Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 28, 1905, Image 1

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" USTER. OUN.TY. . , EPUBLluAN. . . - .
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Vo"L. XXIV : BROKEN Bowci ; 'STER COUNTY , NEBRI\SKA \ , THURDSAYJ D ( M'ER18 19 5IpO : = R-i GES-- - - - NO. 29 ,
1\ > ' . . - - . . . . . . -
I _ :
( \
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In oMtIl1 times. New Year'ro--
lWt I..hti th gilt mab
I iug tlm ( ' .
A'I nItI 5t ) Ie .1IHI rt-\'I\ ' l of anti.
1\I ( > 9 Come' ! a I1I1' III thc kalehlo.
. . COpl : of fashion , > 0 the uhl CU9.
toms ur New Year' ! )\inK' ig
t "Hh usagnin , Increasing-in volume
each ) 'PI1r.
TIle Jeweler'tol.'l : i oile that
tantls the rl1ch of Chrt5tUI IIII } "
1\IU \ milch better than other II lit' : ! ,
sOJ \ \ e may yet silO\\ ' yon IlHUI\ '
} IBII11r.olllt' olill 'dt'r.iIElhl trillll t"
for cw Y/'Ilr glCt.t
, ) . ; -.3 2a aaarna'2. : :
. . . .
, , E
. - ' - - - - - - - - - -
: = : : : = : : : :
. .
li"rpsh Ovsterscandcigars and
tobacco a i t-.Ii k Rra lon:1. :
. . - - .
- - - - - - - -
li'or bargaiuq in n'al cst ate 5 e
Bowman & Au erson , just west
. of the S curitJ' State a.nlc. IOtf
, .
- - - - - - - - -
Fo S.\1 , -A. new honse , 24x6 : !
four roorn , within two blocks of
the squart : > . I uqnire .it this
offi ceo 24tf
n , C. Dawson & Son , who sold
. litHe last winter , and this fall at
Merna a rill .A r1fllev will se11 .10
urood HaWS tnr ! a few boars
Hatmday afternoon , January 6th ,
] IJOfJ. 'r h e i r t orrne r qalef1 werc
of th kind that pleased tbco hu ) ' .
eff. and we wish thE'Ul a good
cro\.d and - Gale. , - : : S-9 : !
) . . ' W AN'rlD- : ClelcaQ'o wbol F.Il ami Malt ere ,
, dft bllls . .141 lalll ruanall'er ( mnn or womall )
: . . tar Ibla roulily a'I < 1 ad 10111111 < 1 . terrltorr , Satan'
" ! . 'J and t'Jtpel1 e } o.1ld wepkl , ; exp n& mone ,
adv uued.0111 : pJaanl' J1o ltlon permtu. :
l'UI. No Inn'stmelll : or experlcnce reqlltre.d ,
. Wrllp. at once for lull pilrth'ular aud l'lIclaae'envelop" . COOrftR & : Co"
, I 2-.J 13 . . SI. . . Clilcalfo. 111 ,
" . . . . . . .
" ' : --"J- : ' - ' _ - -
kta H : ; ' N 2i : e I ; :
- -
Charley Gcstwite Ucrwyn ,
" , was a city \ 3i tor 'ruesday.
The county board of Supen'is.
era , con\'crtcd in adjourned scs-
sian Tucday. !
-r.-W' . AD15herry . Y1fi' ; ill the
city o\'cr Christmas rctun iug to
' ' .t'
All t he Broken now leachers
arc hornl : thb wee ! 1p udin '
their Holiday vacatiolJ.
. . "
li'ather Dnity of Drtl 1 'was it
city \'isitur 'f' 'I'he R -
PUBlJCAN' of ] l't. acknowlerlges a
genial raIl.
.J. fl" " h " lri ' "
Spurge n , t { ' 1 tel'
who an'ell h r 'l'l1 sday of
.last week , l n Mondy morning
fot' KIUrnl ! 'y ill arch of work.
C. D , Smith of Cormtock : , made
the RRI'tJBIIC. N office a business
call Mouday. Mr , Smith ig engaged -
gaged in the rcal estate business
at Comstock.
Capt. E. C. Pickett , who has
been attE'nding the Military
school at Ii"ot't Crook , re-turned
home S.a lm1ar morning to spcond
a t wo \ , r'e ks'aca t IOU.
' ) 'hE' Holiday trade wa9 excep-
tionally' gooc1 here last week.
