" " " , , . - c " \ , WSTR { ( ou"n RIPU LlW f ay D. M. AM'.ln"v. aJ\OItJDN DOW. . . NEJDIU JU - r . r General News -I Senators Dolliver and Cullom stnlul t ; . I1II rt from the rest of the repuhllc\1n \ members of the senate Interlltnto com. morco commltteo on the railroad rate , quesUon. f. . The brotherhood of American yoe- i- ' . men decided to hold the next conclave In Minneapolis. A movement to In. : crease mtos of Insu1' nco In the order failed to pass. Congressman Plno Guerra of Culm Is charged hy the prosecuting jUdge of San Juan y l\InrLlnez wllh the lend. orshlll of the Insurroctlonary plotting In that vicinity. Gross earnlngR of the Atchlson in Octoher mo rellortell to have heen ahout $6,7liO,000. This I1mount would exceed the gr0811 oarnlngs In the month last 'car hy $1,200,000. The cOll1ptrollor of the currency has been advIsed that hr oreler oC the board of directors the 1.'It'st National banle of 1.ee8vllle , La. , has closetl Us doors. No cause iR IlsRlgned. The battloshlp Virginia COmllctcll her official tesLs In a four.hour onlhlr. aTlce run down the COlLSt , during which she slhhtly exceeded her , cQntract speoll of nlncteen ImoLs an hour. Goneml B. .T. Vlljoen Is at El PaRa , Tox. , negoLlating for land 110ar there on which to fIIul \ another colony for the Doers who rocenL1y nhandonod tholr homos In Chihuahua , Moxlco. Hov. David Clalbourno GarreLt. , rec , tor of Lho Church oC the Hedoemer ( EIlscolml ) of Chestnut JIIII , Boston , llns recelvod an Invitation to become rector of St. Poter's church of S1. Louis. A dispatch to a news agency from Toldo says : "A message received from Seoul states that the Marquis $ to was slightly Injured by 11 stone thrown by ono of 11 IJI1rl.y of disorderly Kor. oans Wednooday night. " I orolgn Secretary Lnndsdowno , In behalf of Great Drltaln , has nccepted Pr9sldent Hoosovelt's invitation to partlcipnto in the navnl nnd military display on the occnson [ of the James. town ( Vn. ) oxposltlon in H107. The Drltlsh forolgn office informed the Associated Press that the porto , refused to nccedo to the demands of the powers , the na vnl domonstratlon will proceed , the matter no wholng In the hands of the naval commnuders. Cephas Polndextor , the murllorod or Deputy Marshal Z. B. Wade , , was hangel at Hocley Mount , Vn. When taleon to the 8caff01l1 ho wns nslccd If ho had nnythlng to say , and 110 1'0' piled. "Thoy nro hanging nn Innocent m.an. " Thomas Taggnrt , chairman of the domocratlc national commlttoo , 1111' llOinled August Belmont of Now Yorle as trensurer of the commltteo to succeed - ceed George I ester Peabody , who roe signed , It is stated , on account of slcleness. The I1ppolntmont of M. Hovoll , former - mer governor of Alglors , to roprollont Frnnco I1t the 1\Iorrocnn conference bas been decided upon. 1\11' . Hovoll conducted the negotiations leading UI } to tllO Frnnco.Gorman agreement In the conforonce. . It was officlnll ) ' announced nt London - don tbat Sir Honr ) ' Snnderllon , perma. nont under.secrotnr ' of Lho forolgn oc. fico slnco 18H ! , rotlres early next year , I1nd that ho will bo succeolled b ) ' Sir Chnrles lIard In go , now Dritlsh nmhas- sndor to Hussla. It Is authorltatlvoly announced In Toldo that the embargo against Amer. Icnns who deslro to visit Port Arthur to Investlgato the conditions of thQr [ proportles nhandol1ol owing to the war , will bo nbmdoned : owing to the war will b oremoved In.a fortnight. 'fho report of the C. J. Dovlln rorelv. ers , appointed b ' the United Stntos district conrt In the hnnleruptcy pro- . ceodlngs of the Kansas coal m gnatc WIlS made and showoll : Total alsots ! , $4,956.948 ; totnl Ilabllitlos , $4G92,208 , The contingent liabilities were I'stl. mated nt $674,639 , but tholr value has not yet heon fully determined. A new limited I1I1ssengor train bo. twoon ChlcnA'o nnd Los AnA'olos , Cal" over the recently finished San Pedro 11no will bo establlshed December 17 , The train which will ho Imown as thJ Los Angeles limited , will bo operated over the Chicago & Northwostorn. Un , ion Pacific and the now San Pedrol Los Angelc.s & Snlt Lnlco rallwnys. Governor Joseph W. FoUt of 1\IIs sonri says : "A stnto primary la" should bo ouacted whereby nomlnn tlons for state , county ntlll munlchlal offices will ho made by prlmnry oloe tlons held on the same dny all ovel the stnto IIY all lollUral parties , wltl the same numhor of voting places nl in a general elecUon , and the OXInsel paid In the s'lmo manner. Socretnry of the Treasury Shaw vis Sted tile Florida