Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 11, 1906, Image 1

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    - - " - -
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. . - . . .
. - - . . . : ; ; USTER lJOUNTY EPUBL'ICAN.
: > . , Es'rABLISHED 1882. 'rIlE OFIi'leIAI PAP H OIi' CUSTER COUN'ry. LAI OEST CIRCULA'I'IbN OF ANY l ; Pl Ii iN'riI 'OUN'l'Y. , , " ' ; ; : l' ; 7
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, T. ' .
\ . !
I !
' } 'o f1n. ! ont thp strellill ! II/ ! a
tnt made. It will cot nothlnl/ ,
Glaou made from the pre crl\l'
tlon 01 our o"tlclllnwllllmpro.eOnd :
I resene the Ilghr , and pret'ent
N Our cllarlfPiO are moderate. From
IU ollr Itock of EreglalQI. " and Spec'
tsele w ( ' can Ilt ordinary cae9 atm
m .m. " "n ,
m .
; I .
. ; a G Z "aaa .
- ,
UD &m w
I 6 . m !
= -
, . rector Leach , Dentist.
. . - - - - - -
. T11is office for job work.
: f1 . pro ' . .1L. . Farusworth , .dentist.
; " , , ,
" , . : , .
" Insurance that Insures.
< "f '
: ; J'
t. . ' Y' 38tf R. G. MOQRIt.
\ " ' . ; , . Presb O\'sterscandycigars and
I " 'n , tobacco a { 'Mike Scanlons. . .
'J .
: ' , L t us be your printer. The
( : ' R'ood kinl' of printing only ,
t , . . ' -
Buy your . farm and city property -
erty of B , .W. Blair. 37tf
. . I rAst your farm apd city property -
. , erty witb B. , yo Blair. 37tf
I _ _ _ _
; " : ' FOR 8At.u-Four bead of milch
.tJi cows , and )1 ) rty bead of Rla s.
. r X A. D. RA1'H.S ,
- -
'We ! . I have mane ) ' to loan
. on farms. l . G. Moore 1n Apple
, Blodr. 35tf
See some of the wonderful bar. .
I , ' " , , f.'ains : on the lOe counter at Watts
News Co.
I -
For bargains in real estate see
Bowman & Anderson , just west
of the Security State Bank. lOtf
.JI Good Pcrcheron stallion , six
. " ycars olel , wcigh t 1700 :
tf J. G. I..l\O AIW.
" 8algains" is a magnifieant
word when uscd to express the
- big values to be f. und on the tOe
coun er at the Pot ! : Office store.
We can sa\'e your timc and
sn-c : you mone ) ' if YOll will ca11
Hnd see Peck's c1oUiing' at J. N.
P ale Co. 2t5
. ' FOR SAIR-4Eleven amI half
Jots , 50x140 feet. Good frame
" \ ouse , good barn , gOOll well aml
"I 100 bearing fruit trecs. .Enquire
t. . .t tbis office. 17t1
1 ; ; Dishes , eather dusters , boole :
t " coat bangers , pocket books
) knives , perfume , soap , etc. , 01
1 tbe bargain counter at the pOSI
office store. lOe buys . 'V ' 0\.11
choice. Investigate.
W A. 'l'EDrlllht. . hODrst YOllnjr man fro
BrokeD 1Iow ' 0 preparu for par log pooldon II
C o.ercweDt Mall SHvlce , Dolt Ooe , t edit.
apld8 , la , .3
W ANTED-b } ' Chlcalro wholesale alllt mall 01
der house. aut.tant . manalfer ( man or womat
.fonhla count } aDd adjolnIDlterrltor } ' . Satar
$ ' 10 aDd exp lIses paid week ! } ' ; eXpeD 1 : mODe
.d1"anced. Work plta'lant : position P'lrltll'
eDt. No Investment or experience reQulre (
Wllte atonce , for full pauulLrs ! nnd eoclos
"el.addrustd rorelo\ e. COOPRR $ Co. .
.36 n : : I.ake St. . Chicago , 111 ,
' $200,000 to loan on gOal
\ \
) , \ , .Custer Oounty farms.
