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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
. ( USTR [ ( OmiTY IHPU LIAN ( Dy D. M. AMSDEnRY , - - - - - - - - DROIijN llOW. . . NEllRASKA. ( News in Brief ) John 'V. ' 1'homas , preshlont. oC the Nashvlllo , OIHLtlanooga & St. Louis railroad , diM nt. NnshvllIu , Tenn. The nntlonnl hoard oC the Daughters oC the American HevoluLlon nt. Wnsh. ington made various Ilrellminary nr. rangoments fur the \Jlgress , next spring. The Dulm oC Ahru1.1.1 has Ilofinltely arrnnged to Jenvo In April on nn ox. p < , dltlon In ACrlca. lIe will land nt 1\romha1.n , capltnl oC Drltlsh l ! st Airlca. M. Megato , finnnclnl nclvlsor oC the Korean government , Is requested to resign. owing to dlrroroncos with Mar. quls Ito , the Jnpaneso resident. general In Korea. I O. T. J . :1lIon : ; , one of the founllers of the nntlonal IrrlnaLlon can gross nnd Callrornln commissioner to the Chlcn- go Worlet's Pair , died at GunymnB , Sonorn 1\Ioxlco. .T. J. Drooles , general counsel Cor the Pennsrlvanla lines , says thnt the company has no Intention oC contestIng - Ing the 2 cent date Inw passed by the Ohio leglslaturo. The car bnrn oC the International Hallway located the Clm comllany , on o 11Ian side , near the whirlpool , NJagl\.ra Falls , N. Y. , was imrned , together . with thlrty.soven carat The Drnzlllnn congress hM voted $ ' 100,000 fOI' the reception and ontor. talnment or the 11elegates to the Pan. American congress , which wl1l bo hold In Illo Janlero next spring. Protests u/alnst / the passage oC the Phlllppino tarlfC hill were made In "Ileeches at n meellng oC represonta. lIves oC the vnrlous a"soclatlons oC the tohacco trndo at Chlcugo. John J. E Jch secretary of the Aorlo of Eagles , convicted of ombozzloment. at Sandusley , 0. , was Bentencod to t.wo 'ears In the ponltenUary. Esch until recently was a pronJilOnt. , morchant. The house commllleo on Insular af. fairs hns decided to maIm a favorable report on the I1ul1 hill npprovrlntlng $150,000 to 11\Irchas ( ' coal lands In the island or Datan , Phlllppino Islands. . General Marquis do Tandegorrlo. a ii clo cnmp to the Icing of Spain , committed suicide. I10 wns the Span. Ish attnche with the Husslnn army throughout the rocent. Russo-Jnpnnoso wnr. wnr.Paul Paul Knnpl1 , n hn1f.lJroed Indian of Denton Harbor , Mich. , whoso mother was a daughter of Ohlof Peter PolCl\gon of the pottawnttomlo t.rlllo , has re. colved an appointment to enter West. Point. An orllor Cor 4,000,000 bn11 cart- rldgoo has been recolved from the ordnance - nanco dopnrtment nt the I ranltfort ar- osnal nt. Phlladelphln. They nro to bo 30-cnllbor and oC the Krng.Jorgon- son typo. The hluoJnclcots of the Drillch sec. end cruiser squndron will shorl1y pre- sont. the Amorlcnn AUnntlc fleet with n hnndsomo sllvor CUll ns a souvonlr of the form or's recent vIsit. to the I United Stntes. Man' El 1I01moo , COlllulor at the Mary E. Holmes somlnary at West Point , MlsR. , an Inll\1strlnl \ school for colored girls , nnd promlnont ns n scientist - entist , dlod nt. her homo nt Rocleford , III" 'osterdny. The house commlttoo on ways nml moans doclded to maleo n Cnvorablo report on the IIumphrors bill requlr. Ing coUectors of Intornnl ro\'onuo to furnish the prosocutlng nllornors lists oC persons holding Cedoral liquor tax stamps In prohibition districts. It. has been dlsco\'erotl by the Cnn. ton , 0. , nuthorIUes that the forgorle ! ! ot the Into I W. 1'1'101' oC Cleveland In conectlon with the Canton wntor worlts extonslon llonlls , amountOti to ' $500,000 instead of $300,000 , as provi. ously nnnounced. The meotlng of the Soverolgn Granl1 Ledge of the Independent Order 01 Odd oUows will bo hold In Toronto I in Septembor. The oxecutlvo commit. tee In the grand ledge has decldod to I approprlato $12,000 for the entertain. mont oC the delegntos. Stops were tal en looltlng to