state fnlr and alhlress ed 5.000 peoplo. Judgment was rendered at Siom . City by JUdge Ga'nor of the dlltrlrl court aJ\'aln \ t some twenty Imllanq or the Wlnnehago reservation in Nebras 1m , upon nreounts. Croreus , the world's chnmplon trot ting stallion , record $2 : 0214 , was soIl at auction In 'New Yorlt for $21,000 Ie 1\1. W. Savage of Mlnnenpolls. ' , At Los Angeles , Cal" robhers hrolel Into the locnl Japanese bnnlc at 11' Enst Firth street and tonIc ralll amounting to $15.000. . : - OONVINOIfJO [ ' 1IDENCE - - - That Dr. Williams' PInk Pllio Will Cure Rheumatism. . . Poolllo call cnro thollifleives of g00l1 tnnllY COIIIIIIUI1 alllllollts ut n very HllIlIll cost if the , ) ' go ubollt it the rl ht wa , ) ' , " flnlll Mr. lIon 1' , rece/ltl.v. / "l'or ! illRtllllCO , 1 hnv jllilt cllrlilllll 'lmlf of IL very 111I111. ful dillease. IlIIlght huvo IJl'gllll tu tl'ellt it SOOllor , thllt'll 1111 the 1/lllItllllO / I 11111110 1\1 the lIIatter. Bllt I fUlI\lIl \ the root Ilf the llimclllty nllell Jllclccd Ollt the right remedy without the IIhl of II doctor. . .It . wlUlrolllly 11\1 \ ill IUY bloo/l. 11lNlt felt twllI o III my loft foot r 1111 nlllcto ill the mhlello of lallt .TII lllllry , followlllg expo uro to eolel. 11'1'lIlIzoel I hmlrhou. mlltlsm allli I Iwuthllt rcnlly COllies frolll bl\ll bloml. Oultl lIillIJlly it. 'l'honmy IIIUIIIII IUlll feet were co \ cl ( \\111 \ clnllllllY ovou i\l hot weather , lIud lIlullh /I'ent / part of the tlIIIO. I COli- cllldell UlI1t my blol ! WIIS thin nl\l1 > oor I (1\111 \ the clrculatioll HlllgglHh. I . . After tllllo lilY feet alld nllldolJ Bwellml flO hadly thllt I cOIIlll ollly tlo JII ' "hool ! hulf wny 11(1. ( ] tY logR swellccl tCl'ribly (11111 I coulll wallt ollly 1\ short di tlllleo bofol'e givllll { Ollt cOlllplotol ' . . . Wholl Irellli of the CIII'M of IIlIldllds of hloo1 ! IlI oasn1l , that hul bl1H1 ! effeotod by Dr. Willilllllll' Pink Pill ! ! , I wn1l COli- villceci that they were jllst the remedy for lilY CIIHO , IIncl flO it lrovcll. ) I cOlllel 800 thnt they were hOllofltillg 11I0 before I 11I1I11l1l1l0 IISClIIII' the fh'st lJox. 'l'ho illlprovomOllt wa ! ! clec tledly IIIIl1'kCll IIf. tor I 111\11 tlLllOlI two ! luxe ! ! . 'rhreo moro buxo ! ! rostoreel lilY hnudH nuel fect 1111I1 lo ! ! to II lit 111'111 IIlzo (11111 fcellllg allil thell I fltoJlpud Inldllg ulP/lIclne alld hnvo sllwo IJnoll pnrf\1ctly well. " 1\11' . I ! ' . LoHoy lIOllr IivCR lit No , 132 OOllstitution fltl'COt , Bristol. H. 1. A uy 0110 CIIUet / cOllvlllCllI ovielolleo tlllit Dr. WiIIlllmH' Pill1c Pills hnvo cllrCll t\IIIDmh1 , rhOl1llllltislll , OI'\'lIillolnll nllel other soriollH clisollHns of 'Iho hlonel hy "illlply writillg to the Dr. WiIlillW8 Medicine Co. , Schcllcctntly , N.Y. P < : trllll < : tn M < : trket Porters. The porters of the marleet plnce in Paris carry , strnlll1ed on their baclCB , great haslccts filII of garden IIrodllce. Orten ono sees a man with 11 lend of cabhago that is hlgger thnn hlmsolf. Value of PrIvate Cars. A few years ago ollly men of grent Cortuno possessed prlvnto cars. Now- ndays there nro so many of these palnces on whce:1 ! ! : that their value Is estimnted at $72,000,000. Symbol of the Cross. The symhol of the cross Is used in the religions of the ahorlglnes of North nnd South Amerlcn , nnd by the most nnclent nations of EurOIJO , as well as by Christians. RIver Rilles Forty Feet. The fnmous Tugela river , In South Africa , Is said on ono occasion to liave risen forty feet during n slnglo night , : lwlng to thunde\'soorms on the moun. talns. Old Mother Nature. Nature Is un endless combination and ropetltlon of a very few laws. She hums the old well.lmown all' through Innumerable varlatlons.-Emerson. Idaho JoIns. Frnser , Idnho , Nov. 27th ( Speclal- ) Mrs. Martha J. Leo has given for puh. Ilt'allon the following statelllent , con. corning Dodd's Kidney Pills : "I was down with Hheumatlsm threQ tlllles , " she sa 's , "and each tlmo Dodd's KII1noy Pills hellled me. The last tlmo they cured me , nnd now 1 am able to got arollnd and do all m ' worl" though I um firty.olght. nnd I cnn wulle to Sunda ) ' School every Sunday. Defore I toole Dodd's Kltlney Pills I was so had I could \tse neither bllnd nor foot. I shall leeep Dodd's Pills on hand nil the time. " Hheumatlslll Is causCll hy Uric Acid crystallizing In the mllscles. Healthy l1dne's remove nil Uric Acid frolll the blood. Dlsensed Kltlne's cannot rom ave this Acid which collects In the blood and 110lsons every voln and urtory. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Hhoumntlsm by curing the Kldnc's ; b ' healing and strengthening them , so thnt they can rid the blood of all hnpurltles. , - WaE/ps "Hold Up" Bees. The wnsll hns heon observed to way. tllY nnd rob the bees whllo the latter , laden with honey , we\'o returning to the hive. ULCERS FOR 30 YEARS. Painful Eruptions From Knees to Feet Seemed Incurable-Cutlcura Ends MIsery. Another of these romnrlcnhlo cures hy Cutlcurll , atter doctors ami nil else hnd failed , Is testified to b ) ' Mr. M. C. Moes of Gninesvllle , Texas , In the following lettOl' : "For over thlrt . 'ell1's I .sulTered from Ilalnful ulcers and an oruptlon Crom m ) ' Imees to feet , and could find neither docLors nor medlclno to help mo , until Ifsed Clltlcllrn Soap , Ointment and Pills , which cured mo In six months. 'fhoy helped mo the very first tlmo r' used thol11 , nnd I am glad to wrlto this so that others sutterlng as I did may bo Raved from ml"f'r\ ' . " A stout heart may bo ruined In for. tune , but not in splrlt.-lIuJo. : The North Pole. It is otten said that , when the North Polo Is dlscovorod there will I o found a Scotchman doing Llllslne..J. 'fho Highlander alwa's ranlcccl foremost amonGst the pioneers ot the Amori. cnn West. Ills lIerculean strength fitted him for frontlor lifo , and to his constant use at "porrldgo" for breal , . ) fast Is attributed his splendid Ilh ) ' , slque. Ths [ generation can bo as , brnwny by eating PUIs bury's Vitos. Ho who hils mnny vices has malli maRters.-Petrnrch. - - , - - Harper's Weekly. The current Hllrfler'sYeoldy , I1 u8unl , rich In authorilivo articles deal. Ing with I\ffnlrll of tltnoly Interest nud Itnllorlance. Mr. Charlcs W. 'r 'ler ontlllllos his rovelatlons concerning the coudltlon of affairs In 1'01'10 Hlco under American rule , pointIng out In this instalment ( the firth of the series ) what mllst hu done to remedy the pres. ( 'nt crucllli sltulltlon. Charles , Tolm. ' : Iton writes of " 1'ho Dawn of l.therty In Hussla , " nnd of the now mon uud measures hrought Into pUblic vlow by the Cznr's concesslonR to populnr de. mands. Droughton Branclenhurg tells : If the dlflleultles UIId hardshiJm en- tnlled in moving this year's record grain crop Cram the west. Training Horses for Royalty. All the horses In the royal atahle nt Willdoor uro speelallY trained be- fore they nro considered safe for rid. Ing or drving. Artor they hnvo been broken in , the ' nro driven past mill. tury hancls , nnd l1\'e l1ltulo to Rtand by rallwnys traltls and to hear thom rnttle. 'I'ho horses nre nlso accus. tomed to firing by tllleing them down on a field day to Aldershot. The Docemhor cltnllters of Mrs. HumphreyYard's "l.'onwick's Ca. roers , " which hegan in the Novemher Century , find the Young \Yestmore. land palnlOl' hnrll at worlt in London , just getting hla first glmpRo. ! . < 3 of now worlds of wOl'lr , thought nnd social life. In lhls numher , too , nro Intro. duced Lord I inclon and his chnrmlng daughter , ! 'Ilallamo clo Pnstourelles , hoth of whom Heems lII\Cly to Jlrove Important charactel's in the doveloJl' ment of the ston' . - - - 'I'hero ' will he. .1110 of M 'ra Kelly's stories of I\st ; : Sllle child lICe In the Christmas Century , ' "Stnr of Bethlehem - hem , " the tale of a lIttle Jew's last ChristmnR , with illustrations-one in lint-h ) ' Jay IIamhrldge. Look at Your ChIn. A pointed chin Is n sgn [ mental ncutoness nnd a tnste for dramnl1c . Jloetl'Y and art , and , If angular , great cUscretion as well as determination mny ho looleed for , while sharp indentations - tations denote coolness and pres en co of mind In danger. A fint chin shown a purltantlcal stel'nnoss. - London Evening Stamlard. The December "Harpers. " The rea er who opens the Christ- mns of HnrJler'R Mngnzlno will doubt. less oxlnlm over Its heauty. The sumptuous color work arrests the eye at once , nnd later the attention Is caught by the wonderful list of writ. ors contl'ihutlng Lo this number : 1\Inu. rlso Maoterllnclr , Grover Clevelnnd , 1\Inrle Twain , Wlllinm Dean Howells , Dooth Tarlclnton , Jnck London , Eliza. heth Stual't PhelJls , Hnrrlet Prescott SIIOffOl'cI , Edmund Gosse , 1\1nry E. WIl- Idns Frceman , IIe1ll'Y 1\1 Ills Alden , I l't1est nh 'R , Henry \Y. Novlnon ! ! , ProCessor 'rhomas It. Lounsburylary \ n. S. Anclrews , Josophlno Preston Poa. hody and man ' others. ' "Old CurIosity Shop. " Dlcl\Cns' Old Curiosity Shop" is No. 13 of the street where It stnnds near Lincoln's lun fiolds. It Is now owned by a wnslo 11II1er merchnnt who