Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 07, 1905, Image 3

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I\ :
Eminent Doctors Praise Its Ingredlants.
Wo refer to thnt boon to wonk , npn'oUl ! ,
ufTorlng women known u Dr. Plerco' ,
l'avorlto ! Proscription.
Dr. John 1'fo ono of the Edltorln.t Starr
of 'l'lll" I CI.fL'TIO J\hnwAI. Itf"IEW 8a8
of Unicorn root ( lIelollll1B Dlulm ) which
, Is ono of the chlof IlIgre lents of tho" Fa-
I vorl to " :
"A remed1' 'v Ilch Invarlabb' lIels ns n uterIne -
Ine Invllol Blur ml\kl' fur nurmnl I1C-
ttvlt ) ' ot the t'nllro Jt'JJrudurlivo tl1' llJm , "
110 continues" In Ilt'lonlas , Vt' III1\"e a IIwdlea'
ment "lIleh moro tll 11 l' 1111.'Vt'IS the ahovo
1Jurpl es tlumllnll Ot/f" / dMll1wltl1 u'/Ileh / 1 a//\
acqullinted. In the trcalnll'nt lit dlseo.scs po-
culll1r to , vomell It Is Ioelllom Ihat a ease Is
Men "hleh does nut JlfC1cnt 10011I1' IlIdlcatlon
tor this remedial BlrellUr , F.e : turlher
I liars : "The tollu'lnlC uro amunlC the leadlnlt
Indications tor 1I01ullla'l ( I.nll'ul'n : root ) , Pain
" or achlni : III the 11 I1C Il. wllh leucorrhu'B ;
" IItonlc ( weak ) conditions ot lho rCll1'O nrtlve
organs of women. montl\l dClln''I lon IInd Ir-
, . " rltl1l1l1lty. a8'1oo1l1tell wllh chronic dlsca"es uf
the reproductlvo orgl\lI'1 of wumen. con..ll1l1t
. sen8atloll of heat In the rClrlon of the kidneys -
noys : menorrhagia ( l1oodlng ) . due to a weakened -
ened condltlun of the rellruductlvo srileull
IImcnorrhma (5ullllrosllod ( or all"ent munthly
l'crlods ) . arhihllc from or CrolIlllan'llII : all
allnormal condition of the dlcc Uvo onans
and anremlc ( Ihln blood ) halllt : drOIli:1111r
&cnsaUons In the extreme lowur part uf the
IIbdomcn , "
If more or less of the above s'mptoms
arc present , no Invalitl womrm cnn do
bettor than take Dr. Pierce's 1'avorlto
lrescrlptlon , ono of the lell llljt Ingrllll- !
ents of which Is Unicorn root , or lIulollla ,
and the ml' lcal prnpl'rtles of which It
most faithfully roprcscnts ,
Of Golden Seal root , nnothl1r promlnfnt !
Ingredient of "Favorite Prescrlptloll , "
Irof. 1"lnlo ) ' Ellln wood , 1\1 , D" of Hun-
nott Medical CollCp. ! Chlcngo , says :
' ( "It Is an Imilurlant remed1'In dbordcrsot
the \\011111 , In nil cnlarrhal condltluns
and general t'nfcublioillelll. It Is u.ceul , "
lrof. John 1\1. Senddpr , ; o.r. D" late of
Cincinnati , ays of Gnldl'n Srml root :
"In relatlun to It'l . ! Unuml elfcl'ls on tha
I ystcm. tllcre 18 110 111C111C'17W ill u e a/unit / Il'lIfrll
, there is BUell orllunantmllll ' ! 1I/01-llnl"II , It
't' Is unI1'er < Jl1u rClarded as Ute tonic useful III
:11 : all delll1ltated stnles , "
, PI , Prof. Bartholow , 1\1. D , of .Tefferson
Medical Cull ego , says of Golden Seal :
"Vllluablo III uterine hell1urrha c. menor-
l rhagia ( l1uollllll : ) allli conl'l'stlvo 1'smcnor-
, rh n ( I1alntul menslruatllJn ) . "
Dr. Plercu's IPnvorlte Prescription faith-
t fully repf l'lIts all the ahovo named In-
, gredlents and cnres thu diseases for which
they are recommended ,
I I roRM
I KillS PAm
! Price , 250. , 50c. , and $1..00.
