. I Grea.t Center of Russian Unrest I - - Of" JTE } ' l1 / I - for naval vessels anll ono comlnerclai harbor , capahlo of accommodating 1.000 ships. During the winter senson part of the transportation of freIght tu St. Petersburg Is effectell on rallwa11 built on the Ice. The town hus 1\ population of ahout Go.OOO. hut the In. Ilustrles 11.1'0 ehle ) ' In connection wIth the government na'ards. . It wus founded b ) ' Peter the Great In 1710 , and Ul0 house In whIch ho lived Is ono I of the show places. In some of the thoI - . - - - - u - - - r/ - 1. Kronstadt , the scene of a mutiny . of soldiers and sailors In which hun. dreds were Idlled , Is ono of Russia's : prIncIpal naval stations and form a I separate administrative dIvision of the empIre. 'fho forts and batteries nro unsually heav ) ' , and made so espe' r clally for the protection of St. Peters- burg. A revolt there would be a serl. I ous menace to the czar. Not only ! wDuld St. Petersburg bo at the mercy t ' 1 of the mutineers hut Peterhof Palace , to the southward , coulll easily be selz. ed. Kronstadt Is situated on Kotlln i Island , thlrtyone miles west of' St. , Petersburg. 'fhe Island , which was talton from the Swedes In 1703 , forms ' ( nn elongated triangle seven miles long I' ' , J by ono mlle In wIdth. Its base Is to. I ward St. Petersburg. On ono side of . 1 the Island Is a shoal channel through 11 whIch only small vessels mar : pass , \1 whllo the channel south of the Island A \ Is tbe marine hIghway to the capital. , Heavy battEYl'les defend the northern : , entrance , whllo the southern passage Is dominated by Forts Alexander , Ria. bank , Peter the Great , Constantine. l\Ientchllmff and Cronslott , all built of granlto and armed with guns of largo aliber. Kronstadt has two barbers EDucATION NEEDED IN RUSSIA. , - - First Requisite for Success of Popular Government. If popular government in Russia is to meet with even moderato success It wIJI ho neCeSSllr ) ' for that country to put every dollar It can ralso for a good many ) 'ears Into educational fa. cllIties. or the 12GOOO.OOO of people in the emplro ! J9OIJO.OOO are unable to read. Accordln to official statistics the number of l1ersons In schools of nIl grades In Russin Is 1,350.00'0. It 'fl taltes a good deal or. energy and struggle - ' . . gle In America to Iwcp our public af. ) , . . fairs going as the ) ' should go and , many costly mlst\le'8 are made. Yet In this country. with a ] Jopulatlon of 'J two-thlrlls that oC 1.ussll1 : , we have , aver 13OOOCOO of our children and . . ( : roung peoplc In scho018. ten times as man ) ' as Rus' la , and only GOOOOOO of " ; our people , teu pOl' cent , are illiterate. . ! as compnrd ) with the 9.000,000 : ) , or LO j . pel' cent. of RU5slans.-Nebrnslm J State Journal. r I CHAMBERLAIN MAN OF REPOSE English Statesman Quiet In Manner , t but Shrewd Observer. . . Of Joseph Chamberlain a critic says : "Ho Is one of the most restful . , . . men I have ever met , 'fhero Is no . . - , - flurry or haste or llstle In his man. nero He Is what our grandfathers would ha..o called 'a dl' ' stlclt. ' His volco In conversation has a quizzical tonl1 , his wit Is drr. his manner Is that of a shrewd and somewhat bored obsever rather than that of an active , . , , participant. He leans back In his chair , sitting rather low , his hands folded. his c " 's stud'lng those about him Wllh Quiet , 'contemplatlve Interest. He nOVel' aPIJCarS eager to malc