Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 21, 1905, Image 2

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- - " -
A Circular Letter to Air United states
District Attorney ; - Eighty.flve of
Them Directed to at Once , Get Busy
D.olng Their Duty.
W ASIHNGTON-Attorner Gonoml
' Mood ) ' sent a circular Ittter to 1\11 the
. Unlled Stntl's district M.ttorU8)'s.
' .
(\'o In number , directing thorn
vlgllantlr to Qrorbe : pl\\'hlans
. or the 1lklns ad aplngt rt'bates and
If dl1crlmln8tloas ot aU kLnl1s by carrLers ,
I ' 1'ho letter foUows :
To United Stat" Att ) ' $ An Ad
I . ( 'ntltled " 1'0 furth4&t' , ,1 .h , eommerce
among roreigu utl.tklu lUl.d t\mon the
states , " apIH"O\\1I.l &br1.htrY' . 19 , 1905 ,
(32 ( Stats. 84 ) , COWWQul ) ' known as
the Elkins act , Is directed against the
. ( 'ehates anll other dlscrhulnRtar ) ' practices -
tices by common carriers , It mulCs
\juch practlcos misdemeanors and pro-
\'Ides for their punishment by fine' : ! . It
further Ilro\'hles for their phohllJltlon
lIy UIO Injunctlvo llrocess of the courls ,
' 1'hero Is no provision tlmt criminal
I Ilrosecution shall be by the speclnl dl- ,
. ( 'ectlon of the attorney gelleral , but In I
t eptlon III , It Is provldr'd thnt proceed.
l Ings fot' Injunction shell bo hegllll
. 'whenever the attorney gCllt'ral shull
dlroct" You nro directed dlllgontly to
, .
fnvesllrnto all ( 'omplalnts which lIIay
cOllie to you from any source , of viola.
I. t.lolJR of this law and upon your OWII
:1 : hrlUativo to malto Investigations If
} , there npllears lo you to be reasonable
1 ground for suspecting violations of this
t : law. In every CIlSO In which you can
! { jccm'e sufllclent cvltlence , ) 'OU will sub.
f. mil thnt evillence to the grand jury ,
with a view or securing Indictment.
t Wlmover It Is IJrrlcticablo It Is desir-
\ nble thnt Indictments shnll bo returned .
: \ both ngalnsl shl1lller and the carrier.
[ n some caseR , however , It may he 1m-
l IlOsslhle to obtain su lclent evl < 1ence
, without the aid of the testimony oC
" Dne of the gullly par tic : ! to the trans.
nctlon : In such n cnse It would be
wise to use such testimony , of course ,
nffordlng to the witness or witnesses ,
fmmunlty from prosecution ,
Under the Elltlns law lIlo only pen.
nllY for ILa violation Is a fine. I BUg.
gost to you , In nil cases where the evl-
donco would warrant It , lIlIlt nn Indict.-
IIIcnl for consplrac ) ' to commit an of-
( once agatnsl the United Slates , based
upon section 5HO of the Ravlsed Stnt-
utes , bo obtalnod. 'rho supreme I'ourl
bas heldvln Clune against Unlled States
(169 ( U. S. , 690 , 595) ) that a conslliracy
to commll a Itrlmo Itself punlshllble
only by fine may be punished by 1m.
llrlsonment. Tn the event of obtaining
conviction upon a chl rgo of COnSIJI.
I'I1cy of this Ihul ) 'OU are dlrectell to
llresellt to the courl the desirability
of In lcting tl10 penlllly of Imprison.
2nent to the end that these unlllwCul
1 llractices , which 11I1vo received Illmollt
: universal condenll1ntlon , may be dls-
courared nnd prevented as Cor ns ox-
istlng laws will accomplish thnt result.
Your attention Is especially directed
to Umt lJ1rt ! of the nct which renders
unlawful rebate , concession or dlscrlm.
rulnntlon In the transporlatlon of any
llrollerly In Interstnto or foreign com-
merco. . . . wherob ) ' any such
IJrOpory shall by any devlco whntover
bo tra11sported at a less rate thnn that
named In the tariffs published and
filod. .
