelltlon will bo hold 111 ' 1'0-
pOlta , May 2 , leglnlllng at 10 o'clocle 11.
m. , nccordlng to a doclslon of the state
central commltteo.
Are Not Paying the Money.
ST. PillTERSDURG-In the course
of un artlclo pointing out a general
hnprovement In the Unl1ncint sltuntlon ,
l'romier Wltto's nowspaller organ. ( ho
RussIcoo Gossudarstvo , stntes thl1t
owing to the Imposslbllit . of raIsing
the $300,000,000 required to moot the
oxtraordlnary expenditures provlllel
for In the budget by ordInary means ,
It w1l1 bo neodrul to have recourse to
the moro or less frel1uentJ . resort
wl1en they nud themsclves In anal.
ogolus dltlIcultles.
Grants a Reprieve.
SANTA FE , N , lIl.-Governor Hngor.
man granted a relITlovo for ono week
to John Conlo ' , who was to have been
hanged nt Taos for the murder of
James Redington , In order to Ilermit
all oxamlnntlon , Illto hIs mental cOlUl1.
ttoo. ' " ' 1t"lS reported thnt Cnlo ) ' be.
camG a ravIng manlnc when tohl the
governor hall refused to C0111111Ulo hIs
sentonce. There Is no telegraph lIne
to 'faos nt1\1 messenger carr 'ln the
reprlovo rode thIther from Embudo.
thlrty.fivo . miles over mountalno\ls
. .
. . I
OldcDt Daughter of PresIdent Now a
WASIIINGTON-In the beautiful
whlto and gold east room of the Whlto
1I0uso , u Cow mlnlltes after noon Sat.
IIrduy the venerable Hight Hov. lIenry
II. Sntterleo , hlshop or Washington , ot
th.o Pl'Otestant I IJls'opal chllrch 111'0-
nOllncel1 the fateful worlla which
united In 111nrrlago Allco Leo Roosevelt -
volt , oldest dnughter of the presldont
of the Unitell States , nnd Nicholas
I.ongworth the representatlvo oC the
1"Ir8t distrIct of Ohio In congress. The
ceremony , the sl1l1llo , , healltlfnl and
Impresslvo rIng sorvlce of the Eplsco-
Iml church , WIlS atlended by all the
helluty of cathedral sorvlco. It WnJ !
wltnessoll by ono oC the most hrllllant
anel 11Istlngllished n.ssClnhlngs ! ever
gllthorod In the White 1I0uso , hy far
the Inrgest thnt over graced the WhltG
1101180 on n Dlmllar occasion. A hnlo
or nn hundred yenrs or romantic Whlto
1I0uso history hllng 0\01' the brhlal
COli pie. Miss Roosevelt W1\8 the
twelfth brldo , nccordlng to accoptell
allthorltlell , to Jllh ht her troth within
its classic wa1ls , nnd the hI on tical room
where she Jolnoc1 hands with the hilS'
bnnll of her cholco , "for better , for
worse , " Is hn1lowecI In the memory of
another White House lrhIo , "belovell
Nolllo Grant , who thirty ycnrs ago , on
the snmo spot , became tTlI wlCo of an
Englishman , Algornon C. E. Sartorls.
The fIoral decorations were moro
elaborate thnn any heretofore have
been In Prosldont Roosavelt'a admln.
Istrntlon. 'Vhllo unnecessary space In
the grent room was not tnlton up wIth
decornUons , as every Illch wnl ! neodell
to accomodato the guests , two hUlO
vnSN1 of rare IIGslgn , each filled with
Easter IIIIIes nl111 fern fronlls , occllpled
each or the mantels. IIl1d two handsome -
some tallos , one cach at the north and
south ends of the room. here jardin-
eres of flowerlnr : rholloclendrons.
Promptl . on the strolw of noon Miss
RoosvoIt , escorted h3' the presIdent ,
descendelI h ' the elo\3tor to the west
end of the main corridor. There
awaiting them were the IIshers select.
ed by Mr. Longworth. All or them are
long-Umo personal friends and several -
eral of them were the bridegroom's
classmates at IInrvard.
