Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 14, 1905, Image 12

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    f : , ' . . .
, .
. -
i. ; l " _ ' _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ . . . ' - . , - " 0-- . . . , . " " - . _ - , , , . . - . , - . . . . ' , _ . - , . - , - - . - . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . \ . , . . ' ' , , - ' " , . 9 . . . - . ' J - .n- , " " " " " : ; , , , ' , : : )
. . . . ' .
You WIHltrJd SOllwthing neW in Relll * stllte. If so see : i
' : . . : ,
t : . E CFa HOUSE , Broken Bow , Neb. ; \
tl' ' . ' I will PJuce on the marl < ct
. . !
. '
" One SO . aCl"e tract , 2 miles from Eroken
: SOWD Price" $ 600
. 140 acre tract , 2 1-2' miles from' : Broken
: Bow. Price , 1,000
'I'JH ' se tracts are located on one of the best roads coming into
out notIce
011e .ten. room , two story frame 'house , two
lo 's , .one blo k from s uare , lmost new. Price 2200.00
One four l oem one , story house , one lot , one
.block from s uare. Price , III - 700.00
One four room and. basement one story house
with . .ground , 60 by 144 , good. well and coal
shed ll in good repail" , nicely located. r'rice 8S0:00 :
, . . . . . Oil'S tell acre tract adjoining town with gooc1
' $ W frame house ana new barn , nicely locate -
. . . . 2600.00
e ' = " : Price , - - " i
, h five' acre tra.ct adjoining town. Price 350.00
; ' ' ' 'On ! l.icalv lbca.tsd. lct SO foot front on'Main
. - .
140 acre track , 2 1-2 miles from : Broke ' i ; . _ "
. ' , < 1
Bow. Price
, . 1,000
140 acre tract 2 3aa4 lniles from ' : S bk , n
Bow. Price , . , . . 1,000
Broken Bow. ' Prices given here\vith are subject to ch11nge with. .
" ' 1'h . . . ,
Street , size of lot 60x120. Price , . . . , ' 200.00 -
One new house , 24x26 , one 'story , tW91ot .
well located. Price , . . . - 1000.00
One nice business lot } 24xl12 , frontin on
Third Avenue. Price. . . - . . ' . 175.00
One nice resident lot , close in , 60xl12 , price 200.00
Onel1ot 57x120 , nicely locate . P'rice , , : , 150,00
One 1 and 1-2 6 '
- story room frame shingle'
roof dwell ng with barn and 1-4 block , nice
trees , well and coal house , one block from
school h use. Price , - - . . - - 1100.00
. . , , o : ' ns- : . ; : est - ; : s- ; il- ; ; se you. .AS private money to 10lln on good well improved flil'll1s , note and ti
intelest . ' . . ; ' pnynble at my offi e. _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . r.
- - - -
' ; "t. . - . . . . . . . . . .
r" 1JC.1I- : " " " " " " - - - - " " " " " " " ------OQ
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--T.1. ' - "r& ' - - -
I r ; T. , I
i lh AQ-Yo lstaurant. .
, , ' : rJi 1 F . .
0. ' . , TY
: '
J. V AN LANDING IIAi\I of the Advo
A . ' . Grocery has bought tlw Oyster Bay RCR-
htl1l'Bnt or ' 1' . E. Gusnor and hns nsslImed control.
110 has dWl\gecl \ t.he nnme to the Ac1\To Hes-
tllHrnnt OIlc1.Vllt Jueky" oods , the we } } known CI1-
tore ) ' , .in. dWI'g'e. Tlw Advo Hcstm:1'nnt : will be
l.tlll'ill fi I'st-chlR5 orclel' B.nd sq lIn 1'e den 1 tron tment
given to nIl. : The vuhlic is solicited to A'ive the
I n W mallug'emcnt H trill I und the Advo will he 1'\-
tP ; ! ) ) .sibl . fOl' the l lltl11'e pi1t'onngc. ) 'Meals at ull
b O ' 'S " d l'n'ed to Sjl t' , W 0 111'0 YOIII'S to pl.oso ,
: , ;
ILlE&Cl \ ; J1
L : . . - . _ _ _ : I
_ _ - PO , - , - . , p _ . . . . . , . . . . 4 - . . . . J - - _ - .
r N E ifT'imilm : 1
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-v--- .n----- - - - - - -
. . . . . . . .
, " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . . . . . . - - - - . : .
. , ' 0 . . , , - .
. ' , . . jti
. I M. BAT ES s'ucceSSOl' to loc1\\vcll & A rl1l
t1&J. . trol1i ! ; . has em.ploycd L. r. . Cote. formerly .
