Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 15, 1906, Image 6

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. .
- - i
Situation Causes Much Conc rn In
Washington - Stlrted With tile
Boycott GrowinJ { Out of the Exclu.
slon Act.
WAS I IING'I'ON-HolJl'I ) { 'onlll1ll0
t.o IIOUl' Inln Iho IlolJUl'llIll'nl of tillite
from dlplolnllllr 111111 ( ' 0 II RUlrU' IlJoonls :
In ( , hllllI'egnrcllll Ihe rnllill Increnflo
oC eellll 1I11I111l ! AJllcorlC'lIlI ! ! 1lI\11 \
thlllHIi AIJIPrl'IIII , ItH exprl'RRol1 In
( 'llI'la lslIl'fl ! hy lopal ItlllhorllleH III
"arlouR pal'tll of I ho clJlplre , 1"01' Mix
months I hl' situation III Chilla hnt ! 110(111
t.ho HulJjerl' vpl'y II'ClIl cOllcprn to
the dOlllll'IIII(1111 111111 1\11. . Hopldlll1. lho
AlnerJrlt1l ! ! ! ! ! ' III I'tl\\I \ 11 , Is 11I\1101' \
I11s1rurtiollH In IIP'II WUHhlllJlon thoI"
oughly anll fl'l'IlueIlLl ' Illforlllrll of lho
sllunlloll , 111' Is nlso mit'rtlllg hllllselC
nl the ChlnQfO ( 'lIllllnl III UII ( 'rfnrl to
chock 01' ulIlI ' the 1I1I1I.AIIII'I'un fenl.
Ing Ihnt'IIPIICUI'S 10 110 growillg , Whllo
1I0t ullmI11t'(1 ( lhat thn sltunloll ! If : ! ono
of hnlllt'lliato ( l ngor , the olllrlllla hero
will nol ho lit nil IIUl'llI'llIel1 Itl ullY 110'
\'oloplllonis Il monlh IIII1Y IIl'lng forlh ,
Allhough nllho ouL.ot ( lomulIlIng ( ollly
n rolul'II to lho Ilrovlslon of the OI'IE ; '
ll1al OXCIURlolI lroaly of 1880 , which
cxchlllell frolll tlila counlry ChhleAe la.
IJorel's wllhout speclCylnE ; lho clnsses
of Chlnllllll'lI which should h , ! ! nlmlt. (
ted. In IWIIIO provlnco ! ! 111 I1n I fOlllos
have hcen ISRued ( locll1l'1l1r ; thnt If lho
hoycott Is rigidly 1lI1hOl'od to America
will ho forced 10 forol o any exctullion
nt all. SlIch cXllrellslolls have been
Immol11111ely enlod hy 1\11' , Hoclchlll at
loltlll ,
Although .1Ireclol1 . 11I'hnnrll ' agnlnst
. Amel'lcl1ns lho feellnE ; of lII.wlll lhnt
seoma to ho 1rowlnE ; In vnrlolls IlIlrls
of lho omiliro 1:1 : Intorprotel ! hy OI'lon.
tullsls to hl1vo a flu' deopel' meanhlE ;
In n word , It Is declurcII 10 ho anti.
foreign nnl1 there are hHllcalons ! Ulat
nil fOl'elgnel'lI. with the ) ) oRslhIQ oxcell'
tlon of lho , JI1IHlIIOSO , will ho 800n as
Iwenly affeclell as are Amorlcans ,
Informal ropl'esontatlonR regm'llInE ;
the Chlnollo Hillin lion nlrenl1y huvo
I100n exchnnEel1 helwol'1I some of the
EllroJleun JllWOrS , hnt UIUS fur Ulls
country haB not culled foreign nnUolIs
I Inlo cot1tlllttntlon hocaulle lhere III a
' \'ory gcneral fo ( > lIng among lhe Buro.
lJenn Jlowors lhnt the Chln so nro un-
jllsUy lscrlmlnntell ngnlnst hy the
Amorlcnn Eovornmont nnd BO long as
the nntl.for'l n fcollng Is confined to
Amerlrnns the Rnl"Opeans are eXIocled )
to hll1e lholr lIlIIO ,
' 1'ho dlspalrh fl'Om r'olcln ) J\lhllRhOll
today rogardlng lho I1rtlvlly ot Hussla
In Mongolia hllR lIeon talon nolo of by
t.he olllclnis hl'ro ,
LONDON-General I It1.gerahl' , the
wealthy nOJlhow of lhe nulhor of the
uHuha'at of "Omar Khalynm , " ap ,
Ilealed 10 the courts In connecllon with
[ l suit for dlvorco hrought hy hlf.
Amerlcall wlCe. nnd nslOl1 for a dec ,
laratlon that hl:1 domlcllo was In 11'0
land , Jlot guglllnd.
Ilia wlfo WIIS 10l'lnerty Lhla Nlchol1E
of California ,
1 1tzgorald lesllficd that ho ownell
" the land on whJch the Fa 'allo Coal
nnd Iron comIJlln ) ' haA lis worls al
Unlonlown , Pn , lIe malnlalned lhal
nil his American frlonds Imow lhal
his real hOlllo was Ireland , though h (
might have called hlll1so1C an Bngllsh
man whllo In Amorlca , 'fho case wat
n journed ,
Moroccan Police Force Not to Be Use [
as polltelal Force.