Is m\terlH'lslngl enough to carry on hesldes hlR IIl'ofessed trnde a husl- ness in selling Dlcl\Cn's souvonlrs. New Editions. McClure-Phillips nre Ilrlntlng a Ullrd edition of C. No nnd A. 1\1. William. son's "My I rlond the Chnuffeur , " n second edition of J : llzaheth Cherr ' 'Yaltz's "Tho Ancient Lnndmnrlt , " a second edition of gugene Wood's 'Daclt Home , " n second edition of l rnnces Browne's "Gl'anny's Wonder- rul Chair , " n firth edition of 1\I 'ra Kelly's "LlLtlo CItizens , " 11 fourth edition - tion of Knto Douglns Wiggins and Norl1 Archlhnlll Smith's "Tho Posy Ring , " a thh'd edition of "Youth , " nnd a third odltlon of Booth Tarldnton's "rho Deautlful Lndy. " "Hoodoo. " "A whlto SJlot Is n hoodoo , " says nn estlmnblouthorlt . and ndds no wOl'd of oXJllanation. IIoodoo Booms to he 11 derlvatlvo from voodoo , what the negroes caU a "cunjur , " a thing which may worle good , moro com. monly worlts hnrm. Be Cheerful. Perhaps It is natural for one child to bo happy and sunshln ' nnd for an. ether to ho blue nnd downhenrted j hut cheerfulness Is n qunllty which cnn nnd ought to bo cultlmted In nll. The world will return 'our smile If you glvo It a chance anll you and the world will ho hoLLer for It. Too Much Hospitality. A soldier Intel ) ' como ever with Gen , Moore was asl\Cd If ho hlltl met with much hosJlltnllt ) . In Hollnnd. "Oh , 'es , " ho reJllletl "I met with far too much of It. I was In the hospital nenrly nil the tlmo I was there. " The Largest Arsenic Mine. Whnt Is snld to ho the Inrgest nr- ' Ionic mlno In the world ' : , I\II'nhlg out seventy tons a month , Is sltunted in \o"'lo \ .tl count ' , Virginia , suventeen miles Cram Chl'lstianshurg , the nearest - est railway station. - Substitute for Sugar Cane. From South Africa comes the latoot suhstltuto for lIugal' eano. Its julco cntmot bo fermented , and for this reason the } llant Is to bo dovelollOl Cor the manufacture oC s 'rup. The largest window In Britain is the onst wlnclow In Yorlt cathedrnl. It is so\'onty.fivo Ceot high and thlrt- two foot . . . . \110 \ OFFICIAL ABSTRACT OF THE VOTE Co..st at the Election f Nebro..sko. . . Nov. 7. 1905 Sup. Jultge. He/cnts. / E Q ! 7Q 6' j fn:3 C"r ; ' : : tlii o 0 t : e : : - - . . 0 0 ; ; . : ; , : ; , r ' - . . . _ c : : . . . . . . : . ; , . ! 'I 0 ' 1. :3 . :3 'tj : . . . cg . ! . . . . . . . _ . , : l' ' ' : : .Ho : ' : ' . : : ! . ! ? . . . . . . . : . Adntnl ! . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . -3ISiiitt62 4i3 1Cr1fJ-1r.Sf ) : ) 14r.1 407 48 44 971 D:3 : Anldopo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'f.OO 1313 & 81 : xJ 81 13.11 120 : ; bS4 831 3G 31 91 D' Bunner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1tJ/1 ! /G / 40 3 Ii ro 9" 5 32 3 : J 6 5 .1Iulnu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 13.'i ( ; 8 2 & 130 1.7 : 71 tl8 3 3 7 7 Boon\l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :6W 1 6 93' ! 2 : ! IfG 13j ) ( 1213 876 861 29 20 1100 : \ lJox Uuttu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. . 4 : ! 326 17 430 4 'O 313 2ro X 2i 1 ; 2' ' ) Boyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10'1,8) ; / 1m 3'J 32 bG:1 : 825 w ; 57 48 4 16 z : ; Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,1 4uI 2:9 : : 21 11 408 : lSD 3.1G 236 23 2l 10 11 BUffnlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,71 ID ) 11tH Go 76 181 : ! 1i7 10&9 107G 73 64 7J 7\ Burt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1813 1118 633 Iii : :9 : 11 1j8 ( W3 49 22 'O 51 47 Butler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3jJj ( ! 12.'J > 1Vi 1 131 1307 1 "H 140S IS ! O 14 16 m 126 CMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41903 21'1\1 1716 49 107 2 G1 2016 16.\9 1L ' : 51 48 12.i 12t Celtar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' . 78 ! 1230 1227 2 ( , 1& 1 : ) ( ) 123 : ? ' 61 12'7 40 28 2j : : Ii Chn.'Iu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577 303 : ? ZI. . . . 11 : IiJO 28S . ' 2ii 211 4 2 10 10 Cherry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIli 714 4 24 26 7 l 721 501 47i 2.1 24 33 3- , Cheyenne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.1 C. : ! 