I Ilesll.'o to Impress upon you the hn-
portance of using every effort to exe.
cute these directions. You will report
to the deparlmOnt from time to tlmo
nny action which ) 'OU may tale upon
this subject. Very resnectfull ) : ,
WILLIAl\IlI. 1\I00DY ,
Attorney Genoral.
- -
MARSEILLES , Franco ' - All the
borsc : ! belollglng to the wild west show
of Col. WlIllnm I" . Cody were 1l1ed !
hert > . Allhough the govel'nment votor.
innrlans hnd cortlfiell that glanders
had been onth'oly radlcated from the ,
atud. Colonel Cody and his Imrtller ,
James A. Bailey decided on this rad ,
ical mcasuro 111 order to alloy the
fenrs o [ the farmers l'eganJlng the
spread of the daellse. 'rho Baddies ,
hrldles und other urtlcles of equip.
1l1cQl. as well ns the clotl11ng of the
stablemen , were burned nnd the rail.
rend cars helonglng to tbo Cody show
Tawney Holds the Purse.
WASHING'l'ON-'rho addition of
republican members to nIl the Import
1 nnt committees of the house has en
nbled Spealor Cannon to solve th
problem of committee nsslgnments it
a mnnner most sntlafactor ) ' to botl
vartles In the house. Only' two Impor
taut chairmanships were vncant , ap
llroprlntions and public buildings anI
grounds , In filling the former UI
spealtcr ( ollowoo precedentnnd looltel
to the whole house for' the avallabll
material , Tawney of 1\Unncsotu wa :
chosen chairman of aplJroprlations.
' .
i Smallpox Aboarrl the Sylph.
! WASlIINGTON-By the brealdn. .
Dut of smallpox on the naval yach
Sylph , nsslgned for the use of Prosl
. dent Roosevelt and Ius tamlly , the ves
t ; ' 3el Is practically quarantined and tll' '
crow llUt under close observntion b'
" ( he health authorities : Onl ) ' ono cns
t' ' bas developed , that or OIaro\lce 1\101
l law , 0. negro aallor. lIe wns removel
. to the bospltnl. U bns been n. mont ]
or mora olnco the president or an :
JUembcr of his fumlly has been aboarl
, the vessel nnll no : nlnrm Is fflll on thn
. '
Nebraska Fares Well In the Assign.
ment ,
W ASlIINGTON - Nehrasltn fnroo
well In commltteo assllUnenta ( of the
first or Importnntl'lalls , lis committees
hl\\'e now ( 'ollie to bo clllsBed In call. '
trust to these of less or Icast Import.-
Western CommIttee Places ,
Following are lhe commlttoo assign.
ments for Ncbraslm :
lIInshn w-Itullan arralrs , merchant
mnrlno ul1l1 fisheries , IlIItents.
Ionned-Irrlsntlon of arid Innds
war clllhns ,
1\lnlmhl-lnsular arralrs , Pacific rail.
McCarth-Publlc lands , expendl
ture Dt'IJ\rtmen : t of Justice ,
Norris - Puhllc bulldln/s / and
grounds , luhor , eloctlon of Ilresident ,
vice president and memhers of congress -
gress ,
Pollard-Itulustrllll artH ; eXllendl-
hires and nc ou ts. :
For South Dalwta :
llu'rle-Interstnte nnd forelgll. commerce -
merce , Tndlll1IIffll'rs. \ ' .
Martin-Public IlIllds , publlc buildIngs -
Ings and grounds , eXIIClullturo In Do.
parllilCn t of Justice.
For lown :
Connor-Llhrnr ) ' , labor , public buildIngs -
Ings anll grounds.
Couslnsxllelullturo In Treasury
dellllrtment , cl1l1lrman ; for.elgn n.ffalrs ,
nnval nrralrs.
Dnwson-Paclfic railroads , naval af-
rnlr's ,
llirdsall-.Tudlclnrr , merchant ma.
rlne and fisheries.
Hedge-Colnaso weights nnd measures -
ures , pesto lce and post roads , levees
and IllIprovement or 1\IIsslsslppi river.
Hephul'll-Interstate and forclsn
commerce , chalrmnn ,
lIull-1\lIl1tary affairs , chnlrmnn ;
Hubhard-Insulnr alTnlrs ,
LaceY-Public Innds , chalrmnn ; In- '
dlnn affairs , reform In civil service.