1 'WJlh W. J. Woods , qs. U } ( I.c.rtal\cr and Embalmc'r ,
. : ' : t'Qd am prep \rell tn give' hrst class wort < . ly .
' .f ( ) ck uf 1\ndert..ld . g g ods l ! ' of high .quality '
.1.11d I am prtpt\rql : : ! tu' u t SOLIn \ quahtJ anll
trcc. : } I ha.\'c.a lipc1ear \ : > c and al1 prepared to
JI\'C the uc'ilClJ iliodatiqns to city or countn'
c htumcrs. Pri ls ! right' . . . ' cc . me before gidng
. . . .
) our or cr. : , l. :
4' I'
. . ( \
, . . , .
. , " . . . . ' " . . ' . . ' , ' . ,
. - .
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: - ' :0" ' & : LcI ; :
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c-ti'ii1 : : t i : 21:1n : l Wia ! I ! : . .lCWii :
. . .
Legal Notices.
All udnrthementa nnder tbll hC6d will be
cbarled for at leL'al rat. . ViiI 11.00 p r sljUIrO
for l1rellu."rlllln , and 60c per .quare for oatb
lobeequo 1t Inrtlon. I
\ " qullre" I ten . IInllll or frAction thereo' .
- - - - -
NOTICI' : OJ. ' " 'INAI , C'l..rl.I.MI : T.
I. . CUIII.IY Court of ( 'II ll"r OIIIII ' , N.hloiNl.a. ,
' 1'0 Ihe I'rl'dltolll ' alilt lIelrR. and 10 all IlIter'
Ish'II In Ihe . . .IIlall''r"cIK S'lIl1h. ' Uect'\ " "
'i'alle nOllce. Ihal Albert U. Smllh. "xeculor
of the aforeMahl tlllalp. : ha't led : t report of
1I111'lo11I1IM UII 'Illdi. and a kl tllat Ihe lIame h. .
-1'1'1 < 1\11.1. and tllat Ill' \I'Ichancell from fur ,
tll"r uhlhlaUon therein. alld that tll" COllnlY
Jhdll" lUak" Much order a to the 11I lrlhllllon I
of , till' a' I'I'I II. . 10 II Id II II' to flahl I ! lateOK : ! II } ' law
IInd Ille will dlrecledlul to ,1p.'illCliale Ihe heirs
t'II1l1ed 10 a Khare In lIald e lalc. 31111 10 II'rant
"uch o\hcr relld all may be dl'eme.nece'l"ary
III the filial Meltll'nenl of 1131d " ' 113tl' . Said
OIaller haR bel'li IIel for h"3rlllll 011 th" Hlba '
or Jauuar ) ' , IW& . at 10 o'clu.k 3. 01. . at tb"
COli lit ) Court room III Urokeu UOINehra'lk : .
t whlcll tlOle nnd place all Ilartle'l IlItere lell
lIIa ' appear nnd he lIeanl c"ncerlllnll' the Rallle.
\al"d \ thl" 41h da } ' \ecelllb \ r. I'IO. ! : .
[ : iI'AI1 2t1J. ) J. A. A "MOCH. Ceuut } ' JIIIIII'I' .
NO'1'ICI : ( W PINAl , SIl'TII : 'omN'r.
111 COUIII111ft . " Cu Io' " CllllntN..hra'lka. .
' 1'0 Ih. Creditor , . : \lulll'ln al..1 In all who are
IlIterl' II",111I the elah.f . , \ Ihtrt lI.rl..cllulCcr ,
( ) rl'l"aPlc.l.
'I'aku 1I..lIcl' . thai Ha"'IIIIIIhllrMOI" A.I , ,
ntllllNlralor of Ih" afll"al&l , : "Ial" . ha ; 11I1:11 a
r"pllrl..1 . his Ilohllr. . a ; " 1I.h. all,1 alkfthaI Ih. . i
allle be al'l.r..v.'I. . ' anilihal h. . , , .1I.cllarICE,1
mnl IUrlher . . 1111'111. alld thaI III' !
C""III' Judl : . ' " " 11 ( < ' an . . . .1..1' a 10 Ih. . IlIslrlhh ,
111111 . .f . the :1..1. . . h..ln"lChlj ( IIIlhl : e lal" , ami
10 .le llrnale Ih , ' 111'11' ' ' elllltle.ll' ) a 'Ihar..11I ald
, ' , ' ' ' . . . . . , , ' . . ' . .
! ua , . :1111111110'111 U"'I nth..r . .I . lIIab.
