Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 01, 1906, Image 5

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    \ ' " , , : : . - - : - . - - - -
i >
An EIitome of Personal Affairs and Local
, Events During the Past Weel < ,
. , / ,
, , , C. l . Henckeser , of Hotcn Val-
" L Icy , was among the welcollle callers -
lers at thi ofl ce yestcrday.
Carlli'oote and wife , of Dun-
f'f ning , came down SaturdaJ morning -
. . ing , r turning Sunday night on
I'V ' 42.
O. A. Smith , of New Helena ,
was a city visitor Monday. 'rhis
' : office acknowlcdge a busincss
t , call.
H. B. Andrews and J as. lAud-
Y ley were iu the city the first of
the week as witnesse in the
district court.
, Mr . Mary B. elay , of Ausle\ " ,
came up Saturday night to visit
her son , J.V. . Clay , south-west
of the city. he returuerl home
. _ yesterday. '
) JJ , C\URcn OR Gon.ervices at
John Doman's residence , north
side of town , cvery Sunrlay at 11
u. Ill. , and 7:30 : 1' . m. Everybody
cordially invi teel. A. I4uTIInH ,
.i. . Mrs. J. R. Street , who was a
business caller at this office Monday -
day , informs us that the special
, mceting being held at Custer
f ; Center are growing in intercsl
' : and that a number have confes-
I : " sed convcrsion ;
, r. '
' Prof. Warrcn , of Westen , New
, f York , who has been teaching in
' business colleges for the past
, : : eight years has leaBed the Bnsi-
. : . . 11ess College building" of th ( ' cIty
; with the view of bUIlding up a
Business and Commercial college
' : in Br ken Bow. ,
; . - J. II , Swick , of Gates , was a
; , friendly caller at this office Mon-
i' etay. tIe informs us that Jas.
Coffman , who moved to Ohio last
i ; , fall , has bought property there
with the vicw of remaining , bu t
as his oldest daughtcr is corning
. ' . ' back soon he predicts that the
" I i' relit of the famIly will be hack
r : before many months.
: Kearney has a puhlic spiritcd
man of a chari ta hIe tl1rn of mi nd
that is planning to put in a plant
I to manufacture artificial iCt- ' .
I Unless there is a'cry remarkable
change from th summer weath-
( > 1' we ar ( > having thiq winter ,
Broken Bow will ha\'c an ice
famine next SlHnmel' unlc > ss an
artificial ict' plant i insta11ed
. ReLc'ack administered the
ordiuancc > of haptistlt Sunday
night in Uw Baptist church to
cight candidater. in the pres nce
of a. crowrled house. A not her
feature of the good work accoUl-
. plishell at tlw ! ; pecia1l11eetillg' ir
' : , noticed in the increar.ed attend-
anc at the prayer meetings.
I Last ' \Y.ednes a ) ' night there
, were ahout fifty in altenllance.
I' Mrs. Wm. I dmunds , of Merna ,
who with her children had been
( . . ' visiting at. Mason City , for a
\ ' wecle , stopped over Sunday in
, : city on her way homc and attended -
, : tended baptisimal services at the
Baptist church. Sunday night ,
- where her daughter , r.sther , was
, one of the candidates. MI' . I elI -
I ronnds met her here and therc -
turneel home I\I01ulay 1l10rni gen
; the train.
! J. L.Valker , of Walworth ,
- ; war. . a friendly ca11er Sal1mlay.
t " J' " lIe lIlformH ns that he expects to
, " ; ' leave ahout the mirlrl1c of D'ehm-
, . . . . . I" If ary on a visit to ! > ce his c1111rlren. ,
' t He wi1l first \'isit his son , f4all1-
t bert , at Glcna , Kansas , and will
. theu visit his daughter. lrs.
. Art Pulliam in Illaho. He informs -
forms us that Mr. Pulliam is do-
, mill which he hought there a
yea ' ago. 'l'hat he haB cleared
$2000 within a 'year.