Preceded by the l1shers , the president -
dent I1nd the dainty hrhle. resting her
hnnd lightly withIn hi ! ! left arm , proceeded -
ceeded to the east room , the orchestrn
ronderlng the masnificent march from
Tannhauser.lIs8 Roosevelt never
lookell better. The clnsslc benuty of
her face and figure was accentuated hy
or.exqulsito attlro and b ' the surround-
Ings. HI' hrldal dress was a mngnlfi-
rent creation of hel\vy white saUn ,
point lace , ehlflon , filmy tulle and silver -
ver lrocado. The matorlal from which
the g'own was do\'oloped W1\8 manufactured -
tured especially for Miss Roosevelt amI
t.ho design was destroyed as soon as
the neces.3l1ry amount was made. The
gown hM a l ng cOllrt traIn of superb
sliver brocnde. The bodlco was mudo
high without a col1ar , was trlmTJ1el1
with rare old point taco nlld the elbow
sIEO\'o were IInlsh\ll wllh the sumo
fi1111 ' material , The sleeves just met
tilO long whlto gloves. \"olumlncus
uIlo Y ' 1I ahnost completely enveloping-
'ht' slender , graceful figure of the
chnrmlng brldo was held In plar y
I1l1lnh' < , lusters of OI'lIugo blossonl ,
The tln ' sllPllerH were fashioned from
! \1I\'or brocade and Ins tend of huclo'J :
tulle hews were worn. with tiny clus.
trrs or OI'ango fiowors. 'J'ho only joweln
worn by the brldo was the superh din. .
mend lIecltlaco. which was the gin of
qlC groom. 0\01' her 10ft I1rm l\11 a
lloosovelt cnrrled 1BuporlJ s'1owor
bouquet of the rarest und dalnt ! ( st
whlto orchids l1rocurn.blo.
The usllors , who were In couples ,
s < , pnrntell as they reach ell the plat-
term , and the Ilresillont Imssed throllgh
the two lines nnd Ilresontod his 11llugh-
ti" to the waIting hrldogroom , who
stollped forwnrd the recelvo hor. To.
gothor they asconclod the platform.
whol'o Dlsho1) Satterleo In the Impos1l1g
robes of hlg office alrenlly was stnnd-
! ng. In low , resonnto tones the billholl
hogan. A t the cont'l\lson ! of the rOe
f1ponsos from the brhlo nnd groom the
"enorahlo hlshop Influl1'od In a tone
1 nt fillcll the grent room : "Wh t
glvoth this woman to bo murrlt'd to
tills man ? "
The nresillent of the Unltod Sht09
: J cC111Ie1 ! the platform. nIHI , tntlng' :
nls dhughter's right hand , plnced It In
that of the bridegroom. 'J'hus ho < ; tn'o
the brhlo away to the man of hfJr
cholc < , . und by the ring whleh an In-
rlant later the groom Illaced on the
fourth finger or her left hnnll. she 1 > 0-
"aml : ' Mrs. Nlcholns l.ongworth ,
David B , Henderson Blind.
DUDUQUE , Ia. - Former S\loalter \
Dnvhl It 1I0mlorson has sufferol another -
ether paralytic strolo which 111\s do-
Ilrl\'ed him of his sight. Ills wIfe Is
the enl ) ' Ilorson ho rocognlzos. His
gonorn.l . conctltlon is worso. It ts be-
Ho\'ed the onll Is near.
Immense Loss to Farmers.
VICTORIA-Tho steamer Oornngl ,
which arrived from Australia 1 > rought
news of disastrous bush fires In Now
South " 'ales , cnuslng Immense loss to
farmers and othors.
Skeleton Autograph Album.
There has just dlell nt Borlln a mnn
WllO posses sOd a curious autograph
"n.lbum" consisting of 11. com1110to
sloleton , 0\01' ) ' hone of whIch was
co\'orel1 with the slgl1lllnros or his
frlonds amI relat1ves.-Tho London
: \11111.