ALG CIHAS , Spaln-Thlo I11scU8Sl0l
golnE ; on lIotwcon the GOl'II1all nnl
I rlltch dcle lItos to lho l\ol'Oc'nn con
fOl'enco hl'glns 10 I11srl080 theh' reRIJec
Uvo ) Islllons nnl1 how far ench 131111
Is wllllnE ; to , rlolll on the mnln l rnnrl
Germon qllestlon ,
'Vhon } o rnnco Indlcntel1 a lIostro ( I
control Morocco's 1IOIleo Gorman ;
objocled Oil the 1I'01ll1lls that It woull
llormlt of I l'I\nco to oblnln cOmlJloll
JJolltical maslery of the counlr '
Prance has now sought to meQt lhl
objoctlon by sU lesling cel'tllin glllu
nntooB limiting the scope of lho IJollcl
In such a annmor as 10 gual'l1 aEllns
tholr usa as an Instrument for 1 l'I\nc
Inylng hands on lho l\foroccnn ell1IJIr <
Question of Dividend Wnlts.
N W YOIUC-Acllon on the Unlo :
Paclfio 80nllnnnuIII I1lvldond has hoe
Il0stponel1 unlll next . 'Yollnosl1aJ
Meotlngs of the Union Pnelfic an
SoulhCl'Jl Pncff1c oxecutlvo committee
wore 1Iold , bnt no l\llnOUncoment fo
lowed ,
Shot Without Trial.
W AnSA W , usshm , Poland-FOIl
moro nnarchillts , malhtE ; sixteen Illt
Ing the past fortnlghl , were shot wltl
out trial In the cltal101 hero , or tll
totnl , fifleen were Jews ,
, . < s ' Custom House Sale.
W S 11 J'N 'I' G a N-Helll'oAenlath
Sul1er : ' Intr0l1uce [ } a resolution In t1I
house calling on the atlorney genorl
tor Information ns to when the go'
ornmont executol1 tllO eel1 for the cu
tom house prollorty In Wnll slree
WhOl'O the I1cel1 Is nnd wh ) ' It has no\ ' .
boon recorded In lho county of Nc
Yorl\ , and ether facls In connectlc :
with \ho flalo of the cu tom hoUi
propcrly to lho Natlonnl City bnnle ,
In eXllannUOIt of the 11I\rposo of II
resolution Mr. Sulzur suld the bnl :
wns dodging laxes , '
- -
Rural Free Delivery Headquarters Re.-
moval ,
W ASfIINO'l'ON-AH lint ! IHen ! nnllc.
IpUlel1 the I'ural fl'l'e ( Iellvory I1lvl'3lon
1II'IIdqullrlcrll at OmalHl 11'1 mllrltCl for
IL Chllll/oW / In ,1111) ' , the hp lnnlng of the
1I0xt IIlIrlll ) 'CIII' , gVl'r alnce the
I'hallJoCO nll\lo \ ( III trnnllfcl'\'lnjot the ru.
ml fl'lO ( 11lIvl'l' ( ) ' 14orvll'o from the
fOlll'OI mll'llllllll ' IWIII II II UI I er gonernl 10
10 the III'MI uMIMlllnl10s11Il1I1'lter \ ' gon.
01'1\1 nnl1 III urinE ; 1111 gell < 'rlll ngentf1
IIIHlel' the Inpoclor ! III chlll' o there
hllg heon moro or IC5H Inlllliry ilK to
where lho IIlvllllon 1I ( llIls woulll 1111111 ,
In the lrllnHCol' of (11 visIon he/1I1qullr. / .
Im'A III the rl'elltlon oC Iho O/llnhn IlIvl. '
HIOII there WUI ! conHI < < 1 < 'rahlo criticism
Oil ncroullt of Ornnha Hucc'clhlE ( ; ovt'r
I\nnRIIA City , POHlnHlHlor Gelloral
Corlolyou foullIl thn 1 III lho I mllHfer ho
WIlH Ravlll the govornmollt ! ! omo
/IIonoy III locnllll ! ; lho 11Ivlsl01l head.
IIll1u'tOl'H at Omahll , Now the 1I0W
( ! hnll o Is to 110 made 111111 lhe 11IvlHIon
helulqunrtcrs will lormlnlllo III ' .July ,
uccJI'lInE ( ; to I he folto"ltlleltel' / whleh
Senntol' 1\1 iliaI'll rcc'elvo fl'OIll Post.
maRloI' OOlle1'll1 Cortol'ou :
Hofonill/ / ) ' 0111' loltor of rorollt
11alo , ma\lII ) hll\uh'y \ as 10 11IRcontlll'
1111110 of I1lvlslon headlluurlol's , I'ul'lll
frco dellvol'y Horvlro al Oalllll:1 : , I have I
10 Hay lhat 011 ] ) ( > comher I , hy lhu 1'0' :
orgllllhmUolI of the dO/larlmnol / , rural
n/enls / wern nssl/lIod / 10 lho 11IviRIon
oC Inll/lorlol'R / , 111111 It IA the IlIlenlion
to cOIIHolldale lho I wo for'os nt nn
early date , ACtor , July 1 lIext II Is ox.