.T. A. Amsbcrrr , of Mason City
was in town 1 11esday l oldng af-
. ,1 ; ' , ! er matter ! > in the d strict court
, . \ 'l. ' 111 reference to havtng several
farms adjoining the city set out
of thc cor'poratiou. 1t appears
when the town was t r't incorporated -
porated sC\'eral farmu were in-
cluded. It secms the asseSSOI
, never found It out unti11ast year.
The first the ownem of the far l
knew of it was when the ) ' fonnd
\ they had th.e village taIes : to pay.
John Pirnie , superintendent ot
. \ ' t c011nty . poor farm wan a cit )
. ) . ' Visltor'rucf1day , He informs 1Hi
\ \ that Don , UU' tweh' { ' year 0111
110) ' of Mr. aud Mn ; . U. P. tand ,
, , ford of Merna , who was taletl
dowlI last 'l'hursday with pllU'
, monia , died 'l'uesftay morni ng
Hc was a hey of unusual i e
weighing 2JO pounds and wm
I the pride of his parents a 11 < 1
favorite among his associate , "
. . . . . His remains were laid to res !
I yesterday in the Merna cemeter ) '
i. .
, .
Mrs. J. A. Amshcrr ) ' and. .
daughter , Mrs. Duke , ' arrived in
the cit ) ' this morning on a visit. II I I
Supt. .J. C. Birdsell , of AI-I
Hance , spellt Sunday in the city ,
returning home Sunday night on
Geo. W. Brock , of Merna , was
a business caller at thiB ofl ce
yesterda'He ach' Ilts
fathcr' ! ! ubscdption se\'cral
mOllths ; .
.Chas. Pixley , formerly of this
city , who has heen located at
Ainsworth for thc past sevcn
) 'ears , was a ci tr \ ' si tOl' se\'crall
clays last wc'k amI 1IlC' lirst of. .
Sheriff Hichardsol1 coulIllenced :
building a feed and liverharn
last Satnrday , just east of Cad-
we11s huilding on Cedar Street.
Mr. Ellis has charg-c of the car-
pcnter work.
G. O. Jpyner , of Merna , callec1 !
today and rcquested his aldrefs' ( ! '
he' ' changed to roleen Bow. The !
HHl'Unr.lcAN i pleased to welcome - ;
come and Mrs. Jo"ncr . to
Broken Bow.
Dr. C. Pickett went to T4incoln
yesterday to deliver lectures bc-
fore the Illeclical college , in which
he holds a chair. He informs us
thal he will be hack in timc for
pctmion day next week.
W. J. Hicc , of Hest , was a
frien ly caller Monday. He had
heen in the cit ) ' scyeral clays as
I juror. lIe was one oC thl' jurr
111 the Mortisen lynching case
that f.dIed to agree on a verdict.
If yoU intel1flto have a pub1 c
sale all althe RHPuur.TCAN office
and get yonr bills printed. A
tastely arranged and ncatly
printed poster attracts attention
and dm ws hidders ten fold more
than a slO\'enly peice of work and
costs no more. 'I'he HHI'UHLIl'AN
is cspecially equipped to print sale
hills iu a neat , up-to-elate style.
Messr" George & Bray , of the
Eagle grocery storc , ha\'e instal-
1(1 a new } leanu t roaster and
corn popper , . a 1f
home power steam englne , at a
C\st of $400 wInch certainly
"Iavs O\.t > r" anything of the kiud
in the matter.of heautv.- . while
it dOl' 1 the work for whi h it was
made to the ( 'ntirBatisfaction
of all who patroni e it. 'J'he
com i ! > automatically hlltlerl'el
an.l . salted and Pilch grain is
thereh.r seasoned ( ' \'nly insteall
of some g'fain beingsoakcIl with
butter and some not huttercd 01'
sa1trd as ) ' thE' m'tholl of ponr-
ing melted hlltlcr IHI the COI'II
after being poppell. ( t will be
in operation in front of the
1 agle Grocery Saturday-\\'cath-
er permitting' .
