' 5' ' . f' , . I , . TWO NEW STATES COMMITTEE ON TERRITORIES RE. PORTS THE MEASURE. FOUR TERRITORIES IN THE DEAL One State to Be Known as Oklahoma and the Other as Arizona-People of Former State To Select Their Capl. tal After Nine Years. . . - : W A8111NOTON - Ropresentatlvo IIamliton , Mich. , ehalrmnn or lho llouse committee on terrltorlos , : mh. milled a fo.vornhle report on the Hnm. 1II.on .Jolnt statehood hili , which pro. vldes for lho , nllmlsslon or OIt1ahoml\ and IIl1J1nn ! Territory liS the stnto of . Oltlahonm fU1I1 provides joint stnto'iood ' of New ! \toxlco nllll Arizona under the name or ArhOI1I1. : ' 1'110 rellort ro\'lows the hili In do , tall. oXlllnlnlng thnt the cnpltnl of Arl. 1.ona Is fo be at SnnhPo until 1011i and that thp ( , l1l1ltnl of Oltlnhomn Is to bo nt Guthrie for the Anmo length of tlmo , when the 11001110 cnn cheese thell' cailital. this with justlco to 1111 part.s of the states. The rellort sa's : "TIlls comnlltteo consillors the crlt. Iclsm ns lIIforlno.1 . which finds fault wlUI Now Mexico hecause or Its nl , legod foreign IIopulation. "Out or 11 IlolHllation or 105,310 New Moxlco has enl ) ' 13G21i forelgnhorn " . percentage limn most or the states or . . the union. , , , , . - "Now Moxl'o wns mndo a tert'ltory \ In 1860 onll over slnco thnt tlmo the " pooldo of that territory hnvo heon t . olecUng theIr own legislature , mnltlng ' their own Inws , conducting their own ' . local government and contrlhntlng rev. 't enuo to the federal trensury. , "Woro It not that the twoflrths of . the pOllulatlon which nro nntlvehorn , . hut or Spanish descent , hnvo boon herotororo erroneously rororrel1 to ns I forolgn , It would ho nn aspersion 1Ipon ' , . ' a pntrlotlc II'oplo ov'n to reCer to their loyalty. Tue remnlnlng three.flfths of Its population Ilro of the sarno chnrac. tel' IlR the ll00plo or Arlzonn. . - : Of the allegel1 undervnluatlon of j' . prOIerty In Arizona for purposes or J tnxnllon , which was warmly dlscussod I' I : ' In hoarlngs , the report snys : "It haR a total Ilss SRed valuation of t..ullblo In'oporly , lis shown by the ro. ' port of , L1IQ Recretnry of the Interior , of $57,90372 , hut IL Is prohnblo that its prOIery Is returnel1 for taxation Ilt n comparatively small percentage of Ita mo.rlcct Y:1ll1o : In some Instnnces , ns In. dlcated hy gO\'Orn111ont reports , at not , vcr 1i , ier cent. of Its actual valuo. " Conccrulug taxcs In New Mexico , . the report Rnft ; : "The l\s'lClJsM : vnluntlon of property wll.hln the terrllory ror the yenr 100ti ! WIlR $12 , 78,7 ! ) : ! , hut It Is nsserted thnt for tlUrllORes of taxation property Is 1'0' turned Ilt much leRS thl\n 20 per center or IIH mnl'lwt'I1lue. . The Il01l10cratlc mOmhel'R o [ the hOURO C'o1l11l1ltteo on terrltorleR lIre. son tell n. minority report tol1ny In op. pm1ltloll to the Hamilton joint state. hod htll. After I'ovelwlng lho resources of the ConI' terrllorles of Arizona , Now 1\Ioxlco. OI\1l1homl1 anl1 Indlul Ter 'llol'Y and dccll\rlng lu CavOl' 01 joint Rtntohood fOl' OI1ahon1land In , dlan ' the ' there Is Torr'llory , report HI\'S no moro I'eason for joining Now l\lox. IcC ) nl111 AI'lzona lhan there would be 01 joining Aln.slm 111111 Porto Rico. - , ' RAILROADS LOSE ONE CASE. Commission Declres New Rate or Leather Is Too High. WASllr G.TON - The Intorstat ( Commerco'commlsslon hns announce It.chdeclAlon In the cnso of 1\1 , Nowmnl1 agallU\l. tho. New Yorle Central , Hudson 'Rlvor Rnllroad company 11111 ) 'l ! . 'lOIJS .olho pl.'lnclpl\l cnrrlers In or fi litl classification territory in Cavol or" " tha complainant , hoMing thnl r thtnlclaRs. rating for leather in leR ! th n carload lot. ! is sufficiently high WilL ASK ROOSEVELT TO SAVE ALIFf ANTW RP-A commltteo of prom inent Delgldlls' appolntCll Cor the pur ' poSQ oC seoltlng the releaRo b ) ' tlu Turltlah government of f1wnrd Jorls the Belgll\n condemned to death b ) ' ! JlaUvo court at ( Jl1stnntlnople for al leged partlcllJatlon in the attempt It IMS1SBtl1nto the sultnrl In July Inst , de ' ciliod to Rend a potltlon to Miss Allct ROOROVOt aaldng hel' to Interest Pres Illent Roosevelt , In the hope tbat hi might possibly Inlerveno In behalf 0 Jorls. WINDOW GLASS MONOPOLY. Manufacturers Say They Intend t . Make Money. CLEVELAND , O. - The marlte prl e or window gluss I > > to bo cor trollOl.l h ) ' nn absolulo monopoly. Th At 1erlc.