a point In converaatlon , and one only becomes - comes aware of the qulelmess and walwfulness of his mind hy some I . shrewd remarl , which brings general f conversation bacl , to the point from :1 . ; . " which It first sot out , ur to Rome def. " , Inlto conclusion. l In Training for High Position. August Belmont III has begun his r business tralnln just as his father did , having ono to worl , In the banlt. Ing house of August Delmont & Co. Ho Is doing just sllch routine worl , as always falls to thl' lot of the youngest . . . clerlt In the cstabllAhment. The ) 'otll1g . . . ' ' . . man Is quiet and earnet In manner , seeming Intent on mastorlng whatever . Is brmlght to his notice. When he " - shows that ho has mode good ] lrogress f ho will bo promote'11 to a junior ] lart. nershlp , hut Cor the next few ) 'oars lIfo will bo real and earnest for Au. gust III. .Just as the rst August Del. mont trained the present head of the house for the . . . .ast rosponslbllIties ho I was to assume , so the ' 0IlI1gest Au. gust Dolmont Is to bo trained for the task which will be his when his father " . : - " lays down his worlt. Y School for Backward Children. ! \Ilss \ Olive Jones has established in the heart or New Yorlt's swarming east side a school for ba kl\'tlrd chll. dren. The children In each class will be of practlt'all ) ' the same ag-o and will I have equal opportunities to learn. Miss I Jones hopes that one of the reat causes of truancy wIJI bo remedied In her school. children who hayo for nn ) ' reason got behind their matcs and have to join classes with the IIttlo fel. \ lows 11.1'0 made fun of and to avoid this ridicule these baeltward big ones play truant. 1 : _ ' . "rI"- = = - - - - "rI"L - - : ' - - - = - ' - - - L J - I - - - - ' - - . _ , .RJlT 02 - HANDICAP JUST ABOUT RIGHT Local Man Unaware He Was Up Against Champion. .John Roberts , the Eng1lsh blJIlard player , has just returned from a trip to Austra1la. Ono day he was In a small elt ) . on the big Island , when ala. eal player entered the billiard room where Roberts was. The local man did not Imow Roberts. Some of his friends who did put up a jolon the Austral. Ian. They whispered to their unsus' pectlng champion that the stranger In the corner was a . . . .ery good pla'er , who might be able to give him a few points. The provincial was nothing loath and requested Roberts to pIa ) " a game of 100 with him. Roberts rep1led that ho would bo pleased , and as to 11. handicap ho said ho would reserve the right to fix that after he had seen the local man play his first strolto : This offer was considered a somewhat strange one by the challenger , but ho accepted It and 011ened the game with a miss. TIohNts then said : "I will glvo ) 'ou 99 , " and proceeded to run out with an unfinished break of 100. THINKS FAIRY TALES DO HARM English Duchess Would Have Children Learn Lives of Great Men. From London comes news that the duchess of Somerset has ordered the teacher of her vlllago school no longer to read fairy tales to the chlldron. The duchess explains her abhorrence of m'th and legend in these peremp. tory words : "I protest against fllllng children's minds with such nonsense and such unpractical Ideas. They should bo taught frpm their earlier ) "ears , Instead , the I\'es ! of the world's great men , Julius Caesar , Dante , Na. poleon and 1\1I1ton , " Now , It Is rather unfortunate for the citation of great men h ' the duchess that ono of them , the first Napoleon. Is credited with the c'nleal statement that "history Is : \ fa. ble agreed upon , " while the names of Messrs. Dante 111111 1\IIlton arc pre. served as the authors of great worlts of Imagination. And as for Julius Cae. sar , well. he was no novice at fairy tales. The arbitral' ) " Iluehess has no lIttio ho ) ' or girl of her O\Vll.