Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 21, 1905, Image 7

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. . . , . . _ _ _ , _ _ , - ,
. . - - - - - - . . . . - . - . - - . . . - " , - . . - - . . - - . . . .
Expansion ; H g Sale
40 Brood , Sows a l e''r. ' , ' Boars
of the big bone and good , prod.ucing ltind of ol nd
Chinas will be sold at : Broken : Bow , Saturd afternocn ,
J'anuary.6 , 1806.
. This offerin.g is as good.J as ever. offered , consisting
mostly of March al3 . pril Gilts , bl"ed to farrowin thei
spring Old Exgansion stands today as the grea.t'st
si re of show h.ogs in the west nd the procl ucer of the
, - : Big boned , Gre t Sized. , : Big Litler typel of hog . . tha.t
: Breeders . and Farmers all want.
. Exprnsion See , son , weighed. t 17months old 625
, pounds , the grelttest eight ever attaine at that age.
4. number of our brood sows vv-eigh 700 to 800 lbs.
Show down. .
We have won mora ribbollS at the Nebr slta
, State Fair than any other bree.aer in the west. We
show every year and are 1.11 tl1EI bUSlljeSS to st y.
Ha va been 40 . years . bree i11g Poland Chillas.
We sell to you. . on merits. COIns in al1 . . i .spect
offering ; buy if it is Y01.tI' kincl. hJ5 SCJ.uare.Deal
To .All. ; No , Hog Too Good , For A ] qarlner. . .
L oes ill be in _ roken.Bo .
. .
. Flnlen barn for . IedlQree and
: , . . . s 111spectlon. cata-
\ log11e given sale day .
001 Zeb Branson ; H. CII Dawson Sons .
If. , AUCTIONEER. Endicott , Nebr.
[ . 'l'his office for neat job work.
r -
-Vie always have money to loau
on farms. R G. Moore In Apple
: , Block. 35tf
1\ \ . - . .
t List your f rtp , and city property -
erty 'with B. W. lllair. 37tf
L . . . . - .
. . . . . . Herd II nClec.1 By. . . . . . . . .
, r " 'op r"H NI' . 17100 ,
. . .
. . . . . ,
, ;
, r
" IJ ,
J. G. BRENIZER , 11reec.ef lJf
Pllr Scotch :11111 Septch T.1PPl'lt 51-ort IJorll
C"tU , My h rd numherK 40 ' ' .
( 1\11' ' ' WIICOlli' \ I
art : \lreedlnll' : lnd quallt ) ' with an ) ' .I."t of
Cblcalru. My eallerlence 1I:1 ! ! tallllht lI1e tblt hi I '
illY. . ! lool1 utlstlctlun : , hreedlllll' Clttll' : IIInAt he
rftl , , In .hl. . " " " "Uc. 1
. . . . . . , , , . " " ct to
r. thp" h"r. tbe (1" " " ot an'thlnll'
nlsed In tbe U. S. luow b7 2511I1I" , suhabl I
fUr . till. . Mad unt _ l.e'ar'I R n Ice. My COWK :
" .11l1l ( ro. . 1400 to 1WO pounJ. . COQ1e aud .e. ;
" II I I
Buy your farm anel city property -
erty of B. W. Ulair. 37tf
- - , . - - , - . ' - . . . - - . . - . , . - . . . . - _ . . - , , , - . . - . .
rgi ? ) R ?
The Advo Rf I
c as hG rocery ! i
_ J , l -
y I
A Hig'h Gradc Caro- , '
' sene Oil a 8peci 1ty. i \r
' . Bright ! ht
Safc ! ! ,
No Smell ! ! !
--E ] No Smoke ! ! ! !
Call at the storc antI
PE >
get a coupon goad for
( half gallon. 'l'ry a
nc con il1
_ _ J ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I !
Our can g'oods arc all 1J.r ?