\I\ ' Window Glnss ComlJl\ny an , the NntIollnl Window Glass ComlJl\n l1a'fo ogroQll to SUIport the marlte nnd sUck OO1eUlOr on prices. Wha they w1ll do with the control th manuracturors re1uso to SIlY , furthe . tba.n lhat they "will mal\O monoy. " Congressman Hubbard Wins. 'W ASHlNdTON - Congressma Hubn1ml oftbe Sioux City , la. IlIstrlc h hoon up ngalnst D. hard postoffic fight , hut , lin. J won out , against a rul of lhe'first. assistant postmaster ge : ernl thrat , un things being equal the I : clJUlbcnt pC an office will ho contlnuc In 'his ' P < 1sltlon unless direct chal'gl were maltQ ngnlnst him. Mr. IIubhnr WlUl notlftM that his nomination 4 John T. Hoban at Chorolteo wou : h ncepted. A hlttol' fight hns he ( waged botwecn 1I0nderRon. the Ineul . bent. nnd Tom MC lIlIoll h. . dJ. -i _ _ . _ , _ . 'l'i' . - . - . - - - - . . - - - . . - - , . ' . . MR. ROOT SPEAKS. Secretary on Shortcomlnos of the Con. Bular System. WASIHNGTON - Seeretruy Hoot , whllo appearing beCoro the house ap- 11I'oprlatlons commltteo In relation to the expenses or lho State department , spolw Crllnltly concerning the short. comings of the American cOI1.'Iulal' sor. vlco. The statements of 1\11' . Hoot , which hnvo jllst been mndo IllIbllc , show that In 1'0SIlOnso to Iluestions hy ROIH'esentatlvo Uvlngston , the secro. tary snltl : "Thoro 1\1'0 a great many consulat09 that hllvo heen In thnt condition , and there are some that are stili In thnt conilltlon , and the fact nrlses rrom sov. eral callses. Ono cause Is that con. sulates arc used nnd regarded hero not I1S places In which active and sutllclent worle is to ho done , but are uHed ns plllCOH In which to shelve estllllablo aiul elderly gentlemen whoso Crlmul9 IInd It necessnry to tal\O core of thern In some wny. ( I":1IIghter. ) "Now. I have got old enough to bo nhlo to sny that Rort or lhlng wlthollt nnybody llelng ofC'ndod. I 110 not thlnlc that when n mnn has IIvOlI on the ac- .lIYlt ) ' oC his lIfo nnd Il ssed bo'onll hlR ndlhilion nnd his energy and his do. sll'O to nmlw a career Cor hlmsolt-I .10 . not thlnlc thnt then Is the tlmo to start him olll In a now plnco , where he hILS got to leal'll a new hllslne RllIl pIIsh the commerce of the coun- try. " The following stlltel11ents were then mnllo lIy Mr. Hoot in reply to ques. lions oC memhers or the committee : Mr. Brllndldgc-I qulto ngreo with you Mr. Secretary , a to that , but upon whom rests the bli1.lno Cor that cOl1lll. lion ? Secretl\rr Hoot-It rests upon a long I 61nndlng custom , wherehy the execu. ' lIve Is expected to npllolnt to ImpOl'lant consulates Imporlnn't men Crom the ( llf. forent stntos. 1\11' . Graff-Dut ) 'on have 11 system of cxamlnollon ? Secl'elnry Hoot-Yes , so far as the ) 'oung fellows go. You can Pllt the screws on them nnd mnlw thorn como 1111 for examination. ' Dllt when an eml. nent cltlzen- Mr. Livingston-An omlnent senntor or memher of congress. Secrotar ) ' Root-Yes , when an eml. nent eltlzen comes arollnd , YOII cannot - not oxamlno him In geography and rllhmotlc. IIo resents It , and there Is the dlcltens to pay nil along. NEW TYPE OF SIEGE GUN BY ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT WASIIING''ON - A new typo of slego gun has been con1Jletell by the ordnance dOlll\rlment or the Rocle Is. lend urflenal and has boon shipped to the Sandy lIoolt proving grounds at Now Yorlt Cor a test. The now wellpon has a callhro or 0\.7 \ n11l1 throwR a slxty.pound projectllo ' 1'hls Is five pounds heavier thnn the IJI'ojectllo now thrown fl'Om the fi\'e. Inch slogo gunR. which al'o to be re- Jlnced with