Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 15, 1906, Image 2

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nOlmN BOW , - . NEnHA \ '
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L Gcneral News J
- - - . - _ . - . .
The main hURItIRR hOURI'S In I1all.
vllo , 'fx" wI'ro dOIJtroyoII hy flro.
The loss's uggr'gnlo $ GO.OOO.
'fho 1I0nnlo IIOR8011 the consulur 1'0 ,
orgunlzlltlon bill , which , In ntJ101Hlo ( )
for 111 , waR rOllortl'\ ( \ from the cOlllllllt.
tee On foreign reilltlons.
'fho nUol'ney general ot Missouri
began suit ugnlnst the Western Union I
'I'olegrnllh cOIIIIHlny for the collection. .
of hacle tnxes IIlIIountlng to $ : l8Sn.33 :
The secretary of the Intorlor has or.
derell the lensing of SIIOOO acres 01
the Klown , Comllncho nrul AIlIlCho
lands In Oltluhoml fOI'llrlcultural
IJ\1l'Jloss. \
'rho Cuhan hous ( ' of representntlves
nlloplell unllnllllously nnd without dls.
cusslon the sOl1l\I.o hili npproprlntlng
$25,000 for n wedding Ilrosent to Mias
Allco Uoosovolt.
The I'IIt1ro 1IIIInt of the Hohes Mnn.
ufncturlllg company , Uhlcno ! , mnlcors
of IJlcturo fmmeH and cIII'tuln Iloles ,
was dl'8troyod hy fire , entulllng Il loss
of $ lGOOOO ,
Futher .John of Kronstadt , the worili.
famous religious leallor , donles thut ho
hns made oxtrnvagant clahna t ( dl.
- vlnlty , hut malws no UUOIIIpt to reply
t "the all1ndlrs Ilrlnted nbout hllll.
Rellre8entatlvo Burlco ot SOl1th Da.
kot\ . Introduced n hili antllOl'llng the
, flecrotury of the Interior to Icaso GOOO
ncres of the 11IIblic domahl to ho used
. oxcluslvoly I\S IlIsturo for natlvo buf-
Plans for bulldhlgs ntlli I 111 JI rove-
ments nt the naval trnlnlng stntlon , to
cost $2,000,000 , nro oullitlell In the report -
port of the commandnnt , who urges
nn Immedlato nlllll'olll'latlon of $7 O-
000.When the emplo'es of the Plrst Na.
tlonal bnnk of Tallhnna , I. 'I' . , entered
the building the ether morning they
found that the safe , which contnlned
3,000 , hall Goon d'namilod amI its
contents stolen.
. Anthony 1\1atro of St. Louis , nntlonal
; secrelary of the AmerIcan Poderatlon
of Catholic ! lOcletlos , pnnouncod that
; the nntlonnl convention o [ the federa.
tlon wlII bo hold nt DUffalo , N. y" July
29 to : u of this year.
President Arthur ' 1' . Hndley of Ynlo
I college was the guest of honor nt the
Rnnual dinner of UIO Ynlo Alumni as.
I soclntlon of C1ovoland , Ohio. lIe re-
j sponded to the toast " 1 or God , [ or
! Country nnd for Yale. "
A wl\go Increase of approximately 7
per cent , In which lGOO , emJllo'es 1mI"
tlclpl\to , wont Into effect On the Dos.
ton & Maine railroad system. 'fho
chnngo Ilrrects the Jrelght conductors
nnd frclght bralccmon.
Announce > ment was made of the sale
of $20,000,000 of 4 pOI' cent bonds hy
the Ponus'lvanlll company to hnnlcors
of Now Yorle. The funds from t'lC
sale of the bonds al'o to bo used fOl'
construction alld other IlIIrllosos 1I0t
The supreme court of the United
8tl\te8 refused to grant lenvo to Ioon.
I ard Imbodon and J. A. 11111 to file Jle.
tltlono fOI' wrils of hnben8 corJlUS ,
! They arc under srntonco to Imprison.
\ mont for ten years In the Colorado
I ponltontlary.
: I. L. Druor , a pioneer merchant 01
, Dancroft , 11Is holloved to hllvo heol1
i lost In UIO wrecle of the Vnlo' .Jlu. on
I VanCOU"IOr coust. 1\11' . Druor hnd wl'll-
" ton his family that ho , Intended to snli
: on the lII.fatod stcamer , nnd nothln
i blls slnco boon heard from him.
; StolS were taleon by Jnmos Osborne
! oounael for Normnn Hapgood , odilO1
; of Colllor's 'Veelely , In his recent tria
I on a charge of criminal IIbol , to follo\\
up UIO disclosures nmdo b ) ' wilnessol
I In the 'hearing of that case and co.op
, crate wilh District Attorney Jerome
The Atlanta , Dlrmlngham & Atlantic
railroad flied a mortgl\go with the 111'0
bate judge ot , Jefferson county , Aln
barna , for $30,000,000 to the Old Col
any Tnlst COIllJlany of Now Yorle fOI
the pmposo of COmlJloting the Jlro
posed IIno between Dlrmh ham , Aln.
to runswlcle , Ga" with 'llnes to Mon
The coroner's jnry which has beOl
Investlgatfng the wreck of a Santn 1"1
passenger trnln near Chllllcolho , III"
which resulted In fonr deaths. foune
John S. Smith of the IIlocle signal stn
tlon nenr ChlllcPtho gulll ) ' of sms
carelessness 11I111 Incolllpotenc ) " . COil
ductor G. P. Weatherwat of the IHU
Bengel' train Is nlso ccnslII'ec\ \ .