The fine uutumn weather was. .
favorable to e\'cry bony that
wanted to come to town to trade
and from the big sale9 f Holiday -
day goorls it appears that most
people carne.
' ' J , . Ca'cnee
'I'reasurer elect , E. \'cnee
( If Georgetown , eame Monday
morning from the farm to wlrk
in the treasures office in ord'r to
get acquainted with the busine\s. !
fIe has made nn 1isposition of his
farm anll property yet , but will
pr bably ba..E' some one move on
I the farm arlll take charfe of the
I farm and stock.
. . . _ . -.T _ ? : ' _ . - : = -3
. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _
are dealer's in Heal Estate of all kind'1.
J. WE We will buy or se . Don't fail to see
. us before 5'011 bny" r..sell , 'T.Ye can do fl :
' . .i\ ( yon good. Collection $ made and insur-
f' , it ance written. Farms rented'and tax s paid. See *
l1S for farrn loanH. r.ome in and see un. , J.
W 1
, . ' \0 .
l ! > ' ' . . * " . * " . ' . . . ' . . . " * " $ ' . '
. .
II With every Instrument we include , free of cbnrife. a ! 'ree Lesson
. Certificate , which enables you to eecure eitber O or 100 lessons by mail from
the foremostcorf pondene : : institution in America. The on1) ' etpensi is for
post ge , snaionery. etc.
. . .
! : uch I HOU I. lIlunrated br large pbotalrapbs ; u : eu directly fruw 11t lel1dIJ ikJ
W I ; per/ormel / Is IIHUled.1111 tbe minImum ot practice 'fbe5e le58ol11 are suJlel1 W chlldre
" " .1 Hllmg ) 'Jeorl. ! u , nil ! IS adult. , Hundreds lire tl1ldn ildImttlit 0tbh / neat oller
Wny 1I.t y u I .
. I'Mgllln , In ' } 1 IItJdollu' ! ! , $5 00 , 7 00. $ 00 UIIIJ up : Quillin , 00 00 , ' 900 ued up ;
\'IUIIII' . j500 , S7 00 , 'I ' 00 lied up. and remember. IU 51111..1 . .bove. tDit "Itb rlCU Il1itr\Ull.t
\V Icclude a Fre. Lenon Certlilcllttllbou \ CblUlI .
Druggist and Jeweler. Established 1886 ,
't [ \
, " , '
" 'W/ ' . -
It "
_ _ t.--- ; ; :
Earl llumphrc } ' . who \1 \ l'l rk
in tlJe sard officc at Allaiucecuule
I down Sunday to spend Cbritmas.
He will return Sunday. .
The scbool childreu : Jr l.m\ ' , , ;
ing a jolly time this week dming
iDg their vacation. The t D
weather make ! ' ! . up for thl : a6' ;
sence of ' > t\ow. \ . .
Miugrenln Thorpe caUle 111) )
froUl R "Iu1ll o ' Tut > sdn '
[ ro v ! ; , ) ,
night tt ) cpent1 h 1' week of \ ; t. ,
catiou at bOU1 . She will retm'n ,
tn."he.r " scbool Morula ) ' . ,
eo , Willing took \'allt:1gc : n ) :
the Holiday railroad rates'Frhby
and went to Omaha to at'rang
for his stoek of farm iUlplcmeutg ,
rc : tl\rni tlg Runt1 ay mCtrni n f. "I
'l'ht" : iutidpnlc,1 , 9torru aud
snow for Oil > Christmas Hf : . .son ,
failcd.1 \1 thie he
\.1 te \ ( ! ; par
country. Christma. . wa"
bright allli warm as autuul
- ,
Ur. J , J. Pickett aud wife of
Scotia , arrived in the ' 'cit- ' Sun
day morning on a short vi it 'with'
their 50ns , H. D. C. 1-4. Pickett ,
They returned home yesterday
Frank Wallace , who hil held a
pO3ition ! wit b the Ghicf OlCI ( for
the paJt ! se\'en year ; h ls resigned
his p09ition an 1 let
for Granll T9land , where
he has secured a p'03ition in thc
Independent office. ,
Harley O. Wantz , who hag reel
sided at Cambria , 'T.Vyoming , for
the past four or fh.e years has
bought Milt Marquiss' balf interest -
est in the Marquiss & Snit\er \ ren-
taurant. He left for Wyoming
Sunday morning to ijett1 np his
business there. His wife who
came dowu with him to attend
her brother's funeraL had riot r ;
't tr the ne and "Ti1t"- ; v stay
bere. ' .1'h children will accom.
pal1Y their father hack to Broken !