the os' tabllohmont oC a 2 cent. per mlle pns . songer rate on Wisconsin rail ronl1 E when Secretary of State Wallor I. . . Houser filed a versonnl complaint with the state railroad commission against the \Vlsconsln Central rnll , road , whoso 3 clnt ) chnrgo ho declnrm , to bo excesslvo. Governor Ponnypacleor of Ponns ' } . vanill. signed the Greater PlttsburE bill. This Is t.ho flrst of tIlO 10glslntloI1 advocnted by the governor In his ca11 for the oxtrn. session of the legllllnturl which hns rocelved oxecutlvo apl1rovnl The Greater Plttslmrg hll1 provIdes fOI the consolltlatlon of Plttsburg and Allegheny leghony on n joint yoto oC both cities The steamer Indlnnapolls , owned b the Alnslm Steamship compnn ) ' , hni nrrived In San Francisco from Ohlcn go. She left. Chlcngo on October 25 and went throug'h the Grent. I.aleo nnd the Straits oC Magellan. She wll run between puget .Sound nnd Alas Icon ports. Ibb Coloy , former ! ) ' sergennt In tIll Sixteenth company oC canst artlller : and who hM also served In 1I10 Twer tleth fle1(1 ( nrtllll'ry , shot and Itllle Joalo Labnt oC Santa Clnra , with whor he hud been living' , In a room In th Orand PacUlc hotel at. San Franclsc ( lIe then shot hlmsclf. ' - - t . . . . . ' , ' CHRISTMAS EVE HI THE DESERT. - The edge at DeaUt Vnlloy , where annually mnny trC:1sure hunters hnvo perl8hecl In their search Cor gold , wns the scene oC ono of the most IJleasln ! ; inoldents In the Inll1nl trip of the Los Angeles Limited. The Hhndows o [ night hnd fallen upon the desert when thnt point wno reached on the homeward - ward run , and tlto thoughts oC most oC the enstern newspaper representntlves In the hrllllnntly fJlumlne < < 1 trnln were conterecl upon their fnr a wny homos , wondering whnt the IItllo ones were dolng-prohably yenrnlng to 1.10 with thom. 'VII 11 0 they were lIms engross. ed Snntn Claus wns bllsl1y engaged plnnning a surprise : ntltl a dellghtrul surprlso It proved to ho. When over'thlng wns renely the guests at the Union Pacific nail road Company were called Into their Rpe. clnl car , 0. state-room door awung bacle on Its hlngos , an(1 ( there slood reveal. cd 0. Chrlotmas tree , g1llterlng with tinsel and filled with presents , ono or moro for ench guosl. As hln name wnn cnlled each tollped Corward nnd was handed n pretty souvonlr , to which wno n < < 1cle < < 1 a Inrgo glass 011ject encasing a generous snmplo at Cnll. fornla's JUAlIy tamed vlntago. This dollghlCul IItt.1o Incident rolloved such mental tension ns had exlstod , Cor It was a manifestation oC the true Chrt ! . mns spirit t1l11t was npprecillted ns much ns It 1ll1d been unexpectcd. It wns ono of th touches at "naturo thnt mnleo the whole world lc1n , " Cor' It. served to bring stili closer together the entertnlnors nnd the entertained on the Inilial trip of the Los Angeles Limited. For this renson , growsomo as Us reputntlon Is , DonUt Valley will always bo nssoclatetl with n pleasnnt memory In the inlnds ot the news. paver represontatlves.-"Tolegravh Gazelle , " Pillshurg. Now York's ExpensIve Lunch. According to ono estlmato the pea. plo of Oreator Now York spend $300 , . 000 n yenr Cor tholr noon luncheon. This , of course , Includoo all clnsses tram the swell dining rooms at the high elass hotels to the cheap "bean- erlos" or the slums. Phllosopher's Answer. Thnles , the ancient pholosophor , do. clared that there was no dlCferenco between lIfo and death. "Why then , " cried ono of these to whom the remar1t was mndo , "don't. 'ou put an end to your lIfo ? " "Decauoo , " was the reply , "thoro Is no dlfferenco. " ' Short nnd Easily Understood. "This , the last will and testament at me , John Thomns , " rend a cortaln document. In Montreal. "I Slvo all my things to my rolatlons to bo dl. vlded nmong thom the best way pas. slblo. N. D.