) Ieetcd lhat all of the rllral ugentq will
heromo IIOHloJ1\ro \ InsJertol'a nllll will
r port dlrrctly to lito InR/leclor / In
chnrlo of lho 11Ivlsloll8 , 'l'hIR will not
mlllw nllY (1Iffnrenf'e ( III the lIumller of
agolll > ! ! nHslgnell to oll'h ostalo or the
maunor of It 1111111 I liE ; the01' ) < , 'I'ho
IlostoJ1\co \ IIIApOf'lors who now wOl'le In
lho Hlato of Nohraal\a will reporl to
lIlo Inspector III chlll'go at 1\anHns
City , 'I'ho consoll < < lalioll of the Omnho.
hOI\lqllul'lerR wllh lhat of I\lInsas Cily
will ho III the IlIlNcsl of econolllY , and
as the ( lIvlsloll headqulIl'tOl's Is con.
noctoll with lhe nol 801'vlco largely by
nAO of the malts the locallon'of lho
headquarters can malco lIut 1Iltlo (1\f. \
foronco , In lho now al'l'ulIgclllont
lhero will ho as many rural ngenls ns.
sl nell 10 the Alato of Nohraslm ns nt
the present nnll the worle wl11 bo han.
( ltod just nn woll.
IBA VENWOll'l'I1 , Kas , - 'rllo olll.
clal lransfor of tno 0111 mllltar ) ' ) II'lson
II\'operty at Fort l.cavollwOl'th : from
lho dOJarlmont of jusllco to lIlo Will'
delJllrlmont took ] llaco Frhlay. HV. .
l\fcClllughry , wanlon of lho Unltoll
Stales ] lonltentlal' ' . 01\(1 ( Maj , George
S. Young , comlllllllllant of UO , mllllury
Ilrlson. , relJrOsentol1 lholr resllccllve I
' dopurtmnols. ' 1'ho proceelllngs con.
'slsted of lho sending of telegrams 10
the war dOIJlI'1I ( lOnt ntHl ( lopnrlment
of jllsllco annollllclng- lransfor ,
III 187 ! the mllllal'Y ) Irlson wns os'
Inllllsholl nt I ort Lcavenworth all In
18Hi ! lho bulhltngs were lurned over
I 10 lho department ofjusUco , for lllrison
I purposes , .
W ASIIINGTON-'l'ho monlhly slale-
mont of tIlO govol'llluont roeolJts ntH1
eXIJClHHlurc'R shows a condition of the
lroasury which la omlnonllY satlsflw
tory to lho officlnls , Ono yonr ngc
lilOre wna a deficit of ovel' $28 , ! OOOOO
which hils now been rel1ucod to lesf
I Ihan $3.J00OOO , wllh lho ] lrospect thai
thIs amount wl1l bo entlroly wlJod oul
within lho noxl lhlrly da 's. 'fhlt
. 1111J1'Oved conlIl1on Is duo almosl en
tlrely to hll'go Increases \ In custom !
v.1Il : Internal I'ovenuo recolJls ) ,
W ASIIINGTON-'J'ho welllhor hll
Ireau's Eonornl sUlUlUlU'y of CrOlJ COIl
dltlons for Jnnuary sa 's that mill
IlItol'fered wHh farm wOl'I. In contra
IInd nolhoaslorn 'l'oxas l\Ud In LouiE
l\Ua. AA a wholo. however , lhe mOlltl
WIIS excoplloll l1ty mild nnd fl'oo fl'011
severe weather conditions , afford In :
s excol1ont opportunity for mhlwlnte
' . farm worle ,
Wlntor whent escaJod ) sOl'lous It :
jury and al the c1oso of the monll
o was Ienemlly In very promising COI
) , lllon.
Romanlnn King Is III.
VIliNNA-KhlE : ; Charles of TIoumr
nla Is sorlous ! ) ' 111 , but It Is 1I01i0vo
lhnt ho Is In 110 Immelllato IlallgOl' , II
Is s tfferlllE ; fl'om calcification of th
nrlorles of lho heart ,
Thirteen Executed.
LmAU - ' 1'l\1I'teen l'o\'olullonlst
11' WOl'O rOllllolUlled b ' Il drum hea
r. cOlII'tmartlal I1l1d executed ) 'estorda
: t. In the Xalnodon 11Istl'Icl. A1ll0nE ; th
10 numher was lho mU\'llorol' of the 11
tondant of the Ol'l\blnsl. district ,
Carnele ] Makes Donation.
' 0 SWAItTll\101m ! , Pa , - P'eshl01
10 Swann of Swal'thmoro ( 'ol1elo III
\1 nOllnced that Andrew Carnello hils 0
I' . forod to donate $ ! OOOO for' n no ' I
s. brnry hulldln on condition thnt tIi
t , college shnl1 mlRo $ OooO fOl' IU
) f malntonanco of the hulhlln , ,
w ,
11\ Denver Mint Reglns Coining ,
so DENVER , Col.-With lhlrty mlltlr.