JndEr Armoul' i : > already fitting i
up an office over the State Bank ,
aud espects to t'ng-age in the law
practice . .gaill after January 3rl } .
With his expf.'rience , of se\"eral
years in the general piactllc , and
eight years as our G unty Judge ,
het wi11 douhtle5 1 have a freed
practice , especially in all matters -
ters pertaining to Wills and the
AI1miniqtration of er.tatc : ; of dec -
c ased person ! > and minorso The
Judge inform U th t he will Le
< tule to usually : ! ettle up such
estate : ; in a SbOl't time , and ofteg
\ \ itbnut requiring a single trip
hy tb , , ' inte c5ted parties , to tll
County Seat , whidl will Uf. ' U
great alh'antage . to parties living
a long 11l"tanr.e. One thiulr is
certain h ' 1 clients may expPC't a
. .
"ECuare } deal
- . - . . - - - . - - . 'It. . . . -.IVJ
- - - - ' - -
. .
' _ _ _ _ _ e.
. . _ _ _ . _
.I. I. 1"tltI' ' 1I of rtOt'lhl'lll l\on-
! Jail ii in I" city thii ! wc k ,
visltint ! lJ a hrother , I. A. } 1'al'-
reI I.
) ut.ltr .1. S , KiL'lcpatrick ot
Knn9i1S City arriv d hI tbe Clt-r
YC'1terdny to look ; \ftlt' bi15in ' ! { 5
matter : ; ,
W. D. Jl&.11 of Sarg nt , came
o\'er TUf'\dIlY toisit : hhi family.
Mrs. Stokes accompuuicI' ' him to
! 1peutl a f ( w l1a\l . ! \'isitiull with ,
! Mm , Hull.
Pwf. Glo. ! li , BL\lm 1 PrCg\ uj ,
of IIastiugs BUlil1t ! 9 ColR'c \ ( al tf
; WC11ey ! Motting-cr , ! 1hu1cllt of the
I Yurk co1Jege catt1l' in Saturday
I lUorniug 01\ their way home to
9peud th Holiday witll their
parcnh' at Elton ,
Joll11 Wt h1ing' arlil wif ( nf the
. WC9t 'I'ahlt' , left Sahmlay all 'I : !
: 011 a'i it to hi uncl John
N. W uliug of Ma1H1\90t1 county.
He has not seen hiG uncle for
twenty three years. 1'ltcyexpcct
! to be gone a wcek or ten days.
John and Leo 14y of 'Vest
i Side , Iowa , arrived iu the city
on Wednesda , ' of last week , to
look O\Oer the c01\ntr } ' with the
\'iew of locating. 'l'hcwpre
agreeably surpriscil with the
country and especially with thin
'I\hl : .T. M , atc:3 : stock of gooll ! )
north 9idc , whieh Mr. Hatcs rc.
I cently .urned over to his credit-
I Of ! } and \v1Jich bas bcen in charge
of special collector , B. F. Mc-
Mahau , for 1-4Jniug-er & Metcalf
Co. for the pant two wee ] . ! ] bas
been 50111 to Geo. Willing of thi
, city who will take immediate
'charge , Sr.e Mr. Willing' ! } ad-
\.ertisement in this imme of the
Mi s 14aura Gns nfaou cloGcfl.1
rer ) ' sltccessful term of school in
Distsict No. 85 last )1'rida.y ) the
2 , 'rhe pupils wer well pleased
with her as au iustructor , wdcll }
tIlt' } manifested by prcReutiug i
her with 11 hatld'3ome present. !
She also was IUt'seu t ll with a
strong recntllUlenllatioll II ) ' the
Dit' ( 'tor of the school , II. E. '
i\Jyer'3 for her abIlity as an in-
' 1trurtor and a lady good charac-
. Prof. ( leo. Jt og'gs , Principal
of the lIatiug ! BUiinenq ! college
infonu'1 tH1 that hin college haG
L cn fortunate in BIcuri\tg : \ the
sen'ices of Superintcndent , W.
A. \tlian \ of Adam county , as
one .f the instructor : , . Mr. Jul-
I itn ! is kuo..n a1 ! one of the best
educators in the 5tat ( ' aud will
strengthen the alre.lIly abl , corp ! )
of instructors. Any Que , ] ( " ) iring a
; practical education : ; hnuld cou-
i siller thi'.1 ! 3chonJ. 1\lw winter
I term oppu Jan. 3.