, ,
labeled "Aeh'o gxtra. _ \\l
. the best the market af-
fords. We have a fine
, tine of Stapc ! anti Fancy 11 1 > >
Groceries. Call and see U : I.N .
o/\t' /
\f1 . '
Lewi Kimberling of Arnold ,
was it city visitor ycsterday , reo
turning home today. Hc say
the report that the railroad stat.
ion is to be mo\'ed three miles
south of Arnold is without foun.
datiou as the sun'eyp now gee !
through Arnold and that th. : : en.
tire survey would ha\'e to changei
to throw it an the south side oj
the river at that point.
A. H. Copsey returned recentlJ
from the Black Hills where hi
has interests in a mine. He rc.
ports prospects verr flattering. .
'rhe company is now putting it
machinery for worcing ) ther ; are
lIe informs us that both M lvjl
and Elsworth Penn hold gOO !
positions with the Harne Stakl
company with fa\'orable prospect
of promotion.
Expansion 5766 , H. C. Dawso
I & Son's big hag , stands today a
; the greatest sire of winners an
motlc ) ' making hags in the west
I'l'he"all 40 of his kind in Bre
. ken'U .w , S1turday , Januan' . ( , U :
j1906. , : 8. .
J 'iT I ' 1 W.dI L. I ' "H''r " _
- r- . . . . . . . _ . . , . . . _
rd ? il- -
Hon. better mado.Nono boUer known
With ftloKIBDlNS al IhroD the
flvo dollar hat.e "out of U" $3
, nrnlc by J. N. & 'A. : . . . CO ,
I { _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . .
B. W. Kcl1cnbarger of Merna.
wag a citr'is tor WCtlnesday.
W. A. Sturde\'ant of l ound
VaHcy. was in the city today ,
malcing' proof on hig h lllcstead.
Judge ArlUour will cngage in
the practice of law at the expiration -
tion of his prescnt tcrlll of ot1 ce.
Be wm or.cCJJ"v the roams in the
Brolccn 'Bow Statc Bank building
now. occupied by A. H.I1umphrey.
J. A. KeHenbargcl' aud Bud
Ihil" of 1\1erua , . . .cre friendl } '
callers at this ofllce tOtIa ) ' . 1\1r
Kel1enbarger informs u that hc
and Mrs. Kellenbarg-cl' cxpects
to visit r laL'es in Kausas in a
couple of weeks , 'l'hey will also
expect to visit frientl ! at glwood ,
Missouri whilc gonc.
'rhe Christmas entertainment
of the Baptist Sunday School
will be given in the church Saturday -
turday evening. The teachers
and pupiis will give a cllntatta.
The church will be nicely decorated -
ated and two trees hJ.\'e been procured -
cured an which to display the
presents. Kriss Kringle will
have presents for each of the PU-I
pils and a bag of nuts and candy. .
The Doited Bretherll Sunday
School' will give their Christmas
entertainment Saturday. The
decorations will be the tinest e\'er
shown in the church and this
ch r h .has "been notcd in the past
for its excellent dccorations.
The children , have prepa red a'
progran ! and all will ha'c a good
time. 'rhe public is cordiallr
Hev. C. W. Brlnslad of Omaha -
ha who has held the position of
Gcneral Missionar.r aud State
'secretary of the Uaptist hoard
for six or ight ycars has tend.
ered his resignation to take cffect
the first of the ) 'car. lie has ac.
cepted a similar positioll ill Cali.
fornia. 'rhe board will mcet at
Omaha Fridar of next week to
choose his suc essor.
- - -
\ \ ' , \ 'l'I O. hl"CIIIIIIlIlI'holl' alc 111111 ma lilli' ,
, I..r hllll'C , uK hllalll " , ulla cr 'lIIilll ' III' II'lIlIIall )
for thl count ) ' aUlI ar1JJlllltlltcrnlUr ' . SaIM ) '
$ :1.1 alll1 "I'CII" " l'allll1'"o.l.l : ) ' : CJlUCllbC money
adnlllcl'll.Vorl , plca ant : PO ltlOIl I'cnnall'
enl , " ' " 1III'CblllJelll or eXI' < llelll'c rcqllh . ! .
Wllt":11 oncl' fur full l'arlh'lIlorM 1111 < 1 enclosQ
. If.adl1ressecl ell\'elo c. Clint' . H & : Co. . .
2i.3 1:1. : Lake St. . Cl1lcal/n , 111.