Dlrd Builds Biggest Nesr.
The mounll hiI'd , found In Ausl1'nlla ,
hllllds the hl mest nest in the worlel.
It mnltes mounds 80motl1uos liS ! ; rcnt
ns lliO feet In clrcumferonce , In which
It. burIes Its OIIS 0\0 reet deoo.
. . . . .
- .
Two Speeches , One In the Forenoon
and Another In the Aftcrnoon-Dls.
cusslon of Panama Canal and Other
, Questions.
CIIIOAGO-Secretary of War Wlll.
lam 'l'nft. hefore nn amI/enco / which
filled the Auditorium to the tloors , de-
llverecl an oration tlllOn " 'rho Army
and the RelJUbllc. "
Ho spolto under the nusplces of the
Union League rluh or this city , which
for ' ( ) arB has made 11 feature oC the
colohrn.tlon . of the ImtIHIIlY of WashIngton -
Ington , In the morning the secretary
addressed , OOO school chlldron , who
were gllthered In the sumo hnH In
which ho dellvarell hIs afternoon
speech. li'or his nddress to the young
people ho cheese "Tho Phlllpillnes , "
telling at conslclerablo length of the
progress thnt Is heln mndo to Amer.
Ican standards. At nIght ho spolto for
the third tlmo at the banquet hold In
the Union League cluh house I1nd this
tlmo ho I1lscusH)11 ! the Panama cannl.
In oponlng his address In the afternoon -
noon which was the most Important
speech of the three , Secretary Taft
doclnred thnt his worlt had so far been :
. of such an excluslvo character that ho
did not 1m ow about. an .thln ! ; hut the .
Philippines , the Panama canal. tbo
art11 ' and the hest method of organizIng -
Ing a mntrlmonlal oxcurslon. The
Philippines , 110 salel , he had already
dlscussod , the Pannnm cannl bo had
rese/\'ell / for his speech at the banquet
nnd the enl ) ' subject loft for the arter-
noon wns the army. The secretary
spolto at conslderablo length , discussIng -
Ing the organization , needs nnd nc-
qulrements of the army , urgln ! ; strong.
I ' upon his hearers thnt they support
both the nrmy and the navy In 311Ch
a mannoI' thnt both could 1)0 maintaIned -
taIned at a state of the highest pos.
slblo efficlencr. : IIo dwelt with om-
phasls upon the necessity of being
pro pared for war as the surest guar.
nnteo of peace. The words of George
Washln ton , In this connection , ho
said , are o\'en maI'o true todn.y t1mn
when ther were uttered. for the reason -
son that the country Is now very much
closer In touch with the other nations
of the world than It was In the days
of Washington.
In his ( uscusslon of tbo Panama
canai at the Union Leag10 ! cluh at
night. Secrotar ' Taft gave his hearers
a hlstor - of the aflalrs on the Isthmus
or Panama. for the last four years. Ho
told of the'man : . . obstacles that I111vo
been met. with and ha"\"o been O\'er.
como and of some of ollstncles t1at are
still unsolved.
WASHINGTON. - Representative
McNor ' -.rassnchusetts Introduced I
a resolution Instructing the pmsldent I
to have the Interstate commerce com.
missIon Investlgato the alleged con. I
trol and ownership of anthracite coal
and anthracIte mines br railway com-
blnntions , The resolution speclfIcaH '
requIres that a report be made as to
whether the anthrnclto cnrrYln ! ; rO:1ds .
In combInation fix the prlco of an. I
thraclto coal In April each 'ear , "tak. !
nl coal steve size as n hasls $4,50
pol' ton f. o. b , New Yorle : taltlng ono. "
third of such prlco as the carr 'lng I
charge for Buch coal , and whether
they advnnco the prlco of 10 cents per
month up to and Including September -
bor 1 , taltlng onethlrd of such ad\'llnco
of 10 cents per month as their share
fo carr 'lng such conI. "
Southern Pacific Coast Defenseless In
Case of War.
