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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1906)
/ / / / . DEATH OF A KING HEAD OF DANISH GOVERNMENT PASSES AWAY. TilE END COMES VERY SUDDENLY Story of HIs Demlsc Concisely Told In a ; Bullctln Issued-Ascended the Dan. I Ish Throne November 15 , 1B63-Was Nearly 8B YCllrs Old. COP NHAG N , Donmnrk - Chrlll' Unn IX , the nged lfn of Donmnrlc , denn of the crownoll heads of llrOIIO , father of King Geor o of Oreece , of Queen Alexandra of Grent Drltnln nnd Ireland and of the downgor emllres Mnrla Feodorovnn of HUBBln , grand. father of King IInalwn VII of Norway and relnted hy hlood or hy nL'lrrlngo to most of the l uroJlean rulcrs , dlOlI with stnrUlng ElllIldennesR In tho" mnl. ienborg 11011\co Mondny arlernoon. 'J'ho accession of hlEl SI1CCo.'iBOr , Pl'lnco l"rederlclc " , his OilloRt Ron , who w11l ho Icnown as I'"rederlclc V III , wlll ho } Iro- clnlmed tomorrow. The following oll1clnl hulletln was Is. fucd ; In the ovenlng : "Ills mnjCJtr dIed at 3 : 30 this nf. ternoon. Arlol' his mnjosty had \Irought tllis momlng'R nUlllenco to a conclusion ho nJllleared to be ( Iulte well nnd IJrOceeded to luncheon , as lIsunl. 'I'ownrd the end of the meal ho ' gave ovillenco of In'dlsposltlon and wnR compelled to retlro to hod nt 2 : 30 p. m. Ills majesty pnssell away peaco. fully , the symptoms Inlllcntlng henrt failure. " 'I'his hulletln tells concisely the slory of the death cone , which found ovory. one , even UIOSO who renllzed the In. cren.alng feeblenesR of the Itng ! , nlpre. pnred for the 61111110n shoclc. 'fho denth of King Chrlstlnn hns I 111ungod hnlf the courtR or I uropo Into UIO deepest mourning anll hrought a sense of political ImlR nR well Ilfl Rln. cero grIef to overrono throughout the } tngltom ! of Donmnrlc , renchlng even to the hnmblost cottngo , ovillonco.'i of whIch nro showil overywhero. It has cast a pall over the pnlnces or the mono nrchs or Grent Britain , Husslan , Nor. , way and Greece. King Christian IX was born April 8 , 1818 , and IlscCllIlel ( the Dnnlsh throne November Iii , 18G3. KIng Chrlstlnn npIlearod to bo In his \UJUal health this murnlng. After talc. tng ho held a puhllc alHlIcnco which It has been his custom to do every Monday morning. 'I'ho reception wan largely attended nnd Ills mnjesty conversell freely and affnhly with a numb or of officials nnd ether persons When the function wns over the Icing , though appenrlng to10 sllghl1y rn. tlguod , nttonded luncheon with the members of his family , nmong whom were the downgQr empress of Russin and his brother , General Prlnco .Hnns. During the meal his mnjeaty com. plalned of Indisposition and wns ns. slstClI to his hedroom hy the dowager empress nnd Prlnco Hans. A court physician wns summoned , hut by the tlmo ho arrived the Itng ! hnd collal'sel ] . The physlclnn used prompt rostora- tlvos , but his efforts were usolcstf , and King Christian oxplred , nlmont with. out uttering a wor l , In the nrms or the downger empress and In the presence - ence of the court physician and Prlnco Hans. f Just as the ltlng brenthed his llUlt Crown Prlnco Frederlcle entered the , room and the ether members or the roynl fnmlly arrived shortly arterwnrd. ESTATE OF MARSHALL FIELD. PortIon of It That Is In IlIInolo Estl. mated at $75,000,000. CIIICAGO , III.-Tho Ilotition of the executors of the eslato or Mnrsl1 l1 .1 < leld nSldng thnt his will bo allmltted -to probnto 'VM mOil with the clerIc 01 the probate court. In the petition the , executors declnl'o thnt they are unnhle III the present tlmo to stnto In full the amount of the prollorty owned In 1111. nolB II ) ' Mr. Field , but feel warranted 111 saying that the 1Iersonnl estate IE worth about $ [ jOOOOOOO and the renl estate about $2j,000OOO. [ SURVEYING A NEW RAILROAQ , Line from OrIn Junction to Sherldanl WyomIng. CHEYENNE , Wyo.