Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 14, 1905, Image 2

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" , I ' ,
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' :
important Rccommendations a.s to Lctislatlon Made
in Annual Mcssane to Congrcss-Large Part of
Documcnt Devoted to Corporatons and Rairoad
Rate Lcgisation-Rolations } of Labor and Capial
! DeaH Wih ' Fuly.
The message oC Presllent Roose.
"eU , reat nt the frst sessIon oC the
Fiy-nInth Congress , congrtulate .
the people on the contnued prosper.
Iy of the IUtOU , 'fho coso reaton ,
shIp mutunl dependence upon
, ench ether or cnpllll nnd Ilbor Ire .
pInted out , and the message con.
Corporatons ,
, ' not mcrly ndmltng , hut In- .
Illtnl ye , 'hlc thIs , I Islao lue thnt' '
Is ' ' reatralnt '
"hero there no Jo\'el'nmo/tnl
or HUpel'\11lon IwnH1 of the exceptunnl
men use their clwlJlelnt In wa 's that
are for the COlmOI001 , hut In way !
which tll n nhilt thll common Jood ,
Thc fort Ulel I I I 11 ell throuJh corpurte
orl/nl nlo 10W so InrJo OHI
/ ntun
luch In thuse that ,
. po\r wloll thor /I
I to mnl < It / malr of necolslty to glvo
to the lovrelgl-thnt II , to the Government -
ment , which rprewnll the people ni a
. 'whole-sole effectvc power of Hupol'I-
Ion over ' . In ardor to
thei' cOflomle
. In ure / henlhy soclnl nnl Indullrlnl le ,
, every shoull be held re-
hlJ corpur ton
I IPOlullble hYl Ind be nccountnblo to , lome
10vcelKn f rong onouJh to control Is
conduct. 1 nm In no sense hostlo to cor-
. 'Ihls Is an of comblnnton ,
poratons. nJo
, , and nlY erort to prevent ni comhlna-
ton wi be lut only uloles9 , but In the
, end vicious , uecnu/o of the contempt for
lw which Ihe fnlure to enforce law In-
j evlahly pruduccs. 'Vo should , moreover ,
recoKnl e In cordlnl nld Imple tashln the
\ by to
Immenle cool elected corpor
IgenclCI In n cOUll'y such as ours , al11
t the of , , -
wenlh Intelect enrg nnl fdei-
, ; I devoted to tholr acrvlco .nnd thoro-
toro normnlly to the service or the puhlc ,
; by their ulcara nnd dlrectorl The cor-
I pornton has core 10 slny , just R the
tmde unlol hns cOle to IIIY. Each cnn
0 nnd Ils dOle rent Hood , Ench should
, < favored so IUII nR I docs ood. Dut
I , each should he shnnlly checked where It
aots Igallst law and JustCI.
, The Prosltent aho\ts the Impossl ,
: blty oC the IndivIdual states deal.
" Ing nuccessuly wih corpornton
reed and the
, necesslly oC conferrIng
power Uon the general government
even to the extent of a proper amend.
ment to the consluton. He says :
, I has been a misfortune thnt the
atonal laws on this auuJect have hlthor-
to been of a nelntve or prohlblUve rther
\ ' , nml more
'j tlan ni nlrmlU\'e Ilnd 8t1
I that they hnvo In purt suuHht to prohibit -
hibit what could not ue olecU\'ely pr-
hlhlted , and have In Ilnrt In tholr llro-
hlbltons confound(11 what should bo
whnt he ,
alowed ald Rhoull not alowed
I Is &enerly Iselesl to try to prohlhlt
\ al restraint on competton , whether this
re rlnt be reasonable or unleaaonnulo ;
and where It Is Ilot useless I Is
cenerly hurtul. Events have 8hoWI
thut I 11 not pO'llblo adeqUntell to
lecuro the enforcement of nny law a this
kind by hlcl'Hsant nl'lenl ) to the courts.
The Depnrtmlnt of JUltlce hns tor the
Iut tour ' '
dovotcd more
'enl'l nttenton
to the enforclment ! of the - -
nnt-trust leJls-
laton thnn to nnythlll else , Much hn
been ; mnrked
accomlllshd pnrtcularly
)111 heen the mornl efect of the prosecu.
ton : hut It Is IncrenllnHly evldont thai
thel'e wi be a'ery Insulcent beenclaJ
resul tn the wa ) ' of ec nomlc chnnHe. .
The sUccessful prosceuton of enl dovlcl
to evude the Inw ImlClntely develop !
another device to the Hm (
purllo e , " 'hat II neeld Is not aweeilim
pro Ilbllon of evolY nrrlloment , geol 0
bad , which In ) ' tend to reltrlct compet
ton , hut sueh nloluate supervisIon nl
regulaton as wi Il'ovent uny restrlctO
of helng to the
u competton tlom detll
t ' ment of the - wol nR Hucl
f luporvlRlon nnd Ielulnton ns wi 11'0
. vent othe' nhuset In no wny connectel
I wih Ilalrlcton of competton. Of thos ,
f abuses , Ilerhnlls the chlof , nlhough b :
, no mennt the enl ' one , Is overcnplnl a
- the l'cRull of
tlon-Jelerly Isel 11s
t honest promoton-hecnuse of the m 'ln' '
. , evis I hllncs In Is truln : tor luch over
Cpl n1znlun ofon menns UI Infalo
that ' It '
f Invlel bUlhles al\I 's con
, ceal the of t !