' ' ' ' ' ' 11I,1 , 1Ie.alV , III th. . lill,1 III"UII'lIIr.1U . . ,
-aill , . . .Ia , , ' . SallllllaU"1 h" . . . . . . " ' 1 f. . . . .
1111 ( IIU 1111. Ih .1:1\ ' . .I JaIlUal } ' . 1'1 IJ. :1111
lI'clnck a. III. . : " Ih. . ( 'IIUIII ) ' ( OLlrl Hoolil. III
IIllIk'n IIlIw. NI'lra..I.I. : " which Ihn. . and
. .Iac. . all \.11 \ II. . , lut..Il..llIIay al".I. " . .11111 I. , .
hea..d 1'011I".11111' . . Ih. . . . .a" . . . .
lIah'llhl Ih II\\ ' " ' 11..1.1'111..1' . . 1'1 , ) . ' : .
1o1.\I , I" 'I .1.\ . . \ IflII'If. \ . C"III1IV JullIl' . II I
11111".1 Sla" ' I.allli om , . . . I I
1.111':11111. N'hraKk.l. Nu\t.ntber I , I' ) S , I '
Nollce I hereh ) ' 1C1I't'1I IlJal tll. . fll II II II I 1111 1
nalll.,1 t'th'r ( h. . . . Ctl..lllulll' . . of his IlIlrutlell
III lIIa\e \ fillall'l/llIf In foIUI'IHlrt IIf ills clallll. allil
Ilial . .alii I.rullf 1\11I . . " lIIa.lo , I'forn COIIIII\ '
JIIllIe al IIlokrll UIII1111 lI..e"lIIbe. . 3(1 ( , 1 < ; 0.5.
\'Iz : S'I'gRIINn J. S'l'lINS : , UOllle l..a,1 No.
lj 41 ! . . , Ih"lIl\'lj III" . SeclI'1I I . ' 1\\I"IIRhhllll.
Nnllh I , M'Il" I' ) W..t ! lllI I' . M. II. , nallll' " Ihe
' , , , ; ; Wllll'.e tll Ill'll" " hl rOlltlullou"
Ir , lIlellcP upon alll rultlV3llol1 . .f : tld land.
\ .z. n" , 1'1 ( " W. I\'all" IIr lIeI'W\'II. NI'hra..ka ;
tdwarI W , : 'luCkolll..IIY'II. N"hra ka ; Auule
: \Io.k III lI..rwvlI. Nrhr.nlla ; Wllllalll I'u""r IIf
lI..rl'II. . N..hra I.I.
. 'I W , A. GHt > l > N.elfl \ I. . . . .
- . . - - , . - - . .
\11111.,1 Slall" ! ! [ .aml OIl" . . , I
Brokell 111m. Nchra8ka. Nonillion I' , 1 1) ; . I
Nolh : , ' I hcreb ) ' glveu Ihal the IOlIo"lnl ( '
lIulI.,1 ' 1.ItI'r ha'l 11I.,1 II II II c" II ( III" Iutelltlou
1011\ " ' ) . " 1111al prolll III II\1Port nf his claIm. and
lhalf-aM t1flwf will be made befure R"/I'l hr
alli'1rl\'rr :1IIWkeu 11011' . Nebraskat.UII
n.'h" 21. H1I15. vlz' WtJIA\I [ ! g'ru R.
IIW'j'N'r 01 HOUIII'alll.'v. . Nebrll'k" . fur No.
) , .J : ; . . . , 1111" . S.tllIlI J. ) . Towu'Ihlp I . North
k'lN'1I 19 W"bl. : :0. I'.jll .e 11..1. gl..tloll JO.
( n 'II hll1't , Nnrth Rail" " I Wt' I. lI"ulle" :
tI" . fulluWIUIf I\'lIlIe 6C III Pl re hl'l conlinuou'l
, . . . .hluIICe upuu aud eullh'alluu 01 said land.'Iz'
J'rallk Whmas 01 HoulI.Valle ) ' . Nl'bra ka ;
I AUld ! ! of Orok"n nuw. Nebraska : AI ,
i l.ert nder on of Urok..u 1I0w. t\ebraika , Zacb.
i IIrla U , York 01 1IlUken 1I0w. Nubrn4ka ,
i 3,2. . Jh.JJ : = ' ' ' , 'HtT&UJAD. Ieilister.
t CONTES'1' Ti F. .
