Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 01, 1906, Image 4

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    . . . . . . ,
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QU.\U . \ Q ty Ropubll anl
. .
- ' ' -
l'ubllahlJll CI , ry 'fbur"d.y ,1ho . eOllll17 Mon& .
nM. : . MSii i\ : - - . - - . - - - } : llItor
fine to10mll. lit r month , tT .00. Ono\ialr \ co.-
nmn.lH 1II0ulh , $4 00. ( lllarlor column. Ilor
lIIoMh , Ur.o. Le88 than qunrkr CCIUIIIO , r , ( !
cent. per Inch Ilor mOIl&h.
Oard. 00 I1rl& paRa. CO Cl1l1tl . 'or luch , or
Loca1Id'DrUj1IllI r. C..1I18 Ior 11'0 l"eh , Ir 101'
Notice or church ralu , oclnhlc8 nnd lIulo114111'
! nelll. where mOllo , I , chllllldlIlIu.bnlf rlrtgl'l. '
Nuolol , noUcel Mill re (1luUonl'l ' , ono-halr r1l11:8. :
Woddlng lIoUeCI froe. half Ilrlcl' ror IJllh1lll1r11 !
lIaof lIfoll n\ \ . .
I > ol\\h DOU008 frro , bnlr 1"lc'l fOr IIIIhll8hllll (
obUulU'J noUces.anll cnrda of Ihallka. . I
Lollal DOUCO a& rlt . Ilruldod h7 a'l\&lItolof
iolercd nlhe poetomco III IIrokell ! IOIV , Nob. .
. . . IOOOIld-4IM8 maUor for Irnnonlluloh Ibrollb ! !
Ibo U. B. M&1ls.
, . . .
- - - - - - - - - -
- -
8UIISCltII'TlON 1'ltlOR :
Dllo Yoar.ln 1111'"IICO. . . . . . : . : . . . - ' _ ' . . : : : : . . . . ' . _
tJt.\'lI1co tD Olll'tor IJlock. Fonrtbfe.1 '
Thursday , March I , PJ06.
Macaroni Wheat.
We note in Ul ! ' . g-overnmcnt
crop report for l ebruafj' that tl1e
Macronia or Durttm Wheat is becoming -
coming morc in demand as a com-
When thc wheat was first in.
troduced into this country it was
not ver ) ' popular and frequently
the produccrs found it dillicull to
market it at any pricc. 'l'hc
trouble was the value of thiH
. grain was not un erstood by thc
millers of the United States until -
til it had been on the marlet for
a few ycars. One of the principal -
pal markets for the Macronta
wheat has been Marsaille France
but the supply had come from
Algeria , Southeastcrn Hussia ,
ann Turkston. These countrics
bein unable to supply the dc.
mand this country has been able
to supply all needs realiing goo
The amonnt shipped from JulJ
lr 1905 to Jan. 27 , 106 to Mar.
seils is 1,808,000 bushels. TIl (
local price of this wheat in Du
t ' ' _ # " luth was from 68.5 to 70 cents .
: bushel , it only costiug from 21
to 36 cents a bushel to ship fron
Duluth , to Marsillc. As thi :
wheat i& especially a apted to ;
dry climate It will iloubtless ye
become a popular wheat in thi
part of the country. It is claim
ed that only 10 or 12 inches 0
rainfall is required for a geol
crop , 'rhe only dra wback t ,
this wheat as far as we hav
b en able to lcarn is the lack 0
a market. 'l'his objection havinl
been removed by a market beinl
provided in the Old World wi :
prove the coming wheat fo
spring sowing.
Coal Strike will not Materialize.