! tlue relaton Ie pro ! enrne
t , to the nctunl caplnl Investel , nll I
crentes n bunlll of Interest Im 'mont
which Is a fOltlo cnuse of Improper re
. duclol or In Imlntol of wngel : 1
damages the mnl ' ! dlRcoutJe
thrif anl encourngs gnmhl ng nnd spec
ulaton : whie Ilerll\s WOISt of ni Is th
trlcldness and dlshoncsty which It Imple
-for hnrm to mOlnls worse thnn nn
posslhlo hnrm to mnterlnl Interests , nn
the debnuchery of Iloltcs nnd bUBln (
by great dishonest corportons Is f
worse than nny aelunl matorlal evi the
, (0 the Iluhlc. Untl the natonnl goverr
ment obtnlns. In Bomo mnnner which II
, , wisdom of the Conlress may sUles
proper conlrol over the hlg corpomtor
en&ced In Interltnte commerce-that . I
< the grent mnjorlt of the bIg COI
, ortonl-It wi be Imllosslble to del
adequately wih these evis.
i I nm wel nwnre of the dlfcultes I
the leglslnton , thnt I nm lugJesthll 11
I of the need of tempernte nnd
' CIUtol
, aclon'ln securing It. I shoull em\llltc
I aly Ilrotest against cnl e
, hat ) ' ncton. 'he frst t \ ling rnl 10
to denl with the creat cotorntons el
&ced In the buslneBI of Interstate trnl
, Ilortnton. As I snll In my message ,
Dec. , 6 Inst , the Immediate Ind 10
r pressing need , so fnr ni leJIHlnton
coneerntd , Is the ennctmont Into la\y ,
aome sc11ele to secure to the ngonts '
, the government such lupervlslun nl
of the chnrced b '
itg laton rtos I
riroads of the , ' enJned In Inte
.tnte ns aha I ! nr
trfe sumllUly
electveIlre'ent the Impositon at UI
ust or unrnsonnble rtes , I mUlt II
elude putng a complelo stop to rebnt
In eery shnpe nnd form , ThIs power
regula to rntos , Iko RI Ilmlnr powe
over the business worl1 , should be oxe
csed with mOderaton cauton , nnd sol
retrnlnt ; but It shou , d exist , so that
, cnn be erectvel ' exercised when tl
need arises.
The nrst consIderaton to bo kept
mind Is that the power should be alr
atvp nnd should be given to some a
mlnlstrUve hod ' created by the ConJI'e
It Gtven to the Ilcsont Interslnte COI
meree commission or to 1 reorgnnl
Interlnte Commerce commission , au
be unequh'ocn
oomlllllon shoull male
admlnlsttt\'e. 1 do not belovo In t
covcrnment Interterlng wih prh'nte bu
pess 10le lmn Is nccessnr ' . I do I
beleve In the covernment undel'tllll
an ' worle which cnn wih propriety
lef In hands. But nelhor d (
belhwo n the coverment Inchlng frl
overseeing nn work when It boeon
evldont that nbuses are sure to obi
thlreln unles ! there Is covermon
lupervlslon. I Is not my Ilrovlnce
Indlcute the exucl tells of the la w wh
Ihould be enncteli but I cnl the ntentl
ot the Conre:11 : to certnln existng C (
! which It Is deslrblo to (
( itons wih I
In m ' judJlcnt the most Importnnt
viion which such law should conti
Is thut conferl'hlg Ullon Home cOlllet' '
admlnlslrlh'c body the Ilower to l ecl
lupon the case beln brouJht before
'helher 1 given rte plccltbel1 1) n t
rod Is reasonable nnd JUlt , Bnd If It
found to be unrensonablc nndnH
then. of the co
nfer ful Investgaton
plnlnt , to 11rescrlbo the lmi of r
beyond whIch I shnl not be lawful to
I -the Innxlmul I ( lsonnulo rte , IS I
to I
. commonly caled-this dlclslon co
a l'en90nnhlc amI
elect wihin thence onwnll. suhJct
review by the courts , I Homelmes hi
penf at prelent , not thlt n rte Is
Jlllh but that a tavolod shlllJer Is ,11
too Iowa rate , In Ilch cnHO the comn'
, Ion would have the rhht to Ix t
QlreadY estnbl9hed Ilnlmum rate
the maximum nnd I woul1 n' '
pnly one or two such declsl ,
, bY the commission to cure rnlrod cc
Ipanle of the practce ot Klvln& Impro
klnlmum rat _ t cal four atenton
Iho fnct thnt my proposl hI not to .Ive .
the commlRslon Ilower to Inltnte or ,
orlllnnto IltCI Iclelly , hut to 10Kulnto
' or orllnated u ' the I
I I/to ahenly Ixl'l
road , - i
I uJon COllllalnt anl nfer Invesl-
, A hl"IV pClnlty should be ox-
J1ton from nm' ) COrlrnton which tnlR i '
to HRpect ! nn oder of the cummlslion. 1 I
rognrd tdH IIwlr to Pltablh n maximum
II to ns Ilclng cRsl'ntl1 to nny fCllJI of
rul ! eforl In the mater of Inlwa '
t eKuln Uun , 'I'ho Irlt 10CCRlly Is to secure -
cure I ; amI unlosR It II Jr"ntcd to the
commlslon thcre II lte use In touch-
Ine the sUbject at ni.
. . . . . .
ContnuIng , the PresIdent earnesty
dlscllms any Rplrlt of hostly to
the rairoads , pointing out the beno.
fl to bo torlved by the Calr-dealng
roads In the oven.handed odmlnlstra'
ton of justco. In thIs bolh the hon-
est the honest '
ralroat man Ind shIp'
per ole woult be honelted. Ending
the slbject , the PresIdent says :
Al pri'ate-cn r Inel Im1utrlnl roals ,
refrlgorntor chnrlcl nnd the lke shoull
he oxpresslut under the supervision
of the Interstnte Commerce commission or
some Ilmlar uOl ' so far ns mtes , 111
agreemontu ttes , nre
Ilrnctcnly neectng
concI'ne , 'rho prlvato-car owner nnd' '
the owners of Inlustrlnl rlloa s nre
entted to n fnlr mil renMonable compn-
! mtol on thell Ilvstment , but neiher
prlvale nor
clrs 10r rlronlls
ed dovlces
Mpur trells shoiid lo 1tI ns
for rtes , A rebnte
ltclrlnl Ileforentnl
In Icing chnrJes. 01' In mlenJe , or In a
division of the mte for rofrllorntng
I jlst pernicious ns a relmte
ohnrles ! ni
In nny other WiY. No lower mte shoull
npply on coodl Imported than nctun1y
oltnlns to l0meste goods from the
Amerlcnn lelbonrd to leRtnnton except
In Mses whern wnter compotllon Is the
, There be
controllnl Infuence Ihoull
llblcly ot the nccounts of common cnr-
rlerl : no common cnJuged In
Interstate bUllne ! ! shouli cnrrer any bookl
or momotnla ether tln these reported
pursuant to law ' regulntonnnd these
0' regulnton\
hoolts or memoranda fhould De open to
the Inlpecton of the government. Only
In this wny can violaton ! or ovnslons of
the law he SU eb' dotccted. A lystem of
oxnmlnnton of rnlrond accounts should
be provided ' to thnt now conducted
Into the nntonnl bnnkl by the lanlt
exnmlners ; a few Olst-cass mlroad nc-
cOIantH , I the ' hld proper directon
nld proper nlthorly to Inspect books
nnd , could nccomplsh much In
pallers Ig wilful vlolntons of the law.
