Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 15, 1906, Image 4

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u6t f : \\nty \ \ Kap\\bHg \ \ tI ,
I'ubll.htd IItOr ) ' Tllut8tlIlY at _ Ill" . UaDnly tiCIlt.
' 0. M. AM ! i. liitY"M t ; ; ;
CIne COhlDlh , per monlh , ' 7,00. Ono.halt co.-
omn. I , r Dltllllh } UJ ) 'Inatlor column , pur
Dlonth , .W 1 < ( Ieft Lhlln qnnrter colhmn , ro
coote per Inch per monUI.
OArll. on Orlt palO , 00 conlA per IlIoh , per
Loc4lad'ert1 IDIl6 ceDtll per lIne each lr.or. ,
Notice lit church talrll , lIoclabloll and oniorlalll'
menta where monor la chnrled , one.hnlt rlltel.
Roolctnotlco. . /lnd repolutlonl , OD&hlllt mtcA.
Weddlog 1J0\1c s froe. halt lrlto tor I.uhllehlrlg
IIl1t 01 11rolleDtA
Death notlool 'reo , t.,1t prlc" tor Il bllllhlDg
. ) httuarr notlcr , Ind cardl 0' Ihankll.
L..gIlIIiOUCO. at folt. pr.ldod b ) a'alotoll of
: Cebruka.
- - - -
Thursday , Fcbruary IS , 1906.
In thc discussson of cligiblc
and dcsirable candidatcs for Governor -
ernor , the name of John Wall of
Arcadia , must not bc ovcrlooked ,
and 111 the evcnt that hc should
win the delegation in Vallcy
County lJver Petcr Mortcnsen in
the County Convcntion in that
county , hc will become a most
formable candidate in thc field.
John Wall is well known in
this scctiOIl of Nebrasl < a , heing a
pioneer on the Middle I40up River -
er and posscssing not only the
neccssary ability , but sumcicnt
couragc of his convictiotls to.
maIm a good Govcrnor.
Hc is a grcatluarted : , gcmrous
man and wiII rcceivc a very warm
surport , l or the past eigbt
years he bas bcen Chief Clerk of
the House of Representatives
and has won friends who arc
wore or less powcrful in politics. .
in every county in thc state.
His broad acquaintancc , gaincd
while holding the above office ,
bis general p pularity with all
classcs of peoplc , will mal him
a vcry strong candidate and if he
is elected no one will qucstion his I
! b integrity in dealing with all thc I
interests of Nebraslca and his ability -
bility to discharge the important
dutics of the high ofi ce of Governor -
ernor of thc Statc.
'rhe eO'orts that State S ator
Reynolds , C. II. COfllnell and
other cattI mcn of Valcntinc arc
making to get Congrcss to pass a
law , providing for , Icasing thc
governmcnt land , is liable , shouI < 1
thcy succced in getting such a
biII passcd , to prolong rather
than terminate the trouble bc-
twccn homestcadcrs and the
cattlemcn. 'fheir contention
that much of the vacant land is
of but little or 110 value for agricultural -
cultural purposcs is true. Yct
the fact rcmains as long as there
is vacant government land ther.c
will be applicdnts for it and if it
is worth leasing by the small
cattlemcn there wiII be tbose
wbo fecI that it is worth owning
and contcntion wiII follow.
Thc RUl'UDI.ICAN acknowledges
the reccipt of a copy of Vol. 1 ,
No. 1 of .IOur Public Schools , "
an eight page plper editcd by
County Supt. H. M. Pinckney
and published by A. H. Barls ,
of Ausley. Its name implys its
mission. The first issue is full
of valuable matter of interest ,
especially to teachers , school
officers , pupila and parcnts , and
Iii worthy of general circulation
: Iond liberal support b ) ' tcachers
and officers. The subscription
price is 50 cen ts a year.
Young. Mr. Garfield seems to
have gotten into some trouble
with the beef me Ii. Charlcs G.