The threatened coal stril {
which has been predicted' fo
April 1st , will not materialize
T. L. Lewis , Vice Presi.1en t 0
the United Mine Worlcrs 0
America issued a statcment t
the Asso : > iatcd Press Sunda
night stating that thc mine opel
ators will restore the reductio
acccpted by the miners two year
ago and perhaps more. He state
that F. L. Robbins of Penns } ' !
vania and Mr. Taylor af lllinoh
leaders of the operators recog
nize their. untenable position D
Indianapolis and ha\'e grace full
submitted to the inevitable , au
will pay an advance to the m r
ers and a general strike will b
"An era of peace will be estal
lished for a period of ) 'ears. "
Attorney General Norri
Brownr since Ross Hamlllond hD
withdrawn from the race has at
nounced his candidacy for t1J
United States Senate. Mr. Han
mend having' withdrawn it leav (
the field clear for Mr. Brow
against Senator Milliard. 'l'hel
is but little doubt that those wI :
friendly to Hammond will be f. .
Brown. Mr. Brown is especial :
strong in the Sixth Congression
District , . where he made the rat
for Congress a few years ago ;
gainst O. M. Kenn , and his su
cessful record as attorney gene
at has made him pop lar throug1
out the state. He is a your
man of ability-and is a fil
orator. Should he capture tl
prize his constiuents will nev cause to regret his prom
Hon. ' Tht : R PUDI.ICAN is f
_ - - .1 > . . . . _ - . . . _
. =
. = 0 ry = > ,
C'h lnt.lId1' : { dr i1v gpclllrlll , I
. '
At tlte klt"fllI.hll'r I. UII- 1
vnlioll , III Ilonisl1c lclltucky.
I'\'b , 2H , Dr. B. lJenjwtin An-
drewR , of the Slatc University
illtroduced It resolutiun which
waR alopted , recommending that
thc ( lepartmcnt of Superintcnd-
ence rcqucRt thc National gdu-
cational Association toord 'r that
the t wel ve phonct ic words he us-
cd hereD fter in a II its pu hlica-
" 'l'he reforms contaillcd in the
res lution if adopted hy thc National -
tional gducational AS50ciation
will affect the Hl'clling of twelve
worth in all Rchools of the United
States. l ollowing arc the
changes . recomlllendcd : "
lIBi.ness" : for business , "enu f"
for enough , 'Ifether" for feather ,
"mesure" for mcasurc , "pleure" !
"rod" for read
for pleasure , ,
"ruf" for roug-h , "trauf" for
troug-h , "thru" for through ,
"tuf" for tough , "tung" for
tongue , "yung" for young. "
'l'his will be glad news to those
who never learned to spell different -
ent , as well as to that class of
men who have always presisted
in parting their hair in the
- - -
Some day there will be passed
an amendment ofthe constitution
of the United Statcs pcrmitting
states to elect their senators by
direct vote. A short cut is practically -
tically the same result will be
the formal recommendation to
the Rtate legislatures by the ( H-
rect vote of the people of the public -
lic choice for senator. uch a
i recomlllendation will not be binding -
ing , but woulc1 have a wholesome ,
moral effect , however , and while
there have been cases where state
legislators did what they knew
1 their constituents did not want
them to do , the recommcndation
carrying the weight of a positive
- vote would not be lightly dealt
wilh. A forcible illnstrati n of
this was demonstrated by the
action of the last republican state
convention in nominating Bur-
kett as candHlatc for the U. S.
Senate to succeed SenatoI' > Diets -
s rick. 'l'he following legislature
being republican the only choice
it had was to carry out the in.
structions of .the state Conven-
"I'he coal operators declare that
thcre has bcen an overproduction
and the supply is going away
D head of the demands and thev
Ir arc r ady to shut down whethel
there is a strike or not. But at
the same time they do not assure
e the public that there will not be
Ir an advance in the price of fuel.