Llollt. Gcm. ChRffeo wl1bo \ III ace ,
on the roUred list of the army nt hi
own request. utter nbout fOI'tr.fiv
yenrs' 8 rvlce. Gen,1'Il1 and 1\11'1
Chaffeo nnd 1\IIss Chaffoo wl\1 \ leav
Washington for Moxloo' CIt ) . , wher
they wl1\ \ remain ulltII May 1 nox
Later III the sllmmcr they wlltaleo \ \I
tholr permanent rcsillenco at Los AI
geles , Cal.
President Roosovoll rocolved nbol' '
sixty memobrs of Camp A , Wheelor' '
Confederate cnvalr ' . of Allanta , Ga.
A convontlon , Ilttendocl ) ' GOO dell
cates trom various pal'ts of the state
met I\t Topolcn. . to consider plans f ( ]
balding Il seml.contennlal eXlloslUo
In 1911 ,
Justlco Gould , In criminal court r
'Washington , overruled the pleas I
, abatement ot State Senator George ]
, Greene of Now Yorl { nnd W. P. Dol'
plus to the IndIctments c nrglng tile !
with conspIring to dotraud the govor !
ment In tbo turnlsblnc ot postoffie
> > u plleB ,
\ . ' .
. . .
The Itlcr'nJo In the crop roturn" of
the Canmllun Wcst , In the past seven
) 'cur > > has olJpro\chcd : the mnrvoloUc ! ,
IInc\ \ there Is 110 reason to bellevo the t
0. corrospondlng IncreuKo wl1\ \ not re.
suit for tltallY ) 'ours to comu. The In.
crol1so has heon partlculurl ) ' notlceuble
In what 'IIS forlllerly Imown liS the
North west 'l'errltorI08 , but which , on
September 1111 , 1J01i ! , hccamo the provo
Inces of Alberta n nd SaHleatchcwan.
} . 'rom the oll1clnl retU1'II1I wo find the
following rosulls In the IIcrougo sown
to wheul , ootn ulld hurley , In the
years tltl'ntlonell , 01111 a moro favor.
able ahowlng cannot bo lJOlntol1 to
In any other countl'y during 11 1Ileo
Whoat. Oals. Darloy
lSJS ! . . . . .307li80 101i,077 17OJ2 !
lSJ ! ! ! . . . . .363,523 131JaS ! 101,276
1900 . . . . .412Sj.J ( 17G,43J ! 17,04-1
1J01 ! . . . . . 04fiJ7 ! 22J,439 ! 201,702
1J02 ! , . , . .G21i.7 S 310,367 3G,445
1903 . . . . .837,23.1 HOGG2 G8JH !
190.1 . . . . . ! JGIili4J ! G23G3.1 8l 'l
'I'ho ) 'lo1d hal ! been IInlformly good
every ) 'our exceJlt 1J00 ! , when there 1111.
pellrs to have Iwcn n slulllp all along
the lIae. 'I'h I 1-1. however , wes moro'
than cOlllpommtml 101' In the following
) 'oar , whel1 the bUlllper crop In wheat ,
oats and harley IIut the returns of all
previous ) 'ears cOlllplotely In the shac\o \
nnd gave UI1 Itnlletus to solllement In
the wcat which hus Ilrevallod to the
present , us thd following table by
bushels wl1\ \ show :
Wheat. Oats. Darloy.
lS9S . . ,542.178 3,0'10,307 40111.512
189 ! ! . . GJ1G,023 ! 4l SG,03 337,1i21
1J00 ! . . 4,028,2H ! 4,2G,11i2 : ! 3 3,21G
101 ! ! . .12,808,4-17 11.113OGG 7JG,100 !
1J02 ! . .1 , ! J1i1 8 O 10l Gl,295 970,417
1003 . .lG.02J,14J ! ! 1U79,70i ! lS-I2,82.1
1JO.1 ! . .In,8 li , 37 1G,3:12G51 : 2,205.13.1
It will ho aeon that the numhor ot
acrcs sown to w/leut / , oa\ \ ; ; and hurley
In 189S WIIS ,12,7.1O ! ! , IInd thnt this hllll
Increosod In lJO.I ! to 1G87,337. 'I'ho
total crop In the cereals lIIent onlJd
was IJ,033,297 buahels In lSJ8 ! , und In
104 ! ! It hull rown to the mnnlficont !
totnl of 35,413,522. In the year just
closed the "forward movement" In
the ugrlcult1ll'0 ot the west has been
the woillier aUlI envy of the world.