3.17 28 521 4&6 :137 : 3lU 23 27 "J 2. Clay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 78 1GOO 137 , 37 73 1611 13 12 D 1:81 : : 4 4G ! IS 8i : ColCax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MI 81 973 44 51 813 i3Q 9J : : ! i77 CO 53 49 47 Cumlng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z.rs,1 10'11 1332 14 23 roG 970 129 177 18 18 17 17 Custer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4121 H/77 159 139 l1 19U W.I 14'/:1 144:1 : 141 144 101 If11 DnJlotn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14J6 : ( , " 7,1 5f : : : 24 22 001 C3 5lS Wl 2.i 23 18 19 Da well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Y"i ( 519 ; 3:8 2G 10 519 001 3J3 3l.j 30 2'J 16 111 Dawson . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . ZI',7 , 124J 8)7 ) 40 103 1tl 121& bI ) ; 7:1 : 46 4:1 : 93 Duuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( & 7 " ( ) 1DG 1 5 ZlJI l'.i' ' ) JW 13 2 2 7 7 Dixon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2119 IOC 6 6 2G 9 ; H17 : ; DB2 G.O ( H ) 40 : :9 : & 0 M DoltgA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; ! fJ' lR.i2 1r. ) . Ii' fo5 18:7 : 17S3 1544 149 ; ! ; O 77 G-I ( ,7 DouglllS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nm 10110 lil21 ( i18 81 1O.3 : 102lH &Iw ( j. , tJ G.j7 GIZ 7:1 : 76 Dunlly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:3 : : < < J'J 211 ! S 191 3 213 2G 12 10 20 23 1'l11moro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.fAJ : 1523 1161 4 : ; 36lW. . 971 1-'JG : 13W 4U 47 3 ; 37 l rnnllIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lS3i 8m 731 26i \ / liil ! ; .jl 717 ltl7 2tJ 58 5 : ; J'rontler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:11 : 7r1 : C.31 36 717 71:1 : ( , : ' . 0 4S3 31 3 2:1 : 23 1.'urnall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10:11 : DI7 15 70 1 ! ! ; 1 to.1 o 14 ill 71 GIIKo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:101 : ; ; ZitI 1391 5. 17 ; ' : ! cG ; : ; 8 1L7 : 1r'.8 : 4G 44 218 2U Gnrlleltl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32:1 : 19i 1 15 323 ; . 174 20 18 2IJ 16 Gosper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t711 ' 9 3 7 C , 22 2 : ! 9 : NU ! ) ( ; 11 11 1/i / J8 Grnnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IU7 631 3 102J ! ( ,1 , W 2. . . . . 4 4 Grceley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2111 f'l : ; 63\ \ H 19 W7 58" 7W f9 ! 43 42 2i 2l Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . " " 122:1 : flO 141 : \ 1In : l fI m 81 711 Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 'i1i : 13 1 1131 1001 , 13.J IUO : laW tr,7.i Ivrt : 2G 27 123 122 Hurlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18111 1ii7 G.1 ! 41 1&b'J4 \ C.i I 52 38 1 U 149 Hayes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f , < ; :11 : 9 215 32 4 291 28113 : : / Jj9 30 31 tJ 5 IIl1eheoelc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 415 10 4W 4ii6 : : U3 : ' 91 11 10 10 11 9731 Holt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31al 1381 HZ : ; t.1 ! l1 13US mo 14t1 13UiJ 63 tU 8j 85 Hooker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1r.1 : 81 24 1 71 b 83 : : I 17 1 1 5 6 Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808 D70 3' 31) SlIi iUJ , ; ! Ij , ( 33 35 32 33 Jof1'urllon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * tJl IG. < ; ! 161 4 ? 31 14 : r 13 4 g8\ \ 13 t ? 51 61. 61 Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 11 1100 .91 11 C 11..4 11m , , es 23 ID 7 7J Kenrnoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . W:1IJ : 9.il 801 4. < ; 8J : 9i7 DI8 il.UI 7 " 41 4 : ; 7G 7.1 Kellh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lill 2. > 1 HYj ( i 5 2:11 : 22:1 1ft ) 1HI 10 10 5 4 Kt'ru Plthn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 1.'I 3.16 22 ! ! 21 : ) j : m 314 22 ; 22:1 : 2. ; 23 1D 21 Kimball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S1 ! } 3 4 < ; \ I & 73 : J 45 1 1 3 5 Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29:11 1442 1I U 5 : ; ; 11 1 ! l1 1151 1121 GO 59 71 j' ! Luneaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 R 76 II8j : \ 4148 4191 182. ) IS61 ! II ) to 42.1 4l.1 LIncoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1814 102 ; ; 443 17 471 lU.J : N ) ' ) 3Jt } 401 17' ! Itj ] 49 4U Logan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1U 81 iI " 4 88 83 82 71 6 5 4 7 Loup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : 181 DI 17 3 1817 \ & ! bj 22 ID f 3 J\lel'hr > rson . . . . . . . . . . . . . DO : r. 9 4 b ; 82 31 2 ; D 8 4 4 Mullison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z7Vf.1 H.o : 1003 2:1 : Z7 HI6 1377 107 1001 39 32 2G 2.1 l\Il'rrlclc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDi7 ! 