Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 15, 1906, Image 1

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.l ' lJOUNTY "
. , . .
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311(1111 the e'I' art' 1lr , II RIUII t1la.
11I' e t. ' "IIWI II I lilt \\'r J/l1C wllh YII\1r
vllnli. Il IIHU' \ " . IIl1lhl1II all
" 1'ruIIH'l.rulla1Jly ( I nlll. 11111
wII\1hlll't II' lie \\111111 " ' 1\1I1'lhlllll tll
YIIII illlla\ ' . ! 11I. . e III1"'a " alll . . . . . , . : \ .
IllIu'I II.IIIII\.I ? 'Ve call .111 II ae.
clllalel ) ' , alld alIIall e."I. " ' 0.
I..p III ollle da ) ' allll let III ! 11t1l1
filii for ) ' 1111 exactly what the Irlllllllt :
\ > 1 wll h ) 'CIII1 eyel ! ,
. .
The Ad vo
ash c
_ :
t ( ( A 11 igh Grad Caro- I
scnc Oil a Spccialty.
' Brigh t ! 0
Safe1 ! 11\
Tct , No Smelll1 ! Il&
.EJ No Smokc ! ! ! !
' Call at thc storc and
gct a conpon good for
haH ' ' . \
gallon. 'l'ry a
n Hl col incc'1. '
. _ . . _ _ _ _ _
Our can goods arc all "
, ' I labclcd "Advo Extra.- \
the bcst thc marlct afq [
I' fords. Wc havc a finc
line of Staple and Fancv OZJ ,
\ b Grocerics. Call and sec ttS
\I ?
' 'P
- -
Tr y The Republican for
t , . Bargai s inFarnl L l aIle ] Rall 1e '
Writ { ' for list with priccs and tcrms of salc.
t H you havc land for salc list it with mc.
" _ Corrcspondcncc wi tIt non-rcsidcnt land owncrs solici tcd ,
I ; ' JAMES LE-DWJ.GI-l Broken tlO\V Neb.
, . - , - - . \ ,
.A.Nrl'T-o" : .AL. :
- . 1'-I.IIL.I : : PX.A. .
, B : r..L.
. . . ,
r.l.'he memhers of Co. 11. ,
, , will give their Seventh An-
ul1all\lilitary Ball at the
i , 0 P , E"R A H 0 USE ,
. . Thursday Ni t ; Febr r"j 22nd1906 , - ,
l V(1)'ybody ) eordinlly invited. : l\fnsic by Taylor's
Ol'chestra. H. , J. l\lorton , P'ompter. )
-ric e-ts 75 Cell.te. .
I . I
- -
- . l HOCK\Vl \ r-4r-4 & KONKRI-4
r i ' , . Succcssor to I a 1 ] ( I ( T Ti'o . \\11 r -4 r 4 IN ( J ' ,
T , Embalmer 'and Funeral Director ,
Business phonc , ,01. Hcsirlcncc phon ( ' , 22 .
- -
-I 1-
f. . . _ - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
fl'l'v"v - . . " # 0. . " . . . . " . . , , A..r. . " . . " . . " . "v" . . " ' : " . A"f" . : ' . . A.l' . " . . . . . . . . . . . . " , . . , : 'v"v".f' . . . . . .A. . of" .1' . . " 'v"v" "VAA.v..v.v. . ,
' ; : j ! 'iV Olnall' s' Taste Ii
- , ' .c : in tl c selcction of wall pap r is'ery discrimi- :11 :
- " . . : r . ; ; " n\lting. 'l'his i' particularly truc of thc :1 : c
, : . ( - ' r. inlting. \ l . c :
. ell e. \ \ ' . : L ; ' " ' . . . ' gcntle women of th1s county. 'l'hey want C1 e ;
, , , : , : . ' . . . , the latcst and best or npnc at all. : c : :
: I , , , 'l ' \ 'f . . . . - Our stock of papcrs was bought particularly . : : ,
\ ) . . ; c
e . . .
I ' . . . '
) . . . : # ' c'
: : : \J ' - - A'f' , ; t 0 sa t. 1S f y C I' ISCrtl11111attng 1 mycrs. \V c werc : ;
" ; . .
c ' :
c ) _ _ ; ' : . . carc f u 1 to se 1 cct 011 I \ ' t 1 IC C alllttest anc 1 most , , i
c. ) . "
< <
: ell . / J , ' I "r. . \ ; _ . \ fashionaqc . ] dcsigns and the softcst and most c 'I ;
II I c
:11 : . , / . plcasmg colors. In a _ wore1 , our wall paper c ;
c. ' r ' ' 1
- . . / ' .
c was'bought to plcase you. : '
= : Don't buy wall papcr until you see our stock , Wc can :
: ) c
4 : please you and savc you moncy , too. :
i : s. Fl. . I..EE : : , : 4
: : South Side Hqual'e. Broke n Eo" , , ' .
