Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 15, 1906, Image 7

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, . . . " .
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* -
Not Only Do Wo Oet Inspiration From
Nature , Dut Health nil \Vell.
For pcoplo who and nerv-
ons , who suITer frolll Indl e tlon or d's-
, headache , blllousnc\s. ! or torilid
J1cllSIIl COlltml ton ue with blttl.'r taste In
the morning luul poor allpl'tlte , I t be-
comc n < , ccs arv to tUl'I1 to SOIllO tonic or
stronthl.'n ! < , r , vhlcll will assist Natlll'o
and the 111 to ! ( I.'t on tll < 'lr fl.'et 111111
put helll lody Into Its jlrop < , r condition. It
Is becoming 11101'0 and 1I10re apIJllrent that
Nature's most valnlllJlo health - glvln ! {
ngonts are to bo found In forest plants
ami roots.
Nearly fortn'ca ago. Dr. R.V. Plorce
now consul tinIIhY811'IIn / to the IIl\'allllsl
Hotel and Snrglcal Instltuto , at BulTalo ,
N. Y. , dlscov < , rl'd that by sciontilically
oxtractlng and combining certain medicinal -
nal prlnclpl s from Imth'o roots tnken
from our Anwrlcan forcsts , he cou , d produce -
duce a medicine which WIIS man'olously
onIclent In curing CI1fOS of blootl disorder
and liver and stl1luach trouble as well as
many otller chronic , or lingering aliments -
ments , 'rhls concentrated extract of
Nature's vitality he1I1II1I'd "Oolden Ied-
Ical DI\covory. ! " It IlIIrll10s tile blood l1y
putting the stmnach IlUd liver Into
110althy cOIlllltlon , thereby holplng' the
dlge\tlon ! and assimilation of food which
feeds the blood. 'rhereo ) ' It cures weal ,
stomach , Indlgestlonl torpId liver , or bilIousness -
Iousness , and Idllllrell dr:1ng'emontJ. !
If ) 'ou have coated tongue , with bitterer
or bad taste In the morning , frequ < , nt
hoadaclls , f'el woalr , (11l lIy tired , stitches
or ( lain In sldo , l1aok gives out easily und
nches , 110lchlng of gas. constlputlon , or
Irregular howels , foci /lashes / of heat ai-
torlmtlng with chilly sen atlons or I\ln-
drett S 'lI1ptoIllS. they llOlnt to derangement -
ment of your ! \tomach. liver riud kldno's ,
- which the "Golden Medical Dbcovory"
will correct moro spcedlly ami l'cl'lIm-
nontly tllltIll'lny other Imown n ent. Contains -
tains no alcohol or hahlt-formln drllgs.
All Its Ingredients prlntod In plain Eug-
lIsh on Wral'\1or. ' \
The solo motl\'o tor snhstltutlon Is to
. permit the dealer to mlllro a little more
l'rollt. . Hetalus ; YOIIIMe. Accept no sull-
IItltuto for "Oolden'lledlcal : Dlscovory , "
Constlpr1.tJon Cr1.Uf : < 'S and a jtravat : < , s
many serlolls dlser1.Res. It Is thorol1\thly
cured by Dr. Plerco's Pll'asant Pell'ts ,
Ono I1lnxatlvo ; two or three are cathartic.
E.ery hOl1sel\Ceper should lmow th t
, If they will buy Defiance CollI Water
Starch for laundry use they will suve
not only time , because It never sticks
to the Iron , but because each pacluge
contains 16 oz-one full pound-while
tlll other Cold Water Starches are put
' . up inpound paclmges , an the price
fs the same , ] 0 cents. Then again
becl1uso DetJl1nre Starch Is free from
all Injurious chemicals. If your grocer
i tries to sell you a 12-oz , parlmge It
fs heeause 11e has a stock on hand
. which ho wishes to dispose of before
, , , I . ho puts In Defiance. Ho Imows that
Defiance Starch has printed on every
t pac 1m go In largo letters and figures
" 16 ozs. " Demand Defiance and sayo
mnch tlmlt and money and tbe annor-
anro of tl10 iron stlcl\ng. ! Defiance
Dover sticks.
\t Every woman feels she Imows just
how far to go in the matter of assistIng -
Ing nature with her face and figure.
I Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't ] , eep
Defiance Starch. This Is because they
have a stock on hand of other bl'ands
containing only 12 oz. In n. paclmge.
which they won't be able to sen first ,
because Defiance contains 1G oz. for
tbe same money.
'Do 'ou want 1G oz , Instead of 12 oz.
, tor same money' ! 'rhen buy De II a n ( ' ( >
Starch. nellul. . s no cooking.
Don't tell ) 'our Intended that she Is
nn angel unless ) ' 011 can leep up the
bluff after ) 'ou are married.
; All Up-to-Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch , be-
camle It Is lJetter , and 4 oz , more of It
for same mone ' .