'rhe ) ' seem always rcady to take
advantage of the situation anll
make the prices as high as the
tariff will stand. When Congres
has secured satisfactor.r contr01
over roilroad rates , the coal bar"
ons should have attention ,
Yesterday afternoon a lUas
meeting was helc1 at Kearney it ]
the interests of Norris Brown'
candidacy for the United State
Senate , 'I'he meeting as report.
ed was a great success. Speeche
by several of the ablest men oj
ButTalo county were made en.
c10rsing his candidacy and l\r ,
'C ' Brown as a citizen , lawyer ane'
orator of ability. 'Vhil tI ) (
speeches were highly commend
able of the neighbors and citizen !
they were not exagerations.
Some rccent development !
woult1 seem to indicate that ther4
shoult1 be a change in the.s'sten
of worldng out road taxes. It ii
s certain that much more could bl
'n accomplished in making gOO (
re highways if there was a casl
10 contract system inaugurated
: > r Good roads arc a blessing-no
Iy only to the farmers but to tIll
towner yillages and cities.
: e
a- All that is claimed againt :
cReed Smoot ma ) ' be true , but UII
r- Senate committee is not addini
hto the importance or standing 0
Ig the investigation , b ) ' g'inl
:1e : prominence to the testimony 0
11e a man who acknowledges , on th ,
er witness stanrl , that for twent ;
0- years he has been drunk. Th
or a.dmission detracts from the test
imony in every respect.
- , .
. . . I
; .
I "
' ' , : : : ' : " : : : . -J
A Doctor's ,
Ayer's Cherry Pectornl is not
n simple cough syrup- ! is u
strong medicine , a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard cnses ,
severe and desperate casesr
chronic ca8es of asthma , pleurisy -
risy , bronchitis , consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
. .
J hae IUNt n ! lreat cloal or Ayrr's Cherry
' ' ' for ' . "nil harll CIIIIls the
1'f'C't"rul 1'0u.I:1 : " "II
. .lIett. It "n RIP'alYs dOllo 11I0 ! treat ICn.1J. It
II cet I'l a m"t "oll.lerlulcou : h medl"
c'llIo.-lIItOItAICI. J. I'ITzIIKIlALIJlIIelforll.
r r _ _ _ p , , "
by J. a. Aver : Co. . Lowell. 14GB. .
Alia manuraaturora or
'll ' e , , SPilLS. VIGOR.
You will hl1sten recovery by tak-
Ina.onoof , _ Aver s _ PIII t bedtime.
- - - -
Home trading pays evcry man
who follows it ; it saves money in
the long run , and then man ) '
times hc gets bac1e sOllle of the
money he spends , while if it is
sent away all chance is lost of
participating again in its bene-
fits. Euild up ) 'our town by purchasing -
chasing of the home merchants.
- - - -
David B. Hendcrson , cx-speak-
er of the House of Congress , died
at Dubuque Iowa , Sunday afternoon -
noon at 2 o'clocl { . He had bccn
afilicted with Paralysis for nine
months previous to' his < 1 ath ,
and had been at the hospital since
last September ,
The Postal Card , published at
Merna , this county , by F. C.
Pinch , was a year old last wcek.
The name is a misnomer , because
it is a full-fledged , newsy paper
and dcserves the hearty patronage -
age being bestowcd upon it.
. .
- - - - - -
In the east there is much agit-
a lion t hat all hea \ ' 1) ' loaded
wagons be providcd with wide
tires. ' 'l'hi is a good provision
and would be a good help here' ,
toward good roads , as well as in
other sections of the country.
- - - - -
When . one teads of the storms .
I / "
and extremely cold weather in
the north and cast , there is a
pleasant fceling because his home
i in balmy Nebraska.
- - - - - - - - - -
Baseball In Broken Bow.
Last year Broken Bow had a
better baseball team than ever
before , winning 12 games out of
thc 16 played. This year an cf-
fort will be made to get together
a s ronger team than last year by
strengethening . sevcral weak
points and it is dcsired that
everybody-players , citi.ens : and
business men-1I1terested meet at
the band room next Monday
night at S o'clock. Be on time
and bring your friends with you.
