Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 15, 1906, Image 3

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Or. Williams' Pink Pills the TonIc
That Mo t People Need for
Blood and Norvos.
III , IIII)1' the nil'or the close rOOlll ! ! ill
. . . .hich wo " ' 11l'11l1'0 11111ch or thu UIIIO
dOl'1 ! 1I0t fl1l'lIi ! > h cllollgh o"n ell to the
Iltllgs to hU1'1I out Iho foull11l1l I.\ ' ill the
blood. 111 the coll18ellsoll do 1I0t ( 'X,1'-
dso liS IIIl1ch mill t ho Hklll/\llllldlhll' 'Ilo
Jlot throw off the WI\1 > lo lIIult\Jl' 111'1 fl'poly
IIslIa1. 'rho S'stl.'l11 hoc '
as ) 0111 os o\'erloadcd
with 1loisollouA lIIlIlh'r , 1\1111 too fcohlo
to throw it off. Hulier CI\II ho hud ouly
through thl ) use of rOl11edy thut will
prolllptly 1\11(1 thoroughly Ilt1rifr IlUd
l > tl'ongthell the 11109111111 the 0110 best
.ndulted ) , for thlH llUrpn1 > O il ! the gl'eat
IJlood toule ImO\\11 nil Dr.ViIl ill111 I ! , Piu1c
, , 1JmH. . . .
, 1 : . < , , "They nclell1i1co magio ill111Y case , "
' , , fnitl l\Il'I ! . Olum L. WillIe , of No. 37
, } lI1'lIsworth m'ellUO , Dotl'olt , 1\lch. "I
: WI\S wenk alld thill , nllll coulll Ilot ! ! lccp.
\ . : & 1\I - ! ! toll1ach nllli I1Ufves were out or or.
. .del' . 1 cau't describe how lIIitorablo I
: f rellnus. . ' 1 drnggcIl thl'ough Hix
1I10llth1l of feehloness , growing' woakol'
, all the time Ulltil I finlllly 1ll\llu'tstrol1gth
I ( Jllough to lcuvo lilY lIl'lI.
"Tholl 1ghul day CII1110 , the < 1hy wholl
I begun to tnlm Dr. Wi1lia111s' l'iIlJt PillR.
' l'hoy mndo 1110 feel Rtrong' right u\\'uy.
. " : M - appetite came bnck , I toole 011 flesh
alld the color 1'0tul'1Ieli to 111 - chel'kH.
to People wouderell thnt these llillt ! dill for
f 1110 what the doctOl'1 ! coullln't do. I took
: ' ( ) six boxes 1\11 < 1 then I WIIS llel.fectv ]
, : t wol1. If I had Jlot fmulll thi ! ! W01l < 10rfl1
l'omedy I Imroly tllillk thnt I JUust .l1ll\'O .
wasted to death. Belloving' firmly thnt
, these pills fnvcd 111 ' lifo b - the Rtl'cugth
which they gave JllIJ at a criticnl JUt ) .
Ulellt , I uuhesitntiugy ] l'eCOIlUllel1 thom
to ot.hors. "
' 5 Dr. WiUiams' Pillk pmcoutnln JlO
, fitimnll1ut ! Jut give Rtreugth that lasts.
: They 111\- ho oblaiued at nuy drug
l' . Taste of Food In FIsh.
, ' Some fish , Illco the carp and catfish ,
me able to tnste food with the sl\1n
I on the outsIde of their bed ' or ven
with their fins or tails as wen as In
the mouth. 'l'he carD , for Instance ,
able to detect food with the scales
\ \ 'anywhere on the outside of Its body.
Parisian Fish from Africa.
It having been lll'ovod by experiment
that fisl can be brought In refrlgora.
tor In god condition from Africa to
, Paris , a reguar ] steamship company
Is to be Inaugurated for'supplylng the
Capital with fish , lobster , etc. , from
the west.orn African coast.
Cow Adopted Fawn.
Mrs. Lawson of nlchmnod , Va. ,
1 owns a cow. and the cow owned a
, calf , but this last was drowned In a
swamp. Thereupon the bereaved
/ % . \otbor adopted a fawn , first rosculng
In from a hound which had cbased It
into tile pasturo.
. .
Art of Advertising.