Now sections ot the country hy.vo
be on placed under trlbulo to the ptow
an.l hal'row , and the grain nrea has
been largely Incroased. This Is par.
tlculnrly the case where It has been
demonstmtod that "Albortn. Rcd" win.
tor wheat may bo successfully grown ,
nnd along' ho lines of tlto now rail.
wnys towards the centro of the coun.
try , where mixed farming provalls.
The future of the Canadian West
Is nssll1'ed , aUlI for ) 'ears to como It
Is bound to bo the land of promlso to
the agriculturist of every nation nnd
of every clime , anll the lund of 0111101'-
tunily to every settler within Its
l"ullost Information can bo secnred
from any Canadian Government
Agont. '
Womell get ubout us IIIl1ch out ot
I Ufo as Is to bo found for the Icast pas.
alblo cost to themsolvos.
Frank P. J..owls hils rccontly returncll
from n through the hest tol)1\cco ) soc.
tlons trl\1 \ nR ever the Jrowln fields. 1IJ
noted the bl'st Cl'OpS 1\1111 ollgagctl thcmi
uUll " ,111 JO latf'l'to wlltch the cnrlll 11I11
paclduJr of IlIImo. He also. whllo thJl'e. ex.
, nmlned some of his IlIrgo hohlhlJs of ohl to'
bacco nnd fonntl this to ho HI'owhlf. ; riehm'
ill CJnllllt\ ; " every llll ' . ' .I'ho , Lowls Slnglc
BII1I1er fllctory III'Ohly \ controls \I1orc
fallcy Hrade1 tohaecothllll nny other cigar
, fllctory In the United Htatcs , SmollOl's 01
Sluglo Blndol's have ovhlently lCllrnCll this
fact which IIC,01lnt8 for the over inel'cns'
In 11cm1l\11I1. In splto of the fllct that the
fllctor801l11s out no travollng salesman tf
boom 'it9 Jood ( ) uallt ) . to the trado. th (
Single Bhlllol'Salcs real'lletl 80ven mllllol' '
laRt ' ( 'ar 11I111 will C'Xf'cl1 clght mlliloll it' '
1\10 \ : . ' ! 'ho Single Bindel' 801\8 \ itself. 1"01 "
twenty.threoI1ollths this flwtory hils Im(1l
, bohll\l lu Its Ol'dUl's.-1Iel'ttlcl-7'I'UlISCI'ilJt
South Amerlcn. has about twlco UIC
nrell and nhout oUQ.hnlf the 11011ula
tlon of the United states.
Many Children nro Sickly.
MotherGra1I Swcot PoWtlol's fUl'Chlhlrcn
usell br MotlltJr Ot'a ) ' , " I\\II'SO In Ohl1l1l'ou'l
11011I0 , NuwYorlc. 1'\\1'0 1' orI5Itncss , lIeall
ucho , Stolllauh " ! 'I'Oubles , ' ! 'eothlug nls
ordors. Urealc lip Collis "uti Dostl'O ) ' 'Vorllls
.At all Drllglsts' ! , ) c. Sl\lIIplo mullcll PHl 1 ! :
Ad t'oss Allcn S. Ollllstod , Lo lto ' , N. Y
Only 75 1101' cout as ml1n ' chllllrel
are ooru In I < : ngland now as wor
born thirty years ago.
Important to Mothors.
] : : xnmlno corefully every bOILlo ot O\STORtA ,
n eato nnd ellro rcu1c y tor lufants IIt1li cl1l1 r n ,
IUld eotl 111o ! It
I1l'oretha /11 # . # . -
Signoluro ot # 7,1-
In Veo lror Ovcr 30 Ycure.
.rho mud You 11n\'o Alwl1a Douglt ! ,
The prlncipallly of 1\lontonegro I
the only country In Europe whleh pO !
sesses no rnllwn's whatsoover.
Acne Dy p&p.sln Curo.
l'o.IUn rure ror "II < 11. . ' ' ' . . . . nr II0III"'h. Unr. . .11
IJ bowel. . U" ' 'lIIuu'lId. , ' hy " . " ,11111 : "h.I'I"II' . 'fl
l' ruro thaI . 'Uft. . . 100 I..Llol. tI.oO. 11"11" IUOIIOY "It
onlt'r W ACI11t' DY llopslo CUrD Co. , Ironl [
's ' Jewels on Mahomet's Tomb.
1\Iahomot's tomb Is covered wit
) . jewels worth $12,500,000.
) .
11' rlso's Cure tor ConslIlIIllUOII Is nil IlIfnUlb
11 medlclno tor cOllll1l8 nllll cohl1.-N. , V. SUIUE :
Ocean Grove , N. J. , l cb. 17 , 1000.
. t.n 'I'ho moon nffects the tldo anll t1J
: < J. untied ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
0" TO CUlm A cOI.n IN O H : IMY
Taka L X 'I'I VI : IIHO IU ( 'falhlote. Urn
ru 1t1.1. rurund 1II0110Y Ir It lnlnlnu \ curo. . , ,
[ 1. OlIOV ' II\uauru \ S. OU uacl1 hux. 20. ;
:0 :
A woman's ndjecllves 111'0 alwn )
largoI' tban bel' Idoas.