-Jr nnybody Icicles uv 11. row ho Isn't. to have anything. " Production of Dow. Dow Is produced by the condonsa. tlon ot watery vnpor from the atmos. phero from the cool1ng of the bodies bedewed ; and this cooling taltes placJ In consequence or the rndlulIol1 01 tholr heat Into open SIJ CO wlthoul any equlvnlent. t'eturn. Few Need Employment. In ono' of the Bngllslt towns whlcb opened an employment burenu for the unomplo 'od n month ago , only foUl applications have been received , anI ! ono of these was from an out.ot-worll grave digger. Truth.-Tho natuml food at OUI soul , malting It lusty , plump and nc tlvo ; 'tho speclnl ornament. at OUI mind , declclng It with n gmcoful nn ( 1I10asnnt lustre ; the proper wealth 0 : renson , whereby It appeareth rich prosperous and mlghty.-Dnrrow. The wbolo sclonce at 1111Pl11noss II Included In ono slnglo word , and lI\ \ word Is "occupation. " Everything dJ ponds on our Imowlng how to fil1 U ] the void of uro.-Wessonberg , The bravo nnd wlso perform grea nctlons , not so much on account. a UlO reward nttondlng them , as on nc count. at tbolr own Intrlnslo oxco ] lance.-Clcero. Even falluro Is only a relnllvo tom ) 'ou lenow. And Ulnt which the worl cml1 fnUuro may have some botte name In another vlanot.-Deatric Harrnden. A faint heart and a Cnt. banle ba I\nco often provo to bo a wlnnln combination. Its n Bnap living up to 11. bad rop1 rollon. rollon.DE lAVAL . OREAM SEPARATOR Save $10.- Per COW EVERY YfiAR OF US Over All Gravity Setting System . And $3. to $5. Per Co , Over All Imitating Separators , , . . Now is the ttmo to maleo this mo important nnd pro tnblo of dairy i'nr invcst.monts. Send nt once for now HI ( catalogue a.nd of nenrest agent. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOft Of Randolph 11& Canal Sit. I 74 Corlllindl Sir. . OtUOAGO HEW YORK PATENTS for PROF ! ' mUlt tully prolect all Invention. Dooklet. llel1c Calendar l'IU'I : . 1I111heit refereDc COllllnunlcallolll conlhlentllil. JolIlIblllhed 16 Kuo. . J'.1.ek " 14WrtRMo 'WuhIDltoll. D. DEFIANCE &rARCH'c : \ : " . . . , , . . . . ' ' . TWITCHING NERVES A Sorloull Horodltary Truublo Cured By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 8nf1'orera from alhlloJlts thnt hnvo nf. nlctuli III t'cgnlnr fluccofiKloJl 0110 genern- UOII ntter nlJothor of their flll\dly \ urp. OH n rulo. lucllllOtlto submit to them as 11\- \ ev ln l" . 'l'ho CMO which fol1owa proves that fmch horm1ltllrv : 11IflllmitleH nro not I.IOYOlllt the rench of cnmtlvo forceH111 \ Rhou1l1 Inaplro hopnfu1twsf ! ( llId u rendl- nORII to try rOI1lClII\1I thnt hnvo effected RlglIl\l curos. Bueh as thllt which is here giveu , MrA. ElI7.nheth Rf\unollll , of No. 408 Enst Seveuth fltrcut , Newtoll , KnIlAAH , glveH the followlllg nccouut of her nil. lUeut nnll her CU1-0 : "For twoyeara I sufferel1 from n trjhl { { lIorVOUSIlURS iumy lower Ihllba from IllY ] meoll dowII.J my mother nlld 111Y Wl\lltllllother hnll lIufforecl boCoro mo. rho HltUIIUOI1 wna for 1II1\11Y : rellrs nc- cepted 'us ttllnvohlnblo l.ICCI\l1/10 / hurt'lU- tury. TIut about two 'eurflll o , whou1llV ROil waa realizing lloneflt f1'01II the UHO < ic Dr. W1l1IuIlIY' l'ill ] < P111H , I thought there mlsht po fjibly 110 ROllle Jootlll1 them tor 1IIe. My trouble 111\11 tlltHI l.ICCOl1l0 110 HorfoUS Ill ! to IIl11lco It. dlntoult fet mo to sleop. I often hlld to WIllie the floor In reatiossuofiH the whole ulght. After talc. IlIg fjmo Hix 1.I0XOH the twltchhlK 111//\p. / pcarot11U1 I cunHecl to UHO the rOlllerly. I ovldoutly stepped 1HttIo too lIoon fur norVOUBllOHH CIUllO bn.cle I\tor n mOllth or ' . ao nu \111011 the 1111111 aRnin for n Hhort tlmo. RoUot CIUllO nt on co nnl1 Aiuce I topped ullillg thom t.ho lIecol1l1 tlmo I hnvo been free from nny rohuu of tbo twltchlllgR or frollll\uy fntorfereuco with . . my flloep. Dr. W11I1amR' Pink Pill' J1I\VA ' : ! \ (1nrpt1 the worRt cnROII of bloodlu8HIICSR , indiges. tion , influcII7.n. homlncheR , lumbl1go , Icl- ; nticltlournlgla , lIorVOUBIII'SR. Bplunl wunlmoBllund the HlCclnlni1monts ) of 1r18 nml womoll. For further iuforu1l\t1ou. nclclrcss the Dr.ViUiulUs Medlcino 00. . Scheuoctndy , N. Y. Birds Benefit the World. If the world were blrdless , a nntu. rallst declnres mnn could not Inhnblt It. nfter nine yenr's tlml } , In spite ot ill the sprays and poisons that. could 00 mnnuCactured Cor the destruction ) f Insects. The insects nnd slugs would simplY ent. nll the orchards and rolls In thnt trme. TERRIBLE SCALY ECZEMA. Eruptions Appeared on Cheat , and Fnce nnd Neck Were All Broken Out-Cured by Cutlcura. "I hnd nn oruptlon appeur on my chest. and body and extend upwards and downwnrtls , ao that. my neele nnd face were nil brolten out. ; also lilY nrms and the lower limbs as fnr as thImees. . I at. first. thought. It wns prlclc1y heat. mlt soon scalen or crusts Cormed where the brealdng out was. Instend of going to a physician I pm chnsed a comlJlete treatment oC the Cuttcura Hemeclles , In which I hnd Great fnlth , and all was satlsractory. A year or two Inter the eruption ap- reared agnin , only a lIttle lower ; but before it had time to sp1'\l\Il I pro. cured II110ther supply of the Cutlcura Romedles , and continued their use uu- m the cure wns complote. It Is now five years slnco the last aUacle , and . IlIIvo nut seen any signs of a return. I have moro faith In Cutlcura neme- dies for sltln dlsenses than nnythlng I lenow of. Emma FJ. WIlson , Lis. comb , Iowa , Ocl. 1 , 11105. " Duty of Grand Jury. A grand jury is ono who sits to hear ono sldo only , and to sny whether there Is evidence enough to show probable guilt. Every 11Ousoleeoper should Imow tli t . It the ' will buy Defiance Cold Wnter Stnrch for Inundry use they will save not only time , bocnuse It. never flllcks to the Iron , but becnuso enc.ll package contnlns 16 OZ.-ono full 110und-whllo , t.1I ether Cold 'Vuter Stnrches are put up In % .pound 11aclcnges , nnd the price ts the same , 10 cents. Then again bocnuso Defiance Starch Is free from all Injurious chomlcnls. If your grocer trloB to sell you a 12'01. . pncltngo It I' Is bocnuso ho has a stacIe on hand which ho wishes to dlsposo of beCore ho puts In Dofianco. He lmows thai Doflanco Starch hns printed on every paclmgo In Inrgo lellers nnd figures " 16 ozs. " Domnnd Defiance ancl save ' . . much time nnd mone } ' anll the nnno " anco of the 'iron sUctelng. Dofianc ( nerer sUcles. Mohammedans and Christians. Trustwortuy stntlsllcuns declnr4 that. there are 250,000,000 , but. Ull Ir nns in the world. 'rho Chrlsllnn IOIJ ulatlon Is put at 447,000,000 , but. tIll Increase of Islam Is moro rapid U1IlI that. of the combined OhrIstina de , ) - nominations. g ACn-10 DyspepsIa Cure. l'"lth.e euro for . .II (1I.'ao . nr olnnll\l'h . , IIvor , all . . . . , . , . . . . 11 , 00.1. lIccoIIIIIIN"I ,1 h- " " ,1I1I1l l.h.lclan. :1- : : UN that CUrt'8. 1110Iblol. . 11,00 , lic1 , lIIuncy "It nrdcr tu Aomo Dyspopsla Cure CO. , Ironl flow .Jorsoy. - Many Children are Sickly. Mother Gl'ay's Sweet Pow cr orChUt1ror used b ' MothorGl'a . , 1IU1'SO Iu Chlldl" " " lIomo , NowYo1'lc , cure Fovol'lshncss , Ileal , 'l'l'oubles 'l'eothlll Dil ncho. Stomach , ! : : i orl1ors , Drca\cupColds \ 11I111 Dcstl'Or'YOl'1I11 At all Drugl ts'.2.'ic. Salnple mnllcll r 1tEI' ' Ad ress Allc1l S. 01mstcl1 , Lo Hey , N. ) Grent DrItaln nnd IrelntH1 OXPOI S every year nbout. $25,000OQO wort oC IInon goods , oC which ono-hntt I . shlpPod to tIlO Unltet1 States , A OUAUANTlmn CURl" Iron I'ILI".S. st Itchlnll. tlllull. 