th new model Ir the gun to ho tested nt Sl\ndy lIoole Ilroves snt. Isfactol'Y In every wa ) ' . The chlor chal'fictel'lstic of the new gun Is Its I long recoil. HOLDUP MEN MURDER. ' - Nels Lauste(1 ( Shot and Killed In His Saloon on Cumlng Street. OMAIIA-Nela IJauRten , a sl\loon. I lOeper , was shot and instl\ntlj' Idllod by Jnclt O'llearn , who with Leo An. gus entered l.auslon's snloon , 2101 Cumlng street , for the purpose 01 robher ) ' . As soon ns the proprletol fell to the floor the men rlned Ul ( cash reglstor , aml- leaving the unror _ tunnt ( ' mnn where ho Iny , ml\do tl1o11 escnpo through a rear door. Hnltll hour later Angus \\'ns orrosted , ane : still later three other men engnge wllh him were In jail. Ono of thelT hns mode a full confesRlon. Accord Ing to this conresslon Jncle O'Hoarr fired the fntnl shot. ' 1'ho coronor's hlI1UOSt. ever the bed or Nels Lllusten , victim or a robber'f . hullet on Saturday night , wns Inrgel ) . ottended. 'rhe jury returned the fol ) lowing verdict : "Wo , the Jurors , on our onth do sa ) \ that Nois Lousten cnmo to his denU . at 2101 Cumlng street , city or Omnhl ) count ) ' or Douglns , state of Nobrnska . hotween the hours or 11 and 12 p. m , ) Januar ) ' 20 , 100G , from a gunsho wound Inflicted by ono , T. O'Hearn , enl or tbo hol.hlJl l1nrly. Wo the jury recommend thnt J. O'Ho.arn nnd hi : three comllRnlons bo hold. " Proposal to Sell Lands. WASHINGTON - ROIresentntlvl Klnlmtl ! Introduced a hill mnldng I o lawfufot. . the commlsslonor of thl general Innll office to order into tit mnrltot and soli for not less thm : 6 cents Iln acre nny Isolated tract 0 public ( lomaln contnlnlng loss thnl 320 aCI'es which is or hns been suhjoc to entr ) ' as a homestead under prov slons or an act to amend the home stend law ns to certain Uno.prolJrlnte nml unreserved Illnds In the stnto ( J Nobraslm , "which In his jUdgmol1 wouitl bo Ilroper to expo so tor sale. Three Hundred Men Drown , n RIO JANgmO , BI'Rzll-Tho Brlzl t , Ian turret ship Aquhlnhnn has bee :0 : sun1e at , . Port JacrnllRgun , south or RI Ie Janolro , n.q the result or an oxplolso [ ) . on hOl\rd. It Is rOllorted thnt 300 or th n. crow Ilorished and that enl ) ' ono ofl : d cer was saved. ) S d Isle of Pines Goes to Cuba. It WASHINO'1'ON-Tho sonnlo con hI mltteo on foreign relatlonfl vot'll to rl m 110rt the trent ) . witI' Cuha , cOIling t11 n. Isle or Pines to thnt rOl1l1hllc. TI : trealv wns not :1' : ' ' ' ' ' , ' " , , . ' , ' . "I. ' ' ; j IiM. , \I'i i : ' .hjM 'tM."I. " 6u."i'tI. . . . . . - - - - - - , . . - . NEW STARS ADDED I JC'lNT STATEHOOD BILL PASGIS LOWER HOUSE. . - THIRTY THREE OPPOSE MEASURE Debate Continued For Some Time , But Is Practically Featureless - Vote Shows 194 for the Measure nnd 150 In Opposition Thereto. W ASHINOTON-'ho house pllRsed the stnteho)11 hili nccOl'dlng to sched. ulo on Thursln ! ) ' . 'I'he republlcnn op. IloRltion to the mellsuro spent its en- tlro Corce yesterday end no frort was mnde to deCeat the hili on It I ! final pas. soge , but thlrt.lhreo oC the "Insur. gents" voting IIgalnst the mClumro. The bill llIlssed hy the vote of 1H ! to 160. 160.Tho The dehnto which preceded L lls vole hegan at 11 o'cloclc and was pructlc. oily featurel ( > ss so far ns nny hope wna entertnlned of ( 'hanging the measure In the slightest degree. 'rhe hili ne IIMsed provldcR thllt Oldahoma and Inlllnn Territor ) ' shall constltuto ono state under the nl\I11O OIdahomll and that Arlzonn. IInll New Iexlco shall constltuto one state under lho name of Arizona. Should the terms of ad. mlnlsslon bo rutlflCll hy the reslelents or the terrltorll1R In question tholr re- spectlvo stnte constitutions must con. tnln clnuses prohibiting the sale of In. toxlcallng liquors and plurnl mill'- rlnges. The constitution of Arizona must prohlhlt the snle oC liquor to Indians forovl1r nnd that of Oltlnhoma for twenty-ono years. 