-Boston Globe. Meant to Be Complimentary. At Il. reception given In Paris not long ago by Lad ) " Colebroolt a French municipal councilor wished to compliment - ment an Englishwoman and her pretty dflu hter. The mother were a fawn- colored own. the girl being In plnl , . . . 1\111 a d ) ' ' ' ' said the councilor , " ) 'our level ) ' daughter mlgllt well be called . . the ] llnk of beaut ) . . "Au. monsieur , " was the repl ) ' , " ) 'ou 0.1'0 prone to fiat. tel' ) ' , I fear. " "Dut no , " said the Frenchman , whose Imowledgo of Eng. 1Isll Is somewhat 1Imlted. "I spealt but the truth. Indeed , all must admit that madomolselle Is the pink and ) 'OU the drab of beaut ) ' . " Fifty Years In Bed , A woman has died recently In Car. marthcnshlre , Scotlanll , to whom a strange stor ) ' attaches. Fifty ) 'ears ago , when she was twent.four. she fell In love with a man who won ' ' 'om her a ] } Iedge to marr.y him. Her par- onts. however , disapproved of her choice , the mother declaring that sooner than permll her daughter to \ , . ed the ) 'outh she would keep her In 1.ed all her life. Strange to sa ) ' lhe , ; 11'1 took to her bed at once. and rever roS\ ) from It again , losing all interest In the outsldo world. churches speclmNls of Peter's worlt all a carpenter 11.1'0 also enshrined. In thu . nattl'r of schools J\ronstndt is fairly well equipped , thl'ro being a schoul CUI sailors , 11. nn\'al acadell1 ' and two g'mnasla. Two cnnals traverse Kron. stadt , whoso streets 0.1'0 regular and we11 11 ved , but nil the houses , with the excepllon of these owned b ) ' the government , 11.1'0 chle ) ' of ono star ) ' on1) ' , The commerce of the town is hlghl ) ' Important. _ I - - = = - = = > , . , . = . . ; : ; = : : ; : . : - _ : : : : : : : = : - - - - = = - - I 7HE JJ7JJ7ER MEANS EXPANSION OF TRADE Increased Output of Gold Will Have Good Effect. Feast a's nnd hollda 's. Sunda's and worlt days throughout 1905 , each will glvo the world over a million dol. lars of now gold. The mines of the , earth will ) 'Ield this ) 'ear $375.000.000 of gold. F. A. Vanderlip , the New York banlter , 1001s forward In the near future to an annual average out. put of $ ' 100,000,000 of new gold for at least Il. considerable number of 'ears. Ho doeR not think this startling ) 'ellow oed will bo a ) 'ellow pCI'll to these business relations which 11.1'0 based on terms of money so ns to cause any vi. tal derangement of affairs. Dut ho does thlnl ( there Is 1Ikely to follow just what followed In the two former Ierlods of thQ world's history when there was an extrnordlnary production of gold added to the monetary stocls. Ono of these periods followed the dls. covory of America when the treasures of Mexico and Peru \Vere exploltod. The other was in the ) 'ears following the dlscover ' of old In California and Austra1la. In each case a mighty 1m. pulse was given to the exploltntlon of virgin ellls of development. It Is not Improbable that the next few years will witness the expansion of the field of commercial enterprises into new places. Countries that 11.1'0 commer. clally