! Untied S'ate 1:1 d Ol ce. l
. Dwken Dow , Nebra l.a. : Noiembor 11.PJS , I
, , \ &umcl'lIt . : outellt al lla.lIhavlni" been filed
: In thl olUcl' ) b ) ' rchlC ! il , : 'oe..k , conlcMtant ,
I alfaln t Unmestead enln' No. 3S . made l ebru'
: on ll. I'N . for tll. , NY. : ne"1 uwh.l ne.t. )
, , , , , Sf.tlOU 213 ami w 5 nw . S c\lon I and
. .10 , ' " ' \ Seelilln 2 < 1. Tu\\'uMbli' , I. RallU'e ' ! , hI'
) A1I4011l111 II. IJUIII"'onte.I , , , ' . Inblcb It 1'1111 ,
3 I"Il..1I that , 'ollll' le. , ha ahalulllllell lIalil elllr ) '
all,1 ha ( 'hllllll..1 hl r. . hlel"'u ther..from fllr
11I011' Ihalt IIIIl OIl1l1lh'l la t l'a8t a 111\ that I'a' ' "
. .utry I Ullt . . . .tll..1 Upoll. . : ulIl\.I ; a 1111 1m.
pi 0",1 a. I1'qulr"11 h ' law : ullilhat . .ahl ellQtes ,
I. . " lIa 1Il''ur 1''lahllKhl'lI re"II..nco UI'OIi lIahl
101 11 I..nd ; uIII h3'1 IIh3Udoll..I :1ld . .uln , tllal h\ld
;,1 lit Ihl ; , Ial. . allli ha\l' uOI be'u
CllreI , IIlId Ihat 'laid ' . "I1I..t. . . . I 1lUilu tb. . . . . .1.
\'Ic" of th. . 11. S. IIIIIUY , 'al.\ell ; ' ' " b.1t"v..r , ald
Ii : , , ; utl , , : " " b..r"hl' lIolltled 10 al'l"'Sr , r" I'OQJ
/,1 / an.l olf"rnldeD't : to\lcl1lnl ( R3111 all"\fatioD III
It II ) o'clo " a. In. Ob December 2l'i , l'A)5. b..fore tb"
Relflsler and Receiver : U tbe Un\te \ < 1 States
Iallli Office In nrot.en Dow.lehraka ,
The lIald < : onte'ltant havillII' . In Iropor ani.
, Iavll. t l..d Nov mber 1' , 190 . Ret forth fact"
whlcll thaI after dill' dlllillence personal flervlce
of tbl" nUllce call 1101 be mad" . II I ! bereb } ' or ,
d..rrd and"lIr"'clp.I th1t ; lIcb uotice "l'lI'lvl'lI hI'
Ilu. . alllll\lOI..r pllhllcal"HI.
.27 JOI\I \ RE1t ! > R , Hecel\'t'l.
. _ . . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
lu tlll'Coullt ) ' Court Cllil.r COllnIY. Npl > rHka. :
\\'al' Illuloll . ' 1 : HIt'w.II' ' . .I'ro '
parlllerllllip. PI.lI"lltfN. '
U. L. 'Yard. Oefl'lIllallt.
'J'o U. I , . Ward. 1I0u.rellldellt defenhllt :
You will Inkp 1I01ice tbat 011 Ibe 291h < la ' IIf
November. IW5. all aillda\11 wa ; ; duly filed III
sahl CounCourl or CU'lIf'r counl , ' NI'brallka.
alll'/I'11111' that OU'\"JplIPmhl'r \ Ih. Ib'Il" th" I.lalll'
till.Yarrlulltoil. . . & Sll'wall.II' a judll' ' ' '
II\l'nl alCalll..1 YOII :111 : bal.l C'JIII : } ' t 11I111 1'01
f I4O allli "o..I' 1'1II1'd : U ; : . . ! .5. ; 11111 Ihal Ih. .
sallie haK hC"IIII ! , lorl1lalll allll aqkllllC Ihal IIa' ' "
judll'emellt Ie re\'h..1 IInl\ " ' ' ' ' ' 1'1111011 : lwalll..1
Wber..llpnll II wall ol'll..r",1 h ) ' ' 311t ( 'OUIII ) '
COllrt tbat a rOlllllllollal orlr. . 01 revh'al Iii' . . " ,
terell.and that plallltllillotlf'lIu'lbl ! oa"l I' ' .
I , . 'Valli. to al'pf'ar ' h..fllrl" Rlld Coullt } ' Cuurl
at the COllrt Ino \ IIf "alii Coli II 0' CllllrI III IIrll'
ken Jlow. Nehraska. UII IIII. IIII dW uf Jallllar ) .