, The trouble with taldng a day off
Is thnt you can't put It l1ack.
Defiance Starch
, > 1. should be In every househ0111 , none so
J r good , besides .1 oz , . more fOI' 10 ccnt ! > '
thlln all ' other . .and of cold waleI'
I , A train of thought Isn't alwa's on
. . .C'-.JIQ .8 O f ) O ,
A well.known Rochester lady
Z 2
"I . ' In the Adirol acks
, says : st.\rcd ! , oJ
e away from frlen s and h0111e , two f I
wintcn > bcforo I round that by -
2 taking Z-
- . D
. t 2 Iemp's llalsam 2
J. . e I could l\1blluo the cou h. that 0
. \ 2 drovc mo away frollt hollto allli 2
soome(1 likely to nevcr allow 11IU I
to IIvc there 111 winter. " 0
Z Kcmp's H.IIg.'ul1 will cure tIny Z
congh that can bo cllred by an ) '
l1elicine. )
2 Sold II } ' all < loolcrs at 25C. and Soc. 2
. . eC'o o C ) 0 C"OC'.J ) cc--.Jto
. . , . . . .
Moro Men Than' Women.
There are 1,8.10,280 moro men Ulnt.
women In the United Stntes , the 5I1mo
proportion provl1l11ng In I1lmost on'ry
ether country. 'I'ho anI ) ' oxcelltlon Is
In ParngIHl ) ' , where there are lUoro
tlun : twicl' 118 111l1ny w011lcn ns 1110n.
This IJ ! duo to the fact that some
) 'tnrs IIKO , In a II01lLlcni rovoluton !
and a wnr with Um1.l1 and the Argen.
tlno HOllltbllc , the mOll were almost
Furnace Ventilation In MInes ,
The furnnco as a 1I1enns of vontlln.
tlon Is said to bo 11101'0 economical In
deep mines than In shallow ones ; as
It acts 11) ' heating a column of air ;
the higher'thnt column the greater
wll ! bo the dlfforenco In the weight of
nlr In the npcast nt\ll downcast shafts ,
nnd cOllsequcntl ) ' the gl'entor the mo.
tlvo 110wor.
Atrlca's "Sneeze-Wood" Tree.
Ono f the nntural curlosltlos 01
South Afl'lca Is lho "sn'oze.wood"
tree , which Is so.called because ono
cannot cut It with n saw wlthollt
, "
snoozillg , ns the fille-rust has exactly
the cffect of slluff. No Insect 01' worn ;
will touch It ; It Is very hitter to the
taste , alld when plnced In water It
slllls. .
New SpecIes of BIrd.
Dr. E , A. 1lIrs , an authority on or ,
nitholugy , l'eccnl1y dlsco\'ored soveml.
new sp.cles Oil the sUI11111lt of Ao ,
a vol"llnic mountain of the Island at
l\tI:1dnnao , In the 1'hlllphl0 grou ) ) .
' 1'h'ro1'0 no fewer than twent ) '
lofty volcnnlc l1calti clustered about
the city of Qultu , the cailltlll of Ecu\ : '
dol' Onl.l of thl'"se , Catol1l1xl , Is the
hlghrst ncr'l''olcllno ! In the world.
W < lS Fast Drifting Into the Fat < ll
St < lges of 1 < ldney Sickness ,
Dr. 1\1elvln 1\1. \ Page , Pugo Optical
Co" Erie , Pa. , wl'ltes : "Tallng too
many Iced drlnls In New YOl'k In
lSJ ! se'nt mo hOl11o with a torrll1le at-
tucle of ] ddncy trou1110. I hud aeuto
congestion , sharp
pain 111 the bacl"
headaches and at-
tnclts of dizziness ,
1\1y eyes gnvo out ,
"f nnll with the languor -
" guor and sloelless' (
ness pf the dlsetso ;
upon 1110 I. wasteL1
fl'om lJ.i ! to 122
) ) OUl1 s. At tIte
, . thno I started us'
InA' Doan's Kldnoy Pills an ahsces
was forming on 111) ' right 1ldney.
The troubie wus qulclly checlwd ,
however , and the tl'ol1.tmont cured me ,
so that I have been well slnco 18J6 !
and weigh 188 pounds. "
Sold by all dealers , 1i0 cents 1box. .
Foster-1\f\1bllrtl \ Co" Buffalo , N. Y.
A Heavyweight.
They sa ) ' a Gl' enland whl1.lo weighs
as 111\1ch as 88. elel1hants or 4-10 beurs ,
f'i1l1l1(0 ' Ilito 'i' llr tlh"t'R !
Allcn's Foot-Ease , n ) lowdor. ] t curcs pain-
ful'slUr1.rtinf ! , IlCr\'ous feet auLl ing'l'owiug
nuils , It's the I'rcateit : comfort discovery
oC the figO. 1\1altcs new shoes . casy. A
certain cnro for SWl'a tiug. fl'ot. Sold hy
all DI'uggists , 2c ; , ' 1'rlal paekago FREE ,
Addrcss A , S. Olmsted , Lo Hey , N. Y.
