. " ' . _ . . , " ' - - . . . - . . . 1r. ! . . . rV "H. , " , r . . . . . } IN AND AROUND BROKE.N BOW An Epitome of Personal Affairs and Lee l . Evente DUI'ing the Past Week. s - - - - - - - - - - - ii' . M. Sharp , of Dttt1"1I1g , i a city viRitor thiR wcek. tII Judg-c Wall , of l onp City , i ; : attmu1ing' court this week. .A C. 1\1. FOl'scyth , of Nl'W Heleua , rt is ( oit1gf1ut ' thiR wcck lS ju.ror. II JI. D. Mills , \Vcstcrv1l1e , . . was in the city th first of thc t week , attending court. . ' John \V. Adams , of Round' ' Valley , was a city visitor Tucs- day. lIe made this ofiice a II busines ! ; call. j H. II. Andrews , of Callaway , , was in the city thc first of the week , looking after husinesG in the district court. ' , # ' W. ' 1' . Shaffer , who recently bought the Jas. Mclndcffet farm Ii near Round Grove , of the Gatcs \ \ ' estate , war. in the city Tucsday. ' 'l'he court.l'onfimcl thc'Rale. \jj\ j' . : Mrs. H. D. Piclcett left yester- .u day for Scocia to spcn:1 a month or six weck visiting with the I family of Dr. J. .T. Pic1cett. her I father-in-law. R. D , accompan- , I , ied her as far as Crand : Island. I C.H.K nedy of Tabor Iowa , td was in the city the first of thc wceklooking over business prost - t lCct ! ; ; He had in view the lcas- t ing of thc Burlington Hotel , hut did not consumate a dcal ; JIs re- " tnrned homc yesterday morning. J. H. H. Cross , of An lc.r , was ) a city visitor today. lIe : informs r us that his sister , Mrs. Brake- 1 man , of York , and her daughter , ' Mrs. Williams of Litchfidd , an , a neicc of Stromshuq , have hcen I viciting hiUl of late. r M A JUt ( HU--G 011 \ It-SJ\ll'l'lI- January 14 , l O ( ) , Harry ] 1 . Go- vier and Sarah E. Smith , both of Rlton , Hey. W. 'I' . Power , J ot iciating. 'l'he R l'U I.ICAN , \ joins with the friends of the c\n- tractiug parties ill e-rtenllin : g congratulations. I ev. 'V. 'r. Powem alul wife , I ; of Weissert , were city , visitors 'rllesday. Rev. Powers lJ1 forms qa us that he and Re\ ' . Woods , of l . Mason City , arc holding a serics . ; . of.l . ectinKs at Bethcl Union. > ' "k' TlIe , neeting3 commencell Satur- } .1// day 111ght. . 'I ' 1'1 , L. Whittaker , of South Omaha , formel'\ . resident of Ii Mason city was.an east hound , pas angcr Sunday , on his w : y from Sioux county , where he purchased a contest right on a ection of gO\'ernment land. lIe expects to ulo\'C to his homcstead in the spring. A. D. Bangs attended the State Agricultural meeting threc days last week. Th rcports that they were splcndid hut there were too man'Rubjccts of inter- I fJJ , . est crowded 'in the time for a r person to attend them all and not ' , P' unfrequently two or three mcct- : 1 I ings were held at , the samc time. ; : I 1.'he Central Telephone Co" is : arranging to publish a new tcle- ' l phone dircctory in th.e near fu- ,11 ture. J. M. Bates IS now en- . ; t' gaged in soliciting the advcrtis- 1 $ ing. The book will contain ; i ) several hunlrerl more nameR than " the last enc , publish d six ' : mouths ago , and thm ; is a 1I1uch ' l1ctter advcrtiRing mediu11I. : l"ra Runan and Henrv ' Rumery passcIl through the city''I'uesday \ on their way to Mason City from Julesbu1'g , Colorado. 'I'he hoys " tricd farrmng laBt season b ) ' irrigation - rigation bl\t were so wcll satis- Heel that one year wa" suOicient. Thcy will try old Custer again , . where irrigation i ! : ; not refptired. 