190 < > . allOo'clocl'lu ; tll" forelilloll oj ald , Ia ' .
10 'IlIocalise wl'l.aid on'r 01 leIl'al . .hnu"l
not be Dlalle ah'lolulp an.I all"'I'CIIIIIIII all'anlpI
IIptln . .alii jUIIII'COI""I ,
\011 will th"lefllre al'l'ear " . .fur. ' Ihu . . 'hI
COUIlt ) ' COllrt at Ille cOllrt I'lInlll of htld : . UlIIII\ , '
Court lu UrlllI'II UoCII'II. . . . . COlllltN'bra"
ka. Oil tllco : :1111 Jl : } ' of Jallllar , ' . 1' 'It. ' al tell
o'clock III th. . . fnrl'lIhlll "I "alii Ila } ' alill > > hml
, 'au.vll ) ' Malll 1II.\t'1 \ IIi . . . . ' .I\'al ' 111"11111 1101 h. .
III 3dI' ; Ibollllo' a 11,1 ; 111 " I'c"tl , , " al\\nh',1 , III''U
1 alll jlldllellll'lIl. .
\)3h'd \ IhlG , : > JIII'11\v , "I NII"'lIIh.'r. I"S. .
\ \ , \ If IIISIi ION , ' " STI\II'\lU.
I II ) ' ALI'II \ M..HO.\ . . . .
> , i , \ 1101'11" " r"r I'lahlllll" .
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
III 11lIkt \ ellllli { If ell'lll'f 1111111' . : . ' .
: \larlll.I I' : , 1.'alt'G , K.1h' . \ . Irllapill.
: 'olary 1':11111I:1 : 111'1 , . . l'I.II\lI\ ! , ! ' ,
, . . : . ' . '
1I..lIry I."II'I . KU" : : 'II.I } ' r"i. . . :11111
1I..ry'olalll'.r . : ) . 1.1. . . 11I11101' h'h. .
alIaI.1111 ,1.toe. . . II IILI. . , t\Jo' \ la-I
\ ' \ all.I 1f' IIII1..I1 of H""r\ , I.\\ ' I"
.1..a..I',1 all.1 : ' 01:11 : , ' 1:11I11I:1 : I'wl , . .
lIIolher : lIlIllIalllral\l'lItr.II.l1I III , aliI
IUhlUl'.l"f"lIIlalll" . 1"'lalhJ.IIII .
' 1'0 1I.'lIr 'I"I" . 1\lIe l\1or 1"II'I "lid II..kll
: 'olanrl'V I. . ' " I. . aU11 : ' 01\0' 11111I.1 : ' 111'1 ; . IlIOIlh.
"I' alllillatllralulla..llalillf . .alii 11.111111' , \.1"1111 \ ,
\011 "III lal.l'lI111lc" Ihal " " Ih. . 141h , la" IIf
l'ehrllII'I' : . l'Ilj. Ih , ' .Ibm' . ' 11:1111..1 I'lallllll1R .U..I .
Ihelr 11IllIloli III IhlUlhlrlcl emir ! r..r C'hl..1
COUIlIY. Nf'hrasl < n. tl. . . { all,1 l > ra ' ' 'r "I
I\'lIlch IG to deh'rmlu"lhp 11I1..le'l IIf ahl I'ar-
tleq III allil for Ille I'trlltloll h"lw..ell sahll.lalll
II If. . amI Malll .1..1..1I.lalll" : IcCOIII,1C 'n ' 1111'11 " .
il'l'Ctl\ IUleleI" . Ihl" folio\\ II' .le cnbt'.1 r.l1
. .hlale hi CU'Ill'r011111 > ' .\'II\ wit.
'rhl" sOllth 011" half , \ > If ROllth'eat "uall..r
( lj.alld ) Ih" Mlllllh IU , . . halfol . .IIIIIII\\'II'\lIal1. . ,
' I\ \ 1115"11011 fin' "j. 10\\11 "I I" " " , Ib ) . rallw"
. .lllht..en (18'u'l ( ' of 1.111 1' , M.
Tl1e " 011111 ( llIe h31f , . IIf 1I1111h " " ' 51 ' 111\111'1 :
( I. ) . a 11I1 IIII' Ullrtll oue hall , I. " f . .lllIlh. " " I
quart. . . . . " , ) of s..C\lon fOllr \ , towu . .1\1 : ; f'1I I
rarlile Illlhle n Iii ) . wesq.f " 111 P.1. : .
The "OIIIlHautuuarter , ! I of "CIIOII 'I HII
17. to\l'n hlp RI"'Ij 1I , I" ' , ranII' ' ' . .I/lhl..11 I .