It Is. hard to wm'l , up much confi-
Ilonce In a mnn who wears ( l rll1g on
his mlddlo Hnger.
A OUAUAX'I'EI.n < JUUB Iron . .n.l s.
Itchluj : . 11111111. IllcI'IlIn . l'.olrn < lln I'lIc. . l1rll '
Itlsls uro ullthnrlzcII 10 rufllu < ! mone ) ' If l'AZO
UINTm 'l' falls to.cllru 10 1110 11 < la8. GOc ,
Quarrelsome IlCoplo are alwu's silt-
Isfled , vlth a fighting chance.
" 'nrth H IInwllll :
-that Allcocl , ' ! ! 11\0 the orlJlnal anll only
Fclluillo porOll8 Jlhlh ! I's ; all other so-called
p01'OIlS 1IIIlstcrs 11I"dmltutlol1 ! .
: A fl'lend In word Is 110t alwa's a
friend hldeec ! .
: \lr . ' , IIIAinw' " linnthlll ! : = "rrnp.
" 'or rhlltllen Il'ethlll . nfl"l1 Iho ! film. , rnlltlrcR
t1umwllUo I , 8Ih''II' ' III.curu. willtl LOU2c : b'JtUu.
The h < 'nlwclell mllll hUH to do nIl
hlr t'j'owln ! ; awny fl'01l1 homo.
I Why It Is the Best
! 1o1 ! hocllulo 11I1111(0 h ' un 6l1tll'cly ditTer-
I'nt 111'01'10111. DI'III1UO Sllu'ch III 1111-
IlIIw an ) ' IIlltl'l' , hutl'I' uwl ollu-thll'll
' ! ' fl1l' 10 . ' ' ' 11114
I In IIhnlllliK hlR cureor II ) 'OIlIlJ. ; IIInll
IIhOIlIIIIl't d\I"11I1 ( ' 1I11a'oly on hlH tllilor.
. ; , . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : , . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : , , : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . ; .
, .
\ 's.
, .s. . .
I .1. who goes strdlbhl I ) work to cure . .
. . .
: : : ! -Iurts , Spi'a ns , Bruises : ! ( :
.s. . .
.1. b Y I h e'S of .1.
Stt Jacobs Oil
:1 : : and aav..Ume. money and 1:0:110111 of nliM'Y qulcidy , :1 : :
.s , , I.
.1. It Actn Ll1to 1'luxle. Prll.u , ; Je , IUttl ! 'JOe , .1.
. . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . ; . . : . . : . . : . , : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : - - : . . : . . : . . : . . ' : 'v.- : : : : : : : , . : . , : . . : . . . : , , Jo. : . . : , . : . . : . . : , . : , , : . . : . . : , , ! .
. : : ; : WIN C t ! rE TED !
, . " . . NEW R I V A L" D L C K row D It" . H It L L fS
' 7 The mOlt luccalUlful hunturtl .hoot" ,
" . . II Ncw Itival" II"Rctory " Loaded Shotlun
Shell. , blue in color , boc"ula they can kill
: - , . . . . . . , mora IRlne : with them , 'lory them and ) .0\1
h. . . : will find thAt they .r. lures f\re \ , Kiva looll
- - p\\tern : untl penetration and arc IAtidactory
wi. - in every w..y. OrtIer IrActor ) ' Loed ! II New
--tj RIvAl II SlwU. . Don't Acccpt Any tubWutc.
-l. . . . . . : - . L L D E LEn SSE L L T H I ! M
. ,
. - . . - . . . , , . . . ' . - .
k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * *
Agcd Lndy Now Living in CnHfornia Rccalls
Timcs of Long Ago
'HH" " " " " ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
' 1'\\ ont ) . miles Ollt from Los An.
gelos , Cn ! . , on the sl.'nshoro rend , ill
a hllmble , fOllr-roomed hOllse , Is nn
old woml1n who Abraham Lincoln wns
" 01' ) ' fond of I1nd who he tenslngl ) '
nal11ell "Qulnlno" 70 renrs ngo , when ,
a store cieri , In r\ow Snlell1 , he bOlli'll'
ell for $1 1weel , under her fnthor's
Mrs , Vienna L8tel' hns jo'st celebrated -
brated her SJth ! bll'thda ) ' . A stntely
old w0111an\ she Is stili tree of stop
nnd straight of "lslolI , though her
mom or ) ' hns begun to falter , recollection -
tion to waver and dom the long \'Istn
ot 'ears anll dn-mnrls ot her g1rl-
hood nro blurrod.
'I'hls friend of Llncolu liltS
In her sOn's hO\llo at Bumott (11\(1 ( ( tollw
many stories of the Ol'el1t Com1110ller.