anll Industrlall ) " baelnvard wIJI 'Ield to this Important infiuence. At our hand Is South America on ono sldo and China and Japan on another. De"ond are Africa , the other Asiatic countries , and eastern Europe. The Yanlwe rapidly Is awaiting to their commercial possibilities. It ho will have an In ux of gold moro than am. plo to sutmln : the credit operations for his domestic affairs he will loolt to new fields of exploitation. The wider use of cre lt which these new fields will develop In turn probably wIJI ab. serb the Increasing gold stock in be. neficent uses , preventing It from ever becoming a serious menace to busl. , ness organlzatlons-Chlcago Tribune.I I I MICROPHONE IS THE LATEST' ' BrIngs London and Rome In Telephon. Ic Communication. i Tete.a-teto between London and Rome , 1,100 miles apart , Is the latest tOlephone rovelatlon. Prof. Majorama has invented the mlcrophono for use with the telephone , whereby experts of London and Rome have alrendy held disjointed conversation. To es. tabllsh telophonlc communication he- tween the two cities Is said to bo per. Cectly simple , provided the connecting wires are thick onough. It Is merely a question of mone ) ' . In telephoning long distances sectllms ; of wire 11.1'0 . used , which are effectlvo for Inter. mediate points , but perhaps not sub. stantlal enough for the entlro distance. Failing the necessary substitution of I thlelwr wires the alternatlvo Is the I use of the microphone , which malws It posslblo to hear words transmitted ever the thinner wires. The longest 1 dlstaneo for effective telephoning from ' I' London Is at present to Marseilles , 800 miles distant. ! Could Not "Rattle" Schwab , It taltes a good deal to disturb the : mentul equilibrium of Charles 1\1. I Schwab , the steel ma nate , and the I Clover club of Philadelphia realized i this at its latest dinner. 1\11' . Schwab was ono of the guests and was down for a ! > peech. When he began' his reo I marls the club members slarted their' ' usual catcalls and Interruptions , with I their accustomed object of disconcert. , Ing the speal\Or. Vcr ) ' few men are I able to withstand this assault , but 1\11' I Schwab was read ) ' . lIe was suave and I self.posseHsell throughout the ordeal , and when the din became so great' ' that bo could not be heard ho calmly turned 10 a nelghhor on the platform and started to tell his story. 'I'hese were new tactics for the Clover club , and after a few trials the steel man was permitted to complete his speech. - - Shock to His Pride. "A well Imo\\11 \ dramatic author told me he once toolt a couple of friends tu a pIa ) ' of his own ; ' sa's Franlt Drome. "III ) did not mention to th'm Ihat ho was the author , Their faces liS the pIa ) ' proceeded lengthened : It (11 < 1 not seem to ho th'lr scholH of ( 'orned ) ' . At the end of the first act the ) ' sprang to tholr feet. "Let's chuclt this rot. " sllgeslcd ! one. "Let's c somewhere ( 'Ise. " slJg ested the other. ThE' well known dramatIst fol. lowed thorn out. Ho thlnls the fault nlul t ha vo been with the dinner. - - - - - . : : GEOGRAPHY AS Ii IS TAUGht - - Map Making Mlde Euy , Dut Little I < nowled'e ) Absorbed , Llttlo Hob wnr the 111'11.0 geogra. pher of his class ; Iilat Is , ho could 10- cato cities , nlld bound counlrll's wIth great cllbness. lIe could draw the mORt I'nll8t1c ; maIls , ) ) tInting ill the rivers , mountnln rnn l's ntHI cities from mcmory. Hell cOl\sltlerell \ geogo rallh ) ' purel ) ' In the light of n game , In which ho alwn's beat , bul ho novel' allsoelated It with the grent world nbout him. Hh'el's to him were no moro than blaclt , wlggl ) ' lines ; cities were ots and Stntes wore blots. Now Yorl , was green , Penna'lvanhwns red and CallCornh\ wall : ) 'ellow. Of course Rob had novel' trnvelod Ho was born In a canon near the countr ) ' school ho attended. Ono day the teacher mlHlo lho dlscovory of Rob's Idea of geograllhy through the following IncIdent. After valnl ' In. qulrlng of so\'eral or the children where Drltlsh Columbln Is located , she called on Doh , who , as usual , was wavIng his hand excited I ) ' , wild with the enthusiasm of pent UI } Imowlellgo. "It Is 011 ) la/o / slxt.elght , " ho de. clarell. After the roar had subsided the tencher explained th.at that was enl ) ' a Illcturo of Drltlsh Coll\luhln. Then she asltcd Deb to bound British Co. lumbla. "Can't , teacher ; It Is all ever the page.-Suceess Magazine. WENT THROUGH TO OTHER SIDE Perfect Demonstratlo'n That Irish Lake Was Bottomless. Amons the hUls o'f SlIgo there Is n small Inlo renowned In that region for Its fabulous deplh. A woH Imown Irofessor , who was In that part of Ireland this sunuuer , started ono day for a 1I10llntaln , accompanied by ana. tlvo gllide. As they cllmbod Pat aslt- cd him If he wOllld JI ) < o to see the 111.1\0 . , "for It's no bollom at all , sorr. " "lIow do 'Oll Imow that , Pat ? " aslt , ed the professor. "Woll , sarI' , I'll tell ) 'e. Mo owu cousin wns showln' the ponll to a gen tleman ono tin ) ' , sorr , and ho 1001ted lucrellulous 1I1te , just as you do , and mo cOllsln couldn't stand It for him to doubt his word , sorr , and so he said : 'I'll prove the tt'uth of mo words , ' ho snld. and off went his clothes and Into the water he jumllqd. " The professor's face were an amus. ec ! anti quizzical expression. "Yes , sorr , In ho jumped , and didn't como up again , at all , at all. " "Dut , " said the profeslJor , "I don 'I see that ho proved the point by drown Ing himself. " "Is It drowned ? Dlvll a bit drownl } At at all he was. Sure , didn't a cable , : oll1e from him the next day In Ame. ca , asl"n' Cor his clothes to bo sen on-Lfve ! pool ( Eng. ) Post. "Help Thou Mine Unbelief. " Deca'J30 In ! ! omo :1SUO way my soul doth kno1' " That 0'01' u all , who strut our IIttlo wa. : : And bUIld frnll structures Umo shnll overthrow , There sits the ono whom rolllnf : orbs obc ) ' : Because o'on throuSh my bllndncss some bright my At Um'R IInR pierced to IIshton U\1' falth'R srlef. I dnro to IUt my RlshllesR e'es and say "Lord. I bellove ; help thou mlno un- bollet. " This body's clay. What then ? It Is the wino 'Vlthln. and not the flnsk , that count- eth Btlll , And somewhat In this earthly clay ot mine Doth dream ns cla ' ne'er did. nor ever will. Who Is tile potter that doth give hlB wnro 'l'heso dreams that pass beyond Umo'c utmost reet , Brlsht , deathl'Rs dreams that on ane ! outward tare- "Lord. I bellevo : help thou mlno unbo. lief. " Dim creeds perplex , and ) 'ot his truth datil stand ; The warring' sects war on , nor ever cense , Their pett ) . prattle heard on every hnnd. Till through the discords all doth strllto his pence ; And. "HOl'e Is truth. " one clamors-blind as l- "You'll find It bound In this goo clmrcllmnn'B sheat"- Father at all , heecl thou my brolon cry : "Lord , I bellove ; help thou mlno unbelief - lief , " -A. J , " 