- - - - - - - , . , " \ \ VIN TEn VI E AI { N E S S - - - Or. Williams' Pink Pills the TonIc That Mo t People Need for Blood and Norvos. III , IIII)1' the nil'or the close rOOlll ! ! ill . . . .hich wo " ' 11l'11l1'0 11111ch or thu UIIIO dOl'1 ! 1I0t fl1l'lIi ! > h cllollgh o"n ell to the Iltllgs to hU1'1I out Iho foull11l1l I.\ ' ill the blood. 111 the coll18ellsoll do 1I0t ( 'X,1'- dso liS IIIl1ch mill t ho Hklll/\llllldlhll' 'Ilo Jlot throw off the WI\1 > lo lIIult\Jl' 111'1 fl'poly IIslIa1. 'rho S'stl.'l11 hoc ' as ) 0111 os o\'erloadcd with 1loisollouA lIIlIlh'r , 1\1111 too fcohlo to throw it off. Hulier CI\II ho hud ouly through thl ) use of rOl11edy thut will prolllptly 1\11(1 thoroughly Ilt1rifr IlUd l > tl'ongthell the 11109111111 the 0110 best .ndulted ) , for thlH llUrpn1 > O il ! the gl'eat IJlood toule ImO\\11 nil Dr.ViIl ill111 I ! , Piu1c , , 1JmH. . . . , 1 : . < , , "They nclell1i1co magio ill111Y case , " ' , , fnitl l\Il'I ! . Olum L. WillIe , of No. 37 , } lI1'lIsworth m'ellUO , Dotl'olt , 1\lch. "I : WI\S wenk alld thill , nllll coulll Ilot ! ! lccp. \ . : & 1\I - ! ! toll1ach nllli I1Ufves were out or or. . .del' . 1 cau't describe how lIIitorablo I : f rellnus. . ' 1 drnggcIl thl'ough Hix 1I10llth1l of feehloness , growing' woakol' , all the time Ulltil I finlllly 1ll\llu'tstrol1gth I ( Jllough to lcuvo lilY lIl'lI. "Tholl 1ghul day CII1110 , the < 1hy wholl I begun to tnlm Dr. Wi1lia111s' l'iIlJt PillR. ' l'hoy mndo 1110 feel Rtrong' right u\\'uy. . " : M - appetite came bnck , I toole 011 flesh alld the color 1'0tul'1Ieli to 111 - chel'kH. to People wouderell thnt these llillt ! dill for f 1110 what the doctOl'1 ! coullln't do. I took : ' ( ) six boxes 1\11 < 1 then I WIIS llel.fectv ] , : t wol1. If I had Jlot fmulll thi ! ! W01l < 10rfl1 l'omedy I Imroly tllillk thnt I JUust .l1ll\'O . wasted to death. Belloving' firmly thnt , these pills fnvcd 111 ' lifo b - the Rtl'cugth which they gave JllIJ at a criticnl JUt ) . Ulellt , I uuhesitntiugy ] l'eCOIlUllel1 thom to ot.hors. " ' 5 Dr. WiUiams' Pillk pmcoutnln JlO , fitimnll1ut ! Jut give Rtreugth that lasts. : They 111\- ho oblaiued at nuy drug storo. l' . Taste of Food In FIsh. , ' Some fish , Illco the carp and catfish , me able to tnste food with the sl\1n I on the outsIde of their bed ' or ven with their fins or tails as wen as In the mouth. 'l'he carD , for Instance , able to detect food with the scales \ \ 'anywhere on the outside of Its body. , Parisian Fish from Africa. It having been lll'ovod by experiment that fisl can be brought In refrlgora. tor In god condition from Africa to , Paris , a reguar ] steamship company , Is to be Inaugurated for'supplylng the Capital with fish , lobster , etc. , from the west.orn African coast. Cow Adopted Fawn. Mrs. Lawson of nlchmnod , Va. , 1 owns a cow. and the cow owned a , calf , but this last was drowned In a swamp. Thereupon the bereaved / % . \otbor adopted a fawn , first rosculng In from a hound which had cbased It into tile pasturo. . . Art of Advertising. The art of advortlsln consists not merey ] In attracting a reader , but In ronvlnclng him , and this can only be , done by the sober stat ment of facts. 'Mere sensationalism cannot win In i ' tllo end.