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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1905)
. . . f , t " . . . . . , . ' ' . - - , A Valuable Agent. I . The glycerlno rtnplO1'l1 In Dr. Pl rco's 'f , medlcilles J1'Nltly enhance ! ! the mpdl- cillal propertlps which It extracts nlHI IlOlds In ollltion milch better thnlll1lco. hol wOIlId. It nl o IIOS l'S PS n1 ( > dlclnlll proportles or Its own , b ( > ln \'nlllnhio ' nutritive , nlltlseptlc alHllLntl. ferment. t ndd ! ! grraUy to thl' el1lcncv or the nlack Cherryhnrlc , Golden Smil root , Stone root alHl Qlll'en's root , con. talned In uGolden Medical Dlscovtry" In subdlllng' chronic , or lingering coughs , bronchial , throlLt ami lung ILffections , for all or which the80 ngonts are recom- mend'd by stnndnrd medical authorltleg , In nil cnses whl'ro there Is wastllI away or flesh , loss of ppoUto , with 'wenlc stomach , ns In the early stages of conglllnpton ( , there cnn ho no doubt that glycorlno nctH II ! ! valllahlo nutritive an alas the Golden Spal root Stone root , Queen's root nnd Hlnrle cllI'rrybnrk .In promoting dlgeHUon an hllllding up the 110shLn strength , controlling the cough and bringing ILbOllt 0. healthy condition of tllO whole system. Of course , It must not bo expected to worl , miracles. It will not cure consumption OJccept In Its t > arller stngfls , It will cnro very sO\'orl' , obstln. ate. chronic coughs , brollchlal and laryn. geal trollbles , aul chronic sere thront with honrsenl'ss. . In MUte cou hs It Is not so eITect\.p. ( It Is In the lingering , , coughs , or the o of long standing , oven , when a coll1)1auled ) by bleedlu from lungs , that It hllg pl'rfornwd Its most { mnrvelQns Cllres , Rend for und rend the ' . , - . . . . lItt1 bool , of extracts , treatln or the , rOIertes , ( ! lud USI'S of the severnl tnl'd- ll ( fcll1l\1 roots that ! 'nter Into Dr , Plorce's . Golden J\leillcnl Discovery and learn wit II this medicine has such a whlo range of ' . . ' application In the cure of diseases , It Is i' . ! , , . ' ' Bent fl'ce. Addreqs Dr. n. V. Pierce , IhllTa10 , N. , Y. ' .rho II Discovery" con- ' , , ' 'tall.s . alcohol ' . ' " no 01' harmful , hablt.form- , ' Ing drug , Ingredients nil 1'rlnted on each f , . bottle ! ' In Illnln hllgllsh. " ll'lc P.OI' ' 0 , especlallr these suffering .1 frol11 dhea : ( 's of long standing. arc Invltotl ; , to cons nit "Cr. Plerco by letter. free , All corresllomknco Is held ns strlctfy prh'ato i and sal'rcdly conndentlal. Address Dr. . R. V. I'lorc ( ' . ] ' N. y , Dr. Plcrce's\1 ; edlcll Adviser Is seutJI'ce on receipt of starn I ) : ; to pay OX\lcnso \ of I . j' mulling (11111/ / . Send 21 ouo-cl'nt stamps ; , Cor 1)(1 ( per-covcre , or 31.stam118 for cloth- " bonnd ' " 011\ ' , " 1 . . , Heat Your Building With , BOVE S " Ventilating.Furnace And save 40 p r cent. on cost. nnd fuel. Thousands In use. Gunr. onLced. Send for free catn. 101ue. lIIonufnctured nnd sold b the Bovee Grinder & Furnace W rks , Waterloo , Iowa. . a If Us Do Our Duty. Lct us do our duty In 0111' shop or our Idtchon , the mnrl\Ct , the street , the olllco , the school , the homo , just ns fnlthfully ns If wo stood In the .front I'nnle of 1'01110 grent baUlo , nnd wo Imow thnt vlcton' for 111l\uldml de. Iler.'ded on 0111' brav'er ' , strt'ngth nnd sldll. When wo do thllt , the hU111blest of us will htJ servin ! ; In that grent army which nchlovcs the welfnro of the worht.