1tf . G. oore ,
Iy _
( : : i : : : 'll
- - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - . , - - - -
C. S. l lkrosb , of Mt'rna , wa
a welcJtnc l'aller at thiR ell c ( ' ou
rondny. "
J. N. Ridenour of h\rl1a , waH
a ! ; ocial' caller at this of1icc
, . .
yestenl \ } '
Clarcnce ! rowslc ) ' and hricle , of
Mcrnn , were TIrolen Bow \'i itor
lnst , Saturda\ - ' . .
JJ. r , 'l'own , ' of Wciscrt ! , , Was
' : l lcmg' ; the welcome caller at
this oOke la t Saturelay.
II. 1. 'Picken . of n rw'n , wa
transactitig hU5ines in the cit ) '
last Saturday and called. :
B. W. Kellenbarger came down
JrQn1 Merna last Saturday amI at-
'te ded the Dawson bog sale. .
M jor.C. . Ellison , of Angley ,
'wa. $ fl city visitor Monday. 'rhc
Rlfp nLIcAN acknowlerlgen a social -
cial call.
'Vm. Shuck. of the Northwc\t !
'ta4Je , wan in the cit ) . 'rue ! day
1 lll made the HnI'OBLICAN office
, a business call.
, '
Dr.V. . II , Coll"g father an I
mother , of Kewanee. I11 " are
\'igiting with him. 'l'be doctor
and hiJ father made thig office n
f i ndly call last Saturday.
, '
( . 1./0 JI . Cramer , of lel'l1a , wn a
.yis tor to , the metropoli ! ; of Cus-
ter county last Saturday anrl
took time to call and exchange , a
few pleasantries with the l1itor
or , thin gr at fa mil ) ' journal.
" Thos.Vright of the Chronicle-
Citizen , Anslcy , was in the
clty Monday as a' witness in the
S1iinnhodc8 prelimInary trial.
H kindly rembered tbe RBPBB- :
ICAN offJ e witb a social call.
: Mr. Staclo/county judge eled
of McPherson county , passed
through , town one , day last week.
on hiR return trom a \ ' s l to his
: IJ'rents.i : i Cli ter connt" Iluring
t1 e Jil ( 1id'ay- : -T. . g'ati Connty
P10n . > , rl' : ' , ' .
' \ 1j nt l cg'istcr' . lIi out
la5t weck with 'a new heall anti
otherwise ' much ' in
otherwise'cry impro\'ed
appearance. J c1itor Bryner as
well as the p ople of Oconto have
reason to.fecl proull of the Hegis-
ter in its new (1r ( ss.
n. T. Baker , of Green , wa ! ' a
city \'isitor Saturday. IJ ga's
he hah ahout 1000 lmshels oC corn
to shuc1 yet , but he is consoled
I with the' fact that there are a
n mbcr of his ncighbors not
through husldng.
Geo. Flick , of Washington. D.
C. " has been in the city scveral
days \'isiting his fathcr , 'l'aj'loi
It''lick , who 'has been in'Cn' poor
health the past ten da ) ' ; ; . Ir.
FHck is in pro\'il1g , 1)11t is not
J'et able to go to , the hotel for
his nt"eals.
C. W. ncstwite , of BerwYlI ,
camc up the latter part of last
wcek : u1I1 remaincd o\'cr to the
first of this week with hig famil\ ' ,
Mr. Gcstwite rccently ' UOugil
ReTIenclricI : ; on's , rcsillcncr ;
property j 11 the 1I0rt h WI' ! < \ t pa 1'1
of the city.
' ( 'hc Drwsol ! BraR" of 1 ndicott ,
, soht a cnr 'load ot' fh1C rC ( ( stered
Ploand China hogs at Finlen's
barn last. Saturdav afternoon ,
Tbe prices ranged' from 517 t (
$40 per head. The demand fOl
that c.lass of hogs was unusuallJ
. good , therc being a large CroWl ]
M. . .lWaltl'r an Willi" Gar.
. ton ha\'e purchasfd the mfa1
market n Ul ( ' west : \ dc of tlJ (
square of Fred Mau1irk and wiI
continue the busines under tlu
firm , n me \Valters & Garton
The blt3iness will be in charg , 0
Mr' ; Giirtorl who i' an sperienc
- ed neafcntter and has no super
ior'in Brok-cn Bow. The publi ,
is guaranteed first class ( 'r ice
Call and s'c them.