S. , K. Warric1e , who wa ! il1the
city Tuesday informs us that in-
Bteul : of securing S28 : ; of the
money for which Wm. Hardy
had sold the horses for in St.
f4ou ! . he recC'ived at the til11 ( , of
the arrcst all of t he money for
which they : ; old hnt $215 , and
that since then he ha : . hecn'ahle
to locate $300 morc money which
full ) ' covcrs the amou n t realized
from. the horses 11isposcll . of. IIe
further ftat'l that. the two similar -
lar cafCS ; in which thc parties
had not he'en apprehcnrled were
not in 'l'homas county , hut the
parties l'ed l in Cherry connt ) ' . fn
spealdng of the anthoritic , oC
'l'homm , cOllnty , he sa ) ' ! ; they
lent him all possihlc aBRistance
in locating : Hard ) ' and that
Sheriff Crow is entitled to\pecial : '
credit for the part hc toole ill the
- - - -
Popular Lecture on the 1.lI.11I1 . of the
Hcv. anl Mrs. 1./eyack will deliver -
liver a lecture on Egypt , its peoples -
ples , religion and CtlstOIU iu the
Baptist Church on 'l'tlesdaj' , Feb.
6th , 3.t 8 p , tU.
Mr. and r-.frs. Le'ac1ha'c la-
horell in log'ypt ; for three ycar ! as
missiunaries atlll will speak from
p rsonal experience.
, ,
{ ideets 25 cents each.
Proceeds to go toward. . reno\-
ation of Church hui1c1ing.
- - -
AP'rHiT Clwncu
Services in the Baptist Church
, next Lord , , ' day . at 11 a. 111. anrl
:30 : p : m.
Sperial Sen'c' , 011 I\nrla \ ) '
- IIl0ming- when the ; acrement of
I the Lords Supper will be observed ,
amlthc rig-hl : : alld of fellowship
will he l.xtene1cd tu tho" ' ( , uniting-
, with the Church. Subject :
"God's blank Chellue. "
'l hc topic in the evening will
. he : "The finding of the Court. "
E\'eryone made welcome.
. A. M. LnvAcIC : .
- ,
Tile New T.Jepllone DIrectory
'l'he new telephone directory
of the ( 'cntril"l'elephonc'Co. , for
which thl' COP ) ' will be compill'd
in a few ela's , will contain abont
fi\'c htlnlln. d more namcs than
the last enc , issued. six monthi
ago , : \1111 will he more complete
allli convenient than cUI ) ' ) 'et gotten -
ten out. It will contant all index -
dex g-iving 'thc page on which
th name of the part ) ' w.anted
1I1a } ' he founel. 'l'he book will he
the same as the former enc in
si e other than it will contain a
half more pages.
- - ' - - -
Quecn Eat"r Cir.'Je. .
' [ 'he Queen Bster Circle of gIrts
will meet at the home of Mr. .T.
' ) ' . Wood Saturda afternoon at
the regular hour , 'at which time
the following prog-ram will be i
carried ont : i
Opening service.
Recitation.'IWhat Christ
said. " Ma'rr Jackson ,
Story.1Ii'resh air at1fl g-reen
apples , " A rahelle P art.
Storr. "Accidental or Pro\ ' -
denliai. " Marie Johnson.
[ nformalion. What other
Queen l ter Circ1eR are doing.
Lea Squtres.
Business Session.
COlner'l Hoult' , Burned.
I n a letter rece'ed the fir t of
the week ftom Jas. n. Cosner ,
\vho \ is llcated at Swartara , Minn.
We learn that hir. home with
nearh' " all his household goods
were "lmfUerl on the 23d inst.
At the time of the tire MI' .
Cosner was awa ) ' from home
working in the woods and Mrs.
Cosner was vi iting at a ncigh-
oors. 'l'he children went home
in the e\'ening and , built a big
tire and it caught in the ( leer up-
tairs and \VaB all ablaze before
they knew it. Mr. Cmlller had
just laill in his supply of winter
provissionH. AI1 th a l was sa vcd
was the organ and sewing ma- .
chine. A 11 the clothing they h\ll
left was what they hall on. 'Phc
children c\'en 10 ! their overshoes -
shoes , which was an importar1t
factor in a country with two feet
of snow.