Dawcs confirms the claim of the
beef men that he ( lid promise
that if they gave up the information -
tion wanted It would not bc used
by the department of justicc. If
things were rottc , Mr. Garfield
should have secured tbc information -
tion without making this promise -
mise , and if hc made the promise
be should have scen that it was
ktpt inviolate.
- ,
It wiII surprise many rcaders
to lcarn that IIcng Kong has bc-
come the grcatest port in the
worI < 1--sl assing London and
New York. IIong Kong comcs
first , Antwerp ncxt , LOlnlon
third aid thcn Ncw York , JIDm-
bnrg , Liverpool , Sigapore , and
MarseiIIs come next in the ordcr
.amed. It is quite a I tribute to I
Chicago that , as an interior port ,
.be comes seventh in this list of
ereat trade marts.
= - - _ . -A-- : ; ' _ _ - - _ _ - . . : : : : -
' r 1 njt\1 i'lill lll"illlll 11B IltIiH
:1. : 1Urual I'I. : : . will ag-I\lU
ngl\gc \ it ! the lurlliturc and hJLrCI-
ware..Jillc . in tlleir own building
-thl' Opera Block about th
f rl ! of Marcil.
.Mr. Great inforllis us that he
still has a nUmblr of town lots
for sale hoth ill tile l\Iaulkk antI
railroad additions ; Oil term9 to
suit customers.
Motion for ( { ehenring Denied.
'fhis is thc decision ill the case
for a rehearin on th new election -
tion law by the Supreme Court.
'l'he rcport was substantiated in
a lettcr rpceived yestcrday hy J ,
' 1' . Wood , from all attorney at
14incoln ,
_ . _ _ _ _ ' _ h _ _
U. P. Rnllroad Talk ,
' ! 'hc 1)Cople 0 f qtear Crcck , V l-
ley and Westerville are up In
high spirits over thc prospects
of the U. P. railroad cxtcnding
its line from 140up City to rokcn I
Bow by way of Wcsterville. It
is reportcd that a representativc
of thc U. P. H. R. Co. has visited -
ed Myrtl v and Westerville townships -
ships with the vicw of ascertaining -
ing if $2,500 bonds in each precinct -
cinct could he votcd to aid in the
A Splendid OUer.
' ! 'he New Ccntury Ideal Dictionary -
tionary is just ou 1. It is not only
_ up-to-date but is handy in size ,
concise in its con t n ts , wcB
bound in full seal , flexiblc cover
and contains over 1,200 illustrations -
tions , such as elcctric fans , dina-
mos , electric buttons , incubators ,
brooders , printin press and many I
other up-to-datc articles that the
older dictionarics do not contain.
It also contains an appcndix uf
sevcral pager. of uscful inform-
It is just thc book for the student -
dent of the day and should be in
evcry houschold. The Rlwum.I-
CAN has the cxclusive control of
this valuable book for Custer' '
County. It rctails for $2.50.
Having made spccial arrangements -
ments with the publishers for
clubbing purposcs we arc furnishing -
ing it and the RUl'UDI.ICAN one
year to old or new subscribers for
$1.95. As this arrangcmcnt has
been made for a lImitcd time you
should act promptl ) ' before it is
too late-Call at the BUl'UIH.l-
CAN ofi ce or write us remitting
Sl.'J5 and you will rcceivc prompt
D. M. A\ISBltRRY ; ,
. Attentionl
Camp Guy T4ivingston , No.3.
The soldi rs of the Spanish
Amcrican National Socicty Army
of the Philippines , are asked to
meet at the ofi ce of Dr. C. 140
Mullins on Thursday , February
22nd , at 4 p. m. 'sharp , to pcrfect
thc working' of the order , to elect -
ect ofi cers for the ) 'car and to
transact an.y furthcr bnsiness that
may comc before the order.
'l'hc seventh annual military
ball will bc held in the evcning'
and a full attendance will be rc-
quired at both mecting and ball.
By ordEr of the Presidcnt ,
W. D. GHAN1' , Secrctary.
Card of TI1I1u.
' 1'0 the friends , brothers and
sisters of l raternal Organizations -
tions throughout thc statc , citizens -
zens and neighbors of Custer
Count ) ' , the School Board and
corps of teachers of Brolen Bow.