'l'hero arc many . other . stipulations governing Rchools , courts and political sulHllvlslons of. the proposed new states , Llttlo Interest was mnnlfestod in I the day's IlI'ocecdlngs aside rrom the nctual vote on the bill. Bnslng his prediction on the great Cuture development or Arizona and New Moxlco , on the accomplishment of his own stnte , Mr. Kahn , Cat , depicted the wrong that wns being done In joining these two territories IlS one StlltO. Mr. Mondell. Wyo. , followed In the snmo lIno. Ho depicted the tlmo I when the ropresentatlves of the flourIshing - Ishing west would object to the representation - sentation accorded the dend and dying east because of Its past prosporlty. The dobnte shifted to the other side at this point. Mr. Cole , 0" was opposed - posed to substituting hll1s for 110mes nnd mountnlns for men. 1\11' . Capron , R. I. , began his speech In favor of. the bill and salel ho would yield to 1\11' , Hephurn if he would recount th ( ex. . pcrlenco of the territories of Maine. I\I i lowlMI' . Hephurn comlll1ed. ! \tr. Smith , Arlz" made a mORt om. phatlc denlnl of charges that the rull- ronll anll mining Interests were workIng - Ing against joint statehood. . The roll cnll on the hili wes bf > gun prOI11IIt1) ' at 3 o'cloC'k , In jURt twenty- two minutes the reRult wns announced , l,1 ! ) ares , 11i0 noes and 8 answering Ilrtent. . ' ' 'rho hili Is lII1RReI1. " declared pf > nl- er Cnnnon. 'l'hlrtr-threo repuhllcans voted agl\1I1Rt lhe bll1 , MARSHALL FIELO LEAVES $8,000,000 TO CHICAGO CHICAGO-Dy the will of the late 1\IllrHhnll Field , the cit ' of Chlrlo Is mndo the benon'lary to the extent of $8,000,000 , which Is to bo used COl' the omlowment of the FI111d Columhlan . museum , now situated In Jackson I pnrle. 'rho entlro hequest for a museum , howo\'er , Is made U)1on ) the OXJ1r 3S condition that within six yel\rs from the dnto of the death of l\1r. Piehl there shell he provhled Cor the mu. soum , without rest to It. Innds which . shall bo sntlsfactory to the trustees 1 ns the slto Cor the permnnent homo of the museum. If within the six ) 'enrs the RItO Ims not heen provided , the $8.000,000 Is to revert to nnd become - como pl\rt of the reslduar ) ' estate. Will Tunnel River , S' ! ' . LOUIS , ! \to.-Accordlng to a stntoment I11nl1o h ) ' AUg'ust A. Dusch , the Manufacturers' rallwn ) ' , a St. , Louis termlnl\l 1'1Ii1I'Ulld controlled oy th" , AnheusorBusch Browll1g assocla , tlon , will construct a $3,000,000 tun. nol under the llllsslsBIIpl river In or , , dor to conned the road's 1II1nois and S Missouri termlnl\ls. At Ilresent the road Is olleratlng a fOl'r ) ' , For Field Museum , CHICAGO , JII-Tunn Pang and Tal Hunr ; Chi , the Chinese high commls , sloners , left Chicago for the east They will spend tomorrow In Pitts burg nnd will nl'l'lvo In Washlngtor Tuesl1ny , BeCoro leaving Chicag < Tnnn Fang made l\11own hlB desire tc present to lhe Field museum of nn tural history a rare anll an\ont \ Chinese neso stone tablet slmllnr to ono h the Japanese Imllerlnl museum In To ] do , There nro snltl to bo but threl or the tnblot. . In existence , the thlrl bolng In the 11I\Iaco or Tuan Pang. Would Preserve Constitution. 1. WASHINGTON - ACter ' 11Il'lng I n trlbuto to the rrlgnto Constitution nnl o ordering nn Investigation to t'iscertall n t110 nnnul\l [ ) l11ount necessar ) ' to pre o serve the ship the house dovotell som 1- time to the perCe'tlon 1\1111 ImBsago ( J n bill Irovldlng for the flnnl 11Ispos tlon of the nn'nlrs or the flvo civilize trlh's In Indian 'l'orrltorr. With mlno 11. amol1l11nonts the bill IlI1ssod suhstnl [ ) o tlally aJ : : It came rrom the commlttel lO The hili 11rovhles for contuUng ! tIl :0 : enrollment of InlUal1B or the trlbus nn allotment or Inl1l1s to thel11. I " . < , > , . , 1..1. , \ / , . . ) > ' 1 ( . , . . . . " . . . " ; > . . . . , . . 