-A Cotoraelo & Southern railway onglneerlng pnrt will stnrt out I ehruary 1 for the pur poBO of survoylng n new lIne of rail road from OrIn Junction to Sho1'lIln.n Wyo. , to form an ox tons Ion of the Col orn o & Southern , The now road wll : Jlans from Buffalo nnel will comocl with the Burlington at Sherlllnn , Exposition In 1911 , TOPEKA , Kas.-Knnsas will hold r soml.centonnlal oxposltlon In 1911 t ( celebrate the fiftloth annlvorsnry of till atato's admissIon Into the 1\nlon nlll the oxposlUon will bo In TOlloltn. Thesl two quostlons were finally sottleel 'es terday w1len the convontlon , comllosel of nearly 800 delegates from all ror tlons of the state , ndoptod the report 0 the commltteo on resolutions. Thl worl ( of nrrnngoments will bo 10ft tl a. commltteo made UII or a ropresontn Uvo from every county In the state , To Promote Army Efficiency. WASIIING'rON-'l'ho , wnr Ilepart ment will recommend to congres tlm an approbrlaUon 110 mal10 which wll permit the nssombllng or alt nvallabl , troops In the Un.ltod Stntos , oxeopt th coast nrtlllery , nt about seven camp In the Unltcll Stutes ror the IHlI'lIOSO ( J drills and practlco which the mllltar authorities deem essentlnl to the pr < motion or the officloney In the nrmJ If congrcss alproprlateR the money ! Is proposed to establish two camll ' on the Atlnntlc sldo nnd two on th ParlOn Alllf' , . WARE IS CONVICTED , South Dakota Clergyman Is Guilty of Conspiracy , OMAIIA-"Oullty , ns chnrged In the Indictment excoptlng the olght cC1unt ot the first Indlctmont , " was the vcr. dlct of the tWl'lve mon who hnd heon tr'ln ! ; for the IIlst fourteen dnys Rov. Gcorgo G. Wnro , rertor of the 1 /llsco. / 111\1 church of LeuII , S. D. , president ot the U , D. I. Lnnd nnll CaLlIo company of IJoolCr count ) . , Nehrnska , jointly . IndIcted with Franlc W. Inmbert and. Hnrry Welsh for nll ( ) OlI conspiracy In rwcurlng frndulent filings for the pur. 11050 of Ilofrnulllng the United States out of tltlo to ROm ! ) 20,000 acres of Inn(1 ( withIn the U. B. I enclosure. The penalty In lIul'h cnses IR two yenrr , ' Imprisonment and a fine the maximum or which Is $10.000. 'rho jlll'Y went out I1t 10:2j : [ Friday morning and I'enched Its verdict at 3 : 20 Prldn ) ' nfternoon , Flfteonth min. utes Inter the jllry fiIe1 ; Into the court. rom , the Interim helng reservell to notify the defendnntand his attornc's , ' 1' . .J. Mahoney of Omnlm and Henry Frawlo ) ' of Deadwoll , S. D. , who were wnltlng nt Mr. Mnhoney's office In the Paxton hlocle for the verdict. Speclnl DIRtrlct Attorney Rush , who prosecuted the caso. wns nlready In his ofTlco In the federal blllllllng. Wnro's oM hond of $ [ j,000 holds good unUl ho Is sentenced. Defensc Sccks New Trial. Immedlatoly uJlOn the announcement of the verdict or guilty Mr. Mahoney nsleed leave of the court to llreparo 0. motion for a now trial and Judge : 'Ilun. . . get snld : ' "Will the Inlier Jltlrl of next weole do ? Ie flO I will Klvo 'ou unUI that tlmo nnd rurther ncUon will bo BUS. pended In the menntlme. " Mr. Mnhonoy repllell , "Wo will have the motion rcndy at that tlmo. " SLAIN BY COACHMAN. Wife of Los Angcles Multl.Mllllonalro Killed by Dlschargcd Employee , LOS ANGEI.ES , Cnt-Mrs. A. C , Canflold , wlfo of Multl.mlllionalro anl1 011 Magnnto C. A. Canfield , Ilnd n Ilrominent sucloty womnn of Los An. gelos , was shot nnd almost Instantly lellled , whllo sitting on the rront porch or her rosldence. Her slnrer wn.a Mor. rls Buclc , a former family coachmnn , who Is In custody. According to his own stor ' , Duck wrote to Mrs. Can. field , soliciting Iln Interview' ' and demanding - manding the payment of n lnrgo sum of money , which ho claimed to be duo him. He snld his leller received no resllOnse nnd ho detormlned to seck a porsonnl Intervlow with Mrs. Canfield. Ho arrived at the Canfield mansion nbout [ j,40 o'eloclc In the evening nnd found Mrs. Canfield sitting on the front porch. When