910 691 1 14 : > 9,7 911 ( ; ' . , : ! G70 13 9 14U 15:3 : Naneo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ir'lll : 9 0 tll ; .hil b&'J 801 51S [ jj ( ) 7 6 43 40 Nemnhn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2&111 1500 ! IS38 / ) Hr.9 14D 10H ; 995 41 42 79 70 Nuckolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'f61 1''J 1000 15 32 12f,8 1220 DS7.1 22 21 : ! 7 ZI OtOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7JSI 17. > 3 4' W 18 7 17\1 ! 1 : ; j 14 53 44 72 s : ; Pawnee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( C.s Jb C8 12Jf : 1218 63 : ; C34 19 18 78 75 P'rklns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 143 IDI 3 5 Hi 144 182 174 3 1 A 8 Phelps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1971 1030 i121 In 79 ! J.S : ) ! l18 704 mil : :0 : : ! 7 74 00 Pierce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17181 812 7n : 17 14 DS 772 7.i : f. 8 23 2\1 14 18 Platte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . ' 9 Ifj ( > 6 1 41 13J8 1270 1511 15 ( , ( ) 27 3J : 29 Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215.1 8.11 8li6 ZOOS ; : : 7U9 761 & , ) G 813 23 21 328 4t Hell Willow. . . . . . . . . . . 71:1 : 377 3. 5:3 : 801 763 3W 3.'iS 40 37 51 50 JUcharlt&on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3971 1937 1811 48 70 1919 11m 17CO 1ffiD 4C 41 G7 ro Hock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 715 416 201 ' .I 17 417 319 ! IU9 ! ! II 11 11 20 20 Saline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3582 U8.1 ; 1G6J 3 : ! 771 1736 lw3 1I.i : ! 1383 62 53 ED 9:1 : Harpy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 > 6M 752 1 44/ / fjl 73 700 42 39 4G 45 Saunll.rl ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 187 ; ; 17361 52 13 ; ISo : ! 18.i3 1715 1CSi : Cl 58 14 Scott's Dluff . . . . . . . . . . . 700 407 199 7' , 389 374 171 157 S5 S6 1511 30 So war , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3137 15-S ! 1371 11 ro I 1,9-3 I&7 1316 I G 14 10 686' ! Sherlltan . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . 9- 1 4:5 : 3 Ii 25 21 4491 4J2 : co 39 34 33 68\ \ 29 Sherman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 ; ; Cf.l 624 411 ( , ( . r.f' : ; .600 W1 40 34 2224 Sioux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39'1 ' 193 147 r. . 121D / .91 165 156 137 G 4 22\ \ 1\J \ Slanton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 4"9 4f.l 579 5 21 617 614 583 55. 7 7 14 17 Thayt'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7S71 H35 109 13 &I 14111412 ; 1j6 ) ( 10:7 : : 26 18 75 78 Thomn.'I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.'i1 ' 70 5/ / ) 1. . . . 7t 62 47 46 2 2 1 1 Thurston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12071 ( jI"J3 488 Z ; 14 tilt fil3 4&7 4W 36 33 16 16 Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17171 871 G2210 48 852 S31 li12 58S 10 D ro 55 Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . 2521 12'1 , ! G22\ ) ! \ 611 31 119 : > 11S7 stI : 64 ( Q 33 : r \Va > 'ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID ) , D < ' , . .3GS3 \ 201 976 ! HI 1i71 C \ 21 16 ID .0 Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242j ( ! 12 1 9'.3 . : } ' b7 1.12 : ! 1157 DJI 887 : J.I 21 73 71i Wheeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.QI 171 152 2 f 18 ; WI 145 11U 20 21 7 Ii Yorlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33511 18 Iml 11 j2 11:8 : : lUI IS 2131 219 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 12JI91 ; ; 167In919132411518411gsD7193010171419IG93j71 ; ; 3i131 34811 527103 \ KILLED BY A BURGLAR. The GIrl Shot In Chicago Formerly Lived In Nebraska. LINCOI N-1\lIss 1\laude Hcese , wllo was shot hy a hurgnr : In her Chlcagu fiat wns formerly.n Nehrnslm girl. Her father was the presdent [ of the United Drethren college nt Yorle. am ! 1\1lss Reese had mnny friends iu Yorle and In Lincoln. Miss Heese , who WI1S 25 'ears old nnd n. stcnogrnllher , was living in 11 fiat with her sister , 11 trained nurso. The sister wns out of the city at the tlmo of the tragedy , and Mrs. 1\1. M. Daumgnrtner was staring with ! 'IlIss Heese. 1\1rs. Baumgnrtner wns tern. pornrlly blind from having her eyes treated. When the two women entered - tered the flat Tuosla ( ) ' evening they heard sounds In another room. 1\IIss Heese told her friend to remain quIet whllo she wenl to Investigate. 1\Irs. Daumgartner then heard the sound of a struggle , hcard the burglar threaten to shool the girl IC she did not release him , then a loud report , the fall of the body and the swift steps of the man ns ho ran to the window nnd jumped out , leaving the sllverwaro nnd other valuables ho had coUected beIllml him. 