Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 01, 1906, Image 1

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    , " " , . . ' ' ' 1' " 1" " " (11" " " , , : : , . . r < , - " " " ' " " 11' ' " " ; ; : :
. I I ' " . . . . . ' . . . . - ' . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' , , . . , ' , . . '
t , ; VOL. XXIV. I STADLISIIE : : E : I : : : 6 : : : : : : I : ' C ; : : ; i i _ ; Ii : i OUN'rY. No.4 ,
( , I . -
- - - -
\ - - - - - - - .
I :
/ VIEDNESDA Y AND rHURSDA Y , FEBRUARY 14 and 15. Make arrang&ments to attend.
I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -
f "I 'fUr. nUSINI R'1 MAN
" IUlist not nc lect his " } 'I' , H Illl ) '
thlnl { he hasu't "ut the thue tel hav"
tllPIII t'xamlnp,1 tu.lay allli tul1lorrolV
\ , they lIIay "Ive 11111I 81'1'1011'1 trullhU' ,
. Kxalllinalloll of tll" " , ) ' ' ' 8 aI' ' ' 1IIlu :
lIere wlthuut IIUIlt'ce Rar.r < lelhnt
, suf1 clent tllll" Is lal'u tu obtain ac.
cllrate Illformalloll. 1 ) 'ell"la" I'R allll'
8I > ect'c1.g tltteel II ) ' 11'\ will brill"
abolll the ,1..11'1'.1 reqllIL lu ev , rycaqf'I
0111' c'anrl''I : : Ire 11I0,11'1 ale ,
\ ' I
I .2 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
fl ,
} \I \ _
. . . . . . .llerd IleulJed By. . . . . . . . .
II : 1',1"011 . , tt Nil. 17'i'O.1 ' . ,
. . : . : - - - ! '
, . , " , " , ' .
. ' > < .tIP /0" . . '
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I ;
, . . .
, J. G. BRENIZER Breeoer
' . } 'UtP ' llch .111,1 . .tch 'l'OIII"'cJ '
. ( ( : " " ' 'ill'lrt Jloru
' .
' , \ ' r t : ttl. . . 1\ly h."l tIIllllh. > rq II "IIW ! ; , Will rOlli-
/ . , [ 'aU' III 11\ " 11I1I1 ( : wcJ ' ! ullln' : with all ) ' WIsl tlf
Clu' , My p'Hol'lenco hall lalllcln III" Ibat 10
, . " 1Ilood R1I1tfa.tloll. hrol'llIlIlI'
' 1/ ; clItl" III II lit " "
\ JRI . ' ' 'I" Ihht " " . . . .nc. f " . . " . .Ct It >
I' , , , tlletllt'ln h rc the "tiU' . , "r a 11)11111I11"
, . . . ' . . , . . , )
l ralr..d'III'h. 11 ! r IIHo25bnl19 onllll.lo
Jill thl. . illu\ ' ' ,
illuIII'Jrt yca 11 hel vi p My conti
> : h ' ( 1 ( ( , . . . ,
' lIell ol 11'1I111 14 1112J ( ) 1'01111119 Celli. all nen
I J -
: < = r
i fi
f .
y , F. W. HAYES , 8
I' ' Jeweler and O' tician i
: I West Side Square ,
( Broken How 81
(13 ,
" , .
I Nebraska.
; f. H
; II
i L I
, . : ) l.o.t.ct : J )
' I .
letter fron1 the i
Natl0I1 1 Capitol
A Batch of Newsy Notes
. fro.n . Ou. . " Special
Washington , D. C. .
.January 29 , 190f , .
