- CUSTrR COUNTY RfPU UCAN By D. M. AMSBERRV , DnOKEN now , - - NlmnASKA. .n . _ . I General News I . The MIssourI Press nssoclnUon will ' " meet nt St. LouIs , Laclodo holol , l ob. ruary Hand O. An onrlhqunlco shocle wns felt nt , It , Cumana , In the stnto of Dermuda , ' i' ' Vonozuola. There wns no damng/ ; ! . " The ] Ietltlon against the < < leslrucUol of the old frhate COIIstILullon , sIgnee. : by 300 roslllents of l\Iassachusotla , WILli presented to the proshlent. Uepulll1cnn memhers of the house commltteo on Inerstnte nnd forehn commerce decIded lo R IPlrt the HOI- burn bill with n few modlficnllons. Seven men were lellled by n snow- slldo nt the mining camp of Alln , Ulnh , nccordlng to the last message recelvcd beiore the telephone wIres broltO. It hns de1'010pod thnt during tilO at- taclc mndo n the hnrraclcs hy rIoters nt Qun.ynqull , cundor , only slxty.ono } Xrsons were lellled and nlnot.four woundod. John Willis Daor , for mnny years prosldent ot the Preshyterln.n hoard of homo missIons , hns nccopted the pros. Idoncy ot Occlllontnl college , at Los - rI Angoloo , Cal. Isnac Syfo , n Syrln.n , suspected 01 I throwing P tor Kn.don , a settler from " I , Hoslclns , Nob. , Inlo II. well , Is In jail at Donesleel , S. D. , charged with mur. der In the first degreo. ' ; Governor 1\1. A. otero , who will go out of 'omeo , hns nppolnled Dr. J. H. Sloan , of Sanla. 10'0 , Insurnnco commls. sloner of Now Moxlco , vlco Pedro Pnrea. . , deMnsed. Sloan Is n democrn.t. 'rho news of the nppolntment of Luleo B. Wright , governor general of the Phlllppinefl , to ho the first AmerIcan - Ican ambnssr.dor to Japan , hns been recelvod at Tel < lo wIth gonoml saUs. facUon. In n hotel In Chlhunllun , Mox. , Manuel - uel Algnrn do Torreros , a member of n dlsllngulshed fmnlly of Moxlco City , shot Sonora Mnrln nelga. nn nctross , nnd aftorwnrds shot hlmsolf. Doth will dlo. 'I'ho chlof or stner has fnvorcd the proposition of army chnplnlns to build clmpels at some of the posts where there nro preson no places of worship nnd hM recommondClI thnt lho wnr deparlment Indorse the project. About 150 members of the Lifo Un. dorwrltors' nssocln.lIon of Now Yorle hnvo plodgOd themselves to organlzo nn nntl.rebntlng bureau to prevent the prnctlco of giving or nccopllng rebates - bates on lIre Insurance promlums. OrrIn U. Murray , snld to bo the son of II. wealthy banlcor of Koleomo , Ind. , was arrested In Chlcngo , chnrgod with ombozzllng $900 from the St. Louis & Sou thorn Rnllway company , while ngon tnt Kelsey , 1\10. George W. C. Cushing , for mnny yonrs fclontlfiOd WIUl severnl railroads , Incluiling the Chlcn & Northwestern , the Union Pnclfic , the Missouri , Knn. SI18 & Texas nnll the Denver & Rio Grande , ns sUllCrlntonclont , died In Chi. cago. John Eo Stevens , chlof onglneer 01 the Isthmlnn cnnal commission. wnE elected vice ] lresldent nnll dlroctor 01 the Pannmn nnllroad company to fill the place mntlo vncnnt by the roslg. nation at Cormor ChioC Englneor JOhl1 F. Wnllaco. It Is rumorotl thnt Senor I..Izardc Gnrcln , prosldont of Bcundor , hm tn.lcen reCugo In the Drnzlllnn legntloIl at Quito , the cnilital. It Is hUI09slbl ! ( however , to ns'cortaln lho truth of thll rumor. ns communication with Qu t ( Is Interruptod. A bill for n recolver for the Nntlonn' ' Life Insurnnco comlmny