, . . , . . . . _ . 1 . . . _ . . " ' - - - - - . . " " P. . . " " " ' ' " , . r . , . MR.lIEB BOUNCED . . - - - ' 0 UNITED STATES ASSISTANT V f" TREASURER REMovnD. VIOLATED CIVIL SERVICE LAW . . . - ( A Constant and Persistent Effort to Evade the Law's Provlslons-Fr 1ud Shown In Civil Service Examlna. tlons. W ASlIINGTON-PreHhlent HOOlIC' , 'ell on Monrlay romovcd from 0111" , : William S , Llob , nsslstant Unlit. SwtOR trensurcr at Phllaelelphla , for "constant an Ilcrsistent violation IIf c' " . the civil servlco law whllo In IImco , " In n formal stntement Issueel at the Whlto house by Preshlent Hoosovelt Mr. 1 leh'R removal Is nnnounced , 'fho Ireslilont , gav'o Mr. Lloh n henrlng last 1.'rltlay at the request of Senator Pen. I rose anel SenatOl' Knox of Pennsyl. vania. Mr , 1lob snbmlllQll a long l AII emcnt In answer to the charges . . I1l1\elo against him nnd wns supporl)11 ( ) ' In his rlefenso hy Hellresenlallvo Pat. . ' torflon of Pennsylvnnllt. The statement says : "After careful cOlIslderntion of an the Cnots developed hy the Inqnlry , the Ilrosident rleclded tll remove Mr. Lleh from omco , It holllE ; shown , accon1lng 10 Iho statement , that there wa. ! 'can. Htant anll conKlsleut eITllrt on 'our ( Mr. 1.I0h'H ) IlI\rt to evade the pro'll. Alons of the 01'111 service law , to ham. } Ior ItR worldngs as far as posslhlo and to ohstruct In every way the action of the conllnlsslon. ' ' ' 'fho Ilrooidont Ileclared that. the 0'11- denco Hhoweel Craull In the civil porv- Ice oxamlnatlonl ! , the fraud In one In- ! ! tuuco Implicating Mr. Lleh's slf.itor , After rovlewlng the case the llrcsl- < lent concludes : "Unelor these clrcmnslances of Ilor. 81stonoo In wronllolng ! on 'our IJI\rt , It fooms ! to mo that lhero Is no aller. natlvo hut tq remove you from omce. , You are accordingly herob ) ' removoll frum 1I10 [ Iosltlon oC assistant trens , urer oC the United Staten. " IOWA INSURANCE LAW UPHELD BY COURTS WASIIINGTON-'rho Iowa state law [ Irohlbltln ! { Insurance Conl111\II1C5 from entorlng Inlo agreemontH Uxln ! ; Insurance rales Is declared constltu- tloual hy a declllon ! of the BUllremo court oC the Unlteel States In the case or Der1 F. Carroll , Iowa slate audl. tor , agalnt ! the Greenwich Inlurnnco ! comJI\ny , et al. 'fho decision reverses the decision of the Unltod States tits. trlot court of southern lawn. PEOPLE OF MOSCOW LEAVING. Panic Stricken , They Hurry to Get Away. ST. PI1.IT RSDURG-Advlces b ' tOlophono from Mogcow declare that thaI. city Is In a state of panic ane ] . that the boller classes are hurryln uhroad. l 'rom 100 to 200 forolgn pass ) lurL'I nro lJOlng Issuoll at Mosco" dally. Mall nllvlces from Warsn.w ! lay thai uio number of arrests of political oC fOIllIers Is on the Increase ( UlII 1I11l tho'enrchlng oC prcmlses hy the )10 ) lIeo Is continuous , 'rho political prls onors are mn.rched through UII streotlJ , guarded hy dragoons will drawn swords. From TollOlsle , In Western Siborin comes nowl1 oC a ! ) reat proceS'slon t , the cemetery to show honor to th , monwry oC the exited "Decombrlsts who are burled there. UNCLE SAM'S COMMERCE GREATER THAN EVEI WASHINGTON-Tho commerce c the United Slntoa wllh lls non.conti ( uous territory In 100 seems lIItol ' t I exceed by many million dollars Ihn of any precedIng 'car. 'l'ho nln , month statement ondlng wllh Sopton her , Issued by the depart oC commerc anti Inhor throughlls bureau of stalll tics , shows that the ! lhlpmonts fro I ; the Unltod Stltes ; to Its non.contlg1 I ! ous territory amountell to $36 , [ j2,17' ! against $20,9W,079 : In the corrospOlll I , ing months oC lho lrOcel1lng ) 'ear. II \ Increnso of Blx nnd ona-halt 111\1110 \ i dollars , and that the shlpmenls oC me : ( ) hamllse to the Unlteel Slates from II 'non.contlsuous , tort'llor ' In the san , 110rlod amounted to $66 , O,15 I : against ' 47,141,638 In the correspon : 'Ing months of the IlrocClllng 'ear. I . , 1 I NO HOPE FOR MRS. ROGERS NOV I Governor Will erfere With tl Execution. I WAI.DEN , Vt.