An eello of thc old ( lays whclI
Nehraska was a territory and ib ;
scttlcrs werc harricd by thc I cc1
Mcn , was hcarll in Congrcss laRt
week whcn Scnator Burkctt pre-
'scntcc1 a pctition adopted by the
lcr-islature of his Rtatc , pra.ying'
for rccognition of the militia I
that held hack the Tnllian hordcr.
butwecn1862 and 186-1. 'l'hc rc-
cognition is asked in ordcr that
thesc Indian fighters maJ' be
cligible to pensions. Thcy were
enlistcc1 by thc Tcrritorial om.
ccrs , who werc appoin , ed hy the
l1"'cderal govcrnment , and thus
practically are of thc same lcgal
statute as thosc mcn who follow-
cd Grant or Shcrman. Ihc ;
( , 'cderal govcrnmcnt in those
days could .not spare troop : to in .
mrc the safcty of thc stream of'
settlers pouring westwarc1 ;
nccdccl all the mcn it could tuns.
tel' in the south for the war of
the l ehcllion hung in the bal.
aJ1 ( C' . The hill was ordered
printcll and rcfcrrell to the Senate -
ate COlllmittce ou Military af.-
fairs. 'I'h.ere is every rcason to
belicvc it will he actcd on
promptly and favorahly hy the
COlllluittcc , of , which S nator
Warren of Wyoming- '
Srnn tOl' J3nrkett a 150 prp' r.n tr.l
a pctition of the Coni nercial j
Glnb of Omaha , which urges that
the consular : len'ice he rcoq an-
i7.ed. !
' . .
. :
David . 'L"'ltompsol1 has pluck- ,
cd a phun frQIll the political trcc , ' :
thc ambassadorship to J\lcxico. I'
1'he Senate this wcek confirmed I
the Presidcntial nominatiou , '
which transfers thc
from the' position 0 f am bas ; ador ,
to Brazil to the post of A\Ilhas'3a .
dol' to the post of A mhassor I ,
Extraordinary Plcnipetenti- ,
ary to the Rcpublic south of m1. :
C. Criscom of
I"loyd , Pennsrl-I
I \3 ni3 , will HucceetI i\ \ ! I' . 'I'h01l1 p-
I < ; 01at \ Bra il. :
I " . . '
. I
J I A m\1I1b r of Nchl'aska ellitors I
hat'e becn rccogni cd II ) the all- I
miniriiration. On the samc ( lay <
tlt"at it sanctioncd thc transfel' of I
! 1 " ' " ' _ VWWVWVVVVW..VVVW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. " . .VYYVWVVVVVVVWWWVV.VVVWVWWWYVVV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.- . . . . . . . . . A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . I
) . W oman'R Taste I
, . . . , . . . , . c ,
" , j c' . . In t 1 Ie e 1 cctJon 0 f w 11 papcr IR very ( 1. IS nmlc. c. .
: : : . nating- , 'l'his i ! particularly truc of thc = :
t c.
( . : g-cntlc womcn of this county. 'fhey want : '
the lat < st and hest or nOllct all. :
. . ' Our tock of l'apem was houg'ht parlicnltdy . :
: to satisfy ( liscriminating' huyers. Wc were :
c ,
. . carcful to Hclect ollly . thc daintiest and most Cc.
c' c ,
l f. . fashlonahle dCqlg'IIS and the softest antI 1I10st : . ) :
' . : . . pleasin r colorR , Tn a word , 0111' wall paper . " : I
. . . \ ii. c. c.
Jr' : was hought t please yon. , : :
. , : .it : Don't buy wall paper until . yon see onr stocb'We Ican : ' :
. : : . please you a nc ] saye yon mouey , too , : :
I. ' & : : f J , . _ . 'Y : ' & "
ct' : : : : : . . . a . . . . . . . . . , ! .
< < ' ' .
outh : : ; idr t3qunre. ' " Brolcen BOit I
- ' \11 - > " ' wv . . . . vw.w.v.vvvwv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vvvv.vvw..vvv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.lil _
- - . - . - . . - . I
* * *
I , ' ,
, 'j
- - . .
I' are 11 aler ill l ( ( ! l ! l' of alllcinll. , : : . , :
W Wc will huy 01' g ll. Don't fall to SCl'
If ! us before YOl1 buy or scll , We can do ! .l
you good. Collections made and insurance -
ance writtcn. Farms rentcd and taxes paid. Scc
'D ns for farm loans , Come in and scc us , f ,
. ,
I AmuasRaclor ' [ 'hompson , the
I Senate confirmcd the appoint-
111l'nt of 1\1. A , Brown to be postmaster -
master at Kearney , 1\11' . Brown
i4 wclllcno\Vn af ; the cditor of thc
Kcarney Huh , and thl : : P ( ) t-
ll1a tcrship of hin homc town
comcs , in a large mcaHure , as a
rewarc ! for his ticlcRS support f
thc republican party. O.ther editors -
tors who havc hecn appOintcI } to
care for POt office intcrcstn in
thcir home towns are Alfred L.