LOS ANGELES-11eollzlng the de-
fcnseless condition of the Southern
California section of the Pacific coast
In cnso of wnr , John II. Norton. chair-
11111U of the mllltnry post and military
fortification commlttco of Los AugoleH
chamher oC commerce. has
mended to tlll1t hOlly I1nmel1ll1to action
toward Ilrocl\1'lng , through the's
opresentatl\'es In Wn.3hlngton , I1n al ) ' I
prolll'lation tor fortlficatlous at San
Pedro. lIe suggcsts that similar -
tion ho tnlt11 hr the merchants aC-1
manufncturers' nssoclntlon and the
Munlclml Leaguo.
Will Evict the Weavers.
MOOSUP , Conn.-'rhe strlltO of the
wca\'OI's nt the Alctrlcll Mnnllfacturlng I
compau "s plant assumed a now phase
l'hursl\ay \ , Wllon the compnny hegan I
the sorvlco or ovlctton IlIl.110rs . on the I
so\'on or olght h11l1llrell people who oc- I
cup ) " the seventy tenement houses !
owned by the oo111pan ) ' . The tenants ,
some of . whom are hotweon slxt . anl\ \ I
sovent ) 'oars olei 111111 hn.vo lIvell Uloro
all their lIves , were notltted that unless -
less the strlltors returned to worlt I
within thlrt . da 's the houses must boI I
Bulletin on Immigration. I
WASHINGTON-'I'ho Immigration i
trom nll countrIes for Jannary , ] ! lOG , .
I1ccordlng to n stntemont Issued b ) ' the : .
bureau of Immigration on Monda ' , was I
51,127 , a Ilocrenso of ! ) llcr cent 0\01' I
Jnnuar ' , 1)05 ! , 1J11t I1n Increase of 71 ! I .
pol' cent ever 110 ! I. The total l1uml'l
Jl'ntion from I uropo for the month wns .
46,2Gi ! ! : from Asia. 1.37.1 : nil other
countrlos , 3,48 1. ' 1 ho Il1rgost Imml ra. I
tlon came from Itnlr. whIch sent 0\01'
1l,22 ! ) porsons. lI11ngar ) " wns next
with 11.108 , whlle the Husslnn omplro
and Finland sent 10,382. !
, -
Prominent Stockmen Urge Necessity of
W ASIIINGTON-Tho house committee -
, tee on Interstate and foreign commerce
conducted a hoarlng on the Uellhens
I hill oxtendlng from twcnty.elght houl's
, to thirty-six hours the time IIvo stocle
l11ay ho permitted by rnrrlers to 1'0 ,
maIn In cnrs. EcI ! ; r Vnn J tten. vice
Ilresidont of the Now Yorlt Centml
I'll II way : l\Iurdo l\IncltOnzlo , Trln1clad ,
Colo. . president at. the Amorlct1l1 Nn.
tlonal Llvo tocle nssoclatlon : M. P.
Duoll. president of the Chicago I..lvo
StacIe exchnnge : .Iohn l\Iooro , chnlr.
mnn ot the rallwny commlttoo or the
ChIcago J..lve Stoplt gxchnnge , and 11.
C. Cowan , l.'ort 'Worth , Texas , ropre.
senting the Texas Cattle Halsers' assocIation -
cIation were l:1ong the spealtors who
1I1111eared In slll1llort of the hill. All
of thom urHed that IIn cxtenslon of the
twenty.olght hour limit was necessary
to the I1dvancel11ent of the cattle In.
W ASHINGTON-Jllstlco Whlto de.