- - - . - - - - - , : : - : - : . : - : : : : =
N01'ICl Of' } , 'INAI. SE'"I'Ll\H ( : : 'r. ,
In ( ounty COllrillf CII'ter COUll ! ) ' , Neura'lka.
To tll" Crt'dltor'l alld Uelrh. au. ! In all wlln
are Intere51ed In the estate of Nall'- . O'd ,
dceeal"II :
' 1'ake notlct , that Ellis WI11lalllK executor of
the atorestld E tate , h:18 : fill'll a re ort of hili
dohill's a'l such , and : wks tllat thl' "ame be all'
prond. alld tllat heIe dl charR'.d from tnrlh'r
oblllatlon tla.relll , .1l1d thattll. . l'ullnt ) . Jullre
make Rllchorder all to the .lIhlrlhnllon of the
a et. . belonghllr 10 halrt e"tatn all may seem
just and eqllitable : de..hrnate the heln e:1tltled
to a share In said ( ' ti\te , : tud III cract sucll
other relief ai ! ma ' he deelll II ' " ' l''I'UV ; In th.
I1nal seeJemlH1t of Jald cftate. Salllmllter ha
he"l1 ! 't fur hearlnll' 11Ith , : : 'th ' da ' uf Uec.
! 'XIS. at 1 lI'clude A. :11. : . at the Cunnt ) ' COlin
( { ullm , luUrollen Uow. Nebra ka. at which Unit
and place all partl Inlen"trll ilia ) ' aptclr anll
be heard cUllcerulnlf tile ijlme.
Uated thl ! ! Hlh da ) ' of Uecl'mh'r. 170 ,
21-1"1. J. A. A IUIUUH. Cuunt ) ' ludlle.
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
COIlIlt ) ' Court. 0 f Cuuet County , Ncurallea
Tile creditors of the estate of Hellbeu r. , GII : 'I
deceas'd : 'l'ake notice. that I \\111 lilt at till
, ollnl } ' COllrt room. lu BrollPII nOlIn sa ill
County. on the 2 th day of JUII1.U . ) ' lCJ06 anti 011
the 16th da ) ' of June , 16 , each at 10 o'c1ocle A
M. uf each da ) ' . to receive anti examine al
claims alralu5t "auioMate. willi a "Ii'w to thel
al\jll \ tment alld allowance ; alld thllt on the fin
date a1.Hl"e the petIJolls : of wldolV will he bean
for IlOnlesteul. e1emptlons , allilwancn alii
other Statllary rllfhtR. 'rile tJm ' limited fu
the prescl1IatlGII of claim. . altalll..t "aid eM at
h . .Ix months hem the 151h day IIf Ul'cembe ,
. . 19nnd \ tile time IImlt.d for payment of debt
: ' " Ii nne : v'ar from lIald dbte.
hall'd December I th , 1905.
1:7-31' ' . J , A. AN . IOUII , Count ) . Judile.
_ , ,
- - - - - - - - -
In COllnt'Court of Custer Count ) ' , e\lralka !
. 'J'o tle heir. . "nd creditors "nd all
Interested In litlte of Annie \lnUusk r.erson .
ceased ,
'J'ake uotlce , tbat wherea" , William S. \:11
1 Dllsklrk.llullhalld ut the lah : Annie \'anllul
klr1t , deceased , hall iiiI'd hl IwlIll , , " In thl
Cllnrt. all IfIr,1I' that Annlu Vanllukklrkdll'd Ir
I terstate at Alta. In Ullena'hita Cllun ty. In\\ ' :
g At.rIl17tll. t'l12. "clzed of leal "llate In thl I
I cOllnty also , showlllll' thl'llltnWN , ; IIII'S alld re
I dellce of her helrN , :11111 allclrlllil Ihlt : htld reI
- cMtate 1M exempted front attachllll'nt. I'xecutfo
n IIr other mesne , 'roceM : tnd nnt lIallla to tl1
r.a'l1Icnt of allY debts or cllhllN : alCaluMt Mal
S e'ltlIl' . for the rellloll. that Hame , If au ) ' ealHtl
are \larmd b ) ' Htatute' ! of Ihlllt\iIOIlP , 110 : u
d mlnlHtratloll hlvlulI' ueell lIad 1111 ahl "lItt1
, . heretofor" alll1 prl'III for the dLcrel of thl
COllrt , accordllllCh'
. without IhlmllllKtratlol
I'rhe lIeralnlr of Hald IIttltloll hi lI t tor Uecen
h..r 30th , I' I _ , at In o'clock a. III , : It this ( , onr
I , wllere alillartll' " Intere lp.d ilia ) ' appe..r . aud I
lIeard , Dated Dectmtlcr '
9 7tll.l'1\15.