WlUl qunlnt tendel'ncss con\'s the
thought thttt this Is the cousill. the
girlhood frIend , of fnlr Ann Rutledge ,
the dead lo'e of Uncoln's ) 'ollth.
For twenty yenrs , "alll < e to fortune
Ilnd to fl\me unlmown , " lho rocl111ent
ot Lincoln's whimsical nclma111o ! hns
mnllo .her home In t110 whltwllshod
cottngo In tlle little town ot Bnrnt'tt.
Se\'ent-fi\'o ) 'enrs ngo , In the SU111 ,
mol' of 1830 , I.neoln ! l'l'leascd himself
from parental care nnd stnl'tell out to
mnl\O his own wn\ ' . This wns soon
ncter his people hns retllO\'t'11 to II1ln ,
ols , nnd the future Presillent wns then
a gnunt , tnll Ind of 'tittle moro thnn
21. The following 'enr , jllst CIneI' his
fall10us finthoat trll ) to New Orlenns ,
he made his seronll anll "permnnent"
appl.'arnnce In Nt'Salem. . on the
hanls of the Sanrnmon I'I\'er. Its
11Opulaton ! at thnt time prohnbl ) ' did
not exci"cd soventr-fi"o 11I0n , women
an children. It was one of Lho I11nn ) '
. . . . .
cnmo to UB , nnd 111) ' 1110lhor chnrged
him nhout $1 a woolr fOl' his bed nnll
bonrd. "
' 1'ho "liS Irls" I''ferrel ! to b ) ' Mrs.
L'ster01'0 olo\'on In nllmhcr ( rein.
forcoll h ) ' 0110 hrolIH'r ) , nnl ! a right
m rrr cI'owd for n lo cllhlll home , It
111n ) ' bo gllessod , III the ordel' of thl'lr
I1ges till' ) ' WCl'O : Bets ) ' Cnmeron ,
1I1cln1\1I1011 "lsl1 bello" b ) ' Lincoln :
Vlolllln , wllOlI\ the flltul'o I'rl'shlent
IIl'efel'l'cll to 1111111'ess ns "Qulllln ( ' , "
pel'hal1s hecnuso I1t 1 j she coulll filiI !
n shal' ! ) Ihrll8t to nnswpr hIs 'Cl1slng
with ; 'fhol1lns 10110 brother In n wild.
l'\'IIl'SS of gIrls , call1'ti " 'l'nl\1 O'Shl\n-
t'l' " b ) ' Llllcoln , lilltl r\nllc ' > , Tnno , 1\Iar-
tim , Snrah , Snlllllnll(1 ( Serena ( Ul0
twll1s ) , Eliza , Cnrollllo nllli Mnrgnrot ,
Whnt cl'rlt todn ) ' woulll willi , five
ml\'s \ dallr botweC > 1I his Rtoro nlld his
boal'cltll ! ; honsE' ? I.\twolll \ Illd It for
11I0llths , strIding frol\1 " 1'arsoll" Cain.
oroll's log cablll III the early mornlllgs
to Denton OlTlltt's gelleral slore , IInd
bncl , IIgaln 'at dIlSI , .
lIe 10voII ex'rcso ! In Ihe 01111 , ho
was l1rollll-mn ) ' 110 n t time a trl flo
bonstfnl-of his Ilh 'slcal slrength nnd
r.r.rat 110wers of 0I111 rnllce , hilt aside
from thnt , 0110 call1lot help wonlll.'rlng
If Johll ClIllIeroll's l1Ierr ' hOlls < 'ful of
hllXOIll dnllghters I11n ) ' lIot hnve hl.'en
n "e'lIer InBI11mtlon for these dall ) '
tl'llligos than 11)\0 of Natllro nlld of
Nature's IIIOOlIs ,
1I'S. . Lrst'r rel\1'l11h\rs "Abo" stl'lll-
In stondllr , hilt IIlIhlll'l'll1) ( ' "hol\1o. "
/'aunt / Hhollld'rs drooped , shnggy
hend bent IInd eres glll'd to tl10lages \
of a gra mmnr thnt he hold wcll lip liS
ho wallod.
I Awaiting' him at the long traml's
el1l1 were the friends who. III accoptlng
. . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . . . . - - - - - . . . . . . . . -
- . " . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . - - -
- . : : .
' / .
. . ,
" " ' . ;
- , '
jn ,
n . ,
. ' .
' . . , . " .
rr \
; u
) . .
t\'ij : v''k , "
R" '
" ; ' < . ; t < < ' 'N. _ , . . .
" ' , . . ' < , N , " " "
; " } , i ' . .
, , }
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" ; ; I
: ' " .f/ ' : , ' . ' , . .