IIvored the opinion of the supreme
court of the United ! : ; tntes In the cases
oJ : the Now 10rlt , Now Ha\'en & ; Hnrt-
ford Rnllroad compan'ersus ' the In.
torstnto Commerce Commission amI
the Intel'stato Commerce CommIssion
\'orsus the Ohosapealco & ; Ohio Rail-
road company , amrmln the decision I
of the United States cIrcuIt court for
the western district of VirginIa. 'fho
cases Invoh'el1 the question of discrimInation -
Ination In freight rates on coal by the
Chesapealco & Ohio In favor of the
Now YorIe , Now Haven & ; Hartford
rend as against other shIppers. The
doclslon was agaillst the railroad com-
Mr. and ! \'Irs. ' : Longworth Start for
WAHtNU'l'ON-l\tr. ! : ; and Mrs. Nlch.
olas Longworth started on their hone ' ,
moon trIp from Alexandria. Va. , Monday -
day over the ! : ; outhern railway. 'l'hey
w111 go to Tampa and from there
1:11to : a boat for Havanl\ , whIch point
they expect to reach 'rhursday morn.
PITTSDURG-Tho rest today says :
Indictments of Standard ,111 and rail.
road officers by the federal authorities
after the manner In the beef trust
leaders ha\'o. been dealt with and action -
tion to this end ImmedIately following
the termInation of the pac"ers' cases
now In progress In Chicago are the
posslhlo result of the In\'estlgatlon of
railroad rates b ) ' the government , the
final and one or the mild Important
steps of which was finished In Pitts.
burg 'csterday.
Land Cases TrIed In May.
OMAHA.-It Is probable few 0 : ' no
trials of the land fencing cases will
bo held at the pmsent adjourned term
of the federal courts. nut much Is
promised for at the May term , both
h ) ' the federal jrnnd : jurr and the
courts. The land cases now on the
dockets are largel ' under old Indictments -
ments and many or theRe possibly w111
bo dropped altogether because or the
dlsappearanco or wltnessos. Howe\'er ,
several Imporlant cases \\111 como before -
fore the grand jury In the matter or
the procurement of fraudulent tl11ngs
on lands.
CLEVELAND , O-G1ty Clerk Peter
Witt recently wrote a letter to President -
dent Roosevelt In which he charKed
that Secretary of the Troasmry 1.,1'8110 ,
M. Shaw had supported John It- ,
Walsh at ChIcago , the financier and
rluarry owner , In the contest. for a
fmndstono llUbllc building In Cleve-
A re3110n1l0 from Rocretary Shaw
was received aR ( ollow :
"Your letter has been hnnded to TM
by the Ilrofliclent. " wrote ' -fl' . Hhaw.
" 1'ho Htatomont III wholly tfl110 nnll
'our authority mu t have known It
was falso. I flld not even know that
; \11' . " 'alah wall Intorolltoll In ( IUarrloR ,
You must rulmlt lrnlllwln pUI1) ) ( < , ot.
ficlals , Mr. WItt , or malw good your
charges , Name your Informant. "
Major Hammond Dead ,
SAN i"Jl\NUlHUO. Cnl-Olajor A.
G.IlImmond of the United Stntos cav.
nlr ) ' , dlell at t hI ! genornl IIORpltnl at
Presidio , ' ( 'uflclay oven lng , after nn
IlinoaR ot 11101'0 than tOllr months , 'J'ho
romalns will ho IlOlIt to Quincy : III"
for Interment.
Hold Early Convention ,
TOPEKA , Kns. - 'rho Ilomoerntic
stnto ( Ol1ventlon will ho holll In 't'o.
110Im WOllnoRday , AIlrll : m. . ThIs was
Ileclclod upon hy the IInnnlmous vote
or the stnto domocrntlc commlttoo.
Arr < lnglng for Convention ,
CHIOAOO - 'fho honrd of directors
of the nntlonal federntlon of womon's
clubs mot here to mnlto nrrallgements
for the nntlonnl cOI1\'enllon , which
will bo hold In St , Pnlll In the Inttor
Imrt of i'lta ' .
Helped Found Omaha Bee.
SAN li'nANCISCO-llelr ' 00rt1111. a
wol1 Imown nowspnllOI' mnn. Is dead In
this clt . , ag < 41 s6\'entslx ) 'onrs. Ger.
nill. to ether with Its present 111'0111'10-
I tor , Edwarll Hosowntor. founded the
I Omaha Dee
I" ' _
Committee Told to Arrange Their Diffi.
cultles-If McaDure Is Not Accept-
nbla Then Executive Veto Can Be
LOOkcd For.