I wOlld not bo necessary for them to
examlno Into the nccountR of any rnlrond
unleRs for good rensols the ' wcro direct-
Il to dl 10 by the Intcrstate Commerce
commission , I I ! Jroaty to bo desired
thnt some wny mllht bo found b which
nn ngreement ni to transportaton withIn -
In a stnte Inteldell to operuto UI a frud
the Inlerstato
upon feleml commerce
la ws could bo blought under the jurl-
dicton of the fel0rul nuthorltel. At
Ilrl'Rent It occur/ that Inre shipments
of Interstate by con-
trllc Ire controled
cesslonl on purely state buslncsl , which
of courle amounts to nn evnlion ot the
Inw. 'Iho commlslion fhould hnve power
to 'enforce fnlr treatment b ' the greut
trunk lnes of Inteml and hrnch lnes.
I ur e Ipon the ConJress the need for
expediious neton b ) ' the lnterstato Cor-
merco commIssion In 11 these mators.
whether In reulltng rntel for trnnspor-
taton or tor Htorlng or for hanllng
, or commolltes In tmnsl 'rho
\ Iistory of the cnses Itgnted under the
Ilrcsent commel co act Iho\\ ' ! thnt Is
olclenc ) ' hnR he en to a h'eat dereo
destroyed by the wenpon of delay , nlmost
the most fOmllable weapon In the hnnls
o those whoso purpose I Is to vtolate
the law. '
The ( uston of trnnlportnton les nt
the root of ni Industrial sueceRS , nnd thc
lo\'olutol In 1 n 181111'ta tnn , which Im
tnlln Illnco dlrllJ the lalt Imlf contur '
hnl heen thn most Imllortant factor In the
glwth of the lew Industrlnl condltons ,
lost cmphntcnly do not wish to see
the mnl of ' tnlnts refused the re ,
wnrd for his tnlentl Sti lels do we wls\
to SI'O him Ilennl7od ; hut wo do delre l
- see the ! 'stom of mlronl1 U'Insl10rta tO
so hnndlod thnt the ttrolJ mnn "Iml bt
Jlven 10 nd\'nntllo 0\1'1 the wcnlt mln
\Vo wish .to Insure ns flir trentment fOI
the Imnl town ni for the bll city , for tll
Hmnl ( ' 11 for the big shipper. I
the old 1 n 's the hl hway of commerce
: - whether by wn ter 01 by I road on land
wns OpOl to nli It helonged to the pUbl ,
Ind the trnlc nlol ! It wns free. :
present the Ilwl ' 1M this highway , nnl
we mUlt do our best to see that I Is kop
to n1 on oqlal terms , Unlle th
011e1 ' Is ' dlmeult
hlgh"n ) I I ver unl
complex to mnnage , anll I Is fn
beter thll' t IhOlld he mnnaged b :
prl'nte IndivIduals than by the gover
lent. But It cnn only be so Ilnnged a
conditon thnt justce Is dOle the publh
I Is because , In my jldmnt , Ilbl
ownership of rlrndl Is hhhly umleslr
able and wouhl probnbly In thll countr
entai fnr-relehlnK disaster , that I wil
to see such , nn(1
of th m In the \ nterest of the pUbla I
wi mnle It ovldent thnt there Is no nee
for pUblc ownership , 'he opponentl (
Jovermnent regulaton dwel Ul10n t1
dllcultes to be encountered und t1
Intrl nte and lIvoh'el natue of the prol
lem. 'lhelr contnton Is true. I Is
complcnted nnll delcato problem , and n
Itnds of dllcultcs nre sure to artse I
connecton wih an ' plal of solutol
no plnn bring the
whie wi al benefl
hoped for by Is more optmistc adhel
ontl. Moro\'er , under any henlhy plm
the benels wi develop crudun1y and I
rapldl ) Flnnlb' , we must cenrundel
Btnnd thlt the pUblc lervnnts who II
to do this Ileculnrly responsIble ar
de1cato work must themselves be of t
highest t 'pe both ns regnrds ar
ellelenc ) ' , 'he ' must bo Integrlr f ,
otherwise nblo men cnn not In the 101
run be securel' : nnd they must pOlse :
a lofty probity which wi revel ns qulcl
Iy nt the thouht of Ilnnlerllg to nl
cust of Ilol'ulnr prejudice ngnlnst rl
men the thought of ' '
R an 'thlng e\1
In remote ! reselblng subserviency to rll
_ men , Dut whie I fuly ndmlt the dil
3cultes In the wn ' , I do not for 1 mome' '
ss . admit that these dttcliites wnrrnt 1
In stopping In our elort to seclre n wi
, i nnl just H 'stem. ' 1he ' should have 1
cl other ( lect tln to Sllur us on to tl
exerclso of the resoluton , the even-lln' '
\ I Nt justce. nnd the tfrtlty of resourc
s\ \ which we 111 to think of ns t 'plcal
lOt American , nl1 which wi In the el
nchlevo coed resuls In this ni In olh
ng be nehls of ueth'U ) The tnsle Is a gr (
I ono nld unlerles the tnslt ot deall
m wih the whole Industrlnl problem. B
IIS the tnct thnt It 1 [ 1 Jrent problem do '
, in not wnrrnnt us In shrlnltng from t
Inl atempt to Boh'e I. At present W8 tn
to such uter Inok of supervision , su
leh freedom from the restrnlnts of law , t1
Ion excelelt men have oUen been ler
I I _ torced Into doing what they deplor
' I because otherwisE tle ' were lef ut t .