1I1ecdiull , l'rotrl\lllDIl 1'lIcs , Hru 111 RIll. are authorized to reflllni money If l'AZ )0 ) 01NTMtN'l' filII. to cllre In G to It dlll'I , 5OC. Hobort. Durton Illtbllshed the "Ann ) . amy of Melnnchol ) ' " at15. . It. WI ! cl written to rellevo the strnll1 ot tulr1 . . . bot'dorlng on Insnnlh' . - 1I1r . Wlllato\v'l ! ltothllll : i'I'rufI. ' r 1'01' chlhlren teelhlng. "ottens the KUrul , rtldueel : t:1amluaUon : , 101l1 ) 1 1'11111 , eurell WIDlt 1.0110 , "ootl : nd el. . EvorrhOtiY haa runs of gOiJl\ luc . but th Umo ho wouldl\1111reclfltt ! the : ; wouhl bo when he wns having tl II' " bad. , . , . , " . . - , . . . , . . . INEBRASKA STATE NEWS I . ItISPEOTlotl OF r EBRASKA tlATIOUAL GUARD LINCOLN-'fho hlsllectlon of the Nntlonnl Guard hy Captain Frank A. Wilcox of the ' ) 'hlrtleth United States Infltntr ) ' w1l1 bogln February 26. Ad- jutant. General Culver Isaued orders to the various compnnles , notifying them when anti where to nssemble for the Inspection. The Inspection this year will bo ono of the most. rIgid the gunrd hits over unllorgono nnd the fact thnt the dOIJII.rtment nt. Wnshlngton Is nt this tlmo talelng moro Interest. in the Nntlonal Guard thnn ever before hns led to the clrculntlon of 111nny ru. mo'rs. lt Is tnlltcd by military men , though Geneml Oulver refused to dlsccss the matlor , that the government has nslted man ) ' hnpol'tnnt questions regardhig the Natlonnl Gunl'd lately , among them : how long It. woulel taltc to moblllzo tho' ' troops and how well they are equip' ped. D ' aOI11O this great. Interest. be. In < < manifested h ' the government Is talwll to menn that. a demonRtrntlon Is going to bo made In China or the gov- ernment. Is getting In shape to 1.10 ready to malw n. del110nstrntl n should such a course he necessary. THO GH A CONVIOT HE IS VERY POPULAR LINCOLN - Apparently popular , though a convict , In the condition In which Charles Camllbo\1 \ of the Ne- braslm state pcnltentlnry finds him- solf. Ho Is recolvlng letters from all over the country written by persons who claim friendship and acquaint.- nnco. The roport. published widely that Campbell waR soon to receive all or a portion or $25,000 for correctly naming In advance the number of ad. missions to the St. Louis fair may have somothlng to do with the sudden Increase In the convict's mall , but. It. Is dally growing larger. The writers set forth all sorts or pretexts to claim acqunlntance with the prisoner and to gently hint that they are In need of something that money will buy. ATTORNEY CEHERAL BROWN ANSWERS THE RAILROADS Attorney General Drown filed In the federal court his nnswer to the l1etltlon of the Durllngton rallrond for nn In. junction to restrnln the yarlous county trensurers from co\1ectlng \ the 1905 taxes nssessed against that road. The attorney seneral denies the charge of the ro d thnt its propertr was vnlued too high or that the atate board hnd been Influenced by publlc clamor in Its action ns an assessln body. The an , swer 'Is 11ractlcally the sarno ns WI1'i : the nnswer In Ule 190.1 suit. Rip Rap Work In Great Danger. RUI O-Government. rip rap worl ( costing $500,000 Is threatened with de. structlon by the nctlon of the MissourI river near hero , which shows a dlsposl , tlon to change Its channel. The banltE are bolng washed steadily , nnd th ( wnter Is encroaching on the Durling. ton traclts. Four miles of new traclt It. Is thought , will have to bo built , anti sboultl the chnnnol cut. through to the Inlto on the Missouri sllle It will mear nn Ilddltlon to the steel brldgo acres : : UlD river. Frozen to Death In a Hut. GRAND IS [ ANDWllllam lIeycnrd recluse and hermit , wns found dead ir an old slmck or a hut In the northwest ern part. of the countr , a few ml1ef from Cairo , a few dnys ago. His fnlth ful old shepherd dog was standln ! ! gnnrd over tbo remnlns , The whlnln ! of. the dog had been noticed Cor severn . dnys , and nn Invesllgallon was made Hoycard wus 11I\rtly sitting up on I bunk , his coat nnd vest removed , bu I cap on. He had evidently been deal severnl dars. To Fight Mall Order Houses. HASTINGS-A ntas : meellng of cltl zens wns held here , The original ob I' ject wns to further the district fnl nssoclallon movement , but 1\11' . W. H