W ASIIINGTON-When the senate
committee on Interstate commerce
m ets on l"rIda ) ' to vote all a rate bill
the announcement wlllbo made author.
Itntlvely that Prosldent Roosevelt will
not nttompt to prevent amendment of
the Hepburn bill : that ho wlll lel1vo
1)10 commltteo free to exorclso Its best
judgment nnd It } 1osslhlo compromlso
Its olfloronces : that If a blll Is reported -
ed which does not. meet his approval
and In that form Is pa.'Iaed by conires ! !
ho will content hlmsolf to exercise his
veto 110wor. ' 1'hls annollncement w111
ho made as the result of a conference
here between the most active 'porsons
SUIIIJortlng the house bill wIthout
a1l1 l1l1ment , hut will bo dollvered to
the commltteo by a senlttor WJIO hn.s
SUllpol'ted an amendment provlctlng for
judicial rovlow of an order of the Inter-
stnto CommOl'co commission.
The conference at the 'Vhlto House
Is ono or the many that have been
held there In the last weele for a Ills-
cusRlon of the railway rate question.
It wns attonnod by Senators D0111ver
and Clapp , Spen.leor Cnnnon , Represcn-
tatlvo Hepburn and Attorney General
Moody. 'l'hev had under cOIIsldoration
an amendment said to have been drnft-
ed l1y Senl1tor Knox and revIsed by
the I1ttorney general. The draft In Its
rovlsod form , however , Is saId not to
bo satlsfacto-y to Its author. It was
offered In a spIrit of compromise and
the president and attorney general
wnnted to Imow whether It would bo
acceptable to the members or congr ss
who are mnltlng a fight to prevent the
adoption of any' amendment which they
bollovo would interroro with the opera.-
tlon of the measure they pr0110so to
enact Into law.
Drletly stn.ted , the amendment alms
to Clvo to any complainant authority
to Jo a petition In a circuit court 1\8.
sertln : ; that a rnte fixed by the com.
mission was In fact Illegal , or nn order
of the commission was In reality unlaw-
rul and authorizes the court to hoar
the suit to decldo whether the commls.
slon acted within Its authority and
whether the constitutional rIghts of
the plaintiff had been violated.
As they had previously announced
they would do , all these called Into
the conference made a llrm stand for
the Hepburn 1I111 In Its present form
and said that none of the amendments
suggested seemed to 1I0 nn Improvo-
mont. They said that If the blll specI.
fied the condItions under which com.
plaints could bo talwn Into court , the
court might refuse to talto cognIzance
of matters not s ! > ecilled In the bill.
The ' said they preferred to leave open
every feature on which d'n aggrloved
person might desire to go Into court.
Attorney Geneml Moody , lit Is said ,
contended thnt the Hopburn bill Is constitutional -
stitutional anlt that there Is no danger
of its elll ! : ; overturned by the United
Htates supreme court. Ho would not
pass upon the wisdom or amending the
bill , tallng the position tnat that Is a
function outsldo of his officlnl provlnco.
MADRID.-An Important Spanish
statesman Is authority for the Dtate.
ment that the question Is now mooted
of charging The Hague arbitrary
trlhunal with the Bettlement of the
Moroccan controversy , owing to the
apparent Inahlllty of the delegates I\t
Ah eclras to secure an accord. The
newspapers Bay that whllo war Is not
llkely , the Franco-German controversy
keeps Y'uropo In a state of constant
tln 3MlnesI. !
- - - - - - - - -
Turner Would Hire I egroes.
'WMHIINU'J'ON-.J. tllton 'J'urner of
St. 1(11I1S1 , formerly A morlclIl1 mlnillter
t(1 T.lhorfn , 151 ( Jnllnvorln to oollllt the
Intoro:1t. M lrothmlnn CEtOfil ( Jlllclnlf1 In
the omp/nymont / or TlO ro lallor from
the UnltAII HatO"l In hul1ll1oK the ( 'anal.