. - . - _ = 'u ,
- , - ' - ' - . . -
, . ) , : t e : ' C - . I , , . . . : .
'rt } a-e- : ( } " : : \ec.t \ } c.r ; : ; !
- 'I J ! ; BOWMAN & A NQERSON. :
v ' ,
' are dealers in Heal Estate of all kind .
I WE We will huy 01' scll. Don't fail to se {
4) liS before ) 'OU buy or sell , Wc can do
" ) 'ou good. Collections : made and insur-
ance written. Farms rentcd and tnxes paid. See
I us for farm loans. Come in and sce us.
. , ' it , BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
. , .
c. C. Glaze , of Crawford , Neb. ,
who has bccn here for somc timc
during thc ic1mcBs of hi Cather ,
E. D. Glaze , returned home la t
uight. ( I' . Glnze is \'ry IIluch
imprO\'cIl in h'nllh.
'I'hc countr hoard md in rcg-II-
lar sesHion 'l'ucsdaand . rcorgan- h ) ' electing' . . . ' 1' . Arthur
chrirlllall : , 'l'his is Mr. ArtlJ ur's
sccond term in that position and
his rcelcdioll is an edence of
his popularity with the O:11'd. . : .
Mr. and l\lr ! ' . Pcter 1D. r40 UC
left thi morning for Burlington.
lol1tana. where the } ' go with a
view of locating' . Mrs- and ln , .
! { \ ha\'e onlr heen regirlcnts
of ihi cit . about a Jca ! " . hnt 11m-
illgo that t11nc IH\\'C made - . '
Cricndg who t'rgret thetr lea\'lng- .
C. O. Jones , the Ifa\ , ' lJcrator
at the B , & 1\1. ofi ce , who callie
here a m ntb ag-o from Washington - -
ton , towil , is rejoicing' o\'cr the
arri\'al of h ! 1 wife aUlI littl ! on
Clair , last 1'hnpday. . . . 'rlte. . . . cx-
pect to o to hOmHkC'pit ! g .as
eon athc ! \ ' ran sccnrt' a satl .
factorhniil1 , ng.
r. . . . E. Cole , the uIll1 rtal { ( rl
bas arrangell to go into the
undertaking huqiness on hi ! ) own
uccount. He' ha9 the Great
hearse autl a he is a lkensccl
embalmel' , t horougbly uuder-
tandil1g the : ' busit1l'sS h ' feels
capable of ging' 9atiRfa tion.
StC ! hi alh'crti elTlcnt ill thi ! ;
i ue.
Mr. allll ( r , Fl'anlc Wooll , uf
of Georgetown. are rejoicing' on
accol1trt : of the arrival oC a hahy
boy last Ji'rida \ ' tUornlUR' . 'l'he
mothcr was at the home of
thclr cousin , George F. Dray ,
in his city. 1'hc ) 'oung-
ster 1 a grand-Jon : of Custer
countv' ! ; ex-trcmmrcr. ' Walt
George. Mother and 50n arc
are 1ctting : along niccly.
C. C. Washburn Post No. 98 ,
G , A. R" Brokcn Bow , installed
officers restercla\ ' afternoon , for
1906 , af : follows : n. W. George ,
Com. ; N'r Hartley. S , V. : R : W.
Buckner , .I. \ ' . : W . , S. Boyce. Q.
.M. : . l\t G.lontg.omer ) ' . Chap. :
Fred Alherts , Suq ' . : Alonzo Hut.
chinson , O. uf lJ. : A. ' 1' . Sims.
n , G. : Sam' ; Cannon , Arljutant ;
Aaron Poole , S. M. ; n. I , ' . Ior'
row , QS. .
C. U. Cox , flH'cman of the D ,
& 1\1. section at this pl ce wa :
relieed last Saturelay c'o'cn ng.
Mr. Cox h aR becn on , thc scc iol1
here for c\'crnl years. hCO"
has eel1 a faithful mun for the
company and I is one of B1'01C11
Bow's most exelllplon' cit : cns ,
lIc ha not Jet decidecl in w1la1
husiness he will engage , hut will
rest up u lIIon h or two just tr
see how it g-ocs.