-Govornor Chnrlcs Dell when Informed of the decision , I the supreme court oC UIO Untt4 Slates In the case of Mrs. Mnry Ho I . ors stntod that ho stood on the san f groulld that ho has maintained hm toforo In this caso. Ho snld : "I h ( ! not Interfere In any wa ) ' with the rc I ular arrangements for the executl I oC Mrs. Hogers on the date sot , I comber 8. Operations of Postal Department. WASIlINGTON-'fho nnnual rOlx oC the auditor for the postomco I partment for the 'ear ended .Juno : 100 , ahows the fiscal oporatlons the dOllllrtment to have been as f lows ; 11.evenues of the } Iostal sOI'vl , $162,826,685 ; oxpondltures of the p tal sorvlco $ lU7,30,160 [ ) ; total amDt of money orders IssuOd , domeslle .J ( 916,214 ; torelgn , $ .12,603,2.16 ; to amount of mono ) ' orders paid , dom tic $404,334,974 ; forolgn $7,150,680. ' tal. $1.176.130,879. - - ' " - . , - " . - . . ATTACK ON JUDGE MUNGER. WashIngton Pont Crltlclseo the Land. fencIng Decision. W ASIIINO'l'ON-ln the maller oC the Nohraslm land ( 'use the Wnshlng. ton Post devotes 11 hnlr column edit. orlal , In which It mnlws 11 hillor at- tacle on the rulings oC .Jullgo Munger of the Uultoll Slllte" district court Cor NelJrnRlm , TIre Post sn 's : "Wllh the OXr'lltlon oC the head of the state nllel the ruurts oC last relort , every otllrlal hils some oue hlghnr up with i1llthorlt ) . to ex'rclso Homo con. trill over his prorlelllngs , to modify his decisions , 11I111 to rehuleo orlunlsh \ an ' neglect of dut . or Improller om. clal nctlon. III the jUllll'illl IJl'nnch of the government , however , so hupor. lallt wn. ! It thought to maleo judge ! ! In. dlpenllellt that to II largo extent they are exempt Crom uny olllrll\l ! luper'll. slon or coutral. It thlY de'ldo Il lfJlnt ) of luw , It cnn be IIppealed and rovc/Bed In a hlghor court , butlC they hnllosu an unjust 01' lundequato sontenC'e , CJr IC they are gullly of on ' conlll1C't unho- romlng , short of an ImllCa'hoble of. fonso , which all ( lxlJC > rleI1l'o of 1m. llollchmenttrlall ! lIRa shown must ho a very grave ono , to se'lIrfl convlrllon , there Is no ono wit h authority to rOe lIulO them , or cnll thorn down , or e1s. [ clpllno thom In nn ' wn ' . 'I'he chief justlco of the Unltell StateR ha' ! no slllervlslng power dvor judgeR oC th\ loweI' rourts , Such helng the CIIRe , the exerrlRe oC otherwlso Irn'sponHlhlo jllell'lal power sholllll ho helll resllonslhlo to public opInion , and should ho Iwptundor close and couslant walch. WORlING ( FOR A FLAT nATE PENSION - - i W ASIIING'l'Ol-C , . Adams or Suporlor , Noh. , has heon appointed by COlllmander-ln.ChleC Tanner as n mom. her of the penllou ! committee of the Grand Army of the Ilellllllllc. The worle of the commltteo will lJo to for. mulnte IInd [ Iresent a hill to congress to provldo that all honorahly dls. charged soldiers of the civil war ho granted a lIat rate or pension of $12 a month , and to ralso the Ilensions of these who are now getting $8 to the lIat rnto of ' 12. "U.S. " WILL Bn REMOVED. Thill Country Has No Claim to Isle of Pines. W ASIIINO'l'ON-ln the new mnp Cor 100Fi , Issued hy the general Innd of. fico , the lIlUo dot oC land lying oft the cost oC Culm and Imown ns 1I10 Isle oC Pines will no longer have the lellers flU. S. " following lls namo. 'l'hls decision has heon reached b ) ' the general land omce , which , slnco 1900 , hILS deslgnatell this bit of land "Plno Islaml" ( U. S. ) The omclal maps have had the Island In(1cated [ as an American pas. Hosslon for over I'our 'enrs , F I'Iln Ie Dond , chlof of the map (1Ivlslon ( of the eneral land omce , said today that the lellers flU. S. " had been 1)laced r aCtor Plno Islaml hy mlstaltO and that lho error wou1l1 ho rectlUml on the now maps , There Is now 11endlng In - the senate a treaty formally turning ever the Islnnd to the relulJllc [ or . I. Cubn. INCREASE , SHOWINC IN EXPORTS TO CHINA W ASIIING'l'ON.