. .
. . . . . .
. n . .
, .
J.INCOI..N.-Aroucd . hy the utter.
ances o [ Covel'nor Duneon , Governor
l\l1cleoy doclnred against lIlo fl'eo rail.
rend lIUSS. 110 aald :
"I am oPpo cd to any of my np.
polntees accepting pusses , and I he. I
1I0vo my vlows are well l < npwn on
this muller. I hn.vo It not , nnd nelthor
will I , asle any ono of them to return
any pass ho mil ) ' havo" howover.
"Tho deputy all InsllOctors do not
rldo 011 IIMSOS. It has heen customary
tor n. requcst to be made of the rail.
roads for passes for these state em.
ployos. who have to do a lot of trav-
ollng , hut this year I did not maleo tho'
request , anll nolthor did the roads ex. '
tend the passes , I told the Inspectors
that 1 would not ask for passes for I
them , and for them to buy mileage' '
booles and charge them to the state.
This the ) ' did , and they are now riding
on mlleago hooles.
" 1 do not Imow how many of my
nplJOlntoes nro riding on IlaSSCS , and
I have not hothered myself nbout the
matter. When the rellllbllcan state
convontlon went on record against thQ
pnss ovll I look that ns the sentiment
of the ropubllcan pal'ty , and I acted
accorlllngly. I did not think It my
duty to toll nnyono else whether ho
could rldo on a pass or not , and nel.
their hn.vo I the authority to say that
an'one shaH not rldo on a pMS.
"As far as I am concerned , my ap.
polntees Imow my feelings In tltls mat.
tor , but they are , nt perfect IIherty tenet
net according to tholr own Judgment ,
I shall not interfere with them , hut If
rOI\1hllcan offi'eholders are consistent ,
not Il ono of them wUl accept a pass
from Il railroad cOlllllany , "
LINCOTN.-Recelpts at the state
treasury for the month of , Jnnuary will
exceed oxpendltures by at least $150"
000 , acconllr.rr to the report of State
Treasurer 1\Iortenson , just Issued. A. .
balance of the amount mentioned 0.1.
ren.dy Is shown In the general fund. .
nlono , whllo other funds wlII show corresponding -
responding Increases In proportion to
tholr slzo and Importanco. The month
Is ono of the heavy business ones of
the year for the dopartmont. and 1'0-
clopts nro vcr ) ' heavy. The hall1nco of
cash on hl1nd in the permanent educn. .
tlonal funds Is very small , Indlcntlng
thnt the funds are hclng leoJlt well In.
vested hy 'freasuror 1\Iortonscn. Many
bonds nnd warrnnts have been pur.
chased nS Investments slnco tllO first
of the yen.r. The department also hn.s
rotlrod n. largo nmount of outstanding
gonornl fund warrants , the total approximating -
proximating . $175,000. A hlocle of $7S , '
000 of the Idnho state bonds recently
purchnsed for Investment of the POI'-
mnnent school funds was recolvod and
paid for h ) ' the treMurer.
Game Warden's OfrIce Pays.
Game 'Varden Carter hns do no : \
thrift ) ' bU91noss : lurlng the past year ,
nnd the fines ( 'ollectell nnd the fees
paid Into his ofil'o hn. vo IJald the ex-
, Ilonses of the dpartment. The licenses -
censes anll fees for the ) ' ( 'ar amounted -
ed to $5.371 , ' a dlffm'C1H'o of $3,0-17 In
, fa\'ol' of the RtatJ. The CXllenses do
I not Inchilio what wns RIJOnt at the fish
hatcheries , hut this will not amount to
11101'0 thnn " $ .1,000. Last rear the 11.
censes I\mollntell to $5.88.1 , whllo this
rear $1 , riU waB roallzed from lIcensos.
Pines last rear amounted to $2,110.
I -
. PilSsenger I.eaves Baby Behind.
. , NOm OI..K-A . woman pa.ssenger on
. lho westhollnd Northwesll'rn train
running from Chlcngo to the Dlack
lIllis , left the train for n moment
here , ran to the nearest hOllsa. dl'Oppod
Il pl\'Jmgo on the dOl'slep and then regained -
gained the train. The 11\'I\I1go : was
fOllnd to bo a tiny hahr girl. with darle
" blno e'cs. It waB at the hOlllo of Con-
ductOl' Ed Allams and will 'bo 11011t.
The wOlllnn wont on west Ilnd has not
bQm fOllnd nor hoanl froll1 slnco.
Chinese Remember Mickey. .
Governor l\Ucl\Oy was the roclplont
of Il nlco Chlneso'nso , the Hlft of 'l'al
lIung and Tuan Fling , the head of the
Chlneso cOll1l11lsslon now tourln
, , AmorllWllh the vase ( ' 1111I0 Il lot ,
tor thanlt1ng the go\'ernor anl the lICO'
plo of Lincoln for the entl'rtnlnn1'nt
gl\'on to the commission whllo In Lln.
coin for ono dar recent ! ) ' .