: ; - - ' ! ! ! : = - - - . - - - = ' I _ - _ - _ - : : :
aIIiiJg : _ r , .ta. : . . . . . rr , . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . : . . - . . . . . . , . . - - - - . . . . " " " ' . . . . _ . .VU'--
. . . . .
; : : : : ; : ; - - " - - - -'J Sla'J
( rra1l68lzca'J ' " \ \
C C > l.J : : : < : :1r ,
Sanford ] ) edge ,
I n the two gJ' ( Ht plays
Damon and Pythias.
These plays will be put OD the e\'ening-s of
January 1st and 2nd.
PRaDA DL Y two stronger altractions couItl not be founrl in 1111 the
_ chs9ical dramas.
The story of Oamon aUII Pythia ! ' is lIut IIIW. It tdls of t-I ! \lliah-iug
friendship of the two hCNes of nncleflt j'rtcuse. Aroun.1 . tllll ! bi1llpe !
l'ut ! is woven a plaO so strong , 50 inlensey ! dramatic nnl > 0 lU'II , tlng
that no drama bas e\'er been wrten \ tbot can excel this gleat tn3 ter.
piece ,
Jr. Dodge is surrounded this sea : ( Jn by the best cowmpany that he
lta:3 : c\'er had and with a complete equipment of SCtrut'ar roL nud
all other aceess\Jt el : will moke \totahle production BIIlI aile that the
Iheatre-going Pllhlic should witness.
The pia . ) of Juliu3 Caeiar ! 16 more or less familiar to everyone hut lIIore
l'sreC ctI ) i3 this tn1c of ever ) ' High Schoo ! student in the com tr } ' ,
What bo } ' has not learned "Marc Anlon"s Oratien , It whlcb st.ihtto \ ,
d I ) ' three centuries aiter it wes wtiuen , ns one or the worlds literar ) '
lIIocltl , ill rhetot\o : anll omtnr } ' It i'l , Irmbtfu1 wheU":1 Shf1ke I'I'are
e'r IJ'IIIIt'd 1111) tiling IIInte IJcalltltul. 'fill ! torthcoming prescllla\lvn
.f , III. . fll"OIl , logclI } ' lit thl' : Opera Itouon ' C'veninu ! January
2nd , It } ' Sanfofll Dodge anti his cOlllpnu } ' will no 110uht urollie 1III\IsII01
it t re'\t here as it has , Ioru : e ! l"whert' .
Seats Noon \ Sale at Usual Places.
_ _ _ _ _ _
M ' - - - -
I = -
: - - ' - = = - : : ; - : ' ' : - - ' - - - - : = ; - - -
- " ; " : : ; ' 7 = = : ; - - . .
' " _
. . . . . . .
. . . ' 1II" ' " - - - " " - - - - - - - - - " " - - - - -
t ? - - r'W"1J- J - . .L _ -------r.-V" -1. ' i 1iiifii1iollJ1i i " ,
tl'o till 0111' ( I\HtOlH'l':1 \ ( :
. . \ \ ' e t hn nk ) 'on "t l'Y m noh for YOUl'
: : r v19 adin.g' : ,
nnd rot' nIl tl'ucling of : the yeaI'
l 05.V l1 W Rh yon 11 .MCl'l'Y
Ohl'is ( mns , 1Ioth , you nnd i\l1 our
f1' t'nds. .
J. S. . J. F. BAISCH
H a 'IilIl ( ) " to J u , t InCiuttl'lu
, , . . . . .
' " - - - - - - - - -
"I " -
" 1 II ' " . . r
_ . .
_ . _ - 1 . _ 1 - - - - - _ 4a..hA . - - - Y - . . I . . _ - - - - _ . . _ . _ - _ .
= - = - . ; = ' " ' - - = - - " " " "
$200,000 to toun on nom , '
Custer County farms. :
2ltf R. G. Mbol'c.
FOR 8AI1''ol1r head of milch
cqws , aud thirty head of ,911oat5. ,
A , D. l1f\NGS ,
W AN'l'ED-lJrhlhl. onpnt ) 'OUnl ! ' m:1I1 : fraul
Broken Bow to prepare for p\vlllll' t'Olllllou In
Guvernment l\JItI Servlc" . 'n01l OIlP. , l'"u
Rapids , h. - - : . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . :
Dr. ' .1' . L. " 'UrtlBwotth , tlcntir.t.
. . . . . . . - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
li'ol { S.r.1OR \ mXClIANGJ\-- \ ( '
best c\tablishcd ! anti paying' htl9i-
nes ! ) , and also a rc\ill'ncc ! property -
ty in Broken Bow. Just the
tltiug for an clltcrJtislng J'onng
mEHl. 26-29 1. A. Rl\NUA1J. \
'fhis ofiicc for job work.
Insurance that iusures.
3Btf R. G. MOORJ\ .
J. N , Peale Co. for tbe finpst
lot of ready made clothing in
Custer county. : : tf
_ .
- - - ' - -
" ' " 'w c
" _ . . , _ . , . . . , _ _ _
Tu Hunterl.
If ) 'on lcuow of a coU ntrj WiiI il
aboundH in tHrlccy , duck. quail ,
sCl.1\irrcl \ and other ! \mall \ game ,
wIth rnan.a . g-nod chance at dcer ,
get a copy of tbe new booklet ,
1I [ eathcrs anll li1ins on the Fris
co.I It tells about hunting and
fir.hil1f { iu the Oznrk8 aull in , the
81. li'raucigrulle ) ' , Sent free on
requ 9t 11.A. . . I1iltorJ , General
Pa\1ctll-Ic1' ! ! A1cnt , li'rl1co ! y tcml
81. I ouis , Mo.
r.'or . Saleor trade for town prop-
ertJ' , one Hamiltonian gelding
rOI\Ilstt'r ! , one pair of matched
black mares and colt. Inquire at
this ofl ce. 27t
II'OR SAT < . -Elt.wcn and balf
lots , 50d40 : feet. Good frame
hounc , good barn , good well and
100 bearing fruit trCQ1. ! Enquire :
at this ofiice. 17tf
" - - - - - -
' ' . ' . . -
: ,1' , . ' 'i.- : , . " ' - : . . '
, , . , - , .L . .
. , , . . , . " _ . . .
Flour ! Flour ! Flour !
. . . . . _ .
" " . , , . . . . # - . _ - - . - , . - - -
\V ( lu'e now prepul'ed
to ot'Ull1iHh ! 0111' eIlRtom- :
erR witlt ; t.he following
hrl11HIH 01' flom' at. the
fF.lllowing' ] H'ices.
\V p gnal'L1utee e\Tel'Y
sAck 01' money refund-
Broken Bow Cream Flout' , per n.ack. . . . . . . . . . . $1.35.
Brokcu Bow Myrtle Flour , per sack , . . . . . . . . . 1.30.
1\Ia3on ! City King Flour , per saqk' . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1.35.
lason City Star li'lour , per sack. . . . . _ . . , _ , ' , . . 1.30.
Callaway High Patent li'lour persnck. . . . . . . . 1.35.
Callaway Fancy Baker Flour , per sae'k. . ' . . . . . . 1.30.
10 cents l' ' r hUt1dren off by hltying 500 poun'Illots.
We wi ! h all of out' FricJllls , Cl\5tom rl and
F Uell cfi a Happy Ne\ . . . . Year aud we wisb tu
thanle oue and all for their liheral patronage
" 'during the year 1905 and we hope to merit a
contitlnanc of the gatue duriug' 1906.
'rnAD" NOlth Ide
[ "lire Old . " ' \'nUllar nfWKF. llIO\V. NIflll. :
MAlt\ ! -
. . , .
. : " . ' _ . . . _ , . ' , , /1 . - _ . " : ' ' ' : ' '
, .
- - - - - .L. -
_ L : _ _ _ .
r .I - - . . .
In Business Again.
IIA YE purchase the .Martin
J BateH stork , located in the
J. ' orth Side Opera Blllck , and will
be g'lad to mOt.t myoId fl' ends
and customers Hnd IZIIlUY new
ones. This stock l'onsists of fi
complcte line of HU1'd ware , Furni-
tUl'e , Implements , Buggies , Dishes -
es find GlasswHre of fill kinds.
Harness find several makes of
waguns at ycry low prices. In
fact thel'o will be bargnins in eyery
devul'tment in ordrl' to reduce
this Btock.
UndertaJtlng , Ernbalrnlng and Hearse.
( 'onw and see me ,
_ _ . _
- - = --rTY " " ' - - " - - - - - -
- , - . . , ' - -