Brandc , one of the proprietors of
the Pien'c County Call at Picn e ,
and William n. McNcal of the
Waync fTcra1c1. Both MI' .
Brandc and 1\11' . McNcal succced-
cd thcmsclves in omcc. Others
appointcl to postoflices this week
arc' Charlcs A. Warncr. to hc
pos nm ; cr at Gcncva ; 'Vclling-
I tOil A. Post at Stromshurg , and
Delhprt lo , Sherman at Valcntiuc.
* l'
> I <
Secn tary of tIH. ' I'reasuar ) '
Shaw has droppcd a bomb in the
ranler. of thc govcrnment c1crk' ,
Hc has publicly announced hi
belicf , ha1cd ! 011 a study of thc
suhjcct , that c1erlm in the
g-overl1luent cmploy sbould hC' rc-
taincd no longer than six years
Six years in WashingtolJ , the
secretary ( lcc1arcs , is a liberal
cducation , hu.t sixtcen 01' twcnty-
I six 'year in enc Ilcpartmcnt 'is
paralysis hoth to mentality and
ambition. 'I'he mcntal paraly
I tics whose job arc enllangered
arc thinldl1g more carnestly now
than for years p.ut ,
: r
Under the irol1 rule of HUude
Joc" Cannon the insurrection in
thc JIOl\S { , precipitated by the
Ph ill i ppine hill and carricd
through the Statchoact measurc ,
lIas been talJ1pell un , The rc-
bellion I : \HIed \ t lw rcpu blican
lealh I't ill tll ( ' House'criIl
I slpcpless nights , howcvcr , anc1
fOl' a time it seem cd as thong-h
I pa rty ll1ea 1Ures were dool11cll to
defeat. One the e\'e of tbe hal-
lot ! on both hills thc insurgents
wea kcncc1 n lid although cQalition
with thC' Democratic minority
'promircll ' to crown thcir plalis
with dctor ) ' , thc call of party
loyally pn.l\'cd too strollg. ' .1'hcn ,
the porlc barrel woulrl , lta\'e be n
scalcel10 ! far thcy wcrc concern-
cd , if thcy h:111 : carricd the feud
to aconcfusion. 'rhrongll it all
"Unclc Joe" sat complaccntly on
the lill of the barrel and waitcc1
tor the hrcak in the insurgcnt
ranlcs. I ( he was anxious hc
concealed hiR f'c1iIJW aclmirahly ,
for hh : ; ercuity was so ulHullled
as ; .llmost to be ominons. 'rhose
who : > tuck to their guns tu thc
last anll refusecl to sac1' fice their
1l1liv f1uality to party law , in-
chulcII thc re presen ta ti yes from
Colorado , Kansas and Wyoming.
' : . . : r
Mcmbers of the lowcr Honsc
are chuc1cling over thc prccHca-
l11cnt enc of thcir col1ca ues
f nds himsclf in. It secms the
unsophisticatec1 private secretar ) '
of this cspecial Rcprescntat
forwardcd to Washinf\ton hy
mail three parts of a scctiou l
book case , using his' cmploycr's I
postal franle. 'I'he' hookcase
containcd privatc hooks , and one
of thcm is said to havc conccalcd
a miscellaneous kitchcn utcnsils ,
intcllllcd for the ownC'r.s homc
hcn' . 'l'he cntire collection was
"unfranlcahlc , II and the local
pO'1tmaster has called on the
II epresentat to pay postage on
I his property to thc amount of
$72. The name of the Rcprc-
scntat'e is being l pt sccret ,
but that does'ut sooth his fceling
to an ) " g-rcat extent.
. I.