Horse ThIef' Confesses
AI\IA.-I"runle Holts , IIlIas Frel1
Flolda , was arrested hero for stealln11
two horses from Will Frost of PhehH
county. After putting Hells In the
sweatbox for S0ll10 tlmo ho ( 'onfessel ]
where the horses were and that h (
toolc UlOm , 110 was tallOlI to . 1101
drego for trial.
Makes Public Confession.
h LBXlNGTON.-Ollo of the most ox
trnol'lllnnrr rovlval meotlllgs ever hoh' '
In tllls soctlon Is now hi progl'ess
10 Among these who made. > IlII llc pro
t. , fosslons of rellgloll wns Il ) 'oung mar
who confessed to a long list ot crlmel
ngnlnst the stato. 110 tohl of contlnu
Ie ous burglarle ! ! from grain houses It
IIohlrego , Nob. , b oaltlng Into hOUBeI
bero , slenllng coal from the Burling
ti ; tall nlH\ ether 1III\cos for whole Will
tors through nlll11orous I"tty stealln1S
which ho snld were so III an ) ' that he
' 8 could not romemlior them aiL
- - - - - - - -
- - .J
- -
David Ed'vards of Auburn g'ot his
nrm In a buzz a\V and was sorlously
'rho Cass County Teachers' assocln.
tlon will hold Il meeting In Loulsvlllo
1'obrul\ry , 10 ,
At n mcetlng of the Deatrlco Com.
merelal club st'ps were taleon to Ilros.
pect for 011 anll gas ,
Houses arc So scarce III 'Vood RIver
that In some cases two families are
occllprlng the same structuro.
Emil 1\Iowls , a progresslvo farmer
living north of West Point. sold In the
mnrlwt. two hogs weighing 1.100
IJOIllHI s ,
WIllnm ! Drown. Il rnnchmnn living
fifteen miles west of Ognllala , wns
found dead In tlto South Platte rlvor
In front of his rnnch.
1'rnnle Svehlll , whllo out hunting In
the timber along the hanles of the 1\Ils.
Bourl river Bouth of 1'latts\l1outh , shot
and Idlled n. largo I'od fox.
The loss on the Dempster plant ,
Deatrlce , which was dal11aged hy I1re
several days ngo was adjusted , the
amount bolng Illaced at $5,150.
The American Beet Sugar company
of Orand Island Is now busy malting
contrncts with the farmers for the rals.
Ing of hoets In lJOG. ! The prlco to bo
pn.ld Is $5 per ton.
The contest brought ngalnst County
Troasuror.elect C. E. Bowlhy of Sallno
county to test his eligibility to hold
the office for another' term , has been
doclded b ) ' the county ( 'ourt of Saline
county In favor of Dowlby.
l . Plpor , n. farmhand from 1\Iadlson ,
and O. ' 1' . Bottechor , an Ice chopper
from that place , were fiI'Tested at Norfolk -
folk and sent hack to l\ladlson 011 the
chnrgo of stealing $ 7GO from PhlIl11
Knapp , Plpor's omployor. Piper ad.
'mltted his guilt.
The report of the business done nt
the Union Pacific depot at Wood Rlvor
during the IMt ) 'ear shows nn In.
crenso of several thousand della s over
that of Inst ) 'ear. The exports were
1 2 cars more than last ) 'ear , whllo
the l\I1ports " , ere just the same. .
SheOI ) men about Wad Rlvor ha\'o a
lot of sheep ready for the marltot and
a train of severnl cal's will Iml.Vo for
Dlllrleot soon. 'fho wlntor has been
so excoptlonally. fine that the sheep
IHl\'o fattened rapldlr and are ready for
the mnrleot much earllor than usual.
John Stump , who was recently
brought to 1\IcCook from Sf. Louis for
fprgery. wns convicted and sentenced
In the ! llstrlct court nnd will servo
two and one.half ) 'ears In the penlten ,
tlary for forging three checls on Joh&
F. Helm , n. farmer of Rcl
Wllow county.
A wll'olcss telegraph station In Itear :
ney Is ono of the prohahllltics of the
near future. W. F. Conlelln , a repl'o-
sontatlvo of the DeForest Wireless
Telegrallh company , hns been there for
the purpose of arranging for opening
a statloll which will bo worked In can.
junction wlt.h a chain of stations which
extend across the continent.
W. II. Mast of Washington , D. C. ,
connected with the forestry sorvlce of
the Vntted States nndln charge of the
Dismal rlvOl' forest reserve In NebI'M.
1m , spent Il day last week nt Arbor
LOllgo , oxr.nlnlng the forestry and par.
Llcularl ) ' the evergreens of the es-
tato. 1\11' . l\last \ Is Inspe'tlng the nul'S'
erles o the mlddlo west for the gov.
ernment. .
Until the COlII'ts decldo differently ,
sheriffs \.ho charge under 75 cents a
! lny for feeding 11rlsonel's n.ftor they
0.1'0 convicted until they are brought to
the state penitentiary will have their
vouchers cut just 25 cents per dn ) ' ,
and they will not bo allowed rallroall unless they mo with the auditor
re'elpts showlIIg that the faro hns
br en paid.