-'I'heodoro Parl\Cr. Postage stamp Lore. l\Ibro thnn 17,000,000 110stage stamps nro ucd In this couutr ' every dn ' In the 'enl' , hccordln ! ; to II IJOstoffico or. ficlal. 'I'hiq Is nbollt ono stamp a da ' for O\'ery fiIJerROns , \ , nnd 111cnns $18" 000 n yenr In the cost of g m nlono. 'I'ho dl1lh' consumplloh of stall1ps hns IncJ'onsed by 2,000,000 during the Inst five yenrs , or In other words , 730,000" 0000 more stamps. are used ench 'enr tha11 five : renr8 ngo , , Needs of California Juries. 'rho jury thl1t I'ccentl ' tried Stnte Senator Emmons fOl' bribery , at Snc. rnmento , Cn ! . , snt twenty.slx dn 's. During thnt tlmo It consumed thlrt . . six $1 meals n dllY , 150 qunrls of claret , 20U bottles of beer , sixteen quarts of white wino nnd thlrt/.six quart hottles of whlsley. All this at the l'e8taUl'l1nt , hp.sldos OVOI' two dozen bottles of whlsly sent to the jul' ' room. . The Man wlt'h a Career. A man with a career cnn 11n-o : no tlmo to waste upon his wlfo or his frlends-ho has to devote himself whoHy to his onomlcs.-.To1in Ollver Hobbes. CHRISTMAS Gc.ln tAmp for ele nllt , d Jhhtrul , IA.tln Cllrlsl. nlos'prcscnt for .wpclhl1Art. sl.tcr , brother , fRther , motherO : ; In o dA"B. .Julia LlnglcyWatkln.Chlcago , Don't do nil your tal1dng with YOUI' mouth , Give your money a chance to say a word occnslonally. , A pessimist doesn't enjoy lIfo un. less ho doesn't. - I Every day in every year that comes , more housewives are giving up thcir exhorbitant priced Bakin Powders and turning to K C , the hon'bt and reliable , which has stood 50 well \ " the test of years. They are finding - ing out that K C BAIDNC . " . . . " POWDER . costs one-third the price of powder anywhere near K C quality , and makes better , purer , more healthful baking. 25 ounces for 25c , Send postnl for" Dook of Prescnts. " . f . It is wrong for you to suffer from Constipation , Bowel and Stomach Trouble when there is a positive , natural and harmless cure-MuLL'S : GRAPE TONIC. . Have you noticed the large nnmber of Typhoid Fever cases lately ? Typhoid Fever , Malarial Fever , Appendiciti , Impure Blood , Pimples , Sick Headache , Skin Disease , Piles , Female Trouble , Stomach Trouble , Heart Troubles , etc. , are the result of Constipation. ' There is a remedy now to be had that cures these troubles absolutely. A full sized bottle is furnished you free to prove it. Remember we give only one bottle to each family. If your druRgist fails to supply you with Mull's Grape Tonic send us this coupon together with name and addre s of the druggist and we will mail you a bOltle. Tryall the dru gisls b fore you write us a the bottle he is authorized to give you for this coupon is three times as lar e as the one we are allowed to send by mail. The following conpon will not be honored unless it is cut out of the paper in one piece inclttdin the Patient's ' coupon , Retail Druggist's coupon and Wholesale , or Jobber's coupon , they must not be separaled , : CUT OUT THIS COUPON , SIGN AND TAKE IT TO YOUR DRUGGIST