ho made hlG demand - mand for cash she ordered him off the ] lOrch. A soh'ant of the housoholl1 Rtnrted toward him , nnll DucIc drew r plstbl from his IlOclcot. Mrs. Canfield grnhhod the pilltol nnd nllempteto wrest It from him. Dllrlng the scuffio ho } lu1led the trlggor of the weapon , and the hullet struck Mrs. Canfield In the hreast nnd she fell on the porch. After a chnse or sovornllocles , Buclc wus nrreste ( ] . BUele firRt shot Mrs. Canfiohl In the brenst , nnd when she fe ) ) bnck on the porch he lenned over nnd dOllherately flrell another ahot Into her nhdomen. The first Rhot went dl. recUy through her heart. ORAND ISI.AND , Noh.-Mrs. C. A. Canfiold murdered nt Los AngeleR. was a dnughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. U. Wost. cott of this city. Mr. Wo.ctcott : 10ft this afternoon UIn rocept of tllO nows. l\fr. and Mrs. Cnnfiohl were ml rrled In this city nbout twenty-seven yenrs ngo. bout olghteen yearR ngo Mr. Canfield wout to LOR AngeleR , where ho lll1 slneo , become wenlthy In the 011 busl. noss. , THE MORROCAH POLICY I CRiTICISED BY MONE I I WASHING'rON-Tho forolgn nnalr : . of the Unltell Stnte : : ; continued on Frl I Ilay to hold the nttentlon of the sennte I the Moroccnn nnll Dominican matter ! I bolng the questions \tnmedlntoh' \ nt Is Rue. Mr. Money wns the } } rlnct1 ! Rpoalcer nnd ho tnlled for over tW ( hours In oIlllOsltlon to the couro of UH nllmlnlstratlon with reference to hoU , Snn Domlugo llIl Morocco. Ho con toudoll that tlwro wnR dnnger or he comln Involved unnccessarlly In th ! , nffalrs of olher countries by parllclpat Ing In the Algeclrns conference ani thnt this countrr WIlS not sufTlclenU concernel ( with the conduct of affnlrl In Santo Domingo to justify our coursl In thnt Islnud. Ho nlso toolc the posl lion thnt the preshlent hnd transcend ed his Iluthorltr thero. Tillman Wants Invcstlgatlon. W ASIIINOTON - Senator TllImal Introduced a resolution directing thl commltteo on Immigration totwestl \ ) gnto ( 'harges of unfair treatment 0 Chlneso aliens traveling In the Unltel Stntes , b ' officers of the Immlgrnl101 . sorvlco. Present for MIss Roosevelt. PEKING-Tho dowager empress hn sent to the Amerlcnn logntlon a nUI11 her of welldln Ilresonts for Miss Allc , Roosovelt. The presents consist 0 costl ) ' jewels , sills \lnd ormlno 1'oes. ForeIgn Commerce Largc W ASIIINGTON-Tho forolgn COlT merco or the Unltod Slntes npproarhe , aurprlsln I ' nenl' to the three hllllo dolinI' ) lolntln the c\llundar year. 1901 accorlllng to l'eport Issued h ' the In reau or slntlstlcs of the department c commerce nnd lahor. Iowa Victim of ValencIa , VICTORIA , D. C.-Tho hod ' of Fre Brlrlcson or OOlwoln , In. , hils heo 's founel a mile l'llst or Capo Dealo. HI o purse contained $90. Ho hnlllln tdent nr.ntton np\ It\ ' , jq ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 + oJ ' " , . PROBABLE STRIKE THREATENS TO BE GREATEST IN HISTORY , MINER'S P.EJEGT . WAGE OFFER Permission Will Not Be Glvcn for Districts - tricts to Sign Separatcly-The Con. ventlon Provides for RaIsing a $6- 600,000 Strike Fund , _ ---4 INDIANAPOLIS , Inl-Tho ) rejertlon 0 : the counter proposition orfered by the coal opel'lItors of the centrnl com. poUth'o 11IRtrict hy nn almost unanl. mous vote of thl nntlonnl convention or United Mlno Worlcers and the ndop- tlon of a rC\olutlon orferell hy Serre- tary W. n. H'nn of illinois plnrlnt ; the minors on record ns a unIt In refusing to sign an ngr < 'Cml'nt for nny district until nn ncreemcnt wns I4lgned for nil IlIstrlcts under the jurisdiction of the Unltell Mlno'orllerll hns crented 1\ situation whll'h In the opinion of the officlnls of the miners' orA'nnlzotion will result In a dlsruJltlon ot the joint agrcfJment anl ( IlOsalbly ono' of the grentl'Rt strllccs of orgnnlzed labor the country has ever lmown , begInning April I , 'J'ho action was tnlwn during a cnlled session of