.N" .t . , \
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. , . . "
, . ; " . . . . , . > . . . , 'r' . \ .J' . . '
: "Y-.J. " . , . . . . . . ' jJ . ,
- - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . . . - - - . . - . . . - - - - - - . . . . - . - - . . . . . . . . . . . -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
"boom" towns of what was then the
Far Weste\'ll Stnto of Illinois ,
The ' ensiling five yenrs , 1831 to 1836 ,
covor' one of the most Interesting llurl.
ods of I.Il1coln's earlr life , when ho
lenrnecI the lessons of love IInll Ilenth
IInd to rise nbo\'e the blttornms : of de.
spall' . It wns dllrlng this IJerlol1 that
: 'III's , Lystel' ( tlwn Vlolllm Cameron )
Imo v him , recel\'ed lit hili hUllds the
O II nlelmamo of "Qlllnlne , " 111111 he ,
cnmo a qulot ohservt'r of hIs court-
shll ) of her hOlllltiful COUSIIl , AIIII Itut-
Ono or the tm'0l110Flt 111011 of th
Now Snlelll lIl'ghborhoorl ! WIIS the ! tOY.
John Cllllleroll. lrH , LOYII'II ! fllther.
Ho 11ronchOil In the l'rClII\ytorhm \
church 011 SlIlIdll ) ' ' ' , alld. IInt'r the
CII8tOlll of tllOAn 8tllrll ) ' thnf'II , tlll'lIoll
11 IIhrewcl o 'o to bUHhllU11i durlllK the
week , Jln It WRII , hulOtfl1 who , wiLli
hiM wlrtl' " brother , the .1"1/18. ! tllth.I. .
lrIf'ntiollcd b } ' hiltorlallll III COIIII'tOIl !
with thtt IIlltrlllll ot J..lncolll'lI lito , IRhl
nllt Lho to\l\1I IUtI of : :81IMII'III. .
At the tlIII8 ot 1.lncnln'H , . .lvoIIL . In
: -:8' " S.lell1 " 1'.rll4JlI" CMIIl8ron with
hiM , , 'If. Mlltl t"mllY-tol""oll dftUlht"J'I
, , " 11 nil. IO"-Iliul hi. hnm. , In thtt
111'Orblltl 101 hOlile or tll. . tHtrSod , M
t..w mil. . . from toW" on Iho " .nlnl
of 111. . RlltI..moti II , . . " " , , 010. . . to Ihll
Ulillfltl,8 It C"flrolt mill. 'l'hll lit.
I..r ( ' ( lmbl" . . , th. bu.I" . . . . ot . . , , 'Ib"
Ihnhrr ul Ifrlb"ln , .rSIC. The mill.
on M Iflm U..t JIIU d out" to'lbillS' '
. . ' trl't Ibto Ih. rl..r , " 'U oatt or
Ih. . Iul land"uka t tb. 1ff ! IIL , . to
( ' "Uflbl. . n'n. ' . . . . ! ! Oil' tor a .bort
I 11m"II' " "t ( 'h. . . . . 01 It ,
, M I'll. 1.'I&.r dMI .flt. , , " , .11 tb. dl1
I Ihltt l.lbMI" lint (11m" to ber tithe , ' ,
I hun , , ' to bfMrd. but f. . ' . . , . . . . , . 10 " ' ' ' , , t
I 1I\.r " " 11 I. " ' "nt IndIra' ' . . . tla.1
i It \1\ \ " In th. . _ llt.r or Iprtq of 11" .
I . 1.llIl"lIln \ ' . ' a . . . . .L. bl. , "ulltll' , . , .
I < IW I hI' ' ' , ' ' . . ' . Wn. I".ter , "Cull 10
t Ih. . ( 'khl wltb C. . . 1A1" .1\1\ \ ' . " . . . . , . . . .
I droll Jlruka QB III , Irl. JI. . " "U " "
rltrk III r nll'lOtIIl' ! I , lorn ' " "fill It. .
4 , , . . . " . .u .J r . ; . w. . ' . . . . , , ' , \ . ' . / ' " ' ; ' . . . \ ' : . . . : . 'i '
't : . . , , ' , . , . . . . . ; , I
. . . - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
lho $ l.n-wee ! , hOIlI'lI , 111111 tl1ltl'1l him
:11 : Rlld lIIado hllll nno ot t h 1'111 Iwl8. .
"lincoln , 01' 'Aho , ' 1111 W ( > one IInd al\ \
Roon CIIlIlO to ( 'all hllll WIIS a tnemher
of the fa III II > ' 1111 10llg llii lit' 11. . . vPc !
withIS " \ , . ' ' , " ' ' h\1II \
\IS \ , l\lrH I.Yltl'l' HII 'II 1'0
. .
illY lIIother wnH 'Allilt Polly. It fllct
hOl'lle out h ) ' hlstorh1l\1 \ ! .