: merey or unscrllllious compettors.
10 Inl at nnl' assnl the mln who have dent ,
II ns the ' best cOlld under the condltc
dl' ICC0l111shes IUo , Whnt we neell to
I' Is to develop nn onl'rly s 'stem ; a
\ ; slch a 1 'ltem can 011' coma thlou
\1 the ' Incl'asl exercise
&rdll1 ( ( of t
1st. rlcht of elciont go\'ermont control
I : ; The necessl ) ' for safety npplanc
on rlroluls , recommended In tit
i\t Proshlent's messnge to the Inst Cc
to grc s , Is elllhnslzol , together wi
Itl the necoRsl ) ' for a Inw regulatng t
too hours ot lahor ot rlrm\d mono
't : On the labor qleston , the U
his sago anys :
eed 'I'here hns been demand tor deprlv
courts of the to '
Jower lsll InJunct'
- In lauor . Ruch 8peclal
11- 119pute8. 8peclalmlnt
per ot tht equiy powers of our court. wo
to bo most Ulwln. I II true that IC
, ,
. - - ,
jU , ' , . nut have nUlsl . I , 1111 I I I power' ot the but ! , ewer
, at
lY 10e lmn ni IIJtJor exorc le
Iho IloWlr to cal 1 Itlko by a Inbor
the ot Iho
woull jllUy lunlnl rllht
10 /t rlke , 'Ihe r , , - "d V 11 to Illuln to 'ho
Ilrocllre b ' rljllllnl the jllKo to give
IUe nutco to thl11er"o 111.te , bloro
'grntnI the WI'I , the henrlli to he e
, llto I the ndvellu I.Rt . ) ' Iloos lCt np-
' the thno 1l'ce ordord.
I'llr 1t Rnl ( !
Whal II 111" n t . ( , mu"t depEIHI Ulln the
( ' of th e ; not un
f1 ! ! I Ihoulll IIed
to ot Inw ,
lS n Ilretxt' Ilormlt vlolaton
' the or I" ! ,
I' Ifo Cr
Of , , ' ' jollnrdltllK , " , not authOIIn the
I/Kullf of n l'lttlnln clI"r or InJunc.
tel II ni " CISO II whkh It Is not nlrendy
aUthol'lzl1 ! by cxlslnl Inw ,
I rOlcw Ihe rlcoml1nlnton I mldo In I
my last annual mCKH'IJO for nn Investga-
tion h ' the Velll'tll'lt of Commerce
Lobar of enoml Inhur con ll Ions , e811eclnl
ntl'nton ! bo 1111 to the condltons of I
lahor nnd ehlM-labor In
chil leJlllnton
the leveral "tntcs. Such nn Ilvestcnton I
fhoul'tnle ' Inlo account the vnrlous prob-
10ml wih which the Quston of chid
lahor 1/ connectl/ , I Is true that thso
prohlems cnn he netunly met In most
calR only h ' the Ilntcl thlnlolvel hut
It woull he wel for the naton to enlonv-
or to
lecure nnl Ilhlsh comlrehenlive
'Infol'moton ns to the conlitons of the
labor of chlllel In the different Itntel
to ' thnt hehlnll-
10 11 up thole nro
hnnd , Inl 1\11' secure unt-
fOlm leHlllaton of 1high charcter
nmon the , In
sovrrltntes luch I
Hepuhlc ni ours the one thing that wo
cnn not Ilo,1 to 1tJlect II the prohlmn
ot turning out decent cltzens. 'rho
future of Iho Ilellenls upon the
clt enlhlp of the Icnmntons to come :
the chlll en of to-ay nre those who to-
morrow wi SIIIIO the deltnY of our Innd ,
nnd wo not to them.
cln nford neJlect
The 1llslnture of Colorndo has recom-
menlcd thnt Ihe natonnl governlent
provllte 10mo Jcnernl measurc for
prtocton frm nbuse , of chldl'en nnd
dumb the
Inlmlls IhrouJhout Unied
Stnlel. I IlY the mnter before you for
sideraton whnt I trult , wi be your favornble con-
'rho Departmcnt of Commerce nnd'
rahor Ihould nlso mnle a thoroulh InveRt -
of the of wumen In
veRt nton condiions
hldultry. O\'er f\'o miion Amerlcnn
women are now en In Jalnful oecu-
pntons : Iet there Is agel almost complete
learth of datn upon which to base nny
trstworthy concluRlons ns regard ! n sub-
ject I and com-
11 Imllrtant lS I ! valt
plcntel , ' 1here II neell of ful Imowledgo
on which to hnRc ncton lookIng toward
Mtato Ind ( le lslntol for the
prolecton mUnIC\11 \ women. 'rhe Intr-
11ucton of w men Into Inlutry Is work-
Ing nnd In the do-
chnnJe Ilsturhnnce
soclnl le or Ihe nnton. The
mestc nnl mltlaHe , nnd cllecialy In
the hlrth rnte. hnl heen coIncident with I.
\Vo must face nccomplshel tacts , nnd the
alJustment 10 taetor ) ' conditons mUft be
mnde ; but Rurely It cnn be made wih less
frlcton nnd less harmful efects on tnmly
lfe than Is now the cnse. 'hls whole
mater In realy torml ono ot the greut-
est soclologlcnt phenomenl ot our tme ;
It Is a 60clal of the Irst 1m-
portnnce , ot queston Importance thnn
nny merely poltcal or economic queston
can be : nnd to solve It we need nmple
Intn , gathered In u Bnno nll scientfc
spiri In the , course of nn exhuustvc In-
In nny Jreat Inbor dlsturblUce not only
nre employer emllloye Interested , but
nlso 1 third pnrty-the gonernl publc.