WIIO IS : tS7-t265 ! AUTHORIZED TO GIVE YOU A FREE 35c. DOTTLE FOR IT. I I bereby certify tball have never taken Mull's Grape Tonic. thai I will applY for only one , free botlle , that 1 will not sell or eive i1 awav end tbat I will take it m"SeU lor Constlpallon. Dowel and Stomacb Trouble as loon liS I ohtaln II. I ' Patient slen ) our name here very plAinly. \Vrlte your lull address here very plainly. " I ! ' NONE BUT THE RETAIL DRUGGIST MUST SIGN THIS : TO THE RETAIL DRUGGIST : This coupon void unless you lien your name and . address on the line below. Send this full coupon to the jobber 01 whom yOU purcbased tbls I remedy , and be will elvc you 35 cents in cash or trade for each COUIon , properly .hin d. whicb YOII senll him. All iohbers have the 35c. 50c IInd $1.00 sizes. Tbe ' 1.00 bOllle contains nearly to times the J5c size and 3 tllIle the 50c size , HetaillJruuist. sleuyour name here. Your address bero. NO ONE nUT THE WHOLESALE DRUGGIST MUST SIGN THIS : TO TilE JOBBER : You will please Rccept tbls coupon If the same Is properly 51 en ed , and elve 10 Ihe relallor bu"lnll the remedy lrom you. 35 cenlS In cash or II ade for same. This coupon void unle < s you slEn your firm name and aeldren. Forward all COli pens to liS. and we . , will remit YOU 35 cents for each coupon . properly &Iened hYlhe consumer , relailer and yourself. j . : i Jobber , silln your name here. . I , j Address bere. I j ' Cut ant the above three coupons in one piece. Do not separato. I MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO. , Makers , No. 148 Third Ave. , Rock Island , Ill , I , I PRIC.E. 25 CtS. . f.-TO . CURE TilE GRIP l AI111 . GRIPIIE . . . : . ' I .JN ONE DAY IS GUARANTEED TO CURE : AUYUDlplNt B , : ; GRIP , BAD COLD , HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. -w.sH tQIIALFOR llrll\A QJ I won't sell Antl.OrllIII to a dealer who won't GuurunteQ I ' { ! ' - 'r' \ : IIE It. Call for ) 'our MONEY ) lAJK . . . . IT DON'T ( JURE. F. W.Dlemcr MD'AMIlDutaoturer,81Jt'luufteld , Mo. . , . , . . ' , . _ , ' - _ . _ , . " . . . . 'H . _ KNEW THEY WERE NOT GHOSTS. - Worda the Old l.ady Overheard Setlled That Matter. "During the trlnls ot the James gang In Independence , Mo" In 1881 , " snltl the Missouri man , "an old womnn tes. tified for the state that she snw the prisoner , ono ot the notorious Jnmes brothers , the night heforo the robben' and honrlt him mlldng about this rob. bory to her husbnnd. Wltou counfl < ,1 Cor the defense took tlto witness fu\ cross.exnmlnation ho IJQgan ns Col. lows : , " 'Now , Mrs. Dffinle , tell us ngnln how it hnppened that you saw the prisoner thl\t night. ' " 'Woll , ho came to the house along nirly in the evening , nn nsleed me where was my old man. I said outdoors - doors somowheres , nnll Ito went out tc find him. After n whllo I reckoned I' better go out nnd see if ho found him I Iteard voices In , the corn patch nn wont along nn 1001wd through thE fence I\nd saw 'em. ' " 'Mrs , BInnIe , I want to Imow It ) 'ou bellovo in ghosts-In spool(8 ? ' " 'I don't lenow ns It's nny ot YOUI' business whether I do or not. ' " 'You must answer the question. ' . . "Vell , thon-I do. ' " 'Thoy'vo been seen around your h011se , haven't they ? ' ' " 'Yes , sir , they hov : I'vo seen 'om , myself. " 'Ohosts have been seen walking about outsldo by 'ou Md members ot your family , hnven't the ' ? ' " 'Yos , sir , they hov. ' " 'Well , Mrs. BInnIe , I want to know how can you swear it ' . . . :1sn't ghosts you saw in the cornfiel thnt night. How do ) 'OU lenow It wnsn't ghosts ? ' " "Causo they war n.cussln' , ' said the old woman. " Would l.earn New Songs. A Kansns City law 'or has in bls office a smull boy who Is nddlcted to the whistling habit. The lawyer tries to stop the whlstllng , but ho is only partllllY ! successful. The nolso both. ers hIm greatly , but as the lad Is 1\ good office boy his employer Is loath to dlschargo hIm an gets along with him the best ho can. Monday the boy said to the law 'or : "Mr. .manl" lc1n , I draw half a dol. lar ? I want to go to the mInstrel show. " "Any now s ngs being sung in thll show ? " asl\Od the lawyer. "Yep , some dnndy ones. " "I'll tollou whnt I'll do , " said the lawyer , ntter a pluse. ! "It you won't go to the minstrel show I'll lot you draw haIt a ollar and maIm you a present of another halt. " The boy accepted the offer nnd the lawyer Is now prIding himself on his success as a strateglst.-Knnsas City Times. A Fall' Exchange. An original scheme evo1\'ed by a certain - tain tobacco merchnnt to Introduce hIs , goods worl\Cd to the satisfaction of a physician to whom this dealer sent a box of cigars with a bl1l Cor fi'\'e . dollars aUlI at. explanatory letter which rend : "AltllOUgh ' (1U hnvo not ordere these clgnrs I tulo the lIberty of send. Ing them , feeling sure : rou wlll fiud them excellent. " After the doctor had smol\Cd the cIgars , says the Medical Tlmos nnd Hospital Gazette , he malled , five prescriptions - scriptions to the tobacconist with a note sa 'lng : "Although " you have not asleed for my professional advice I tal\ ( ) the lIb. erty of sending ) 'OU these prescrlp. tlons , feeling sure you wl1l find them excollont. " Filipino May Be Made to Work. Patience must have her perfee : work In the employer of the FiUplno , who Is satls.t1ed with enrnlngs enl ' sufficient for his Immediate needs , and therefore after pa ' dn ' docs not care to worl , until this money Is expendt'll The best results are hact when the emplo 'er exercises a paternal super. vision not only over all his worltln ! ; nours but nlso over his entlro time , by attention to housing , feeding , snn. Itatlon , nnd nmusement , with a view to securing increased efficiency , cheor. fulness , nnd disposition to worle , Small concessions mnde to these who complete the full number of worlt1ng days per week secure fewer needless ' 1bsences from worlc. Iany municipal Improvements are now In progress In Manila , and others throughout the Isl. ands are contemllated b ' the Insula. government , The Mist , A sombro gre ) ' en hrou ln ! : mist , lIlots out the hl'ather hili Where late the Rolden sun had I < lssed The deep pink \J'lIs \ Ilt will. And creeplns down Ule SIIlSS ) ' steep , It Kalns the ston ! ' 8hUl c ; Where plow the \JIIIOW8 \ of the eep , \\'lth Bullen hosttlo roar , I watch thl broo\ln ( ' ' , as It works Its Ic > , wi' . Stili o\'er forgIng on IIhca , \\'Ith penclmllng chili ; Llko ovel'Y eljJlllr ! It