-l\UlIIng. .t " . . . r The All-Important Question. If tbe mother of Ilome were to ( Jlllnt a green ring around her nose , Ilnd dye her hall' blue , the first words f" : > f her husband and children on com- I Ing homo would still be , "Is dinner : readYtchlson Glebe , l Preparation the Main Thing. , Frequently the number of hours spent at work In the olllce are slmplo Inverse proportion to the months and rears spent In proparatlon for the task.-Jolm A. Howland , L Almost every woman complains thnt r : tel' husband's family "cat funn ) ' . " OVER SEA HABiT. Difference on This Side the Water. The persistent effect upon the hedrt , of cnffolno in coff e CHnnot but re- I suit In the gravest conditions , In'tlmo. Each attacl , of the dl'ug ( nnd that meant ! ench cup of coffee ) wealwns . . . the orgim a IIttlo moro , and the end Is almost a matter of m thematlcal demonstration , A lad ) ' writes from n \VcRlern Rtato : "I am of Gorman descent nnd It . was natul'I\l that I should iearn at a yery early ago to drinl , coffee. Until I was 23 ) 'Cl1'S old I drank scarcel ) ' nn'thln.g else at my meals. . "A few ) 'cnrs ago I hegnn to bo af. fccted by n stC\lllJ ) ' Increasing nerv' ousness , which oventuall ' developed Into a' distressing heart trouble that mndo mo 1"01' ) ' weal , and mlsorable. 'fhon , some three ) 'oars ago , was add , - cd asthma In Its worst form. My sufferlnl1s from these things can he better Imnglned than described. \ "During all this time , 111 ' h\Hiband , , realized maI'o fully thnn I ditl that coffee - fee was Injurious to mo , and made every - . \ ory effort to malie mo 8tOP. , "Finally It was doclded a few tpouths ago , 10 quit the use of coffco absolutely , aud to adopt Postum Food Coffee as 0111' bet table drlnl , . I had - hut IIltio Men that It would help me , - bUt , conRentl'd" to try It to please m ' hushnud. I pl''pared It very carefully , " exactl ) ' nccol'lHlIg to directions , and . " wns delighted with Its delicious fiav- , or nnd rOfreshlng qualities , " .ll1l > t ns SOOI1 al > the poll > on from the coffee hnd tlI110 to get out of my syatem the uutrltl\'o properties of the , . postum hl.'gl1u to llI1l\d \ mo tIP , nnel I nm now flll1 ' recovered from all my ; . nOl'VOlIsnoss , heart trouble nnd aSlh- ma. I glad I ) ' HCI > l1owlec'e , thnt no\ ' , for the first time In 'cars , I enjo Ilol'fect hcalth , nnel that I owe It nl1 to Postum. " Name given by I'ostum . Co. , Bl1ttlo Creel" Mlch , ' } 'horo's a reason. Rend the IIttlo bool. , "The Hoall to Wollvl11o" In ' lll ( s. . Postllm Food Coffee contains no drugs of all ) ' descriptio. : . whatsoever , / ' ' - - - - I . , , I 1 : . ' . , \ . . :11 J ( { . , . . - . . . . . . , JOKES AMONG COLLEGE GIRLS. I Have Much Fun Every Fourteenth Day of February , , Ir It were not for tbe college girls St. Valontlne would bo In danger of becoming a cad , but they regard him as a hugo jolte and jolly him unmorcl. fully. They do not lot , his day go by unnotlceQ. On the contrary they herald It with joy and make great propllratlons for It , but there Is hardl ) ' a bit of senti. I ment In tholr worship. For three or four weeks before the 14th of February - ary , huge signs appear on the bullotln boards In the dormitories , soliciting orders for \"alentlnes , for the girls deft fingers selzo the opportunity to maltO 11 little mono , } ' and the glrs ] who bave money are quite ready to pay for I1n orIginal valentine , And a college valentine must bo rlglnal above every thing else , Sometimes - times the glr ] with money supplies the Idea and the deft-fingerod girl worts It out. The character of &oheso & valentlnos Is mostly In