Hau en-AgrlcuJture , wnr claims.
Walter 1. Smith-Appropriations ,
I'or 'Wvomlng :
Mondell-Irrlgntlon of arid lands ,
chairman ; mllltnry nffalrs.
Nebraskans Satisfied ,
1\Iost generally the Nebrnslm members -
bers are quite sntlsfied with the judgment -
ment of Slleal\Or Cannon. ' 1'here are
a few lIttio heart-burnlngs In the delegation -
gation , bul "hy and largo the delegation -
tion has come off tho. commltteo
field with honor. ' 1'wo exlremel ) ' Interesting -
teresting fights were made for major-
committees-HInshaw for appropriations -
tions an Pollard for agriculture.
Pollard losl out because the Ilresident
had a cnndldnte In the IJOrson of Will-
hIm II. Coolw.Vho comes from ti10
president's own district on Long Is.
land. PolinI'd put up a gnme fight and
would probably have won , but 1\11' .
Cocls hud a letter of recommendation !
from the Whlto House on file and
Pollard lost. In some partlculnrs Pollard -
lard Is better situated than elder meill.
hors , Ho gels accounts and Industrial
nrls and expositions ,
NEW ARK. N , J.-R. D , Ballantlno
shot hlmsolf , d\'lng : Instantly , at his !
mother's home hero , The cause of the
sulchle wus dCSIJoluleucy. Ho was
thlrty.fivo'ears : old and unmarried.
Ills grnndfalhor , Poler Bnllentlne ,
founded the firm of P. llnllentlno &
Sons , brewors. Ills father , John Bal-
lentino , with the latter's brother , Rob-
ert. succeedClI the founder and after
the death of .John H. his Interest In the
business , estlmnted to be worlh at
lCltst $ uOOOOOO , reverted to his widow.
Allee Gets Her Presents.
W ASllINGTON-'rho valuable Ilres.
ents and relics of 1\lIss Allco Roe so-
voll's trllJ to the orlont were IJlaced In
her IJossesslon on I'rhlay. ; ' 1'hey arrived -
rived about 1\\0 \ weels ago , but were
I glvon their turn In examination und
I\Plu'alsement , which was concluded
) 'estenla ) ' . A messenger from the
Whlto house Imhl the duty and today
a hlg express VRn brought the twent-
seven boxes to the White house , The
unllllcldng hegnn Imme lately.
Shot Father and Mother.
ALllA1\mnA , lII-lIenr ' Llnnomnn ,
, aged seventeen ) 'ea1'S , shot both his
Cather nnd mother , with a shot ! -un ; ,
I wO\llllllng each serlousl ) ' , I1S the out.
como of his efforts to protect his
mother from the ulleged attack of his
- United States Marshal for Nebraska Is
Summarily Removed.
WASHlNGTON-'l'ho IlI'eshlent has
summnrl ! ) ' removed from olUeo Unltod
States 1\lnrshnl T. L , Mathews of th
' - district of Nebruslm for nlleged mis ,
, - cOlHluet In connoctlon with the cn.'i
of Hlchurds aUll Comstock , who wor
recently convicted In that state of 1110.
gnlly fonclng the 1l\1bllc \ domain. The
sentence of the court wus that the defendants
fendants should remain In tllO custod )
of tholr coun8el.
Message Meets Approval ,
LONDON - President 11oosovelt'l
messngo to congress mot with aprrov
al toda ) ' on the stocl , exchange. Arner
Icnns olJened uetlvo at IJrlces var'ln {
up to u llolnt above parity. Othol
marlots partiellJlltcHl In the genera
strength and cheerfulness. Russlnnl
' . were the feature , rel\chlng 82 7.8.
MP. TCo-The ol11clal ntntement a
the ph'slclan8 In nltendl1lieo upon Vice
President Corrnl , Ilronounco him ou
of dlUlger nnd entered ullOn the IJerloc
of convalescence. .
. . . . . "
On Salaries and Things Not Needcd-
None , However , Are In Favor 01
Stopping Work on the Great Pro.