Sherml\n of Indlnnnpolls , nallonal OI gllnlzer f the Amerlcnn society 0 Equity , wns aslted to nddl'qss the meel tng. This sclet ) ' hns done much II the way ot t1jbtlng the mnll orde houses , nnd1\1r , Shormnn explained th , methods thnt. hnvo been used. Cunningham's Sudden Death. YORK-.10seI1h Cunningham wa Cound dead sitting UII\'I \ ht In hi bugg ) ' on the high war nbout one mil sonthwest of th Is eltr. 1I0 had starl ed fl'om his homo nlono with his tear to como to 1'01'1. . the dlstanco being 31 , miles. IInd'Gn discovered , the tenr had turned rn the beaten trnclt an BtOOtt nt the roadsltlo. 1\1r. Cunnln ! 1ll1m had heen trented tor heart troubl b ' local Ijh 'slclnns aud therefore n Inquest will 1.10 hold. : 'S ' - Plans for Next State Fair. LINCOI.N-Tho State Fair hoar concluded Its session 1\1111 ndJourne ( , to The board voted to flOt. nsldo $ ! JOO t ll' pa ) ' for an educatlonnl exhibit lit I h d talr and $200 was set. asltle to pa } ' fa the premiums to ho orrered at the IJOYI corn growln conteRt , to be held ne no Docember. Socretnry Mellor was 0.\ . .l . ! . thorized to bu ) ' 200 loads of clndors t ropnlr the walles antI mnko new wnlle Ie on the Call' ground8 nnd contracts wer 11lot \ Cor the Ilrlntlng of 10,000 copies e I ! the promlum list nnl1 25.000 raiders a < < verUslng the r lr. . . . OVER THT STATE. . - - There are rODorllr that 0. new bnnlt will shortly ho started at. llradshaw. Hog cholera has been rnglng In Cass county , L. G. ' 1'odtl has lost. 300 porle. ors and W. n. DavIs forty with the dreaded dlseaso , I"ort "elght. Japanese Inborors , who have been employed by the UnIon Pa. ; cillc unloading steel west. of Icnrno ' , struck and were at. once discharged. Sam Goon , a Chinaman , has been sent. to the county jail nt Norfolk because - cause ho threatened to shoot his wife , n. colored women. Peter Nelson was severely Idclted by n. horse while attending n snlo at the Drooles farm west. of Dancroft. The horse Iclcl < ed him In the face , Imock. Ing out severnl teoth. Word has been received In Deatrlce from OIent'Jorn , Cnl. , nnnouncing that. Mrs. Maggie V. Netzley , unt.l1 recently n. resident. of Adams , Gage county , wns burned to death at that. ! .I1n.ce. Charged with brutnlly beating Hob. ert. IlIclten , 3 yenrs old , Mrs. Mrtlo Heclmthorno was fined $5 und costs by .1udgo Spafford In the county court. at. Deat.rlco. She paid her fine and WIIS released. A flro at WInsldo totaUr deatro'ct ! t.ho general merchandlso store of G. S. F1arrnn , F. S. Tracy's furnlturo and hard\varo stocl < and caused I\ . loss of more than $1,000 to A. II. Carter on' goods stored In the building. DI' . Charles naVel' of Telmmnh succeeded - ceoded In bagging three moro Cann. dlan geese. The doctor made a new record. He went out nnt ! killed these three geese In the flrst three abets and was back to town In just ono hour and fifteen This malccs ten Canudns the doctor hns Itllled In ono weele , , At. a special meeting of the city council called for the purpose , the city of Aurora granted the Aurara electric 'light. and Ilowel' companr a twent. ' . renr extension or Its frnnchlse , mOttl. lied by a quinquennial optfon to the city to l1\trc.hase the plant , should the city so elect , nt a price to be fixed by a stipulated bnsls of appraisal. Hobert. WIIIJel't , a farmer living ten lnlles northwest. of Ainsworth , was In town and bought a load of lumber. As . ho was driving out and was seated on top of the load , when he went. to go out of the door he jerked his hend down and the top of t.ho dear caught. the back of his neck and It. was so badh' mashed thn.t fatal results nre feared. Prof. E. II. Dnrbour of the stnto university - versity expects to attend the meeting of curators of Inuseums to po held In Now York City May 15 , Orgnnlzntion wlli bo 11Crfected at this meeting , which is the flrst. of Its' ] tlnd. Dr. Barbour sa 's that. one of the grent.