-Tho total mIll ( " of morchandlso ox ported from the Unltod States to China In the tor months on od with October , 1905 , waf $50,10.1,767 ngalnst $20 , 7,18.1 Cor thl same 11erlod of 190,1 which up to thai time was the high record year In Olll ox port trade with China. These Ugure : are given In a relort [ Issued by the lJurenu of ! ltatlsllcs of the del1llrtmen of commerce and lahor. In OctolJor 100 , the value of oXllOrts to Chltll was $3,138b4 against $3,8.16,803 II Octoher , HIO . Exchange Ratifications. W ASIIINOTON.-Wlthout formalll the final challter In the bloocl ' wa between Hussla Hud Japal1 Wa ! ; 01 acted In the clllllomatlc room oC th slate department , when nt five mil utes past 4 o'clocle Dnron Hosol1 , th Russian amblsallor ! , and 1\11' , Talt hlra , the Jal1l\I1eSO minister , on lJohnl . of their reslJOcUvo sovereigns , e ; changed rallflcn lions of the tren ty e Portsmouth , which was signed Sel lombol' las t. V. Taft GIves a Dinner. WASIIlNOTON. - Socl'olary Ta le gave a dlnnor at his home here to t\J \ llOard oC consulting englneors of U J , Panamn canal commission. The occ oC slon was a farewell ontortnlnment I 3d the forelgu dollgatos , who lenvo fl . tholr resllecUvo countries. 110 ' 0. \ 0.11 Help Swell the Poor Fund. IE ; ' LONDON-Ambassallor Whlteln [ ) n Rled has contrllJutoll $ OO to Que ! Aloxandra's fund for the unemlllo ' 1 which now amounts to $ .100,000. New British Ambassador. > rt LONDON.-Slr Arthur Nicolson , t1 10' Drltlsh amhnssador at 1\ltulr1cl , s\ 30 , ceeds Sir Charles lInt'dlnge as ambt sador of Gn'at Britain to Hussla. of 01. co , Figures on Russian BUdget. os. LONDON.-A dispatch to a no' lilt agency from St. PoterslJlIl'g sa 's t 11" minister oC Unnnco has comll10ted t tal bud got for the t omlng 'ear. and t\J \ os. the revenue Is esllmated at $1,027,00 fa. 000 and the eXllelHlIturo at $1,020,00 ODD. - - . - - - , . . . . - . " . _ . . - THE GUARDS FAil TROOPS PHOTECTING IMPEr.IAL FAMILY SHOW DISCONTENT. I A nUMBER SOLOIEns ARnESTED - - They Are Charged with Presenting I Series of Petitions to the Emperor- One Rumor Abroad that the Em. peror Had Been Attacked. ST. l'I.TlmSBUUG - 'fho most alarming Indlcntlon of the spread oC the dlsuIT'llon III the arll1 ' , extond. Ing even to roglments near the person oC the emperor , WIIS given In the ar. rest nt Tlarslwe ! Selo of a number of 'Soldiers ' helonglng 10 the Yellow Culr. nsslers of the Guard , the I1ulsars ! of the Guard and the Life Guard lUlie , ment for p1''sentlng a serlcs of pot ! . tlons , Including 0110 agaInst the use of troolls for police purposl'H. 'I'ho rogllllents In lIupston ! are these which halIern . specially Holectell by Gcneral ' 1'r1)ol'f to gUlml the emperor IInd his Cumlly. ' 1'hey hn.ve lJeon counted UIOI1 ! as bolng loyal to the lalt ! , read ' oven to he torn to 1Ieces , In defense oC his majest ) . , 1l1co Ihe Swiss guards of Louis XVI. Their nr. rest , how over. allhough not for open sedition , shows how the len.ven of discontent - content Is worldng even within the precincts oC UIC Imllerlal Iarle at 'fanr- sl\oo Eclo , 'rho Incldont gn.ve rise to most alnrmlng rumors In Sl. Petersburg , In. chilling ono to the eCrect that the em' perol' aclllll\1) \ ' had been aUaclwd and that a grand dulw hall heel1 wotllllied whllo efenlIng him ; hut the Associated - ciated PrerR ! Is assured hy a memher of the Imperial entourage at Tsar- slOe Selo that this Is alJ801utoly un. true. Comml\lllralion with the out51do world ceasell at : : o'clocl , In the aftor. 