'fhe murderer has not ret been found. The girl was shot through the heart. Burglars Pay a Visit to a Bank. GRAND ISLAND-The stnto banI , of Chnpman was entered at 2:30 : In . .tho morning , the safe forced hy dynl1' mlto nnd between $1,200 and $1 500 was talcen. The hurglars npparentl ' secured entrance thl'ough the front door by use of sleeleton leers. The safe was badl ) " wrecltHl nnd all the cnsh was talwn , but Il lwrs were not disturbed. 'I'he rohhers escaped. BEET GROWERS DISSATISFIED. Farmers Threaten to Turn Their At- tenton : to Other Crops. M'COOK-The dlssntlsfactlon among raisers oC beets In this section Is such as to malco It quite prohnhlo that the Industry will receive nn ugl ' sot.hack another year , unless better terms In sevl'ml respects al'o secured from the factories , especlnJl ' moro IIbernllty In the matter of receiving beets at the , factory. Delay In tnlclng them at the fllctor ) ' at present Is n grent anno- ance , Inconvenience and loss to the 111'011 ucors. . Hog Cholera at Grand Island. GHAND ISLAND-TIlo TI1vages of the cllileaso of cholera hns become qulto dovnstatlng among the herds of swine in this count . , mnny farmers r < llmrtlng the loss of over half of their herds , and some ns high as SO per cont. Peter Taggo , a farmer In Con. tel' townshlll , rOIOrts a loss of'soven. teen out of twont ' .four ; A. } , 'elsl\O of 11 1ll0l'e southem townshhl , rcports n loss of thlrt ' out of thlrt80\'on ; J. L. Johnson reports n loss of sixty ; Fred Scheel of the Island n loss or nlnot ) ' . NEBRASKA ELEVATOR MEN. A L < : trgely Attended Meeting Looked . For In January. LINCOI N-James Drady , of Albion - bion , one .of the ufllcers of the State Co.Oporative Elevator nssoclatlon , who has heen In the city , predicts that the state meeting to ho held In Lincoln Jnnuary 17 will ho large IUlll enthusiastic. He stated that mere are nOW 135 co-operative companies In the association nnd he looks to see the memberRhlp consderably [ augmented - mented because of the fact thnt many of these concerns have been doing a. profitable business recentl ) ' . In this connection , It Is pointed out that at the time the nttornoy general filed his suit for an Injunction ngalnst the Nehraslm Grain Dealers' nssocla. tlon It was bellevet ! that the result would be to Inm'oaso the number of Independent associations which had been l\Cpt down because of the price cutting tactics of the old line com- panies. Under the temporary Injunction - tion secured hy Attorner General Drown that species ot nttnck on the new concerns woulel Invol\O the wrath of the supreme court In the shape of contempt proceedings , and there Is , In consequence , an ahsenco of interfer- ence. Llesner Landed in Asylum. NORFOLK-Carl Llesner , the aged farmer from PIerce county who so nearly ended the lIfo of S. H. Crippen , the Plain view marshal , b ' running a sworll into the Intter , wns brought to the stnto hospital fOl' the Insane here , but was only placed In the Instltuto nftcr a struggle , In which Shomf Jones of Plorce county , bls elHlt ' nnd an nttendant were nhnost overcome. Strawberries In November. T.ECUl\ISEH-Kansas nnd 1\IIssouri cnnnot male their boasts of being thO only atates in the north to raise the second CI'OI } of strnwherrles. G. W. Crawford oC Tecumseh raised a sec. and crop , from which hns he ( > n plclwQ several quarts for his own use the past two weeles. W ASIIlNGTON-Hepresentntivo Ed. muml II. Hlnshnw has relluoste(1 the president to nppolnt Samuel G. Phes. nnt postmaster at Oscoola , Neh. , In the place of II. H. Campboll. who re. signed on account of his election as count ' judge of Poll , count ) ' . Wealthy Farmer Suicides. NEDHASKA CITY-.T. II. 1\Io'or , n wenlthy farmer resltl'ng near Burr , committed suicide b ' ' ' drlnlt'ng c 1'- belle ncld. Ho was' forl ' .nlno rears of aJo and lenves n widow and five chlldron. Ho was In 111 hcnlth. laborer Killcd by EngIne. 