tbe way of a grilld and It is carried out by every concolv'ablo de- vJco ; by water colors , by sltotches , by poems , by Incongruous articles. Of course there Is the IIttlo freshman - man who feels bouud to send her senIor - Ior "crush , " flowers nnd confection , ary , but the true cone go valentine Is a sharp dig. Woo to the girl who has obtruslvo mannorlsms , for she WIll bo rapped right and left , I1lthough the joltoS are nov'Jr hnteful. Cupid re , celves some attention , but It Is of the frivolous sort for he Is jeered and sneered at. Contrary to popular opinion , cbl1ogo glrs ] glvo and ! nlto "Imoclts" as good- naturodly as do college boys , and the Il1zy girl who receives a bunch of firecrackers - crackers on St. Valentine's dny laughs heartily t.t the jolte. I The girl with a big ambition to join one of the soclotles , an ambition which she has been trying to conceal , Is 11 IIttio stutled when she recolves an enormous Greolt letter made out of rod paper t nd on It In blacl. letters - tors : Sur. . ns sin. I wnnt a pin. A clever valentine sent ono 'C'nr tea a young woman who was extremely popular with the men was a clrclo or hearts with the face of ono ot her mon frlonds peering out of each. In the center was a pen and Ink sltotch I of herself and beneath the words , "All men loolt all1O to me. " Often copies or Gibson , Undorwood and Ohrlsty are sent 'lUlll 11 little dumpling of a girl once received 11 yard at Fanny Cory's children. I , The lIcorlco buttons , which the chll , I dren buy In a penny candy s\oro \ , will : bo sent In largo bunches to the maid. ens who never Ilavo tlmo to sow on a , button. A ludicrous yalentlno whlen was sent ] ast year to a very tat girl W'IlS a plump sot\ cushion so pulled .UIRtcd IlS to look exactly like Its , , . - - . . . . . L. . . . - recipient. And a vor- tan girl re- colved a scrap of music of the song. "Just talte a little bit off the top for me. " There Is a reeltless disregard of meter or rh'thm , in the poems which Ilccompanr the val on tines , but It the hit Is consldored satisfactory. With a tiny grlndstono which was sent tea a chronic fiunl\Or was the jingle : Your mnrks. my love , arc fnllen hehlnd. Grah the hnndle nnd hegln to grind. With a bunch of an sorts of pon. ells , big and little , rod and blue nnd ordinary blaclc , which was sent to a girl who was secretary of every organization - ganization she belonged to , was the rhymelet : As 'ou'ro nlways n sec. You cnn use this peel" To n chafing dish expert was once , sent a water color of a chafing dish very clevory ] painted , and near It was , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Her Valentine. Benenth the sprl'l1I ) of vnlentlnes. A song unnotlcetl Iny : Yet too Hugge I Ivo were Its lines For fnte to hltle nway , Some carclesH hand , dlRclosed to vlow Its m'ssJJ ; ! ' , HR a pm 'er. "For Old 'rlm"H HalI' . " 1101' ever Ime\v It leCt n ulesslng there. For deep within each heart there lies 'l'he germ of precious Recti ; And wistful. tender. grew the e 'es Of ono who chancpd to read The pleading words : "For Old Tlmo's salw , " 'Vlth pathoR nnd with Imln. Snd mom'rleR In her ureaRt dId wako , T..hal night not sleep ngnln , For through the 'ears there seemell to altt nrlght thoughts of other days. Un tll there came the little rltl \Vhero friends wallie I ) spparnto wa's , 'l'he heart owns what the lip denies , Held close hy Prlde'H stem I II 1ers. : . And softlr. sings : " 'rruo lovu no'or dies. Its answorlng echo IIngors , And so at last. for Old ' 1'lmo's snlte , 'l'ho one wrote wordR full tonder. ! 