1100n , when a strllw waR calle In the general tolcgrallh 01llce. 13y a ruse , howo\'el' , the management succeeded In reopening the cable shorUy after 6 o'clock At 3 o'cloc1e , when the strlleo went Into operatIon , many of the 11.ussln.n oporatorH were reluctant to leave , hut a wa\1dng \ delegate ] ) romplly smashed a holllo of hydrochlorIc acid on the fioor IInd the fumes soon drove the mon from their 1I'Ys. , 'fho governmlnt stili manages , with the aid of the allmlnlstratl\'e omcer3 along the Une , to Iwo ! ) communication Ollen with Sohastollo'fhe \ mnnager of the l\Ioscow omce Is himself worlc- Ing a Iw ' there. SENATOR BURTON SENTENCED. Six Months In the Iron County Jail and to Pay a Fine of $2,500. S1' . LOUIS , 1\10.-Unltod States Senator .Josoph Hnlllh Durton of Kan- sus WM on Thursday sentenced In the United States clrcllit court to < 101'10 six monlhs In the Iron county jail , Ironton , 1\10. , and to pay a. Une of $2 , OO for acting In the capaclly oC a. lIald attorney In behalf of the Ulalto Grain and .Securltles company of Sl. I ouls before the postomco deparlment to lJrevent the ISRuonco of a fraud order , wh1\o \ a srnntor. lie Was rollased on lJond In the sum of $ , OOO , with n. C. Kerens , aR surety , pelHllng an { ) ) ) ( ' to the 'Ullrome court. Execution of senten co was sta 'ell pOl1l1lng I1I1)leo\ ) \ . After a trial which continued throughout the last three weeles , llur- ton was founll gllllty early last Sunclay morning on ! llx rounts of the Indictment - mont , four of which charged that he agt'eed to recelvo comCllfmtlon for his services as an attorney lJoCore the postomco dOllartmlnt In hehalf of the Ulalto comllany , nllll two charging that ho received such compensation. AN INFLUX OF JEWS SEEMS QUITE LIKELY - - - WASIllNO'I'ON.-Slmon Wolf , of this city , former llresldlnt of the national - tional organization of the D'Nal B' . Rrllh , and a leading momher of the executive committee of that nssocla- tlon , declared In an address last nIght thnt ho fcm'od the I'econt alrocltles In Russin wlll hrln [ another oXHIIIR or Jews to thlR ' . . ( 'ounlt.y. The address was delivered at sltcred srrvlces whIch were held In the WnRhlngton Hebrew congregation In rommomorntlon of the two hundred anll IIft1eth nnnlvorRnr of the coming of the , Jews to AnlOl'lcn , ' } 'ho meeting waR altonlled h ' leodln memhers of the race In this clly. PostponcD Enforcing Order. ft WASHINGTON-A circular wn ! ! Is sued to collectors of Internal rovenul 10 by Commissioner General Yerltes a 10 a. the Internal rovonllo servlco lwstpon ) C Ing unlll JI\t1uary 1 next the ordlr re r qulrlng Internal I'ovenue taxes to b' ' lIald on certain prepnratlons sold a : romedles , but rontalnlng IlropondCl anco of alcohol. 'rho clrculnr state thnttho chomlcal hureau of the ! lervlc iW has comlloteel the anal 'sls oC elevel 3n such remedies which como within th d SCOIIO of the order on Iho sUlJject ( ] gelltomhor 12. Carnegie Is Finding Fault. SYHACUSN , N. Y.-ln Il letter t I Ie IC. the Syraeuso lIhrar ' honrd congral1 IS. lallng the rlt ' upon romplrtlon oC It now $ : ! OOOO IIhrllry hlllll11ng. Anclro' Cal'l1eglo , the Iionor. tal\es orcnslon t critic Iso the commission thnt erert { the lJul1l11ng for the oXllelllllluro ( \\8 \ 18OOO , or nearly 10 Ilor rent oC n ho cost of the hulltllng , for InsprC'tor ho Ce08 , ntlorno's' fees and IIrrhltect II\t fees , Mr. Carnl'glo sn 's ho nO\1 ' 0- heard of such things and Imows 1I0t to attol'l1e ' In connoctlon wi 10Ing as 's the building of his lIbrnrles N _ _ ' _ _ _ ' P- " ' _ " .m. , _ . - _ _ , . _ FINt.lIUILTV. . I Senator Durton of Kansas Convicted en All Counts. I S'I' , LOUlS-Sonator .J. Halph Bill'- Ion oC KllnsaH was fOllnd guilt ) . on all six ( ' ( JunIA In the IlIlIctmonl-1 ( UllOn which ho has