'l'hc attention of the farmcrs aud bURinc ! men are cal1ed to the Farmers Institute to be hcld in this city , II'ebrnary 14 and 15. The otl ccrs arc endeavoring to makc this one of thc most profitable - table Institutes ever h 1d in the county. The program will include - clude somc of the bect informcd mcn of tbe state nn Agriculture and Horticultnre. Begin now to arrange to attend the entirc session and hclp make it a snc- I cess , \ , . . Luther Miller , who retnrned " recGntly from Cambria , olowa , J bought twp car load of Qorse for the castern market. fIe haF picked up f > OnH' fine animal fm which hc p Jhl gOOtl priceR , g Hc hought one team of Chas , Praper of Ansley , for which Ii ( paid $300. Whilc at Ansley he hought a mare of J. . Ticrne ) t for which he pairl $175. As hl expects to ship direct tp Chicagc , l' marke . he is only buying larg ( , horses 1U gOOtl flcsh. 'l'heyaver' I aged him $118. I I I 1 . R. C. 'l'albot , of Herw'n , wag in the city the lif ! t of the w'ck. R. ] : Brcg-a , of Callaway. iR in thc city this \ Ver1nt.t 't t1ing comt. I If. 13. Glovel' , of COU1stoclc , is I in thc city this wcek attcnding court as juror. W. C. lWiott , of Mason CiLy , is scrving as juror iu thc district court this wesk. Rev. Lc"aclV.ill preach in the Baptist church at Merna next Sunday aftcrnoon at 3 o'clock. Wm. ' 1' . H.amscy of Hyno , was among the welcomc callcn ; at this office l'uesday. Attorncy l . H. Bently war. in the city the first of the weck 100Jdng aftcr mattem in the dis- trirt court. ndrew Sherbeck , of Wester- "ille , who is in the cit ) . thig week aH Juror madc this ol ce . a busineRs call s stcrda'y. 8. Neth of Union Yallcy , was a wclcome caUcr at this ofl ce Tucsda ) " . He informe us that hc has fourteen head of horscs that arc orcly at lictcd with thc distemper. Hc thinlcs the ) " now are all out of danger. A. C. Hapgood returnctl Tucs- day night from a Imsincss trip to I Fairbury , whcre he acceptcd a i position as superintcndent of painting and decorating for a contracting tirm at a salary of $1,000 aycar. - . lIe is to commence - mence work March t st. G. W. Apple has bought thc Wildc building on th ( ' northeast comcr of . thc square of H. G. Rogers. As the IJuilding has becn c01Ht'Ctnncd , 1\11' . A pple wilt tcar it down , but just what 'his piaus arc in r'ganl to bui1l1ing on the lot we arc uninformcd. J. C. Pre more , of 'Valworth , who suddenly became r tetotally dcaf last December , was in the 'city 'fucsllay to consult Dr. Potter - ter , the specialist. We hope relief - lief may he relizcd. Mr. Pred- more. is one of Custer county's most highly rcspectpd and 10Jal citi7.cns. l . -m. Al1en al1l1 Dan I1askell , of Amold , were city visitors Monday. Mr. Allen had a case in 1:0111t against the U. P. rail. road for damag ( > s for dclay in sl1ippinl ' cattle to Omaha. A ftcr thc jury was cmpannellell the contetHli ng" pdrtic ! ; scttled t hl' case and the jury was withdrawn. Chas. ( allowar and wifc , of Holilrege , arc visiting' in the city anlLrcnewing old acquaintanccs. Mr. Gal10way was in thc lumber business in this city in thc early days of the town , li't&t for 15 yc rB Ims heen a re I1ent of Hol- drege , whcre he is engagell it : the hunber business and is now mayor of the ci ty. Millanl Hill , who bas becn endeavoring - deavoring for ovcr a year to " sevcr his ofl cial relations wah "the U. S. 