James 0 , Dotts of Chltdron , who has
lately had trouble with his wlfo , tried
to shoot himself. hut was Ilrevented
by a man standing near Icnocltlng the
IJlstol froln Dott's hand. The nuthorl.
tics brought the raso up before the
Doal'll for the Insane , hilt sufilclent
grolllHI for holding hlnl'.could not bo
found , so ho Is loose ngah't ' nnd prlvl-
loged to 1,111 somobody. '
.John Mosor , for mon ) ' yonrs n resl.
dent of HlIl1Iholllt , who wns sent so , ' .
ernl months ego hy his Implement
comlll\ny to loole nHor their Interests
In Cnnadn , wr'tes now from Argon.
tlna. Soulh Aml'rlcn , where ho was
s'nt In Nm'embl'r on a slmllnr ms.
Rlon , That Is It great wheat country.
and : \ 11'Im \ er rellorts R0l110 Intorest.
Ing eqICril'l'eH : hoth On the war down
nnt ! sl1\1'o arriving Ihl'ro.
' 1'110 state BOI\I ( of Equallatlon nnd
Assessment hl'ld a meeting to discuss
the IIssessment. g\\J'y county asses ,
SOl' In the slat Is under the orders of
the boaI'll and n mlght . effort Is going
to bo made by the hoard this ) 'ear to
IJlnco ever ' dollar's wOl'th of taxable
proport ) ' In the state on the aBS'SS.
lIIent roll. The hoard ordered the
sorretary to formulate some Instru ( ' .
I . tlons to the county nsseB.ors and \l1'I 0
thom to do e\'orythlng In tholrOwer
to unco\'or hidden proport ' .
Dr. L. W. Stellley. n resldont of
. South Deatrl'e. was fined $30\,80 \ In p ( > -
111'0 court for ( ' \lollJllng \ down tre,5
within the city limits. As qulto anum.
. her of trees along the streets on out-
" 1)'lng lots have heen destrored latol ) ' ,
moro arrests nnd fines nro 1II,01y to
The state bllnlln dOlmrtll\ent has
nuUlOrlzel1 the following four statIJ
ban1cs to Incrcaso their CalJltal stocle :
. Arapahoe State bani , from $15,000 to
$2 , OOO ; Danle of Sargont from $10.000
, to $12,000 ; Bank of Ashton trom $ GOOO
) to $10,000 ; 1anle of Union from $5.000
to $10,000 ,
The Companlonablo Girl.
A companlonnhlo girl Is ono who Is
good compnny. But what mattes 1101'
so ?
After goodness of heart nnd true
uJlrightne8R of C'hnra't'r , which nl.
ways como first. she must bo an
agre'ahle : people to be really god and
agreoahl opeoplo to ho renll ) ' good and
conscientious nt huart whllo 1111 vlnl ;
unpleasant wa's , hut It Is n. thousand
Jlltlos not to bo pleasant IJcsldes.
"Why can't n.1I good people bo nice ?
questioned \'oxcll ) 'oung rlcrson otter
comIng In contact with ono who was
reallr good but not graciou. ! . _
' 1'0 bo ngroeablo means to bo rcn.dy
to agree , to ho of the sarno mind. Yet ,
If all Jleoplo thought exacUy the snmo
thing It would ho excessively stupid.
To ngreo has the better meaning of
to harmonlzo , nnd .ou' know that two
colors , qulto dlfferpnt from each other ,
may g'0 very well togethor. 'fhoy
Tlo companlonablo girl Is social. If
she Is glum and grumpy , she is a poor
companion. She Itlcos to tell her owrl
oxperlenco , hut she does not maleo It
n. poInt to keep at It continually n.nd
novel' let her nelghhor hnvo n chnnco
to toll hers , A gooll talleor should bo
n. good listener , nnd then she wl\1 \
command IIstonors the hotter herself.
The companloahlo girl Is symlla'
thetlc and has tact. If her frlond Is
In trouhlo 01' IlorploxHy she does not
rattle away In n lively fashion ahout
ever'thlng tinder the stln for which. .
the other doeB not care , but adapts
herself to her companldn's mood. .
Not Yet.
An eastern slngor , referring to a
trIp to the hereafter , says : "I shall
see Shelley and shalw hands with
I tat6.-And truly , that would bo a
gJ cat meetln ! But not o\'en to swim
with Shelley In a sca of glory , or to
sit with Keats. crowned , on n. loud ,
would wo IIIHlortalco that journe-
Atlanta Constitution.
Obligation Rests on All.
It is obligator ) ' upon decent people
to be obliging , an obligation to their
lIe ency bound tip In the noc ssltles of
the caso. Nohlosso oblige Is ono of
the best motlvos 'anll sentiments , 1m.
plying that a man's vor ) ' status as a
man com pols him to be obliging.
Warm Bath3 for Employes.
By utilIzing Its waste water a largo
factory In Austrln malcos It posslblo
for all ot Its 100 employes to Indulge
In a dally warm bath.