Ho IIIRcll fl lr lilt ! matter with ChiliI"
man H"l\CmtR. \ to whom hc snld ; HInt
there WSlfI n IM H nllmhor of nOrOOK
In the Unltall Htntofi , JlOrt/culnrl / ) ' In
the Routh , avnllnhlo for anll ( 'apnhlo
physically ot dln the worle roc/lliroll /
on the IsthrnufI , fUld would 111(0 tQ gn
LeJallxlna { Finn I Proors.
WAStirNct'rON - Hoprollolllallvo
r.llrlto of HOllth nnlwtn IlItrlHIIIl'od n
hili prov/c1ln / thllt nil IInnl proofn Cor
hornostonct lanllH In the Chnmhorlnln
IlInll IIIRtrlct rnncto hoforo the jllllJo or
clerk Of the ( Ollrt Of Htnnloy cOllnty ,
or nny Unltoll Stnlo COU1't ( ' 0111 111 Is.
slonor at I'ort. 1'101'1'0 , vrlor to Jllly 1 ,
tOIi ! ! , IIhall ho nCcIHlto1 ! IInll IJIllontod
the IInmo aR tr IIlIch llronfo were J1II1lo !
within the Uhamhorlnln IlIstrlct. 'J'hls
IICt shnll not IIffcct nny IInnl llroOf 01'
copt only In rOlllloct to the 1ll1co , w.boro
same WlIs mnllo.
Two Wlfe.l < lliers Hanged.
Im NSlllmO , PII.-'I'ho first double
hnneln ! ; In Cnmhrla county toole place
here l"rlnlly , wholl , Tacoh Hnusor and
Stephen li'ellows were hanged. Becnuse
of domestic 11Ifferonces , Mrs. HausOl
10Ct her husbanll anll returned to the
homo of her pnronts. i'llI' . 111111 1\Irs
IJl1rrlngor. On the IIlght of , Tanuary
4 , 1 ! l05. Hnuser 1 > 1'01,0 Into the house ,
mU1'llerol ! hIs wlfo nnl ! her mother ,
IlallgoroUill ) ' wounded his slster.ln.lnw
anl\ attempted to 1,111 his fnther.ln.lnw
The wenpon uSM was 11 FllIplllo lJolo
Uoth men died gumo.
( )
So Says the Twclve Men Constituting
the Jury.
01\AHA-"Wo , the jllry , find the defendant -
fondant not gul1t . , , , was the verdict In
the Pat Crowo case rot rned to Judge .
Sutton In the district court Friday nf-
ternoon ,
The sarno curious cI'owd which had .
, ttended the trIal throughout was there I.
and when the verlrct ! was real 1 the
morbid spirit brolte Into lusty apIIlauso \
nnd some of the men and women
pressed toward the man who hl1d said
ho and ho alone Iddnaped youn Cu-
dahy In fronzled attempt to congrat.
ulato him , to shaltO his hand. Du' . .
Judge Sutton could not tolerate such J '
domonstratlons. Ho vigorously rapped r. . . .
for order admInistering stern rebulco
for applauding a vedlct so disgraceful. .
As If a deadly pall had fallen upon
the assornbla"'o the morbId mnnlfes.
tatlons ceased nnd nbsoluto quiet
relgnell for n. minute. Then mutterlngs
of approval could bo heard from tbe .
lips of another class of men grouped
over In an Inconaplcuous part of the
Judge Sutton would not recognlz9
the customnry formnllty of thanlclng
the jury for Il.s servlco , having just
reprimanded iho crowd for cheering Its
verdIct , nor would ho allow the defend-
nnt to thank It , specIfically foblddlng
It ,
Crowo wns at once arrested on the
charge of robbery In connection with
the holdup of n street car In Councll
Ohtfls 'and hurrIed over to the Iowa city
In a hncle.