WASHINGTON-The sennte spent
Cour hours 'I'hlll'8da ) ' In discussing the
Panalna canal emergency approprla.
tlon blllnnd when It udjoul'11ed lIle bill
wus stili under consideration , 'I'hero
were Bet Hllt'cchos hy 1\lessrs. 'feller ,
Scott and lorglll1 and they were followed -
lowed by a general debate In whkh all
phases of the controvers ) ' were exploited -
ploited , Including the lIucstlon of sal-
nry , the control of the Punama rnll.
road and the necesslt ) . for gt'neral leg.
Islatlon on the cnnal Rubject.
Mr. Allison , chairman oC the com-
mltteo on nllproprlntlons , expressed
the opinion thnt congress
should tulw up the question of
snlnrles In connection with other cllnal
legislation. 110 also said that the
status of the Pannma railroad should
bo mnde the slubject oC leglslutlon.
Messrs , 'l'olle'r , Scott and l\lorgan
expressed dlssatlsfnctlon with the
conditions In Pannma , but all Indicated -
cated a dlermlnatlon to sUllport the
supply mensures necessary to secure
the worl , on the cunal as undertal\.Cn.
1\11' . Teller nd\'ocnted a sea le\'el ;
Mr. Scott sllolte In favor oC tllO San
Dlas route as Ilreferable to all others ,
nnd 1\11' , Morgan expressed the opinion
that before the Pannma canal Is completed -
ploted anolher canal will bo necessary
to do the business required.
A selmrnto bill regulating the Issu-
nnce or bonds for the canal and placIng -
Ing them on the same basis as other
government bonds was IIRSGed without
During the dn ) ' l\Ir. Elltlns mndo a
stntement from lho committee .on Interstate -
terstate commerce expressing the
opinion that the committee would
present a report wllhln a reasonable
Wyoming Land for Settlers ,
Representlltlve Mandell of Wyoming
Introduced two bills. One provides I
"that the Illlhlle land laws be extended
to embrace lands within the ten miles
squnro ceded to the United States by
the Shoshone aud Arapahoe Indians
by agreement l'Iltified by aet of congress -
gress of June 7 , 1897. " ' 1'hls traet of .
land lIeg alljucent or surrounding
ThermopoJls hot springs. He nlso In- . .
troduccd a bill that the general provl-
slons of the homeslead laws be extended -
tended to and ever the surveyed land
In townships 49 and 50 , l'Ilnges 106
and 108 , within the Yellowstone forest
reserve. There are quite a numb r of
settlers In this Ilortlon of this reserve
and the hili Is designed to give them' '
the opportunity to obtain title to their
holdings. These "squatters , " so termed i
are occupYing some 1 ,000 acres , all
under cUltlvntlon , and It Is , as said ,
the 1111 1'110 so of the 1\Iondell bill to give
them the oPllorlunlty to perfect their
tltlo to the lands upon which they
hnvo seltled nnd created homes ,
announcement -
ment WJ.'i made by the IJresldent nnd
1\II's , Roosevelt , o [ the engagement of
their daughter , Alice Lee Roosevelt ,
to Nicholas Longworth , representatlvo
In congress from the first district of
Ohio. ono of the Clnclnatl districts ,
Coupled wllh the announcement of the
engagement Is the additional announcement -
nouncement that the wedding will
taltc Illuco about the mlddlo of next
Fcbruary ,
Interest Ahead of Time.
\V ASllING'l'OX-'rhe secretary of
the treusllry annolll1ced today that he
has authorized the IJnyment of the In.
terest on United States govel'1llllent
honds , dllo Janllary 1 , UIOG , on Decem.
ber 15 , ID05 , COli pens Iluo Janunr ) ' 1
will be pnld on presentation on IInd
nfter Decom hel' 15.
Gold Lost In the Wreck.
ROCK SPRINGS , W 'o. - Ninety
lhollsnlld Ilollal's In gold belonglnl ; tel
! l shillper whoso uame the railroad nnd
express C0\l11J\lIles : will not ( llvulge
was Ill. . ono of the cars In the Ovel'-
land Limited whll'h was wreclted IInd
bUl'1led last weel { Ilt Ah Say , IInd It
cannot ho found.