The art of advortlsln consists not
merey ] In attracting a reader , but In
ronvlnclng him , and this can only be
, done by the sober stat ment of facts.
'Mere sensationalism cannot win In
' tllo end.-l\UlIIng.
" . . . r The All-Important Question.
If tbe mother of Ilome were to
( Jlllnt a green ring around her nose
, Ilnd dye her hall' blue , the first words
f" : > f her husband and children on com-
I Ing homo would still be , "Is dinner
: readYtchlson Glebe ,
Preparation the Main Thing.
, Frequently the number of hours
spent at work In the olllce are slmplo
Inverse proportion to the months and
rears spent In proparatlon for the
task.-Jolm A. Howland ,
L Almost every woman complains thnt
r : tel' husband's family "cat funn ) ' . "
Difference on This Side the Water.
The persistent effect upon the hedrt
, of cnffolno in coff e CHnnot but re-
I suit In the gravest conditions , In'tlmo.
Each attacl , of the dl'ug ( nnd that
meant ! ench cup of coffee ) wealwns
. . . the orgim a IIttlo moro , and the end
Is almost a matter of m thematlcal
demonstration , A lad ) ' writes from
n \VcRlern Rtato :
"I am of Gorman descent nnd It
. was natul'I\l that I should iearn at a
yery early ago to drinl , coffee. Until
I was 23 ) 'Cl1'S old I drank scarcel ) '
nn'thln.g else at my meals.
. "A few ) 'cnrs ago I hegnn to bo af.
fccted by n stC\lllJ ) ' Increasing nerv'
ousness , which oventuall ' developed
Into a' distressing heart trouble that
mndo mo 1"01' ) ' weal , and mlsorable.
'fhon , some three ) 'oars ago , was add ,
- cd asthma In Its worst form. My
sufferlnl1s from these things can he
better Imnglned than described.
\ "During all this time , 111 ' h\Hiband
, , realized maI'o fully thnn I ditl that coffee -
fee was Injurious to mo , and made every -
\ ory effort to malie mo 8tOP.
, "Finally It was doclded a few
tpouths ago , 10 quit the use of coffco
absolutely , aud to adopt Postum Food
Coffee as 0111' bet table drlnl , . I had
- hut IIltio Men that It would help me ,
- bUt , conRentl'd" to try It to please m '
hushnud. I pl''pared It very carefully ,
" exactl ) ' nccol'lHlIg to directions , and
. " wns delighted with Its delicious fiav-
, or nnd rOfreshlng qualities ,
" .ll1l > t ns SOOI1 al > the poll > on from
the coffee hnd tlI110 to get out of my
syatem the uutrltl\'o properties of the
, . postum hl.'gl1u to llI1l\d \ mo tIP , nnel I
nm now flll1 ' recovered from all my
; . nOl'VOlIsnoss , heart trouble nnd aSlh-
ma. I glad I ) ' HCI > l1owlec'e , thnt no\ ' ,
for the first time In 'cars , I enjo
Ilol'fect hcalth , nnel that I owe It nl1
to Postum. " Name given by I'ostum .
Co. , Bl1ttlo Creel" Mlch ,
' } 'horo's a reason. Rend the IIttlo
bool. , "The Hoall to Wollvl11o" In
' lll ( s.
. Postllm Food Coffee contains no
drugs of all ) ' descriptio. : . whatsoever ,
/ '
- - -
, ,
1 :
. ' . ,
. . :11 J ( {
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. . . . ,
Have Much Fun Every Fourteenth
Day of February , ,
Ir It were not for tbe college girls
St. Valontlne would bo In danger of
becoming a cad , but they regard him
as a hugo jolte and jolly him unmorcl.
fully. They do not lot , his day go by
On the contrary they herald It with
joy and make great propllratlons for
It , but there Is hardl ) ' a bit of senti. I
ment In tholr worship. For three or
four weeks before the 14th of February -
ary , huge signs appear on the bullotln
boards In the dormitories , soliciting
orders for \"alentlnes , for the girls
deft fingers selzo the opportunity to
maltO 11 little mono , } ' and the glrs ] who
bave money are quite ready to pay for
I1n orIginal valentine ,
And a college valentine must bo
rlglnal above every thing else , Sometimes -
times the glr ] with money supplies
the Idea and the deft-fingerod girl
worts It out.