"l.Iltcoln , " HII ) ' ! ! II'H , 18t'r. rCC'III ,
liltth080 / 1'111'0 Ihl 'I ! . "Will ! n 1'1'11I11 1'1-
11010 ) 'oulig IIIlIn fol' 111'11 II II H , He hall
: t IIlnlwl\lIIO tor ( > lIch OliO or UH ll'iH.
hilt I ' ' ' ' 1rO'w. . 0110
call 0111) 1'011\(111I1)1' \ 1\
of his tl'lcllS1114 to pluclt hili trlt'III ! ! !
hy theIr oarl-he wnll IIlwtYM : < < 101111 (
thnt I l1av. ' hl'lIrd lilY falhl'r ' IIfll'lll ' <
or 1I001llg 'Abo' HtunclIuc ! lit II ( 'Ol'n'r ,
ell' In th" I'ond , h > IIIIIK Olin of hili liroll
Mlorle/ol 01' eItJIIK'd 111 I'HI'III'lit .11111'1111 . ,
Mlnn , Kud , at It cllmRx III thn 11110. or
ron\8rlUlt1on , IItl't'tchll1/C / out Olin ot hiM
1011. Mrml , Rlld Il'lIt1ylIIIIIIIK \ Ih , ' 1114.
It'nMr' . ear , Inlto"d , or IlluckllllC the
hillel or hi. ( 'oal. I ro" , 11101'1' Ihllll
IIno or UI Clt1l1t'ron Idrl. 'Alw' CMIIICht
" ltColdllll Cnr not IDUIIII o\lr \ tlMrN
' . .
II 10118 ,
Lln..ln' . Mether' . Tribute ,
'MlolI.h 110 tend ot hll ( lOk. It lnlllllt
nut 1Ht lIuPlloa d 'kltt lu , I'uttd Ituly
I tllr , , 'ork aud 1'rloUI .111'1) ' , H. . " . .
It 1IfM"tll " , .un ) .Irnll"rllli Ind , II. Cond
I n ( Jok. . anl1 tun . . ho " 'I. kindly IMII
' 11".tI1DU. . . III. .h' trln'brr . .Id Iff
I' him : "I < < MItt tIA ) ' , , 'h.t . . . .rr. . ! ) un. .
motlter h. " UtOll.anll . . . . . " A b.
i . . . . , .r 11\1 IaHt I corn. . . weml Dr haole ,
nd . . . , .r J'tItuMld to df ) . . , th" . . I
. . . . . . . . him. I mu. ' laY l'lt Alt. wal
I. . bHt 110 , I . , .r . . . . . or _ x"'Cll ' to
. . . . ' - , " * , H. . . . H'.ol. ' . ' , ' "Mae
no , . ' 1.11. ot 1traa.1" lJ\laooh. \ " I.
Ot. Hlc. . . . .
C..k . " ' V. . . . . Ohl ,
Th. 0'0111 ' 'M ' Ibet. , _ tit. . , . . I. > > ea. .
, I. . . . . . SI TOO , . . . . . 01111. " . . lill' ' . .
I . . . , . , I. h , , I..t. , . , 't' , , , 'Ial"
.how , . . " U. . . . Df dl ) ' and I II ! " , " , , ' .
. " ' \
. .
- .
- -
Pneumonia Followed La Grlppo-
Porutho " Remedy That
Brought Rellof ,
tr. T. llarl1l''ott , W'st Aylmer , OntarIo -
tarIo , Call. , wrltos :
"I RI. wlnt'I' I WIIS 111 , , : lIh IIIICl1ttlo.
nln after ha\'h\l ; hJrI111C' } . I toolt
1't'rlllllfor two mOllths , whcn I he-
came qllito well , 111\11 I cnll sny tllllt
nn ) ' 0110 rn n bo1I'c11 hy It In 1rea -
sOlll\hlo tlml' nlll1 nttUo \ ! expenso. "
Systemio Cafnrrh , the Result of Ln
Grippe. Receives Credit
for Present Good Hoalth.
Mrs. J < 'I1\I1o W. Ollmoro , Dox : : 4-1 ,
Whlto 01\1 ( , Inl1 , Tor. , wrllcs :
"Six ) ' ( 'al'8 ngo I hnll la ! ; rllle } ,
which was followl'd hy H8temlo ca-
tarrh. 'I'ho 0111) ' thlll ! ; Ilsel1 was Pc-
1'11111anl1 1\lIl1ulIlI [ , 11I111 r IlI\vo been In
bl'ttor Ill'alth tllo Inst th1'l.'o ) 'lJars thnn
for ) 'ears h'foro. I gl\'o 1'01'1I111U
the crel1lt COI' m ) ' gooll health. "
Pe-ru-na-A Tonio After La Grippo.
1\Irs. ChI\R. B , WCUR , Sr" Do\\\'nro } ( , .
Ohio , writes : "Afll'r a Sl'\'l.'rO IItlnclt
of la grhllo ( , I tool , Perlliln 1\1111 fOllnd
, .