casts about , A ' humid blight , Embol \ led sllen'o. shutttng out , Earth's beauties fI om my sight. Come here , my frlen . mw near ant deel All IJrlghtness disappear. . How close It looms. surrounding mo , This dread curtain oC tellr" . Mine eye ! ! the mlsll ! of sorrow blind , Fierce rollR the nngn' main , Clnsp firm my hand. and help me find , 'l'he sunlight once again. -Annie Oddlet. , London's Biggest Landlord. ' [ 'he London county council Is one or the largest proprietors of worldng class houses In the Idngdom , The twelve estates It possesses cover nil area of 350 acres , or fort-foul' ' times the spnce occupied by the House of Parliament : the total accommodation , rt > ady or planned , will provldo for 96,435 persons : and the total cost is estlmnted nt tully .t5OOOOOO. In other words , the coullty council Is becoming coming the landlord of houses cap. "ble ot I\ccommodat1nJ : a population ne.rlJ' eaual to that. ot Drl hton. - - . , - , - . - . " - , ' . . . . . . . . . . . - - Floating Ict&2ndJ , JIlstory toll a liS thnt Islnnds mndo from reeds , which were not only 1\I0\'cd \ nbo\lt b ' the wind but b'y onrs , were the mt'nns oC the escnlJO ot man ' Romnn citizens dllrlu : ; the 1\tlth. rldntlc wnrs. httllnn le ends 111'0 fllll oC Interesting stories o [ the mnrvel. ous eScnlJeS of fugltllves on "cl\l11o' 10 t0.1 , " wh Ich wore ftontlnJ ; Islt\llds COI11IOsed of green mfta of canes or brushwood , Mother Cray's Sweet Powders for Child ron , Sttcccssfllll 'uscll b ' Ioth't' GralIllrSO III the Chlhll'en'li lIomo In Now York , CIU'O Constipation , Fo'erlshllt.sUad : Swmach , ' , I'oothlllg Dlsordol'smo\'o 1111l'ogllinto the Bowels and Destl'o ' WUl'1l1:4.0\'OI' : \ 110,000 tlS' timollials. At 1\11 DI'Il lsts ' \ , ; jc. 'Samplo Flml . Addl'oss A. S , Olmsted , LeHoN , Y. What Salrty Said , Mrs. Gnmp was uot phllosollher , but her l'el11l l'lc thnt "wo live In a wnlo , " omhodles lho eon'cntrnted ca. SCIICO of nil phllosojhm's. Wo cnn 1m. II1'0VO the cOlldltlons 1I11\lel' which wo live , but wo cnnnot , tnlm what thought wo mn ' , chnngo our "wnlo" into a Gl\l'den of E lell-1'ho PmcU , , tloner. When Your Grocer Says he ocs not have De'nnce Starch , YO\1 lIIa ' be 8\1l'e he Is aC1'I\Id to Icep It until his stoclt o ! 12 oz. Jlnl'lmgcs tire lld. Defiance Sttlreh Iii nnt only bet- teI' than tiny other Cold " 'ateI' Sttlrch. but conttllnB IG 070 , to the Jlllelae-e nnll BllIs for ! : lame money ItS 12 070 , 1 > 1'11I1 ( } 5 , FrAC Malners. 1\nnncrs nlllll:1l1l' : to got Creer wIth every gClwl'ntlon , MOlloht ' , which Is the crown of mnhlenhood , novOl' np. prars to chnrncterlzo sweet sC\'ellteen , Whnt ono gOlleratlon thlnls dreadful. Ir fast , , If not shntterlllg to the rOIIU. tatlon , Is the common IWlClico of the next.-Lndy Helen I'orbes , , III mncle nnd Whlto. A Great Monarch. Won1thler than nny brother sovor. elgn : ' mnstor of legions , which num. bel' over n million : lord of moro thnn I . ono-slxth of the surface of the globe , .1 with subjects of mnny colors nn I races , Ul1ountlnJ ; to o\'er ono hundred I and twenty million souls , the Czar of all the Russlns will not be Invlnclhle until ho adopts Pillsbury's Vltos as his regular bl'enkfast dl t. IUrA. "i1I1 l"w' " " . . "thllll : Syrop. For ehlhlren tcctl1lul : , 80ftens the I-U"18 : , rcduec { no OammaUonallu181'uln , eurcs wind collu. 