'splto n vow she once did mnltc , Since llano would Imow the HIHHer : The othcr read thnt vnl'ntlno. Nor gllcR.Red that tearR nnd kIR f' 'Wero fnlrly mlnJlod : In caeh . line n ' ono whoso ) I\mo sh. . ml'lolPR. ! -LILLA W , HICln I 'n- - - - , " " ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' a plnlt saucer I > > which reposed n ver/ largo heart , Underneath was the Ill- vltntlon : ' 1'holl. Indy of the chnf1nlr < 1IRh , I'd stnke much on lh ' ( 'oolorr : Tnlm my heart , m ' vlllenllno. And serve It In th ' lIoukpr ' . An eng'agod girl once made the mis , take of bidding her fiance good night on a part of the pluzza which WIIS so lighted as to throw their shudows clearly on the snow. On I'eb. 14 , to her amazement , she recoh'od rl'llre- sentatlons of that go 011 night In sll- houottes , water color and pen anel Inlt lira wings , all so well done thnt tbo participants could not bo mlstalwn. 'l'h star golf plnyel' received from nn ndmlrlng freshman , with n framed copy of a Gibson girl : Thollgh ) 'ou nre no cnd , You lIeed a cllddle ; 81nco that IR YOIII' fael. Let mo ho that laddie , There are college maldons who h'1..o the "prom habit , " which mt > ans that they have numerous Invitations " - " - - - " ' _ _ . . -l. , t.tL- to proms at the mon's call egos , and are constantly nsl < lng leave of absence - sence to attond. Ono of these maid. ons recolved a bunch of leave-of-ab- sonco blnnlts , cunnlngy ] coplod In pen and Ink , and each ono WIlS made out , the set giving 1101' permission to go to proms In every college In the coun' tr ) ' . The eternal fomlnlne crops out In the Iteon observation of pecullarltlos of dress. 'fhe girl who docs not ItCep her s ] < lrt and bolt prOlJorl ) ' t'astenod In the baclt , recolves un onorl11ous safe , ty pin ; the girl who lloses by wearIng - Ing her hall' In a hrald down her buele recolves a water color of a tiny girl with an Immense Illgtnll , and the girl who affects mannish attire rocelves a tiny pair of trousers. Some of the seniors who are begin. nlng to reallzo that college fl'lendJhlps will soon ho m'or , send one a11othor poems of friendship wrltton on ordinary - dinary statlonory , and art students often send a hit of tholr worlt to ' 11. particularly holoved friend. Photo' graphJ of college scones are sent to alumnno , and populnr members of the facult ) ' recolvo Ilrotty gifts , Dut for the greater 11l\rt , the college valen. tlno Is a college joltC. TO MAKE THE JUNIORS HAPPY. - V1IIentines Always Welcomed by the Little Ones. IfJ you Imow nny chlitlren , ! Jend thorn vnl ntlnos-as quaint ones , brimming over with nonsense and fun , as you can find. And send to every child you ] mow-there novoI' was a youngster ) 'et who didn't loolt forward to getting them , and bo bitterly dlsappolntl'd If the ) ' failed to matel'lallze , And , then , at school thore's a hubbub of "no v many did you get ? " , Since levers decided to share the da ) ' with children , do ) 'our shnro tor the wee ones , nt least. Ono girl hit upon a clever way of I hn vlng IInrtners , chosen hy mnlting her i , Iwn dnnco cards , which hnd thd pent - t ells tlell to them , ach two with a dlf , , fcrent color. She had gone to a .grent deal of trouble to find out whitt each glr ] was going to wpar and had the ribbons to mntch the dresses In as man ) ' cases ns Ilosslhle.It 'fho mon ahe I11nde cheese a color anll then sent Ihem off to find the girls their rlbbol1s matchell. On the front of. the cards were sltetched , III pen nnd Inl ( , two hparts , with an nrrow through them , pinning thorn together - gether , and vcrses , That on the girls' cnrds was : 'l\lon the m..rrr lads nlls"'mhled hero 'l'helo' II . onu whosu rlhbon matchell thIn. . : Cupid will hrlM him to theo , dear , ' ] ' 0 ho thl ! ! eve th ' vnlentlne. 