Mr. Cosner and family arc as-
surerl the ) ' have the sympathy of
their man ) ' Custer Count ) ' friends
in th'ir g eat 10RS.
Wub IS Jf-SUS'l :
x. y , . .s ! " 'llly to HlIarmoll.I
J beg Mr. Harmon'r pardon for :
ra'ing 1) ) ( ' wa a vcneered infidel. i
r see from hi ast article that he .
is not cv'n'ene'red. . TIc has.
tak n three time' , the pacc in
thc papcr to air his infirlelity ,
that I reluired to place my'icw ! )
before the pcople , and aftcr all
what har. he done except to prO\'c
that he is an infidel al1rl to lower
himsel f in lhe stimation of the
puhlic ? We suppose his lellgthy
articlcs fl'present the cream of
hiB 3 , 'crH : stud r. All he has
done lli ) to the pr Beut is to air
his rlonhtq. fIe has uot present-
l'cI enc single bit of proof ; hut
11m. trand cl round and round
over the samc track. We 11 el
.most certainly expect him to rca-
son , ancl not mercl r assert. In
his Hext to the last article he rehash -
hash ell 0111 Bob r ug-ersol's very
words about hntchering the only
I oocl boy of his famil , } ' , etc. He
< jurely mnst ha\'e olcl Bob'g works
lnduscs thcm instead of the hi-
ble. lrow silly and nons'nsical
, > uc'h argnnwnts appear to intelligent -
gent people. g\'crj' one knows
that God didn't crucify Christ.
1 twas llnhelieversj pcople just
like Mr. 11arl11on who crucified
] n anB\\'er to his foolish clues-
tion : \ ' ) ) Mary know who the
father of Jesus wasVc an-
< ; w'r yes , if she could un erstand
t he plain statement. of the ang-el
who made the announcement to
her , his words -'l'hcrefore
also that holy thing which shall
he horn of thee shall be called the
Son of God ; and he also told her
"He shall he called the Son of
th ( ' Big-hest. 'l'wo statcments
of a fact gi\'c'n by Dine author-
i ty was conc1u'e proof to her.
'l'he proof I ga\'e him from the
gospel record was so conclusi\'e
that there was no wa\ ' out of his
ditliculty , but to decl re the goos-
p l narr.ltive spurious. Note
he agreed to follow the gospel
story , and now he squinm ; out of
it , und rejects the anthority. 1
have dextrousl ) ' driven Mr. HarI I
mon a t last to where hI' helongs.
In his last artirlc he toole the
grounlls of an a\'owed infidel ,
allil showecl that he had about as
lIIudl If''lwcl fm t he N , wI'eflt -
alllcnt a' ; he hall'or it lasl year- :
altll.llHlC ; anl1 a : . I saill in m ) : lir ! > t
nrtirll' , he t'l tain or rejects any
part of ( ; ocJ's wonl , just as fancy
or theory ilia ) ' rl'lJuirc. Note his
rClllarlts , Hc . .W '
sas ( ha\'e
IJunlel1 hoth accounts of the birth
of Jesus , that X. Y. . may have
a chance to try his ability at reconciling -
conciling them , one or hoth of
these accounts cannot be tme ,
etc , " and asks triumphantly ,
. .
" " ' ! ! f .
, _ . . r . . .
u'Vhich account shall we ue gov-
< > . rpecl by ? " I unhesitatiug-l ) ' sar
that both acC'ouut ! ; are Hr.HH."I'J.\ '
'I'IWH aUll there i ! ; no ttiscrcpan-
( 'Y whate\ . ' 1'0 an'oltc who
tUt1ics the criplures for iufo .