' : 615 Albany St. , Boston , l\1as5. \ '
, h
- - -
' 101
tilt C I'IHU 1.0WIllr :
-1 OILED CLOTHING JitBr > > ' 1) III bletk or yellow for all kinds
of wet work , On sale eVtlywhcre.
look for the .51 n cr the flsh , ni
the Nme TOWER on the uttons.
. . . . . . . . . ,
" 11 U' A
' 0"1& U. . . . . . .o , . . TO'U.
It I : IWJ ' WiltmS'
, Thompson' : ; Eye
, S3.50&$3.00SHOESf OE 1
N. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line
cannot be equallcd nt any price.
; s' ( ) F--
II ! rF
C ( ; :
$ . l'-9
$ / ' '
UT (
&llH ' :
. $ [ '
_ .JUlY , ,811) , .
MORE t.f1N'S $ l' . U SHOES THAtJ
$1 0 000 REWARD to 31yone who can
J disprove this st lement ,
\V. L , Bougll" $3.110 shors hove hy their ex-
cellrnt style. easy fitting , end sllrer1on\'torlnK
qualities. oChlevcd the larltest role of on ) ' $ .1.50
ahoe In the world , The ) ' ore lust 05 peed ; OS
those that cost ) ' 011 $5,00 to $7,00the only
difference Is the price. If I could tuke YOIl Into
y foctory at Urockton , Mos- . . the lorllest In
Ie world under one roof mo"1t " men's fine
shoes , 0011 show )011 the care \ \ Ithhleh evrry
polr 01 UOUIR'hoes ! 14 IOode. ) 'ou would reallle
, 'Why W. I. . UOII In $3,50 shoel ore the btrt
4 ahoes produce Iin the world.
If I coull ! show you the difference betwrrn Ihe
Ihoes maJo In m ) ' fdctory and those of other
. J
I , ; makrs. ) ' 011 woulll IImlersluud why DOllrJas
$ J.1I0 shoes co t more to make. \ \ hy the ) ' hol.t
Y their ' sha"e. fit hettr , w..or Jon\er. \ end or" of
, I'rcoter : Intrinsic "RIlle then ad ) ' olher $ J,50
shoe on the morlet ) ' .
I W. L. DouF' a Sironn" ffu/o Slces fo , .
1.fen , $2.lJO , $ .Uf1. Buys' ; c/lllfll &
Dl'o8s SIIfJDC$2.BO , $2 , $1. 1 liI./SU
CAUTION.-Insist UpOI1 , , " , ' 1 , I ! WI.olll : _
la4 .h'H'8 , T'lko 110 Rllh.tillll. . , : -0 /11111111) /
. . .
I wlthollt . hi , UlIlIIo 1\11I11'.1 < . . 6111111 [ > C < 1 all bollom.
\ " , \ STF : n. A shoo ' ! ( 'tller 1I"lf n' t"wn where
" ' , L , /I"II.IIIS / . " " " , nro lIot . , , ) ' 1. ' FilII Iii" , or
1IIIIII'Ips HUlit frco fur 11.,0I'tI""I1)1011 , ) fI"llIo.t ,
Fait CoJr E"elts lIed : the" 11"/1 rIot lI'e"r brassy
Wrlto for 1111181r811' < 1 ( 'l\tl\ln of PIIII Rlyle ; .
" ' , L , JU ( ) , AS , IIrllcktoll. I"u.
/ ' When Answering Advertisements
Please Mention This Paper.
I ' .
. .
, ' '
Scotch Professor Has Much Fun With .1
Learned Brother.
One of the professors nt n grent
unlverslly In ScollnJl recently wrote
to nn eastern unlverslt ) ' lo the follow.
Ing errect.