It a YOI ) good tOlllc. "
"Most Effective Medicine Ever Tried
for La Grippe , '
noM. L. Muellson , A , M" PrlncllJa1 of
Cl1l1owhco llIgh Sehool , l'alnlor , N , C. ,
Is chnirmull of the .Tnclson COllllty
Bonrl1 of l llllcntoll. ! ill I' . 1\Indl50n
S5 : : "I 11111 har ly cvcr wllhollt Po-
runa in m ' homIt Is t hI , ) 11I0St olrce-
tlvo 111cl1l\no \ that I hllro over tried
for la rhille. "
1\Irs. .Tulla Gift , Alhens , 0. , wrItes :
"I 111\11 la gl'lll110 Yl.'l'y hnll. 1\Iy hilS'
hanel bOI1 ht 1'00'IIIIa for 11\0 \ , III II vcry
short tll1\o \ T suw hlllll'o\'PlI\ellt IIUlI
wes 6001\ able to 1I0 111) ' worl < . "
Means a pro"
due ti ve ca.
pacity In dollars -
lars of 0 v e r
$16 per acre.
' 1'h:1I : on III1HI which haR co t the tllrmor noth.
jn the llrlco or tlllln ! ; It , tcUiI : its own
otorJ' .
'rho Cannllinn Oovornment Ives nbsoilltely
fl'co to every "ettieI' 100 nercs or .meh IIUlll.
Innlls nl1Jolnlng cnn bo purchnsel1 nt from fate
to $10 ller nero rrom rnllrot\ll Ilnll other corllor'
Alrcully 175,000 rnrmors rrom the Uulted
Stlltcs Im\'o mol1o tholr homeR 111 CllUnlla.
POl' paml1hlot "TwcntloL1J Century CI1U1uln"
I1nlll\l1 Inrormntlon IIIIIII ' to SlIllt , or Immhrn' :
tlon. Ottuwa. Cunl1dn. or to rOllowlng l\uLhorlzclt
Cllnlll1ll1n Oovcrnmcnt Ailcnt-\V. V. Ul'nnett ,
601 New Yorlc Lito 1Iulll1lng. Omnhn , NolJrl\slcn ,
( Montlon this \llper. )
mU8t 1ully > rolcrt nil hl\'Cnlloll. 1I00klot nnft
] IeRk Cnlen. \ IIr Fit I I . IIJih"Rt rl'fcrcn"e .
GOlllmlllllo'lIl1mtR ( 'Ollnllo'lIlInl. "olllhllohell " 1801.
Ma.on , Fenwick & Lawrence , Wa.blniton , D , U.
G ! : !
, D
( I " I' ' I IT , ,
. -fuU ot wlsu Irulructoll-IICIII ! . 'UII : : .
J. J. II. ( JUIO. , . . 1 < 00 , norblrb..d , II. . . .
DEFIANOE Cold \Flater \ Starch
lUlllwillllull : ry worl , 1I111casuro. 111 oz. lIlt ! ; . 100.
When Answering Advertisements
Please Mention This P < lper.
/l'r " " ill
Suffered Twelve Years From AfterEffects -
Effects of La Grippe ,
Mr. Victor Pat11CI\I1I1e , 3 8 'Mndlson
St" TOllolm , lna. , member of Knlshtn
al1d I.adle.9 of SCc1l1'ltr , writes ;
"Tw'lvo ) 'cl1rs nso [ IUlil a M\'oro
attncl , of la grl11110 nuel I novel' really
reco'crell 111) ' health nnll strel1gth-
hilt grew \\'l.'al\Or OVOl'y ) 'oar until I
was IIl1nl1lo to wOl'l , .
"Two ) 'cnra n o I bcStlIlIsing Pe-
1'11111nnd , It hllilt 11\1 \ my Slrel1lh ! so
thnt In a cOllllle at months I wns able
to go to worlt ognln.
" 'I'hIA will tel' I hnd anolhor aUncl\ :
of In grtllle ! , hilt Pcrul1a lIoon dro\'o It
Ollt of tit ) . R'Stl.'l11.
"My wlfo nnd I consider Pcrunl\
housohol11 remed ) . . . .
" , : , --ZT. ! ' : ; " ' ' ! i"- . .
You \i\T i 11 Pro s per
in the Great
In Oldahoma , Indian Territor ) ' and TextS
, ' . 11'0 vast area ! ! of IInilllp\'O\'odlunti-land not
now yieltlln lho Crllp of which it is
capable , The same conditions apply 10 th. . ,
town , Fcw tinM of hlllincs.'I arc IIdequately
represonted. ' There uro openings of nil
50rtfor mills and f.lCOr ! OS , for small
sloros , for banks , newspapers and lumber
yarlls. YOII have only 10 get on the ground
to pro\'o this. To onahle ) 'oulo do so the
Missouri , Kansas & 'fexail : H'y ocrers
Ratc8 Chcaper Than Ever
February 20th and .
l\farch 6th and 20th
n nhovo .Jnlcs l1Io 111r109 will 9,11 , holh onc-way
nnll rOIlIl.1 Ilh. l llCl'JlUOllllly ! : low rnles.