' \e t of ! Jlh 1'.1\1 , '
' 1'1.10'eet one half n2' ' ( If norlh'\\3t Q\larter
.I , ) . anwr t ( IIII' haJfof ; ) I'oullI'\\'e1l1 'Iuanel
t ' aOlt uorlh aile ba'h'l O or 1I0Ilh.ea..1 . IjU.1rh'r
! " . the floutb'eaBI ' 1\11\1'11'1' n\1 ( II lIunhe\
quarter ( lil.lllld uortl1.ea"l quartl't'J . .1 of nOllh
Wf'l t Quarter [ I of ircllon ellClu ( . tII" n SI. .
te" , " Itlo ) . raUlle ehrhleeu ( IJ. wcst of 61h 1'I. .
and 'lie < < quarl { ! ( of secllon nine
l"'J town sixteen [ 1 ) . raalle elirbleen [ 1g ) , " 'CSI of
6tb P. M.
And prarlnil' f"rthl'r that If Said lanJ. , Cannot
bedlvldrd atu ! parllr.nedthout \ damae ; &fld
Plejudlce to the Illterest" otlald pulle : > > Ihat It i
be drcreed :1ud : ordered tbr.t saId land , be "old
b ) ' rdrrees nntt tbe proceed II of said el.le : be dl. I tald parties accordlnil' to tbelf' '
rl\lprctlve Illtere516.
I Yon will appear , ple.ld and an " 'er laid petl'
tlon em or before Jauuary b. 19Q , or dtf\ult ; will
be Ukell aud enter"d a alnst you.
: \ IAIICM IA ! .EWl1i. 1'1.1II1\I11 ,
2.--'l' Ih' attorne } ' , C. II , IIOI.C..M\I.
- - - - - -
In IlIl lrlct Court of CU It1r COIIIII ) ' . N"hrI.l.a. :
I , . R. , \ IIllrews. l'IllutIl1. :
, . . . .
DUlle } ' J. Kolbo. : ' 0\111111 , '
) olbo. J. 11. Uiurtllll.
- lIIlIrlou. wlf" ( If
,1I'f"I..lallt J. II. 1I\lrlou.
, " , IlIlalll : .IcIauolhIlD , -
: ' < 11'1.aullbllu. wlf. . . 01
ddl'udanl Wllllalll : .Ie.
Laullblln , S. H. Uowell
oS ; Co" : .Ian' J. Deard'I ! ' ) ' .
a'1ll1'lIel' . Phillpa't lIa } " ,
neo , WIlliam J. Shannou.
F.tbleeu D. Sbanllon. Isa ,
dore r.lIonl1am. Melvin
J. HOllham. l\T. H. GriOin.
\'alle ) ' Loall aud 'l'ru 1
I ompau.U\'att IIrlllhl
Abralll M , Uyalt. 001 > 011' '
W. IIrli'bl. I. If , Blurloll.
U..f"IIIalltr" ! ,
I. IJ. 11111" " " . J. II , JJII. . ' " 11. -HIIIlnll.\r..o , ( ' . J. U. ) Ilun" " , \ \ ' 1111..11I11:1..111111. .
- \lI.aullllllu. ! wile 01 tJefelldaut William Mc.
LaulChlln. S. k. [ Jewell : Co , . : 'olan' J , )1/lrdR'
Ie ) ' . I'hlul'al > lIa'lIr. . . lRadorc f . lI"nllalll. : 'oel-
vln J. )1011110111I. 1\1. lIt Orll1l11. Valle ) ' Ioan anlt
'rnl'lt CUIIIPan ' . Ih'att . ' 11 lIrhllllralll : ' 01.
Ih'aU alld IHhorn W. Hrllfhl. ulIlo > ach of Ihem
wllllak" lIotlce Ihal 11111111' : ! 'Ilhl'u- : . Nov"III'
her. 1905. I. . \lId..e\\II.I.lallltlll htrellJ. tiI.,1
I..r pelilioll III Ihe IIlstrlct Go.ln tll CII lel'
COIIIII ) ' . Nehl"a Ia. allaill'll 'lal.1 ' 1..1"011:1 ntR 111I _
\llea < lt'd wllh lIarll"Y J. Kolbo. 1'1,1.1. II" . ohj.'ct
ami llrayer of which ar" 10 (11111'1 II J { ' 11I.Itf..lld.
allt Wl\l1alll \ I. SlJaunlill. 10 "blal" . . . . that
I. II. 1I111rtoll al\ll defl'mlanl J. H , .JllllrlOII ah'
11I1" alldII" salOl' perSOll , Ihat .Ie ! 1 : . ' ,1:1 lito ; l a.