11011nrs' wOl'lh of gold bnrs on hal'
10 aWllltln colnnlo. the now Denver mil
LIe begnn oporatlons Foh , 1. Ahoul 1 (
110r80n8 are OmIJlo 'od.
f .
. . _ . ) . . . . '
Those Are Cast by nepulJllcan Mem'
Qers from Ealtern States-Penslon
Appropriation Dill for $139,000,000
. . Goes Through Without Changc.
W ASIIING'l'ON-Jllflt enough morn.
Ing IIl1slnoss wnH IIl10wed In the lIou80
IIrecellltlE ; lho yolo all the Hopllurn
'fallrol\ll rnlo 11111 10 JJOrmlt delnyoll
lIlomhers 10 l'CIlrh lholr fwnl" ! 1I0foro
lho 1'011 call ordered the nIght heforo
lJOglln , ' 1'nreo hlllldred nnd forty-six
mOlnhol's volcll for lhe 1I11t. Seven re.
IJllllllcant ! volc(1 ( lI alnst It. Applallso. .
gl' 01Ull the anllouncomollt of lho result I
lIy the SlJoulwr of Iho house , which II I I
hall given Its IInlIvlded ( allellllon 10
ralo lIIalt1ng fOl' aovernl da's , giving
Its attention 10 olhel' mnllers ,
The pensloll nlJIlI'Olll'llIlIon 11111 ,
cal'ry $13JOOOOOO ! for lJOnsons allli $1 , .
2,1 ! ,000 for pensloll admlllistratlon ,
wna taltcn " 11 , delHtlell IInd IlI\ssed
without Ilmenlhnent. 'rho fcalul'o of
the hili IIstrlo fl'OlIl the IlpproJlrlalion
malle Is a 11roviRIon 1II111\1ng Atatllo Ilnv
of the flllllOUS OI'IcB' of the prenhlent
docll1l'lng IIgo COllclllSlvo ovl enco of
A nlllUhor of IIl1ts were pnstod ! lit
lho elofj of lho clny , ono Ilrovtrllng n
, llonalty of $5,000 ntllJ ton years' 1m-
} Irlsollmont for the ) Iremllturo rovela.
110n of go\'ornrnont InCormalion which
might I.nvo Il lIearlng I'n lho marltet
} Irlee of cOlllmodltles , the snmo IJOn-
nlty lIelng lll'Ovldol ( agllinst government -
mont emlJloyes who BllOculnlo In com-
modillos reEill'lIl1g ( which lho govorn-
monl furnisheR slatlRlIcs.
' 1'110 rate hltt accol'dlng to 1\11' , Hop-
hul'1l's stnlornont In closing lho dolmlo
on lho measul'o waR Intended 10 , nnd
dId , so far as It could 110 made , comply
spocll1lcally with the recommonda.
tlons of Prosldent Hooseve1t 011 thu
ralo question ,
It gives lho IlItol'stalo commerce
commission authority , when a ralo haR
lIeol1 comlJlalned of ns "unrensonahlo"
hy a shllJor ] ) , 10 Investlgalo lhnt rnlo ,
etate wbother or not It Is IInreason-
able. and It found to bo IInreasonnble ,
10 name a rnto which Is to he just nnd
reasnonhlo and falrl ) ' remuneratlvo ,
which Is , to ho the mnxlmum rnto to
bo charged ,
'l'hls rale Is fixell Is 10 go Inlo effect -
fect thlrl ) ' dnys after It Is nnllounced
lIy the commission , slllJject during
lhat limo 10 bo sot , aslle ( or SIlSlJended
by lho commission or hy the cOllrls ,
Artor It hns gene Inlo effect It Is
10 ro naln lho rate for three yenrs ,
'rho opInion haR 1I00n OXJl'ossol ( b ) '
I lhoso who have ) wrllehmlcd In the o-
halo lhnt lho rnto may 110 nlRo bo 1'0'
I vlowod by the courls find , If found 10
bo In confilcl ollhol' with lhe 10l'lns of
the act or with the cOlIstllllllon hy
holnr ; c nfiscalor ) ' , II can bo sot nsldo
by the courls.
Another h1l1JOrtant fealuro la the
dofinltlon of lho words "railroad" nnd
"trmtSIJOl'talion" In n UJanner to Include -
cludo tfll nllxltllll'Y Inslrumonln1llies of
the common calTler nnll to lJrlng lhem
within the conlrol of the commission ,
DUI FALO-I'ormor Proshlont Gro-
VOl' Cleveland , In a lollor to the Brio
Coilllly Dal' IIRsnclatlon nnd lho Law.
yers' clnb of BulTalo , ecllnlng nn Invitation -
vitation 10 dellvor nn address at lholr
annunl banquel , states that Ihe can.
3 IUllon of his health IUlIl conlemllatod ]
60uthoI'U Il'lp In lho near future . would
lJrovent u visit to lhls city.