Squall : ; t1\at threaten to de-
"elop into Btorll1 , are raging
arouni\ \ the nilVY dcpartment anll
Conrrrcss , merican naval cx-
perts arc slrivnlg to impress 011
CongrCR1 the fact that this na
lion neclls tht' swiftlst aliI }
hca\'i ( ' t hatt1eH1I p that can he
built , al111 refl'r to th ( ' fact that
Japan iH ahout really to float thc
grcatest fighting machinc that
ever rode thc scas . , thc Satsllma ,
of 19,000 tons. Secretary 'l.'aft
calls the altcntioll of Congress to
the fact that the army is practically -
tically made incffcctive for use
in case of a forcign war or if
trouble should brcak out in our
insular . pOisessionu , because of
the total inadequacy of the trall ! I
port scn'icc and the scant num-
het of Amcrican r.hip5 that coulll
he , prcscfl into Hcnice for the
trdllportation ! of troop9. J n rc-
pI ) ' Congrcss hm : pointed out that
thc navj' departmcnt i cxccciling
thc approprmtiolls each ) 'ear by
hl1\lIlred \ of thousands of dollars
and that ! Hlch ext.\\'af aIH c llIust
ceasC' . Last ) 'car the ollicinls of
thc dcpartmcnt not enl ) ' cxpclll1-
eel the C'titirc amount allowcd
thcm for "I'Cpuh' a 1111 lIlainten
anc ( ' of machi net' ) , " hut excccded
that amount h ) ' $1,000,000.
Chail'lIlttn 'l'awncy and titc mem.
berf : of the House Comlllittee on
Appropriations havc just rcfused
to cntertain the plca that Con-
rcss malte good this deficicncy.
' } " ' all appcaranccs thcrc is promise -
ise of Congress takiug somc drastic -
tic net iOI1 to curtail lHl\'al eqwlI-
scs ,
I 't
" 'l'he American lIavy , ship for
s lip and man for man , cou1c1
, , , hip the Japancsc navy , or an ) '
other nav ) ' that rides the scas. "
'L'his is thc declaratioll of President -
dent Hoosc\'elt. He mcant it ,
too , but the fact that it wa g \ ' .
cn wide publicity has induc ll
him to follow it with the en-
lightcning dcclal'atiun that "thc
Japanese ships and men arc
wonderful and brilliant fighters ,
but 110t so good as th Americans -
cans , " 'rhc prcsident's defense
of thc Unitccl Statcr. squadrons
was made in a conversation at
the \Yhitc House with Dr. Jamcs
Scherer , prcsident of Newbcrrr
College and for five ycars a rcsi-
dcnt of Japan. Dr. Schercr bc- !
l \'cr. the Japanese na\'y is iu-
vi nci hlc , and said so. 'l'hen fol-
lowr.d the prcsidcntial hroadsidc.
Dr. fkhcrcr faunp the white flag
anfwithllrew \ ; , to I lakc t.he .ntory
pit h1ic ,
t .
: t :
'L'hcre is woe \Vashington
ocict-woe and heart-hul'1Iing's.
'I'he trouhle hes in the fact that
tlll'l'c are to he on Iv 1,500 canIs
issu'll for 1\1im l o sc'ell's(1 - I .
ditJ . Only 1,5001 'J'hcre al'c.
at the lowest estimate 15.000 p r
SOIin society who arc hoping
to recci\'c an intalion. . And
thUH the Imming' ( LUestiol1 of the
hour is not ; tatehoOl or tariff or
rate reg-nlation , hut ' ' 'Am I on
thl' Lit , to 1\ 'rhe wedding presents -
sents that will bc showerec1 on
Miss Hoosevelt will transform the
Wllite Honsc into a mltscum of
rare a 1111 rich treasurcs. 'l'hc
I oltgh Hidcr regiment is said to
ha YC choscn a silver scrce of
rare dcsign , the diplomatic corps
of Wasbin ton is planning' a
magnificant gift , the jcwclcn ;
and silvcrsmiths of New York
are worldng over time on jcwcled
trincs and cxhausting thcir skill
in fashionihg precious mctals to
gracc the wellding collection ,
whilc all sorts of frcak" prc-
sents are bcing' made rcadj' .
Among thm'e i a picture of the
"M adollna and thc Christ" wonderfully -
derfully exccutcl in white and
brown hutterlly wings hy Fred
, Krempcl , a shocmaleer-natul' Llist
lot Milwaukcc.