At last we lift our heads amI with
eycs yet dimmed. with sacred
gricf we attempt to exprcss our
gratitudc to you all ; for words
can find no cxpression to conve ) '
to you our deep and everlasting
appreciation for the part you
have assumed in assisting. us to
prcss down.the lids of rcst and
layaway the deepest of earth's
posscssions-a wife and mother.
We appreciate ) 'our efforts thc
more ) teenly because of its loyal
and spontaneous expression and
wiJI evcr hold it " 111gh as Hopcs
great throbbing Star above thc
darkncss of the dcad. " To you
we owe a dcbt of gratitude and
wiJI attempt to repay it-as we
feel we bcst can do-by bcing
loyal to those principalt which
have endeared the departed one
to ) 'ou.
'ou.J. . \VU.SON and li'AMILY.
The Former Deci.ion of the Supreme
Court Su.tained.
J. ' 1' . Wood is r ceiving thc
congratulations of Ills friends
, over the reported dccision of the
Suprcme Court on lhe question
of Hegistcr of Dceds.
It is reJorted that Chief Justice -
ice Sedwick has afi rmed thc for-
mcr decision of t hc Su prcme
Court which hcld thl law unconstitutional -
stitutional extending the terms
of Hegister of Dceds and mcm-
I ers of the Countv Board of Supervisors -
ervisors for a longer pcriod than
the term for which thcy were el-
ectcd. This will give 'the office
of Hegister of Decdto \ Mr ,
Woods and the oflice of Super-
yisor to Roy Welcb ,
. . .
. .
- " " " ' . . , - . " - - - -
- ' ,
. . - ' " - -
, . r.r. . _ ' _ " " ' _ ' Jt JII ( ,
Jhe Jar of
- ; ; ; c 'bi ; ; ' : : ' ; ' ' ; ; - ; ; , "I
plied , break the hnrdc t rod ; . ;
CouHhing , day Oriel' dny , j.II : , , !
and tears the thl'out and ! lIq : I
until the hcnlthy tissucs , i\'c t
way. Aycr's Cherry PcclOr.1
stops the coughing , lind henl' .
the torn membranes.
"I "IwI\1S "PN' " A'rr' rll" , r. . 1't' tontl I"
the 111,111" . II IoIH.4 : I"H f , " " , , 'II'r "d"III I
. I\IIY or n. IlIIvo "IIII ! ! ' " IIr Ion , t , I . . . .hl. . I h , . \ ' , .
U t" II IlIr II'hl ( It''II.0' . ' ' ' ' ' IItHl "I , , , . , , ,
I1lIlIhoit II. " M JlR , M " " (1111:1. 11(01 , \ lit ) ' .
IHln : . ] ; . r.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
_ _ . . . - " . " T.IK = r.\.T. '
Id dll by J CJ AV"f : rl ) . J.ow"U , " . "c ,
AloJ I,1I1"r..clurur. " . "r
, S.\IS\I'AlUll.\ : .
e 'Ps 1'/1,105. / . . .
lJ 1 ' = II" II1001 : . .
BlllollsnosG , constipation rotnrcl ro-
covery. Cure these with Avor' : , Pills. .
WINCIl1i 'I'HH - Wn.T.IAMs-at :
the residence of bride's parents
Wednesday , Feh. 7. I obert M.
Winchcstcr and Mamie E. Williams -
iams hoth of Hoosier Valley , Hef. !
C. W. Bohart officiating. The I
R HI'UIII.ICAN extenc1s congra tu- .
lation. -
Lillie Lcona Glasgo , wife of
IraD. . Stllrc1c\'allt was born in
Union Count } ' , Iowa , July 4 , 1862 ,
and c1ied l cb. 7 , l'JO ( , .
She was Married to l\h' . Stur-
devant Jan. 7 , 1877. To this union -
ion six childrcn I were born , aJI
girls. Four of these childrcnlivc
in Custcr CouQty , one ili Loup
City anc1 enc in Virginia
' [ 'he funeral sen'iccs were held
in the M. E. church last l rida } '
at 10 o'clock a. m. conductcd bv .