1\lILlu\RD-A man SUllllosed to ho n fal'm lahOl'er neal' here WIIS strucle and Instantl . Idlled 1 > ) " the cnglne 01 train No. 10 on the Union I'l\clllc tracles , cl\stbound. It seems to hnvo boon a case of sulolde. . . . . . ' . . . . - ' . . . " . . " ' " " . . . . . European Drcakfasts. - Mnfle Twain , In spenldng of the typo. Icnl European brcalefasts , anld , "DC ) , J I you know what I'll do ? I'll nnll . " , . \ _ picco of cutlle.fish bono 10 the cltlm. \ noy. and every morning I'll hop up on , the mantel nnd talco a pick at , It wIth. n. Un b1l1. It w1tlbo just as filling and much cheaper t1lnn n. BnrolJean break. fnst. " It is evident that 1\11' . Clemens pro. fers the t'plcnl American brealfnst dish of P1I1sbury's Vltos with good cream and sugar. . . . , 1 Ulle the Mean at Hand. , It is not money so much as braIn ! : ' \ that the smnll merchant wants for ad , I 1 verUsing-tho handlcal } ot deficient . ; capItal Is as nothing compared witt. the handicap of defectlvo thinlclng. I Whntever excuse may bo given for- falling in business , the Inmest of all Is "lncle of means to advertise , " be. : cause the business does not exist that i cannot ho exploited profltnbly with th ( ) I moans at hond. , Valuabl ! ! Pall' of SclsEorll. . The Gormnn emperor not long bncI ; : : recelv l n pecular present-a pair or scissors , but so exquisitely made as to. , ho valued at nearly $500. A steel L- merchnnt wns the giver. He had the J ( od hlstoricnl buildings engraved on . I the scissors. 'rhe engraver Is said to hnvo worleed five yenrs at his task. Belgium's Good Work. 1 Though Belgium has al } aroa. of but \ 11,373 square miles , which is less than I one.fourth the size of the state qf ! New York , nnd a 1I0lHlIntion of only 6,500,000 , it has nccompllshed within I I twenty years n mighty t sl" opening up to the wOl'hl 11 vnst territory cov. \ I erlng an area. of 800,000 square miles / with n nntlve nnd white popuk1tion of' 1 . about 30,000,000. I' ' I Important to Mothers. ! Exnmlno carerully every bottle oC CASTORIA , BarO nud BUfe remedy Cor Inrante DOll children. R q - . . ( I Dears the - ' - . - # - # -.d'-.I-- Signature ot , . # 4 In Uo For Over ao Years. .j 'ho Kind You IlI1vo Always DouSht. Wondrous Work of Tailor. A countr'man In Stolccn < Jhurch , I England , says that he has worn the sarno suit on Sundnys and holidays fo\ " . forty-seven yenrs. The wenrer of this wonderful old suit gives the tailor's name , adding that It Is good now and thnt "not a stitch hns given way , " Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children. Suceessfull ' used by Mother Gray , nurse in the Chil ren's Homo in New York , cura Constipation , Feverishness , Bad Stomach , Teething Disorders , move and regulate thO' Dowels an Destroy \Vorms.Over 80,000 tes. tlmonials. .At nil Drug'g'lsts,23c. Sample FHEE. Adllress A. S. Olmsted , LeRorN. Y. Saved Boy Three Times. A custom-house officer nt Yarmouth , \ . England , the other day saved the life , . . . . of a boy who had got off a quay Int r\ ) . the sea. and found he was a boy whose life he had saved in a similar manne\ " twice bofore. Woman Has Tenor Voice. 1\lIss Josephine Northmore , of Lalee- side , Minn. , has n genuine tenor volco , with a range fl'om E fiat to high C. Any attempt to mnlcc her sing soprano In the same rnnle or contraloo hns proved . unsuccsssfuJ. I ATTRACTIYE YOUNG LADY l , agents wanted In every 'I'own and r Clty.-Complete outfit furnished free. i \Ve guarnntee thnt 'ou can mnl\O from $1.00 to $4.00 Iel' day. Address P. O. Drnwer No. 9DD , Buffalo , N. Y. } "Found Drowned In Water. " , . A coroner's jury In Cornwell , England - land , which had been called to sit on j the body.of a mineI' found drowned In II a pool in an abnndoned quarrr. hrought In the following verdict : r. "Found drowned In the \\'hlto Qunrry , there helng water there at the time. " Plso's Cure for Consumption Is nn InCalllbla medicIne tor eouh IIn collls.-N. " ' . SA.MUCL , Ocean Grove , N. J. , Feb. 17,1000. . . Religion Makes Happ'ncss. y , Relhlon : Is not by ac'cldent or , challre , hut h ) ' Its own vor ) ' natnre , d the haJlIIesL [ of all lives. Just so far as It ever grows sad and gloomy It grows Irreligious. I I Rings of Ancient Kings. Solomon Is snld to have worn n. 1 ring which Ilossessed mn l'al power ; and Midas , the Idng of Phrygla , hnd ono which when ho were It made , him IlIvlslhle. _ . I Storekeepers report that the extra J qunntlty , togetlwr with the uperlor ' ( Juallty or Dpfinneo Sar'h , mnkCN It i next to Impossible to I'ell any othel' - , brnnd. Celery is the culLlvated variety of the English weed , sm l1age. THE BEST COUGH CUnE In buying cou h medicine , 1'0. member the best cough cure , ' \ . Iemp's BaBsann t. costs no more than any other kind. Remember , too , the kind that cllres is the anI ) " kind worth any- thluJ. Evcry ) 'car thousands are sa\'ccl from a conslll'nptivo's grave by takin Kemp's Balsam in lime. Is it worth whllo to cxperiment . with an'thing' elsc ? Sold by all dcnlern at Z5C. and Soc. .f 1 , I I I I 1