* :
Westcrn cattlcmcn arc striving
before the House COll1mittcc of
Interstate anll Ii'orcignColl1ull'rcc
to havc favorablc action taken
on the bill extcnding the time
for unloadilll cattle in transit
from t wentj' six tQ"
hours. 'rhe cattlemcn contl'nd
thc longer period works less hard-
:5hip : on the animals.
- - -
Hyno ,
'I'he BUl'\'Cj'Ors arc hus ) ' just
now finding the scction corners
in the Ii'in en pasture. .
Mrr. . Bochman has returncd
from Kausas anlt i. , staying with
lu'r si"ter , Mrs. Cooper ,
( harlcy ( 'olilev lIIalle it trip
lIorth-wcM the othrr da ) ' to add
ROIIIC young cattle to his hcrd and
to \ ' ' the ' of
to'arj' monotonj' picking
Arthur 1\IcBurnic , of south of
Brokcn Bow , was rcncwing ac-
( IUaintanccs in the neighborhood
this wcek. He has had a varied
experience in the Phillipines and
China with the arm ) ' sincc his
former residcnce hcrc.
- - - - - - .
I Ir . - -w : = ,
- - - - -
- - T
, During' fl1l'sP ; C'hilhr c1nys and cold
nig'hf.s i:11l'I'O : is m11eh HiekncsH in the
fnmily. .A l'old , 01' lH'lw , 01' oven u
-morn sel'ioll : ' ; nilmont : . One of' OU1'
H ofV ; n/01' / ; Bngs will onen l'Blievo
the e. U ct one now. enOl1 't. wait
unt1 ! the last minute.
J. s. J. F. BAISCH
K'Iooon'lorn lO J 0. IIntIHu'ln
. - - , - - "
. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ 4' = _ _ . " - _ . .0- " 4. . , . .
, ' . ' . "
' .
Duroc and Herefords "
_ . . -
I. hn ye some fine ROWR .
. .
and gui ItR bl'od I ; 0
cnst.el' . Bi11 r 'and Ond-
Wen'R chn llengC } ; , also
choice b1111s tor sale.
. . , BROKEN ,
. . . . .
- - - - - - -
Ot'O Pure
_ _ _ ) .1
\ Food
shollid Iw ju. ; } , wOl.'d or
wnrn ng in OYCI'Y household -
hold , be it eithcr rich 01'
poor. Good , hcalthy food
vroducts may Heom ox-
trnvngunt at. . HJ'Rt , but are
the chcnpl'st for your
pocket-book and heitlth
. "in the long run. "
\V 0 have It now syrUI ) known ns the Liberty
Bran.c ! ' .F"able Syrup" It is H pure tahle sy 'np
with a rieh flavor , amber ti t ami as clcm' ns crys-
tnl. Yon cnn see clem' through a bU1'rel of it. ] t
is a11 RyrUj ) . To introduce this syrup to tlw public
we will sell it ; for the small price of : F."ifty
Cents fo ! : a Gallon , Pail. Buy a vail of
the Lihcrty Hrnnil 'L'ahlo HY1'ltp ! t.o-day. .
. 'J'UA . . . In . . . : North Bille ,
I.tlre OIIJ .Ic..r'lnclCor lIROl < tN : 1I0W , NI nR
MAUl < - -
_ , _ I . .
- - " " " " ' "
. - . . 18:1. ; -
- - - - - - -
r . - - - . , - - . .
In Business Again !
Y E purchased the l\'lnrtin '
Bates stock , located 1 the
} J ol't1 , Side Opera Block , and will
he glfH1 1:0 : meet myoId fl'iends
IInel ellstomCl'H nnd many ney
oneA , This sto'ck consists of a
C'omp1et.e line f Hal'dwnl'e , Furni-
fure , , .Implemcnts , Buggies , Oish-
PH and f : InsswHl'c of nIl kinds. .
H n1'ne88. nnd sPY'm'ni JIlnkps of
' , , low ri'ps. In
wng'OllR ntPIT } ) (
j'nrt. tlWl'P will 110 llfil'gninR in CYCI'Y
clPIHlrtment in order to J'Cdlll'O
this stm'k.
UndertaKing , Embalming and Hearse.
Come nnd spc me ,