the mlno worleers' nntlonnl convention , whlrh was called to order Immedlntoly following n short session of the joint conference of the op.crntors and mlnore , during which UIO joint scnlo commltteo reported that It hnd been IInahlo to rench nn agreement on any of the prlnclpnl questions Involved and after F. J. . Rohblns of Plttshurg , floor lender of the operators , has 1'0- plied to President 1\1ltchell's question thnt the olerntors ] had no rurther prop. osition to lay hotoro the miners , con. cludlng his remnrles with the atnto- ment thnt If there wns to bo an Interruption - ruption of the joint agreement ho wIshed the reRllonslblllty for such a severance of relntlons to bo placed upon the miners. The counter proposition submitted by the operators , which wns said to be their ultlmntum , provided for the signing for another year of the present wngo scale Ith certain modifications to rolmburso the illinois operators for expense Incurred unl1er the "shot fir. ers" bill now effectlvo In that stllte. Immedlntely following the rejection of the operators' proposal the convon- tlon set about to provldo means for nc- cumulntlng n strlleo fund of $ G,500,000 In addition to a 1I1ce nmount now on deposit - posit In the Internntlonnl , district and ' .IIIb-dlstrlct treasurIes of the miners' orgnnlzatlons. To provldo for an emergency , Secre- tnry Wilson moved thnt a per capita tax of $1 a weolc ho voted and that 1111 districts talw cnre of the dependent miners within their jurlsdlctloJ'1s ' for at least lilx weelm. He snld nfter that tlmo ho hollo\'ed the Intornatlonal wou1l1 bo In a pORltion to talce care of UIO minors. After the motion had been Ilmended to suhstltute ten woelC ! , for the six suggested ns the tlmo durIng - Ing which the districts should talce cllre of their dependents , the matter wns referred to the Internatlonnl exec. ItiVO board with power to act. Invcstlgate Panama Railway. PANAl\fA-The genernl manager of the Panama rnllwny conferred with nil all the heads of dl'lmrtments. It Is ru. mored thnt the ohjerl of the conference wns to Invesllgate whether or not It Is true thnt the running eXII'nses of the , rnllwa ' hnvo heen Incrensed by [ j0 pOI' cont. Pope Will Be Reprcsented. ROME-Tho pope has decided to send a rOllresentatlvo to the marrlago or King Alfonso to Princess Ella of Battenherg. BRITISH COLUMBIA IS DISSATISFIED WITH CANADA MONTHEATr-A dlslllltch to the slI smodlc movements thnt hnve been going on In Drltlsh Columhla for the last few years toward sl'esslon from the Cnnwllan federation are becoming moro serious , At the oponlng of the provlnclnl leglslaturo , the dispatch . . 5a 's , l\ll' . McGowan , member for Vnn. 3 ouver , mnlh > n speech In which he . allCl1 ullon the go'erl\ll1ent to nsl , helter I1nnnclal term ! > flllm the Domin. lon , not ns a favor , hut nR n rlRht , and to Ilrellllre In case nf refusal , a mono ster petitIon to Kln gdward , request. . Ing the severanro of the ties betweC11 ' . British Columhla nnd the Cnnadlall confederation. Cotton statistics Troubles. WASJlINGTON-I1avlng tnlccn no tlce of the criticisms of hlR Ol1lCl' h Preshlont Harvie Jordnn oC the South ern Cotton Growol's' nssoclntlon. DI rector N(71'th of the census hureau declared clarod thnt ho honed congress wnull rellovo him of nll further worlt wit ! cotton statistics. "It Is t e most dls agreeahle nlHI nnnoying worlt I havc o'er Imo'vn , { ' said Mr. North. Thesl rellorts are Jotton UII for the henefl ; lr the Routhern peoillo , but seem to bl ( lovotlng all their energies to discredit Ins them. " . Revolution In Columbia. , PANAl\fA-Prlvato advlces recolvel hero from Cartagena nro to the offec thnt O mernl Oonzall's Valencia , fOl mer vlco } 11'I'sllllnt of Columhln , a11l Ooneral Nelosilina have stnrted are , olutlon. Paul Dresser Dead. NgW YORK-Paul Dressor. a 60n wrltor. whoso "Banlls of the Wnbash. nnd ' ' 'Tho Blue ntlll the OrhrouJ.h : his nnmo Into IlIIblle notlco , Illed 'l'UOI da ' nt the homo of his sister In thl city , Mr. Drl'ssor wnst7 'oars 01 1. " . . , , . . , . . , RATE DILL IN THE SENATE. I Question of Appeal to Courts Basis of I DivisIon , I W ASIIINGTON.