Judgc Armour now has his 1\\ :
OmC ( nicely carpeted aud l1icel5
fitted up for business in the
m0l11S formcrly occupied h ) ; A. .
L . Humphrcy in the Broken Do\\ .
State Bank huilding. 'rhe judge
has the honor of being th firt
law'er to egtablish in busil1cs
in Custer cOllnty. He hag an x'
icns'c .awl favorablc acquaint ,
ance throughout the comty ,
which haR hecl ! increased i ) )
eight years as c.ouutJ' jlldgl"
We bespcak for him a lihrra
share of the puhlic patronage.
Mrs. H. 1' , Brown , who wa ! ) : :
resilIent of Hroleli flow ill tht
pioneer days-when she was :
) mera girl-was it social e llet 1i
, this office ycstcrday morning' ,
Mrs. Brown has heen a refliden1
of Rawlings , Wyoming. a nl1m
ber of years , but owiug' 10 Oil
ltigh altitude wa com'pelled tr
lea\'e thcre. lIcr mai cn nIUlI :
wac ; MInnie Giu ! > on and will tJt
rcmembered by tlac school girl
andlboj's of the 80's , Mrs. Bro\\ ' ]
presentellll ! ! with LI copy of th
Ra\\'lim Heyublican , a well 1 I1it
. ed paper publisherl hy r ORC ; Dra
- per.
C , A. . Chapin aud W , A , Bakel
wbo ha\'e , been working on Co
Flesbmnn new residence at Dal
for the past six weeks , returne
! iJ homc Saturday having complete
the carpenter work. ' 'l'he build
ing hs 38x.40 feet witn 20.fee
posts , coutainiug fourteen rQon :
besidp.s the halls and closet
! -ofr. li'lesbman ! > pared no expcm
, , ; necc < ; sary to matce hiJ ! home COI
\'enicnt and comfortable It is (
f the hest Huish throughout an
uptodate in C\'Cl'Y particula
'l'hey rcport it one of the be
I farm hem es in the count ) ' . Chi
I England ha thc decorating atl
( I < painting in charge and they Si
I he is trimming it " 11 in fine 11ap
L. F. H"rmon' , U'ply t ) X. Y. Z.
My r'n ou for thinldun- that
X. Y. . wa r l\ll ) ' IliMcl1ssiug'
lII'sl'IC anll t h , ' l'cople' IJi hem
A ! ; odation\ lay in thc fa < . that
at thc timc of his fir t article a
crie ! ; of sermonR was being'
preached at the conrt house hy
me OU' thc subject 'of " 'l'lIe l e-
lin-ioll.of thc 'l'wentieth Cenl trJ' "
We saw that he mcant us and Jth ;
latcr : ulmission ! > show 'us to ha'C
been corrcct. If thi5 g-ctltlemau
f1t that \'C wcre , attnc1ci'ng the
foufJlation ( of .the oltl time. -
ology. he had a perfect right , to
makc an honorab\c \ defense of
what lw cOIIRic1erec1 to he the'llltl-
warle of the Christian Paith , W
. , tallli for free in\'t'stigation 111111
( To not to Ileu ' '
propose ) to an )
mall or wqil1al1 thl' ril 'hl t thinl ,
M thc } ' can 01' pca ) e o l auy rc-
ligion ! ; \\hject , hl1 r wc ecl'-
tninh' . do thinl { there i a
Ca l' way to mak ( ' a , Ie-
fells ( ' of a g'Of"l aI1SL' . If 1 h
man has : m g'ooll 1''I.USCV1a : Y tlON
he not come out iu the op n anll
make hi , c1eCcusI' iu an laolwrable
\Va " ( We win g''e him : : tlnplc
. ,
attl ! actiou.