Burton Wants No Assignment.
llllrton on
Satunlny wll'ed his colleague , Senntor
Long , nollf'lng him that he dldnol desire -
sire an ) ' conllnlttee assignments lIend-
the dotermlnntlon of his case
, which Is now In the cOlII'ts , and Se11l1-
I tor Long so Informed Senator 1Iale as
I clmlrman of the l'OIH1hllcan commltteo
, on committees , Senator Burton Is at
I present chairman of the committee on
. forest reservations and II. member of
, the committees on IJOsto 1ce , Illlblic
Innds , IlOnslons and claims ,
Nebraska Wheat Is Good.
' ' '
. W ASlIING'l'ON-'rho crop rellortlng
bonrd of the bllreau of statistics of
the DelJ\rtment of Agrlcllltlll'e IInds
f1'om the ropol'ls of cOI'respOluhmts and
agollts of the bllrl'au as Collows :
'I'he newly seeded area of wlntel
wheat Is ostmated ! at 31,3-11,000 I\cro
nn Increase of G Iler cent ovel' th
aren sown In the fall of ID04. Th <
condition of winter wtlOat on December
bor 1 was ! HI , as ( 'am pared with 8U :
In 1904 , 86.G In 1903 and a ten.'e 1
average or 91,6.
. . .
( Charoe of Ten Counts for Paying Re-
CmCAGO-'l'ho federal grand jllr ) '
returned an Indictment against the
Chicago & Alton H.1l1road comlJnn ) ' ,
.John N. I'althorn IInd } , ' . A , 'Vann ,
formerl ' vlce.pre ldent nnd genora1
fl't'lght agent , respe tlvel ) ' or the
rnllroad compan ) ' ,
'rho railroad compnny and the two
l'x.o lcers nre Incltuled In on Indictment -
ment , In whIch there nre ten cOllnts
I ( alnlt ! the compnn ) ' , 111111 against nch
of the two men. 'rhe general charge II !
that the rnllroall comlmuy , with the
snuctlon of the two olllces paid 11I0'
gal rebates to the 11Il'ldng hOllse firm
of Schwar1.ehllll & SlIlzherger , Cor the
pUrlose ) of procuring shlpmonts from
the con'ern , and also with the 8amo
object , gave free trnnlportatlon ! to the
'employo.q of the concern.
The Indictment which wal ! returned
Is based on testhnon ) ' given to the
rand jur ) ' by ll. S , Cuse ) ' , trafllc
mannger for Sehwarzchlh1 & SlIlzher-
ger who has I1Ipenred beCm'e the jlll'y
on two separate occasions. Cusey wns
ono of four employes of the pacldng
house firm who were Indicted some
tlmo ago for soliciting rebntes , All of
them 111 cad guilty , Cusey , with two
others was fined $5,00 each , and Samuel -
uel Well , ono of the vice-presidents of
the company , was fined $10,000 by
Jlldge Humllhrey ,
Three specific violations or the law
against the granting of rebates are
mentioned In the Indictment. The rail.
road comllOny Is charged with hovlng
refunded $1 lie l' car all. f rt.four cars
or dressed beef shipped from Kansas
City to various eastern points In December -
cember , ID03. A similar rebate Is alleged -
leged to have been paid on twenty-
three cars of dressed beef shipped
from Knnsas City In January , 1904 ,
W ASHINGTON-A novel method or
seellng federal control over Insurance
Is IJroposed In a bill Introduced by
.epresentlltlve Fred Landis of Indiana.
'rhe bill cites that congress has exclusive -
sive jurisdiction oyer the District of
Columbia , the territories nnd the Insu-
Inr possession of the United States , In
consequence of which authority Is
given the ! department of commerce
and lahor to require full statements
from all Insurance companies doing
Imslness within such jurisdiction. Ho
slates that pUhllclty Is the one thing
required , and that no Insurance com.
pany can afford to quit bnslness In
any of the territory named , to avoid
gl\'ln the supervision , therefore all
compnnles will be Included.
Business and Records Transferred to
North Platte.