Hev. Allen Chamberl an. .
Her remains were laid to rest
in . thc.Brokcn Bow Cemetery.
Mrs. Sturdevant was an affectionate -
tionate and loving mothcr , a dutiful -
tiful anc1 kind wifc4 a gencrous
neighbor and a truc fricnd and
in thcir sad berevcment those
who sorrow have the sympathy
of all.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
to bother abou t your coal supply
if you let us attcnd to it. We
Imow that some kinds of coal are
half slate. We lutow that others
are half dirt. When the dirt
gets wct it weighs HIm lead ,
which the buycr has to yay for.
You may
of this kind. Don't have an } '
more. Come to us and get good ,
clcan coal. No slate , no dust , no
water. And a ton of it will contain -
tain 2,000 whole pounds e\'ery
.ti me.
( ) jerks Lumber and Coal Co.
. . . . I Ie. ' rei ( JcRdcet II ) ' . . . . . . . . . I
C'rhrff'1I / H No.7J\OJ
. . . . .
. .
'I . . . . '
, ' , " \
. ,
J. .BRENIZER , Ureeaet f
I'llre Scotch alll1 Scotch TOI1llcI ! SrQrt ! lIonl
C.lttlc. My hefl ! nlllll\crB \ o COWIll ; COlli
plre III hre.lhlll . anl1 ' 1l1a\1I \ ) ' wllh : III } ' west of
Chlcllro rot ) experlellco hls lalllhlIe \ Ihat to
Ilve Iloolhatlsfactlnll , hrecdlllll' CIlI1t' mllst be
rUhtef" " th. . . nltUuCle. I expect\o
ru'.ethclIl here the " ( IUnl"f alu'thhlll
raIAIIII'h. . U. H. I 1I0W h.\7e25 bll\l8 lIllablo
Jnr thl alii ! lIexl } , 'ar'H Nenlc. . . My COWII
A\elll'h from HOO 10 2\\I(1I.01lIld8. CUllle :111I1 8ee
hell. . . .
NO'l'lC I : .
To J.'rall\1 \ M. McClllh' :
YOII ar. , hen-hI' 1I0lilieli that olllhe slxlh 11:1) '
of Fehruan' , IWo , Juhll 1. . Wl1l1alllH. COllllllellC'
ed AIIII alalllRt YOII baforl ) 1" : . G'Sch\\'hld , JIIS'
111'1'1 of thol'-ace of IIrokell 110IHeclllcl. . CIII'
ler COllllty , Nehraqka. 10 recel\1J flIr"lII ) ' 011
IIpOIl cOlltrlCl , whrr..11I ) ' 011 allree1110 pay him
fllr Ihe l"IASeqslulI of a c'rl\\11 \ farlll k III.WII a6
thl ! Ahel Hallch III CI1 ler CoulIl ) ' , Nehraska . ,
' 1'hlI : Oil alll ( Jlh lIa ) ' 0' Pubrllar ) ' . 190. . . salll
JIIAlIcI'I..tillell a wrll of attacllllll'lIt , on the
IIrllllllllhal YUII werl ! a 1I01l-\uqillonl. ( IIr Ihe
111111I of f 1U alll the l'OMI. . of lial < l HIIII a ,1 thai
011 the 9lh lla ) ' of I.' ) ' . 1',1 onler or
aUachnlf'lI1 wallle\'ICIlIpon ! 515 hUbhel of Cllrll
1I0W 11I11Ih' " 011 Haill Ahel Rallch. a 1111 Hlll
caUM' ha. . h'u contllluel h ) ' said JllhtlCO ulIUI
10 o'clock olllhe 23111 of March , 1110..10 , 'alld ullle. .
) ' 011 : Jlliwar heforll hall JIIA lce at hi. . . ol1lclI III
IIrolcllI 1I0w. CuMur COIIIII ) ' . NehraMka. 011 the
Jrll lIa } ' of March , 1' ! II. at 10 o'clook III tho. .