011 these for the men : 'Mom th m..rry maills nRsombled llcre 'J'hl'ro' ono whose rlllbon matches thlno : 00 Reel ( her (1utlnrt she /lhall bo , I or nil thfs o.e. thy vl\l'ntine. I'tllt ! Cupltl. lJlayect great havoc tho.t nlghtI , . . . . . . . . , ' . . . . . . :1080. : : _ , 1.:4" : WL. COUNTESS ASKS , , -OR DIVORCE , Daughter of Jay Gould Will No , LonDcr ' .Ive With Castellnnc. PAIUS-Colll1lII 110111110 CllbtC'llaue ( formort ) . AUl1a GoultD ( 'nll'I'oll n 1I101t for dlvor'o. n6PI'p'II'ntntl\'el ! ' ! or the countl'l'IR ' nllll the ( 'ount 1I111)'nre(1 ) ( be- fot'l ! .Tudge HlIIt'1 ] ) jltt' or Iho l'Ol1rt of fil'lit IlIstnl1l'l" who , In rourjl'mlt ' wltlt the lo'l'elH'h lit w , en 11 Pit \'ored to n rl'fine a concillntlon hl'fol'o nttowhl/1 / ; n lIefl- nlto 8111t t OIJrOcI'l'tI , It Is ! ! nhl on IIn. qllC"sllonahlo I1l1thOl'ity that .1111111:0 : Ditto's olTorts were not su'eI'l8fu ' ] , th ( 'ountos8 nhsolutoly IIl'cilllln to I'l'- SUmo her rl'lntious with her hU1'lhnllll. ' aUII thnt nfTor l'l'lll'ntctl hul vnln nt- tel1111ts h ) " COllul 110 CI1Rtellnllo'g 1111. visors to n1'1'augo n sottlomont. the rOllrosontntlvos or the count nnlll'oun , ) tess left the court 111111 tlte slIlt will 11rococd , Another jue1ll'll\I cffOl't at rl'(1Iwliln. lion will almost ( 'crlnlnlr Ito mntlo ho , fore the suit comes to t I'lnl In the 01\ , 11Inar ) ' cour80. I No 1I0cllllon hns h1'11 rparllcll rola. tiyO to the oventul11 cURtlHly of the children or the ( 'ollnt mill ( ' ( jUUtI'RS , hut helng untlol' I1go they will for the 1II'I'S' ont naturnlly remnln In the cal'o of the mothol' . l.'l'imllls of the COllnt nnll Countess 110 Cnslellalle oXll1'ess ] ltt\o \ hope tlmt nny IlIljust ml'nt of tholl' 11If- fereneos will ho hrought nhout. GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS ARE SATISFACTORY WASIIING'I'ON - 'l'ho monthh' statement of the ' ' ' gO\'t'nt11ont receillts anll oXllonelltut'OR received Pl'ltlny shows a ( 'PIHlItion of the trensul' ' which Is omlnontly sallsfnctOl' ) ' to the ontclnls. Ono 'l'nr ngo thel'C' was a tloficlt of m'OI' $ : ! SriOO.OOO , which has now heon retlucl'11 10 loss than $3- .10,000 with the lll'O.Dect thnt this amount will bo entlrey ] willed out within the noxt'1.hlt.ty days. 'l'llis 1m- .111'0vod contlltlon Is tluo almost on , tlr b' to the largo Incl'oases In cus. toms anil internal ro\'enuo receillts. 'rho mbnthh' clrculntlon statement Issued II ) ' the cot11ptrollor of the cur. renc ) ' ahows thn t nt the CIORO of husl- ness . 'Tanuar ' 31 , ] ! l01i , the total clr'u- latlon of natlonnl hnnk notes was $5.18,230,08 , whlC'h Is nn Increase for the yonI' of $7ri.807,227 , nnd an in , crease for the month of $2,316,733. WANT SOME CARNEGIE AND ROCKEFELLER MONEY - - - - - - OKJAIIOMA CITY , O. T.