malion , audnot for the purpose
of fincting' ( lawg. l'he truth lies
rig-ht 011 the surface amI tlecds no
"l cJesiastical "
juggling" what-
ever. 'rhe gospel m ; recorded hy
Matthew , Mark , f4ulec and John
were not intcnded as a complete
biograph ) ' of Jesus , but enl } ' de-
tacheel examples of his life and
teachings to illustrate hi divinity -
ity aud character. Wr- will notice -
tice f4uke'g account first. He
g \'C ! ; the circumstancc ! ; atteud-
ing hh birth at Bethlehem ; thc
I v isiun gran ted to the she phercls ;
he tellof ! hb being t > resented to
T-4orcl ; aud of the sacnfice of the
\ ' , 01' pigeons and T may as
wel answer Mr. Harmon's nig-
nificant questiou right here , in
regard to thc sin offeriug. Hc
says "Now just what siu had she
( Mary ) coulluitlcd ? " It was the
la w of God giyen to Moses ; a law
that cyer ) ' mother without ex-
ceptiou must comply with ; and
Jesus says "T come not to dcstro } '
the law hut to fulfill it. " But
thb h.r the wa ) ' seems
to he what Mr. Harmon cannot
understand. f4ulec Ba's "And
whcn they had performed all
things according to the law of
the Lord , they returned to their
own city Nazareth. " Now isn't
that remarlmbly Rtrang-e-that : .
they went bac1 home ! Of coursc .
the.r did ; just as Lukc says ,
Now we wi1lturn to 1\1 aUhe\v's
account. 1'his account of Matthew -
hew is upposed to have heen
writtcn five ) 'eal'f\ after Christ's
ascension , hut we will spcak morc I
full ) ' of that later on.
( COlllhlill.I IIIJ I wee" . '
_ . . .
- - - - - - -
MarriaRc l.icenac.
Judge A. H. Humphrey has
isHtcd ! marriagc license to the
fo11owing' penOl18 cluring' the
month of January , 190(1.
Name and residence. Agc.
Irwin Sherbeck , 'Vestervillc. . .21
Anna IIntchcs , Westerville. . . .1 ( ,
Fred Bradaugh , Oconto. . . . , . . 2
glbm Glendy , Oconto. . . . . . . ' , } I )
Hobt. htrritol' , New Helena. , .2 ( )
Bmma KnocH , Newllelena. . . .21
Chas. B. Hickcy , l est. . . . . . , . 22
Agnes li'orasR , Hest. . . . . . . . . . 2'
li'rank 1\lajors , Arnold , . . . . . . .25
Lola May Shaw , Arnohl. . . . . . 18
fT arry Ii : . Govier , l. lton. . . , . . . 28
: -arah ; .A. Smith , Jtillon. . . . , . . 17
J. W. Rich , Broken How. . . . . . ! 4
HetmcreUa 14. Westfall , Battle
Creek , Mich. . . . . . . . . . . \ , . . .24
Hobert Anderson , Mason City.21
1\1'rle I ) ringle , Mason CIty. . . .18
Cah'in A.GriswoldI4Ill1eHock.
Washing-ton. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .2,1
TAtla A. Brown , Brokcn Bow. . 24
John C. Starr , Arnold. . . . . . . . . 2lJ
1\1illred Kimberling , Arnold , .22
IT : : rn' 'I'owuley , Seneca. . . . l
) \'a ' Beujaminc , J3rokcn Bow. . 22
Arthnr ' 1' . Scott , Comstock. . . .21
gl1ith Wooters. . Broken Bow. . .19
. . _ . . .
- - - . , - - . - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
J 1t : ! lY. \ ii : : " : l m : ti' : : :
X M rn m
- . - - - - - _ . _ _ . . . -
" ' , \N'rg\l-Jlrh.ltl. \ . ItOIH'st } 'OUIIIC l1Iall frulll
JlrulwlI Huw 10 "r"llare " for . , a\'illir l'o ItItHI III
CO\'erullIlHII ; l\Iall R'ryICf' . nUll Onr. C."lar
Hapll ! > , . ) . . . . : t5
- - - - - - - , -
" . , \ N'I'I : ! ) ) o } ' Chica n1" : Inlt l1I:1n 01'-
, J"I' 1t00UC. :1'.1.1 . > ,1:1111 mlllllf"r , lIIali or womall )
fOI tlIIR 1'01lIlt ) a'lIl adJollllll1f tlJrallM } , Halan
t O allil ( ' ' 'II'US' ' ! ! 1'3111Ieklr : : eXI'eU " ! IIOII. ' } '
ad vauI'etl.01 k pll'lHIul : posltlou Ihrmau.