( 'BALI ; rI J. A. AIU.&OI1N , Luunty Judlle.
nu l1 > r 11 : 11 r 1Ir r " 'J J. _ III 1.I nt _ 1RJnru.rmJ.wb4 :
- _ . - . . . . . - - . . . . , - . - - . . . " " , " . " " ' \ " : - _ _ _ Lliu.e ; . . , , , _ _ . . , :1'IL. :
. .
. ,
'OF..u r
. 1 lgltt milt' " \ \ ' bt tlf Uwkt'u How.
RE3 E & . MOOREHOUSE , lW" . : -z t } , U : i It. UC\\ ' , J .
> > . ' . "
A . . . ,
- ' - - - - , -
"Ar.rr. : : : : L rllll1 _ _
- _ . - - . - . . - - - - - . . _ . . - - - - - - - - - ,
- - - - . . - - . . - - - . .
, . . - - " . - - -
1 , Acchll'ntJ ) ' KIIINI , I
A fourteen ) caold \ ho ) ' of '
JOlIll Knapp 01 l\u'ileJ wns ac. I'
cielentl ) lcilled about 5o'c1ock tb .
' ' evcning while loading
Ita } . ; tbe boy nnd his father were
after a load of hay. 'l'he bay was
on the wagon and the father
pitching hay to him. A dhot
gun on the wagon was in some
wa ) ' accidcntlv discharged. ' 1'he
fatber heard report of a gun
and saw the right side of th
UOY9 head shot otY. , 'l'he accident
cc.urcd . three a'tid a half wiles
SOil th .of Au ! > > lcy. I
Who I. Jelu. ?
( CIIJltlnlll'l1 frOll1 l1l'pl lIIeDt , )
friendly to genui , e "piety" but
many sane pcople of today have
COt le to dete t hyp : > crisy w erc-
ever the\ ' find 1t aId that is the
extent of their "implacable hos-
tilit ) , . "
One other mut tel' we IULlst refcr
to and that is the ContemptttO\l9
fling' with which he closes his
remarkable . ' art idc.
He speacs ) of these people
whose strangest paint in their
faith is doubt. " We remark , that
if to believe in a God who is
prcsent in all parts of his universe
is do bt , we arc guilty ; if to believe -
lieve that he is the Father of all
spirits ' s doubt , we are guilty.
If to tJelieve that Gad's activities
are ceaseless and always have
been. is doubt , we lare guilty.
If to believe the declarations that
Jesus . makes is doubt , # we are
guilt ) ' . . .
Rut we' lI1u-t say that Jesus
says nothing about the trinity ,
about the atonement , about vicarious -
, carious suffering , about a man's ,
having his Uesus' ) righteousness II I I
imputed to him. Perhaps X. Y. iI i I
Z. can relUo\'e our "doubts" up-
'on theBe things by quoting the
lang age of Jesus to show u
diITer nt1y.
As to a 20th Century Religion ,
we remark that it is as legitimate :
to spEfak of it in that way as to'
speak of ' 20th century anytbing
- - - , - - - . - - - - - -
- . - - -
_ . . - .
- - - . -
( ! 15c. ' 1'l1e mc ical pract tc : f
todny ig of the 20th century and
not tue 10th , aud so of commerce
\werJtI\iug \ elsc. There i
no ma'1 ' o intclligence but knows
tbat ill science and 'e'tigion we
arc continuall , ) ' arriving at ncw
vicw point , and must continue
to do so as long ns the mind of
man cent J ues to grow nnd enl '
tbose who 'keep thcir face ! ) to I
t e past , and their brains Jitter-
ed with the rubbish of the dark
ages can find . . find fault
with men nd womcn who are
striving : for noble I living . in their
own way , , and accord1ng t 20th
century idbals.