Every consldernble labor dlmcul In
which Intorslate cOlmerce Is Involved
should be Inveithmted by the goverment
/nl ] the . facts oUclnlY rellorted to the
' 1he queston of lecurlng 1 healh ) ' . leI-
mutunly sympnthetc
respcctngL otween eml110yer and emplo 'e ,
ltudo ni wnge-worker , Is a dlleult
one. Al phnses of the labor problem
Ilrove dlfcult when approached. But the
underlying prlnchlles , the root prlnehlles ,
In accordance 'vlth which the Ilroblem
must be solved Ire entrely simp e. " 'e
cnn get justce nl1 IIRht denlng only I
\Vo must fnce nccomplshed facts , nnd the
Ilrlnelple of tlcntng I man on his worth
n mnn rther thnn with reference to
ni ! soclnl posiion , hi ! occupaton. or the
to which he belonls. ' 1hero nro
cuRs sellsh nnd brutnl men In ni rankl of Ifo.
I they nro caillal'tl theIr sellRhness
nnd brutnlty may tlke the term of harl
Indllerence to sulerlnl. Rreedy dlsregnrd
of every morl I'estrlnt which Interferes
the of , and
wih accumulntnn of the wenll : or.
coll-blooded Inborers , the form of Inzlness.
of ! Hlen envy of the more fortunate , 111
deeds of mur-
of to 1'lfol m
wllnJness . Such conduct Is just
lS reprehensible In one calo ns In the
other , and ni honeRt and fnrRcelng men
should Join In wnlrhll n nlnst I wherver .
It becomes manlflst , Inll'Ilunl caplnl.
I. , -
1st wnge-worker
nll Illvlluul cot10ra-
union. to the
ton nl1 I ( Illto entted
of thl law , and mURt nllo
Plotocton Inw , MO ' , In ndilton to
mere obedience to the law. each man ,
t he be n rlaly w'od ct en. lust show
I hroall s 'mI1th ' for hi ! lelghbor and
dlllo to 10011 at nny queston
! nrlslng bet" en th(1 from the stnndpolnt
of thnt nchhhor 10 10sR lmn frol his
own ; nnl to this ( ' 11 It Is essentnl that
nnd wl e-worl\r should consult -
sult freely ono wih the other , should each
ftrlvo to hrll .clo or the dny when both
thn t I hey nr ( IlrOPclly part-
shnl renlze . the
amI not enemies. ' 0 npproach
nell which nrle between
questons lolel' from the standpoint which
tl'ents ench ! lle In the mass ns thu en-
cmy of the other alII In the mnss It both
wlcled nnd foolsh , In the pnst the most
direful nmong the Intunces which have
hrought nhout the llownfll of republcs
hns over becn the glowth of the clnss
Iplllt , the JrOyth or the spirIt which
tends to mnlle a mnn subordinate the welfare -
faro of the ImbUe ns a whole to the wel-
fnre of the ' to which he
thelnrtCUIII' ca1s
belons. 'h \lnrtCUIII' \ > ' brings nbout I
! his
to trent each man not on
tenlnncy nn , but on hIs posl.
meris al belonGtng to n crtnln cllss In
ton , such a S\1lrlt glOWS Uf
communiy I
In \ mntel ' pro\ '
thll Hepublc I wi ul
rntnl to us , ns In the It hns proved
fatui to every commun 11st In which It hm .
become dominant. Unles we con.
tnue to Iteep a quick nnd Ivol3
of the
fense Jreat fUllnmentn
the Individual
truth that our concern Is wih .
worth or tbe Individual man , thll govern.
mont cannot hold the place
which I bal Icbleved permanent ) the natone. Tbe
vital lnes or cleavnge among our people de ,
not correspond , and hldeed run at right an
elel to , tbo lnes or clenvage wblcb dlvldl
from , wblch dlvldl
wage.worker occullaton from occupaton capialsts , farm en tron
banker men or smal means from mel 01
large meanl , mcn who lve In the tOWD fror
men who lve In the country ; for the \'la
or cleavagl II the lne which dlvldel thl
lne man who tries to do wel by bll
; from the dishonest man who doel I
b his nehhbor , In other words. the stand
ard we shoulJ utablsh Is the standarl
or conduct , not the standard of occupaton
of meanl or of social positon. 1 Is tbl
man's moral qual . his atitude toward th ,
grelt which concer al bumlnltT
do him
his of , hie power to
lennlnen le
m duty toward hlmsel lud townrd other whlel ,
h count : and Ir we eubsttute for th
IIItandard of peronal Judgment wblch treat
nt each lIn accurdlng to his meris , anothe
In accorllance which mel
stalllrd wih al
LS se o. oue clal are favored and al men of anne
no other clan dlscrhnlulted aKllnst , we Ihal d
he damage te tle body poltc , I bed
d- Irrtllrable our people are too snne , too sel
dle'e : , . too nt ror sel-governmeut , eve
f r08pectng.
Ily to adopt 8uch In ntttnde ThIs governmen
II not aud never 8hal be Kovernment by
11 Illntocracy. TIls ! overnment Is not an
n t never shal be go\'ernmelt bT a mob. I
to be In the future what I
IJ hu been In the put , a govrnment based 0
'os the theory that each mnn , rIch or poor , Is t
ue treated Ilmpl , and 80loly on his worth 8
hf ce a man , that 11 his Ilenonal and propert
ch rlKhtl at to be sreguardQd , and that he I
Int neither to wrong otlen uor to lurer wren
Ih' from othen ,
cd ' 'be noblet of al forms or government I
he . ; but It Is alee the most dl
10 sel.govtrnment possen this Irlcelen bool
ne aU11 wbo dellre to haud I on to our chldre
IS and our chldren'l chidren. should eVI
do bear In mind the thought 00 nnel1 expreul
nl bT Durke : "Men nre quai ted for civi 1
h utT In exnct 11roporton to their dlspollt
, be te put mornl chnlns upon their oIn nplete
In are disposed to
proporton lS twy Iste
to the couuoels of the wile nnd good In pre
es ertnce to tbe tatery nf knnes , Society cal
he not exist unles8 a cOHrolllg power upon I :
and appette bo plnced sOleIhfI. nnd tl
) : less of I tbere be Ilhln the morC there mu
Ith tIe wihout , I Is otlnlncd 1 the eternnl cn
of things that men of Intempera
I 10 stlutun mlulll be free , Tholr ror ,
their feter "
es. Insurance ,
The gret Insurance companie aCord It 11
In" examptel of con'ortlons whole buslne
Ing Ins extended so Ilr heyond the Jurlsdlcten
on8 the stal's whlrh cr 'ltrd them a to PI
101 elude atrlct enrorcemenl of IUPfvlllon a
uld reculaton by tbe parent StltU , In IT I
Ime anuual W8IU I recommtnd.d "that t
. , - .