of Chlcng ( hns been flIed In the distrIct court al Des Moines , 111. . , where the comlmnJ bas $1,700,000 on doposlt with tl\ \ ( stnto audllor. The bill WI\8 flied fOI Dr. A. L. Watnon , a rmlleyhoh1or. Sorlous troubles threaten to btonl out In China as the result of lho vlco roy's scheme for tnxallon In ardor te ralso revenue for the conslructlon 0 the Canton.Hnnlcow rnllway. TIu Merchants' guild Is dolormlnod on I retallntory strllco anel' the vlcero threntons tilO leaders with decaplta tion. Alexander Dnrry , n nnturnllzCi Amorlcan who Is nmong the promlnen mnnufaclurers ot 1\Ioscow , tnltcs nI exceedingly gloomy vlow of the flltUI1 tlon thero. Mr. Darry omplo's troIl 800 to 3,000 lUen and unqul'stlonnbl : hns n moro profoune ! Imowle1go 0 Russian conditions than any Amorlcal In the emllre. A movement to provide a monthl : Income for nusslnn Soclallsls hn.s beel lItn.rted . In Spolmne , Wash. It Is Ire posed that Socialists In th Is itcountr Ihall glvo not les.q thnn cents el1.c : a weele , this money to IH > lIectf } through the nntlonal or/nnlzatlon / I this country nnd torwarded to S Petersburg every monlh. The now presldont or Fr.-mco - Is th lion of n clorlc and the grandson of , blacksmllh. ' Passenger trnln No.3 on lho Cho11 tn.w divisIon ot the Roclc IRland ral road wag wreclced at ntcovllle , Arl Boven passengers were slightly 'It jured. . 'rhroo hundred and nrty thousan silver poses were laIc on out of Mox ! City on II. splal car en r lute to I. . < JI don. Englnnd. The hostllo atlltUllo ot Presldef Cll.'Itro of Venezuela toward the Arne lean minister ma.y necessitate the dl : patch ot a warshIp to the soot. , . -.r..J.-.J. , . " . . . . . . . . . . - - . . " I NEBRASKA STATE NEWS I . tlEBRASKA CRAIN MEN COMMEND ROOSEVELT 1..INCOJ..N-Tho farmors' Co-Oporn- Uvo Grnln & Blevntor Msoclnllon ndollteel rCRolutlon8 commondlng Pres. felont Itoosovolt In hIs fight for the regulation of frolght rntes ; commend. ed Altornoy Gellornl Drown for the mn.nner In whIch ho loolced ntlor the In. torests of the slalo In the lax sulls brought by the Burlington nnd Union Pnclfic rends , com1nonded hIm for his nBslalnnco In profecutlng ! the grnln trust and /L.qlccd him to Investlgato the SUllllOllCiI coal anel lumber trusts ; Indorsed lho Clny county resolutions : plodl-ed ; the I\ssoclnllon to worlc for the ndoptlon of the amendment to the con\tltutlon provl lnl- ; for II. mllrorul commission ; fnvorotl lho state Inspection - spection and wolghlng of grnln. Voung Man Makes 11 start. PLATTSl\tOU'I'II - It hns been ] earned that some tlmo slnco 11. Platts. mouth girl told n young man who hnd nlllcol1 her tor her hnnd thnt she could not thlnle of mnrrylng a mnn with 1008 thnn $10,000. The young mnn went to Omnhn nnl ( worltCd hard tor n few years. Then ho rotunted nnd cnllcd on the young womnn , who greeted hIm with : "Well , John , how nro you got. tlng along ? " "Protty well , " ho roe pllod. " [ have nlmost snvod $10 towards - wards the $10,000. " "Well , John , " she snld , "I guess wo can get along wllh thnt. " , FARMER WAS TOO SHARP FOR THE SHARPERS Pl..A TTSI\WU'I'II-Threo strangers drove to the homo of a wentIY ) farmer In Moimt Pleasant proclnct , In this county , nnel ono asltCd of the farmer many questions concerning the num. bor of his fnmlly 'and tholr nges , his crops , the number of cattle. horscs , 11OgS , sheep nnd agricultural Implements - ments ho owned. They Informed him thnt they were taking the census for the governmont. The shrewd old fannor notlcod that there were two shoola of pnpor , ono unler ( the other on which ono had written down the nnswors to the questions , nnd ho could not qulto underslnnd why It should re- qulro lhreo men to do the worle of ono , so ho becnmo fully convinced tha1 they were trying lo "worlc" him , an would not sign the paper as requcsted The strangers then toole tholr do pnrturo. The tnrmer , who decllnod te allow his nnmo to appear In prInt ] onrncd that the slrangors did nol visit nny other farmers In lhnt neigh . borllood. DAIRYMEtI OF tJEBRASKA ELECT THEIR OFFIGER I Nobrnslm daIrymen eleclQd officer : for the onsulng ) 'ear ] nst weele. Henr , P. GlIssmnn of Onlllhn W/L.q nnmod al I prosldent : II. C. Young of Lincoln , nl vlco presldont ; S. C. Dassett of Glb , bon , secretary nnd tren.suror. Donrd 0 directors for the sllmo porlod ; L. D Stillson , Yorlc ; C. A. Clnrk , Imvctmn J. 1 ( . I1ono'well , Lincoln ; A , I _ I Hnocl or , Lincoln nnd A. C. Jonc Dlnlr. Pnpors were rend by II. C Young of Lincoln nnd Prof. II. 1\1 Reynolds of the University of 1\tlnne 1 aotn. The dairymen report their or ganlzatlon In n highly prosperous COIl dltlon nnd the buslne6s of butter mall fnq growing ench .wason . by bll jumlls. Jelly Without FruIt. In II. bullotln which he wlJ1 shortl ; Issue Stale Chomlst ReeUorn will t01 somolhlng about various lelnds ( J jollies ho has annl7. ( . < < 1. Flvo brand which 110 hns In his office now nn which , vero sold tor jelly mnnutactU1 ed from fruit , contnln not 11. . susplclo of trult , but nro made of glucose starch 't\nd coloring. Peculiar Birthday Gift. LINCOLN-A. D. Durr , who was G year ot ago ' \Vednosdny , receive from his brolhor , C. a. Durr of Wasl Inston , n8 n blrlllllay lrOsont n 2.cel' stamp with Instructions to squnnd ( It ns ho snw fit. In lhls mnnnor C. ( Durr hns remembered his brother blrthdny for the last twenty ; renrs. Hope to Avoid Deficiency. LINCOLN-Every state omcer all ever ) ' head of n slnte doparlmont conducting his business with an eye t fin.shlng the blenlum without n do : clency . So far every lusUlution 1\11 every state omcer Is 11\ better ( 'onel tlon financially than at Ulls tlmo'la : year , thnt IS , the SUl1ply of money Sl nsldo to conduct the snmo for 01 years Is not ) 'ot used , with ono oxco lion. 'rho Sollder'a Homo at MUfor owing to Improvements , Is already b yonl lla npllrollrlatlon nnd tlll Insl tutlon will rellOrt n deficlenc ) ' . Celebrates Nlnety.Flrth BIrthday. DAKO'l'A ClTII : , , hmbolle 1.al1 . , Joy , the oldest person In Dalcoln cou I. ty , nnd lIrobnbly the ollest ( In nnrt c. easlorn Ncbraslcn , Inst weole celobrale I. her nlnoty.nfth blrlhdcl ) ' , b ) ' I10r rol tlvos congregating at her homo 1\1 el being served wllh a blrlhda ) ' ellmu :0 : and among the assemblage none e 1. joyod the event moro than "Grnnd1 Lapsley , " who , althohgh nearing t : It century mnrk , Is well llresor'cd , ( r. joys tl10 best of health , hn..q porfe II , eyesIght , not \lsln ! ; glasses , nnd Is I wnya occupied with some HeM wor - - , . . _ - - - , . . . - - . NEBRASKA BRIEFS - I lCty sln ers met In Platlamouth nnd organIzed n choral union. 