-Tho divisIon In the ' sonnte over the rnllroad rate bill I' sooma now to hang UllOn a question or npllenl to the cOllrts from the decision I of the Interstate commerce commls. IIlon when It fixes a maximum rate. 'rho hOllso b1I ! nnd the D01l1ver.Clnpp hili In the Rennto provldo for no ap. rICnl , lenvlng It to the railroad ( 'om. Jmnles to tnlee nny cnso Into the courts ullller the preRent laws. The oppo. l1Cnts of the house nnd similar 11l1ls In. slst that the right of the railroads to an flPpcnl In ever ' cnso of whlcU the commission fixes n rnto must ho given. A revlow of the nrtlon of the commls- Rlon hy the cOllrt..q Is the main conten. tlon , nnd It appenrs that the rate fight Is to bo made on these lines. CUT ON conu RATES TO THE SEABOARD CIHCAGO. - Announcement was mndo by the Wabash railroad that , commencing Fehruary 1 , that rend would Pllt into efCect a cnrload rate for export corn of 23 cents from the Mis. souI'I river to Doston nnd Now York ntHl 22 cents to Phlladelphln , through Chlcngo nnd St. Louis , with transit privileges. These ligures will Include the cost of loading on vessels. For several months the rate has been 27 cents , with nn ndded loading charge , desplto the efforts of the Chlcngo and St. Louis grnln merchnnts to bring nbout a settlement of the r'lto ! dlffi. culty which developed between the enstern and western railroads 11ltst yenr. The eastern rends nil along hnvo refused to join with the western roads in dividing the dlfferenco be. tween the local rate as an expert rnto. THE SIXTH BATTERY N GOOD CONDITION WASHINGTON-Genera ] M. Leo , commander of the department of Texas , in a reply to UIO war depart. ment's request for Informntlon con. cernlng the condition of the Sixth bnt. tery of field artlllory which recenetly made a long march from Fort Rlle ' to Fort Houston , snys he made 11 personal - sonal Inspection nnd found men Ilnd horses In good condition. The general says : "Tho statement that the men were a sorry apllearlng set , their "clothing In tatters , ' that 'the men were haggard nnd lean' and that 'tho horses resembled - bled moving skeletons , ' is sensational. misleading nnd without substantial foundation. " JAPAN'S POLICY IN KOREA , MarquIs Ito Takes Newspaper Men Into His Confidence. . TOKIO.-rrho l\farquls Ito , the Japanese - aneso resident general In Korea , Invited - vited the newspaper men to his offi. clal residence and outlined the policy of Japan In Korea , which Includes entire - tire nntlonal defense of the country by .Japan. Every\ step Involving International - tional reform and matters of diplomacy - macy between the two countries will bo taleen Into careful consideration by the Japanese emperor and his ministers - ters , and even' possible effort to loole Into the mineral , agricultural nnd forestry - estry development of Korea. The edu- ( 'atlonal system of Korea will receive the closest attention. Weather Good for Farmers. W ASHINOTON-The weather bu- reau'R general summary of crop condl. tlons for Jnnuan' sa 's thnt rains Interfered - terfered with fnrm work In Cental and Northeastern Texns and In Loulsillna. As a whole , however , the month was oxcptlonnllY mild and free from severe wenther condltionR , affording excellent OIIIOrtunlt ' for midwinter farm worlc. Winter wheat escnped serious Injury and at the close of the month was gen. erally in very promising condition. Rockefeller Ranch Sold. COLDY , Kas-News hns just been rocelved of the transfer of the Franlc HocllcCeller ranch In Rawlins county , I Kansas , to Crnlg J. . Spencer , nnst - orn Nornsltn man. 