Cln'reu cnrefulT cnnslder whether the pow-
rr or the Uurenu or Corporatonl eannot con-
Etltutonaly be etended to cover Inteutnte
In . "
trnnMrtol1 118urnnce. Bccent cventl
hlvo ftllhnsl1Id the Im'portnco of an ( orly
and cxbauBtve consideraton of thll ques-
tOI to l e vdltther It II uot IJos lblo to fur-
1IIIhIltor IfeRuardl thnn tbe lenral
slal ' been furnish
hl\'O able to Rgnlnlt cor-
ellosed. rupton of tbo fnerRnt klud wblehu ben
The Revenues.
TouchIng the queston of tarIf nnd
revenue , the vIews of the Prosldenl are
ns folows :
Tbere 19 m're nced or ItnbllT tban of
tbe atempt to ntaln an Idellerfecton In
tbe metbods of raising revenne : anl tb.
sbock and strain to thl blulneB world rer-
tall to atend any Bcrloul cbnnge In theS
methods rcnder SU1 chnnge Inadvlsblo unless -
less for crave reo son. I Is not posible to
la ) down any ccnetl rule bT wllch to de-
termin the moment when thf realonl for
wi outwlllh the re180nl against lucb a
cuance. Much must dpenl , not merelT 01
the needs , hut on the dpslres , of thl pcopll
& a whole ; for leeds nnd Ile lrO are not nec.
essarly Idontcal. Of course no cbaltS can
bl made on Inel benllclal to , or desired
by. one ccton or onr stat ! onl' There lust
bo lomethlng Ikn n General fHreement among
tbo citzens of the scveal stntes , 18 repre-
Bented In tbe Conres thaI the cbane Is
needed desired In tbe Interest or the
people RS a wbole ; and thcre should then be
a Iincere , IntellKent ! and dl81nterested eCort
to make It In luch snape a wil combine , 80
fa a possible , the mnxlmum o good to tbe
people nt large wlb the minimum or neces-
ry dlsrenrd for the special Interelts of
10caltcI ! classes. Uut In tm ! of peace
the revenue IU t on the avernel , taking
a erlel of years tOletber , equnl thl epcndl-
turel or else the revenues mlst be Incrensed ,
I.ast year there was n llenclt. Unles 'our expenditures -
penditures can bo kept wihin thp : evenues
then our revenue laws must be readjusted.
I II a yet too early to atempt to outno
what shap. such a readJultment houll take ,
for It Is ns yet too ealy to MY , brther
thcre be need for I. I should be considered -
sidered whether It Is not de lrable that the ,
tarll laws should plovlde for npplylng a I
agAInst or In favor of any other naton maxi.
mum and minimum tarlC rate. etablished by
the Conpress. so lS to lecuro a certlin reci-
procity of treament betwecn other natons
and ourelve. Having In view even larger
conllderatons or polcy than thos or a
purely , economIc nature , It would. In mT
Judgment. be wel to eodeavor to bring about
cloler commercIal the other
connectons wih
people of thll contnent. 1 am happy to be
able to announce to yt. tht Hussla now
tnat UI on the most.favored.naton baIl.
Economy In Expenditures ,
The necessIty for economy and I
rigid scrutny oC appror 'atons Is
made manlest , wih thIs provIso :
Yet. In speaking ot economT , I mUlt In no
wlso be understood as advocatng the false
economy wblch ts In the end the worst ex-
travagance. To cut down on tbe navy , for
Instance , would be a crime 'sKalnst ' the na-
. To tal to push forward al work on
tl. Panama canal would b , a eret a fOIT.
Currency ,
The currency queston Is dealt wih
a3 Cole .g :
Every consideraton of prudence emands
the additon of tbe element of elastcity to
our curreucy system , The evi does not con.
slst , In an adequate yolu , 0 of moneT , but In
the. rlgldlt or this volume whlcb does not
respond as ) I should to tbe varying needs or
communites and of selsons. lalaton must
be avoided ; but some provhton should be
made that wi Insure a larger yolume or
moueT during the fal and winter monthl
than In the less nctve seasons of tbe year :
so that the currency wi contract against
speculaton. and wil expand ror tbl need.
of legitmate business. At present the Treas.
ury dopnrtment Is at Irregularly recul ring Intervals -
tervals 10bl&ed , In the Intere t or the business -
ness world-tbat Is. In the Interests of the
American publc-to try to avert fnancial
crises by providing a remedy wblch should
bo provided by Congressional acton.
Federal Electons ,
On the subject oC federal olectons ,
tle PresIdent says :
"Tbe power or the government to protect
tbe Integrl or the electons of HI own of-
nclal Is Inberent anl hns been recognIzed
and amrmed by repcated declaratons of the
Supreme court , There Is 10 enemy or free
more dangerous and uone 50 In-
Iovemment the corrupton of the electornte ,
No one llerenlls or excuses corrupton. and
It wonld seem to folow that none would op-
pos vigorous melsures to erallcate It. l
the enactment of a law directed
ngalnst bribery and corrupton In federal
electons. The detais of sucb a law may bo
safely ler to the wise dlscretol or the Congress -
gress , but It should go ns far as under the
constuton It Is possible to JO , Ind ebould
Include anlnat him who
8eHr. penaltes
gives or receh'es a bribe Intenled to Innu-
ence hIs act or opInIon as an elector : and
provIsions for the publcnton not onlY of
the expellurcs ror nominatons and elec-
tons of al clndldates , but nlso or al con-
tributons received and expenlture , made by
poltcal commitees
I desire to rcpent this recommenllton. In
poltcal camlJtgns In a conntry as large
and populous as OUt It II luevltablo thlt
tber should bo much expense or an entrely
Irgltmate Illnl. This , or course , means that
many contrlhutons , anll some or tbem or
larle size , must be mlde , niHI. as a mater
coulest such con.