1'ho leltol' , In 11111'1 , follows :
"It Is with oxll'ell1l' rogrel that I
IUn ohllgell to say Uillt It will 110 1m ,
I. pORslblo for mo to avail m'sl'lf of the
I\lndly Invltllllon of my 0111 frl ( > IHs ) 01
Iho Dllffnlo 11111' , I am contemlllatng !
an nbsonco fl'OIl1 home In lho near fll' '
1111'0 on a sOlllhern trip , which Is some.
\\hat enforced on accounl of m
heallh , aud it cOl'talnly wl1l oxlcn
1J0)'Olul lho ) lrOsont month , "
Two-Cent Fnre In Ohio.
COLU\IBUS : , O-Govornor Palllsor
late slg1lell the 1 I'olf1el' 2.cont faro hili
which was acceptt'cl h ) ' lho senate
01111 it Is now n law ,
Surveyors Sent Out to Locnte Nev
Line of Railroad.
D NY H , ( 'olo-A } ) rt ' nf sllrvo '
OI'S loft Donvel' to 10cnto a I'outo fo
the Jlroposed oxtenslon of the Coloradl
& SOllthel'U rnllrolld from Ol'ln .Tllne
lion , W 'o , . to n jllnrlon ! with t he Can
al1hm Purlfir In Asslnihoill. 'rh ,
now lIne wllt ronnoct InIontana : will
the PacifiC' ( , O\Rt ! 1'onll , now hl'ht11111 / \
hy lhe Chl'lIgo , l\1I1waulee & St. Pnll
TInllway coml1l\ny.
lown Wins Monument Contest.
It W ASIIING'I'ON - Secretory of Wn
11. TaCt l as ad\'lsell So'nator Dolliver 1\IlI
f. UoprORontatlvOR l1ull and Lncoy c
II. Iowa tlmt he will Ol'dOJ' the monunlt'nt
10 on lho Shiloh , bnttlefield to the FI
LO leonth and Slxt'onth Iowa l'C"glmenl
lu/'rl'lbod with the tlmo oC the reg
ment's arrival as dosll'ed by thORO 01
ganlzallons slating In the Inscriptio
In the tlmo aR glvon hy commnlllllng co
ul onOls , 'I'ho War dOl1l\rtmont rocordR Ii
lIt not orrt'eo with the clnhns of member
)0 ) , of the roglmonts alHI So'retnr ) ' 'I'nft' '
nctlon soltlos lho lsl1uto.
. .
. ' . ' . . , ' .
Supreme Court Upholds Contentions
[ of state In the Trust Case.
LINCObN--'rhe "gralll C'n4o" hall
h'on won lIy lho Sllllo , 'fhe 8uprelll0
( 'ourt overl'ulC' ' lho ( l lllurrcl of lho
nlliell nUorneyl' ' ! of lheoIrllht / : dealt. > rll
ntHI mndo IIE'rpPlllnl tlJC tomporal'v reo
sll'nlnlng ol'ller to } , revcnt them from
f'omhlnlitg , sOf'uroll by Attorney Gen-
oml Drown sOllie 1II0nll' s ago ,
'fho opinion waR written b ) ' Judge
LeUon atHl ho IIllhlld all of the nnli.
lrust lawR , Inchullrlg the , Tllnlln nct
now 1I110n tllo RtJlUtCI'l : ' , 'fho court re.
vlpwed at lon lh lhe nr < < menls by lhe
ntlorney general ntul lIy Iho attornl'Ys
for the grllln men ; then held with lho
le al depal'l mt'nt that ench act Is a
) JIlrt of the syslem nnll one Is sUlplo.
menlnl to l1tl' ot her , 'I'ho court ho1fl ! !
also thnt rt'Jeallng a Illw hy ImlJllrn.
tlon wilt not hold , lIut thaI lhe latter
Inw Is merely sUlllllomonlallo lho firs I ,
repoallng only lhoso sections which It
co VOl'S ,
LONDON-The hnlloon of lhe Aero
( ' , uh whlrlr loft Lonl1on Snturc1n ) ' nf-
tpl'noon for Fl'nure anrl wns sighted
Irom Baslhourno pier moving sellwarcl ,
successfully croRRt'll lhe English chan.
nrl nnd do.scendNl In safely at Dol'- i
mouvllte , twenly miles Inlanll In
I'mnce , ' 1'ho ollth'o tlmo consumed
from Lonlon ( 10 the ) llace of descent
was four hours ! lHl ten mlnules , 'fho
occupanls of the halloon were 1\lessl's ,
I'ollocl , nnd nalo , who are mombt'rs
or Aero c1uh of the Unlled Kingdom ,
'fho name of lho halloon hJ tll Vivien
HI. A slrong norlhwost gale wns
IIl0wln the IJIlSRa e across th < , channel -
nol whIch \Vns made In an hour and
' ,
ALGECIIlAS , Spaln-'I'ho IIr11llant ,
though hloodr sportn < ' 1o of a hull fight
In honor of the conference on Mcroc-
can l'efOn11S , wns lho event of todnr.
Crowds caino from nll parts of An.