Sometimes wo feel that fate bas
buen hard towarll us. It must bo nlco
to bo a heathen and to bo converted
and to como to this country and lec.
turo about It.
31. Boxes of Gold. . I
300 Boxes of Grr enbacks
For the most words made
. up from these letters
Y II 0
a - a GrapeaNuts
331 people will earn these prizes
Around the fir'sldo or about the
well-lighted famllr reading table durIng -
Ing the winter evenings the children
and with tholr
grown-ups can Illar ,
wits and see how man ) ' words can bo
2 people maldng the greatest num.
bel' of words will each recelvo a IIltlo
box containing a $10.00 gold pleco ,
10 people will each win one box con.
talnlng n $5.00 gold piece.
300 people will each win a box con.
talnlng $1.00 In paper money nnd one
person wlto males the highest number
of words over all cont'stnnts will re.
celvo n box containing $100.00 'In gold.
It Is really a most fasclnntlng bit of
fun to talco up the list evening after
ovenlng and see how many words can
he ndded. ,
A few rlllos are necessarr for abso.
lute fall' play.
Any word authorized by Wehster's
dictionary will be counted , but no
lIamo of person. Both the sln ular
and Illurnl can ho uSl'tl , as for . . Instanc
" " " "
"grapo" nnll "grnlles ,
The letters In "Y-I-O.GraJe-N'uts" )
may be reJJ'atcd In the same wor .
Gl'ographlcnl naml's authorized by
Webster will be counted.
Arrange the words In alphabetical
classl's , nil thosl' beginning with A to.
gelher and tllOse beginning wllh E to
CO\11 ( ' under E , etc.
When ) 'OU are writing down the
words lon.\"o SOIl\O SIJUCOS , In the A , E ,
nnd othel' columns , to fill In later ns
no\\ \ ' words ( 'omo to rOil , for they wllI
spring Into mind every evening.
It Is almost cOl'taln that SOIllO cpn.
testants will tie with oth'rs. Ip such
casl's a prlzo Identical In va1llo a1(1 (
chnrncter with thllt olTered In thnt
class shall be nWllrdf'd to each. Each
ono will be requer.loll to SI'IHI with the
list of words a plalnl ) ' written lelter
doscrlhlng the advantages of GraIJe-
Nuts , but the contl'stant Is not re.
qulred to pur'haso a ) Jl { [ . These let.
t'rR are not to contain p utrr or fancy
flourishes. hut slmplo , truthful stato-
ml'nls of fact. For illustration : A
pl'I'son ma ) ' have oXJerlcnced ) fomo
Incipient or chrol\lc ails traceable to
unwlso sel < 'ctlon of footl that failed to
I"o the hod ' anti IIraln the enor y ,
h'a1lh anll power d'slrel1. Seolln : ;
bottoI' conditions , n change In food Is
made nnd Grope.Nuts anti cream used
In place of the forl11ol' dlot. SUPIJOflO
onl' l1ults the meat , fried Ilotat " " 5 ,
' sUe'I , ' ' of .
starch ) . ) messl's half.coolwcl
oats or wh'at anti cuts out the coffee.
Try. s\y. : fur hrealfnst It bit of frnlt. n
dlRh of Grapo.Nuts and cream , two
soft.holled el'l's. a sIlco of herd toast
nntl a cup of 1'ostum Food Coffl'o ,
Some amateur snys : "A man would
foltlt awa ) ' on thl1l. " but , m ) ' dear
friend. wo will put dollnrs to ) 'our pen.
- 4 . , . . . _ n _ _ _ " ' _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _
. -
f G Tons Grass Hny Freo. 4'
; :1ver : 'hOlI ) ' loves lols and l t8 of foddtW. r
Cor hogs , CO" ' I sheep end SWIIIC.
Yfj ; ? \ ! ( G1 ! rl r . . (
:1i : , '
. , .
The CIIOI'mOUfi of onr Northern \
Gro\\'l1 l'etliree ! crolls on our secll fanns.
thu past ) ' ( " 111' compel Ug to issue 0. spa-
cial catnlogue called
SAI.Zr.II'S I1AIIOAm seen noOIt.
Thi. ! Is brim fun of bargain scc s at IJ
gain priccs.
and rccci\'c frcc suffieicnt seed to grow
ton8 of grass 011 ) 'our lot or farm thi9
ummcl' uml our rcat Bal"j-Iain Secd Book
with its wonderful sUl'pmes amI greut-
bargainR in seeds at bargain prices ,
llclllit 4c and we add 11. packagu of Cos.
1II0S , the most fashlonablc , ber\'iccahlcr
bcnutiful onuual flower. , . "
John .A. Salzcr eetl Co. , Lock Draw. "
er W" Ln Crollse , " 'is.
Rode on Turtle's Back.
In the North 1.Iorneo 1Iera1lt ! Is 1'0.
c rded that two English women , Mrs.
McEnroo nnd Mrs. Qarhy , rec nUy
paid Il visit to the lonely Island of
Taganae. Among other adventures. .
there the two aat up ono night t ( ) .
watch for turtles , and at midnight. .
sn.w n. large ono come out of the sea. ,
onto the sands. When It wns roturn. ( ,
Ing to the water first Mrs. Darby and
then Mrs. McEnroo mountell on Its
back and rode for some dlstanco. "
Infallible Cure for Toothache.