- est. reforms that will be brought nbout. by tllis organization will be uniformity in classification of exhibits , The omcers of the farmers' Institute of Gago' county have decided fto organ- 11.0 II. school for boys or Gnge count. . for n corn'growlng contest and the school girls for II. cooltlng contest. I Each boy will receive a pint of 'Se. lected corn , which ho must plant. and cultivate and mal\C his exhibit. and re- port. next fall. ' ) 'ho girls nre to C0111' pete In the mnltlng of whent. and corn bread , Much excitement prevails among the citizens of Clear Creek valler and \Vestervllle , Custer count.r , oyer the promised extension of the Union Pa , clfic rnllway from Loup Ct.y ! through , 'Vesteryllle , Donds are requested or I the townships through whlcl the proposed - - posed extonslon runs. 'Vestervlllo 3 and Myrtle townships have been reo quested to each yoto $25,000 In bonds as n. bon us. State 011 InsrlCctor Ed Church ex- plh.lns that. ho was unable to turn Into the stnto treasury moro Umn $5117.64 for the month of Junuary from fees of his ofilce because he spent. $300 for rnllrond mllenge bools for himself and his deputies. The railroads did not reo new the passes of the people In the Gt.ato 011 Inspoctlon department , none were requested , nnt Mr. Church was obliged to buy mileage hoolta , Among the Inmates brought. to the ' . Nebrnslcn stat Insane hospital at Norfolk - folk are a mnn and his wlfo. SherIrf : \lears of Wn 'ue county , who brought them , carried homo with hIm a IIttlo onc'ear.old bahy girl anll led by the hand another little girl three 'ears old , chlldrcn or tllO Insane pall' , who nro to be given awny Into homes thnt can bo found , The demented couple recentl ) ' came from Ohlcago. The twelve-year-oltl son of Milton I1udson , a farmer 'resldln near Elbn , saved a train from being Illtched. The boy haplletJed to discover n. broleen rail. About eighteen Inches of the rnll had ovltlentl ' been tOI'l1 out ' ) b ) a pro- vlous train or In s mo other manner , Though the weather was IIpproachlng that. of n blizzard the boy managed to allract the attention of the engineer and the train was stopped within 11. rew feet of the breale. John Cox , an engineer In chnrge of the engines hauling the Cnst Crelght. through Nebraslea Clt . on the Missouri Pacific railway , felJ Cram his englno near the clt ' limits and was seriously IC not fatnl1) ' Injured. 110 wns out on the running board when ho mndo a mlsstel1 nnd Col1. Cnl T 'ler and George Vaughton were arrested on the Island east of Peru antI brought. to Nebrnslm City Cor confinement In the count . jnll. Thc ' were afterward lnlwn to Auburn where they will answer to the charge of assaulting Mnmle Hawley , a 17- ) 'ear-old girl. . - - . . - c . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . ; /0..11. / - There 19 nD Rochelle Saito , Ium LlmoorAmmonla In food madowltt } C lum(9t ( . Baking Powder Thoonly high gradoBoklng Powder made at (1 moderate prloo. I . _ A Trip Abroad. , , If vou are figuring on a trip to Eu. , rope , the Chlcngo , Mllwaul < co & St. . Paul Hallway can tlclwt you through from Omnha to foreign points. Full . IIno ot steamahlp tlcltets. For rates nnd full Informntlon call on or wrlto te > F. A. Nnsh , General Western Agent 1624 Farnnm street , Omahn. How's This ? We ofTer OUII Hundred nnllnu newlIord tOT' IIonr tl.8e : of IJnt rrb tbat caDDot bo cured by 1IIIU' . . Catarrb Cure. - . F. J. CIIE EY & CO. . Tolelto , O. We , Ihe underRI'lIcd. ' ba\'e known F. J. Cheller tor the lut l year. . nn,1 belle'l'o him I > erfectly hone orable In nil \J\I \ lne. . trRluncllollo and nnnllciallr Iollie to cllrry out IIny uhllllollun made lIy hi. Orm. WALIIINIt. KINNAN & MARVIN , Whu1c..le lJruKI , I. , Tulcdo. O. nall's C tarrh Cnro IR ( liken Intcrnnlly , nctlnlt' dlreclly . ' Ihe bluud anc ! mucon urraee. of tho. .y.elll. 111'011 lInlOnIRI. BOlli free. l'rlce 75 cunLe per . bOllle. Iuhl ; Itv 1111 HrIlKKl t. . Take HlIlI's f'lItolly : } 'll1s lor con"Upation. Fine Dutchr.r for Cruelty. For carrying II. pig by his cars and tall a Newcastle , Englnnd , butcher- hns been fined for cruelty , though sev- ernl experienced butchers testified that thnt wns the correct. way to carry n pig. Important to Mothors. xnmlno c rctully cvery bOltlo ot CASTORIA , . n Bafe allll Bure remedy tor Infanta and children. Md Bce that It DcaI' . the /71 ' , SlgnDluro erIn In U D 'or Over 30 Years. 