heen on trial for the pnst \\'eelt In the Un1tl(1 ( States circuit court chargll.l ! ; him with having agrced to IlccoVt IInd having accepted ( 'om' pensatlon from the Blatta Grain and Securities cOlllpany of SI. Louis to avpear Cor the company In the callnO' It . oC nn nttornoy herore the IOstomco dopartment. The verllict WIIS hroughtln at 12 : O o'clocle , two hours and twenty.fivo minutes after the jury hnd recolved the clIse. Senator Burton was ordered to np. poar' In ( ourt at 10 o'cloele l\londny morning when , his counsel announced , a hill of excoptlons would ho lIre- sented IInd an aVlleal aslwd Cor. Court then ad.lournell. Fl'om the limo the jury went out Burton was )1I\'lng ) the court room with even strides. At 12 : 40 ther ( ' was a summons from the Insldo oC the room In which the jury had been confined considering 1.S vordlct. 'fhe marshal , ullon being In. formed that an agreement had heen reachel ( , notified .Judgo Vandevantel' , Senator Burton toolt his accustomed scat nt the tahle with his counse\ \ . Ills features were sot , hut they expressed no vlslhle sign oC mnollon from the time the jury entered the room unlll the verdIct had hcon read. Ills facial eXlresslon ) did not chJ1t1ge during the reading of the verdict and the selmrate answers lJy the jury of "guilty" to each counl. Senator Durton , accompanied by his counsel , descended lJy the elevator to the ground fioor , nnel together 1I1e ' de. partld for his hotol. The senntor WitS pormlttod lJy the marshal to have Ills freedom on the promlso of his counsel to pro uce him In COUl't when wanted. BILLS ARE ALL PAID AND THERE'S MONEY LEFT WAShINGTON - To inaugurate Theodore Hoosevell , president of the United States Jast March cost $145- .191 , a greater sum than was ever spent for any previous Inauguration. ' 1'ho details of this cost was made publlc In a report h ' Gen , .John 1\1. Wilson , chairman of the Inaugural committee. Notwithstanding the large expense , the committe has turned over a hal- once oC $4,830 to the auditorium association - ciation , an organization formed to erect a building In which to hold fu. ture Inaugural lJnlls. General 'Yllson strongly urges the erection oC such a structure. Can Make Expenditures. WASHINGTON-Secretary Taft Issued - sued a statement In which he shows that by congressional legislation the 11resldent Is authorIzed to maIm expenditures - ditures on the Panama canal not only from the $10,000,000 annual approllrla. tlon , hut from the $13 , OOO,000 In bonds provided for canal construction lJy the Spooner act. THE BATTLESHIP OREGON TO BE OVERHAULED WASIIINGTON.-As soon as the historic hallloship Ol'ogon , now under orders to return homo from the \sla- tic station. reaches AmQrlcal1 waters she wl11 lJo sent to a go\'ernrnent navy yard and Illaced out of commission for a. thorough overhaullng. lIavlng sen'ed In the first lIno. she wlll , when recommissioned , lJe placed In the second - end line of defense , use lJelng found for her hI' home wnters. The out.of- date hattll'shlp Massachusetts , now at the New YOl'le navy yard , wl11 be put out of commission. McClelland to Help Hearst. NEW YURK-\1ayOl' McClel1an gave IllS support to W , H. Hearst to Investlgnte the hal10t hexes In the re , cent mll'ornlty election and to have the ballots recounted. IIo announced that ho hnd directed Alton U. Parlwr , hIs attol'lloy , not to a Jl\lCa \ I from lhe doclslon of the supreme court , whl'h ol'del'oel five lJllllot hexes to ho opened , Promotion for Cowles. W ASIiING'l'ON.-Orders were re I celvccl.at the nnvy department aS5lgn. , Ing Captain 'V. S. Cllwles , who hm , just ( 'ompleted his captain's crulso III com maud of the Missouri , to specla duty lu the bureau of equlpmont. Woman Kills a Doctor. JACKSON , l\llss-A dispatch re cel\'ell hero from ; \lontlcel1o , Miss , says that Mrs. .Tame. . . " BIrdsong , wlfl - of Il lh 'slcl:1t1 : there , wallwd into UH omco of DI' . Thoma8 Butler aud she Dr , Uutlor 11\0 times with n pistol 1lIllllg him Instauth' . Horse Trade Caused Killing. SPRlNGl.'mI D , m.