-I ollow- Ing the nnnounemont that Dr. ErnoRt nynum of the OItlahol11n unlvorslty would tnlo a l1osltlon with Ellwortlt unlyerslty In thlJ city , Dr. Bradford , chancellor , said Umt ho and Dr. Dy- num woultt leave for the enst nnd accompanied - companied hy 1\11' . Shnw , socretnr ' of the treasury , would visit Andrew Car. noglo and John D. nocltofeller for the II11l'lOse of soliciting these mon for endowments - dowments for the l pworth university. BRUSH WITH CHINA. Officials at WashIngton See Serious Trouble. W ASnlNGTON-Wnr between the United Stntes and Chinn Is hoglnnlng to ] oole Imminent. nellOrts continuo to pour Into the dopnrtmont of state from dipomntle ] nnd conswtr agents In Ohlna regarding the rapid Increase of feollng ugalnst AmorlcnnR , us ox- 111'0sse < 1 In ollicts Issuell b ) ' ] ocal authorities - thorities In various 11l\I'ts of the em- 1111'0. I or six months the situation In Chlnl\ . has been the subject of very gonulne concern to the dopartmont. and the Amorlcnn minister at Polling Is under Instructions to lccop Wnshlng- ton thoroughly , and frequently In , fOl'melJ of the situation. HARRIMAN INTERESTS AFTER ILLINOIS CENTRAL NI W YOHK-'fhe JIeralrl says : "It was ] earnoll In thIs city thnt there are many Indications thut the I11lnols Central - tral railway h a llOen ncqulred hy In' terests Identified with the JInrrhnan i arty. It hus heen Imown for some tlmo thut the I11lnols Central holdings In the hands or this pnrty l1avo been firured ns high liS ] ( jO.OOO shares of a par vnue of $1 ( jOOOOOO. According to statements mudo hy , persons who are In a position to Inspect the trang , for bool < s of the Illinois Central there Is ovhence ] there that goo.'i fill' toward - ward confirming the story of a mer- ger. LIve Stock In Transit Bill. W ASIIINGTON-'fho aeml.to commit- tco on Intel'stato commerce on I"rlday decided artCr a confel'enco to asle to have referrCel ! to that commltteo the hl11 of Senator Hepburn , providing that , on roqllel > t ot the owner , IIvo stoelt mny ho In transit thirty-six hoUl's Instead of twenty-eight. as now pro\'lded l ) ' III w , without unloading. 'rho measure had heen sent to the com. mlttee on ngl'lculturo nnd forestry , hut the question was ono with which the Int'rstato commerce commltteo desir- cd to Ilonl. Death Sentence by Mall. KIF.l I"--'lany . 'Tews here have rOe ( 'olve < l by mall sentences of death In the name of the Pan-Russlnn league In defense of the holy cross. A gl''at ) Janlc provalls nmong' the , Tewish population - ulationvho nro oXllecting a renewal of an antlJewlsh excesses , To Abolish Capital Punishment. S' } ' . pgTlmSDUIW-Tho abolition of cnpltnl 1l11nlshment h ) ' the civil tribunals - unals of Husala , whIch was ono of tbo main lIerdands of reform parties , will 800n bo an accomplished fact. , " " , , , , , , , , , , - . : ' ; . . . : .r. . " : . 'u.L\ . .1.r : : , I.aw.r.f.oi ; : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , , " , - ' , neptlles In Winter , FrtJgs nnJ : hmlls l'nn 81nl1 < 1 freezIng - Ing I\n < 1 thawing 1\ few til11M , though the o"Ilorl.nce ; ! ! ( 'ems to hevcnrln , ; , " all 11\0st \ of lhl't11 Muccumb after repented - pented trlnll'l. ' .TU8t how fmallOfI ] Jass the wlulor wo 110 110t ] mow. Two or thl'oo Slloclll1lnlll or th common strip- ' " , (111 8nul < o which WI' hll\'o du from ! ! tltlO hoapM In the winter I\Pllonrad to he fro1.on 8urr , tholll th > IIntUl'nl re- IJtlgllnnce to the I'optllos IJrOvolltoll close ob8er\'ntioll.-BxchaIlI0. Swinging In Mlddlo ADes. In the mlddo' ] ngos swlnga were hUllg h ' all Ingonltl ! ! 