'gQvcrnmcnt as postmaster at Ortel1o and linaUy succeeded by having 'the ofiicc discoutinucd , was a coun-y seat visitor Tucs- day. He reportcd a rapid incrcase of population in his neck.o'-woods , and thinks that if aU parts of the county are doing as wcll it won't he long' until 0111 Custer can he sliced into half it d07.en chunls. Notice t Royal Highlanders. . If. Yanlandingham has bee-n el..ctcd secretary of the Hoyal Highlanders to succecd T4ulu Brown , resigned. All membcrs of Berwick cat1c ! arc requcsted to caB at thc Advo roccry and pay their dues with- 111 the month to prevent suspen- sion. 33tf A U'I.incn Change. Mrs. D. . ! Predmorc has sold hcr millner store to Mrs. Chas. Pcnn for the invoice price of 83400. Mrs. Predmore bas hecn in business herc for sixteen ycars Ii'cw 1ncn , in the community have suoccedcIl as well in husiness in that tillle as she has. For sc\'er- al ycars shc has heen invcsting hcr surplus rncann in farms an l town proptrtT , besidcs building I a tine residence in thc northwcst I part of thc dty. Shc rctirc8 with several hundrcd acres 01 land , .Gome good city property al1l1 t , Lf h RulTIrieut for a rain ) ' , day. Hcr large army of patrom , will regrct to sec Iter retire m she was a great fricnd in time 01 need to the worthy and hcr l < 1nd. ness was appreciatcd. But we prcdict that. the new proprictOl will bc ablc to plcase her custom' ers about as wcn as 1ny enc tha1 cQuld ha'C succeeded Mrs. rrcd' more. - - - . Woodman Muquardo. 'rite 'Yoodman will give a maquracte ! ball , February 14 , at the OpI'a Jlou\e ! ' , - - - - - Barn , Ilor.ea "net Cow. nurn. 'YcdncHla ! ) ' night of last w'ck nan Mauk , , who li\'es thrl'c mi1e south-cast of town had the miH , : , fortune to loo\c ! hi harn and ron- tent h ) ' Jirc , 'l'herc werc six hcal of horses , four head of cattle , four scts of harncin ! ' ! the harn at the time. 'J'wo of the catllc and nne of the horses ( , sl apcd hut were badly bUrl1Nl. 'L'hc two cattle that wcre huntcd to Ilcath were his milch row\ ! ' . ft \\.as a framc barn and containcd a small quantity of .lm ) ' . 'l'lte entire los\ ! ' , was ahout cight hundrcd dollars. I No 111surnncc. 'I'he fire was started from a match. About tcn o'clock at night the ho ) ' Wet1t to the harn to el a haltcr to tic up a horse. It being dark he struck a mutch to find the haltcr. It is supposed that the fire was ignit d from thc matrh being thrown down bcfore it was entirely - tirely out. It' w s ahout midnight - night whr.n Mr. Mauk disco\'cred lhe fire hy 'the light shinning through his bell room window. It was thcn too latc to a\"c any- thing. Married. GIHHWOTU--BIWWN--At the residcncc of T4. II. Jewett , this morning at 10 o'clock , Calvin A. Griswold of 14ittlc Hock , Wash. , 'and Miss T4ula Brown , of this city. Thc bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown. li'or the past threc or more years she has becn dcput ) ' tf 1der Postmaster - master Jewctt. She \'as ef11cient and ohliging anG cnjoycd the esteem - teem of a large circle of fricnds. The groom is a stra lger to us but in his choice of a life companion - panion hc has shown good judge- mcnt. He is an engincer. 'I'hc cercmony was performecl by l e\ ' . .I. If. 'I'paganlen , in the prescnce of a few in\ ' ted guest ! ! . Miss. Mable Holcomh playcd the wedding march. - 'l'he , ) ' left , on 4 at 10.13 : fOi' lheir home in Washington. ' 1'hc I UPUUIICAN extcnds congratula- lions. .Junior n. Y. P. U.l lect Officcl'A. 