-In a fight 1' ( sui ling from a dlsagrQement In COt uecllon with a llOrtlO trnrle , WI11 an , .James Hinman shot and Idlled Samuc Douglass , Pastor Falls Dead. a 1.INCOlN-Nows of the sudde \ . Ileath of HpG : II , Wright of Fal s Holtl was I'ecel\'ell h ' HoHarlllo w Ih'oss. Hov.1 ; \ ' . Wright was paste :0 : of the Congl'o atlnnal churt'h at Fat Id Hele ) ' lIe was h'lng ou 1\ sofa at h [ ) f homo and rolled onto the fioor and e : 10 plreel ltlstnutly. 's's' s' ClIICAGO-Sarah Dornhnrdt , U 01' French trageillonuo , Is to build at : h. malutaln n theater lu Now Yorlt , a th cording to her manager , 'V. F. Co nor. - : - ; = = ; : ; : : : - . . , . - . - . . . . . - . - . . - - - - - . , SENA l-OR MILLARD WHERE Hn STANDS ON THE RATE QUESTION. INTERVIEWS THE PRES I DENT Promises to Stand by Roosevelt on Much Dlocussed QlIcstion-Repre. sentatlve Hinshaw of Nebraska Also Sees the President. ' ' ' Star WASIIING'I'ON-'rhe yenlng has the following on Senator MllIard's rnlo position : "The nttltuilo of Senator MlIlnrd of NelJraslca , who Is a member of the son. ate commilleo on Interstate com. merce , has lJeen one of doubt for pomo time , but there Is strong bellof that Senator l\IlIlal'd hns pledged himself to the preslclent , voluntarily , to sup. port a measure In lOeplng with the IIl'esldont's vlows. Scnalor l\1111ard saw the presldont a few days ago and had a conforClce with him. 'rho Ne- hraslm senator Is a candidate for re- olectlon and ther.o would lJe absolutely - ly no chance In the world of his COI11' Ing lJack to the senate If he should go astra ) ' on the rate IH'oposltlon , The Nehraslm ropuhllcans last year started lhe hnlJlt of Indorsing candidates for United Slates senator In their state conventions , This was ono In the case of Senator B\11'Iett. \ The next state convention , to he held next summer - , mer , probably will malee .an h dorse- I ment for a successor to Seuntor 1\111. lard. Even In case he stands by the admlnlstrallon on the I'Illlroad rate proposition Senator l\HlIard w11l have a hard time coming to the senate again. Among those who w11l oppose him are Norris Drown of Kearney , present attornej' general of the state ; Ross Hammond , a well Imown editor of 1'remont , and Gurdon 'V. 'VatUes , 11 prominent bnnler and citizen oC Omaha. " Hinshaw Sees PreDldent. Hepresentatlvo Hinshaw saw the IH'esldent for a few moments. On emorglng from the cabinet room l\1r. Hinshaw said It was his posltlv.e con. vlctlon that a rate bill In strict accord with the president's poHcy would pass lJoth bodies. "Tho people or Nebras1m are unr.tlmous In support of the presi- dent's position as to rate legislation. " Senator Dolliver oC Iowa , a memlJer of the commltteo on Interstate commerce - merco , talked with the president brief- Ij' . ACter his Interview the senator remarlccd when asJwd about rate leg. Islatlon : "We are now moving along toward a } Irncllcally unanimous stand for the president's policy. " President Silent Until Message. It developed today that the subject under discussIon at the White house conference which was participated In by the presldont , Secretaries Hoot , Taft and Bonaparte , Senator Knox and Commissioner of Corporations Garfield - field , was Ilroposod legislation affectIng - Ing freight rates. It has been positively - tively decided that there shaU be no further expression of the admlnlstra- tlon's views on this subject pending the pulJllcatlon of the president's message - sage to con gross In which It Is treated at great length. It was also learned that there has lJeen no