250 a ootUo. DanJer ! In Overwork. Whatever tends to diminish t1lsenso Is conduclvo to 10nJevIlY , but In our endcavor to 111'Omoto It wo must hnvo . regard to mel1tnl as well ns to bOdily , hnleno. A great deal of premature decllno In force and enCl'y ! Is duo to overuse of the brain and ncrvous srs. tern. tern.TI'y TI'y me just ollC'e nn T am sure to come n alll. Dellallce Starch. Would Reform 'Japanese Writing , JnlJllI1 hns' n new ) Jerlodlcnl , Tegaml Zasshl , the aim of which Is to tcnch the writing of senslhlo letters , The I editor wams his readers , nmonJ ; ether things , agnlnst the hahlt of Inlroduc. Ing sontlmental Jlhrases Into business 10tters. TO ClTItl ( 'OTI ) IN OSI nAY Tak J.AXA1'l\'I' : Illto lO QuinIne 1'lIl > lct8. Urul\ \ " 1:181. rorunl , mouey Ir It (1111. to curo. ] . W , OUOVWS blguoturo Is on cRch hox. 5e. Mine Under the Ocean. The Levnut mlno , sltuutell nenr the Land's End , Englnnd , goes down ver" tlcnlly for 2,10U feet , 111111 Is worked Intorall ' under .ho lied of the Atlan. tic , consldernbly ever a mlle from the foot of the clulTs. 'rho mlno glvos em. ployment to 515 men nnll 17 boys , anti prnctlcall ) ' runs the vl11ngo of St. .rust. . : "o\l > > ; - . : , . . . : ' I : " ' : ! ? ' . . . 111'1 ' ; ' ' i l , I' ' tw : i ii , , , - : . - - - - - , . . . . . , " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' . ' " : - " ' . " - ! " ' ! ! C' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "I" 1" - " " I ' " ' ' ' ' I , " < ' Il . 11II " CAST RiA \ l , , . , , , , . . . . I " " C" " " " " ' " " " ' " " , Agctable Prcpl1ralionfol' As- , ! , simi1alilIhefood \ andnc lIln- i . ling Ihe SloIDucl1S nndDow ls of , II I , Promotes Digc5I onChccrrul- , ness llnd Hcst.Contnins neilhc ( ' OpiumMorphine nor } ! illcrul. NOTN.AIlCO' 'IC. . . . I" ' p < - 01' ) ! rl./Jr.filNlJELI'11'CIlER ompf.f ; S < < ' " - .d1.r"ffIlJUf . " " 'olI" , fa/r- " : - Aw. .rtV,1 , . Jy''nn : t - 1/1 ' ll"fIll1 i'oMa-l > 11 < < 1. . , ff".l- rl irut.I/gq1' J' ' lk/yI"flO'r - . lJW : Ape ecl Remedy forConslipc' . 11on , Sour StomachDiarrhoCtl Worms , Convulsions , feverIsh. ness lll1dLoss OF SLEER EXACT cOpy OF WRAPPIR. : . , , . j "Ii' " _ \ : ' _ ' - - , . . . . . . . . , . . r 1 . . _ = - .f" . ; "tfl. - I . . rlSj" " " ' ( L . ' . r'fft ' . . . . . . . . . . . . , 'V , , . L VDIA Eo PINKHAM , , . A D IEf SIETCtl OF HER LIFE tlo\v the Vegetable COIn pound tlnd Its Birth and How the "Panic of ' 73" Caused , it to be Offered for Public Sale in Stores. TtlE STORY READS LIKE A. RoAlANCE This romnrltnblo woman , whoso mnldon numo wns Estes , WI\S horn In L'nn , 1\Inss" I"ebrul\ry 9th , 1819 , com. Ing from 1\ good oltl Qunlccr family. For mnny years aho tnught school , I\nd durhl [ ; her cnreer as n tenchol' she boo cnmo Imown ns a woman of nn nlert anti investlgntlng mind , nn earnest seelecl' uftel' Imowledgo , amI nbovo all , she wns possessed with a wondcrfully s'mpathetlc nature. In 1843 she mnnletl ISl\nc Plnlthnm , n builder nnd real estnto olJerntor , anti their onrly mnrrled IIfo wns mnrlectl by prOSIJorlty nnd hllPlllncss. 