or fact , In an big poltcal
trlbutons are ) always made to both sides , I
Is entrely proper' botb to give an < receiv
them , unless tbere Is an Improper motve
connected wltb eiher gi or recepton. I
'the are extorted by any kind of pressure
or promIse. express or Impled , direct or In-
direct. In the wnr or favor or Immurly. then
the Klvlnc or receiving hecomel not only Improper -
proper but crlmlnll It wi undoubtedly be
dllcult a a maier of practcal detai to
act whlcb -
: shlpe nn shal guad wih reaon-
able certainty ngltnat luch mlscooduct , but
Ir It Is possible to secure hy law the tul and
; verifed publcaton In detai or al the lums
eontrlbuted to and expended by the candl-
l I dltes or commitees or anT polIcal partel
the resul caunot but be wholesome , Al con-
I tributons by corporaton I to anT poltcal
, commitee or for anT poltcal purpos should
! be rorbldden bT Ilw ; dIrectors Ihould not
be permited to use stockholder' moneT ror
such purposes : and , moreover , I prohibIton
of this kind would be , a far R H went , an
: " of stopping the eis aimed
at In m"llod practces act. , Not enl ) sbou"l
I both the natonal and the seeral state legll'
laturel forbid an ofcer of a corporaton
rrom ullns the moneT of tbe corporaton Ie
or about any electon , but tbey should aIe
rorbld such usa of money In conaectons wlb
any by the employment 01
legislaton lae
counsel In pUblc manner for dlltnctT 18eal
The posIton oC tbo UnIted Statel
wih regard to The Hague conference
enco Is cearly shown , the desIre 0 :
the Unied Stntes for contnuance 0
the worlt's pence beIng made nppar
ent and the necessiy for Itrength t (
maIntaIn n rIghteus posIton Inslste (
Elnboratng on the many reasons ex
for Ute malntonanco oC thl
Monroe doctrine , the message poInt :
out 110W the Interests of our southerl
neIghbors ore Identfell wIth our OW ]
and the Impossibity oC the Unlel
States usIng the doctrIne as n moan
for aggrandIzement , The help at
forded Santo Domingo In her escap
from the ImportunItes of foreIgn cree
Ion nnd rlpaclous revolutonIsts 0
home Is shown as a cnse In point , '
Army and Navy.
The Presldentlnslsts upon tle nt
cessly tor 0 wel trnlned body oC so
dlers as a nucleus for an army I
ot trouble , and thnt mnneuver
tme a practcal ltnd should be 'undo
talen to ndnilt the forces to ncm
of warfare. An Incrense I
the force so Umt the coa !
can be adequately mal
ned Is also recommended , wih 11
for the ,
erl approprIatons buldln
and bringIng to a state oC porieetc
UnIted Stntos ' ,
ot the nav )
: Laws ,
Of our present naturalzaton law
, ! the message says :
nd Durlnc the pat yur nldence h. ace
1st mulattd to coulrw the epu.lonl eo
b. talnld 11 mr lit two annual w. . . .
- , . , . , - - . - - . -
- -
. _ . , - - " .
to the Importnce of rovlslng bT Ipproprllt.
leg1811t01 our system of naturalzing alenl.
1 aPllolntc Ilst Inrch 1 cOlmleslol to make
a cnrerul eamlunton or our naturalzlnI
law8 , and to sUlKe8t approprlhe measure.
to Rvold thc nOlorlous abusls resultng rrom
the Improvident or unll' 'f,1 rlltl or cl-
11 nshlp , This commision , composed of a !
onlcer or the Dcpartment of Stat ( or the
Depnrtment of Ju tce , Ind or tbe lepart-
ment of Commerce and I.abor , has dl -
chnrgml the Iluty Impos 1 upln It , 1111 bM
submited 8 reporl , whlcb wil be translited
to the ConHrcss ror ls t > s. . < elltou , lnd , 1
, for fa\'orable action ,
hO\o of the
'Ihe 1lstn nlsbllg : recolltUdatoul
cmrlsslon Plrt. rlderal lre burtlu or nturalznton ,
to be estnblBhel In the VtnrtDAnt of Commerce -
merce ald 1.lbol to IUllCrvlse the a < mluls-
traton of the nntural7.lon laws Ind to re-
celvl returns of uaturllzatols pend In I , aud
aecompllsbel ,
8ec011. Unlorrly of naturnlzton cer-
tfcatl , frel 10 Le chllJrd nnd procedure. ,
' 'htrd , Iore euctl' " qualllaton. ror clt-
Izensh Ip ,
Jourth. Thl prclmlnary declaraton of In-
to be abulahed anll no to bl
lenten alen
at Ipust nlnetT daYI
naturalzed untl afer
tbe or his petton ,
J'ifh , .Iurlelltion to nlturalZ Ilenl
to be connnld to Unied Hats rl tllct courtl
and to such Rlnte courts aM havp Jurlsdlctua
11 actlon8 lu whlcb the Illunt II controversy -
troversy Is unlmll'II ; In ltes or oyer ] 00-
00 Inhnblants thc l'nle,1 Stltes dIstrict
courtl to have el'lullv ( JurlPllcton In the
, . or the alcn resident. of luch
nalmal cltel. .ton
Criminal Laws ,
LegIslaton to male our crImInal
laws more efectve nnd to provldo adequate -
equate punIshment ( breaches oC
trust by pUblc omcalt Is urged , ant
the promIse made lhnt 11 the power
ot the admlnlstrnton shal be devoted
to tbe detectIon nnd punishment ot
such wrongroers.