change whatever In the presl. dent's vlow as to the best form of rate loglslallon , In othe ! " words , his views have not lJeen affected h ) ' any of the propositions recen lly made public. HAVE NOT CHANGED MINDS. Canal Consulting Engineers Stick to Their Views. WASHINGTON-Tho 11ve foreign delegates to the hoard of consulting engineers of the Isthmian canal commission - mission left for Now Yorle and will soon sail for their homes , They will meet again In llrussels during the first days of next .January. General Davis w1l1 go to that clly as repre. sontatlvo of tlw American mombol's of the board , nnd w1l1 talco with him the documents which are not 'et drawn up and which will then have to 1.10 slgncd by the forolgn delegates. Speaking of puhllshed stories that they had reconslelered their first VOtc , ono of the delegates made the follow. ling statement : "Whatever wo have hnd to sa ' will ho found In the report which will shortly be In the hands of PreslCOnt Hoosevelt. That wo should change 0\11" vote on a suhject to which ror three months we have given 0\11' \ clos. cst alien lion , nnd should change It merely because Homo parties arc not contented with It , Is a great alJsura- llY. " ChlcaJo May Bar Football. CHICAGO-Alderman Hnrrls of the , NInth ward on Monday night Intro. duced In tllO clly council a resolution requeslln ConlOralion Counsel James Hamilton I owls to prepare an ordl. " nanco prohlhltlng the lllnylng of In. tercoUeglnto footbaU In this cll ) ' un , 1I1 the rules regulating the game hnve been modified and changed to ellml. ! . nalo the present danger of serious In. jurj' to pla 'ers. ' 1'he reOlulion ! wns referred to the commltteo on helllth , which will report thereon at a future meeting. Dates for Transport Sailing. WASIIINGTON-1'ho Ilostomco de partment has announced that Informa' tlon 1\1\8 been received from the Unltet' States IIrmy transport oll1clals stllln ! that until I'lIrlhlr notlco transpol'tl will snll from San Francisco for : -1n nlllon apl1roxlmalolj' a t\\'ent ' dn ) schedule , vlz : Novewber 25 , Decem 10 her 1 , 190 : .Janunry , January 2 Ld Fohruary 1 . March and March 2 ( c. 1006 , and continuing thol'eafter In thl n. ardor , 20 daj's elapsing between sail Ing dates , - . . . To WEAL TI.I IN F .RMS. The Secretary ; - ; ; Issues { His Report. W ASIHNOTON.-Secretary oC Agrl. cullureWlison has sent his nnnual re- : ! ) ort to the president. In ILs opening IItges : the Hecretary sets forlh at Icngth the reasons the Amcrtcan Carmer has or thanlesglvlng. lIe sa 's : "Another 'enr oC unsunmssed pros. , lJrltj' to the farmers oC this couQtry has been added to the most remarlc. 1 able series of similar 'ears that has como to the farmers of any country . . . . . In the annals of the world's agrlcul. , tlll'O , Production has been ulleQualed ; ' , - . . . . . . ) Its value hi1s reached the highest fig. uro 'et attained ; the value oC the farmers' natlonni suntlus still main. taln ! ! the magnllude that has built U1 > the balance of trade hy successive ad. dltlons for man ' years sumclent to change the nation from II borrower In. to a lender : there Is a continuation or the unprecedented savings thnt have " embarrassed local hanles with theif riches and have trouhled farmers to , find Investments : and , as If aU of these monlfesta lions of a high degree of weUbelng wore not enollgh , the fal'ms themselves ha\'e Increased In value to a fabulous extent. 