It is nonc too carl } ' to "start the
ball" and there arc mattcrs..of importance -
portance to be considered in
which all Broken Bowites arc
Th re's a scene of actity here
at all times.
We have the kind of
that people wantr charge th (
prices that they can best atTor < '
to pa ) ' , and do business in a wa )
1 that brings more business.
. ] verything the house buihlci
or carpenter wants for the spring
rush is readr ' Send alon1 { th (
orders. 'Ve 11 fill them satlsfac.
Dierks Lumber and Coal Co ,
' 1'0 M. A. II. Martlll n\lll fo'mllk Cllrthl :
You alllt each of ) ' 011 arc hereh ) ' lIolllle.t Iha
011 JUliO 1sI , 191H , there was lIold h ) ' Ihe ( ; OIlIlJ
'l'realilirer of Custer COIIIIIY ! Nehr\ska , 10 th ,
IIl1dershlled. I.ot 20 of UlOCK 1111 A. W. ( iamb"1
ndllllioll 10 Iho 10WII of IJrokell Uow. Halll 10
was sold ( or the laxes : \ lIlIe081'11I'alllsl the
s\ntO for Ihl ! years 11i'lf lip \1111111.\11111111 \ : Ih ,
year 19OJ. alld Ihal IIIIICl ! bahl.lale. I haIall
Iho taxes ( or 1904 alld 1905. .
Said 101 was nSliclllle < l III Ihe lIallle of Jo ralll
After Ihrce lIIonlhll frolll the cOlllllleUoli 01
the sorvlce ofIlls lIollce. I will apply 10 Ih ,
'l're.uuror of said COUll\ ) " for a deed to lIaht 1.01
Dn&ed tbls 27tb Ita ) " of Februan" . 1906.
3S..t C\lAIIL1\S \IAIITIN. ! .
" .
. , .
" .
. .
. . '
: -'l : ' 0'- : - : : ; = _ _ _ . . , .d" , ' L- _ _ _ _ _ _ . ; I. . _ _ , . . _ , _ , . , . _ . , . - . . , _ . . . , < . . . . . IU'W" _ . .c _ _ _ . . . ' , pq.2 ! . . ! L . , - - ! - r ' " ' :11.
. i
. .
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I . . _ ' . : . ' . . : , ' .or' , _ . . . . . : . . . : - . . . , . . - _ . - . t I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
500,000 I A eRE . S :
We can accomo late you with anything you want 111) )
from the most fertile of garden : plats to the 100,000
acre ra.nch for thousands of ca.ttlti , ra.nging . in price . I
FrOlll $2.50 to $90 per acre !
. - . . " , _ , _ . . _ _ . - _ , , . , , . . . . .4J . . . . , . . . - . . ' _ , . . . _ _ _ . . . . _ . . . I
We will cond" ct but one more excursoion from
ORD and NORTH LOUP after '
, I r
< Round trip , $15.60. .
Take receipt for R'y fare. Purchasers car fare paid.
- ; , . ; .
Return limit 21 days from date of s le. , " " , '
Liberal stop-over privileges permitted both going If'
and coming in Ka)1 sas , Oklahoma , I. . T. , and Texas. - f.
This is one of the last opportu : ities to secure a ,
valuable tract of land for a , trifle.
] 'orW further information call upon , , vrite or phone -1
I - " - . ' . ---.1' _ _ " -
1I1 'Ll1--"nitLl1--"e Sale
R..ock.vve1.1 & : Ei.onk.e1. : I
L . ; . . . . . . . .
! Get your shar.e of wha . r
J UST I I' TmME I we are throwlng away. ( ' - '
CC > r1Jle an.d. : See b.a"tvve nl.ean. : !
_ entire line of Furniture
going at cost ; Actual Cost !
Our whole stock , C.arpets , I
Rugs and l\luttings ArT' COST !
The next Thirty Days are to be memorable ones !
. South Side BROKEN BOW w' ,
- -
- -
. . . .
'I ' \ , .