'rho sJbnllpox CitRO at Syracuse Is reported as well under control. There were olght operntlons for appondlcltls In Fremont In ono weolc. A grnnd unIon rovlval has been nr. ranged by 11.11 . the churches of llgnr. 'l'ho puhllc school nt Chnlco , Sarpy count ) ' , hns been closed on nccount of acarlet fover. . Chnrlcs Hnelccr , n Fremont snloon- Iccoper , WI1l ! fined $7 for selling liquor - quor on unday. George ltoherLs ofVnhoo , wnl nd. jUdg d Insnno and was lalccn to the nsylum at l.olncoln. ' 1'ho Inculmlor fnctory at Clny Cen. ter Is beIng enlnrged lo accommodate Increnslng busIness. ' 1'ho prlco of IIvo stacie In Cumlng county Is following closely the upward tendency In IlI'lco.q of Innd. 'rho lrlco oC IIvo sLocle In Cumlng county Is following closely the upward londoncy In the prIces of Innd. ; , Will Wlclchnm , n young man resld. In ! ; In Elle Creele has the thumb and I , front finger of hIs right hand badly burt In 11. buzz saw. I1on. WUllam E. IUlchlo , a'proml. . nent fnrmor , stoclcrnlser , nnd ex.mem. ber of lhe Icglslnturo from Seward counly , died Inst weele. 'I'ho Lininger Imilloment company of Omaha has flied artlclos of Incorpo- mUon with the socrelnry of stato. The cnpl tn.l stocle Is $100,000. The saloon mon of Plnttsmouth hnvo been called upon the cnrpet nnd lold by the county attorney that hence. forth they must obey the Slocumb law. At Hnsllngs the Y. 1\1. C. A. fund of $20.000 bas been completed and worle will bo commenced by the first of Februnry , for the erection of the now building. ' ' . . 'I'ho Woolbroole.Glbbons Grnln com. pany has decided lo close Its elevalor I at I remont and Agent Morrison will . bo lrnnsCerred to some other point and the building romoved. I"lro destroyed tito largo barn , to. I , golher with the contents , Including eleven head of horses , belonging to I Paul Johnson , n farmer living about ten miles south of Ashland. A rlfie club to bo part of the nation. al rlfio assoclntlon Is being organlzecl In Dcatrlce nnd a Ilnper Is being clr. culated for the slgnaluro of twonty' ' . names who are to compose the charter membership. At Ellehorn Miss Mary Decle l1as commenced suit agaln.t ! " the four sa. lo\nlcoopors Cor selling liquor to her . hu band , John Decle , alleging that ho came lo his death whllo In an Intoxl. catml condition. A. C. Duclmmster. whllo hunting \llong \ the Plntlo rlvor , shot fine specl. mon of the Amerlcnn eagle. It has been mounted by' n local tnxldermlst nnd Illaced on oxhbltlon ! In ono of the slores of Ashlnn ( ] . The tenth annual mootIng of the Ellchorn Valle ) ' 1\1 eellcnl society was . held In Norfollc. 'I'hls Is now snld to bo lho slrongest socloty of Its I < lnd In the state ' outsldo of the slate assocla. tlon. It alwa's meet : : ! In Norfolle. John Dorden of Arborvlllo. Yorle count ) ' , at n great ox lIen so purchll.'led hounds and malcos n nlco Income cntchlng wolves nncl coyoles. Recently t. ho brought to County Clorlc C. C. Dos. ' _ lo\v thirteen gray wolf scalps and 1 _ olght coyoles. Nearly 100 mon and bO8 engnged In n hunt for coyotes south of Wood RIver and ILS a result of lho hunt II. Inrgo number of lho animals were 1 < llIed. They are very numerous and even gOlllng so lame n.s to como Into the farm yards. Mr. and 1\1rs. Henry Dnrrlelc of Woo < l Rlvor , who nro emplo'ed In the cus. tom