'rho tract comprises 9,120 acres. and about $80,000 Is involved - volved In the deal. Crnlg } . . S encer , the purchaser , ex. Ilects to Improve the land and put It under cultivation. This snle Is the lar. est deal ever negotiated In western Kansas Innd. Seek Leniency for Ware. LgAD. S : D.-Petitions nro helng clr- cUlateli here among the different churches or this city and Deadwood asltlng that Federal .Iudgo lunger of . Omaha , bo lenient with Rev. George G. Wnre , convicted or conspiracy to se. 1 cure pUblic lanl1s. More Money for Militia. W ASlI1NGTON-'J'he house commit. . tee on militia decll1e(1 ( to malco a rnvor. ahlo report on the Merrill bill Increns. . Ing tho' nnnual npprollrlatlon ror the mllltl/\ / from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000. Russian Landlords Killed. II 'fUKU1\1 , Courland-Count Fredorlcl < < t 1.Ilmsl1orff Ilnl1 IIaron Hoenne , two ot ' . the most prominent Innd owners of thle ' II IlIstrlc't , whllo out I1rlvlng were at. ' . tacleell b ' n hand of revolutionists ani ] were pullel1 from tholr 610lghs a\1l ] murl1erel1 , K Orders Leasln ! ) of Lands. . . WASHINGTON-Tho secretar ' 0 : it Iho Intorlor has orl1erel1 the lensing 0 : . a 11,000 ucres , or the Klown. Commnn s cho nnd AIJ cho Innl1s In Olclahoma fOI a rlculturnl IHlfiJoSeS . . . . \ , . - . FOR NEW MARKET BUSINESS OF LIVE STOCK GROW. ERS' ASSOCIATION , . TALK ON RAILROAD LEGISLATION Mr. Cowan , the Texas Member of the Interstate Commerce Convention , Reads An Intercstlng Paper-What Other Members Hnd to Say. - DENVEH-Wllh the merbor ot the two rlvnl nssocintlons succecsful1r Ile. compllshed , the nntlonal con \'entlon of 'stockmen resumed its sessions pre. pared to open a vigorous campnlgn to secure federal legislation for regu. Intlon of railroad rates Ilnd for do. velopment of foreign trade , An agreement on the forest reserve grnz. Ing tnx question has practically been renehed nt conferences between the stoclemen and Chief l orester Clifford Plnchot. A feature of the convention wns nn nddress by S. D. Cownn of Fort Worth , Tox. , on the subject of rnllroad legis. latlon. At the morning session President Murdo MncKenzle announced his com. mltteo nppolntments. J. M. John or Trinidad , Colo. , del1vered nn address on "Possibilities of Orgnnlzntlon. " At the conclusion of Mr. John's nd. dress , W. A. Morris of Chlcngo , spolco on "Tho Extension of } orelgn Mar. kots for Meat Products. " An nppelll was mndo by John \V. Springer for a fund of $10,000 to de. fray the ( ! xpenses of sending n. . committee - mitteo to Washington to secure legis. latlon fllvorablo to the l1vo stock In. torested. Ho suggested that the fund should bo subscribed In fifteen min. utes , nnd at the tlmo of that period the subscriptions footed up $10,425. Frnnk .T. Hngenbnrth , former prosl. dent of the National Llvo Stock asso. clatlon , was elected vlco president or the American Natlo\ml \ Live Stocl ( as. soclatlon , the new orgllnlzatlon , by ac. clamlltlon. On motion it was decided to rescind the nppolntment of the committee on resolutions and turn over nl1 resolutions - tions to the executive commltteo. President MacKenzie then announced - ed the executive commltteo , which Is composed of twentr-elght members. Among the members are the fol1ow. Ing : H. C. Wallace , Des Molnos , Ia. ; A. L. Ames , Bucllngham , In. ; W. G. Comstock , Ellsworth , Neb. ; Robert Taylor , Abbott , Neb. ; I. M. Humphrey , Rapid City , S. D. ; F. 1\1. Stewart , Buf. falo Gap , S. D. ; Richard Welsh , Pala. duro , Tex. ; W.V. . Turney , EI Paso , Tex. , and Captain J. T. Lytle , Fort Worth , Tex. ENGLAND IS WARNED REGARDING HER DEFENSES LONDON-WitJl th opening at the new parliamentary regime , Field Mar shn ] Lord Roberts renews his cam. pnlgn of wnrnlng to the country re- gnrdlng the Inadequncr of its defenses. Addressing the members of the Liver. pool chnmber of commerce , ho again affirmed that the nation wlla as nbso- lutely unprepared for war as It was