'l'he Junior B. Y. P. U. has : : elccted the fol1owing ofiiccrs for the ensuing year : tPre ident , Alice Humpflrey ; First Vicc- prcsidcnt , Horacc George ; sccond vicc-president. Tom IU11il1S : if , third vice-prcsident , Mih1f'II Irallj Secretary , Lillie A111sb rrYj l'reamlrer , .Tohu Cadwellj Li- brarian. . Letha Humphrev . ; . Or- gamst , Ro s Armourj Supenntcl1- dent , T\Jrs. D. 1\1. Amsberr ; - As- gistanl Superintcndent , B\'a Call wc 11. JlAP'I'If'I' ; CIIHHCII ScrccR in the Baptist Church ncxt lords day at 11 n. 111. and 7:30 : p. III. Subject in the morning - ing , "Not to be deutcd.I ! ' ] n the cveninf , "I ac ( ' Hunning" . II A cordial invitation if ; g'en to these scrviceR. 'l'he ordinance of haptisl11 will he administcred at the cvening scrce. . A. 1\1. Levack , Paster. MeeiinUIJ Cioacil. We ol1lmitted to mcntion last week thc close of the series of mceting at the Japti.t church Sunday night wcek by C.1aplain ! Whitc of .1ac1son , 1\fiGhigan. l ev. While proved himsclf to be an abl ( ' and cloqucnt Rpeaer ] alll1- a very ag'1'tea hie g'cn tlel11 a n. 'l'here wcre betwecn twcnty and thirty that profcs ! cll rOtl\'CmiOl1 iu the twn weeks he wa here. He went from here to Kansas where he hal another engag-e- mcn t. Anoiher Hural M"il noute. 1 . Sldnner has circulated a petition for a rural mail route from Broken Bow to Rlton. The petition has becn forwanl.ell to Congressman Kinkaid. While thc pctiti n dpes not prodde for a change 111 Hural Houte No.2 , the prohabilities arc ; that if Houte No. 3 is grantcd Route No.2 will be shortened at the northcast anlextendcd \ south. BY sur-h a changc more people can be accommodated by Routc No.2 and discolllmoded none as } oute No.3 will takc its place , VanCott nrun hinlJ Out. .T. . 'TanCott has purchased Roctcwe11 & Konl < el's ! 1tock of hanlware ai1l1 furniture and will combill ( his and thcir stock as soon as thcir stock can he rc- duccd enough so thcir bqilding wi ) ) , ( ( 'c01uJ1Iodate hoth Rtoclm , which will probahly takc a I\lonth \ or six weeks. Notice. 'ro whol11 ! t may conccrn All parties arc hcreby notil cl ] not to purcha e a notc g'cn by Waltcr Bcncc to ( I' . C. Albert fOt $15 as T have lost said not am1 - it has not hcen pah\ \ . \3-3J Ii' . C. Ar.JlJtlt' ! ' , - - . , ' " . . . ' . - UUSINE6S POINTERS. i M S m . , . , . . - ' ' ' - - - - - - : ) : - - - - - - - Doctor Leach , nct1ti t. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' } 'hi9 . oOicl' I'M Job work. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hr. ' 1' . [ 4. li'al'n wol'th , 11cnti t. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'J'hiR ofiice fo\ " neat job work. - - - - - - - - J. C , l\1001' ( , abstracting. 2tf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Insurance that immrcs. 3Rtf H. / G. MOOHJt. - - . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . - _ no I"fl'sh O'stcl'scandycigam and tohacco t 1\Iike Hl'anlon . 14't UR he yom printer. 'I'he . gooll lc lul of printing' enl ) ' . - - - - - - Bu'i' . } 'onr farm mill dt'\ . " property - erty f B.V. . mail' . 37tf " - " ' , \H\I : ' 1'0 I HN'L'-l nquire of l . 'l'aylor. 32-33 - J ist your farm and cit ) , property - erty with B. 'V , Blair. 37tf We always havc moncy to loan on farms. W. < i.Ioore ) 111 Applc Block. 35tf . . . - - - - - - - ] . 