'l'he Kind You nave Alwa:3 Dought. It Is a good thing to remember that your celestial stnndlng does not. depend - pend on 'our terrestrial tailor. Plso's Cure cannot be too hlehlY spoken or ! J n eou h eure.-J. , V. O'1JIIIF.N , Z 'I'hlrd Avo. N.lIIlnneapolls , 1IIInn. , Jun. 0.1000. To bo engnged and then not get marrIed - rIed malccs n girl 1 < 1nd of shopworn for next time. ! .Qwls' Single llIn er straight c-You r-ny lUe fOI' cigars not so 1-:0011. Your dculet : Ijf Lowls' Factorr , Pcoria , lit. The way mother used to malee things to cat. depended n lot on the appetItes her children had. A Gray Head by the Hearth. A letter from 0. lady wile Is spendIng - Ing the 'enr among the pensants of T 'rol , says : "The morning nfter our arrival 'wo were awnltel1\ by , the- sound of a violin and fll tes under the- , ,111I10w , and hurrying down found the- mtlo hOU90 adorned as' for a feast- garlands over the door and wreathing In a high chair which was set In stnto. The tnble wns already covered with gift. hrought by the 'oung people whose- J . 1II1I51c wo had heard , The whole neIghborhood - borhood were 1tlnsfoll. , and these girts. . , came frpm uncles nnd cousins lu every degree. They were very simple. . for the donors are 11001' - lenltted - i-- gloves , n shawl , busleet. , of flowers , . jars of fruit , loaves of brend : but. upon nil some muo messnge of love was pinned. " 'Is th.ere 0. bride In this house ? " I nslted of my landlord. \ "Ach , neln ! " he said. 'We do not - " mnlte such pother abou young poo. \ ' pIe. It Is the grandmother's bIrthday. ' "The grnndmother In her spectacles - tacles , white apron and blgh , 'elvet cap , was a heroine nil day , sitting In state to receive Ylslts , nnd dealing out slices from a sweet 10aC to each who came. J could not. but remember cer. taln grandmot.hers at home , whose- - dull , sad lives were never brightened by nny such pleasure as this ; and I thought. we could learn much from these Jloor mountnlneers. " Never judge a man's feet by the slippers his wife maltes for him. - London Answers. " , UNDER WHICH KING "The More Postum the More Food- the More Coffee the More Polson. The Pl'e3. of the W. C. T. U. In 1\ 'oung glnnt state In tlto Northwest. &a's : "I did not. realize that. I wns a slave- to cofreo till I left off drlnldng ft. For three or four 'enrs I was obliged to taleo a nerve tonic overr day. Now I am Cree , thanles to Postum Food Coffeo. . "After finding out. what. coffee wll1 do to Its vIctims , I could hardly stand to have m ' husband dl'htlt It : but Ito was not. .wmlng to quit. I studied for months to find n way to induce him to leave ft off. Flnnlly I told him I would malto no mol'o coffee. "I got Postum Food Coffee , and made ft strong-boiled ft the required time , and had him rend the 1Itt10 boole , 'Tho noad to Wellvl11e , ' thnt comes In ever ' 111g. I ' " ' 1'o-day Postum has no stronger ad- vocnte tlmn my husbnud ! He teUs our frIends how to mnleo It , and that ho got thl'ough the winter without. n llel1 of the grip nnd has not had n headache for months-ho used to bo subject to frequent. nervous head. aches. "The stronger ) 'OU drlnl. postum the moro food rou got : the stronger -o drlnlt coffee the moro polsonOl \ set , Name given by PO tUlu Co" llattlo { . Creek , Mich. . . 'rhere's a renson. ' L'