CUI , No ill\c lmelil fir ellp rlt'lICI ! m'lll 1 1'1'.1.
Wrltu at 0I11'1J for full l'arllclIllrH aUl1 "uclu'lJ
Helf.addn,1 eu'cI011J. COOI'I'H. ' < : Co. .
27.\ ; \ " 11 ; : . . HI. . Chlcalo. III.
Doelor Leach , JclIlist.
. . ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'l'his office for job work.
. _ _ ' -
nr. ' 1' . I4. larusworth , dentist.
_ . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'l'his ofl ce for neat job work.
- - -
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U
_ . . _ _ . _
- - - - - - - - -
Insurance that immres.
38tf H. G. MOOlut.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fresh O'sterscanclycig-ars and
tobacco at I\1ike Scanlons.
Let tiS he your prinh r. 'l'he
Iood kind of printing only.
llu 'Yl ; .f ; ; and- it- ) ' property -
erty of B. W. Blair. 7tf
. ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
. List yom' farm anrl city property -
erty with B. W. Blair. ' 37tf
FOH S.u.H-A thoroughbred
mal ( ' Dnroc Jerser hog. Peeti-
gree furnished. ' 1\0 ) 'ean , next
Apra. A. GUSTAl'SON.
A. .1. fil1lith and wife , of I\IiI-
hurn , WCff' cit } ' \ ' ! ) itorf. tlti'i
morning. 'rlH' I HI'UTITIP.AN
acknowledges . . a frieue11y call.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
W N'1'l' DMen , women , boys
and girls to r'present tcClure'
M.lfai'.ine I nod pay. Ae1clrcsi
Il gast 2.111 Sl. , , Y. Citr. 3ot-H.
, _ . .
- - - - - - - - -
1-40H'I'-A pocket book betweelJ
Bowen's store and fiouth side ,
containing a\lont \ $ ( ,0. , 'I'he tin'
del' will be li herall ) ' rewareled bJ
returning it to Nels Whipple.
I L 1 _ r y , ut "
We always have tUoney to loau
011 farms. 1 . n. Mool'r111 Apple
Block. 35tf
- - - - - - -
li'or harg-ainH in J'l'nl c' tate see
Dowman & Anderson , just west
of the Rccurit } . Statc ank. 10tf
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.J. N. Peale Co. for the finest
lot of ready made clothing in
Custer county. 22tf
Gond Pcrchct'on ta1lion , ix
j'ear olcl , weight 1700 :
If J. G. 14I\ONAH1 \ > .
. _ . . . ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FOI SA1.H-Blcvelt amI half
lots , 50xHO feet. Gooll frame
house , good barn , gooll well and'
100 bearing fruit trcoR. I nquim
at this otlice. 17tf
. . .
- - - - -
'Vallted-TIorses aud cattle to
winter at 50 cents pcr head pel'
mon t h. Plen tj' of good hay ,
t'ange auct water. Addres Chas.
OWClt , AI ! 1elUlo , Neht' . 31 38
- ' ,
'ro whom if may conccl'll :
All partics are hereby notified
not to purchase a note given by
\V alter Dence to l. " C. Albert for
$15 as I havc lost mid note and
it has not hcen paid. .
33-3 ( . Ii' . C. Ar.DltH'l' .
_ . . , u'.e. _ - :
'We can save' your time a'DeI
sa. ve you tUouey if you will call
and see Peck's clothing at J. N.
Pcalc Co. 22tll
1"01 { SAT.1t-A new house , 24x2G
four roollts , within two blocks of
the sluarc. Inquire at this
office. 24tf
Pan handle cxcursion , l cbru.
ary 6th aUtI 20. Ronncl trip
$14.90 , 'l ickels good for 21
da's. See the sightntHl ! SOUle
g-ood land. EUllt } l'e of G. II.
' [ 'horpe , omce ovcr N. Glcttlls.