The character of &oheso & valentlnos Is
mostly In tbe way of a grilld and It is
carried out by every concolv'ablo de-
vJco ; by water colors , by sltotches , by
poems , by Incongruous articles.
Of course there Is the IIttlo freshman -
man who feels bouud to send her senIor -
Ior "crush , " flowers nnd confection ,
ary , but the true cone go valentine Is
a sharp dig. Woo to the girl who
has obtruslvo mannorlsms , for she WIll
bo rapped right and left , I1lthough the
joltoS are nov'Jr hnteful. Cupid re ,
celves some attention , but It Is of
the frivolous sort for he Is jeered and
sneered at.
Contrary to popular opinion , cbl1ogo
glrs ] glvo and ! nlto "Imoclts" as good-
naturodly as do college boys , and the
Il1zy girl who receives a bunch of firecrackers -
crackers on St. Valentine's dny laughs
heartily t.t the jolte. I
The girl with a big ambition to join
one of the soclotles , an ambition
which she has been trying to conceal ,
Is 11 IIttio stutled when she recolves
an enormous Greolt letter made out
of rod paper t nd on It In blacl. letters -
tors :
Sur. . ns sin.
I wnnt a pin.
A clever valentine sent ono 'C'nr tea
a young woman who was extremely
popular with the men was a clrclo or
hearts with the face of ono ot her
mon frlonds peering out of each. In
the center was a pen and Ink sltotch I
of herself and beneath the words ,
"All men loolt all1O to me. "
Often copies or Gibson , Undorwood
and Ohrlsty are sent 'lUlll 11 little
dumpling of a girl once received 11
yard at Fanny Cory's children. I
, The lIcorlco buttons , which the chll , I
dren buy In a penny candy s\oro \ , will :
bo sent In largo bunches to the maid.
ens who never Ilavo tlmo to sow on a
, button. A ludicrous yalentlno whlen
was sent ] ast year to a very tat girl
W'IlS a plump sot\ cushion so pulled
.UIRtcd IlS to look exactly like Its
- - . . . . . L. . . .
recipient. And a vor- tan girl re-
colved a scrap of music of the song.
"Just talte a little bit off the top
for me. "
There Is a reeltless disregard of
meter or rh'thm , in the poems which
Ilccompanr the val on tines , but It the
hit Is consldored satisfactory. With
a tiny grlndstono which was sent tea
a chronic fiunl\Or was the jingle :
Your mnrks. my love , arc fnllen hehlnd.
Grah the hnndle nnd hegln to grind.
With a bunch of an sorts of pon.
ells , big and little , rod and blue nnd
ordinary blaclc , which was sent to a
girl who was secretary of every organization -
ganization she belonged to , was the
rhymelet :
As 'ou'ro nlways n sec.
You cnn use this peel"
To n chafing dish expert was once ,
sent a water color of a chafing dish
very clevory ] painted , and near It was
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
Her Valentine.
Benenth the sprl'l1I ) of vnlentlnes.
A song unnotlcetl Iny :
Yet too Hugge I Ivo were Its lines
For fnte to hltle nway ,
Some carclesH hand , dlRclosed to vlow
Its m'ssJJ ; ! ' , HR a pm 'er.
"For Old 'rlm"H HalI' . " 1101' ever Ime\v
It leCt n ulesslng there.
For deep within each heart there lies
'l'he germ of precious Recti ;
And wistful. tender. grew the e 'es
Of ono who chancpd to read
The pleading words : "For Old Tlmo's
salw , "
'Vlth pathoR nnd with Imln.
Snd mom'rleR In her ureaRt dId wako ,
T..hal night not sleep ngnln ,
For through the 'ears there seemell to
nrlght thoughts of other days.
Un tll there came the little rltl
\Vhero friends wallie I ) spparnto wa's ,
'l'he heart owns what the lip denies ,
Held close hy Prlde'H stem I II 1ers. : .
And softlr. sings : " 'rruo lovu no'or
Its answorlng echo IIngors ,
And so at last. for Old ' 1'lmo's snlte ,
'l'ho one wrote wordR full tonder.
! 'splto n vow she once did mnltc ,
Since llano would Imow the HIHHer :
The othcr read thnt vnl'ntlno.