1Ii't , . : . . ( . , iI . . . : . : ' _ , . . . _ I.l'.mol. : ' - " " . . . .J ! , . : , . WEIGHT OF T I"ED STAT S. i Influence Is Being Felt'at Moroccan Conference. ALOIWmAS - Henry White. Amerlclln nmbnHsndor to Ita ! ) ' , nnrt heed of the American delegntlon to the Morocclln conrerence , is mnldnl : the wolght or the Unlled States rolt In qulot endenvors to hrlng Frnnco nnd Oermnny nearm' together beCoro the IUBputell questlonR arlso In the confor- ( mce. 'I'hose fluestlons cnnnot long bo delayed , as the conBhlerntion of econ. omlc and financial rerorms will begin next weelc. It hns heen ImpoRslble Cor the United Slates to tnlte the lel\d In sceldng a way toward an Ilgreoment thnt shall Jl1aranteo to all countries an equal Cootlng in Morocco nnd yet reallzo in soml rosllectB the speclnl Ilosltlon of Jo'rnnce. It is a difficult tllSle , but all the Jovornments except these dlrjctly concerned nre assisting in .It hc'auso oC the dnnger of the sltuntlon should the conrerenco Call. Great Drltllin is with l ranco nnd Is not disposed to asle Prnnce to modlCy her vlows. Itllly , however , as the nlly of Germany and the friend of l rnnco , and RUBsla , as the nlly of l ranco nnd the Crlend of Germany , are cO. < Jperatlng in efforts to Hnd a compromise. FIXING THE BILL TO SUIT DEMOCRATS WASHINGTON - The republlclln members of the house committee on Interstllto Ilnd Corelgn commerce heM a cnucus and ngreed to amendments to the Hophurn rnllrond rate bill , which tiloy think may satisCy the democra\.lc \ members or the committee Ilnd mlllto a unanimous report or the commltteo possible. By the Hop burn bill the interstate - terstate commerce commission was orIginally - Iginally empowered to fix a maximum rnte. The democrats on the committee - tee objected to this use or the word "maximum , " saying It wns not doflnlte , To meet .tho objections of the democrats - crats the I'opubllcans hllve agreell to change the wording so It will relld : "A just , rellsonablo and Calr remun. eratlvo rate which shall be the maxi. mum rate. " I THOMPSON AND GOSS LAND. I i Former Nominated Ambassador to Mexico and Latter District Attorney. WASHINGTON-President Roose. volt sent to the senate the nomina. tlons of two well I < nown Nehrn.clcnns for Important positions. They are D. E , Thompson of Lincoln to ho ambassador - sador to Mexico and Charles A. Goss of Omhll to bo dlstl'lct attorney Cor Nehraslm. to succeed .Judge Daxter , The r.omlnatlon of D , E , Thompson to : bo Ilmbassador to Mexico Is a distinct promotion. He was until a few weelts ago United St.\tes minister to Ilrazll. a IOst ho had held for several ) 'enrs , The nomination or 1\11' . Goss came as no surprise. IlS the Nebraslm delegation - tion Il\st week unanimously Ilgreed thl\t ho should have the position. TO BE GIVEN FREE HAND. France Looked To To Solve the Venezuelan - zuelan Problem. W ASHING'rON-Convlnced of the slncorlty of the assurances recelvod from I.'rance rerardlng the 10ya1t ' to the 'Monroe doctrIne anti all that it InvolveR. the 'Vashln ton government hl\s given the Padre go\'ernment a free hnnd In the execution of the program Cor the Rolut\on \ of UIC Venozuelnn prohlem. ' 1'ho conferences on this phase of the sltuntlon occurred some tlmo ago and 1\1. ,1usserand , the I ronch ambassador. has finnl assur- . nnco thnt 'the efforts to. obtain l11plo- matlc treatment for ItR charge 11'aC- Calro. ; at Caracas will not ho intor. pretoll nt. 'Vashlngton ne In any way vlolntlvo of the 1\101\1'00 doctrlno. BIO HORN AOJlJHCT TO BURLINGTON SYSTEM CHEYENNE. Wro. - Amended ar- tlclos of. incorporation of the DIg Horn rallrond , an adjunct oC Iho Burlington s'stem. were flied In the otllco of the clerlt of Laramlo countr. The aml1l11l. ed articles state that the 1'ol\d shall hnvo power , In adllltion to Its other projects. to extend ItR line which now Is helng buill from COlly , Wro" to Wor- 11\1111. In BIg H rn county , auuth of the nlg Horn I'lv'r at Its junction with \1usltrat croel" which will' brIng the rend Into the Shoshone roservatlon , I close to the town of Shoshone , e8tab , Ished by the Northwestern railway. Thompson Is Confirmed. I . WASIlINGTON-Davld E. Thomp. . son of