'al'111 of 300 acrm , 100 acres in pagturc for rent. 33-tf . n. ' 1' . LWh : . . ' 1'or , hargai ns in real estate see Bowman & ; Anderson , just west of tlu : Sec trity Statc Bank. 10tf .T. N. Peale Co. for the fincst lot of readJ made clothing in Custer COltllty. - 22tf - - - - - - - - - - - - SIJ"cfncle.t Spec tneJe.1t Wc arc selling gold fillcd $5.00 kiUlI for $1.00. Let mc lit Jon at Harton's Sc < ; end Hand Store. . . . " , " . ' - - . ' . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LUH'l'A - poc1cct book betwcen Bowen' store and Honth side , conlaining about $ ( ) O. 'l'he finder - er will be liberally rewardcd hv returning it to N ls 'Vhipple. : , F01 SA L'm OR ] ! XCIIANG g , Good Pcrcheron stallion , six yeam 0111 , wcig-ht 1700 : tf J. G. T liONAHD. . _ . . . - - - - - - - - - - - Wc can'saye 'yom time and savc you money if YOlt will ca1l and see Peck's clothing at J. N. Pcale Co. 22ts - . - - FOJ { SArn-Rle\'cn and half lots , 50x140 feet. Good framc housc , good barn , gooll well and 100 hearing fruit trees. Fnquire .at q1i 1 office. t7tf _ _ _ _ _ _ l 'OH SAJH-A ncw house , 24x26 four rooms , witbin two blocks o the quarc. fnquire at this om ce. ' . 2.Jt f . - - - - - - - - - WanlellHorRen and cattle to winter al 50 cents per head per 1I10nth. Plenty of g-ood hay , fang"e aud water. AddrcR Chas. Owcn. Al1wlmo ! , Ncbr. 313S - - - - John Wehling' left at this office a sampcof \ Kherson oatR he raised lafit Reason , that malIc Si hush cIs to the acre. He has 2000 bURhch to se ) ) for secIl at 35 cen ts per IHwhel. . 32-33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YOUNG MUN-Thc Moler Bar bcr College , Dcnver , Colorado , certainlv oncr a splendW chancc to lean the harbcl' trade , just now. 'l'hch' scholarship can practically bc earn cd before com- plcting' . ft : nc1udc5 too1s , hoard and positions. Write thcm. - , Pan' handle cxcursion , Fehru- ary ( , th Bnd O. I OUJ1l ( trip $ I-I.rJO. 'I'icltets roOl for 21 days. See the ig-hh1 anll some gpod latH1. 1':1111I1in. : . uf G. n. 'I'horpp , ollicp o\'cr N. Glel1ns. 32f ) _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Auciion ami Second I'llmd Gooch. Wc havc mo\'cd just north of D1'Ilkc's clothing-store. waut all of Tour old stuff. Auction evcry 8ahtrlla ) ' . 32-33 J. C..BAH'l'ON. " \Vc ha\'e receivell very fa\'or- able commcnt on the superior quality of our Moon Bros. Rug- gie5 and wc arc glad to lenow that our opinion that the pcoplc of-Custer county arc willingat tllls time to bu , ) ' a bcttcr ciass of buggil'r ; than heretofor , It harcd by the public. 1\Ir. A. I. Boath , uorth of roken Bow , on Monday pnrchascII one of our hest hug- gic1. WnIs CADWm.I" - - - - - - - - f.und for Sille. fc'ol' sale , 328 ] j acrc'1 of finc land , 120 acres in cnltivation , aB hut aboUl hO acre' , good farm laud , 100 acrcs fenced in pasturc , new sod housc l1x20 feet wd 1 fiuishcd fr < &Ulc stahlc , 12x32 feet , larg-e cl10iWh for eight horses , go 011 well. wind mill , all\ \ good cellar with" framc hnilding o\'cr . it , half mill' of nice trees on sOl1th linc. Price , $4,000. Ji'ot particulars enquire at Rl ) , l'HII' , CAN o 1ce or w'rite Wm. Shuck , J\nseln\o \ , N ( ' hraslca. 31-3fJ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $200,000 to 'ODn ' on OQj Custer County fanns. 21 tf R. G. Moore. , r - , . I I. . " . . . . . - . t ' IiD _ J1 _ tJJ-"I : _ , 'iN " .tlt- " :6' : " ' ' ' ' ' yjiJi ( : _ \ . : 'flII1i-.6'iJJ ' ' ' : ' ' ' . WJl ' r . : Whcn (1esiring to figure on a hill 1 : , of T411lUhcr call on the. . . . , . , . , . J' , . 