.11 . 'P1.v"v. . . . " . . " ' 11'11' v' " VA . . . ' . 1"v".v. . , : . ' 1.- . . . . . " . . . . . .A. . v./ ' . . " . . . . . A.'J'A..V VAy. . . . . . . -/.v . . . v"/\JL..A. . < <
* * * * * * * * * * * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * !
" om'
are dcacrs ] in Hcal I statc of allkind , :
, , WE Wc will Imor J sell. Don't fail to scc
til W. us be f orc ) 'ou bu ) ' or scll. We can do j ,
. you good. Collections madc anll insur- I
ancc written. Farms rcntcd and taxes paid. Scc
us for farm loans. Come in and scc tis.
i '
! / !
HI Y I Rate Bill
Passed House.
The Hepburn Bill to Re ulote
Railroad Rotes Passed by I
Lower House. I
r4 st 'l'hllt'sta } ) ' the hOI1HC of
reprc scntativcg , hy a votc of 3.lfJ
tc ? 7. passed thc I cpbl1rn .l { ' ' rate
bllt. ' 1'hosc vet In go aga 111st thc
bill wcrc : T4ittlcl ed ] , McCall ,
Pcrkins , Siblc ) ' , Southwick ,
Vrecland and \Veels , castcrn re-
'rhc 1 > 111 , according to Mr.
Hepburn's statcmcnt in closing
thc debatc on thc mcasure , was
intcndcd and dic1 , so far as it
could bc made , hc gaid , com pI ) '
spccificatly with thc rccoll1-
mcndatio s of Prcsidcnt I oosc-
vclt on thc ratc qucstion. It
gives thc Intcrstatc Commerce
commission authority , whcn a
ratc has bccn complained of as
"unrcasonablc" by a shippcr to
in\'estigatc that rate , say whcther
or not it is rcasonablc , and if I
found to unrcasonablc : to name I
a ratc , which i to be thc maximum - .
mum ratc to bc chargcd.
'l'his ratc so fixcd is to go into
effcct thirty days after it is an-
nounccd by thc commi8 ion 8ub-
ject during that timc to bc sct
'asidc or suspended by thc commission -
mission or by the courts. Aftcr
it has gonc into cffcct it is to rc-
main tbc ratc for thrcc ycars.
During tlJis timc thc opinion has
bccn exprcsscd by thosc who
havc participated in'thc dcbate ,
thc ratc may also bc rcvicwcd by
thc c urts , and if found to hc in
conltict eithcr with thc terms of
the act or with t hc constitution ,
by being confiscatory , it can bc
set asidc by thc co urts ,
Anothcr important fcaturc is
thc c1efinition of thc word "rail-
road" and "transportation" in a
manncr to includc a11 auxiliary
instrumcntalitics of the common
carricr and to bring thcm within
t hc con trol of thc commission.
This power to namc a reasonable
ratc and the inclusion of the
commission arc saic1 to bc thc
new fcaturcs. All othcr provisions -
sions arc mod i fications of cxisti ng-
taw. 'rhey includc publicity of
raitroad mcthods , which is to bc
aidcd by presrib1ng a system of
uooldcepulg and cnlarging the
commission to sevcn mcmbcrs
and incrcasing thc salarics of
mcmbcrs to $10,000 a year.
'l'he Omaha Bec says : " ' [ 'hc
mcasurc passcd is thc rcsult of
careful dclihcration - and was
thoroughly discusscd. It was
framcd to mcct thc \'icws and
recomt1lcndations of Pr.csidcnt
looscvctt and is cntircly acccpt-
ahlc to him. It was unanimously
approved by thc hou8c committec
on interstatc and forcign com-
mercc. Of thc scvcn republicans
who votcd against the bill ome
are probably opposcd to any ratc
rCKuation ) , whitc othcrs simply
ohjcctcdto certain provisions of
the Hcpburn mca8ure. 'l'hey
will havc an opportunity ncxt
fatl to explain to their constitu-
cnts the reasons for thcir action.