Lll1coln was on 'Vednesday con. . firmed Il ' the sonl\to ns ambl\ssador to l\loxlco , The conflrmntlon cnmo foon , er thnn expectell and It turns out tho.t there was no sorlous effort to raise - oPl10sitlon to It. Asldo rrom a few personal InqulrlOI , It is said , sonntors 1 or the forolrn relations committee did . not go Into the matter of the charg against the Nebraslmn. It Is not 1mowl1 Ilt the state delmrtment just whell Thompson will tal\O the now Ilost. Takes Refuge In Legation. GUAYAQUII . lcuadol'-It ; is ru morcd that Senntor Llzardo Garcln preshl'nt or Ecundol' , has talten re ! . Cu o In the Brazllll\n legation ale o Quito the call1tal. It is hnposslblo If however , to ascertain the truth or the I. rU111or , . d Half Million Deficit. ST. IJOUISIo.At n joint meetln ! of creditors and stockholders of thl TennOlit Shoo com pan ) ' , it wal rovenlml thnt n total doficlt of $5S3G31 between liabilities and assets oxlsts. . { ' :9\ : \ ; - ti't. . ' " " _ " ' . " " " : -i _ J , ; . _ _ .L. . . . . . . . . , ' , 1 " MARINE UISASTER - STEAMER GOES TO PIECES WITH GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. - AT LEAST 139 LIVES ARE LOST About Twenty.flv.c Were Clinging to the Rigging When End Came-All on Board Lost With the Exceotlon I of Fifteen Men. VICTORIA , D. C.-Of the 16 , ' people - plo on bOllrd the steamer Vaencla ] when it struclc near KanawllY rocle , flvo miles from Cale Dl'l1lo , Ilt 11.15 : o'clock on Monday night and met dls- Ilster , hut fifteen were cllved. Seven were passengers nnd eight. wore mom. bors of the crew. The dead number 130 , the grel\lest 106s or lite in the north PacIfic since the "Pacific" was lost In 1871 . 'rho Valencia , In whoso rigging ahout thlrt ) ' people were cling. lng , Crantlcally wnvlng Cor nsslstance which could not bo glvon when the stellmor Queen left the scene at 11 : 30 a. m. , broJtc up about 6 o'clocle toda ) ' , sweoplng to deaUI these few who had survIved these terrible Hours of prlva. tlon chilled and number to the limit of human enIJuranco by the clouds of spray which swept. over them. The steam or Queen reports that when it leCt the scene of the wrecle there were some twenty or thlrl ) ' 1100' plo clinging tu the rigging. The Va. lonclll Is almost totlllly submerged , only the nft part of the hurl'lcnno declt bolng nbovo water. There wns slight hope of rescue on account of the heavy sea. A Dnmfleld dispatch sa's that mesl sllges demanding thllt 11 boat with coal 011 and other supplies be sent Ilway for the purpose or rendering aid has , heon recelvod. Latest reporls Crom Cave Deale state the survivors at Dar. ling have told a story to the effect that there stili remains some nllve aboard the ship. They have fitted 11 gunllne and are prepared to fire a line to the vessel . IlS soon as the parties are able to recolve It. A bluff which will enable them to fasten a breeches 1H1oy may aid in the rescue or those hitherto thought lost. Conflrmn.t\on \ hns just been received that nil 011 hoard the Valencia have been lost with the exception of the fifteen men \vho reached Capo Deale. The vessel carried nlnet.Cour passen. gers nllll a crew of sixty men. I.JAT R-Threo have heen deflnlteh' accounted for , and three men believed to be other survivors were seen 011 shore by the whnllng vessel Orion , near the wreck , huddled about.a . fire. Six survIvors have been taltOn on the Sailor ; nine , most of them so. . hrtdly cut up and bruised , without boots and so overcome that the ) ' cannot stand , much less wn1" ] are sUIl camped at the Dnrllng creek te1egraph hut. nnd eighteen others were plcltOd np b ) ' the City of Topelm. With the three seen from the Orion a mlle and n. half from lho wl'eele nddell , the survivors total thlrtslx , 1eavlng a death list of 118 persons , Not n. mnn or child Is among the saved. THE NEW PRESIDEtH IS GIVEN RECOGNITION GUAQAQUIIJ , Ecuador-It now de- velolls that during the attack made on the barraclts by rlotors Friday night only