'he Preldent contnues :
Once agnlu I cal your ntenton to the
eondltlon of the publc.1111 Inws. necent
develojmtlts hsve glvel now urgency to the
netd for such ch nKes ns wil ft these InIs
to actunl present condiions , The bOlest dll-
posal nad rlsht upr or the remainIng pUhllc
h\ds Is or rUIlamental Impotance. The
Iniquious mct ; lod9 by which the monopolz-
In , or the publc Innds Is being brought
about under the pr ( ent laws are becomln ,
more gen raly known , but the oxlstng laws
do not furish ercetve remedies. The rec-
ommendntons of the 1 hlc Lnuds commis-
sion upon this lubJect are wise and should
be given efect.
'rhe polc ) ' or creatng torest roe
serves Is shown to have met populnr
appro\'al , as hns the Initaton ot tor.
cst reserves.
Merchant Marine.
On the subject oC the merchant ma'
rlne , the message sa's :
To the Ipread or our trade In pelce Rnd
the defcnse of our na In war a great and
prosperous merchlnt marine Is Indispensable
We should bae ships or our own and seamen -
men or our own to convey our gools to neutral -
tral markets , nnd In case of need to reinforce -
force our bate lne. 1 cannot but be a
source of regret and uneasiness to UI tbat
the lnes of communlcnton wltb our sl8ter
or South America should be chief-
republcs I rorelgn control. 1 Is not a good
thing tbal American mercbantl and manufacturers -
facturers should have to end their goods
and leter to South America via J urope t
they wish security nnd dispatch. Even on
the Pacifc. where our ships hnve held their
own beter thnn on the Atlntc , OUI merchant -
chant nag Is now threatenes through the lb.
eral sid bestowed by other ! overments on
their own steam Inel 1 ask your e rnest
or the report with which the
Merchant Marine commIssion hal folowed
It I long and carefl Inquiry.
PraIse oC the good work oC the pen.
slon bureau wIth an acknowledge.
ment oC. the debt the country owes
to the velerans oC the' Cvi war tol.
ImmIgraton , .
ContnuIng , the message shows
cearly the necessity for checldng the
stenm/hlp companIes 11 their actviy
In promotng the Impor"tlon oC unde.
slrble ImmIgrants , whie poIntng
welcome Is the
out how wnrmly man
oC good healh and moral charcter ,
who bIds fair to ndd value to the
communlt ) ' . An Increase In the strln ,
gency of the ImmIgrton law Is advo.
ca tet.
On the subject at ChInese Immlgr
ton the message urges the necessity
for courteous treatment of the Chi ,
nese students , busIness and professIonal -
sIonal men who vIsIt thIs country ,
whie assertng unalernble opposltol
to the admIssion of cooles or skied
or unsldled labor from China.
ServIce ,
Some pargrphs oC the messagE
are devoted to an elucidaton oC tH
worl < ngs oC the cIvi servlco law , ThE
asserton Is made thnt the efects 01
the law hnve been excelent
A revIsIon ot the copyrIght law ! II
declared to be urgenty needed , nu
the promise malc that a bi for thl :
purpose wl be Intrduced at tH
comIng sessIon. The passoge ot tht
measure Is earnesty recommended.
A law to regulnte Inter.tnte com
merce In mIsbranded and nduleratel
Cods , drlnls and drugs Is urged ; nIsI
ono provIdIng for the buidIng anI
malntenlnce of nntonal parks anI
I the preservaton oC Nllgara Fals.
Pelons for members oC UIO Li ,
I SayIng Service lre shown to be dE
: slrable , and a hIgh complment Is pall
the members of the service tor thel
l seU-sacrlfclng devoton to duty ,
A recommendaton Is mnde ior Ir
crensed approprIatons end paymen
oC more nttenton to the needs of th
The PhippInes ,
DespIte the serIes oC dIsaster
wblch hayo amlcted the
Islands sInce the American OCCUP !
ton-the rInderpest , the locusts , an
the drought-conditons nre shown t
have steodly Improved and tranqul
I ) ' Is now almost universal The FI
to th
Iplnos are begInning realze
beneft ot educaton , and a school n
tendnnce oC 70 per cent Is tbe l'esul
ReCerrlng to trade between the Islnnd
nnd the UnIted States , the messag
says :
alatute In torce , enaet.d Apri II , 100
aUlpenla tha operton of the cUllwl.e lu
or th" Unled Slate the trude
the l'hllllo. Island. ulon the tHaI' '
unt JulT I , 1006 , I earpst rpclm.nd Unled th ,
tbl IUII'ollon L. IIotp01d untl , July I , to
. t tblnk I or donMCul 10 uPII the CO.IO
I , wise lawl to th. trllt utlt b.lwe.n , Uni ,
States alI Ih ' undcr on drcul
n stancel , L'csu. . l'bllllllneo al " tbat I w !
. do no god to American bOloms , 01
S wi only Inh'rh're onll Ie an obotlel. to tl
r. trult. bet1'l'en tbe l'bllllloI' . alli the Uol. .
; Iha . ' be Ih1
Ilales tJt I eou.twl. Ilw Ilst
\1 . " , , ' to 1'8" .
' "
RI11.11"t I'rlulnl oUlbt 111
) I er.
n unll Cree trlll. I ' "J"Yl' " h.t\ e.n tbe pl
' , . ,
of tbe ' lb. ' . of
; t Ile . 111311t. l'ule,1 8tat'8 BIII ' " " , , ' l'coll. ] . I
l'hlllln. 1'1"1.rodlN
I do not fr'e lud. , '
' Bnllllle " 1\1
I' the , Ihe : ' .
. 1IIIHls alll 1:111'11 > .I"1 . II Irodl' '
b. , . ,
I rHolutOI II 'le Illur sl,1 luls. ' 0 l'r"lt"
lon of tb. . hlandl , . ' ,
. tb. ' Ihlll.lne ' . I'rlill
lre . It'tbols , .Iow alrh'llur. II Ihll'
In \111. Islutl I < ulI.1 II " 10
\ 101"1
. .
, . I
, .IOlh .1 lal ; IllculI"1 .u'roUII ' 0 lar'
In tb. ,
IgrleulurBI blalils Ihal
\1 1" Ilany , 111) ' , .rs I.fure I , . "
. . proli"
o tbooe 1.lull. "I hlTt " " , 'a1 .hat. "
B , ulnn I tb. lark.t. of ILl l'ul.d , : IRln , T