Nor gllcR.Red that tearR nnd kIR f'
'Wero fnlrly mlnJlod : In caeh . line
n ' ono whoso ) I\mo sh. . ml'lolPR. !
-LILLA W , HICln I 'n-
- - - ,
" " '
" " " ' ' ' ' '
a plnlt saucer I > > which reposed n ver/
largo heart , Underneath was the Ill-
vltntlon :
' 1'holl. Indy of the chnf1nlr < 1IRh ,
I'd stnke much on lh ' ( 'oolorr :
Tnlm my heart , m ' vlllenllno.
And serve It In th ' lIoukpr ' .
An eng'agod girl once made the mis ,
take of bidding her fiance good night
on a part of the pluzza which WIIS so
lighted as to throw their shudows
clearly on the snow. On I'eb. 14 , to
her amazement , she recoh'od rl'llre-
sentatlons of that go 011 night In sll-
houottes , water color and pen anel Inlt
lira wings , all so well done thnt tbo
participants could not bo mlstalwn.
'l'h star golf plnyel' received from
nn ndmlrlng freshman , with n framed
copy of a Gibson girl :
Thollgh ) 'ou nre no cnd ,
You lIeed a cllddle ;
81nco that IR YOIII' fael.
Let mo ho that laddie ,
There are college maldons who
h'1..o the "prom habit , " which mt > ans
that they have numerous Invitations
" - " - - - " ' _ _ . . -l. , t.tL-
to proms at the mon's call egos , and
are constantly nsl < lng leave of absence -
sence to attond. Ono of these maid.
ons recolved a bunch of leave-of-ab-
sonco blnnlts , cunnlngy ] coplod In pen
and Ink , and each ono WIlS made out ,
the set giving 1101' permission to go
to proms In every college In the coun'
tr ) ' .
The eternal fomlnlne crops out In
the Iteon observation of pecullarltlos
of dress. 'fhe girl who docs not ItCep
her s ] < lrt and bolt prOlJorl ) ' t'astenod In
the baclt , recolves un onorl11ous safe ,
ty pin ; the girl who lloses by wearIng -
Ing her hall' In a hrald down her buele
recolves a water color of a tiny girl
with an Immense Illgtnll , and the girl
who affects mannish attire rocelves
a tiny pair of trousers.
Some of the seniors who are begin.
nlng to reallzo that college fl'lendJhlps
will soon ho m'or , send one a11othor
poems of friendship wrltton on ordinary -
dinary statlonory , and art students
often send a hit of tholr worlt to ' 11.
particularly holoved friend. Photo'
graphJ of college scones are sent to
alumnno , and populnr members of the
facult ) ' recolvo Ilrotty gifts , Dut for
the greater 11l\rt , the college valen.
tlno Is a college joltC.
V1IIentines Always Welcomed by the
Little Ones.
IfJ you Imow nny chlitlren , ! Jend thorn
vnl ntlnos-as quaint ones , brimming
over with nonsense and fun , as you
can find. And send to every child you
] mow-there novoI' was a youngster
) 'et who didn't loolt forward to getting
them , and bo bitterly dlsappolntl'd If
the ) ' failed to matel'lallze , And , then ,
at school thore's a hubbub of "no v
many did you get ? " ,
Since levers decided to share the
da ) ' with children , do ) 'our shnro tor
the wee ones , nt least.
Ono girl hit upon a clever way of
I hn vlng IInrtners , chosen hy mnlting her
i , Iwn dnnco cards , which hnd thd pent -
t ells tlell to them , ach two with a dlf ,
, fcrent color. She had gone to a .grent
deal of trouble to find out whitt each
glr ] was going to wpar and had the
ribbons to mntch the dresses In as
man ) ' cases ns Ilosslhle.It
'fho mon ahe I11nde cheese a color
anll then sent Ihem off to find the
girls their rlbbol1s matchell. On the
front of. the cards were sltetched , III
pen nnd Inl ( , two hparts , with an
nrrow through them , pinning thorn together -
gether , and vcrses ,
That on the girls' cnrds was :
'l\lon the m..rrr lads nlls"'mhled hero
'l'helo' II . onu whosu rlhbon matchell
thIn. . :
Cupid will hrlM him to theo , dear ,
' ] ' 0 ho thl ! ! eve th ' vnlentlne.