In 1899. Ho urged the adoption of a mil. lion men ns the military standard , half of which would be needed for the de. fense of India and the other half to fit the nation to maintain an European struggle. Visit of Gcrman Squadron. BERLIN-The Loltal Anzelger prints a report to the effect that the German cruiser Panther of the CarIbbean sea squadron will bo Instructed to nscend the Parana and Pnraguay rivers to Asuncion , the cailital of Paraguay. THE DRY DUCK DEWEY IS MAKING GOOD TIME W ASHINOTON-Tho bib dry doele Dewey Is getting along well on her way to the Philippines nnd the almost dally reports received at the navy dopart. ment by wireless telegraphy have al. mORt assurell the officials of the suc. cess of the yenturesome oxperlment. On Frldar cnmo two messnges from the nayal commnndant at San Junn Porto Rico , transmitting news ot. the dock received through the chain of scout shlpR thrown out rrom Admiral Brownson's cruiser squndron. The first message , timed at 8 o'clocl ( In the morning , rellOrted the doclc In lattltude 2.4-1 nnd longitude 41.23 , with wenther fine nnd the expedition make Ing nn avernge of 100 miles per day. Present for MIss Rosevelt. IIA V AN A-Tho senate Imssed an ap. proprlatlon of $2 , OOO for the purchase of a wedding girt for 1\1lss Allco Rooso- volt. The bill directs President Palm/\ / to select n gift for Miss Rosevelt. Each of the three senntors Introducing the bill spolco In a similar tone to SonataI' Zn'as , who said that Cuba owed some ovldenco of nllpreclatlon to Its lInall. Ing friend , Theodore Rosovelt , nnd that the wedding or his dnughtor ntrorllecl opportunity to demonstrate Cuba's love I for nnd nppreclatlon for her lIlustrloulJ rnther , Stock Salc Tax Law Valid , ; NEW YORK-Tho conlltltutlonallty or the stacIe trnnsfer tax Inw of Now I Yorlc stnto affirmed h ) ' Il do'IBlon of the . nllpollato division or the sllliromo I court. About $ , OOO.OOO annuul tnxos I nro ndded to the Rtato revenues h ' the decision. 'rho I'nso Ilechlell wus Il test ngalnst Alhort .T. Hutch , stocle hrollor , who WIlS cllllrged with hnvln ! ; sold and 11011verell shnres or rallrond stoclc with. out pa 'lng the tax required h ' this . Inw. J. our justices dechled for thor r constltutlonnllty of the lnw Ilnd ono oaoln" + It - - . FACIAL PARALYSIS Nervous DistortIon of Face Cured by Dr. William. ' Pink Pills. What nppears to be slight nervous attAok may bo the forerunner of n fiOYOro diRordor , No nervous Imfferer should neRlect the warning 8Y11lpt0l11S , but should see that the starved nerves nro nourished beroro the injury to the dell. cato or nl1lBm hns gene to an exlol1t that renderH a cure n cl101cult mnllel' . The nervORrccolve their noul'lslunout through the blood , the MillO ns every othr ! ! part of the body , and the best nerve tonlo nllli food is Dr. WiIllnms' Pink Pills. The experlenco of Mr. Hl\rry Bcmls , of Trnthvi1lo , Washington count } ' , N. y" substnntiates thiR. . . I hnd bcen feeling badly for n long timb , " said Mr. Bomill , II and in thu early part of September , 1002 , I wns com- pellClt to quit work 011 necount of my ill health. My trouble was nt first ex. trome Jlm'vousnces , then my sight be. came affccted nnd I conRultml an oculist who Bahl I , vas snfforing from pal'nlysis. Ho treated mo for 80mo time , but I Hot no benefit. I trff"l Ilnothor doctor ntul agl\in faned to obtain any rellof. My nervousness incrCl\scd. Slight noiscH would almost mnleo mo wild. My mouth was drawn so I could scarcely ent allll ono eye was affected flO I cnuM Imrl11y fiCO. I hnd very little use of lilY limbs , in fact I was almost a complete wreck. . . I am all righ t nov ( \1111 I\ln at work. That is because I folloWClll11v . wlfo'sad. vice 1\1111 took Dr. WiIlI1\11Is'.Pillk Pills. She hml used the flnmo remedy hcrflelf with the most grntlfyin resu1tH a1ll1 Rhe persuaded mo to try them when it ap. penrell thnt the