X. Y. Z , ghows that II ( ! hem a
grievance , but jllHt wh l it h we
can only gllc s at. He slwalc9 of
1 [ r. n" a It A ppcariuJl' on th (
stage in the plJas ( ' of a Mcthollist
prcacher , ncxt aR : l pn'ac1H'r for
the Chri tian chllf ( h and uow a'S
a Unitarian 01' , in other wonl , a
\'lIeercII infi e1. " ' 1'0 a part of
hi chargc 1 pleall g'uilty. 1 wa. .
a methodist mini\ter ! until ahol1t
1 < 1 tUonth ag'o whcll 1 withdrew
from the 11enOlhinatlon heeaU9C 1
bad ceased to t > t:1ie\'I : thell' tloc-
trines as set forth in their articles -
cles of religion. I uuited with
the Christian church on the
solemn assurance that they took
the New Tcatampl1t alc.\nc as
their creerl. This. to me. Wl2 : ! a
fair propositioll , anll i yet , but
when I found 01lt that the hook
to man ' of thl' Christian peoplc
U1 an t the ! Ht me old dOg'maffor
which1the rC1t ! nf llH Chri ti. U1
worlfl tlll .lsl i t pll : ' . llrl ml to Ree'
where' the ) ' W,1' ( ' an.y alll'ul . . ) f
the rest of the ( 'hnrehes. Whal.
I wa ! ; pastor of the Chri tian
churdt in Brokl n Bow J frcqllrl1t-
Iy Raill that if we , as a church ,
c ill 110t staml for diIrcr ul jntel'-
} > 1' ( ' t t ion from other ch u rche.s
wc had no cxclIe ! for a scparate
I ( 'xi tellce a .a l'\llII'ch-and \ J sl ill
helic\'c it. I h a'C lIot POcrf ! as a
Unitariall , hilt should feel it an
I honor to hc in fellowship with
, the peoplc who ha\'c 'done as
milch , or more , for their eountr.r
thall all\ ' other church wHh four
) timcs tlieir l1ulllhers : . 'l'he ) ' wcre
the primc mO'v'crs in the anti-
, slavcr ) ' agitatiun ; the ) ' did their
gharc , and morc than their share ,
in ( \'elopil1g the scntimellt
ag-ainst intcmperance in Ncw
, gngland ; theha'c becn foremost -
most ill the m'cmcllt fot' cIlual-
it ) ' of women. Blizabeth Cady
St\l1ton and the larger number of
the womclI who havc cel1 at the'
hcall of the women's mO\'Clllelll
in this 'countrr ha\'c bee II , aUII
I arc now Unita'rian . 'l'hc ) ' have
made nille-tcnth of the living-
literature of Amcrica. 'l'hc ) '
have produced the greatcst poet ! ; ,
their full share of historians and
1 novelists anll h\\'c : more of thcir
literatun ; ill the hooks of the
public schools than allY ethel
church aUIl it ill hecomt.s anyonc
to sprak of them aR'cneere I in.
. f dels. W" l'xpect to aOilhtL
witla tlH'm , hilt int rlll to preadl
what we t ) 1ie 'e if we ha\'e to gc
\ Ollt\ill ! ( ' iif all church lillt's to (
it. ) t has he 'n tlll'rmina.
tiou to he trltc tn cnnscil'lIce tha1
haR iUU51 1\ the change in d1l1rch
affiliations of whkh X , y , Z.
speaks , and not an ) ' fjhiftin
about from one phacc of Iloctrinr
to another. We ar pl' achin
to.etay ju t what we ha"'i
preached for the last three 0
four years and intl'nd to do SI
until conncel tbat it is no
true , but it will take argumen
to convince us. If we had beel
satIsfied witb anthodty we cO11
have had all of that we wantci
in the l\ethodist ch"rch. fCJ
S. t bere we were t mLh t to 0 be
and to accept tllf' c1octrirlf : of th
church , hnt WI' II1U5t in ! > ist 0
untra111lUelel\ \ ol1 in rcligio
as elsewhere.
! > t Wantec1-Hor\cs ! and cuttle t
[ 11 winter at 50 crnt ! > per Ihead pi
Id ,1110nth. , Plent ) . of gooll hi' ;
IY range nnd water. Addrf'R Cha <
e , Owen , Anselmo , Nebr. 31 3E
; ; ;
i . . _ . _ _ . . . ,
rr - L IPlilt. JfJ. I -----q- II 111 - -
, .