11ahiRIa to the vasl slono amphllhealre
where lho bull rln Is , nnd more than
GOOO lJerSOIlR saw lho fight.
A hex , gaily decorated wllh lho
Spanish colors , contalnell the amhas.
sadors and officIals of man ' countrlos ,
Most of lhe delegates to the conference -
once were r < ' ) Jrosenlod und many of
lho envoys wel'o accompnnlod 'by their
wives anll daughtel's , The Amerlcnn
and Drltlsh delogalos did not allend ,
Emperor of I < orea Denies Signing
Treaty With Japan.
LONDON - Dou las Slory , lele-
graphing La the ' 1'l'llJune , stales that
ho has ohlalned from the emperor of
Korea a dorumt'nl hearing the Impor-
lal senl , lho original of which , ho says ,
ho has ) JI'oved hefore lho Drltlsh con.
sui at Che Fee , In lhls document lhe
dmJerOr ) donlod lhat he slgnel1 or approved -
proved lhe treaty with .Tapan or con-
sonled to the appolnlment of a Japanese -
neso resldonl , and "Invites lho great
powers to oxerclse a joint proleclorato
ever Korea for a ) JoriOll lI l excoedlng
five Yl.'al's , with respect 10 lho control
of the Korean foreIgn alla l's , "
Lives of Postnl Clerks ,
WASH ING'I'ON-\Ir : , 'I'l1tman 'pro-
Rented nnd the sonata ndoptol1 a resolution -
lution coll'ng uDon lhe IJoslmusler general -
oral for Information as 10 tho'numher
of postal clorls l\1l1ed In railroad accl.
dents duringlIle ) Hlatlvo / ) 'ears.
- - - - - -
MANcmS'l'EH ; , la-George , n , lIar.
pOl' of IIolldnton ) feal's , lhat his
hrolhor , W , H , Harper , wont down In
, lho'I' ( > cl , of the sleamOl' Valoncla off
VanCOI\\I' , BanJer wns a fireman on
the vessel aUll nil ( \\'forts \ of his rola.
tlvos to IHlrNtaln wht'lher or not ho
was among lhe doomed members of
lho crow have ) lI'O\'od tullio , Harp or
left lIopl\1nton for the west about
olghteen y'ars ago. anl1 for the last
few ) 'oars haR bo ( > n engagell as fireman
for the steamship comlmn ) ' who owned
I the Vnloncla , No reRponso has 'ot
, hoen rocelvod to the telegrams sent
, to the comlJlln"s omce at San l rnn.
cisco ,
Army Appropriation.
WASHINGTON-Tho house com.
v milleo on mllltnr ) ' aITalrs conclude1 !
Its con hleratlon of the arm ) ' appro ,
Ilrlatlon hili toda ) ' mHI on Monda ) ' w11l
1'01101'1 a measure carrying nn appro ,
) rlatlon of IIhout $70,000,000.
Soft Coal Price Higher.
crrrC.\GO-BHcauso of the 110sslbll ,
It ) ' of a strllw of the ( 'olll miner ! ! n
numllOr of whoJosalt'l's In this clly nd ,
vancell lho lJl'to ! oC soft cOllI 2 ! cents
per ton ,
, National Qunrantlne Bill.
WASIHNG'I'ON-Tho Slloclol com
mltteo nllmC1 ! h\ ' the rnurlia or southern
orn lIonntOl's I1IHl l't'IJresontativos tc
fmmo a ullllonal clullrnnllno 11111 mol
and n ret'll Ullon a lJlII which will h (
submitted to the I'outhorn d'legation
Rule For Life's Conduct ,
' 1'ho ( hll ) ' of doing , not gl'eatlhluES
hut what wo can , III the vcry lop 11111
! lum of human ohlhatlon , Ono can'
got be 'oIHI It ; onu olllht not to stol
's this sldo at It. Il moana the olnl
of .o\'er'tblng that ) ' 011 cun ,
Democrats In the Senate Attcmpt to
Discipline Mr , Pa er&on-Colorado
Man Arralgncd as a "Tr ltor to HI : ;
Party. "
\V ASnfNOTON-\Yeinesl1hy lor the
fil' : > t tltno In mllllY yonrs lhe senate
chamhol' was made the sco'no of an
elTort to ndmlnlsler parly lselJlllne
10 a memher of that body nnd lho
occurrence was one of so mnny dra.
malic details thnt the many wltnessoD
will not soon fOl'got It.
1\11' , Patterson wns lhe subject of
the effort nnd l\Ir , BaltlY , to whpm In
the ahencc ! : ! ofll' , ( ; 01'1111\\1 , to whom
democratic loadershlp Is conce o ,
was the Instrument of his parly In
lho Incident.
' 1'ho procoedng ! nrQse In connection
with the conshlerntlon of 1\1r , Paltor.
son's I'esolullon of romonstmnco
agnlnst cnUCIWOS , 'fho Colorado son.
ator called UI his 1'0Rolulion Imme ;
dlately nfter Iho conciuHion or ( ho
'morning lJuslness and a l1ressed the
sonnlo lIJon It. ' 1'ho facls concerning
the cnucus pl'ocoedlngs of Salur ay
and his wlthdl'llwal from the cnucus
wel'o fl'osh in the mhllls of sonators.