"Wnlllng In the dusk through the
grounds of the unl\'erslt ) . the other
evening , my ntlentlon wns nrreste
b ) ' n low murmuring sound near me ,
which was neither a hiss nor n whls.
tle. On lool < lng I suw a creature
lying on the ground , Inrger than n
. crlcltet. Two anlennn.1I1to protuber.
ances projected above the e'es. It
had no wln s : nnd lho covering of
Its body wns , 'nrlegatod , though cer.
tnlnly not like down ,
"Mindful of the dlmgor to myself ,
I did not venture to turn It on Its
bnck , so as to count the legs. OD
the ground lay a smnll quantity of
snow.whlto substnnce , which had evl.
dently exuded from the body. Can
nny of ) 'our professors Identify the
crenlure from this Imperfect description -
tion ? "
The naturnllst connected with the
enstern university fell Into the trnp-
baited , probabl ) ' , especlnl1r : for him.
Ho wrote learnedl ) ' nbout various In.
sects , nnd concluded thnt the ono ob.
served must bo one of the two wboso
long Lntln names he gave.
"The nntennn.lIlte llrotuberances
are IIsed for burrowing In the
ground , " he wrote , "and these Insects
secrete a fluid which lhey have the
power of ejecting lo protect them.
selves In cnse of nttaclt. "
The tutor wrote again lo thank the
naturalist for his Informntlon , nnd to
sny lie need not trouble him further ,
as he had fortunatel ) ' observed the
creature ngaln more closely under ex.
nctly similar circumstances. and was
able now lo Identify It himself ns lhe
Vacca vulgaris. or common cow.
Girl Who Wants Time to qonslder
Sometimes Loses.
There Is a Philadelphia girl wbo
hns learned thnt so far ns a proposa
Is concerned he or she who hesitates
Is lost , A very eligible and estimable
young man had long been mnklng it
evident that his attentions to bel' were
serious , and the other evening bo
made a. formal declaration , She could
not oven put forward the orthodox
ruse about the suddenness of tbe pro-
Being of n rather vacillating turn of
mind , she said she could not give him
a doclded answer. "I am not at al1
sure tbat I love you , " the girl de.
clared : "you must give me Ume to
thlnlt about It. " Considerably talen
aback by what be considered her lack
of decision of charncter tbo ) 'oung
man agreed to walt a wcelt for ber
final decision.
So the wooed but not ) 'et won maid.
en went to her bed thnt nlghl ponder.
Ing deeply. About 12 o'cloclt she was
awalened lo receive n. telegram ,
which read : "You need not mind
nbout deciding that matter until next
wee It : I've found a girl who said 'yes'
, " Record
tonlght--Phlladelphla ,
Threat of the Grave Digger.
In Castine , Maine , tl1ere used to lIve
n mnn nnmed Ordway , who numbered
among various employments that of
grave digger In tbe vllIago cemetery ,
He was very loud spolten and wonder.
fully profnne ,
On one occasion he flnlshed the tnsk
of burying a woman pnuper , who had
been noted In life for her corpulence.
Mr. Sargent , chairman of the select.
men , overloolted , paying him , so 1\1r.
Ordway appenred at 1\11' . Sargent's
store a day or two nfterwnrd. nnd boo
gan demanding his pay In no uncertain
terms , to the amazement of the sum'
mer visitors who fIlled tbe store nt
the time ,
He ended his harrangue as follows :
"Leolt , Sargent , If I don't get
my pay before to-morrow nlgbt , up she
comes ! "
The Way to Do It.
Exercise three time II. du ) ' :
Feed ) "Ounelf on simple fare
Mostly made ot bran and hay :
ncvel In the open 11.11' . :
Never give way to ) 'our fears :
Sleep just 11I(0 II. lIaby :
Then you'll IIvo II. hundred 'ears-
Ma'be ,
'Wear no wraps about rour throat ;
Do not ent late lunches :
Do , oh ! do not rocl ( the lIoat :
Shy awny from punches :
Do not drink too mnny beers ;
Let not dl bts distress : '
Then ) 'ou'li I1vo II. hundred years.
More or les ,
Don't dispute with men who wear
Larger tlsts thnn you :
Do not I\'e wa ) ' tn despair.
Though the runt Is duo :
Do not waste 1'OUI' strength In tears ;
As for troullie. scout It :
Then ) 'ou'li Ih.o II. hundred ) 'oors.
Doullt It ?
Do not umph'o baseball games :
Don't for ofllce run :
Do not enll a fellow names
If he has a gtlJl.