- -
Lund Cor Snit ! .
li'or sale , 28 acres of fiua
land , 120 acrcs in cultivatiou ,
all but ahout 60 acres good farm ,
land , 100 acres fcnced in pasture ,
ncw sod house llx20 feet well
finished frame stable , 12x32 feet ,
largc cnough for cight horses ,
good well , wind mill , and good
cellar wit h a frame building over
it , half milc of nice trecs on
south line. Price , $4,000. For
particulars cnquire at Rm'UUI.I-
CAN ofi cc or write Wm. Shuck ,
AnRelIno , Ncbraslca. 3t-3b
. _
- - - - - - -
$200,000 to loan on good
Custer County farms.
2Uf R. G. Moore.
- - . . . . - - - - - - . - ' - - - - . -
- . . . . - . . _ _ _ oJ
E . . " "Il , ! ,
1 ( '
I'I / ' I
i ' II' ' , ' ' ' ' 's. I
( ; ffIE. " -
\(0\1 ro
J T ' I
I p
First-Class Work Guaranteed.
c. w . WAHL , Prop..letar.
'iQj {
. . . !
- - - - - -
Public Sale I
I will sell a , t public a , uction at
'my place , 3 miles Southwest of
Broken ow , Nebraska" on
the fol1oving' described property :
1 two-row Badger Cultivator 1 ream mack Horses , 9-year. .
1 two-row DCl11ster Cult \'ator olds , weight 1150 IbR
1 Riding Cultivator. 1 Horse , 8-years od.wcght ! ! 1,000 i .
1 Disc and Secder Comblt1ccJ 1 Mare , S-years old , weIght 1000
1 Mowing Machinc 1 Gm ) ' JIorRe , 9-yrs old , weight
1 TIfty Halce 1100
'I ' 3-r.ectiol1 Harrow 1 4-year old Horse , weight 1000
" SCtA of JTeanarllesB 2 Yearling Coltn
1 ! 1et of Single Hame1fJ ! 1 Short Horn Bull , 2 ycars old.
1 Hay I ack at1l1 wa o" 55 Rhoatr. , weiffht ahout 100 Ib ! >
1 pringWa on each
1 Single Bugg-y . 21 head of Cows , 3 and 4-'ear-olc1s
1 Grind-.tolle 3 Steers ; 2-'cam-ol(1
1 2-horse'Vag-oll 7 Rtcer Cal\'eH
1 tirritlg' Plow ' . : \ Heifcr Calves
A .HI . man ) ' other things too numerous to meution-
- ,
All Bums under $10 , cash in hand. On
alll sums over $10 , u credit of 8 months
tin1e win be given on approved seeurity.
interest at 8 pCI' cent per annum. 5 p ( r
eent ditcount fot' cash on all SUlns over $10.
JUDD KAY , Auctioneer.
C. W. BEA4 , Clerk. W . W II W It ers.
_ _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _
r-- = - = - F : = - ' " . - ' : : : ' : - : : . _ _ . = _ - = - = = - - : : : : _ ' . : : : - : . : _ _ _ _ _ _
Tb.e. 3JI SOllth
. . ) . , . ,
'fhe aholle of Soft Wiltlls , Perslstcllt Rnltshine 11\1(1 \ ( Gentle Haills ; the
lallll oflcl1nt / ) ' , IIpolllnes , Flowers , Contentmcllt ulIIllIcnl1h.
The Terl'itory served by the Louisville & Nashville
Hnilroad , strelchin from t.he Ohio River to the Gulf
'l'hrollHtwllt 1111. , wiil urea ferlilc lfillll is yet to he hl\lnt-froUJ ( a
Northern "tullllpoillt--VF.RY r.ow PRICES-
Jlrolll sOllie of this lawl flll an'rage of fptl.fS , net , WfiS mUlh !
lust year Oil tm\l'hcrrics.
Jlrom Clilltl110llpeS , 'i50.oo. ' .
l'cuches , A\lplcs. l rnpcs. . .clmll hnmlsolllcl ) ' . Cattle need
hilt' lit ! \ c \ \ 1lter Iced ,
Write IIU' for fucL' ! m\(1 \ ( Figurc. .
'G. A. PAI K , Gcn'l Immigration anc1lnclustrial Agent
Louisville & Nashville R. R. .
, ' ' .