011 these for the men :
'Mom th m..rry maills nRsombled llcre
'J'hl'ro' ono whose rlllbon matches
thlno :
00 Reel ( her (1utlnrt she /lhall bo ,
I or nil thfs o.e. thy vl\l'ntine.
I'tllt ! Cupltl. lJlayect great havoc tho.t
, . . . . . . . . , ' . . . . . . :1080. : : _ , 1.:4" : WL.
Daughter of Jay Gould Will No , LonDcr
' .Ive With Castellnnc.
PAIUS-Colll1lII 110111110 CllbtC'llaue
( formort ) . AUl1a GoultD ( 'nll'I'oll n 1I101t
for dlvor'o. n6PI'p'II'ntntl\'el ! ' ! or the
countl'l'IR ' nllll the ( 'ount 1I111)'nre(1 ) ( be-
fot'l ! .Tudge HlIIt'1 ] ) jltt' or Iho l'Ol1rt of
fil'lit IlIstnl1l'l" who , In rourjl'mlt ' wltlt
the lo'l'elH'h lit w , en 11 Pit \'ored to n rl'fine
a concillntlon hl'fol'o nttowhl/1 / ; n lIefl-
nlto 8111t t OIJrOcI'l'tI , It Is ! ! nhl on IIn.
qllC"sllonahlo I1l1thOl'ity that .1111111:0 :
Ditto's olTorts were not su'eI'l8fu ' ] , th
( 'ountos8 nhsolutoly IIl'cilllln to I'l'-
SUmo her rl'lntious with her hU1'lhnllll. '
aUII thnt nfTor l'l'lll'ntctl hul vnln nt-
tel1111ts h ) " COllul 110 CI1Rtellnllo'g 1111.
visors to n1'1'augo n sottlomont. the
rOllrosontntlvos or the count nnlll'oun , )
tess left the court 111111 tlte slIlt will
11rococd ,
Another jue1ll'll\I cffOl't at rl'(1Iwliln.
lion will almost ( 'crlnlnlr Ito mntlo ho ,
fore the suit comes to t I'lnl In the 01\ ,
11Inar ) ' cour80. I
No 1I0cllllon hns h1'11 rparllcll rola.
tiyO to the oventul11 cURtlHly of the
children or the ( 'ollnt mill ( ' ( jUUtI'RS , hut
helng untlol' I1go they will for the 1II'I'S'
ont naturnlly remnln In the cal'o of the
mothol' . l.'l'imllls of the COllnt nnll
Countess 110 Cnslellalle oXll1'ess ] ltt\o \
hope tlmt nny IlIljust ml'nt of tholl' 11If-
fereneos will ho hrought nhout.
WASIIING'I'ON - 'l'ho monthh'
statement of the ' ' '
gO\'t'nt11ont receillts
anll oXllonelltut'OR received Pl'ltlny
shows a ( 'PIHlItion of the trensul' '
which Is omlnontly sallsfnctOl' ) ' to the
ontclnls. Ono 'l'nr ngo thel'C' was a
tloficlt of m'OI' $ : ! SriOO.OOO , which has
now heon retlucl'11 10 loss than $3-
.10,000 with the lll'O.Dect thnt this
amount will bo entlrey ] willed out
within the noxt'1.hlt.ty days. 'l'llis 1m-
.111'0vod contlltlon Is tluo almost on ,
tlr b' to the largo Incl'oases In cus.
toms anil internal ro\'enuo receillts.
'rho mbnthh' clrculntlon statement
Issued II ) ' the cot11ptrollor of the cur.
renc ) ' ahows thn t nt the CIORO of husl-
ness . 'Tanuar ' 31 , ] ! l01i , the total clr'u-
latlon of natlonnl hnnk notes was
$5.18,230,08 , whlC'h Is nn Increase for
the yonI' of $7ri.807,227 , nnd an in ,
crease for the month of $2,316,733.
- - - - - -
Ing the nnnounemont that Dr. ErnoRt
nynum of the OItlahol11n unlvorslty
would tnlo a l1osltlon with Ellwortlt
unlyerslty In thlJ city , Dr. Bradford ,
chancellor , said Umt ho and Dr. Dy-
num woultt leave for the enst nnd accompanied -
companied hy 1\11' . Shnw , socretnr ' of
the treasury , would visit Andrew Car.
noglo and John D. nocltofeller for the
II11l'lOse of soliciting these mon for endowments -
dowments for the l pworth university.