- -
D\t1'.itfg' \ f'h5'hillj' ( < days 1111.1 , eoId
nights tInl'o is muC'h sickness in the
I'nmily. . \ ( 'hId , 01' n'h , 01' cVln it
' . mol'O serioniIm \ ! ut : . Onn of OUl'
Hot \VE C ) ' Bng's will oHen ) 'eHlwe
( ' ) \PRP. \ ' ( ; . ( 't OIHnow. . : Uon't wnit
'lintll'tlw lust minl1tI :
J. S. " J..f II BAISCH
, HUcOOUllort' to ' , I. 0 , Hn"b I'Il1. .
. . . _ _
- " - - - - - -
"Pii'll -th .JI.II ! -M II 1JBIII.IIiIMIIIICI" " ' "
r- _ ' _ _ " ' . tb/illfB / _ _ _ _ _ _ -u
. - = = - . . : ! : _ - " ' - - , . . . . . y. . . - - : .
DUROC JERSEY Horrs , ' - .
- . . _ .
I ha VB some finSOWfi .
I and'g'nilts h\\d \ l.o .
Custet' Bil hy nllt ! Cncl-
well'H Cltnlcl1g-cl' , fllRo
\'eH\hoico \ ( \ bno8 \ rot. H'1t 1(1. . . '
. _ , . . . .
= : = : : - ' - = --7- ' - - ' - ' ' ' ' - ' - - ' - - - ' - . . . .
" " : : : : = : = : : : : : = ; -7'------ : - - - : : - : = - = :
, :1 : " " rttintfttlTft\1mrmf : 'li'fi'i i imi 'i' ' "Irri'fj iimi'f.i rnim I ! rf/'lilt""fii'irfl1i1 " ( i'wl 1
: : 8et'ol'o You Build , Consult W .
:11 . - . . . 1ill
n I ; e < : > II . .aa 1' : > : n. :1'.1 : e JEl.I. : . , * '
: " a ' ' ContJ'actor'and Builta. ' . til11at n ' 1'a " '
] I Ii'nrnished fret. with plans anil ! 3pl'cificationM. I
) ltWt 'Ul-'r ' IJillfl1 ! ! _ , ! , lM.IIUU ! , j tll ! ! Wllilli. M. ! ( II , ! I'11
. . . . . _ . : '
- - - - - = - - - - : : - : : : & -3f o\il 11 ; ' : ; : : .I-f' : ! " " . = & : g
. , . _ . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - ' : : " : : : ' ! ' -
, . - . ' " , - . - ' ' - , - , " . . .u . ' - , . . . " . "
. FI 0 La r 'Fb IOU r W iiI tr n ( j'U r ' V iii
\ \ ' t' : lI' { ' BOW pl'ppnl'pd
to PI1I'II iHh Oil ) , ( 'II ! CIII1M
, ' wHh Uw '
( I'H rollowillg'
l1l1HIR ) ] 01 : flOl1t' nt I hI'
rollowing' pl'iN\ . '
\Vn g IU'l1ltool'Y : : ( {
saek ' J'und- '
or money l' -
N1. .
- , .
J. ' C. B'WEN
'r It , \ HI . : " ; nrllJ f.Hlt. ;
"urc Old 4 In.'r "Itlcuur HIOKEN _ IIOW. _ } : IIIJ : .
, MARK .
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In Business Ag m1JlJmO&-1 ! '
' { IlA \ ' E IIlI''hHS ) ( ( d t hI' tnrtin
. HntNI Rtoek , lorntNI ill the ,
Nort.h Hidp OHH'U ! Blnrk , allfl will
lll glnd to. nHH t myoId ft'icntls
Ilnd en to111cr and 1I1U1H' now
o'nes , 'l'hi'3 stork eonsists of H .
complete hne of H.ard wore , Vurni-
tU1'O Implements Dish-
, , Buggies , -
lIS 111H1 G InsGwa1'o or all kind $ : , , ' , ' ,
Hnrness And sevtI'nl makes. ' o ( : . ' .
wngons at yery lo'w prices. In - / - ; .
feet there will be bal'gninIi in eyery tt , "
f pp:1I'tmont. : ill twdp ) ' to l'C dll\ \
thiH Htnt'k. , _
UndertaKing , Erllbaln1ing and H arse.
( ' 01\1\ and Hn1l' ( , .
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