( Menoou , jlldlrolllenl will he _ cutercl1 a'lralu61 .
YOII , cOlldellllllnlf lIald corn aud o"lcrlllll the
tiallle soh ! 10 pa ) ' the alllolliit toU fOil lid dlle.
Uated J.'ehruary Hlh , 11JOO.
> > y H. .A , NIIOKE , Alturlle ) ' . ' 3t.-3
' .
. . - - ' . , . . . . . . . - . .
, , , . . " . . , . .
JJ - 11\I. \ _ , . . . " ' . - < " - " ItJ _ ' _ . . . _ . . , . . . . . . . .t. - , ' - - . . - ' . , . - ' . . . . , . ; " " " " ; 1.1" _ _ _ ' ' ' - ' - . ' _ ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' _ \lO _ r-o _ < _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' u ' _ t.--r _ ! ' ; : : ; . ' ' 1 . . . . , , ; : : \o , ; r . . . . . _ - : 1" : ! " ' " " ' : > , , - - . , , . .7 /"t
' - - '
r l' x-- ' "i !
. J :
. . . . . . - - -
- -
Have had , 50,000 Acres in a Body Located
in the
J1E I ] ) RIVEI { 'T A I-ALEY'
. . . . .
J.\J . > .A.FI. "
RINGGT-AD , rrljJXAS , '
HANDS'l'OS ] $ 4 per acre ,
, Tb .
while the same class of land in , the same . .
vicinity - - is - selling - . , ---4- at from _ _ . . . _ $15 _ _ _ _ . . to _ _ _ _ $35. _ _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We will conduct an Excursion traIn
COMS'I'OCK ' ' , SARGENT , ARCADIA , ANSLEY , . ' - , . _ .
Round Trip , $15.60. " ; .
1'ul"\chasers : \ Carfare and Hotel bill J ? id. : . . . : ' I'
. PJense take receipt for railroad fine. . - ' I
Thjs is one of the last opportunities . . to secure valuable " .
3t.3"t ,
ONIONS HERE . NET THE GROWERS $400 an acre , ,
, and other vegetables . i propor.tio11 _ , -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
] ? or further nfortnationyrite or eal I on
I lUll presared to larndcr I.lIce l'urtnins
-trctchcrs. . Satisfaction guarantecd.
Your pntronage solicitcc1.
Mrs. Nettie Papi neau.
One hlock east of Rycrsou's store ,
W AN'l'I Ih ) ' Chlcalo wholesale alllllllall or-I
, Ier hOlls" . as lllanl lIIanager llllall or wOlllan )
for Ihl. . COIIIII } ' aUlI adjollllnlterrllOr ) ' . SalaO'1
$ ) anl1 " 'l'enSOS l'all weelcl } ' ; cxpen"e 1II0no ) '
al\'ance" , 'Vorlc pleallalll : posilioll I'erlllall-
ellt. No In\'e"llIIcllt or experlenclJ rl'qulrcII.
Wnle al unce for fnll t > articlllan ; lIId . , lIcloqo
sl'lf.atldresse" ollvelOIIJ. COOI'EN .I. : Co. .
2.3" 131 ; 1.alctl St. . CblcJlClI. 111.
- - - - -
'l'hioffice ! : for job work.
, 1 T
Boarders Wanted. t
\"t' call acclllllo < lalll a f.'w more hoanlers. J
with or wltholll boar" .
lIoa nl oI" I' Wet. Ie . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . $3,50 , _ J
lIoan1111 ! HooltI. , . . , . . . . . . 4.00 \
J ;
Mrs. A. T. SIMS.
I-i < llr' litllI"e S le : , ' ,
Fl..e > ck. : . e11 < > : n.k..e1. . t .
"L , - . .
Get your share of what " "
J I we are throwing away.
Corn..e : tJt'1d : See b.atvve : al.lean. : : . !
Our entire line ' 01' Furnitureyhole stoclr of CarpetR ,
going at cos" ; .i\ctual Oost ! Itl1gs and l\lattings A'f OOS'1" ! .
I The next hirty Da.ys to be , memorable ones r
, J