It your IIcorc.t rnUmn.1 n\lolll \ COllllol Jh'U yuu Ibe
roil" . WIIClIIIO ror palliculan.
If you'rll In nn ) ' WRY Intc.slc.lln Iho
Soulhw"9t. I'd mo 10 clIll YIIU lilY
I1nl"or "Tho Comhll : COUlllr.Y , PO AJ < lress
Blossom lIouso , KANSAS CITY , MO.
TlckolS all Sl1lo Cvc'whcro. via
. .
' ' "
. 'Jil ; . .I . f ULIw ; ) i.z.ial
, .
( READ 136-2101)-
' . " . . - )
t Upon rcceipt of your nl\mc
' Name
GOOD FOR Druggist's
AmI/Dc lit stamps or slll'cr to pay postagn wo will man YOI1I\ . tree ,
if 'OI1 huve novcl"tsell Mull's Urnpe ' 1'onlc , anll will [ 1,150 11m I yon 80
ccrtifleal.u . Irood fot' 0111) dollar 1owlI.l..1 the llurlI'I160 of more ' 1'onlo from
your druggllit. . A 1111 I'sa
: MUl..VS ORAl'11 TONIO CO. , 148 ThIrd Ave. , Roclt ! slnn , Ill.
from Why : .11' " ' . . , . ' . ' ' , Inlo nn,1 , , 1I'.cIIII..h..n' Almnnrh TrulI"ln. . . ' . . wllh ron"lIl"nlloll or.tol11l1ch troublMWbclI tborols. .
pcrfoci. h..rmlU..I.'llIru..loo.llh.u . Ollru wltliln ) 'lIur rC.II:111 :
CRII. . ) 1IOOIll"O'"II. ' .kln dl"l'n. , ' " . Rh'IC IIl'n , ! ' "hl1 hllllJllOllrU , trl'hotll . " 1'1' . "r"r".I" . . tl1 , '
. , . . , . . , . . . . . . , . ' ' _ . .
\ 11".1 ' " " 'Y I " 1.1'.11\11 . \ II. " ' 11 n. fIIalt ) 01" ( " ' \'our UWI1I'\1)I ' 1111\ will WII ) Ol.llll.1
11\1 \ trUI' , JlIII 1.I1I1I.t tlrllir ur lUllr.Olr. L. . ,
the nalllu' ' . o Irrrll' I h""I II If h..fllllr.R I'rllI.I , Ihd bulltla 1I\llho U..ura nr lilliI' .111/1' ' ' ' " " ' ' . .
. . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . ,
, . . . . . . . . . . .
IIntll' ' ' ' ' t " 'I' "II" - 11I11\ \ " ' 1'1111.11111111 I" " "oUIIIU 1111 .u. It I. H' ' J ( -u.
I IU tAllo. 1' ' ' " l'h"lr"1I " 1110 , . II , , " , It .It" . , . 11"111 ' , , " "L ! l1..I.
. , , , , , , , . . , , . . . . , , . . . .
, , '
\III "NII. M I ' 1..1111'11 \1.11'11111.111. \ Tit > " hntlln I'I'"loI'M ' " ' " ( l'lflr.
M 1111)1 II u II' " I. . , ilL 1",111. . " "II . .IHJul UHM iliUM. . . . 11111" " . . . . till' fJlll4JHI , . . . . . I , II ) la"
_ . . . . . , . . . .
11'111111'11111111 ' 1"111" 1111I . .
MUU.'S GIlAI'E TONIC CO. , 1018 Tltlrll vn. , noel , lala"t , JlL
. . , r
"Thera C0I11CS an opportunity In ovary lira. "
Porlwps lhl5 15 ) 'our chanco- :
5110cllli I opru onlntl\'o wantu(1 ( ( mnu or womnn ) In
UII : ; colt1nHlIllust \ \ : Ii1VU ! good rururcncos lHHIlJo
Wll1lnu lo work.ddro : s
II , 5 , 1I0WI.\NI > , I \dlI \ ( onVOUllU , Now York City.
. _ .
, .
- - - - - - - - - = -
lrt. , ' _ - . ; ' ? .
10 t rl 1r. ANTI . -J GRlf NE
lit 0Ht : DAY . ,
I J , . ; I" ( lU I" NT v..U TO CUIUC
: ] . I.N.D. I.
: I. \ " IO' ' lt fP . , . . a I. :
. . . . . . . . . ' . ' ' ' ' , . . . , . , .
" ' . - . _ . " " ANlaC. II. . \t " ' a ; ' " .U" , , ' " I't' UU' "I' . l . . a : .
- - . . . , II.Jlk" , . . , . . JI , II , . NfW.JIW''tl r H'HUJf..Id..If. . .