slxtnlno persons were Itllled and nlnety.four wounded , The sol. dlers resisted until tile next morn'ng and then recognized the new govern , ment. BeCoro entering Qlto , the capl. tal , General Alfaro , the leader oC the revolution , had n four hours' fight at the village of Machachl with the government - ernment troops nnder Colonel 1.arren , resulting In : :00 : men being Idlled and 100 wounded. Former President Garcia's troops , nnrlor General FrnnC'o and Colonel An. drade , are on their way to Qlto , where they will surrender their armss. Gen. Wheeler Dead. NEW YOHK - General Joseph Wheeler. the famous confederllte cav. aIry leader" and a brlgadlor gl1nerol of the United Stntes arm ) ' slnco the war with Sp ! in , died at 6:35 : Thursdoy af. tornoon nt the homo of his slstor , Mrs. Sterling Smith , In Brool < I'n. The vet. eran of the two wars was 69 years of age , hut in splto of his ngo there was hope nnUl within a Cow hours of his death for his recovery from the attacl ( of pneumonia which cnused his death. Gans Knocks Out Sullivan. SAN FRANCISCO-Joo Gans , fOe juvonnted , put up the fight of his lite and ImoGleed out 1\IIIto "Twin" SUlII. van In the fifteenth round. The Issue o.f . the fight was harl1) ] ' In doubt from the first round. From start to finish I Gans was the aggressor and Itopt right on tOil or his mono Sullivan ml\de sov. I erol brnvo rallies. but ho could nol I hurt the colored man , nnd finnlly In the I fifteenth rounll a series of IIghtnln l right hand blows to the jaws endo I Sulllvl\n's aspirations nnd ut Gnns at the top or the flghtlnr heal- . Five Years for L..rtd Fraud. . D NVER-Convlcted of porjurr OT , nil counts contllined In the federal In . Illctment chnrglng him with compllclt ) In the extensive Inml frauds in easten , Colorado , 'V. Irwin wns sentenced t ( ) five ) 'enrs In the lIenltentlnr ) ' I fined $ tiOO. Irwin Is an AIron ren estate dealer and , accordln ! > io thl government. ho IR the 1111\n who ns sisted materlnll ) ' in preparing th4 frn11l1ulont final proofs tor tlmhe culture entries on goYcrnment Innl and assisted In disposing to l l10ce l parties the Innd so wrongfully Gained . . . . . . .I . , ' " . . _ .U" . . . . . . . . . . . . - , , " , " , . , , _ . : " , J , ' . . . . . ' , . . . . ' . , " ' " ' J' . - - . : " : " , fj , I PAIN IN THE JOINTS . Rhoumatlo Tor Cease When Dr. , Williams' Pink PUIs Make New Blood. Tllo first' Rlgn of rhoumntlsm is fre. ! Juontly a pnln anll sw01llug lu oue of the joints. If uot cumblllC\1 in the blood , which Is the scat of the dlscaso , the poison HprcndR , affecting othcr joiuts I and tissues. Somotimcs rheumatillU\ . tacks the heart nnll is qulcldy fatuI. . The ono romcdy that hall cured rhcnn1Rtlsm so thnt it stays em'cd is Dr. Willin1l1s' Pinlc Pill : ! . 'Xhese pills expel ' \ . ' the polson fl'om thu lood and restore I : ho syst.em , so thnt the poisonous D1nttor ' . j Is pnssed off ! \R unturo intonded. ' Mrs. I. T. Pitcher , of No. 180 Mou- mouth street , Newark. N. J" suffet'ol " for a out three yoarH from rheunmtls111 before sl'o foulHl this curo. She says : II It begnn with It qucer fooHng ill 11IY fingorIn n Httlo lime it seemed us though the finger joints hml lumps 011 them amI I could not gct my glovcs on. . . Then it grew worse l\I1d sprcad to my knees. I couM not stm1l1 up nud I could not sloop nights. My sufforlng was 1I10ro thnn I CI\U deRcribo. I toolc n great dclt1.of medicine , but nothlllJ.r oven W\VO mo reltef unti1 ! triml Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills. . . I rcad nn nccount of a cnro iun case . thnt Willi exuctly 11Im mine nnd my hus- bl\1II1 ot mo Rumo of the pillA. I took them for three weokfl heforo I renHy felt better but they fiunH v cUl'Cllme. " Mr. PitehOl' , who fs n vetel'l\n amI n memher of E. D. 1\0rgou Post , No. 307 of Now York , suhstuutintcs his wife's slntcment nml I'ays thnt she now walks without difficulty , whel'l'ns a 'ear ngo ho was compeHcd to ] 1I18h her Itbout in a whcoled chair. Both Mr , and Mrs. Pitcher n1'o ent1l11 instlc in their praise of Dr.Vl11in111f1' Pinle Pills. :10'01' : further illformlttlon , arldress the Dr. Will 11\11I H 1\ediciuo Company , Sche. nectudy , N.Y. 