Officials at WashIngton See Serious
W ASnlNGTON-Wnr between the
United Stntes and Chinn Is hoglnnlng
to ] oole Imminent. nellOrts continuo
to pour Into the dopnrtmont of state
from dipomntle ] nnd conswtr agents
In Ohlna regarding the rapid Increase
of feollng ugalnst AmorlcnnR , us ox-
111'0sse < 1 In ollicts Issuell b ) ' ] ocal authorities -
thorities In various 11l\I'ts of the em-
1111'0. I or six months the situation In
Chlnl\ . has been the subject of very
gonulne concern to the dopartmont.
and the Amorlcnn minister at Polling
Is under Instructions to lccop Wnshlng-
ton thoroughly , and frequently In ,
fOl'melJ of the situation.
NI W YOHK-'fhe JIeralrl says : "It
was ] earnoll In thIs city thnt there are
many Indications thut the I11lnols Central -
tral railway h a llOen ncqulred hy In'
terests Identified with the JInrrhnan
i arty. It hus heen Imown for some
tlmo thut the I11lnols Central holdings
In the hands or this pnrty l1avo been
firured ns high liS ] ( jO.OOO shares of a
par vnue of $1 ( jOOOOOO. According
to statements mudo hy , persons who
are In a position to Inspect the trang ,
for bool < s of the Illinois Central there
Is ovhence ] there that goo.'i fill' toward -
ward confirming the story of a mer-
LIve Stock In Transit Bill.
W ASIIINGTON-'fho commit-
tco on Intel'stato commerce on I"rlday
decided artCr a confel'enco to asle to
have referrCel ! to that commltteo the
hl11 of Senator Hepburn , providing
that , on roqllel > t ot the owner , IIvo
stoelt mny ho In transit thirty-six
hoUl's Instead of twenty-eight. as now
pro\'lded l ) ' III w , without unloading.
'rho measure had heen sent to the com.
mlttee on ngl'lculturo nnd forestry , hut
the question was ono with which the
Int'rstato commerce commltteo desir-
cd to Ilonl.
Death Sentence by Mall.
KIF.l I"--'lany . 'Tews here have rOe
( 'olve < l by mall sentences of death In
the name of the Pan-Russlnn league In
defense of the holy cross. A gl''at
) Janlc provalls nmong' the , Tewish population -
ulationvho nro oXllecting a renewal
of an antlJewlsh excesses ,
To Abolish Capital Punishment.
S' } ' . pgTlmSDUIW-Tho abolition
of cnpltnl 1l11nlshment h ) ' the civil tribunals -
unals of Husala , whIch was ono of tbo
main lIerdands of reform parties , will
800n bo an accomplished fact.
, " "
, , , , , , , , , , - . : ' ; . . . : .r. . " : . 'u.L\ . .1.r : : , ; :
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, , , " ,
- '
neptlles In Winter ,
FrtJgs nnJ : hmlls l'nn 81nl1 < 1 freezIng -
Ing I\n < 1 thawing 1\ few til11M , though
the o"Ilorl.nce ; ! ! ( 'ems to hevcnrln , ; , "
all 11\0st \ of lhl't11 Muccumb after repented -
pented trlnll'l. ' .TU8t how fmallOfI ] Jass
the wlulor wo 110 110t ] mow. Two or
thl'oo Slloclll1lnlll or th common strip- ' " ,
(111 8nul < o which WI' hll\'o du from
! ! tltlO hoapM In the winter I\Pllonrad to
he fro1.on 8urr , tholll th > IIntUl'nl re-
IJtlgllnnce to the I'optllos IJrOvolltoll
close ob8er\'ntioll.-BxchaIlI0.
Swinging In Mlddlo ADes.
In the mlddo' ] ngos swlnga were
hUllg h ' all Ingonltl ! ! 11\1 11 Y dovlce.
'fho rope was paseed ever a grovoll ,
w1\ool \ that was fastl'noll to the coil.
Ing h ' a hl'nclOl. The 0110 who WI\R
swlnglnA' was not ollly pushed , from
bohllHl h ) ' 0110 of his follows , hut W\ ! . \
' .
al o hopoll ] fl'OI11 the front b ) ' striking
with his fet the olltl'ltrotched foot
of al1othor comrnllo. This Aport wno
favorite 1ll\Rtimo of lJages. j
Forest Areof Siberia.