house n.t Manlln and who hnvo been visiting In the Nobraslm town for some tlmo , loll for Wo.shlnton ! , D. C. , lo try If possible to secure II. slmllnr position In lho United Slales. A prnlrlo fire which began In the northern lmr't. of Deuel county swept soulh oyor forly miles of pralrlo bo- toro It was extlngulshod. Two ranches and twenty head of sloele were clesh'o'etl nnd twelve oUlor rnnches cln.magee1. Loss , $75,000. Snmuel Parleer of Thurston c01mly , under sonlenco to servo fiyo"eara In the penllentlar ) ' for manslau hler , will bo released fl'Om cuslody peudlng n decision In his l1peal to the su. promo court. His ntlorney , ' 1' . L. Sloan , presented a $10,000 ball bond which has been approved. A COm111\n ) ' of Omaha and Lincoln stoclchohlers hns been formed for orectlng n crllshoc1 stone lllant along lho bluffs hordorlng the Plntlo rlvor b twoon Ashland and South Den 11 on the DurHng-lon's old main , IIno to Platlsmoulh. 'rho tlmhor has been clonrol1 , the formation \lncovered nnd the mntorlal tor the crushers has been ordored. 'I'wo cl'ushers will bo In. stallet1 and ahout eighty men em. plo'el1. \ V.V. . Caml1 , n farmer , who resides ton miles west or Hastings , has llUr , II. chnsed nn nutomobllo and claims then distinction of bolng the eldest chauf. h. four In the stnlo. Although nearl d olghty ) 'el\rs of ago ho hnnelloo hI ! a. car with the ease of nn oXllert. d William 't'homas , Gus Drandhors1 r , nnd . 1.onch wel'o out hunting In Se n' arcl count ) ' . Leach wn..q comIng up 1)1drnw aUlI the olher ho's were. > off some ho dlslance , but were unable to see him m. when the ) ' scared \II ) a rabbit n.ll < l she ICt nt It. A Inl'So portion of the charge [ \1. slruclc Leach just above the loft ear 'Ie , Ho Is ot sorlOl.lsly Injured. ' - FALL WHEAT RAISING IN A "ERTA. Thu Spring Wheat Areas Are Rapidly Increasing. It la only II. few short years since the ImpressIon provalled that largo portion of the Canadian West wall un. fitted tor agrIculture. To such un oxlen t dId thIs Impression Ilrevall lhat dlstrlcls largoI' than European prlnclpalltlclI were devoted solely to ranching purlloses , and' fiocks nnd herds roamed lho ranges. Dut the agriculturist was doing some lInrd . thinking , and gradually exporlments were macle , slowly at first , , but sure. Iy later on. As II. result , to.llay In Southern Alberla , which was looked 1I110n as the "arid belt , " largo quanti. lies of the finest wlnler wheat In the worlll are now' grown , and so satls. fied are the farmers and buyers that the Induslry has pussed the experl. mental slago that elevntors by the score have been erected In the past two years and olhers In course of erection , to satlsry lho demands that will bo made upon thorn In the near fulure. l\fnnltoba , "No.1 , Hnrd" spring wheat has achieved a world.wldo reputation , nnd there can be no ques. tlon thnt ere long "No. 1 lIard" win. tel' wheat Croll\ Alberta will nttaln similar repule. The great marleet tor this procluctlon will undoubtedly be the Orlenl , and , with Increased rail. way facilities and the erection of ad. dltlonal elevators and fiourlng mills , a largely Increased acreage will bo brolccn to win leI' wheat. The Increase of populnllon In Southern Alberta In the past yenr has been largely dee to settlers from the Unlled States who have