'I'hey hntl four chlldl'on , threo. Bona nnd 1dnugh. . tor. tor.In lhoso good old.fashloned dnys few druga were used In medicines : people relied upon nnturo's romelIes ( , roots and herbs , whlrh nro to-dny recognized ns moro Ilotent and oll1caclous In con- tr01llng dlsenses thnn nny comblnntlon of drugs. Mrs. Plnltham from her youth toole n deep Inlorest In medlclno , in botnny- the study of roots and herb ! ! , their charncterlstlcs , ami lwwer over dls- ease : she believed that liS nnturo so bount1fully provides food for the body so she nlso provides medlclno for the 11Is nnd wealmesses of the body , In the roots nn herbs of the lIeld , and ns a wlfo , mot11or IInd sympnthotlc friend , she orton mndo use of her lmowledgo of roots aUlI herbs In pre. pnl'lng medicInes for her family nnd friends. . Knowing of so much suffering among , her sex , acter milch study and re. search , Mrs , Plnltlll\m bolloved thnt the dlsenses of women IIl1vo n common - , mon cause , nnd she set to work to IInd a common remedy-not nt thut tlmo I\S a source of prollt. hut shnlll that she might nld the suffel'lng. How her elTorts have heen rewarded the women of the world Imow to-day. In 1873 the tlnuncllll crisis strucle LynJl , Its length and severity was too much for the largo real estnto inter. osts of the Plnlhnm fnmlly , as this clnss of business suffered 1110st from th1s fearful delll'esslon , BO when the Centennial 'ear dl\wned It found their property swept away. At this point the history of Lydln E. Plnl < ham's Vegetable Compound commences - mences : The three sons nnd dnughtor , with tholr mother , c011lhlned forces to re' store the fnmlly fortllno , 'l'hey re. solved to give to the world the vege. tohlo compound thnt Mrs. Plnldlam W. N. U , Omaha , No. 50-1905" . . ' ' - - ' ' - : 't' : . ; . : ' , . , _ , , _ , . . CASTO iliA For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatme of In USB For Over Thirty Years' ' CASTO RIA . . . . , . , TN. . OINT"UII _ .O" - " , NY. _ . NEW YOII" . CITY. ' : ; b t'.1 1't. . had so orten made trom roots and hOl'hs for sllch ot her woman neIgh. hors 11nd friends who were slcle nnd nlllng , Its succeRS In those CI1ReS hntl . be on wondorflll-Hs fnl110 had spread , ntlll calls were coming from mltcB arollnd for this el11cnclous vogotnblo compound , 'I'hey 'hnrl no money , nnd Ilttlo credit. Their first laboratory Willi the Idtl'hou whel'o routs ho\'bs , nn \ were stecpod on the stO\'o , grntlunlly fi1Ung n gross of hot tics. 'I'hen cnmo the questlou of selling' It , for nlwn ' 1J before - fore , they hntl given It nWI1Y froe. 'I'hey hlrcd 1Job printer to run oct ' S0l110 IJltl11phlets salting forth the merIts - Its ot the 11101llclno , now called Lydll\ E. Plulhl111\'s Vegetnhlo Compound. nntl theMe pnmphlets were distributed by the Phlllll1m sous in Doston , Now Yorle nUtl Brooll'n , 'rho wonderful cllrntlve lrOportioB or the mOlllclno were , to 1\ great extent , sof.nrl\'ertislns ] , for whoever used It recommended It to ethers , nnd the do. ml\nd grndunlly Incroascd. In 1877 , hy com blued efforts , the fnmlly hud saved enough money to commence nowspaller ndverUslug on 1\ . small scnlo , and from thnt tlrno the gl'Owth a 1111 success or the enterprise wns nssured , until