WASHINGTON-President Roosevelt -
velt on Friday abolished the land ofllce
at Sidney , Neb" and the affairs of this
ofllce will hereafter bo conducted by
Ileglster Gcorge E , PlaH and Receiver
Etbrldge Downs at North Platte. The
land ofllclals at Sidney who are relieved -
lieved by this order are Robert D ,
Harris , register , and James L. McIntosh -
tosh , Jr. , receiver.
statehood Bill Amended ,
WASHINGTON - Senator Foralmr
Introduced a proposed amendment to
Senator Beveridge's joint statehood
bill eliminating all the provisions for
a state to bo composed of the area
emb\'lll'el \ ( In the present territories of
New 1\10xlco and Arizona and also an
nJtel'l1atlve amendment requiring the
acceptance of the constltntlon provided
ror su'h a state by a mnjorlty of the
legal voters In "cach of the terrltorlas , "
. W ASIIlNGTON-Presldent Gordon ,
of Bownrd university , has tendered
his r\"lgna lion to the board of trustees -
tees , This action Is the culmlnatl\\
of the recent revolt of students a'
the Institution who ohjected to cer.
tnln views entort lned by President
Gordon on the suhjel't of the negro
and which led to dlfferonccs of opln.
Ion hetween him and certain members
of the faculty. Action upon the reslg.
nation will be had at an enrly da ' ,
Order Aoalnst Rebates.
HARRlSnUHG , Pel-Insuranco Com-
mlsslonor Martin notified all lire In-
sllrance companies doing business In
Penns'lvnnla that they must tIIo written -
ten agreements abolishing giving , of
rebates , dismissing agents who do so
and reuslng to eIllllloy such agents
for three ) 'enrs after dismissal.
Wisconsin Refuses.
MADISON , Wis.-Tho state senate
h ) ' a vote of 18 to 15 1\llIed a resolu'
tlon for Investigation of Insurance
nnd Imbllc service cOI'11Oratlons.
Witte Resigns.
n Rt.lN-A dlsl1l\tc1l to the Tage.
, blntt from St. Petereshurg , dated ) 'e3'
tel'dny and received here today b ) ' wa ) '
of B.dtlmll1lon , East Prnssla , aays
Premlor Willo has given his reslgna.
tlon to the eIllIJCror , who refused te
aCCelJt It.
New Petroleum Company ,
nmU.IN-A nQw Iletroloum com
IJRn ) ' with callftul of $1,325,000 hn !
been formed with the object of worl ,
Ing 10,000 IIcros of 011 lands In Hanover
ever and ( jUUU acres In Galicia.
, ' .
, -1. : .
- - - - - - '
AND 20,000 INJURED ,
Most Terrible Scenes Recorded-An
Eye Witness to the Massacre a1
Odessa Details the Awful Butchery
DENVlm , Colo-II , II. Pclllsh 01
this city rocelvell 1lelter [ rom his
brother gll In Odessa describing the
mnssncres or Jews In that city , The
Jetterln , IlIlrt follows :
"From October 17 to Octoher 23 my
family nnd I were hidden In the darl { .
ness or our cellar and now lImnl , God
lhat onr' lives were even spnred.
'I'hero happened 'here the most ter.
rlble scones , 'l'here ar 30,000 famlllelf
that saved ah olutely nothing but th
clothes which they wore , nnd are noW'
11IIlhlled together In the open slreets ,
There were twenty thousand Injurelt
nnd fifteen thousand murdered ,
Lllllo children were hurled out of windows -
dews to their death and Ilwul Injuries -
juries were Inflicted. 'Vomen were
plorced with large Imlves , their stomachs -
achs and Intestines cut open and were
then leCt to die In the alreet by thousands -
sands ,
On October 17 a manifesto came
from St. Petersburg glvl'ng us a consti-
tution. ThJs prolluced a good fcellng
and celebl'llted holi-
everybody ns on n -
day. People paraded the slreet with
red fiags and snng songs of freedom
nnd speeches of freedom were made.
But , on the same nlsht , mobs congregated -
gregated on the outsldl'ls of the city
and started to beat the Jews , On the
following day II. crowd of mnrauders ,
with the asslstanco of the police ,
started to march through the streets
with the national fiag nnd the lI\Ons of
the church and the cznr's portrait. As
they went they crlell : "Bey szldoy"
( meaning , "beat the Jews. " )
As they sang and yelled they threw
stones at the houses and destroyed
homes In the cenler or the clt1' , If
any Jews were found In the street
they were horribly tortured and murdered -
dered outright. Housese were robbed
one after another nnd th large stores
nnd warehouses were pillaged.