'atel'houso In Sun Francisco Call. Nelligan Knew His Place. Ex.Councllman Peter Nelligan , the superintendent of the old Catholic cemetery In North Cambridge , Mass. , and the lucal undertalter were on the way to call upon a frlenll. "Tim" Cal. lallan , who was confined to his home b ) " slclmess. The undertalwr was preceding - ceding the cemetery superintendent up the walk to the front door , when the qulct ! step of Dr. John Somors caused both to loolt back and to step asldo for the busy doctor. "Oh , go ahead ; 'ou need not stop aside for me , Mr , Nelligan. " said the doctor. "Oh , no ! You first , doctor , and I last. I Imow my place In this proces , slon , " said the modest custodian of bra ves , "Tim" happily got we11 , and no one ( njoyed the order of precedence es. thbllshed by Nelligan moro than he , Teilrs , Idle Tears. Mrs. Do Witt Talma e , at a tca which she gave In Washington In Mra. Falrbanlts' honor , said of a lIttle girl : "She Is a romarlmlJlo lIttio girl. Her mind Is so orl lnal that I thlnl ( she will grow up to be a genius. The other afternoon. awaltenlng from her nap , she called her mother to her , " 'Mamma" she said , 'wlmt was 1 cr'lng ahout before I wont to slcep ? ' "lIor mother smiled , " 'You were cr'lng , my dear. ' aho fmsweretl , 'becauso I wouldn't let ) ' 011 hnvo } 'our father's watch to pIa ) ' with. " 'Oh , ) 'es , I remember now , ' The little girl's face contorted 'J.nd she hurst out again , " 'Doo-hoo ! Doc. , boo.boo.hool Dee bool'Topeka Journal. r . F - . " - - . . 1 - J"I " . . - v.l. , d r . , I"- ' " _ _ . . . . .r , 11 ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK ? Thousands of Men nnd Woolen Have Iidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. To Prove What the Grcat Kldncy Rcmcdy , SW mp-Root WIU Do for YOU , Evcry Rcadcr of This Paper May I'lave a Sample - BoUie Scnt AbsoluteJy Frce hy Mail. It18c(1 to bo conRIllcrcd thnt onb'1rlnnry 11.1111 b111dder troubles wcru to bu trace'll to thu Idd- ' but Illodern fcllmco ' tI\I'.t. lllJ3's , 110W ; prm'cH \ nearly nil dlRCnsCS 111\\13 t.helr bcrlllllillg' ! III thu dIsorder of thesu IllOSt. Import.ant . orJ.rl1lls. 1'heroCoro , wll\n ; your l"lne 's nru wenk or out ; of order , : \ ' 01clm \ \1Ill' I'll 11\1111 how ( l1\leldy 'our entlro bOll ' Is Ilffected , nml how u\'ory orgllll Gel'I11S to { nil to do Its dut. . . If . . Rlelc orlCeol 1)11(11\011 . .ou I1.ro or ) ( \ lleJ.rln talclng the gront Icldne ' l'emcdr , Dr. l.Ihncl"1I Swamp. noot , ecll.\1so as SOOIIS 'om' Iddllo 's beglll to get bottoI' t.hoy will help nl1thu other organs to health. A trlnl will cUIl\'lllcu ' . \ : \ 1'Ollo. I WA3 Ollt at hcnllh Allit rlln (101fl'lIorAl1y : ; hACl10 RllPOtllo. ' ' ' 11'1 dlztoy 111111 ' ' 'IITore.1 with 111'1111110110 most of the tl1I10. I ( Ihl IIOt llI1othllt lI1 Ilhln's " , ere the CI1\I80 of my trouble , but HOllll1how felt tint 1111' ) ' IIIluU boo mill I beljun tllltlll ' . . 'rhero I. . "uoh 1\loll8l1nt In810 to 8\\'A1I1p"Hoot. 1\111 \ It ! Illes rllht ! tll the " ) lot mill ( Irh'oll I1lseARo unt of the syslelll. It IInR cllrt'cl 11I0. II1AI < l1I1 ( mo ! \Iron \ ( 'r nncl bollor III o\'ory wn ) ' , RIllI I cbcorlully reOlltU. meUlllt tu RIsulTorcrM. \ . ( ] rlllotnl1y yours. Ma. ! . A. L. 'V AT.ItICII , 3311 nljt r.ll1Ilcn St. , AtlnntA , OR. Wealc 11.1111 unhealthy ItilllH ! 