"Intest in thc mattcr witt
now centcr on thc senate. au
thc 1Ith thc committcc on intcr-
statc commcrce of that body witt
dccidc as to which enc of the
scvcra ] bills it has undcr consideration -
sideration shall lIc rcportcd to
the scnate. 'l'hc general opiniol1
is that a mcasurc csscntial the
same as the housc bill witt bc rc-
ported and that after proongcd ]
. discussion will bc passcd. It h
. undcrstood to bc thc scntimcn1
: ill thc housc to adhcrc firmly to
: its bitt and to accept no mca urc
. that changcs its vital provisions ,
: At all cvcnts thc promisc 01
t lcgblation at this scssion regu ,
lating raitroad rates continuc
fa vera ble. "
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Favors a Land Law ,
Chadron , Neurasla
Fcb. 3 , 1906.
Editor l nI'UBT.lcAN :
'I'he sma11 cattlc raiscrs of Ne
braska fcel that they ha\'e hecI
very much maligned and misrcp
rcscntcd by ncwspaper article :
which havc ucen printcd all ovc
, , . thc country in the past vC'ar 0
; ; SOj articles which havc "treatci
J. of only one idc of the Ilucstiol
land fcncing and land leasing
But thcre is anothcr side , and th ,
iiJ small cattlc raisers of the stat' '
. ,
wouldlhc mighty glad to'sccthcir :
sidc pf thc mattcr printed.
Without spcaldug- thc man ) '
years which most of us havc Hpent
on our sdnd hill ranchcsi years of
ha1'llshilS ) for oursch'es and our
families , we will say that it is
g'cncralty known and understood
throughout Nebraslm , anyway ,
thnt thc sand hitt country , and
thc largcr part of wcstcrn Nc-
braslm in g-cncral , is NO'I' a fal'm-
ing lanrl , hut is csscntial1y a grazing -
ing country. 1 t is g-cncrny ] !
known and unrlerstuocl that 111 I
that country it l'cquircs 20 acres j
for cvcf ) ' hcad of stock to grazc I
upon , and tlH\t enc who dc\'otcs ! i
his timc to farming alone , stanrls
mightly littlc chnnce of g'ctting
cnough to cat.
Wc arc. not dcfcnrling the cat-
tlemcn for fcncing thc rangcs ,
although , vc bciic\'c thcy had
good reasons for doing so : 'I'hc
greatcr I portion of thc rang'c
was fcnced , not by thc larg-c cat-
tlc raiscrs , but by the small oncs.
It is also true that thcsc fcnccs
arc < \11 now cit hcr rcmovcd , or. : m !
being rcmoyccl rapidly ,
But in removing thcsc fcnccs
thc small cattlc man sccs ruin
staring him in thc facc. I t is
thc gl'catest mcnace which has
cvcr threatcncd thc li\'c stoc ] (
industry of Ncbraska. 'l'hc situation -
ation 'is indccd diffcrcnt from that
11othcr states whcl'C thc land
can .bc used fur farming- , but in
thc. and hitts , whcrc thcrc can
I bc' nothing but gra ng , thc rc-
moval : of ihc fcnccs will , in thc
opini n of thc smallcattlc raiscrs ,
simpl forcc thcm out of busincss.
At thc samc time thc cattlc
raisc1 ; . lwow that it is impossiblc
to < tpntinuc unc1cr thc prcscnt
syst 1n , and all arc in favor of
somc kind of a lcasing bitt. Almost -
most to a man , thc small cattlc
raiscrs of thc statc will support
Prcsidcnt Hooscvclt in any kind
of a leasing proposition \\fJdch
will immrc thc stabilit ) ' of thc
business. They arc witling to
pay for thc use of the rangc , and
lhcy call attcntion to thc fact
that thc statc of Ncbraslm has
no troubc ] fcasing thc school
lands and making moncy from
thCIP , whilc t.1C governmcnt gcts
not a ccnt , at prcscnt from thc
school domains. 'l'bc homcstead
law was good. but it was mude
for a farming country. Lct somc
kind of a leasing law be
cspcdal1y for this gra ng count-
ry-and let it bc madc , not by thc
politicians , but 1 > \ ' business mcn.
It can bc madc nrl carricd out
under the supersion of thc land
dcpartment 01 tHc govcrnmcnt ,
which dcpartmcnt can scc that
its tencnts arc strictI } ' adhcred
'rhe cattle men are willing to
agrec on an" rcasonabe ] proposition -
tion which an bc brought forward -
ward in thc way of a lcasing
proposit ion. ,
W. n. Heynolds , Chadron , Ncbr.
J. 14. Hosebcrf ) ' , Pullman , Nebr.
A. ji' . Hatch , Mullen , Ncbraska.
Deci.ion Again.t Union Par.ifie.