Mr. Pallel'lIon's spcech was In the
ma 'n an elalJomlion of his resolution ! ; !
and he contended stoully fl' the rlJht
of a senatOl' to follow lho lclnlos
of his consclenco rather than the do.
mands of his party In nil mullers re-
gnrdlng which lho two ma ) ' bo In con-
111 c t.
it was not unlll after ho had con.
cludod that Iho proceedings toole on
an all' of Intonslty and exclloment.
Ir. Baltoy , aD well as most of the
memhors of hlR Ilarly , had Interpreted
1\11' , Patterson's resolutions ns a dellb ,
omto refioctlon upon lho domocrnUc
caucus , and from the moment 1\11' .
na1le ' arose ho assumed nn nggros.
slve and ! ! om whal taunting mannoI'
toward the Colol'l1do sonalor. His
speech , was hasod , upon the theory
lhat nil senalors are under obllgatlon
to obe ) ' conscience rnlhcr tlmn cau ,
cus , hut thnt in doing so lhey a lag.
onlzo tholr parI ) ' nnd should hold
themselves responslblo 10 tholr party ,
hul lho speech was more notable for
the arl'l1lgnment of Mr , Pallorson for
his course than for Its adherence to ,
any IIno of al'gumont. 1\11' . Dalloy
charged lhe senator from Colol'lldo
wllh having he en a parly to lho ad l.
tlon to the previous caucus rule , brtn
inr ; democrallc 80nators to the two-
lhlr s rule , 'I'hls chal'go anl1 1\11' . Pat-
terson's personal response 10 It constl-
luted a most dramatic Incldent , and
the feollng throughout the sonalo
chamlJor was VOI' ) ' Inlense , 1\11' . Patterson -
terson fa1l0d to recall the proceol1lngs
of lho prevous ! caucus , but 1\11' .
Balte"s colleague , i\lr. Culborsol\ .
was ) lI'opnred wllh a copy of there
pro oedlngs , and when ho had exhibIted -
Ited It 1\Ir , Pallorson said that he
would not undol'talo 10 dlsputo the
record , Ho was Inclined at r = tto I
charge ' 10 ' him I
compllcll ) d1spal'l\go
lJeforo his collengues In the country ,
hut afterward said lhat he was not
so much concerned ever lhls apparent
Inconslslency on his own Pqrt as ho
was ever the effe t the sprnglng of
lho maltor would have UJon lho main
Issue , which was to oxhlblt to the
countr ) ' the danger there 1s In caucus
ST , PETERSDUHG-Tho olectlons
to lhe Jlallonal assembly are flx'd for
April 7 , The olJonlng sessIon will talw
) Jaco April 28 , Aprl1 7 Is the feast or
the Annunciation , ono of the great
Husslan holidays , ' 1'ho woelCs Inlor.
val lIetw < , on the olectlons anll the con.
vocation of lho national assembly Is
the shorlost tlmo in which lhe ropre-
sentallvo from Siberia and olltor 1'0-
mole localities could arrive here , The
local nulhorltles have the prlvllego of
heglnnlng the prlmnry oloctons ! 10
cheese delegates to the ooclornl ) col.
legos as soon as lheclocUon lstrlcls
nro complole.
Call for Bnnk Statement.
WASHINGTON-Tho complrollor or
lho currenc ) ' Issued a clIll for the can.
( IItion of nntlonal hanls nl the close of
huslness on Monda ) ' , January : ! ! J.
War Department Interested.
WASIIINGTON-'r11O war dopart.
ment Is mal\ ) ' to test lIs right
to protect the sold lor who , In the cxo-
cutlon of lawful orders 1\1IIs a ch'man ,
To lIrnt end prOlll\l'atlons are III ) lrO ! ; '
ross for n sturd ) ' deflJnsI heforo thee
o 'cr nnd tnrmli'I' ( 'ourt of Allcghon } '
( 'ountr. pOI1l18)'lvnnln. In the case or
Sentinel Down , who , with Ills otl1ror.
I.Ioutouant Hnl1hV [ , Drurywas Inllld.
ed for 1\tllluE ; a 'oung1I1an lIal11011
, Crowle ) ' two 't'Il1'1 ! ngo Inst S'l1t < , m-
I her whlto the laltel' stealing '
, was ( 01' [
New York Life Investigated.
. Nl'YOHKl : xnmlnCl's alld nc ,
, countants rCIJI't'f ! ( > nllnr. ; the Insurance
IhJJartl11entll ) of the stalt't ! ot Wiscon ,
shtlInnmlOtn : , I\ontucl ( ) ' , 'rt'nnl'sst'o
nllli Nobraskn , who fUllr monthA IIgn
began n joint Innsthmllon Into the af
fait's ot the New York Lito Inlllll'uIH'O
' " 'rhla ' com1lctell t hol '
compan ) . on [ l'
taslt , 'rhl' ) ' are ( ) ) IJocll'll 10 rOllort at
an carly da ' to thol1rl'MIJeclh'o stnte
( Iepartmonts , ' 1'0 ( Ietra ) ' the uXJJomws
of this joint oxamluatlon II ' the statoR
nnmed herein the Now York I.Ie has
had to lJU ) ' $3 , OOO ,
- - .