, Iu' " Ullllhatn : amt : \lell'llI ,1. Jollllllll ar. .
wlf , ' and hUiballd. tllat ,11'.1 COllvl'vlnll' Ih. , real
. slale h..reillafter de-crlh..d III ie. ! lllIIplo ( rulll
1)efnl. Vt" " ' Loall all,1 Tru..t C. mp311Y de.
felulanl Ilyalt , 'I : 13rllllll. that Il lt'lIdanl'lbra , , (
1\1 , I'att ami Oghorn W , Urhlh.n' Ih" sol. .
membel" IIf the firlllof II'au..lIrlulll amI 1'1'
.h''II , 'lIn\c 'ell 'Ial,1 rp\1 : e 131' ! III I..e . .111I1,1. , ' III
.Ielelldllllt I'hllll"a'l lIaIII" a.1 \11 iorl'cln. . . . .1
certalll 1II0rtll'a&l" en'cIIlpll b ' cil" "nfcnd lIl. .
Uarrll' ' J. I\olhll. : : tI\ll : \111111. . .Iiolh" 10II' "
I.nlllhaIt1111\ISlmt1I1 l'1I11I\lall \ ) ' ( hlhllllllruall. ( '
-.IIIII1I..nt be.'omlnl ( Ih. . plOJ ; erlIIf 1\laln
1111 II'lw I. , 1I11l\ ' \I. . , 01'.1 . , " JI , Id..r " " ' 1'01
" ' ' ' ' " Ihl' ' " " "I1'IIIa.r .11..1".1 r..a1 ' ' ; Ia" , 1lInal'
, ' .1 I" CII"'r cnlllllNe"'a'lka. . 11'\\ It : 'I'h , '
, . ' IIf Ih. , , , , , . .11,1 ' ; 1"- " " " , a"IIo.t , J 1" "I'ctloll
. . .11)11I1I'1I'1hll\ Nortlilif Rallll,2 , ' . ' Iol lh 1' .
: : ' 01. . 10 . . . , 'II' " Ih. . 1'\\11I1'111111' " . ' 1\111 : 1'1011I1. .
; "or ) ' 11111. . alld I..n IlIlpr..1 ' :0111"111 IOI. . alla1\ \
i "II IlIl'r"III , . .ll1llrll1.II.lIIIIII".1 U 'II 111.tIIIIe ,
, .Ih. Ig , i. fOI Ih , ' " ' ' ' ' III , t1. ' " 11,1 .hl. . .11\11
1I'.n'able ' IIf'C"b'r I..t. I 'I : . ' : alll 1111"15",1 , , . . .
- _ _ _ _ _ 1
. . dalp.l Deccm ' r ; IIJ.I 8SIII' ; firsl fill : i14.m V
anlt l'acll IIf Ihl ! olhel' 11111" for : it ! ; ; " O. II , , ' Or"l .
belnll due alld "a'able JUlin ht. IB.s' ) . and Oil" r. . . .
hplllll' , Iue ami pa'able Ihc IIlSt daof each D. . . .
clmlher alld Jlllle thert'afler. Ihe I.\ t fal\llll \ :
, Dpcelllbcr I , 1 93 , It
1 Hald 1I011''i hl'allllll' . IlIlere'll al I , ) per , , " p'r
311111111I atJH 1113111..lIy.
Sah111111111C:1Il" : lI'a. ; r..c,1..I..d 111 II" , IIftic , ' 1'1
III. . , ' 011" 1\ ' . . iI'rl , of ( ' 11 .Il'r ( , ' " 1111 , . " "I.I..I011
! I"'mt"1 . 1'1 { . III I.til , . :1 : 01 1II1111talleh al \
31le 17 ,
' 1'her. . I nnlV du. ' on ! laid nnll' , In'r ( st 1I0les
and mnrllCall'n Ih. . ! l1I1II 01 : .l'lIl ' ) wllh 11I"'r1t
allhe rale nf 10 tI r cellI Pl.r : lnnlllll f..ollallrt
: , fter : 'oa } ' 2.1. 1'9) ,
'I'ne furtb..r ohject alullrayer of tald I.etliioll
nrI fLleclo e a ct'rtaln IIIOIIIaIlC e"'cIIII'IIIW I ,
, Ielelldanl. . 'nlilalll I , SlJallllnll and I lhle u II ,
Hhallnoll 10 , . .Ialnllfl'IIIIIIU GlI,1 .Ii'crl. . .