dootorll were unah10 to help mo. ' They aoted "ery surely in my cnsej my faoe came back into shnpo nnd in time I was entirely well. " ' Dr. Williams' Pink 'pmR are Bolrl by nIl clru gi8tl ! or by moil by the Dr. Wl1Iiams Medlolne Co. , Sohenl1ctmly , N. Y. A booklet on Nervous Dhorlel's Bunt ireo on request. Seagulls Rob Fishermen. Seagulls Invaded a boatful of hor- mlg at Nanalmo , Wash. , while the fishermen were Ilway.Vhen the fish. ermen returned sixty had eaten so much that the ' could not flYaway. The fishermen lifted them Into the wnter Ilnd they just mllnaged to swim to the shore , where they lay down to recover from their dinner. W. A , GARDNER AGAIN PROMOTED General Manager of the Northwestern Is Madc a Vlce.Presldent. Chicago , Jan. 21st.-Aunouncement has been made to-day or the pro. motion or General Manager Wl1Ilam A. Gardner of the Chicago & Northwestern - western railroad to be 11 vice-pres. idont of the road. This is an. other chapter in the steady rLso ot Mr. Gardner since ho first entered the servlco ot that road . in 1878 as a telegrapher. Other changes have been made nmong the vice-presidents of the road , who nro now four in number , nnd each has charge or a certain department - partment or the administration of the road's affairs. According to the slate posted they nre as follows : Hiram R. McCullough , In charge or freight pas. senger traffic ; WiIIlnm A. Gardner , in charge of Uie operation and main. tonance of the railway of the com. pany and of Its proprietary rallwa 's ; Marshnll 1\1. Kirkman , In charge of receipts nnd disbursements , nnd John M. Whltmnn , In charge or location and construction of new lines. W\I1lam \ A. Gardner was born in Gardner , III. , March 8 , 1859. Since 1878 he has held many positions with the road , until Dec. I , 1900 , when he was appointed general manager. .1 A Chinese Empire of LIce. I -.J "Ten generations from ono pnlr ot - l plant lIce w\l1 \ , " says a writer In the March Country Life In America , "If Illlowed to breed unlnterrupje.dlY , equlll In bulk five hundred ml1llon humnn beings , or the population or the Chinese Empire. " I' FITS penn"nently cnred. Nn fit. or"tter Urot d"v' . nee of IIr. Kllne'.Un'at N r'or - er. Rend for Jo'ItB 82.00 Irlal bottl and Ir . .U.e. D .lI. U.KLINE. Ltd. , 931 Arch tHr ct.l'hl1ad lphl.I' . . . LIghthouse Destroys Birds. After two recent nights of fog nearly GOOO bIrds were found dead under the Inn tern of Cape Grlsnez lighthouse , says the London Chron. fcle. The ) ' ha been nttracted by the brJ1l1ant light , and were Ieilled by fly. ing ngninst the lIghthouso. 1\1'1'8. "In.low' " ! 'Ioothl"1 ; ' Ryrap. iro'/ ' children teetblnl ( , BofteDs the IIUI11S , roducc ! m. llammaUon , 811""sl\I1ln , cures wind ( .0110. "botUo. . Spent $1,750 to Recover a Penny. A Scottish farmer brought Iln nctlon ngalnst our customa to recover IL pen. \ DY which ho alleged they had wrongly lovled. He won the cnso , hut It cost the county $1,7j0 [ IJCforo a jury brought In a verdict ontltllng him to 'l. . the disputed penllY. r . Oldest In lan Is Dead , Qulnclc , the ohl08t 1I1IIInll III the Northwest , died l'ocont1) ' at his homo In Sntsop rlvor , Chohalltl ( 'ount ' , Washington. 110 WIIS lit IIm"t 10 : ! years oil ! liS ho waR oM 1U1I1 rrny. lInlroll whell the 011108t Hotttors cluno to Gray's IJnrhor , IHI ' 'OIl\"R ago. As Always. The wild hllwlt to the wlnswellt sley , 'rho doer 10 the whnloBo\l1O worlll. An ! ! the heart of II man to the heart of 1malll , Ail It wns III the Ila 'H of 0111. -HIIII'ard KIpling. 'SIr .Walter Halolgh were Rhoes stulldo ! ! with IIlamolllls snld to have cost100,000. . ' } 'ho gallants In' ChnrleR ! to's tlmo were 'tholr high boot tops turned llown to the alllloo } to show the gorgeous lace with whlcb the ' lined. were ' 'wi Bees nro pnrtlnl to sweet things , but that is poor consolntlon to the girl J who happens to bo stung bf : ono. ,