to.dny LYdia E. Plulellllm ntHI hOl' Vegetnble C011lpounll have hecomo hOllsohold words overy. where , nnd thousnl1ds of pouuds dt roc..ts nnd horh8 111'0' ' used nunul1l1y In ml\llng thIs great remedy for womlmla 1118 , Althongh Lydia E , Plnlchnm passel } to her rownrd Bomo 'ears ngo , the por- potuntlon of her Jront worlc waa gUIll'dod by her fOl'cslght. Durlug hm' loug I1nd ovonlful exporl. on co she WitS o\'er 1110thodlcnl In her worle nnd wns cltl'eful to preserve 1\ record of every calio that came to her nttcntlon , 'fho cnso .of every sick woman who I1Pllller ! to her for allvlco -nud there t1 were usnnds-recelvotl careful study , nnd the Iletnlls , luclud- Ing symptomfl , lrenhncnt and results. were recorderl for future referenco. aud these records , togothol' with lhouSl\lHls mudo slnco , 11l'0 nval1nblo to slc1e women the world over , nnd I'opro- sent n vnst collaboration of Information - tion rcgnrlllng the trentment at wom- nn's Ills which , for nuthontlclty nnll accuracy , cun hnrdly bo equulor ! In any IIhrary In the world. Another act of foresight on the part of Ldla E. Plnlhnm wns to ace thnt Homo ono of her famlty wns trained to cnrry on her work , and with thnt 01111 In vlow , for 'eal's before her death , had as her chief afllstant ! her daugh- tor-In.lnw , the present Mrs. Plnl1lnm. 'rherefore , undel' the guldnncQ nl1l1 cnrel'lIl Il'nlnlng of LYdia E. Pinlhl1l11. nnd a'ast experlonco of her own. cO\'el'lnJ ; twenty.fivo yenrs , the present Mrs. Plnltham Is excelltlonnlly well elUlpled ] ) to nllvlnc slcl , WOl1len , which she Is alwa 's glad to do free or charge. 'rho record of I.JYdla E , Plnlhl\m's Vegetable Compound , made of slmplo herbs and roots , Is 1ll'oud ) nnd peerless - , less ono. It Is a record of constant conluest ] over the ohstlnate Ills or women , greater than Ihat of nny ether . ono l11elllC'lno of lis 1,11111 In the world. nn(1 ( wltl over stand as a monument to thnt noble womun whoso 'namo Its heors , . " , - . ' W. , " . - - . . . . . . " " ( 'I' . ' . r It ' , rJijjo " _ ' . _ Ji . ' , . . . : . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ; I , For Health ! and Recreation I come to Tcxasl Get away { rom I' ' the cold , damp , wintery weather I here and find health and pleasure ' in the \Vinter Play-grounds of Texas. The rest , the perfect sunshiny winter weather and th ( } exhilerating air will benefit you. . . Tourist tickets are now 0\1 \ sal ( } daily to the follo' : . " , pojnts : < < Da11as. Ft. Worth , Hounton Beaumont. Go.1vcston. San Antonio. Rockport , 'Corpus Christi , Brownsvi1le and El Paso , Texas. with a final limit of June 1st , 11)0 ( " Ask you.r nearest - est railroad agcnt for rates. Come 10 T'X sl The exerptlonslly low rRlc the Cx III'nt trnlll.crvlc6 M ,11& the r. , 1\ . & : ' 1' . H'y , ' "like It I\ , . JHIIMI" ) " orJut slJIali co t IIlId not of " ' " > Io- tlrctolJlO Jenllh. ; : ! S J' , u hellrul , . . 111110 pAmphlet "WUI''r TrIl' ' . . which I know wlli al,1 , ) "ou In plnnnlllK a trip , ] 'U gladly Belld it on r. . qucsl , Ad ru. W _ S. ST. GEORGE General PaSStn er and Ticket Agent nos IH In 8'1' . IOUIS , 1\(0. _ _ _ -4.L.A t lr- When Answering Advertisements Please Mention This Paper. I I , I II I \