Unto wisdom 1l'1ll1 your ears :
Shun the festlvo schooner :
'I'hen ) 'ou'li IIvo n hundred ) 'ears
If you don't dlo sooner.
-Plqua ( Ohio ) Call ,
Mixed Dates.
Four.year-old Sarah hud two uncles
( living out of town ) who were about
to be mnrrled.
"SO ) 'OU are going to : rour uncles'
weddings , dear ? And where will they
bo married 1" asked an interested
friend of the family.
"Ono Is going to be married In
Washington , " answered Ule child , "nnd
other In " ' I
the Jantlary.-Llpplncott's
Usual Way.
"Ever notice It ? " queried lho man
who alwa's begins bls questions at
the other end ,
"Did I ever notice whnt ? " nsked the
party who had volunteered to assist
with the dialogue ,
"That when ono of them literary
chaps teels he has a message for tile
world he alwa's wants to send It 'col ,
lect'r" continued the olher ,
( " ' . . , - '
- -
A Woman Who Has Suffered Tells
How to Find Relief.
TIle thousnnds of women who suITer
bacltache , languor , urlnar ) ' dlsorde > rb
nnd olhcr Itldne ' Ills ,
will find comfort In
the wonls of Mrs.
Jane Farrell of G06
Ocean a\'enue , Jer-
se ) ' CIt ) ' , N. J. , who
sn's : "I reiterate
nIl I hn\'o snlll be.
fore In praise ot
Doan's I\lIh1e ' PIlIR
r. 1 hnd been ha\'lug
heavy bacl\l1ches , IIIllI Ill ) ' gcnltul :
benlth wna nffected when 1 begnn ua.
Ing lhem. M ' feet were swollen , my
' nnd dlzz ' fre.
e'es puffed , spells were
quent. I\lIh10) ' nctlon wns Irrcgulnr
and the secretions hlghlr colored. To.
dny , however , I am n well woman , nnd
I am confident that Doan's 1\Idlle > ,
Pills ha\'e made mo so. allll are liCep.
Ing IDe well. "
Sold b ' all dealers , 50 cenls n box.
Foster'l\\llhllrn \ Co" Bllffalo. N. Y.
Rainfall and Sheep Rnlslng.
In Imrts of Auslralla where the 11" .
erngo rnlnfall Is not moro than ten
Inches a squnro mile of 1l1nd will SUII.
port only eight or nine aheell , In
Duenos A 'I'es. the same I1rca , with
twentYfour Inches of rain , sUPlJol'ls
2.5GO sheell.
( Front the Chicago Journal , Nov. 6 ,
IJO ! , )
" 'hell Commissioner Garflehl went
to the Chicago Illlclwl's and IlSIWII
perl1llsslon to Insllect their boolts , the
condition wns mnde that nu Informa.
tlon he might obtain therofrom wOIlltl
be lIsed In court proccedlngs ngalnst
1\11' , Garfield gave this pledge , It Is
stated , nnd the paclwrs Illlowed him
to stud ) ' their business In all Its de.
tllils from the Inside.
Now , It Is announced , the results of
his stud ) ' have been turned o\'er to
the government delJUrtment of jmtlco
to bo employed In legal prosecuLion of
lhe paclers.
Commissioner Garfield would not
have \'entured to glvo the llledge that
wns demanded by the pac\terll \ : without
instructions from Washington , lIe
pledged , not his own word. but the
government's , It Is not his good faith ,
but the govemment's , thnt Is in quos'
tion now ,
The Journnl has 110 concern fOl' the
'pac\ers \ , except as they are citizens
of Chicago , Ir It can bo proved that
they are sullty of engaging In n con.
splracy In restraint ot lrade , they
ought lo be punished ,
But their guilt , If they are guilty ,
must be fairly proved , 'fhe ) ' must be
given n square deal.
Since the sovernmcnt has ele\'ated !
Its \'Islon lo such n height as to ovor.
look the ncst of dellant criminal trusts
In New , Jersey , almost within the
shadow of the capitol dome , In order
to fasten Itself n thousand miles a way
upon Chien go , the government anll
the President cllnnot bo too careful
to a void SUSlllclon that t1ley are marc
nnxlous to prosncute w < , stcl'n offend.
ers lhan offenders In the cast ,
Some of the method : . already em.
ployed In this cnse hnvo not been par-
tlcuarly : lstlngulshed for decenc ' ,
When the government brl'als Into a
man's house and steals his private pn.