, 'd real " , .Iall' :11111 " 'conl,1 , III Ilh'
" "Ice 01 Neillter nf II"PII. . IIr . .ahl "IIGII' , 'olln-
I ) nil JIIIIl'lh. lK ! l. III hHol. 'I ( \1 1IIIJIIW"Il" ' ;
allil on pall& ' 1'0. ; to 6'Cllr. . 11m l'a'lIIl'nt of a t- '
. . .t'uallllrolllls"lIr \ ' nnl. . dal' : , ! ! 'tIa ) ' , ) . 1 1)o ) . fnr
\\Ilul ! alllll.a"I. , lI..c"lIIhl'r IMI. I' I' ' , Ilv..n
10 'je'lIIe Ih. . alll&J dchl lor which I'ald 1II0U ,
Ifa\l' ' ' rllr $501,011 \ , a'l i1Ijnell alll' , bea rlllll'rllt'r \ -
. . . I :1110 Iler celliler : lIIIIUIII frolll dlll' . -
'J'here I. . IIOIV dill" 011 sallillol" an.1 lIIorlll'l1f1'
Ihe 01111I of $ : ' )1).0.1 ) "lth IlIler. . 1 al III I'.r C"1I1
I'el aunuOi Ilollla'lIl afll'r 1\\ [ \ ) ' I. 1 49.
1'1.1 1111 IIfIra , K tltal 1IIIe In ald le31 I'Slal. .
ilia ) 1' ' < del'n.lanl \ \ ' Ilh:1111 : I. f1hall'
lion. Ilial Ih" "ollrl ilia } ' Ii 1111 IIII' anwllnl .Iue 011
1.1llntllr. . 1101alhl nwruralfefl Ihalllll' alUOllnl
o fllllllil 1111. . ilia } ' lie , lpcn'l',1 In h. . . IlI"IINt a'lI'
"I' I lIell . .11 . " : lIIllle . . . .II",1 " Ial. . . Ihal Ill. .
.Id..llllall' " allll.\ch ; \ IIf I It. . III 11I:11' be fon'clo'il'11
IIfll\ \ " 'Iult 01 . . . .dtlll..111I1I . III' "lltH " ' ' ' ' III
, lllllIlIlrtliall.,1 Iln'IIII'1" . Ih31 31.1 . .rell\l. . . . . .
i , . .IIII' . .01.1 : , c. : . > rdIIlIlIO' 1,11\ ' . all.1 111I1 01 UIl'
Ilr"el'l'll" , 1I11'1I1allllllllll.,1' he I.ahl Ih , ' alllouni
. . ( I 'milld ' dill. h'r with' " an,1 , Cnril. . nf uh
alII' fur Rucll olltl'r rell.,1' ao ; 11I3) ' h , j" 1 allll
" ' 11111.1101. , . . -
\ ' " ' am rp'llIlr,11II ! I1Iw ; > r salll " " ' " 1011 UII
or ! odlln' MOlllla } ' I""KIII day 01 Jallllar ) ' . 1'10" ' ,
, f. . It. ' \IIHH\\'ol. I'lalntll1.
J-J. . . III SIMII'i : CA II\O : : < . 11..1' . \\lurlll' ) ' . \
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: : : : H iR the " : C5Ult of rears tlf painstaking effort : - - : : : :
E to ! ' upply pr'lctical : ood' , which merit the : : :
- : : : : . . hcarty appro\'al of prugrcs"'c people. . : : :
= = The first White Se''ing r,1achlne was placed - : - : :
= = ed on the market in 18iL. ' :3 :
E : 'rhe fact that since then over 1,500,0000 ina- = = "
: : : : : : chine ! > havc been manufactured an sold , ' ina"l : : :
= = in itsclf \ )
indispntable c\'ldencc of its popular = =
: - : : : it . ' an , vide use , . : : : :
: = If'on ' want to make 'your wife h.pp3' : , get tIer : - - : : : :
= = a 'White I Sewing Machine for , \ Xmas = =
= = .
- Prcs nt. ' : : : :
- -
= = Hix D1'U wer AntonHlti\ ( 1 ) rep J I rad. . . . . " . S : fO ) ( ) = - - =
= - = FIOUl' Drawer Antomat1f' Dro ! > JI nd. . . ; . . . . :30.CO : = =
= J . G VAN GOTT'S Hardware . 3 \0 '
- Store. : : : :
North.Slde Square. Broken Bow , Nebr. = - =
iil111il1111il11111111111111111il111111111il1111111iil111i 1il1il111111j
. . .