's nro rm ponsiblo 101' ml\llY Itlnds of disonsell , Illllllf ) lOI'mlllcll to contlnuu milch IIllffol'ing' nnll flltllt T'RlIlI1'0 Bure to follow. Kidney t.1'ouhlo Irrltatell the 1101'VCS. 111l\leell 'on dlz7. ' , rcsUesR , sl'plel's 1\1111 irrltahlo. 1\lalClR 'on ) lIISS watc1' ofhm during the day I1.ml ohllJ.rcs 'Oll t.o J.rot. up 1111\l1Y t.imcs dming' the nl ht. Unhealthy Icllhll' 's CIIUSO rheumatism , gra\'cl , cut-lIlTh of the bllll1dm' , plin : 01' dlll1 I\chu In the baek , joinL'i nllll mu clcB ; maltO 'our hClulueho alllllmck IIcho , clmsu hull- ! rostlon , stomach IIIH11h'or t.l'ouhlu , 'Oll Jet n. sal1ow , 'ellow comploxlon , lImltO 'Oll fecI ns though 'on hnd hewt ! trouble ; 'on 111ny havu plenty of nmbltlon , bllt. 110 trength ; got weale nnd WlIsto I1.wn ' . Thu ouru for thesu trou les is Dr. KHmer's Swamp. Hoot , the worlll.fumolls Ic\dney \ remell ' , In t.altlng Swamp-Hoot yon affOl'l1 natural help to Natlll' , 101' Swnmp-Hoot Is t.hu 1110st ) lc1'leet healer and J.rontlo nill to the kidneys tlmt is lcnown to lUodlcxl sci nco. liO\V to Pind Out If there is I1.ny donbt in 'our ml\1l as to your condition , talw from 'our1l'inu 011 rlRing ahollt four ounces , pineo It In glnsR or bottle 1\1111 lot. it stand twenty.four hours. It on oXltmllmtlon it Is milky or l0\1I1y , if t.hero is 111'lek-dust 80t.- tllng , or if S1I11\11 plu.tlc1cK float ( U'O\ll1l1 ill it , 'our IdlhlO 's ( U'O illl1eell of Immedll\tu uttont.loll. Swamp-Hoot Is pleasant to tal < o amI is1sed In the lendIng' hospitals , recommended by phy- slelnTJs III t.helr private practlco , IUIII is talon by doctors t.homsoh'cs who Imvo Icldnoy allment.R , beeauso t.hoy recoJ.rnl1.O III it thu greatest I\lul most successful remedy for Iddney , liver n\1(1 bladder t.roubles. EDITORIAL NOTE.-So RucceRsful is I Swamp. Hoot In promplIy curhlJ.r OVOIl I the most dlstrcsslng cases of Ihlnoy , livcr or b11l11l101' troubles , thl\t. to Pl'OVO Its wonderful merits you IlII\Y 11I\\0 a sl\mplo botlIu Illld n. boole of vahmhlo inf lrmat.ion. oth Rent nb80lutoly free by 1111\11. The book contalnll : numy of tIle t.housands1pOIl thou8anlls of tcstl- mODlnl lotterR l'eectvml from mell It\1l women cured. 'j ho valllo ILml lIucee8S of Swamp-Hoot. Is ' 10 we1l1mown t.hat our readers 11'0(1 ( vl8ml to Rmd for IL sumplu hottle. In Rell\1ing \ your nddress to Dr. Kllmor & Co. , Hlnghllmt.oll , N. I Y. , bo Buru to Bay you read thill : goner- Kldnoy.Llver& Bladder CU R E. Drnl : I1ONS. u. . , y. . . 011. , ' " , ,0 or Ib. . . : : r : . u .I : J : . . or .IL. ' c : " : , : : ' ; ; : " ' " ii d. . . . .od I n'UM 10 hll . . . . . , 1110" , At lb. c. . . , . . , . .Id . . .IU " ' . . . TMo m" tlmod , . ca. . . 'II HIII'T.11. . " bl..IJ.r .nd UI < cld Il'Oulol. . , nd . " " 'rd. . . . . . . . . . . . due ' " .k HI. , . o""b. . .t'nh 01 lb. hl.dJ..C'I , IL.umU.n" lun.Io"ftO OM \1'101101'0 . . . . . . .bkb 10110. " . Ul..j n.yd. . . . . . . III. rl..1 ' " Ia\e. ' ' ' ' ' . ' 00'111' nR. XIUIER & : CO. , IJlNOIIAMTON' , N. T. SoleI by nlll > ruggists. . ( Swamp-Hoot Is l1C ! 8nnt to tako. ) If 'ou arc alrendy convinced t.hat Swamp-Uoot Is what 'ou need , Y01CILU Iml'chnso t.he rcgulnr flCty'collt nn ono. do11l\r size bottlcs at t.ho ( h'ulJ stores ever ' \Vhoru. DOll" n1l\1w I\IlY miHLnlm , but reme1l1' . .ber the 111\1lle , Swnmp.Uoot. Dr. Kllme1"s Swa1l1p-Hoot. , ane ] the aI1l1res ! ! , 1Unghamton , N. Y. , 011 IJ\'ery bot.tle. ous offer ill this paper. ho proprletor& of thlH Impel' J.ruaranteo t.hu gelluillo' ness of t.hls otfer. COUPON PlcnRO wrllo or 1111 In thlR coupon , , , IlII yom nnmo nml Ilclclre ! ' . . nml Dr. IC\mor \ ! & Co , . will Reml you n I'ree Samille BolUe of Swamp-Root the Oreat Kidney Iemedy. . Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. and No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City or Town. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stato. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Mentlon tlliR ! Iapor. ) "It lias Cured More Cases Than All Others Put Together" - WOLFF & : WILSON DRUG CO. "We have never run onto an article that met with the success of MuWs Grape Tonic. It has cured more cases of constipation and stomach trouble to our certain lc.nowledge , than aU other remedies that we ever sold put together. 4'Mull's Grape Tonic must possess some peculiar quality that no other constipa. Hon and stomach remedy haS. AU who use it say that it adds to the strength and general health and makes them fecI better in every way. We all know that ordinary physics and cathartics have exactly the opposite effect-they have a wtakening : tendency. They leave the digestive system in worse shape to overcome the trouble than it was before. 4' Mun's Grape Tonic is a. pleasant , nat. ural , harmless , effective remedy that does the work and does it weII , and the people have found it out. " WOLFF & : WILSON DRUG CO. Sixth and WasWngton Ave. , St. Louis , Mo. The. . are very atrong worda c : Jmlng fron , a rell.b/ drug cOllcorn. Cnn you not take theIr word and gllf. tll/a orand remedy a trIal ? Wby .lIlror or take lIeocllt'ss chrmcls , .Ith consthmtlon or stoml1cb troubles when tI.luro Is 0. Iorloct , bnrwlcu , uaturl1l. I'obltlvo cure wlUdn 70ur roach 1 Constipation and Stomach Trouble cause blood polson. skIn dlseascs , sick hrndnchOblllou8nes8. . t'phold fovcr , a""enI11CIl18 , plies Ooml every kInd IIr lema \ 0 twuldoLS wull as mnn ) Olhors. Your uwn pb'slclun will toll 70U 'hat nil this Is truo. ! Jut doo't drul ! or Ihyslo 7uursolt. Use MULL'S GRAPE TONIO the naturnl. streol1thonlnl1 , hannless rrmoor that builds Ul' the IIS8111'8 . at ) 'our 111110811'10 uniBlls unt1Iuts your wbolo s'stom In'I110ndili con. dltlon to o'lorcomo ullatlacks. H 18 very pleasant to wko. l'bo clllldroll Ute It and It dOC8 thellllroat llcod. as cent , co centBod 11.10 bottles at nil dnllrlllsis. The II.ro bottle contains abOut six time. BS much a8 the 6 oent l.ottlo and /Lbout Ibrel ! tlulcllall lUuch OoH tboW cent boltle. ' 1'boro Isallreal snvlnl1ln buylul ( l\le'I.IXhlzo. Upon recolpt of yuur nddros. . ) 0111' ' dnllllflst'slIBmo and 100. tOJ'nT " " .taIlO FREE . .0 will lIIull ) 1111 a blltnllo ( tree , It ) 'OU have never used Mull's ( rapo'1'oulo. ant1wJU al.o 80n,1 you 0. oorUncato good tor noW towarl1 thu puro1mso ot were 'Xonlo trow 70ur < 1rlll11118t. MUU.'S CRAPE TONIC CO. . 148 ThIrd Aye. , Rock liland. W. , ANTI..GRIPINE IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP , UAD COLD , HEADACHE AND HEURALGIA. I WOlI't sell Antl.Orll,11I1I'I tn d..alrr who woo't Ott..r..llteQ It. elll tOf'our MONEY IS.UJI'JI , ' I'r lON'T ounE. ll. IV. DlclUcrA MD.A Mnnutnoturcr.SJJrluUilcld , Mo. I I DEFIANCE STARCHuouJ1oacces : I -olher slarch s only 12 ounce.-Iame ! 'rlcu uud "DEFIANCE" 16 SUPERIOR QUALITV. When Answering Advertisements Please Mention This Paper. W. N , U. Omaha , No. 48-1905. - . - . . liUMlS WltlME All mE fAilS , \lust Coul/b tyrup. ! 'l'uste.OOO < 1. UN ! In time. 011 } bY' drulllll.1& . . - . ,