In one word It 100l\Od 11I\0 a veritable
and awful war. Merchandise was carried -
ried away from stores In great lends ,
The doors nnd windows of homes and
buildings of all Idnds were brolen In
and we nll thousht 'we would be
1\llIed ,
On nccount of these deathly scenes
I am too weal { to glvo you an .thlng
IIIQ a true description. All I can tell
you Is that we are all slci , from the
happenings and our nerves cnnnot
bear up any longer. The same story
wo hear from all the small towns
around and the condition of the people
Is the same. Theil' homes and stores
have been d stroyed and the people
tortnred and mnrdered , "
WASHINGTON - Representative
Norris of Nebraslm proved himself to
he a friend of railroad employes
lhrough a bill he Introduced , Intended
to pre\'ent their employment beyond a
reasonable number of hours at a.
streich. Ills bill IJro\'ldes that any
railroad engaged In hlterstnte com.
merce cannot require or permit any
conductor , bral\Oman , engineer , fire.
man , train dispatcher or telegraph ope.
rater who has worled continuously for
twelve hours , except in case of cas ,
ualty or unavoldablo emergency. to
ngaln go on dnty or perform an ) ' work
nntll after eight hours of rest. The ;
\'Iolatlon of this law Is made a mlsdc
meaner , punishable by a fine of $600
for each orrense ,
Representative Hinshaw Introduces
Four of Importance.
W ASlIlNGTON - TIepresentatlvo
Hinshaw Introducel ! the following
hills : To provide for an approprla.
tlon of $125.000 for the orectlon of a
ft'deral building at Yorl , durIng the
month oftarcl1 : every year ; to IJrovldo
for the relief of settlers on the Otoo
Indlnn reservation In Gogo county ,
Neb. , and Mnrshall county , Kas , ; to
Ilrovldo for the Iltlyment of medical
expenses of sick and enlisted men of
the nrmy while absent from duty with
leave or on furlough ,
Grain Rate War at an End ,
ClIlCAGOxecutive o lclals of
western railroads settled the grain rate
war at a conrerence when the Chicago ,
1\lIIwaulee & st , Puulagreed to cancel
Its through corn tarIrr from the Missouri -
souri river to Llvorpool and all roads
assentee ] to J\ test -i.cent differential In
favor of the gult ports and against the
Atlnntlc ports for six months , 'rho St.
Paul nnd some other lines hold out for
I 3.cent dlfferontlal , but the gult roads
would concede enl ) ' halt a cent under
I the fisuro In force previous to the rnto
Mickey Renounces Boodlers.
l\IARSlIALLTOWN-In the course
of an ndlll'ess on "Chnractor pulld.
lng , " delivered hero , Gov. J. H. 1\lIcler
I of Nobraslm was entllUslnstlcall ) ' ap-
plnuded when referring to the graft
I among men In high plnces of pUblic
trust. lIe declared that certnln seua.
tors who hod disgraced the nation
ought to have the Hood sense to resign
their IlOsltlons , Ho sold the hnd no
I al olog ) ' to olter for Injecting I10IIUcs
. Into a religious alhlress because a
- man's politics should bo as elenn ns 111'3
rRlhlon' .
. . , . . ' , . . , . 1. " . " " . . ' . . . " . ' I' . ; rl-"T-\ , , . ' . . , ' . . . . .dmM , "T" " " ' " ' ' ' "I. ' " ' > ! : , ' . . ' . : , ' " ,
Vice President . s of New York 1 : .
Life Resigns. ' " '
NDW YORK-Two Indictments ar-
fectlng the lIfo Insurnnco situation In
Now York Wednesday overshndowed
the legislative cOlllmltteo Investlgn.
tlon. Whllo the committee was In
qulrlng Into the conduct or the Pru.
dentJnl Life Insl\rance compnny and
the Metropolitan Life InRurat1ce com ,
pany , George 'V. Perldns resigned a !
first vice president and chairman of
the finance committee or the NoW' , .
Yorle Life InsuJlanco comlmny. Ho .
was succeellell as vlco presillent by)1 \
Alexander E , Orr , president of the
New Yorl { City Rapid Transit commission -
mission , Ilnd as cha1rman or the
finance commltteo. by John Clnflin ,
hend or the II. ll. Claflin company.
Request of Would.Be Mayor Hearst
. Not Granted.