Siberia has the hhgest forest nrel\
of nn ) ' C011111t.y on enrth , 'ol the tim'
her for the construction of the cast-
om end or the transSlborlan railwuy
came from the Unit d Statl's. It WM
hl'ought frOln Oregon , hehlA' shllllied ,
acmSB to Vladlvostol ( , thence trnns.
pOl'lt'll hy rail to the hal1les of n trlhu ,
tary of the Amur allel 10adOlI Into
barges to bo towed to Its Ilostlnatloll.
" . .
The world's reurl ' use of pOlltcl\rlls
Is enormous. German ' uscs 1,1j1,000- (
000 , the UnIted Slates 770i00OOO [ ,
Great Brltnlll ( j1:1OOOOOO. : As to lot-
tel's , howQ\'l'r , thl' Unltell Stales Is
( ar nheall of nil ot1wr C'ol1l1trlofl. The
tolnl nUl11hel' of lottl'1's { lostell hero
durin ! ; ] ! l0:1 : wns ,1,10.lOOOooo. !
VIR'orou Henlth 10 the Grtmt Source ot
power to InBplro fiud Encouro.llo-
AU Women Should 6001 : It.
Ono or the mol'll. ' noted , successful nm1
rlehest 11\l'11 of thlll : CUlllul'ylu n. l'eccnt
n1'tlele , luLU ( mid , " Wlmtovcr I mn nnd
whntovcr BucceSIi 1 luwc uttnlned in
thiH worlt1 I ewe uU to my wlIo. I'rom !
the day I first lenahOl' she hns beell
un 1118)I1'ntlol1 ) , IUlll the g'1'Ca.tCI t. . ho1p-
maW of my lite. " ,
.It1r/13eJslo o 4illS'ley
To bo suoh n. I > ucccsstul wlCo , to 1'0- :
tnln the 10vo antl admiration of lieI'
Imsba.nd. to in spire him to maleo the
most of himself , should bo n. woman's
consta.nt study ,
If 0. womnn f1nll t.1mt bor energies
11.1'0 flagging , thnt she gets cnstly tired.
dark shn ows uppcar uu < 1or her eyes ,
silo has ba.clmeho , hClulaches , benrIng-
dOWll pl11u8 , nervousness , irregula.rlUes
or the blues , she should start nt once
to build up her system by n. tonio v1th
specific pOWOI'S , suoh ns Ly ln. E. Pink-
ham's VIJgut.nhlo Compound , . .
1'ollowlng ! wo publish by request II
letter from n. young' wito :
Door : Mrs. Plnldlllm :
II Ever "Inco lilY cblltl was horn I lmvo sur.
fcrocl , os I hOJlo few women ever havowlth In-
flammatlou , fcumlo'paknUSR , hoarlndown
pains , Imclrnchu allll wrctclwd hCllIlaches. U
I fl.' my stomach ro I coullluot enjoy my
meals , nud balf lilY tlmo wns RptJut In 001.
II Lydia E. PJnkham'/i Vp eulllc Compound
mnllo mo n 'fell woman , nnd I fl.'ol so grat.cruJ
thnt I am gll\ll to wrll.o . I1ml ton you of my
marvelous rOCOVl'ry. It hrought 1110 hcnltli ,
now lIfo nnd vHuH1 > 11'8 , Be le Ainsley ,
all Houth 10th Streot. Tncomn , 1\'n.qh.
What Lyelln. . Pl111duuu's Vegetable
Compound dl for 1\1rs. \ Ainsloy it w111
do for every siele llullai1il1g womnn.
If ; yon have symptoms you don't un-
derstmHl wl'ito to Mrs. Plnlehnm ,
11Imghte1'-ln-law of Lyillu. Eo Pinlcham ,
nt T.Juu , MIlRS. llcr u vicu is free nnd
alwl1Ys helpful. .
015 Albnny Street , DOllton , Mnll" ,
U amlcte.t wltb lThcmp"on's Y/ltar
lOre eve. , u.e r i.I
W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 6-1906
. -
. , , .
; - ' \ ' , _ 't '
Jj : . " . l . . . , ,
it < io , '
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