IINS , when It drags lho wives of paclt.
ing.houso employes Into court nnd
puts them under heabonds. . It Is
hnrdly dignifIed , not to say honorable ,
nor even respectable ,
From Apothecary to Author.
'l'ho late .Jullus Stlnde , who won one
> f the hlggeRt successcs recorded In
the Germm : book world fOI. several
Iecades. began life as an nlthecary ,
I'low's This ?
'We olTer Ono lIuIIlrl\.1 , 1I01l1lf4 ! : pwllr.1 for Any
eo"o uf Cnldlfb thllt call1lot tJo curet ! tJy lIall' .
CI/olarrh Cllro.
F. J. ClIESEY , CO , . ' 1'olelu , 0 ,
We , Iho uIJller"I III'.I. hL0 kll'I\\1I ' , .1. tuolII'Y
for lho . . . .t 1 1Mr. . lIull l.l'IlC"o . him I'erfecll ) ' h"Jl'
orll"lo III nU "nRlllo , " Ir.IIIaCllolI. . . fln" IInnllclnlly
alJle to carry out nllY ol11l:01l ! IJl'lIl1l1le ! ly hl111rtu ,
W.U.ltIIW. KIJo ' A & MAIIV'S ,
Whule"le I1rll , , I. . . . ' 1'010 < 111,0 ,
lIall' , CMnrrh Cure I , IlIkl'lI lutemolly , 1I01l1l
dlreelly UftJl\ Ihe ! l1w,1 "n < l I1II1CIIU'I .urfllcp8 uf the
lyo10m. "cothnolliolo "I'lif fll'c. l'rlco 7 conti per
bOlllc , 801 < l"y ull IIrn"I'Ilo.
'I'IIoke lIall'o l"allllJy 1'111. for cOII.1I1'a1l0n ,
MarrlaJe ! and Heredity.
Slsns nl'o not wanting that mnong
ducated lloople questions of hct'edlty
11'0 allowed some weight In the con.
, rnctlng of marrlages-'l'he Hospltllt
Height of Sea Waves.
Careful experiments made by a
noted Engllsh navigator along the
north coast of Slmln show that waves
frequently nttaln a helsht of 42 feet
which Is nothing compllwd to the rlso
of PllIsbury's "ltos In the ( 'stlmntlon
of people who 111m good , pure , com.
monsenso wheat food , You will lilt ! ; :
It , Aslt for it at .our grocers ,
Friends and Enemle .
Ir ) 'OU hllvo made and I1re malting
he right Itlnd of friends In this world
10n't wllste nny time troubling Ilbout
) 'our enemles-John A , Howland ,
: \Ir. . , .lnll'H l'Iuothllll : Syrup.
For chlldrcn teethlnK. sofh'US Iho Kume , roducOl
Qawwatlon , alll/o1. pain , curCH wln < l coUo , 20 : ; a 1"IUo.
Returns or lho railway clearIng
'louse show thnt 1,000 parcels n dny
no lost on the railways of lhe United
_ . . . _
. - - - - - - - - - -
Medicine Men netaln S6cretB.
Dlshol > Hnllloll , of UgnndlIn 110'
srrlhlng SOl1l0 of his oxpcrll'nco In ( 'cn.
trnt Afrlen. Buht l'eculltI ) ' thnt lhough
111an ) ' uf lho 111et1\clllo \ 111en hllll beell
cOllverted. the ) ' cOllllt lIot be hlllttced
lo curry tlll'lr cOllfesslOIl so fnr ns to
\1\\111/0 \ / tholr ullduuhtmI'nluablo r'lIt.
Cllle3 for natl\'u dlcalN1. ! SOIllC of tIl { '
cOII\'ert(1 ( ll1ellfl'lne wOlUen were 110t
so roUrent , but lhelr re\'elntloll were
gOllerllll ) ' worthless.
Dcalerfl sny ( hat as Mon n9 n ClIS-
tallieI' trlcR Dcl1nncc Stllrch Il Is ! tn-
IHlflRllJlc to NIIl tll111 ! lln ' other cold
water atnrlII ! , It Clln IJe IIBCI ! collI or
lJullcd ,
Professional Convcrantlonallsts.