WASHINGTON-LIght was thrown
on the land fraud Investigation by Sec. .
rotary Hltchcocle at an executlvo hearIng -
Ing before a sub-commltteo of the
house appropriation commltteo on Frl- ,
day. In vlow or his estimates of $27 , : '
000 for continuance of the prosecu- ' ;
tlons Mr. Hltchcocle oxplalned that six . . ,
hundred Indlctmonts nnd four hundred . :
convictions already have been btalnod : 5- . ,
by the InterIor department In nIneteen . : : >
states. " . '
To the great surprlso of the ; . ,
mltteo Mr. Hitchcock saId that Loulsl. . .
ana leads In the numb or of land frauds
uncovered by hIs department nnd has > ,
moro than Oregon , 'Vashlngton , or.any " '
of the states which are supposed to00 -
the chIef offenders. California also
shows long list of frauds.
First Bath In 50 Years.
SHEDOYGAN , Wls-Nlcholas Hoffman -
man , who Is 64 years old , bathed hero
for the first tlmo In fifty 'ears. Ho
made n vow when he was 14 that ho
would novel' taltO another bath. A
sheriff who stood by the bath , tub
whllo Hoffman bathed , forced hIm to
bre lI LIs vow.
PARIS. - An "urgent" writ was
served on Count Doni do Castellano.
makIng IJtm defendant In the separation -
tion proceodlngs of his wife , formerly
Anna Gould. This declslvo step was
taleen after renewed efforts to effect '
n. reconclIlatlon had proved fruitless.
The count accepted servIce of the
writ , oven calling upon the countess'
lawyers to faclIltnte fixing upon a place
where the writ could bo delivered.
The bl11 of complaint was filed at the
sarno tlmo. It follows ver ) ' closely the
countess' prima facie showing when
she first asleed the court's permission
to taltO nctlon against her husband ,
but It mentions no names , but partlcu.
larlzes cortaln IncIdents In which the
count Is alleged to hnve participated.
and It asles for a decree for what the
French law terms , "soparatlon of body
and property , " meaning complete ma-
torlal soparatlon without a dIssolution
of the bonds of matrImony.
CHICAGO-AIl forms of transportation -
tion , except the rogulnr 2.cent rate pro-
villell hy law. will bo cut off by the
rnllrnnds In Ohio. This decision wns
roncholl nt 11. conference or nIl railroads
wll h IIncK In thnt state.
It was flgreed thut by eliminating
oVOl'ythlnJ ; except : J.cont taros the
mndl ! COlIlIl In 11. measllro recompense
thomlolvOR Cor the loss cllused by the
1I0W rate Illw.
Want SurpluD Lands Allotted.
ltDl\IORI ! } , I. ' 1'-The Chlclmsaw
loglslaturo 111 special sessIon nt TIsh ,
omillgo h:1s I1doptell 11. memorial asle.
Ing cOllgress to nllot ench IndIan
olghty ncres of the surplus lands 01
the Chlclmsnw IlIIlIon. . ,
Indian to West Point.
BI < : NTON HARIJOR. 1\l1ch.-Paul
Kllallll , a half.hreod 1IIIIInn of this
clt . , whoso mother was a daughter of
Chlof Peter Polm on , of the Pohawat-
tomlo trlbo , has recol\'Cll an all point.
1110nt to ollter West Point.
Chaplain Leary Dying.
CHAPMAN , Kns.-li'nther F. E.
I.oar ' , natlonnl challlnin or the U. A.
n. . who Is 111 at his homo hero with
pneumonia , was rCllorted slo\\'l ' slnle-
Ing. 1IIs ph .slclans hold out no hOllO
of reco\'ery.
After Sunday Theater.
DI S J\tOINI S - Sonntol' Warren
Gnrst Introluced a measurIn the up. . ,
Ilor house Ilrohlhltlllg the Sunda ' then.-
tel' In Iowa. 'l'ho mcnSUN carrlos with
It a fIllo of $6U 1111(1 ( applies to I1It places
of amusomollt Ollon on Sunda . VI ! '
. . .
. '