Finally , ' we would , like to at'rlc
if it is not as pertinent topl : ak
of a 20th Century Iteligion .to
distiqguish it from U\a.t of the
. .
5th or 10th or 15th cel1tuf1I ! , aM
to sp ak of 11 NethodiRt church ,
or a. Baptist t church Or a United - . . '
Brcthern' church in order to distinguish -
tinguish them from each other.
Is it possible that X. Y. . , b .
lievc9 i a Baptid Hcaven , or
or a 1etbodi8t heaven , br a
United Brcthcrn hc ven or is God
to be flefined Il ! ) Baptist , Methodist -
dist or United Bretbern ? X. 'Yo
Z. ought to be cltCful ! how he
uses hi lknife , he wight cut him-
self. We do not however wild1
to dra lthese churches into this
little ri ndll tilt , and only speak
of them to show the real pOint , of
the legit of X. Y. Z.
We , must le ve many thing
unsaid , 'hoping that X. Y. Z will
came out 'from the brush so we
can see to wbow we are indebted
for the diatribe in last weeks i .
sue. We are sincerely ,
L. oF. HARMO " ' ,
President of' the P opl s
14iberal Chiisti n' Als.
. .
, , s iation. r
li'or the inf twaUon of L. Ii' .
Harn10 we desilc. to State : that
X. Y. . 'is i1 itber a : , Uaptist ,
Methodist or United Bretnern.
b > :
, . _ ' _ _ I
. -
. '
. ,
. \I " :
. . .
- - - - -
I huye some fine SOWB
and guilts bred to
Ouster Dilly Hua Oacl
we-HIs Oh lengeJ' , also . . '
three choice boars for sale. . . \
. BROKEN BOW , ; ,
- - - - - - . - _ .
tttttt"t"t"'t'Y" , , " " " " " " " " , " ' ' " ' " " " " " " ' " " " " " ] " " " ' ' ;
' tET Y01JR LIGHT ! ' - . .
I' SHl E. !
, - : : . : : " - , :3 ,
= = BELIEVING that our bcst interests will be : - : : : :
E enhanced by giving to onr customcrs at :3
E all times , the very best S'90ds for the least:3 :
: : : : : , wish call .
: money we to your a.ttention to the : : : : :
: = I'- . . . . . . . - : : ; '
: E I'1 ueiB 1I10n. . . 3 : ' ;
r : : : 'Ve are now buying a burning oil under the : : : : : _ ; , '
I : = brand of Perfection which is guaranteed to = = . ' ;
i : = us to be the finest illumating oil manufacturE - . : : : : : " .
E ed. Vle will sell you this oil at 20c a gallon:3 : '
i E in single gallon quantity , or 19c a gallon in 5 :3 . , , :
r : - : : : : gallon Jots. _ : : : :
' . : : : : : We wish to gay that we will guarantee the = =
II = = Perfection Oil to be equal , in burning quality. = =
. : : : to any 25c or 30e oil ever sold in Broken Bow = =
: : : : : or the state of Nebraska. : : : : : '
l E : 'fhe price of this oil is now within the reach :3
I' : : : : of all consumers. Don't ask us for better oil. : : : : :
I' E We can't buy better goods and therefore can:3
i- - not furnish tJetter . _ : : : : . .
: ' : : : : Clean your lalUp . empty out tbe old stale oil , - : ; ;
: = put in a new wick and give Perfection a trial':3 "
I E : Every ga.non guaranteed. We "tand bebind :
n : : : : all allserttoDs we malee. . ' :3 '
Id = = Ask for Perfection. . = _ = ,
1 : : = 20c per gallon. : :
jj I The Merchalts ! of Broken B w. , , \1
: f71'1'ill1111111'11'111111 ' ' ' ' 1'11IilI111 ' + 11'iiii111"1&lill1il1'L111111 ' " & { ' 111' '