'Vlth men It's wine , women and song ; with women It's Ice crcllm sodn , men , grand opera , chicken salad am' more men. CONCERNING .COMMON .SENSE. The 'man who Imows when not to talk , possesses judgment or a high order. People everywhere nro dis. ' ; la'lng good judgment by eating i P1Ilsbury's Vltos ror brealtfnst. It's a mighty good thing to bo outside of ; l try It. tIt tI t It Is well enough to die happy , but' ' 1 It Is far better to live that way. 1 , When Your Grocer Says he does not have Delance Starch , you . . may be sure he Is afraid to 1 < 'Oep It until his steel , of 12 oz. paclmges are sold. Defiance Starch Is not only better - ter than any other Cold 'Vater Starch. but cnntalnR 16 oz , to the paclmgc and sells for I ; mc money as 12 oz. brands. A Good Heart. A good heart malees a good face- perhaps not beautiful or classic , but , fine , slncore and noble. The tllce will shine wllh od behind' It. There are some faces thllt are quiet even today that at tln-ies seem to have a glow ' upon them. There are faces that are quIet and uninteresting In repose that light up am zlngly with the animation of talking. There are some who can never get a good photogrnph , becnuso the camera cannot catch the subtle sparltle of the e'e , In which the whole Individuality lies. There are some whom you would not at first call handsome - some , whose faces grow 011 ) 'OU WiUl the constant acqualnt.\nco untll they become benutiCul to ) 'ou. For you see the soul shining ; yo.u . see the splendor of a noble character glorlt'lng every Ceature. A true beauty in the soul will como out In the sweetness , the brightness , the quiet glory of the " - face. Knew Better Than Before One da ) ' recently , says the Roman : orre3pondont of the London Tablet , n.rdlnnl Macchi administered solemn 3aptlsm , in the chapel of tbo little Compllny of Mary. to 11 sturdy little ! \.morlcan conyert of eleven years. His mother did her best to argue him mt of his deslro to become a Cat11011c , out over she capitulated when , after 'emlndlng him how much his dead ather was oIlPosed to Catholics the Ittle fellow roplled : "Oh mother , I guess papa ] mows moro now. " THE LITTLE WIDOW. A Mighty Good Sort of Neighbor to Have. "A little widow , a neighbor of mine. persuaded me to try Grllpe.Nuts when my stomach was so wenl , that it would not retain food of any olher kind , " writes n graterul woman , trom , , ' Snn Bernardino Co. . Ca ! . "I hnd been III nnd confined to my bed with fever and nervous prostra. ( tlon for three long months arter tbo , . birth or my 80cond boy. Wo were in ' . . dospalr until the little widow's advlco brought relief. " rood rrom the "I liICd Grape-Nuts beginning , and In an Incredibly short time It gave mo such strength that I was able to leave my bed and enjoy my three good meals a day. In two I months m ) ' weight Increased rroql 95 to 113 pounds , my nerves had steadied down and I felt ready ror nnythlng. M ) ' neighbors were amazed to see me gain so rupfdl ) ' nnd still moro so when they heard thnt Grapo-Nuts nlono had brought the chnnge. 1 "My 4'earold ho ) ' hnd eczema , . very bad , last spring nnd lost his ap. , petite enUrol ) ' , which made him crOSB 1 and peevish. I put him on a diet of ) Grape.Nuts , which ho rellshod nl ollce. 1 Ho Improved from the beginning , the 1 eczema disappeared nnd now ho Is ) tnt and rosy , with a delightfullY soft. , ' clear sltln. The GrapeNuts diet did ) it. I will willingly answer all In- I' qulrles , " Name given by PostUI1l Co. , Dattlo Creel" Mich. oft 1 , ) t 'rhero's ' 11' rORson. ' Rend the little I. book , "The Road to Wellvllle , " In pl ( ! ; . ' - . . . . . ! , , . . " _ . ' , ' , , " " " " " ' -.M" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' O : : 'J : '