11\1 11 Y dovlce. 'fho rope was paseed ever a grovoll , w1\ool \ that was fastl'noll to the coil. Ing h ' a hl'nclOl. The 0110 who WI\R swlnglnA' was not ollly pushed , from bohllHl h ) ' 0110 of his follows , hut W\ ! . \ ' . al o hopoll ] fl'OI11 the front b ) ' striking with his fet the olltl'ltrotched foot . of al1othor comrnllo. This Aport wno favorite 1ll\Rtimo of lJages. j Forest Areof Siberia. Siberia has the hhgest forest nrel\ of nn ) ' C011111t.y on enrth , 'ol the tim' her for the construction of the cast- om end or the transSlborlan railwuy came from the Unit d Statl's. It WM hl'ought frOln Oregon , hehlA' shllllied , acmSB to Vladlvostol ( , thence trnns. pOl'lt'll hy rail to the hal1les of n trlhu , tary of the Amur allel 10adOlI Into barges to bo towed to Its Ilostlnatloll. " . . The world's reurl ' use of pOlltcl\rlls Is enormous. German ' uscs 1,1j1,000- ( 000 , the UnIted Slates 770i00OOO [ , Great Brltnlll ( j1:1OOOOOO. : As to lot- tel's , howQ\'l'r , thl' Unltell Stales Is ( ar nheall of nil ot1wr C'ol1l1trlofl. The tolnl nUl11hel' of lottl'1's { lostell hero durin ! ; ] ! l0:1 : wns ,1,10.lOOOooo. ! A TRULY DEAL WIFE HER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER VIR'orou Henlth 10 the Grtmt Source ot power to InBplro fiud Encouro.llo- AU Women Should 6001 : It. Ono or the mol'll. ' noted , successful nm1 rlehest 11\l'11 of thlll : CUlllul'ylu n. l'eccnt n1'tlele , luLU ( mid , " Wlmtovcr I mn nnd whntovcr BucceSIi 1 luwc uttnlned in thiH worlt1 I ewe uU to my wlIo. I'rom ! the day I first lenahOl' she hns beell un 1118)I1'ntlol1 ) , IUlll the g'1'Ca.tCI t. . ho1p- maW of my lite. " , , .It1r/13eJslo o 4illS'ley To bo suoh n. I > ucccsstul wlCo , to 1'0- : tnln the 10vo antl admiration of lieI' Imsba.nd. to in spire him to maleo the most of himself , should bo n. woman's consta.nt study , If 0. womnn f1nll t.1mt bor energies 11.1'0 flagging , thnt she gets cnstly tired. dark shn ows uppcar uu < 1or her eyes , silo has ba.clmeho , hClulaches , benrIng- dOWll pl11u8 , nervousness , irregula.rlUes or the blues , she should start nt once to build up her system by n. tonio v1th specific pOWOI'S , suoh ns Ly ln. E. Pink- ham's VIJgut.nhlo Compound , . . 1'ollowlng ! wo publish by request II letter from n. young' wito : Door : Mrs. Plnldlllm : II Ever "Inco lilY cblltl was horn I lmvo sur. fcrocl , os I hOJlo few women ever havowlth In- flammatlou , fcumlo'paknUSR , hoarlndown pains , Imclrnchu allll wrctclwd hCllIlaches. U I fl.'Ct.cd my stomach ro I coullluot enjoy my meals , nud balf lilY tlmo wns RptJut In 001. II Lydia E. PJnkham'/i Vp eulllc Compound mnllo mo n 'fell woman , nnd I fl.'ol so grat.cruJ thnt I am gll\ll to wrll.o . I1ml ton you of my marvelous rOCOVl'ry. It hrought 1110 hcnltli , now lIfo nnd vHuH1 > 11'8 , Be le Ainsley , all Houth 10th Streot. Tncomn , 1\'n.qh. What Lyelln. . Pl111duuu's Vegetable Compound dl for 1\1rs. \ Ainsloy it w111 do for every siele llullai1il1g womnn. If ; yon have symptoms you don't un- derstmHl wl'ito to Mrs. Plnlehnm , 11Imghte1'-ln-law of Lyillu. Eo Pinlcham , nt T.Juu , MIlRS. llcr u vicu is free nnd alwl1Ys helpful. . IILLS PAIN. Dr. EARL S. SLOAN. 015 Albnny Street , DOllton , Mnll" , U amlcte.t wltb lThcmp"on's Y/ltar . EYI lOre eve. , u.e r i.I W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 6-1906 , . - . , , . ; - ' \ ' , _ 't ' Jj : . " . l . . . , , it < io , ' _ _ _ _ - - : < .1 - " 'u- " , r ' ' ' ' '