As there nro now HCI few English.
men who have lhe gift of tnlllng
Ilgreel1bl ) ' In "soclet ' . " of Inlerestlng
tablofull of gllel1t ntill < 'f entertnln.
In ! ; It roomful of IJcoJIlu , It hils oc.
ctlrred to SOIllO well ell lien tell , Impecunious -
cunious mon to Ret lip IlR "Profession.
111 COIl\'ersntlonnllsls. " 'I'he fee Is $
for an afternoon or tn'enlng-Tilo
Ask Your Druggist for Allen's Foot.ElSO. :
"I trlellI.T.I N'S 1o'00l'.I' ASI'1 ' reCIJllt-
ly nlllllll"'o just bought ( lIIother SUlllly. ) It
haq elll'l'lI my t'Ol'US , alllI the hot , lJlll'lIlng
UlIlIltchlnl-t sellsatlolllnlll ' Ccet which WIIS
almost tlllhetu'ablo , allll I woulllilot be without -
out It IIOW " - lt.lI.V. . , I , " 'aUtl" ' , CUWl10ll ,
N. J. " Soll1 by 1111 l'Uggbts , : ) ; ) u.
X.nay Test for Cnbles.
o\ll IISO of Hootgen I'a ' Is mal10
h ' a BerlIn rompan ' mnnllfacturlng
sllb1l1u'lno ! eahlc9.'ho / cables uro
testell by heln , ; passed o\'el' two eye
lJ\tllo's m'er an X.ray lube , the screen.
ahoshJwln ( 111111 dpfect cOl'I'eetI ) .
nnd wllh grealur certainty thnn the
resistance tests usuall ' omployell.
Dnn't rou Imow that Drl1ullco Stnrch
l > esltll'I beltl ! ; nb'olulely RUllerlor to
1m ) ' olher , IH put ttll It ! uunceH III paclt.
age ami Rell ! ' It t FU 1110 Iwlce ns 1- : )
OUIICI ! IlacIUlt'H or othel' Itl11lls ?
Epltnph of puglllt.t.
Ono of the hollies removed In cul.
tlng a road through It l'Ilve'ard In
Nottlnrham , England , recently , WI1S
thnt of Bendho , lhe oldtlmo lluglllst.
His monument was n gl'llnlte lion , with
the InscrltJtlon : "In lIfo ho was bold ,
bravo ns a lion , In death lIlto a Inmb ,
tranquil In Zion. "
Ie 'ou 110ll't g'l't the hlJrJreHt nnd beRt
Its yom' OWII Cuull , Deflallco Starch
Is Cor sale e'el''ht'l'e IIIHI there Is
positively nolhll1 ! : to equal It In qual-
Ily or quantlt ) ' ,
Peculiar Roynl Gift.
H was an En lIsh 'monarch who
presented lhe JoJmlJrcSs Callterlne of
Russin wllh n six-logged calf , the bOlly
of which. ] Jroscrved In splrltfi , Is still
to he seen In one of the Galleries of
the Winter Palace at St. Petersburg ,
IIul1.lrellR of denlt'rs fill ) ' the extra
qualltlty UII RI1PC'I'OI' ! 'lulltlty of Dc.
lIal1l'e Starch Is CII't taltln ! : plllee of
all other hrllnll ! ' . Olht'I'S Hay they can-
IIOt Hell allY olhel' Htnrch.
First Coole Bool < .
'l'ho carllest l\I1own coole hoole was
printed in Venice In 1-175 ,
1'1"J'y ' hOllsoliCeJer ] should lwow
thal If they will buy Defiance Cold
Wate. . . Starch for lallJ\h'y \ use they
will save not only time , lJOrauRe It
tie\'er stlclts to the Iron , ! > ut bernuse
each paclmgo contains 1 G oz-one full
pound-while nil other Cold 'Valer
Starches are put Ull In % ' ] Jound Illlcl { .
ages , nnd the IJrlco 111 the Fame , 10
ccnts , 'rhen aim In heeause Dol1llncl'
Starch Is free fl'ol1l all Injurlolls rhem
Irllls , If .our grocer trips to sell 'ou
a 12,07. , Ilaclmgo It Is heelluse ho has
a sto < 'l ; : on haJJll which ho wlRhe" tn
dlspOfIC of hefore he puts In Defianre'
lie > l\1Iows that Defillnco Starch hils
printed on e\'CI'Y paclwge In large let.