1'f : : . C. L. 1 urner Lumber Co. We cnrry a fun stock of Lumber , : } Sa1h ! , Doors , Mouldings , etc. i t i rli Ag.en s ( Ol' the Nebraska qcn ral : , f.t1 Blllldll1l & T40an Assocmtlon. i 1' . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . Y.\I \ " " ' " , , ' " ' " " . . . ' . ' ' " ' " ' . " . " . ' - ' : ' 'I" I't "f r. : : ! 1 t.1'I" . ,1Q'rr : ! ti "tt.F.tl.l. ! ! : "fJ'I. "rtF..e - " : : ' ! : : ' ' ' ' ' ' I ! ' ! ! : I'l t ! J , . 'il i& # ' 6-aj : } 'f ' : : { I : : Ji JYNit IofiQ.'ii' _ r.'I 'liJ _ 1 ' : ' , .1 c : - . . A- _ _ : : - - - . - . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ liargains in l arnlJand ] anll anc11es Wdtp fol' liBl with pdcm and h I'IUH of ah' , 1 r yon halal1l1 for rale list it with me. C01'rcspolUlcncl' with non-1't sidcl1t land owncn1 solicitcIl JAM ES LED\ViG1I. . . Broken Bo\v , Neb. . . . . - = - - - - . . - - - - = : : - - - - - - ' 1CUSTE - CANYON lIRD-c ; . OF DUROC JERSEYS gig-ht milcs west of Brolccn How. RESSE & MOOREHOUSE nROK N now. . , NI.lln. , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3III l - -UJ.'JD'EFI. : " .A. I1'Wc ; : . . . L. E. COLE , licensed Embalmer .A.1'.TI : ) 'Funeral Directo.r . J .w I DAY AND t ICHT CAllS PROMPTLY Ar SWEREO. NO SETTER HEARSE IN NEBRASKA. PHONE No. 322. BROKEN BOW. . . , . . . , . - - - . . . . " , . - - - - - - - - - - ' . . . . _ _ . . . _ _ - u " - - - - - - - p- r GE'f RI ADY FOR TIIJ BLIZZAJ D NOW ' BY Ol DEIUNG YOUR S'l'ORM SASH Ol ' H. T. BRUCE a , CO. . 'I'Jll SOU'l'H RJDl T4UMB R Y AHD. LE'P lIR FIGURE ON YfJR UII4 T4 Oli' MA'l'E- l I A L. W A T-4 WAYS 'I'RY 'eo P [ 4It ASJ ; . . . . . _ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ " ' -H " " " . ' _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ' - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - . - ! ! : .7'- : - tt't"t1't1'tt'tt'tt't1't1't1't11t1't1't1't1't1't1"1""t" ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " " " " " " " - - - - I 'lET ' YOUR .LIGHT SHl E. " ! - - Ir-- : : : : - - ' ' - _ - - = = Bgf/IEVING that our bcst intercsts will be :3 : = = enhanced hy giving' to our customcrs at : : : E a ) ) times , thc yery hest goods for the least :3 : = = monc ) ' , wc wish o ca11 .your attention to thc = = - - C > i1 QLLes-tiop. : . . = = \Vc arc now huying a hurning oil under the = = : : : : brand of Perfection which hi guarantccd to = = : : = us to be the finest illul11ating" oil manufactur- : : : : cd. We will se ) ) you this oil at 20c a gallon = = E in Ringlc gaon ) ) quantity , or IlJc a gallon in 5 = = - : : : : gal10n lots. . - = = = = \Vc wish to nay thal we will guarantee the = = : : : : : : Perfection Oil to be cqual , in b trning quality = = : : : to any 25c or 30c oil evcr sold in Brol < Cll Bow fr" : = E : or thc slate of Nebraska. , ; ; f . ; : ; : : : : The price of thir. oil is now within OIC reach : , , : ; . .1. = = = of a11 consumers. Don't ask us fo1' hettcr oil. 't' , ' ' ' : : : We can't . buy bettcr goods and thercfore can- - : : : = - : : : : : 110 t fu flUS h he ttpr , : : : : : : : : : : : CI ( > all YOllr lamps , cmpty out thc old stalc oil , = = E put in a new wick and give Perfcctioll a trial. . : = . : - : : : I vcry gallon . guarantecd. We stand behind' = = : : : : : all aHserhons wc make. - - , = = Ask for Perfection. = = ; : 20c per ga 110n. = = ; rr11e 1/Iercl1alts / ! ofBrole11 Bow. - - - - 111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 111111111111111111111111111111111111 d. _ -