1'arm ( 'rops have never herore .heen harvestel ( at such a high general level of Iroducllon and value. The Imrtlal Cnllure oC two or three sccondclass crOllS ml\l\Os no apparent Impression upon the great aggregate of aU crops. ' " The corn crop just harvested In the United States Is Illaced by the socre- tarj' at 2,708,000.000 lJushels , a gain of .12,000,000 over the next lowest year , that of 18W ! , Wheat 'Ielded 68.1,000- 000 lJushels , the second largest ylold ' 'I In the history of the countr ) ' . Oats , with a yield of 930,000,000 hushels , CeU ; OOOOOOO bushels short of the record \ , production. The farm values oC the I average crops , according to the esll. mate placed on thom by the secretary of agriculture , Is : Crop. Valuo. ' , ' Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,21 6,000,000 Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G05OOO,000 ' Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575,000,000 Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25OOO,00 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282,000,000 Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138,000,000 Darloy , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000,000 Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . 52,000,000 Sugar cano , sugar beets. 50,000,000 11.Ico . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 13,892,000 ( ' After explaining that the values glv- , on "are farm values , and are In no- wlso to bo mlstalccn for exchange , middleman's or consumer's values , " the rellort goes on : "While It may bo ohserved that only ono crop-corn-retched : Its highest production this 'oar , four crops reached their highest vnlue-namely , corn , hay , wheat and rice. The general - . eral level of produrtlon was high and that oC prices stili higher , so that no crops Cor which separate estimates can be made faU lJelow third place In total value compared with the reps . of preceding years , except potatoes , . lJarley , tobacco , rye and buckwheat. The cereals , Including rice , moro than malntalne theIr previous strong posl- lion In producllon , and their aggregate yield Is 4 , 21,000,000 bushels , with a. farm value of $2,123,000,000 , or $14 , ' 000,000 overlast year. UNITED STATES OFFICIAL ATTACKED BY ROWDIES t- ST. PETERSDUHG-HolJert Wood miss , second secretary of the Amerl. can emhass ' , who has just romrned here after a three months' vacation In Paris , was the vlctom of an ont- rage by rowdies In one of the most fashlonablo streets of the capllal late last night , and only escaped being lJeaten to eath through the timely arrlvnl of the police. Charge d'AfCnlres Eddy has reported - ! ed the aCCalr to the authorities at I Wnshlngton , lJut as the incltIolIt was ' , a plain case or rowdyism he prolJably ! w1l1 not make omclal rellresentatlons . at the foreign omco hero unless In. I structed to do so. I. : BALLOTS IN NEW YORK TO BE RECOUNTED NEW YORK-Application to open . Uvo ballot lJlxes and recount the votes In them cast during Now Yorlc's I contested ma 'ora1lty eJection was grnnted by the SUllreme court. The a)1)1Ucatlon ) ) was mnde lJ ) ' WlIlIum R. Hearst , candldato for ma 'or on the hunlcillal ownership league tlclcet. Another Football Victim. " SAI EM , Mass-Arthur W. FoFote , T ' : a pupil of Phl1ll11s' grammar school here , dlod from Intornnl Injuries sus- 1\ j talned In a footbnll game recenUy. Foote was 13 years old. I Visible Supply of Cotton. t NEW Om EANS - Secretary lies. ter's statement of the world's vlslblo I supply of collon shows a tolal of 4" , 546,661 , against 4,280,85G last wee Ie. Of 1 I thIs the total of Amorlcan cotton Is " . , ' 3,722,661 against 3,502,8 G last weele. )1 Going to Morocco Conference. ' - W ASIlINGTON - Henr ) ' White , , American ambassador to Home , was selected to relll'esent this country In I conjunction wllh Minister Gummere , of Tanglor , nt the allll1'oachlng Mor. 3 occo conferonco. " Shot and 1 < ! lled by Negro. KANSAS ClTY-W. 11. Hanlw , n I , street car conduclol' , was shot and \ i , 1\1I1ed b ' a negro hlghwlI 'lUan in a .J. s trolley car at the southern terminus of I the Honnoko cnr IIno at Thirty-ninth and Dell streets