, ) " . ' . . .
' . ' ;
p .
, . . ' . '
, . t. . , , , ' , , ' ,
Calume ' 7 . A
faaki 1g . '
Powd r
complies with
the pure food
laws of all
states. Food prepared -
pared with it is'r
. free from
. . . .
" " Rochelle Saltst
"Limet Alum
and Ammonia.
. .
I .
The 'l'rust wnnls you to
pay 45 or 50 cents n pOUDl
for thol r 1Jalln lewder
which Icwcs : lnrgo qunn-
, tltletl of Bochcllo SnJs In
the food , Bochello SuIts
Is dangerous eatbartlc
drug ,
'Vo feel sorry for the modern baby.
[ t has to bo ralse according to Papa's
Theory , Mamma's Theory , the Nurso's
Theory , the Doclor's Theorr , with a
IftUe mlxturo of Gran ma's Melhod.
Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Un.
Were Tled-"Would
less Hands - '
Have Died B t for Cutlcura. " /
"My Hll10 son , when abollt a year '
nnd a half old , began to have sOres
como out on his faco. I had a ph'sl.
cian treat him , but lho sores grew
worso. Then lhoy began to como on . .
his arms , then on other parts of his
body , and lhen ono ame on his chest : :
worse lhan the ethers , Then I called I
anolher ph'slcla . SIIlL ho grow t 1
worse , At the end of about a ) 'ear . , ,
and n half of sufferlqg ho grew so bad ,
I had 10 tie his hands In ClOU1S at ,
night to I.eep him from scralchlng the (
sores and tearing the lIesh. Ho got to
be a mere slelolon , and was hardly
able to wan. . i\t ) ' aunt advlse mo to
try Cullcura Soap and Olntnent , I I
sent to the drug slore and got a calcc '
of the Soap and a box of the OInt.
ment , and at the end of about two .
monlhs the sorc.s were al1 woll. Ho
has novel' had any sores of an ) ' Idnd
since. He Is now slrong and healthy ,
and I can slncorely say that only for , -
your most wonderful romedles my
precious chl1d would have dle from
those terrlblo sores , Mrs , Egbert
Sheldon , R , F. D , No.1 , Woodville ,
Conn" April 22 , 1905. "
Genuine charily gives no street pa- I
Tbere more Calarrb In tbls section ot tbe ccuntl'7
tban oil olherdl-cabc. put toethcr ! , and ulltll ( he 1 8
few year _ WI18 auppu-ed to be Incurable , For a I'rea '
many yeara doctor _ pronuunced It a'lucal dhIJa-e alld
pre.crlbed local remelIe _ , anll hy con.talllly tailing
to C'\Jrc wall lo allrealmellt , prolluunced It Incurable ,
ScIence hIproYen ! Catarrh to be a con&lItullonal dl. .
ea.e and thcrcturo rcqulro cun.Utntlul1al treatment.
lIall'8 Catarrh Cure manufactured \ly 10' , J Cheney
& Co" Toledo , Ohlol. the IIlIly cOllotlluUonal cure on
the market. It I. lakell Internally In , Iooes trlllll 10 1
dropHoa ( ea'pooDfl1l , It acla dlrocllv on tbo blood
and mucol1s ourfaces of the oyolcm , They olTcr line
IIDndred dollars fur an ) ' ca.o It tails to cure , Send I
for clrcular aud leollll1ul11nl8 ,
Addreo. ; Jo' . , J , ClmNI Y & CO" ToleJo , Ohio.
Sold bv lJrUIrI\ \ . , 75c , '
Take flail' . Jo"awlly l'\IIs for constipation.
Athenian Fire Department ,
Alhens , Greece , has many fine
bul1dlngs , but the provisions for fightIng -
Ing fires are most Inadequate , ' 1'ho
fire bl'lade ; conslsls of mon detnlled
from the re ulnr arm ) ' , who , In a dl. .
tltm to clothes an 1(0011. get only 10
cents a week !
Argentina's Gold.
Argenllna's stoel. of gold now i
amomts to $81"100,000 , against notes , "
which have been Issued at the rnlo of -
227.27 per cent , In addition to the . ,
$28 ! , OOOOOO unguaranteed note clrcu. '
Talkers All.
Sometimes Drother Dlcley fires n
-good text nt his , congregallon , 110
said rocontl ) ' : "Wo tulle too milch
'bout de wisdom of Solomon nnll for.
glt to have any ourselvos-Atlanta
Constllutlon ,
1. . . . , ; .
Another Warning. , ,
The tendency Is to talw too much '
oxorclso mUler thnn too IIttlo , Jr : 'ou I
[ 1ay too much nllonllon to tJlO dovolop. '
mont of the hOlly , the hlt < 'ltoclanll the
sOl'1 sllITer-Dr , Klngs'oto , In Grand
Masa iltlo ,