A London physIcian , at n meotlng ,
of n. . medical society , stated that extraction -
traction of teeth was unnecessary. III }
was enabled to cure the .most dosper- . I cases of toothache , ho said , unless
the case was connected wilh rheuma- .
tlsm , by the application of the follow. t
'Ing remedy to the diseased tooth :
Alum , reduced to an Impalable pow-
der. two drqchms ; nlt1'(1us spirits of
other , seven drachms ; mix and apply .
to tooth. . ,
Burglar Was Too Fat.
Guests In a well-Imown hotel I ,
Pnrls henrd Illt1ful cribs for help com- . \1 \
Ing from tlto ceillar at 1 o'clocl , In the l
morning , ami the waltol's and manager
rushed downstairs. The Qor wa
locked , hut they battered It down , and
discovered a very fat' hurglar hell1
fast In the vOI1U1ator , through whlcl1
ho had trlcd to escape. 'I'he brlcl . I
work had to bo Imoclwd dowll before I.
ho could bo extricated. '
A German student finlls ono of the
causes of the Inabl1lt ) ' of the Russl n l
railroads to hnndle tholr trn.ffic Is th9 r \
antiquity of tltolr locomotives. The ' :
number of these seems In tolerable " " \ -
proportion to the traffic. for out of \ . .
14,32G locomotives no less thnn G)1 ! ) ! )
are from twent.four . to forty.six years
nles that the noon hour will find tt lit '
man on our brealfast huslccr ! and , .
with n strongcr heart..beat and clearol" 1 I !
worlcng ! brain than he o\'er had on. . 1
the old diet.
Suppose , If ) .ou have ncver really
miHlo a 'move for absolutely clean
health that pushes ) 'OU along each day
with Il sprIng In ) ' 0\11' \ step and n. 1'0-
serve vigor In mus'lo and brain that j '
malces the doing of things a pleasure , 'I .
) 'OU join the army of "plain old common -
mon senso" and start In now. Then
after you have been 2 or 3 wee1s on
the Gr\pe.Nuts ! training rou wrlto Il
statement of how 'ou used to bo and
how you are now. 'fho sll11lllo facts , . I . \
will Interest others and surprise your.
self. 'Vo 1I0ver publish lIamos l'XCOpt
on permission , hut wo often tell the
facts In the newspapers. nnd when
requ'stel give the names by prlvato I
letter. . '
There Is plenty of tlmo to get pOl"
sonal oxporlonce with Grape.Nuts and , .
wrIte n sensible , truthful Il'tler to 110
sent In with the list of words , as the
contest do's not close until Allrll30th ,
1IOO , So start in as soon as ) 'OU 111m
to bllllding words , nnd start In usIng
Grape-Nuts. Cut this statemcnt Ollt
anll Iwop the lellNs Y-I.Q-Gl'ape.Nuts
before nllIl when ' Wl'lto ' "
you ) 'OU ) 0111"
Il'ttor ) ' 011 will have some reason to
wrlto on the subject , "Wh ) ' I Owe
, ' "
Remonlher , 331 persons will win
prizes , which will ho awar ed In an
exact and just.mantwr os soon as the
list can bo countl'd aft'r Apl'lI 30th ,
19jG ( , Evon' ' contestant will bo sent Il
Ilrlnted IIst'of naml' ' . ! and addreses or on appll'aton ! , In order to
1\m'o proof thnt the prizes are sent as
: \gre'd , The company Is well Imown
n.ll over the worlll for ahsoluto fidelity .
to It ! : n reem'nts and ( ! \'or ) ' slnglo ono
of the 331 wllllll'l's '
may deIJOnd on 1'0'
col\'Ing th prize won ,
Ianr persons might f'el It useless
to contest , but when ono l'emomberlJ
the grent I11lmhl'r of "
prlzes-(331)- (
the cUl'loslt ) ' of seeing how many
wOl'ds can renll ) ' ho made up evening
after ov'nlng nnd the gooll , natural
fun and ducaUou In the COIIIPl'tIIlon.
It seem. ! worth tl'o trlnl ; there Is 110
( 'oM , nothln to 10so and a fine oppor- .
tunlt ) ' to win ono of the man ) ' boxes
of gold or greonbos ] , j
Wo maleo the prediction that S0\l10
who win a prize of gold 01' ret.l1bl\ckq
will also win hacle health and stron"1 " ;
worth mol'o to thom than a wagon flilL \ .
I of 1II0no ' prizes. r
I There are no Ilrelllllinarlos , ( 'ut ont
this stntl'\I1l'nt 1\1111 ro lit It. end sentI ' \
I In the list and 10ltPI' hpforo April 30th ,
I 190G , to Postum CC > l'l'al Co" LlII. , Bat-
tlo Creole , : \lIch , and I't 'onr nR\I1 ( )
I and address be plalnlr wrillen.
- - " - ' - . , . .
- " - - - --or