. .
trl' " flllIl flgllres J G 07.8. " Demnnd De
flanee an save much time and mone '
IIIHI the annoynnce of the Iron sUcl ( ,
lng , Defiance ne\'er sUclts.
1.alllanders not Infrequenlly cover
10 [ miles n ny on their slmtel\
- - - > - - " I > - " -
_ . . .r " . . , , . . . . . . - ' - - - - .
_ , , _ _ e' ' " _ _ . . . . _ .r"f
. .
- - - - - - - - - - -
Where the Famous LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER 5c CIGAR is Made. ,
" h ,
, " ,
" '
' ' ' '
: ) f > : " , " "
' : "
, ' ,
Formerly tbo homo of 1110 Into ( .01 , nobcrt O. IUlersoll.
Purchascd and rcmodcled by Frank P. Lcwis for the Single Bindcr
Factory. A marvel of Sanitary Cleanliness.
It Ie belter 10 fttnol.o lIero tlllln ilerclltlerInorloll. _ . .
Twice as Good
One Third tbe Cost
Every day is bargain day In the
Wave Circle. Come in an get nc-
quainted , Ie C will help you cut
down the living expenses and make
doctor's bills n thing of the past. Do
YOIl realize that you can get the best
and purest baking powder in the world
P. * " C BAIlr C
Ilt onc-lhlrd whllt you've heen pllying
for anywhere near K C quality. A 25
ounce C1cOffS 25C. Think of the sllvingl
Can you make money any easier ? Get
it to-day. The groccr returns the
price of can if you llre not satisfied.
. /111 Grocers
Send postal ( or the beautilul
"Book o ( PrelenU , "
.eeaHD.o e e 0 Q < e.
Sta Jacobs Oil. S
s s r sfUre , RheurnatBsln and Neuralgia i'
It penetrates to the scat oC torture , and reiief promptl ) ' Collows. Price , 2Sc. and SOC.
. . . _ . . . . ae - _ _ = em m _ OGeeo e .
_ .u" .
ihe , Government of Canada \
. G i v a absolutely
, . .
, FRE E to every
, te. ftJ nt3 seuler ona hun-
: A'e. V : dred And sixty
" ' jll. " . " acres of land in
( .
\Vestern Canada.
Land a jollllu thlR can 1) ( } purchased
froll1 J'allway rlU luull companl s at trom
ta to I 0 ] lor Ilero ,
On this land thlll year hils been ) Jroduced
uJwllrds ) of twenty.llvo ushelsof wheat t < >
the ncro. .
It Is nlso the hcst of g-razhlg' land an fot"
mixed fal'mlnS' It hns 110 lIuJcrlor ) on the
contlnont ,
Splell hI cllmato , Jew taxcs , railways
cOlivelllont , sehoolK und churches cIa so at.
h .
Wrlto tor " 1.'welltfuth Century Canal1all ; "
nn low rullwl'mtcs : to SUllCrlntcullcutot
Inlllll I'atlon , Ottawa , Call1l a ; or to .
nuthorlzed Canadian Go'urllmcnt A ont- ,
W. V. Bellnutt. 801 Now Yorlc Lifo llulld- '
InS'1 Omaha , Nobraslm ,
( Mention thll Ilapcr , )
. ,
troubled with ills ) ! ec\llIar to
their sex used as a duucM Is m.trvefously : sue-
cessfnl. TholouCblycl anSuR , killsdlse.ue ger st
stops dcharge ! , beals intJammation and 1
I soreness.
I'ullne Is In powder form to be dissolved In pure
water , al1ll Is far 11I0re lIeanslol : , heollillS , .serllllCid . ,
allli rconomlcal tha. . liquId allll eptks for aU.
I'or Gale at druc ; bIS. O cellis a l > ox.
Trlol Box end Hook of Instructions PRe.
( He R. PAXTON COMI'AHY DOIiTOH. " ' . . " 1