ALllANY , N. Y.-Tho court of ap-
penIs In a decision handed down hi
the New York City ballot box case
sustnlnl ! the contention of counsel for \
l\Ia'or George B. 1\1cClellan and do- r
nles that or attorneys for WilHam R.
Hearst and his colleagues on the municipal -
nicipal ownership league Uclet.
The court. holds , as was argu d b : '
Former Chief Justlcre Parlwr and his
associates , that the courts have no
power under the clectlon law to order
hy mnndamus the opening of the ballot -
lot boxes , and a recount and rccanvass
or ballots.
WASHINGTON-A statement was
Issued by the appropriations committees -
tees of the senate and house summarizing -
marizing the estimates for approprla- ,
tlons to be made at the IJresent seS'-
slon of congress for the fiscal ) 'ear
1907. The total for all purposes aggregates -
gregates $804,206,415 , These estimates
are greater than the appropriations
for the current year by $19,170.165 ,
The wnr department asks $8G3,4G3 'less
than was appropriated last year nnd
the rIvers and harbors Item , which
last 'ear amounted to $18,181,876 , Is . . (
omitted entirely this year. With these .
exceptions , every department of the' ,
government has asled for more money "
than the current approprIation.
Arrest of Workingmen's Leader Likely
to Precipitate a General Strike.
ST. PETERSBURG-Another crisis
Is at hand Involving the Indefinlto prolongation -
longation of the strlle ! : , the proba1.iJe
Immediate precipitation of a' general
strllw throughout Russia , Ilnd a possible -
sible final struggle between the government - . ,
ernment and the proletariat. , , A - ; , . .
This sudden change for the worse ,
I stile resnlt of the shedding of the first
blood In the telegraph strB\C Sunday
afternoon almost simultaneously with
the actl n of 1\1 , Durnovo , minister of
the Interior , In throwing down the
gauntlet to the labor orgnnlzatlon by
arresting 1\1. Krustaleff , president of.
the executive committee of the worl- \
men's council. wlthont warning.
Members of Hou promlse on the t'
WASHINGTON - An npproprCttlon !
of $11,000,000 was voted toward the
construction of the Panama. canal. The
amount was a compromise between the
$ lG,50'0,000 carried In the bill under
consideration and an estimate of something -
thing over $ GOOOOOO recommended by
Mr. Williams the democratic leader. to
carry on the worl. until the mlddlo of
.January. Mr. Hopburn , In charge of
the bill , suggested that something 111\0
$11,000,000 would ' . carryon the worle
until March.
Rate Legislation Slumbers. :
WASHINGTON-Railroad rate iegls- ,
laUon will bo allowed to rest until '
nfter the holidays. Members of the j
house committee on Interstate and foreign -
eign commerce have agrecd to talte up
and dispose of less hnportant mea9ures
thnn these affecting rates before the I
recess. In the senate also there Is a. '
disposition to let rllto leglslutlon slumber -
bor for the lime belns. The members J
of the Interstate commer o .commltteo i I
In that body have decided to hold but
ono meeting a weel { before ChrIstmas.
Would Lease Land to Settler'3.
W ASHlNGTON - Representatlvo :
Lace ) ' of Iowa , Introduced n bill por- . '
mUting grazing privileges on pnbllc . ,
lands to homestead settlers and holders - \ . . . .
ers of small farms In seml.arld and I
arid regions.
W ASHlNGTON - Reprc.sentntlvo
Smith of Council llJuffs relntrodnced i.
his bIll of the last session providing
for the construction of a hrldgo by the \ ' :
Central Rallrond and llrldgo .
across the Missouri river , connecting I ,
Council Bluffs and Omahn. thoJ'I J\'I
1\ :
. Fined Ten Thousand Dollars. \
KANSAS CITY-W. II , 'I'homas ,
formerl ) ' a doput ) ' United States mnr- J
shnll at Springfield , 1\10" was Oned
$10,000 In the United States district
court for having
falsified his expense
account with the government ,
Would Restrict Immigration.
W ASlIINGTON - Ropresontlltlvo
llon'ge of Colorado Introduced a bill
for the rootrlctlon of Immigration , fix. \ IJ
Ing a head tax of $10 on Immigrants
and using this mone ) ' to defra ) ' the ox- I
Don so ot relulatlnl : ImmllraUoD
. I