Last 'l'hursday Judgc'lungcr
handcd down a mcmoranda opinion -
ion in thc case of thc ( Tnion
Pacific Hailroad Company , complainant -
plainant , against Hobcrt O.
Fink , trcasurer of Doug-las county -
ty , and othcrs , in which thc as-
sessmcnt of thc State oard of
I Equalization is uphcd ] anti the
application of the complainants
for an injunction to rcstrain thc
col1ection of thc taxes assc scd
against railroad compan , } ' for
1'J04 and 1905 , by executIon or' '
d istrcss warran t , is dismissed.
'l'he opinion is "cry hricf an
is as fol1ows :
"Thc casc is substantiay ] ) like
thc casc of thc Chicago , Burting-
ton & quincy Hailway. company
against F. C. Babcock , treasurcr
of A ams county , ct a ] , hercto-
forc dcci ed , and finding and
judgcmcmt is for thc respondents
dismissing complainant's bill for
want of equity. "
Cattlemen Call on Prc.illent.
An Omaha telcgram states
, that Statc , senator Heynods ] and
C. II. Cornell , cat tlcmcn of Valcn-
tinc , Neb. , havc gone to Wash-
- illgton to prcsent to Presidcnt
1 I oosevelt a pctition from thc
- small cattlcmcn of Nebras1m ,
asldng him to co-operatc with
thcm in thcir efforts to sccure a
law for the leasingof goverrlment
land for gra"ing ; pmposes. It
waH the original intention to
send a largc dclegatiC'n toVash -
ington but the other plan was
finally dccidcd upon.
- - -
Ihll'ing' rhos ! ' ehilly claYB and cold
lIi ht s t-hrr iH n11wh sickness in the
fnmily. A ( 'old , 0) ) ' nehe , 0)pn ) It
mOl'e sel'iouI : nilnwni : . .lhw or Oll ) ' .
i' I I ofVutel' : HngR wi II oftell : reliev
theso. ; ( ; pt Olll' now. Don't ; wait
lInt'n the : lnst. . minut ( ' .
J. S. a. J. F. BAISCH
HUOOOHHora to J. 0 , Hnteborlo.
T _ _ r -J
- - - - : - - - -
. . .
- -
Duroc and Herefords \
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
1 have some Hne SOWH -
Illld guilts bred to
Ouster Billy and Oad-
well's OhallcngCl' , n Iso
choice bulls fot' sale.
G. E. CADWELL , BROKEN now , .
_ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
mH : ffu
8efol e You Build , Consult
j _
1 Gre 0. . : : J : = > > a p ] . : n. . e a " 1.:1. . , 1
j Contractor and BuilleJ : . Estimatcs :
I ! illlj li'urnishcd fr c wi th plans ancl spccificatious. .
: _ J
- . , . . ' . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"oWl ) ho ' " 'p II re
\ Food
- : : \ .
G Products
hollld he the word of' '
warning. in eve'y ) household -
hold , 11(1 it either rieh or
VOOl' . U oed , hen lthy food
prod lIetS 111 flY oem HX-
travngnn { ; at first" , but ; Hre
the ehenwst ( for your
lO ket-hook ami henlth
"in the long run. "
\Ye have It lIew SY'UJ ) } known as the Liberty
Brand Table. SYJup. . I t is a pUl'e tahle syrup
with I'ieh IInvo ' unbCl' tint and clcm' -
a ) , : , as as crys-
tn1. You pan SPO elem' thl'OIlg-h a hal'l'ol or it. It
is all RYl'lIp. To int'odut'H ) this syrup to tlio public
we will sell it for the small I ) ) ' ee of Fifty
Cents for. . a. Gallon ail , . Buy a [ > ail of
the Lihc)4-Y ) BralHl Tahle HYI'np ! to-day.
. 'J'HA nl Nnrlh Hide
-lIrc Old ( 'Ich'r "llIcJlnr IIHOKI'N : HOW. NI'JII : ,
- - -
H. _ .
- _ _ _ . . . . - - I .
r -
In Business Again ! J.
IT A V E purchased the Iartin
Bates stock , located 111 the
N ol'th Hide Opera Block , and wi II
he glad to meet myoid f'iencls )
amI customers and many new
ones. ' This stor.Ie eonsists of a
complete line of II al'dwnl'c , Furniture -
ture , Implements , Bugg-ies , ish-
e and G lasRwHre of all kin s.
Harness and sevcral makes of
wagons nt vcry low IH'ices. .I 11
fnet there will he bargains in evCl'Y
clepm'tment in ( ) l'lel' to reduce
this stock.
UndertaKing , Embalming and Hearse.
( Iomc and HPe JW ,