brought In capital and en. terprlse , and who have been uniformly - ly successful In lhelr undertakings. A few moro such years of growth and "Turkey Red" wlnler wheat will wave from : Moose Jaw to the foothills. Information regarding lands In the Fall nnd Spring wheat belts may bo obtained of any Canaellan Government Agent. Love lasls long nfter pity Is worn out. : Rich , J\licy Radishes Free. Everybody loves juic . , ten er radishes. Salzer knows this , hence he oITers to send you absolutely free sufficient radish seed to keep you in tendel' radishes all sum. mer long and hi8 great SALZIn'S DAItOAIX SEED DOOIC. wIlt. its wonderul surprise8 and great bargains in seeds at bargain prices. I , The enormous crops on our seed ! arms the past season compel U8 to iS8ue this special catalogue. SE-'D TUIS : NOTfCI : TO-DAY. and receive the ra ishes and the wonderful - ful Bargain Book free. Remit 4c and we a d II. package of Coso mos. the m08t fashionable , serviceable , beautiful annual flower. John A. Salzer Seed Co. , Lock Drawer \V. , La. Crosse , 'Vis. / Llttlo duties are n school for Il\rger ones. . " " . . ' . . . n' " _ _ . . " . . . _ . _ _ 'f'TJ" 0' . . MODEL FACTORY AT PEORIA , ILL. Where the Famous LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER 5c CIGAR Made. . . , . , . , " I , , r. < ; " . : : ' ; ' . . I ii . : > ' . ' . . j" . A' . ; , . k' , ! ji ' . ( ia. . . . . . , " ' : , . ? < h' " , , , ' > t' > $ , * ' - h' 'f , . { ' . " ' : " , " , 'J , . , . ! . . . ; ; ; ; . Formerly the home of the Into Col. Hobert G. Ingersoll. L'.o Purchased and remodeled by Frank P. Lewis for the Single Binder " . Factory. A marvel of Sanitary 'Cleanliness. - ' n ' . It II better to slnoke bere tban bereafter.Incr801l. ; . " . ! ' - - - I I . For Your Famil and Ybur Horse The Best Antiseptic Inown. . . J TRY IT FOR j Rheumatism , Strains , , . Sprains , Swellings and Enlargements. Price , 25c. , 50c. and SI.OO. . Dr. EARL S. SLOAN , GI5 Albany St. , Boston , Mass. . AGENTS WANTED J Complete 01lUil can be can-led In pocket -Jells readDy and proOts are large. Address H. S. BOWLAND , d 1 Madl1on Avenue. New York Clly , ICe I Co C. C. Co Co C. C. C. C. .J J , _ . . . . To sweeten , Dispels colds and , : ' To refresh , headaches when To cleanse the bilious or con- I system , stipated ; Effectually For men , women and Gently ; ' and clli1dren ; There is only Acts best , on one Genuine the kidneys . \ Syrup . of Figs ; and I i v e r , I I to get Its benestomach and ficial effects bowels ; Always buy the genuine - Manufactured by tabs t- " f : \ ! ! ! ! ! ? ! : r , ! m'.d' ' " . ' " " " o , . . , , fl . T ' d b'"I . , , , , . & 111 IISrm nt wUhont ripping apart. WrUa lor Iree booklet-low to Oe. Bleach and MIX Colors. MONROE DRUG CO. UnIon vII/a MIssourI. , L DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch I r akeslaundry worlt n pleasure. It ! oz. Ilk\ : . ' Ilk1013'1 W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 5-1906 , I I PATENTS for PROFIT I mu.t tully I'role t an luy ntlon. Dooklet and t lIe.k Calendar " 'Hl I . IIIghe.t reteren o. . COlI\mun' ' atlonl onnllentlal. : .tabll.hed 1881. I XuOD. I'IDwick & : LawreDce , Wa.hiDltoD , D. O. . . - - . . liUHlS WHlHl All llSt r AilS , llc t COUllh S1rup. ' ! 'Ule' Good. Uf10 In time. I > oln by drul1ll.tL , . . . . . . . I .